Control access to the premises using a fingerprint. Biometric terminals SKUD (fingerprint access control systems). Starting the system on all remaining objects

Legis company is pleased to offer you a convenient and modern biometric system for recording employee working hours. We use identification using a fingerprint reader, which allows us to reliably determine the time of arrival and departure (biotime or time control) of each employee. Take advantage of the offer to buy such an access control system (ACS, ACS) at a competitive price, and you will no longer need to manually calculate hours worked.

An electronic time and attendance system will quickly and accurately do this for you. This method of control will give you confidence that you are paying wages only for the hours actually worked. Also, biometric recording of employee working hours will reduce the burden on accounting and, if necessary, reduce the number of workers and personnel in offices, stores, warehouses and other facilities.

Overall, our Electronic Timesheet fingerprint access control systems are ideal for any facility with a large number of employees, remote locations, and complex time and attendance logic. These devices scan fingerprints and identify them based on all parameters activated in the system.


    rest assured

    Control using biometric fingerprint readers is reliable, stable and easy to use. Our fingerprint time tracking systems have been successfully tested at large enterprises (more than 1000 employees) in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar. Based on the results of this experiment, it became clear that the probability of an erroneous identification when using biometric readers is less than 0.01%.


    The practice of using biometric time and attendance terminals by our clients has shown savings of 3%-5% of the fund wages every month due to objective control.


    We implement a biometric fingerprint access control system in accordance with your requirements and wishes. All elements are compatible with other equipment, which reduces the amount of manual labor.
    In addition, specialists synchronize the operation of time and attendance devices using a fingerprint with other information systems, for example, 1C.

    Our biometric working time control systems work in real time. You can control the presence of employees on site at any time. Legis Group specialists can also set up a fingerprint time and attendance terminal to send out reports
    with any frequency.

    Improve your work quality

    Automated recording of working hours using a fingerprint serves as a guarantee that the required number of employees will always be on site. This indicator allows the team to perform their work efficiently.

Our unique advantages

We offer a comprehensive biometric time and attendance service, not just hardware or software. This means that the company takes on all the difficulties of implementation, maintenance, and control of the system.

We have successful experience in implementing our fingerprint-based employee time tracking system at large enterprises with more than 100 remote sites and in industrial production.

Our biometric systems Time and attendance records are developed by our own team of programmers and therefore can be modified to suit the individual needs of each customer who purchases equipment and manages it.

How it works

Each employee must submit reference fingerprints, which will be entered into the database of internal and/or outdoor biometric readers. It is necessary to monitor the correspondence between the employee’s identity and his fingerprint. Therefore, it is advisable that such a procedure be carried out in the personnel department or remotely, but by a trusted person. The list of employees can be imported from 1C using a regular USB flash drive or memory card.

Each facility is equipped with software and a special fingerprint scanner for recording working hours (we provide the scanners free of charge, but they remain the property of Legis).

Every day, when coming to work, employees are identified through a biometric finger reader. The following factors may be taken into account in this procedure:

  • What position does the employee take on? For example, a cashier may be a storekeeper on that day.
  • When arrival/departure, exit for break and return from break were made.
  • Does the number of employees in each position meet staffing limits?

The data from the biometric time and attendance scanner is transmitted to the central node. This makes it possible to monitor in real time the presence of employees at the workplace, the staffing of all positions and tardiness. In addition, the fingerprint access control system allows you to set up e-mail or SMS notifications to responsible persons about any emergency situations.

When an employee leaves the workplace at the end of the day, the biometric employee time tracking system calculates how many hours he worked and how much he is paid for it.

At any time, the fingerprint time tracking system allows responsible specialists to view reports such as Timesheets and similar electronic statements.

At the end of the month, the working time sheet, created by a special application based on working time control data using a fingerprint, is certified by management. In addition, this electronic document automatically goes to the accounting department (a special application or directly to 1C).

Where does the work begin?

Conducting negotiations with the customer

We clarify all the requirements and business rules for which the fingerprint biometric system will be further optimized. In particular, we're talking about about the work procedure at each facility (is it possible to enter different positions, how lateness or early departure is taken into account, how breaks are taken into account, etc.), methods of calculating wages (if our system will calculate it), as well as the need to compile various reports and send notifications .

