How to unsubscribe from Yandex music. How to cancel a subscription to an application on an iPhone - we tell you How to remove intrusive advertising on an iPad

Having appreciated the inexhaustible possibilities of choosing music on the Internet, users have moved to a higher level. Now more and more demands are placed on sound quality, which can only be achieved using licensed content. It is to provide users with an unlimited choice of high-quality sound music that the Yandex Music service was created.

What it is?

Yandex Music is a service that makes it possible to find and listen to the tracks you want, create playlists, receive news and recommendations about new products, and share musical discoveries with friends. This service is called streaming, and Yandex was the first to create such a product in Russia. Yandex offers users both a web version and mobile applications, running on Android or iOS.

What does a subscription to Yandex Music give? What types of subscriptions are there?

You can listen to music without special restrictions in the Yandex Music service without a subscription, but its presence significantly expands the possibilities, creating conditions for organizing the user’s personal music space. He gets the opportunity:

  • not only listen, but also save your favorite songs in order to have access to them offline;
  • do not be distracted by advertising while listening to music by turning it off;
  • have access to your favorite music anywhere in the world where there is Internet;
  • provide high sound quality;
  • be confident in the licensed purity of the content and know that authors and performers receive copyrights and can continue their work;
  • provide yourself with all the paid features of Yandex radio;
  • synchronize the service on existing devices.

There are currently two subscription options:

  1. Standard subscription. This option provides all available service capabilities.
  2. The subscription costing 99 rubles per month was available until May 31, 2018, and has restrictions on downloading tracks to your phone. A maximum of 99 tracks can be saved.

Subscription by region

On this moment the subscription is available in twelve countries, which includes the republics of the former USSR, except Ukraine and the Baltic republics, as well as Israel. After registration and payment, the service can be used all over the world.

Can I use the service without a subscription? What are the features and limitations of the free option?

In 12 countries where it is possible to subscribe, the Yandex Music service is available without it. In this case, the user receives unlimited access to listening to existing tracks from high quality sound, the limitation of service functions only applies to saving songs and albums in device memory. Outside these countries, the service is not available for free.

What is the price?

The price of a standard subscription is 169 rubles per month and provides the full package of Yandex Music features.

Price per month of mobile applications when registering through Play Market:

  • for Android - 199 rubles;
  • for iOS – 229 rubles.

There is a family subscription option where it is possible to include up to 5 people. Its cost will be 269 rubles per month.

For what period is the subscription valid? How to get a “perpetual” subscription?

You can subscribe to Yandex Music for 1 month or for a year. Upon expiration of the selected period, the subscription is renewed automatically by debiting the required amount from the account specified by the user, which makes the subscription “eternal” until it is cancelled. If automatic renewal is not needed, it can be disabled. In this case, the user receives a warning about the end of the period. If payment is not received, the Yandex Music service becomes available only for free services.

How to subscribe?

You can simply register for the web version of the service on the website, where you need to indicate the country of registration, subscription period, number bank card, Subscriptions are also available as mobile applications in stores Google Play, App Store.

How to get a Yandex Music subscription for free? Promo codes. Free period.

All new Yandex Music users are given a trial period. Its duration is 3 months, during which the user can evaluate the performance of the service and decide on its further use. Money will begin to be debited from your account only after the trial period ends. If you cancel your subscription during the trial period, no money will be charged.

Another option for free use of the service is a Promo Code. You can get this code:

  • during promotion;
  • participating in ongoing competitions;
  • as a gift from a service subscriber.

The promotional code has a limited validity period, after which the paid functions of the service become unavailable.

How to renew my subscription?

As mentioned above, subscription renewal occurs automatically, without requiring the subscriber to spend time. If this option does not suit the user, then the automatic renewal can be canceled and you can receive notifications about the payment deadline for the new period.

How to disable (cancel) a Yandex Music subscription?

First of all, to cancel your subscription to the service, you must disable its automatic renewal and debiting of money from your account. In this case, after the end of the paid period, only free version service. If there is no automatic renewal, paid service features will become unavailable if the next period is not paid.

August 10, 2017

Some people are thinking about how to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music. This service is interesting for its capabilities. Especially paid ones. But sometimes there is a need to give it up. What to do? How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music in one case or another? Where it leads? Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Free subscription

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? Those who do not want to pay for the service should think about solving this issue. But this does not mean that it cannot be used.

