Compare the text editing and formatting input operations.


Word provides extensive editing and formatting capabilities for tables. By creating a Word table in a document, you can perform the following operations:

· enter, copy or paste text and data into cells;

· move text and data between cells and tables;

· insert or delete cells, rows and columns;

· merge cells both horizontally and vertically;

· decorate the table and individual cells with borders;

· enter color and standard fills into table cells;

· change cell margins and spacing between cells;

· place pictures and autoshapes in table cells;

· perform calculations using formulas and functions, as in spreadsheets;

· sort data in cells, etc. Menu commands are used to perform these operations TABLE , context menus and toolbar Tables and borders Menu commands are used to perform these operations, whose buttons not only duplicate menu commands

, but also allow you to implement other additional features that simplify working with tables.

If a table occupies several pages of a document, it is advisable to declare the first row of the table as a Heading (using the TABLE Headings menu command). After this, the first row of the table will be reproduced on all pages as a heading. If you change the cells in the first row, the table headings on all subsequent pages will also change.

Working with a Word table as a database Ordinary Word tables containing column names in the top row and row names in the left column can be considered as the simplest relational databases (tabular data organization is also called relational

, each entry in the table contains information related to only one specific object).

The column names in the top row are database fields, and all subsequent rows are database records. IN Word tables

containing records of the same type, you can perform some operations typical for working with databases, such as sorting records. , context menus and toolbar Table rows (records) can be sorted in ascending or descending order, from highest to lowest sort key, etc. To do this, use the buttons on the toolbar or menu commands TABLE ® Sort Sorting indicate the required parameters - sorting type and order.

Word tables can also be used to perform the operation mergers documents. Merging documents is an operation that involves including information from a database (table) into a document. The document merging operation is used to quickly create standard letters, contracts, invitations, congratulations, envelope overlays, etc.

You can work with Word tables in data forms, in which each row of the table is displayed as a separate data record, and the text of each column heading becomes the corresponding field of that record. This mode is used to simplify data entry and modification, especially in large tables.

To present a table as a data form, you need to place the cursor inside the table and click on the button Data form on the toolbar Database.

Calculations in Word Tables

Word tables provide some of the functionality of spreadsheets. Like Excel, Word allows you to perform calculations using formulas and functions.

To carry out calculations in the table, you need to place the cursor in the corresponding cell (with the expected result), use the menu command TABLE ® Formula and enter the data in the dialog box Formula or choose the desired function. The formula is always entered after the equal sign (=).

Word inserts the calculation results in the form fields. When you change the source data in Word table cells, unlike Excel, the calculation results are not automatically recalculated. Therefore, when changing source data or references to table cells, the results of calculations must be update(using the key F9 or commands context menu Update field).

When copying formulas, references to cell addresses in Word tables do not change automatically - they are not “adjusted”, as in Excel, i.e. cell references in Word tables are always absolute, although they are displayed without the dollar sign $. Therefore, when copying formulas, references to Word cell addresses need to be edited manually.

Working with fields

The column names in the top row are database fields, and all subsequent rows are database records. Word documents, as in other applications Microsoft package Office, special structural elements are used - fields.

Fields - This special codes, which give commands to the application to automatically insert into the document and subsequently update variable data: page numbers, dates, numbers of figures, tables, as well as text, graphics, formulas, etc.

Using fields allows you to organize automatic update information about the document (file name, number of pages, etc.), perform calculations using formulas, create cross-references. Fields are inserted automatically when creating the table of contents and index. Using fields, connections are established with other documents and objects, and data is directly exchanged in Windows applications, forms and composite documents are created - envelopes, stickers, mailings, etc.

Word supports several dozen various types fields The most common fields found in documents are PAGE(page number) and DATE(date), which are inserted using the commands INSERT ® Page Numbers and INSERT ® Date and Time. Margins are often used to place illustrations in a document. INCLUDEPICTURE.