Creation of a software product

Based on the requirements received from the customer, our specialists create software. In the developed system for monitoring working hours using fingerprints, only reports and notifications that are of interest to the customer are taken into account, and all business rules are recorded in algorithms.

Implementation of the system at test sites

Initially new system biometric time recording is being implemented only at a few test sites (2-4 sites) within 1-2 months. During this period, our specialists identify and take into account all the points that might have been missed when describing business rules.

Starting the system on all remaining objects

After successful completion of testing, a debugged and optimally configured system of biometric fingerprint readers, the price of which is determined on a personal basis according to the price list, is launched by Legis Group employees at all other customer sites.

Payback calculation

The practice of using our biometric work time recording systems in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, the Moscow and Leningrad regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory gave the following results:

  1. For 150 objects, in practice, it was possible to reduce two accountant rates.
  2. The quality of service for your customers is expected to improve.
  3. Salary fund:

Savings of more than 1% of the payroll (average 3%). If the salary of one employee is 20 thousand rubles, then the savings will be from 200 rubles for each employee (on average 600 rubles). In this case, for 1000 employees (100 objects of 10 people each), the savings will range from 200 thousand rubles to 600 thousand rubles per month.

Another way to calculate

If each employee is 5-10 minutes late every other day (a very real situation), then in a month it turns out:
22 working days x 5 minutes = 110 minutes, at a rate of 164 hours, at a rate of 150 rubles per hour:
saving 275 rubles per month.

Let's consider a salary of 20 thousand rubles per month.

Security technologies are constantly being improved. One of latest news in the field of security – biometric access control systems.

Once upon a time, entering a building using a fingerprint was a fantasy, but today it is already a common occurrence in many offices in Moscow.

How they work

Biometric access control and management systems operate on the same principle as any network systems. The only difference is in the identification method. To enter the facility, you do not need a pass; you just need to put your finger on the reading device and, if this fingerprint is in the database, access will be granted. Each person’s fingerprint is unique, so the system recognizes the fingerprints in the database and makes a decision on whether to pass.

More modern readers no longer process fingerprints, but the iris of the eye, which is also unique for everyone. And the latest developments by engineers provide for identification by a group of points on a person’s face. But on this moment The most widely used access control is a fingerprint, less often a palm.


Integration with video intercom Organization of a system with a turnstile, lock, barrier Photographic recording based on a CCTV camera

Advantages and disadvantages

Biometric access control systems have a number of advantages compared to conventional access control systems:

  • The possibility of losing the identifier is eliminated;
  • Accurate identification– your fingerprint, unlike a pass, cannot be transferred to another;
  • Impossibility of counterfeiting.

These circumstances make biometric-based access control systems very popular at facilities that require maximum access control. In such cases, such equipment can be included in a complex with traditional access control systems, as a main or additional identification factor.

But such systems are not without certain disadvantages:

  • Price– biometric systems are quite expensive and their use is not justified at every facility;
  • False refusals– some complexes do not tolerate low temperatures, scratches on the hand, humidity and refuse entry, even if the person is in the database.

These shortcomings are traditional for any new technologies and in the near future will no longer be a serious obstacle to making a decision to install such equipment. Experts note that biometrics may soon replace most types of access control equipment, including familiar cards.

Standard solutions

Biometric access control and management systems are one of the most complex technical means security, which cannot be properly put into operation without trained specialists.

It is also important that after the system is put into operation, it is regularly serviced by specialists who will carry out preventive work on time and also keep the access database up to date. This is very important for large facilities, where the number of employees is significant and there is a certain change of personnel.

Typical solution No. 2 - Smartec
1. Biometric reader Smartec ST-FR031EM - 1 PC.
2. Electromagnetic lock ML-180A - 1 PC.
3. Exit button - 1 PC.
4. Power supply BBP-30 - 1 PC.
5. Biometric scanner ST-FE700

A network biometric access control and management system (ACS) allows you to limit the access of employees and visitors of an organization within its territory, as well as in a network of remote offices (shops, warehouses, etc.). Fingerprint identification ensures reliability and ease of use - users do not need to carry any keys or cards. When using a biometric access control system, the possibility of substitution, transfer to another person, or loss of the identifier is eliminated. Biometric access control system allows you to guarantee that the entry or exit from the premises registered in the system was personally carried out by the employee himself. For organizations, the costs of Consumables for access control systems (access cards, printer for printing on access cards, expensive consumables for this printer) can be quite large. Biometric access control system is the most cost-effective solution in comparison with systems based on access cards.

