Electronic diary for computer. Free organizing programs

A diary is a program similar to a regular paper diary. Can also be used as a personal diary, since the contents can be password protected. You can write down literally everything in it, from thoughts that come to mind to important matters.

The program can automatically notify about events using sound signal and visual message. A nice interface in the form of a calendar will help you quickly navigate through all the functions. You can assign multiple tasks for each day, and you can set an alert for each. The application also has a built-in contact book, which contains names, places of work, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, and websites of people.

A convenient notes module will allow you to write down all the important thoughts, which is very useful if you find an interesting link, but you don’t have time to read it. The to-do list can include not only the actions themselves, but also the time when they should be completed, as well as the time when they need to be reminded. This is configured separately for each case.

To forget about keeping a paper diary forever, just download the Diary for free and take advantage of its rich functionality.

There is a theory that a person’s memory is like a coat rack in the hallway. On one hook you can “hang” one thing that you need to remember. And there are only ten hooks. And if you consider that last year’s problems, such as a half-forgotten debt or plans to finally write a daily routine, hang on these “hooks,” then at the most crucial moment a memory can “slip” from an overloaded hanger. Here we have collected a few diaries for computer— programs for taking notes and reminders.

Of course, some may limit themselves to sticky notes on their desktop. In Windows 7 and Vista they are available out of the box; on XP they are available in the form of sidebar gadgets from third-party developers.
But what to do when there are already over a dozen notes, when you want to quickly find what you need, when you finally need to be reminded!

The first program is designed for storing notes. From links and phone numbers to culinary recipes. Consider this a software analogue of a diary or notebook.

Cinta Notes

Cinta Notes- a simple and convenient program for storing your notes. Simply select and click the piece of text you need. hotkey. The text will be automatically entered into the program storage. After that, you can attach tags to it - keywords, which will then be very easy to search for. Search in Cinta Notes as you type. Very convenient (agree, somewhat more convenient than a paper diary). In addition, you can set up automatic synchronization between different computers using DropBox.
The program can be carried with you on a flash drive and run on any computer without installation.



EssentialPIM-This is no longer just a diary. This is a full-fledged organizer with the ability to store contacts, events, notes, and plan tasks.
You can format notes at your discretion, insert pictures, tables, lists, etc.
Available quick search according to the text, as well as organizing notes according to the tree principle.
The calendar will allow you to set up events that the program will remind you of in advance.
In addition, you can create a to-do list, and tasks can be highlighted in colors, prioritized, postponed, or marked as completed. There may be tasks that are repeated at a given interval (for example, once every three days).
In general, this is a real find for those who are looking for a free diary for their computer, a tool for organizing their life.
I was very pleased with the examples of tasks with explanations that were entered immediately after installing the program. This makes EssentialPIM much easier to understand. Well, the Russian interface is a definite plus.

Effective time management is a pressing problem for any person, regardless of his/her employment status. This discipline, also known as time management, is devoted to more than one book; numerous courses are regularly held, offering different techniques.

Organizers make their contribution to time planning. In general, speaking about this area software, it should be noted that they serve not only to create a daily routine, but also to store data. It is difficult for a person to keep in his head, or in a disordered form, all the necessary information that should be at hand.

This review includes organizing programs of varying complexity. Naturally, in modern realities it is not enough to require traditional functionality from this type of software: a calendar, address book, notebook. No less important aspects are mobility and the ability to synchronize with portable devices. In general, attention will be paid to the following aspects:

  • User-friendly interface: an organizer is a type of software where the interface plays one of the most important roles, especially in terms of speed of access to necessary functions. Attention will also be paid to hotkeys.
  • Tasks and calendar: creation of tasks, to-do lists, categories, subtasks, calendar capabilities when planning events (creating events).
  • Reminders and notifications: setting reminders for events (birthdays, dates, etc.), creating sticky notes, notification methods.
  • Organizing contacts: address book capabilities, data import/export.
  • Sharing: the ability to create projects, tools for teamwork.
  • Mobility and synchronization: accessibility for mobile platforms, integration with online services.
  • Safety: setting a password to launch a program, database or individual sections of the organizer; data protection and encryption.
  • Other tools: Along the way, the note editor, password manager and other tools that complement the functionality of the organizer will be mentioned.


According to statistics provided by the developers, LeaderTask is used by employees of well-known organizations - about 1,500 companies. This fact makes us wonder to what extent LeaderTask is an organizer, and how strong it is in project management. Again, among the declared functions, project management is present, which is very interesting.