"Yandex.Music" has a free and paid subscription. In the first case, the application only works in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. A person will only be able to listen to the recommendations and selections offered.

If there is a free subscription, then there is no need to cancel it. In the case of a paid account, you will have to try a little. After all, Yandex.Music automatically debits funds for its use from mobile devices. Therefore, you will really have to unsubscribe. Otherwise, unnecessary expenses cannot be avoided!

Unsubscribe methods

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? It all depends on what device a person is dealing with.

Today you can unsubscribe from the service via iOS and Android. In this case, in the second case, refusal of application services is considered:

  • via Google Play;
  • using the "Personal Account".

We will talk about all these possibilities further. In fact, everything is much simpler than users think. The main thing is to have an Internet connection and some time.

Via iPhone

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music on iPhone? A similar question worries almost all owners of Apple phones. Please note that the user will be able to cancel the service being studied only if he does so at least 24 hours before renewing the subscription. Otherwise, the service may charge the device for another period of use.

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? You can do this:

  1. Turn on iPhone.
  2. Go to "Settings" - iTunes and AppStore.
  3. Click on the user ID.
  4. Select "View AppleID". If necessary, log in to the system.
  5. Open the "Subscriptions" section.
  6. Click on Yandex.Music.
  7. In the settings, select "Unsubscribe".
  8. Confirm the operation.

This algorithm of action does not always work. After all, if a user subscribes to the service when iTunes help, then you will have to abandon it in the same way.

iTunes and Yandex

What will be required to bring your idea to life? How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? The following trick allows you to cancel the service using iTunes. This technique, as you might guess, only works with Apple devices.

The guide for opting out of Yandex.Music on iOS is as follows:

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. Sign in using AppleID.
  3. Open section " Account" - "Look."
  4. Click on "Login"/"View".
  5. Scroll the page to the "Settings" block.
  6. Click on “Manage” next to the “Subscriptions” line.
  7. Find the desired service and click on “Edit”.
  8. Check the "Unsubscribe" box.

Now you can confirm your actions and enjoy the results achieved. The user will refuse to use Yandex.Music on iOS. Disconnection will occur at the end of the paid period. Until this point, you can use all the features of the service.

On Android

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music on Android? The instructions given earlier in this case lose their relevance. After all, as already mentioned, they only work with Apple products.

The most in a simple way is unsubscribe via " Personal Area". This solution will help when payment for the service was made using a bank card.

In this situation you will need:

  1. Go to the mentioned service.
  2. Open your profile.
  3. Click on "Manage Subscriptions".
  4. Check the "Do not renew" option.

Fast, simple, convenient. Only Android users Most often they use Google Play to pay for some services. Then you need to act differently.

Google Play and subscriptions

Wondering how to unsubscribe from a Yandex.Music subscription via Google Play? This will be no more difficult to do than in the case of iOS.

When working with Google Play you need:

  1. Open Play Market on your mobile device.
  2. Click on the button with several horizontal lines.
  3. Select "Account" - "Subscriptions".
  4. Find Yandex.Music and click on the corresponding line.
  5. Click on the "Cancel" button.

It is important to remember that access to subscriptions will be closed after the end of the paid period. If you simply delete the service and do not use it, the funds will still be debited from your account mobile phone. This means that sooner or later you will have to unsubscribe from certain offers.


From now on, it’s clear how to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music. To date, all of the above tips are 100% effective. Cash if you refuse to use all the capabilities of the service, they will not be returned to the user’s balance. You will have to wait for the end of the billing period and be glad that the money was not written off for the new one.

Are there any other secrets and tricks? No. No third-party services or applications allow you to cancel Yandex.Music and other paid subscriptions.



Coffee from a fairy tale: in Shanghai they serve the drink under a small sweet “cloud”

A paid subscription for Yandex users began operating at the end of May 2018. This is a single subscription to a number of Yandex services (Yandex.Music, Yandex.Taxi, etc.), which costs 169 rubles per month. It is valid only on the territory of Russia and gives the subscriber a number of privileges. For example, you can listen to music and watch movies on Yandex services without advertising.