The system consists of the following components:

Fingerprint scanner (1)
Information processing unit (2)
Reception and control unit (3)
The system operates under the control of a central server (4)

Each information processing unit that performs the functions of a controller has a processing unit and its own memory. Thanks to this, in the event of a network outage or if the central server is unavailable, the information processing units switch to offline operation and organize access in accordance with their own database. In this case, complete documentation of events is carried out.

Two simultaneously operating fingerprint readers can be connected to one information processing unit. Thanks to this, by equipping the entry and exit points with the system, there is no need to purchase another system - you just need to connect a second reader to the information processing unit.

It is also possible to use one information processing unit for simultaneous control at two adjacent one-way access points. In this case, to exit a room equipped with one reader, you can use an external button. It will allow you to open a door (or turnstile) from the protected side without identifying the user, and the system will record the time of such an event. There is also a function to control the opening of the door without pressing the exit button or passing successful identification. In this case, at a security point equipped with the program BIOCODE NET-2 Monitoring, an alarm will sound.

It is possible to connect door opening limit sensors to the system. At the same time, the system allows you to control not only a break-in, but also reminds the operator with an alarm signal about a door that was not closed after passing through or a case when an employee passed identification, but the door was not opened.

If your organization already has an access control system in place and you just want to supplement or expand the existing system with biometric control, you don't have to completely retool your entire organization. The system's receiving and control unit provides two Wiegand outputs for integration with controllers from other manufacturers. In this case, when entering user fingerprints into the Biocode Net-2 database, the access card number is additionally entered - the key code, and if the user is successfully identified, the system transmits this code to an external controller, which can also record employee passage events and the lock (turnstile ) can be opened either by the receiving and control unit of the Biocode Net-2 system or by an external controller.

For access to particularly important objects, the receiving and control unit of the system has two Wiegand inputs for connecting additional readers from other manufacturers. In this case, fingerprint identification is carried out after identification using a magnetic (radio) key or contactless card, and in the case of a double match, passage is allowed. On the contrary, you can simplify access by allowing it either by key (contactless card) or by fingerprint, while one or another method of identifying the employee is recorded in the system.

In the system, information exchange between the information processing unit and the receiving and control unit is carried out via a separate digital dedicated channel (USB or RS232), and direct communication between the fingerprint readers and the receiving and control unit does not occur at all. This allows you to avoid unauthorized access to the premises by simply bridging the wires going from the reader to the control unit.

The housing for the scanner can be made in two versions - a plastic overhead one for indoor use or a metal built-in one for outdoor use.

The delivery package includes Control software, designed to work with the user database (registering, changing and deleting employees and groups), assigning access rights, as well as maintaining an event log and creating reports based on the received data on passes.

The right to access can be given full or limited access according to a schedule (windowed access mode). Those. Each employee can be clearly indicated the days of the week and the time when he is allowed access to a specific access point. Also, according to the schedule, you can set periods during which it will only be possible to undergo identification without permission to pass. This mode is convenient in time and attendance systems. You can also set the expiration date account, for such employees, passage will be possible only until the established date. This mode is used to organize temporary guest access.

Employee registration is carried out using a special desktop fingerprint scanner connected via USB to the operator’s computer with installed program Control. During the registration process, the system’s memory can store 10 fingerprints of each employee, with the ability to store several versions of the same fingerprint, entered from different angles, which significantly increases the reliability of quick and correct identification. In total, the database can store up to 10,000 fingerprints.

Control has a flexible filtering and search system, which allows you to analyze events at access points with maximum efficiency.