In the organizer, you can create both tasks and subtasks, and attach notes and subnotes to them. It should be noted that the tree structure of the list is very convenient - thanks to this, navigation in the task list does not cause difficulties. In the properties of a task, you can specify deadlines, assign it to a project, select a category/labels and assign an executor (from the LeaderTask contact list), and attach a file. In addition, in the due date settings, you can set the task repetition mode.

The notes editor is not very functional - despite the fact that this tool is one of the most important in the organizer, the formatting panel perhaps should have been implemented differently.

Notifications are displayed when the status changes or a task is created - in the form of a pop-up window with a sound effect. In the organizer settings you can change appearance, notification sound, specify repetition interval. However, you cannot configure the notification method: say, SMS or email.

The LeaderTask address book is quite traditional in its structure when compared, for example, with Outlook. When adding a new contact, the following fields are filled in: photo, personal information, home address, initials, place of work, and others. Communication methods are also indicated - telephone, website, email and messenger. As additional information You can attach notes and files. Contacts can be grouped and assigned several labels at the same time.

Returning to the above. LeaderTask has a useful addition - projects. Projects help to combine several tasks, and they can also be used to establish collaboration with colleagues. Almost all actions with project tasks are available to all participants, except that the customer can change the executor, and the executor can change the status. It is quite possible that not all users will find this toolkit appropriate in their organizer, but at a minimum, collaboration in the organizer is a big plus.

It should be added to the above that LeaderTask synchronizes data with the server. First, in the organizer settings, you need to enter user credentials and also specify the update interval.

LeaderTask is available as programs for Android, iPad, iPhone. In addition to such integral functions as synchronization, working with tasks and contacts, search - in mobile applications There are some nice additions: voice input, working with GPS and others.

The LeaderTask database can be password protected; there is no separate access restriction to sections. Data encryption, although mentioned by the developers, could not be found in the form of any settings. Speaking of disadvantages, there is no hotkey configuration available. This is an omission, since creating new tasks, events, or at least adding contacts to the address book without keyboard “hotkeys” quickly gets boring. And one more negative point - the interface, which consists of three columns, is not very flexible. The “View” menu, unfortunately, does not save the situation.


The developers describe C-Organizer as personal organizer, however, the description states support for shared network access. The program integrates with web services and has a convenient scheduler, notebook, password manager and other necessary tools.

The C-Organizer interface is strikingly different from LeaderTask, attracting with its compactness and pleasant design. Among the impressive list of available localizations is Russian. The buttons on the toolbar, in the best traditions of desktop applications, are customizable, the columns are hidden, freeing up the workspace; it is possible to switch the menu to Ribbon (ribbon in the style of Office 2007 and higher) In a word, the user will have more than enough for these conveniences.

It is convenient to manage the organizer using hotkeys assigned to the main C-Organizer commands. There are tooltips, but there is no separate section with parameters that can be changed, just as there are no global keyboard shortcuts.

When creating a new task, in the properties you can set priority, repeatability, add a category, percentage of completion, and enable a reminder. The “Description” tab contains a note editor containing all the necessary formatting options. You can also attach a file to any task.

When creating a task, the user cannot specify the executor, despite the stated possibility collaboration over the network. There are no subtasks or subnotes. However, to-dos can be combined into global lists and groups.

In the calendar, similar to tasks, you can create appointments. At the same time, both are at hand. Appointments that last all day are located at the top of the calendar. Events are used to indicate holidays and dates; notifications are also configured for them.

Any entry can be placed on the Desktop (“Posts - Open as sticker”), and an alert can be activated in conjunction with an action (for example, launching an application or rebooting).

The address book capabilities are standard for an organizer, from distinctive features You can note vCard support and template creation. This makes it easy to add contacts to your address book. All contacts can be combined into groups, for example, in order to send messages or email alerts.

In C-Organizer, unlike the previous program in the review, there are no obvious signs of a project system, however, several users can work with one database at the same time, and several users can edit the same record.

The organizer supports mobile devices, but, alas, the list includes only Pocket PC and Palm (synchronization of calendar, tasks, contacts and notes). However, despite ignoring Android and iOS, the calendar and tasks are synchronized with Google Calendar and Google Tasks, respectively.

C-Organizer supports password protection, encryption. You can deny access (“Tools → Password protection…”) to any section of the organizer. By the way, the organizer is convenient to use as a password manager, with the ability to generate new ones.

AM Notebook

AM Notebook is a classic desktop organizer with four main tools: notes (Notes), tasks (Todo), calendar (Calendar) and address book (Contacts).