Data input

The current cell is highlighted with a gray frame and is called a cell selector. Moving around the worksheet is done using the cursor keys: [arrows], , , or by clicking on any other cell.

You can enter into a cell:

    text– the text is aligned to the left border of the cell;

    numbers– numbers are aligned to the right border of the cell;

    formulas– the first character of the formula is the “=” sign, followed by cell addresses and arithmetic operations.

Confirmation of input carried out:

    key ;

    by clicking the mouse in another cell;

Refusal to enter carried out:

    key ;

    by clicking on the button in the formula bar.

Correcting cell contents

To correct when filling a cell, before text entry is confirmed, you can use the key . If it is necessary to correct the already confirmed contents of a cell, then you need to perform double click mouse on this cell. In this case, a blinking vertical stroke will appear in the cell - text cursor, which will allow you to correct the data in the cell.

Deleting cell contents

If you need to delete the contents of a cell, just set the cell selector to this cell and press the key .

Data formatting

Formatting data in a cell means formatting the contents of a cell or block of cells in various modes.

The main modes for designing worksheets are collected in a command Format – Cells… In the dialog that appears there is row of tabs to select mode:


In the dialog on the right there is a list of formats containing the following formats: Numerical; Monetary; Date of; Text and so on.


In the dialog that appears, there are three groups of modes: Horizontal; Vertical; Orientation. Each mode has a number of mutually exclusive parameters. In addition, there is a switch Wrap according to words, with its help you can fill a cell with text in several lines, and within one cell.


The dialog that appears contains fields with the font name, style and size, as well as some effects.


First, you need to select the block in which the frames are drawn. The dialog contains two groups of modes that allow you to select the style and color of the line, as well as the location of the line relative to the selected block.


On this tab, select the fill and pattern of the selected cells.


Insertion and deletion

In order to insert new cell, you need to select the cell, before which another one should be inserted, and select the menu command Insert – Cells…(with a data shift to the right or with a downward shift).

If you need to insert column cells, then select the column, before with which a new one should be inserted, and select the menu command Insert - Column or Insert – Cells…(column). In this case, the format of the cells of the inserted column will be the same as that of the cells of the selected column.

To insert lines the line is highlighted higher which a new one will be inserted. Select team Insert - Rows or Insert – Cells…(line). Accordingly, the inserted lines take on the format of the selected ones.

Delete an entire column, row or cell can be done using the menu command True - Delete...

Copy and move

Move and copy based on usage Clipboards. Copying is done using menu commands - Edit - Copy And Insert. Team copy the selected block is copied to clipboard. Further
when using the command Insert content buffer can be copied anywhere in the document. Team work Cut similar to team work Copy the only difference is that the team Cut removes the selected text from the document and moves it to buffer
exchange. On the toolbar Standard There are three corresponding buttons.

Similarly, using the mouse you can move cell contents: The mouse pointer on the cell selector frame is shaped like its usual arrow. Holding left button mouse, drag the frame to a new location. You can move both the contents of one cell and the contents of a block of cells. When a key is pressed the contents of the cell will be copied.

Copy to adjacent cells

In addition, it is possible to copy to adjacent cells using the mouse: the cell selector in the lower right corner has a thick black square. The mouse pointer at this point changes to a black plus sign. Now, hold down the left mouse button and drag the frame onto adjacent cells. You can drag the frame only horizontally or vertically.

Task 2

Develop in a word processor Microsoft Word business letter template.

Business letter


Task 3

Develop in a spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel– A summary of changes in deposit amounts in three bank branches by day of one week.

Table 1 – Summary of changes in deposit amounts in three bank branches by day of one week

Full name date of completion
Bank's name

Name of contribution

Interest rate

Deposit amount

Summary of changes in deposit amounts by day of one week

Bank 1 Pension






























Bank 2 Premium






























Bank 3 Journey










Money box
















Tools for canceling and returning actions. All text input, editing and formatting operations are logged word processor, and therefore the required amount recent actions can be cancelled. The last action can be canceled with the key combination CTRL+Z. This command has a cumulative effect: a series of commands undoes a series of recent actions. Other similar tools are the Edit command, Undo Action and the Undo Action button on the Standard toolbar. Long sequences of actions can also be canceled using the action list (the button that expands the list is attached to the Cancel action button).