Specifications :

The maximum identification time is no more than 3 seconds.
The maximum number of fingerprints stored in memory is 10,000.
number of Wiegand inputs of the receiving and control unit - 2
number of Wiegand outputs of the receiving and control unit - 2
number of limit sensor inputs of the receiving and control unit - 2
number of connectable buttons for opening the door of the reception and control unit - 2
scanner operating temperature - from -30C to +50C
operating temperature of the receiving and control unit - from -30C to +50C
operating temperature of the information processing unit - from 0C to +50C
relative air humidity at a temperature of +25C - 98%
food - source direct current voltage 12 V
maximum constant switching current of a lock or turnstile - 1.5A
scanner power consumption - no more than 4W
power consumption of the receiving and control unit - no more than 4W
power consumption of the information processing unit - no more than 60W
dimensions of the plastic case for the scanner (WxHxD) - 130x78x40 mm
Dimensions of the information processing unit housing (WxHxD) - 210x65x274 mm
reader weight - 0.2 kg
weight of the information processing unit - 3 kg

IN modern world safety plays a very important role. To ensure this, enterprises and the private sector use all kinds of security means, combined into shared network. Although it includes a certain set of security features, individual elements can be distinguished from it, for example, fingerprint access control.

Special characteristics of surveillance and security equipment

The average person may not understand what an access control system is and how it works. Security and control equipment, in accordance with the established algorithm of actions, performs the tasks of registering and accounting for certain objects and persons who pass through specified checkpoints.

The photo shows a fingerprint ID

In addition to the main control tasks, additional goals are also set for the access control system:

  • Employee time tracking;
  • Payroll (if there is integration with the accounting system);
  • Compiling lists of staff and visitors;
  • General connection with the security system (video surveillance, fire alarm).

A certain type of controller can be called the brain of this system. It is in it that all information data about the personnel is stored, to whom, when read from the device, access is granted.

Information reading devices

The device that transmits the information received from the user to the controller is the reader. There are various options and modifications of this technique. The device is not a universal tool, since it depends on the system within a specific area or building. The device itself can be in the form of a pair of electronic contacts or a device for reading the user’s card, where his data is stored. As a rule, if the type similar systems installed outdoors, it requires additional protection. This is due to the possibility of causing damage to equipment due to hooligan actions, unfavorable weather conditions, etc.

Among the most common methods for reading in ACS are the following:

  • Use of special barcodes;
  • RFID readers;
  • Magnetic or special contact cards (reader);
  • Biometric reading system.

In the photo you see an image of a magnetic card for the access system

It is the latter that serve as an integral part of advanced developments for access control systems and are, as a rule, built into it. A biometric reader is a device that serves to manage access control and identify individuals based on their unique physiological information.

In this type of equipment, the following methods of personality recognition are used to a greater extent:

  • Fingerprint reader;
  • Scanning of the eye shell;
  • Retina;
  • Physical characteristics of the hand;
  • Human voice;
  • Reading handwriting under certain conditions.

This video shows how the scanning system works physical features hands:

Fingerprint access control network is the most common among others.

Classification of scanning equipment

Today, from the many fingerprinting devices, there are three general types:

  1. Using optics;
  2. Use of semiconductor means;
  3. Ultrasound scanner.

At the root of the first type of scanner is the principle of obtaining an image using optics. Such devices also have their own subgroups. The first of these includes an FTIR scanner, that is, a fingerprint access control system that uses the effect of completely disrupting the internal pattern. This means that when light hits a surface, its beam is divided into two components, one of which penetrates the other medium. This beam of light crosses the boundary when the fingerprint touches the surface of the device. A specially built-in video camera will be used to capture the fingerprint.

The second subgroup is represented by fiber optic scanners. There are special fibers on the surface of the device, upon contact with which the necessary information begins to be read.

The operating principle of a fiber optic scanner is shown in this video:

The third subgroup consists of the so-called roller scanners. Here you need to run your finger across the surface of the access control system in a unique way.

Experts include flint fingerprint readers as the next type. A special feature of their work is the reading of finger papillary patterns. These include capacitive, pressure-sensitive and thermal scanners. The first group of semiconductors is the most common among other ACS devices. When a finger touches a surface, a certain capacitance appears, the matrix of which is converted into an image.

And last but not least is the ultrasound scanner. Fingerprint access control occurs using ultrasonic waves and measuring the distance between them. This type is the safest and highest quality of all presented, since in addition to the fingerprint, even the pulse on the finger can be checked.

Complex based on readers and biometric terminals

The ZK F7 reader and its older analogues F702S and F10 are typical examples of devices designed both for monitoring the system autonomously and as part of a centralized network. The first mentioned device has a fairly small database of templates (600 in total), that is, the device’s storage data can contain no more than 600 users. F702S in this regard has 1500 templates, which is a good and sufficient indicator for many enterprises and organizations using recognition devices.