The AM Notebook interface supports tabs. It seems like a small addition, but it makes working more comfortable. In the case of AM Notebook, the nuance is the following: tabs are available only in notes and in the calendar, but even in this case, independently of each other.

You can change the interface language in the settings; Russian localization is available, although with obvious flaws in the translation. For basic commands, there are hints on hot keys; there is no separate menu section with their configuration.

Now let's learn more about creating notes. Obviously, this is one of the main features of AM Notebook, which can be called a notebook with additional organizer functions. In addition to working with text, it is possible to create tables (Spreadsheets) with support for formulas/functions, as well as diagrams. The text editor allows you to add tables, images, check spelling (you can connect the Russian language by adding a dictionary in *.dic format from MS Office). The tabular module allows you to work with a limited number of formulas - but this is more than enough for simple calculations. Charts and graphs are available in the PRO version of the program.

Tasks (Todo) are created in “Plans”. In the properties you can specify a group, priority, set the percentage of completion (the completion scale is displayed in the task list, which is very clear), and set a reminder. Tasks are also combined into groups.

All reminders can be displayed in a single list - it’s convenient to turn off unnecessary reminders without going into each section. There is an alarm clock.

The same tasks (Task) are created in the Calendar, but they have nothing to do with the “Plans” section (due to translation inaccuracies). If the user checks the “Every day” option (localization error, you need: “All day”), the task is moved to the top of the calendar. In general, the functionality of the calendar is very modest, but this drawback is partly compensated by the presence of display modes - by day, week, month, etc.

The address book follows the same minimalism; it does not have the ability to combine contacts into a group or, for example, add a photo. You can enter contact information, indicate contact methods, and add a note. However, the purpose of some fields is unclear - in the “Birthday” tab there are 5 columns for entering a name and the same number of dates.

Alas, despite strengths AM Notebook, there were noticeable shortcomings. Aspects such as data security and privacy are overlooked. To protect personal data, you cannot set a password or encrypt data. As a result, you can rely on the organizer, being confident that the data will not fall into the hands of an attacker.

AM Notebook supports mobile devices, synchronization is not provided. The only way insurance against information loss, available in AM Notebook - backup data.


WinOrganizer is one of the most functional organizers, designed for both personal and collective use. It includes a scheduler, notebook, address book, and password manager.

The program window is divided into two columns; the contents of the organizer are displayed on the left in the form of a hierarchy. WinOrganizer does not tie the user to a specific structure: any other data type can be nested into one data type, and the nesting can be deeper than two levels.

To view your to-do list, agenda items, and other upcoming events, you can use the Today module. This is a convenient view by day, week, month, with the ability to print and select a template for the report.

Module "Today"

In the properties, when creating a task, an impressive number of options are presented, including advanced notification settings: reminder interval, sound settings, program behavior when the notification period expires, launching an action. Tasks can be sorted by criteria such as priority, status, and assignee.

Alerts are assigned not only to events, but also to WinOrganizer data types, including contacts and passwords.

The address book has a standard set of fields. It should be noted that the fields can be displayed in a single list. Columns in the address book are configured, which is convenient for displaying only the most necessary information about people. Contacts can only be synchronized with PocketPC.

The program contains a password manager. The set of features is standard, including the “Hide password while typing” option and a password generator. In WinOrganizer, by the way, you can restrict access to any document (“Document Properties - Password Protection”).

As already mentioned, several users can work in the organizer at the same time, including jointly editing notes and other entries. The notebook supports import/export to Word and WordPad (RTF), works with tables, images, and has a Russian spelling checker. Synchronization is carried out through the GSDataServer database server.

Diary from Enot

Extremely simple program, in which you cannot create notes, does not have an address book and most of the main components of the organizer, only appointments and reminders are available. Diary from Enot synchronizes with Google Calendar, so this lightweight organizer can be perceived as a lightweight desktop version of the famous service. However, a caveat must be made that Google Calendar provides many more options than this organizer. Here you cannot create several calendars, configure access, publish a schedule on the Internet, not to mention the fact that the web interface provides several convenient calendar display modes. In Diary from Enot, the developers apparently deliberately limited functionality.

The interface is intuitive; to add an appointment or reminder, you need to click on the date and add information in the sidebar that appears, which you can then easily collapse. Days that contain events in the list are marked in bold.

Thus, using a planner is useful only if you want to simplify the organization of events as much as possible: literally - open, add a reminder, minimize the window and do other things. If we talk about the advantages, then this includes: a simple Russian-language interface, free. If we evaluate Diary as a full-fledged organizer, it will be a continuous series of missing functions.