What Yandex.Plus gives subscribers:

  • 5% discount on all trips;
  • additional 5 minutes to your free booking: instead of the usual 20, you will have 25 minutes to get to your car;
  • additional 30 minutes to the free “Waiting” mode at night: with a subscription, waiting is not charged from 23:30 to 6:00.

In addition, the subscription gives discounts in the Yandex.Taxi application, 10 GB on Yandex.Disk, watching movies without advertising on KinoPoisk, as well as other bonuses on Yandex services.

It is worth noting that a Yandex Plus subscription is issued for an indefinite period and is renewed automatically.

When you subscribe, you are given a trial bonus period, after which the service will be extended and the money will be withdrawn automatically after the end of the 90-day period.

If for some reason you realize that you are not going to use the privileges of a paid subscription to Yandex services, do not forget to disable the autopayment button, and the service can be canceled in your personal account, 3 days before the end of the bonus period.

What you need to do to disable your Yandex Plus subscription:

1) Go to Yandex Passport.

To do this, you can click on the name of your mailbox and select “Account Management” from the pop-up menu.

2) On the “Yandex Passport” page there are 3 tabs. You need to select “My Services”.

The first service will be Yandex Plus.

3) To cancel your subscription, click on “Cancel subscription”.

A window will open where you need to confirm this action:

After this, the subscription will be disabled.

It's just a nightmare! Two-thirds of the mailbox is filled with all kinds of advertising mailings. This is despite the fact that I regularly “clean” my mail. I decided to spend more time one time and figure out how to unsubscribe from the Yandex mailing list once and for all!

I post all the information I found here. I think the results of my work will be useful to you too. Naturally, first of all we go to Yandex mail. On the main page on the left side, we have information about messages. Above the image of a paperclip indicating the selection of emails with attachments, we see a subtle “configure” inscription - circled in the next image.

Again, on the left side we have a menu of services offered. Here we need to select the “Mail Processing Rules” section.

By clicking on the corresponding tab, we see a menu on the monitor screen that allows us, if necessary, to blacklist all addresses from which you do not need mailing. In this case, letters will be sent to the trash immediately upon receipt, respectively, without cluttering your mail. Thus, if you do not want to receive information from different sites, or, for example, you do not want letters from classmates, add them to the blacklist. Now you don’t have to repeat my torment of spending hours in front of the monitor just to get rid of unnecessary letters.

In principle, similar methods for cleaning your mailbox from unnecessary mailings are available in Gmail, Mail, Rambler mail. The differences between them are not significant.

Let's look at another example of how to unsubscribe from mailing lists on First, go to your email. On the left side, the entry “set up folders” is barely visible, go there.

We are offered automatic filtering of mailings and adding your own filtering settings. Go to the “add filter” tab.

Now you need to fill in the fields so that the system does not allow you to enter Mailbox unnecessary mailings. In the specified field, mark “unnecessary e-mail”.

Then put notes in the fields marked in the image. As you can see in the screenshot, these are the “permanently delete” and “apply to messages in folders” fields. Click “save” to save the settings that will protect your mail from mailing.

From the author

I never liked clicking on links, it seemed like a waste of time. But it was completely in vain. For example, by following this link: I realized how much time I spend at the computer completely wasted. It turns out that there are many ways to work much more productively behind a monitor. It is enough to organize work processes correctly, and the system will take over a significant part of the labor. Now here’s how to manage what has appeared free time, come up with it yourself.

Here is another link, the click on which pleasantly surprised me - letters are selling. Despite the fact that many people call our century the age of computer technology, I, for example, really like to read. And not electronic, but completely ordinary books. So, on this site there is a very large selection of them. In addition, there are also gift editions that will be very nice to receive as a gift for a book lover like me. And the delivery offered by the site eliminates the need for lengthy shopping trips in search of your favorite book.

Today, my 9-year-old son Arseny created himself a Yandex account (for now for games, not for communication). He asked me only one question about login. Can your children do this? The long-awaited holidays began, Arseny went to his grandmother in a good mood, because he had successfully completed general education and music school. Yesterday I attended the final lesson in music school and even took a photo of it with my smartphone.

In custody

So, use my advice, clean out your mailbox, learn to save time when working with a computer, buy books, without leaving home. And I, in turn, will continue to travel through the pages World Wide Web and find important and useful information for you. You can follow my “discoveries” by subscribing to. Share a link to my article on social networks, perhaps it will be useful to one of your friends or acquaintances. .

