How to enable gmail synchronization. Messages aren't syncing in the Gmail app on Android. This account is already in use

Many people consider Android to be a perfect operating system and do not expect any unpleasant surprises from it (Figure 1). But in reality, there are no ideal operating systems, and even Android can stun you with glitches Google sync.

This problem often occurs after installing pirated firmware, but sometimes the reason may be due to certain system failures.

Figure 1. Authentication error window on an Android device

Reasons for Google Android Sync Failure

Very often, the cause of profile synchronization failure is not specific problems with the operating system or the device itself, but incorrect user actions.

Auto-sync is enabled on your device

An error in comparing Google and Android pages may be due to out-of-date settings or disabled auto-sync.

In this case, resetting the settings to factory settings will help. But first, it is recommended to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Go to settings;
  • Check the status of all profiles by clicking “users”;
  • Next we run the synchronization command;
  • Disable automatic authorization for selected elements (Figure 2);
  • Next, reboot the phone;
  • After activating it, go to users and pages again;
  • Select the icons of the necessary services and put a check mark next to them;
  • Turn on automatic synchronization again.

Sometimes the cause of failure is one-way timing, which does not allow for comprehensive data transfer. Restarting the function will help resolve this issue.

Figure 2. General synchronization settings window with Auto-sync item

The device is not connected to the Internet

If the device displays a violation notification, the reason may be a lack of Internet access. The concept of “timing” implies the exchange of data between an account and a phone; if there is no access to the Internet, it becomes impossible to maintain the comparability of replicas.

Lack of Internet access means lack of connection to your account. To eliminate this inaccuracy, you just need to connect to the Internet.

Make sure you have access to Google

A profile may be inaccessible if it is not enabled or has been affected by malware.

Note: It is impossible to synchronize data even if you do not have access to Google.

In the first case, just go to the settings of the device itself and launch the Google launch function. In the second, you should seek the help of antivirus software or a specialist.

Check for Android updates

An error in synchronizing your Google android account on your phone may be a requirement from the OS to carry out a series of updates if the auto-update mode is not enabled on the device.

To take advantage of updates for Android, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Enter the “about device” menu;
  • Use the “OS update” item;
  • Start checking for available updates (Figure 3);
  • If updates are found, they need to be downloaded and installed;
  • Then you can try to launch Google, the exchange of information should be successful.

Figure 3. Sequence of actions to check for updates on an Android device

Google synchronization error on Android - what to do

There are many problems with data exchange, but most of them can be resolved independently. You can try using classic troubleshooting methods.

Removing and re-adding a profile

If Google account matching on Android is not enabled, the failures may be related to problems with the software responsible for keeping the application up to date (Figure 4).

Note:In this case, you should delete the account, download it again and install it again.

Sometimes outdated versions of software cannot reconcile their elements with new versions, causing transfer and launch problems. We have a huge selection of different ones on our website.

Figure 4. Sequence of actions for deleting an account

Manual account synchronization

If, when launching the application, a profile synchronization error occurs on Android, with the automatic sharing function, you can try to troubleshoot using manual synchronization, which is carried out in this way:

  • Looking for settings;
  • Open the menu about users and profiles;
  • We find the menu for synchronization;
  • Select the desired page;
  • Click the command, which is indicated by three dots.

Forced synchronization

This principle is to impact the OS if an account crash occurs google android contacts, is considered new, but effective. To carry out this technique, you must do:

  • The menu for the interface will be supplemented with a save and restore function;
  • Using the first command, we fix the data on the page;
  • The second should help transfer information to the device, so elements are matched and the application is launched.

Clear cache and delete data

If the phone's memory is overloaded, the Google account will throw up an Android synchronization error, then you will have to free up space, you can do it this way:

Method 1: we clean out the full storage, delete all unused and outdated applications, delete or reset downloaded information to the PC, including music, pictures, videos.

Method 2: We clear the profile cache, to do this you need to go to the application, open the archive, delete data, restart the phone.

Figure 5. Window for clearing cache and deleting data in Android device application management

What to do if nothing helps

What should I do if the Google android account synchronization error is not resolved at all? The only option is to reset the settings to factory defaults; to carry out this procedure you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Save all elements of the device to a flash drive;
  • Open general settings;
  • Press reset (Figure 6);
  • Reboot your phone;
  • Recover data saved on removable media;
  • Set up auto exchange.

If you have encountered an error synchronizing your Google android account on your phone, you should not reset the settings, try first traditional methods, described above, most often they help get rid of problems with the transfer of program elements.

Perhaps starting your account, which your phone cannot link to, will be easier than it seems at first glance.

Figure 6. Window for restoring the device to factory settings and deleting all data from the device memory

Like most other operating systems, Android is not perfect. It may experience various glitches from time to time. Such failures can especially occur when installing applications not taken from PlayMarket. Problems may also arise when installing unofficial firmware. Account synchronization error is one of the most common. Let's try to find out how to get rid of this error.

Account synchronization error: typical failures

First of all, it is worth noting that when such problems occur, if the user is not always able to use some OS capabilities, you should not immediately blame everything on the device or operating system itself. Most often, users encounter such a message when some kind of failure occurs, the exact cause of which is not fully understood. However, it is worth noting that errors of this kind are usually associated with incorrect login settings, as well as with the actions of the user himself. IN this review we will not consider gadgets with unofficial firmware. In this case, the device itself may cause damage. operating system. The unofficial firmware will have to be removed and the device returned to its original state.