An organizer designed specifically for planning events, holidays, and memorable dates. The calendar is presented here in several display options - by day, week, month and year. You can also change the gradation of the timeline.

There are only three types of elements - event, recurring event and task. The list of events and tasks can be opened in a separate window (Event list / Tasks in the View menu). The event indicates the location, priority, start/end date, category - one or more. Next to the Priority column, you can set up a context marked with a specific color.

Reminders are available for all types of events, but you cannot set up a separate notification without any association.

To synchronize with the calendar, the developers suggest using their product HandySync. Thanks to this, it is possible to synchronize Calendarscope with Pocket PC, Apple iPhone, Android, RIM Blackberry and other devices. The only “but”: HandySync is also a paid program.

Pivot table

ProgramLeaderTaskC-OrganizerAM NotebookWinOrganizerDiary from EnotCalendarscope
DeveloperOrganizer LeaderTask CSoftLabAignesberger Software GmbHThe Golden Section labsSoft-EnotDuality Software
LicenseShareware (990 RUR +)Shareware (500 RUR +)Freeware / Shareware (Pro, 29.95 Euro) Shareware (750 RUR +)FreewareShareware ($29.95+)
Localization+ + + + +
Tasks+ + + + +
Calendar+ + + + + +
Reminders+ + + + + +
Sticky notes+
Password manager + + +
Sharing + + +
Mobile device support iPad, iPhone, AndroidPocket PC, PalmPocketPC
SynchronizationMS OutlookGoogle Calendar, Google TasksGoogle Calendar
SafetyEncryption, password protection Encryption, password protection Password protection of documents
The address book+ + + +

Another easy-to-use to-do list app. Moreover, each task can be branched into smaller ones - this creates a whole tree, which is very convenient for doing business. At the same time, you can set a specific execution time, set a repeating cycle, set a priority. The program syncs easily and easily across all devices. At the same time, it sends smart reminders when you have arrived at the desired location.


GTasks is a convenient task scheduler that is easy to manage on different devices. The application interface is very simple: the main menu panel has everything you need to create tasks (lists, settings). Each task is assigned a date and time, and you can set a repeat mode. To add a new task you need to write its name, you can also use voice typing.

Do it

If you don’t like to make plans for the future, but always write down your upcoming tasks, then the Do it app will become your indispensable assistant. Here all tasks are planned only for the current day and the next. Nothing except. The app's interface is as simple as its function. It looks like a simulator of two pages of a notebook. On the left side are tasks for today, on the right - for tomorrow. With the same simplicity, you mark completed tasks (they are simply crossed out). Everything is clear and very simple.


A simple planner for managing affairs, both work and personal. The application allows you to structure tasks and control their implementation. IN free version The user has access to the following functionality: adding, editing and marking tasks, access to a calendar for the years ahead and much more. You can run the application both online and offline - everything is synchronized via the cloud. Edits and changes are immediately displayed to the entire group that is working on this task.

Diary is an application designed to allow the user to keep a diary. Wherein this program provides a lot of additional opportunities for this type of activity. For example, if a user wants to hide his entries from prying eyes, he can very easily set a password to enter the Diary. It will also be possible to make the entry more interesting by accompanying it with some kind of drawing or emoticon. At the same time, you can put an animated emoticon in the program, which will significantly “revive” the recording, giving it more emotional coloring. In addition, the user is offered a choice of themes when creating new entry, which will determine not only the nature of the future note, but will also allow you to sort them into groups to give more order to your notes and daily affairs.

In addition to all these features, the Diary program has a function soundtrack. The user can also attach necessary files to your notes, which can be, for example, some graphic objects, documents and other various files that help supplement the existing record. And in order not to be afraid of losing all your notes with important events, the application has a convenient function for backing up all your notes, which can be safely restored at any time.

Among the new features of the Diary program, it is worth mentioning the ability to fill the background on which the text is located with a specific color, allowing you to clearly highlight especially important notes. You can also perform various actions related to scheduling various reminders. This feature will allow you not to miss any important and urgent task. And even despite being so rich functionality, any user who wishes to have such a program can download the Diary for free.

Main features of the Diary app:

  • the ability to set a password to enter the program;
  • backup and restore all notes;
  • rich settings related to task scheduling;
  • highlighting the background of text with different colors;
  • user list management.

All the functions of the Diary application will allow you not only not to forget about upcoming affairs, but you can also simply save any entries that interest the user, accompanying them with funny pictures, allowing you to save as much as possible with the text and all the emotions of the person saving them.