How to connect and operate a biometric reader is shown in this video:

These ACS or similar ones have specialized software that has an intuitive interface and in many cases has a Russian-language menu, which provides the user with fairly comfortable conditions during its operation. The software supplies the device with a set of information about users, taking into account their access level, providing real-time monitoring of processes with the ability to display various information and generate analytical reports.

Optical equipment for reading F10 stands out in this category. This model has a Wiegand interface, which can be fully integrated into the system of almost any manufacturer. These components, like any other, are programmed via Ethernet network. The Wiegand format is subject to arbitrary configuration by the user, with a code length of 26-64 bits. Most fingerprint readers operate in several modes of object identification. The 1:N mode serves only for identification, while the 1:1 mode can carry out full verification of the object (additional entry of a PIN code for users with extended access).

The photo shows a biometric identifier

If we consider a budget fingerprint reader for tracking operating time, then the U160 and iClock360 IP terminals or similar devices with similar characteristics stand out. The biometric systems themselves (terminals), like other similar equipment, serve to collect information about the arrival or departure of employees, generate reports for enterprise security structures or for accounting reporting. The storage capacity of user data in the terminal is larger than the above examples and is about 2200 templates. This category is necessarily equipped with a built-in keyboard, a display with information output, and the ability to work in several user identification modes. A feature of the terminals is considered to be their ability to work in autonomous mode, which significantly facilitates the maintenance process.

Of course, with a large selection of equipment for surveillance and access, it is difficult to make a choice on something specific, because all devices of one type or another have their pros and cons. But what primarily distinguishes a system with a fingerprint reader is the highest level of security compared to other options. As for the financial side, the price range in this area allows the potential buyer of the access control system to choose the most suitable product for themselves.

A variety of biometric readers can be connected to a biometric access control system to scan fingerprints, iris, vein patterns or faces. Castle ACS can use any biometric readers with standard output interfaces

Biometrics ACS - fingerprint scanner

Biometric access control systems often use a fingerprint scanner, which is a special terminal (there are many models) that connects to the Castle access control system to restrict access to the premises based on various characteristics - access rights. Thanks to fingerprint recognition, the biometric scanner allows not only convenient access control without an access control card, but also performs time and attendance functions.

For example, the following readers can be connected to the Castle ACS:

Biometric readers for ACS "Castle"

How does the biometric ACS “Castle” work?

Fingerprint scanners (readers) are connected to Castle ACS controllers via standard interface Wiegand. At the same time, each of the readers is connected to the object’s IP network. The Castle ACS server interacts directly with biometric readers over an IP network, and for normal operation there is no need to install standard and not very functional software from the biometric reader manufacturer.

Templates are added along with other employee data (full name, position, department, etc.) using software“Castle” ACS on the “Personnel” tab, while both a regular reader and a desktop USB reader connected to the workplace can be used to obtain fingerprints.

Biometric ACS "Castle" supports the following access modes:

  • only by fingerprint
  • only by ACS card
  • double identification: ACS card + fingerprint

Buy a biometric Castle ACS for working time tracking. Calculation example

We suggest you get acquainted with the approximate cost of a biometric access control system. This calculation can be used both with and without connecting the front door, when employees will simply “check in.” The advantages of this identification method are that it completely eliminates the possibility of data falsification (for example, card cloning or registration using the same access control cards for other employees). Fingerprints are unique to each person and do not change over time or after damage. Algorithms for the operation of biometric readers, for example, fingerprint scanners, are provided free of charge and are included in any of the Castle ACS software packages.

For an individual calculation of a biometric access control system, please fill out a special form or call one of our offices.

Name Quantity, pieces Price


Equipment for access control systems

Network controller "Castle EP2". Ethernet communication interface.

BioSmart FS-80 control reader with USB interface.

Biosmart 5-O-EM Em-Marine and Biometrics Card Reader, Wiegand-26 Output Protocol

Redundant secondary power supply BBP-20

Lead-acid battery SF 1207


Castle software base module, limited to 1000 access cards.

Additional Castle software module “Event monitoring (photo identification)”.

Additional Castle software module “Work time tracking”.

Call us and we will help you choose the right biometric access control system, and, if necessary, install it with the help of partners throughout Russia.