- All! Today I start living in a new way!

- Yah? Have you quit drinking and smoking?
- What are you doing?...I have a brand new mailbox, nickname and ICQ number.

Some people are thinking about how to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music. This service is interesting for its capabilities. Especially paid ones. But sometimes there is a need to give it up. What to do? How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music in one case or another? Where it leads? Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Free subscription

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? Those who do not want to pay for the service should think about solving this issue. But this does not mean that it cannot be used.

"Yandex.Music" has a free and paid subscription. In the first case, the application only works in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. A person will only be able to listen to the recommendations and selections offered.

If there is a free subscription, then there is no need to cancel it. In the case of a paid account, you will have to try a little. After all, Yandex.Music automatically debits funds for its use from mobile devices. Therefore, you will really have to unsubscribe. Otherwise, unnecessary expenses cannot be avoided!

Unsubscribe methods

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? It all depends on what device a person is dealing with.

Today you can unsubscribe from the service via iOS and Android. In this case, in the second case, refusal of application services is considered:

  • via Google Play;
  • using the "Personal Account".

We will talk about all these possibilities further. In fact, everything is much simpler than users think. The main thing is to have an Internet connection and some time.

Via iPhone

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music on iPhone? A similar question worries almost all owners of Apple phones. Please note that the user will be able to cancel the service being studied only if he does so at least 24 hours before renewing the subscription. Otherwise, the service may charge the device for another period of use.

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? You can do this:

  1. Turn on iPhone.
  2. Go to "Settings" - iTunes and AppStore.
  3. Click on the user ID.
  4. Select "View AppleID". If necessary, log in to the system.
  5. Open the "Subscriptions" section.
  6. Click on Yandex.Music.
  7. In the settings, select "Unsubscribe".
  8. Confirm the operation.

This algorithm of action does not always work. After all, if the user subscribed to the service using iTunes, then he will have to cancel it in the same way.

iTunes and Yandex

What will be required to bring your idea to life? How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music? The following trick allows you to cancel the service using iTunes. This technique, as you might guess, only works with Apple devices.

The guide for opting out of Yandex.Music on iOS is as follows:

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. Sign in using AppleID.
  3. Open the "Account" section - "View".
  4. Click on "Login"/"View".
  5. Scroll the page to the "Settings" block.
  6. Click on “Manage” next to the “Subscriptions” line.
  7. Find the desired service and click on “Edit”.
  8. Check the "Unsubscribe" box.

Now you can confirm your actions and enjoy the results achieved. The user will refuse to use Yandex.Music on iOS. Disconnection will occur at the end of the paid period. Until this point, you can use all the features of the service.

On Android

How to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music on Android? The instructions given earlier in this case lose their relevance. After all, as already mentioned, they only work with Apple products.

The easiest way is to unsubscribe through your “Personal Account”. This solution will help when payment for the service was made using a bank card.

In this situation you will need:

  1. Go to the mentioned service.
  2. Open your profile.
  3. Click on "Manage Subscriptions".
  4. Check the "Do not renew" option.

Fast, simple, convenient. Only Android users most often use Google Play to pay for some services. Then you need to act differently.

Google Play and subscriptions

Wondering how to unsubscribe from a Yandex.Music subscription via Google Play? This will be no more difficult to do than in the case of iOS.

When working with Google Play you need:

  1. Open Play Market on your mobile device.
  2. Click on the button with several horizontal lines.
  3. Select "Account" - "Subscriptions".
  4. Find Yandex.Music and click on the corresponding line.
  5. Click on the "Cancel" button.

It is important to remember that access to subscriptions will be closed after the end of the paid period. If you simply delete the service and do not use it, the funds will still be debited from your mobile phone account. This means that sooner or later you will have to unsubscribe from certain offers.


From now on, it’s clear how to unsubscribe from Yandex.Music. To date, all of the above tips are 100% effective. If you refuse to use all the capabilities of the service, funds will not be returned to the user’s balance. You will have to wait for the end of the billing period and be glad that the money was not written off for the new one.

Are there any other secrets and tricks? No. No third-party services or applications allow you to cancel Yandex.Music and other paid subscriptions.