After canceling a series of actions, it is possible to return to the state before the cancellation. To do this, use the Edit, Redo Action command or the Redo Action button on the Standard toolbar. It also has a button attached to it that reveals a list of actions that can be returned.

Autotext. Autotext is a mode for automatically entering text fragments. It is represented by two functions: auto-completion and actually autotext. Their operating principle is as follows.

The text editor stores an AutoText dictionary consisting of words and phrases that appear quite often in documents. When you enter the first four characters of a dictionary item, a tooltip appears on the screen with the full text of the word or phrase. If this is what the user had in mind, they complete the entire entry by pressing the Enter key—this is how autocomplete works.

However, the user can independently select the required text element from the list with hierarchical structure- This is an AutoText feature. The list of AutoText elements is opened using the AutoText toolbar (View, Toolbars, AutoText).

The AutoText dictionary is configured in the AutoCorrect dialog box (Tools, AutoCorrect, AutoText). The simplest way filling the dictionary with new content - select the text on the screen, click the AutoText button on the AutoText toolbar and use the Add button in the dialog box that opens.

Using the product autocorrect when entering. It allows you to replace the input of long sequences of characters with an arbitrary (preferably short) combination of other characters. For example, if the phrase “dialog box” appears very often in the text, it can be replaced with the short combination “.to”. The dot before the symbols is placed specifically to distinguish them from two-letter prepositions or conjunctions.

The AutoCorrect tool is configured in the Tools, AutoCorrect dialog box. To do this, you need to check the Replace as you type box, enter the combination to be replaced in the Replace field, and the replacement combination in the To field, and then add to the autocorrect list by clicking on the add button.

Automatic character replacement as you type is also used to enter special characters. For example, having made the appropriate settings, you can enter the Greek letters π, ρ in ordinary Russian text: “pi” or “ro”.

Entering special and arbitrary characters. When entering text, there is often a need to enter special characters that do not have a corresponding key in the keyboard layout, as well as arbitrary characters for which the layout is unknown. The main tool for entering special and arbitrary characters, as well as for assigning them to favorite keys, is the Symbol dialog box (Insert, Symbol). This dialog box has two tabs: Symbols and Special Characters.

“Topic 3 Editing operations Editing is changing the content of a document. Editing operations include: deletion, ... "

Editing Operations

Editing is changing the content of a document. Editing operations include: deleting, adding, copying and moving.

3.1 Delete operation

Characters or selections are deleted using the BackSpace keys

3.2 Add operation

Can be performed in insertion or character replacement mode. In insert mode, new characters are inserted into the text, and in replace mode, new characters are typed over the old ones, erasing them. The current mode is displayed in the status bar (LOCK mode). Switching modes is done by pressing the Insert (Ins) key or double-clicking the CLOSE mode.

3.3 Move and copy operations

To perform operations, you can use two approaches:

1) Copy/move directly in the text of the document.

2) Copy/move using the clipboard.

3.3.1 Copying and moving directly in a document Methods How to do it

To move: To copy:

1) Select a fragment. 1) Select a fragment.

2) Place the cursor inside the fragment - 2) Hold down the Ctrl key, move the Left cop, and, hooking it with the left button - fragment. When the cursor reaches the desired mouse button, drag it to a new place and first release the button. New position of the shi fragment and then Ctrl. The copy mouse pointer is determined by the pointer and has the form:

1) Select a fragment.

Right 2) Place the cursor inside the fragment, and, using the right mouse button, drag it to a new location.

3) Release the mouse button and select the desired mouse operation from the context menu that appears: “Move” or “Copy”

3.3.2 Copying and moving via the clipboard The clipboard is an area of ​​memory in which information is temporarily placed.

The contents of the buffer can be pasted into any other program.

When a new piece of information is placed in the buffer, the old content is erased. Information from the buffer can be inserted as many times as desired.

How to work with the clipboard

1) Select a fragment and place it in the buffer (copy or cut).

2) Place the cursor in the desired location and paste from the buffer.

The described steps can be performed in various ways:

Panel button Action Menu Standard keys

EDIT - CUT Delete to buffer Shift Delete


Copy to clipboard Ctrl Insert EDIT - PASTE Paste from clipboard Shift Insert The same commands can be executed using the context menu.

3.3.3 “Clipboard” task area

At Microsoft Office versions 2003, it is possible to accumulate and paste up to 24 fragments placed on the clipboard. To work with these fragments, you need to display the clipboard in the task area: menu EDIT CLIPBOARD OFFICE.

Possible operations:

Insert any of the fragments located on the panel (mouse click);

Insert all fragments (the “Insert all” button);

Delete all fragments (the “Clear all” button);

Delete a separate fragment (click the desired fragment and select the “Delete” command from the list).

To configure the operation of the clipboard panel, you need to use the “Options” list.

3.3.4 Piggy Bank In Word, it is possible to accumulate several fragments of text or objects from different parts of documents or several documents and insert them as a single group into the desired place in the document. This feature is implemented using the “Piggy Bank”. Unlike the Clipboard panel, the piggy bank is saved along with the document.

Collecting a piggy bank

1. Select the first fragment and place it in the piggy bank by pressing Ctrl F3.

The fragment will be cut out into the piggy bank; if you want to leave it in the text, then execute the “Cancel” command. Repeat this action for each fragment that should be placed in the piggy bank.

2. Place the cursor in the place where you want to paste the contents of the piggy bank and press Ctrl Shift F3 (this will clear the piggy bank).

3. To repeatedly insert the contents of the piggy bank, execute the command INSERT - AUTOTEXT - PIGGY BANK.

Note: Several free-standing fragments can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key.

3.4 Search and replace In Word, you can search and replace text, formatting, etc. characters (such as paragraph markers, page breaks), margins, etc. You can use wildcards and codes ("*", "?") to expand your search.

Executed by the menu command EDIT - FIND (REPLACE).

In the dialog box, in the “Find” (“Replace”) field, you need to enter the text to search/replace. If necessary, you can additionally specify (the “More” button) special formatting (the “Format” button) or a special character (the “Special” button). You can also select the search direction and clarifying characteristics from the list by checking the desired box.

Found items can be viewed using the “Find Next” button

or select them all at once by turning on the checkbox and clicking the “Find All” button.

When performing a replacement, the “Replace” button replaces the next found element, and the “Replace All” button replaces all elements found in the document.

For example, the text contains headings that are separated from the main text by blank lines and formatted in Arial font. It is required to format such headings with the standard “Heading 1” style (for subsequent creation of a table of contents) and remove blank lines.

Execution order:

1) Command EDIT – REPLACE; "More" button;

Place the cursor in the “Find” field, click the “Format” button, select “Font” and set the font to “Arial”.

Place the cursor in the “Replace” field, click the “Format” button, select “Style” and set the style to “Heading 1”.

Click the "Replace All" button.

2) In the “Find” and “Replace” fields, you need to remove formatting by clicking the button of the same name.

To find empty lines, you need to find two consecutive paragraph markers.

In the “Find” field, click the “Special” button and select “Paragraph Mark”. Repeat the action;

In the “Replace” field, set one paragraph mark.

Click the “Replace All” button.

Searching with Wildcards In the Find/Replace window, click the More button and select the Wildcards checkbox.

Wildcards for elements:

Sign? - any one symbol. For example, if you enter “g?d”, the words “gad”, “guide” and “year” will be found.

The * sign is any sequence of characters. For example, if you enter “g*d”, the words “year”, “city” and “city” will be found.

Note: For quick search elements, such as graphics or notes, on the vertical scroll bar, click the Select Transition Item button, and then select the element you want. You can use the Next and Previous buttons to find the next or previous item of the same type.

Laboratory work "Editing operations" Task 1 Using copying

1.1 Set the paper size to A4, margins are 2 cm.

1.2 Turn on the display of non-printable characters and type a piece of text in accordance with the Name of the equipment sample (markers and memory elements indicate the end of the paragraph and the end of the Double Interface Memory Module 1 Mb-70 line of the paragraph, do not frame the text with borders):

1.3 Copy the text of the line “Double Interface Memory Modal 1 Mb-70” Equipment name to the clipboard. Execute memory elements insertion from the buffer into the empty lines of the paragraph. Double Interface Memory Module 8 Mb-70

1.4 Go to replacement mode and Double Interface Memory Module 16Mb-70 fix the memory size. Double Interface Memory Module 32Mb-70 Return to insert mode.

Task 2 Formatting a fragment

2.1 For the heading “Name of equipment” set:

horizontal centering, font – Impact, size – 16 pt, double underline.

2.2 For the next paragraph “Memory elements...” set the paragraph parameters:

alignment - left; first line protrusion – 1 cm, left indent – ​​cm, space before paragraph – 6 pt, line spacing – one and a half, border on the left – double, line width 1.5 pt, color – gray.

2.3 For the line “Memory elements” set the font parameters:

background – dark gray, font – Arial Narrow, size – 12 pt, character width (scale) spacing – sparse by 3 pt, character color – white, style – bold.

2.4 Set the word frame for numbers to a dotted line.

The fragment should look like:

Name of equipment Memory elements Double Interface Memory Module 1 Mb-70 Double Interface Memory Module 8 Mb-70 Double Interface Memory Module 16Mb-70 Double Interface Memory Module 32Mb-70

–  –  –

4.13 * Type the text below in the frame and copy the matrix from the previous assignment. Change the border to double lines. Save the file under the same name.

To calculate the movement of nodes, the matrix determinant is used, calculated as:

b1 d1 d1 d1 e1 f1 d1 f1 e1 b2 d2 d2 d2 e2 f2 d2 f2 e2 b3 d3 d3 d3 e3 f3 d3 f3 e3 Task 5 Using the clipboard Generate an order for 1st year students of the PGS specialty to attend a citywide cleanup.

5.1 Open the document LISTS.DOC 1

5.2 Display the “Clipboard” task area. (If necessary, clean it completely)

5.3 In the ASG-11 group, copy the first five people to the clipboard.

In the PGS-12 group, copy five people to the clipboard - from 6 to 10. In the PGS-13 group, copy the last five people to the clipboard. Make sure that the copied fragments appear in the “Clipboard” task area.

5.4 Open the document with the draft order ORDER.DOC.

5.5 Call a dialog box to save the document under a new name. Save the document in your folder under the name “LR4 - SUBBOTTRIK”.

5.6 If necessary, display the “Clipboard” in the task area and insert fragments from the clipboard into the required places in the order.

Task 6 Using the clipboard Create an order declaring gratitude to students who took part in the citywide cleanup.

6.1 Create a new document.

6.2 Type the text of the order:

Based on the results of the citywide cleanup day, thank the following students:

6.3 After the text, insert all fragments from the buffer.


6.4 Before the text, copy the header of the order from the previous document.

Control questions.

1. What is editing? What operations are involved in editing?

2. Deletion operation (individual characters, fragment).

3. Add operation. The concept of the mode of inserting/replacing characters when typing.

Switching modes.

4. Two approaches when copying and moving data.

5. Copy and move operations without using the clipboard.

6. Copy and move operations using the clipboard.

7. Working with the “Clipboard” in the task area.

8. Purpose of the “piggy bank” in Word. The procedure for working with a piggy bank.

9. Perform a text search operation. Replacing repeating fragments of a text

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