What should I do if an account synchronization error occurs?

In a situation where an account synchronization error occurs Google Android on a tablet or phone, the most unpleasant moment is “stuck synchronization”. As practice shows, in this case the entire system hangs. A simple reboot of the device can help fix the problem. This helps in most cases. Just remember how frozen programs in Windows start working again when you reboot.

How to fix the error?

Probably, an error synchronizing your Google Android account on a smartphone or tablet can be caused by incorrectly entering your password and login. Here you just need to correctly enter the data received during registration. The address is used as a login Email in G-mail. You can also try to recover your password.

How to check synchronization settings

In some cases, an error with account synchronization in Google Android may be due to incorrect settings of the system itself. You can try to return the device to factory settings, but in most cases such drastic measures are not required. You just need to go to the settings and check the enabled services. Synchronization should generally be turned on for all accounts. First, you need to uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. Next, when the device is turned on again, you need to go to the accounts section again and check the boxes next to the corresponding services, including browser, data transfer, and the like. In some cases, it is mandatory to disable two-level authentication in your account security settings. In this case, it is necessary to enable automatic synchronization and transfer of information in the background.

Deleting an account

If all the methods described above do not help and the error associated with account synchronization appears again, you will have to take extreme measures, namely, deleting the existing account. To do this you need to use the settings menu. Here you need to select the accounts section. You should pay attention to your Google account. Log in, enter your Gmail address and confirm deletion using the menu command or button below. Now you need to reboot your devices. After of this action If you have an Internet connection, the system will prompt you to either create a new account or use existing registration data. You must enter your username and password and confirm your choice. In case if this method does not help fix the problem, you will have to create a new account. At the same time, about restoring the contact list earlier installed applications you can forget.


Errors related to Google account synchronization are quite common. You can fight them with the simplest means and methods; just use the mobile gadget itself. No connection to personal computer with the entrance to the installed control program it is not required. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this article did not address the problem of failures that may occur on devices with unofficial firmware. The thing is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise related to their safe removal. This issue requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the system can be rendered inoperable.

If your Android device is having trouble syncing with your Google Account, you'll see a "Syncing Problems. It'll work soon" message or an icon.

In most cases, such problems disappear after a few minutes. If this does not happen, follow the steps below.

Sync your Google account manually

If synchronization has started, then the problem is solved.

Eliminate the most common problems

After each of the steps below, check to see if you can sync manually.

Basic Troubleshooting Tips

Additional troubleshooting methods

Force account synchronization

Option 1: Change date and time settings

Here's how to do it:

Option 2: Sync data using the Phone app (phones only)

Follow these steps:

A notification will appear letting you know if the synchronization was successful.

Clear cache and delete data

Step 1: Back up your contact list

If you have added to your contact list since the last synchronization, save it backup copy. Here's how to do it:

Step 2: Clear cache data

Once you've backed up your contacts, clear your device's cache. Here's how to do it.

Those who try to use all the standard Android features often encounter synchronization problems. For example, your smartphone is working fine, games are loading from the Market, but mail stops coming, and new contacts and photos are not added to your account. Google account.

The good news is that you don’t have to reset or reflash your smartphone to solve the problem. The only thing you need to do is remember the password for your account. If you are okay with this, follow the further instructions.


Go to your Google account page in Android settings. Most likely, you will see the following picture under the mail name.

To verify the problem, open the account menu. You will read messages about problems, and under the items there will be a rather old date of the last synchronization.

Now you are convinced that the problem really is with the account. Let's fix everything.

Restoring synchronization

Go to "Applications" in Android settings.

Here you need to find stock program Gmail. Go to its settings and click “Erase data”.

Agree with the system warnings.

Without leaving Gmail settings, scroll down a little and click "Launch".

The main window will open with your account name. Feel free to switch to Gmail.

After entering your password, you will see that your account is not synchronized. You can perform one-time synchronization or set it up for a specific time and conditions. Use your own discretion. We recommend setting everything up right away. This takes a few minutes.

When everything works, mail and other notifications from the system will begin to arrive immediately. To check if everything is ok with your contacts, calendar, etc., go to your Google account in Android settings. Here you will see the latest date of the last synchronization.

Most often, this method relieves the user of the problem for a long time. If it doesn't help, try saving all important information and reset your smartphone to factory settings or flash the device to the latest available version of Android.

You see a sync error notification in the Chrome menu and need help resolving it, or you've made changes to one computer but can't see those changes on another computer.

If you click Sync Error Alerts in the Chrome menu, you'll see the messages below.

Synchronization error - Login

Your login information is out of date (for example, you recently changed your password or enabled two-step verification on your Google account).

If you changed your Google Account password

  1. Tap Messages and enter your Google account username and password.
  2. If prompted for a passphrase, enter your previous Google Account password. If you are using a special passphrase, enter it.

If you have enabled two-step verification, follow these steps.

  1. Click error alerts to see details.
  2. If you're prompted to sign in, enter your Google Account username and password. Do not enter the program password here.
  3. Next you will be asked to enter the “program password”. Create this password on your programs and sites authorization page and paste it into the window.

Program passwords are different from confirmation codes.

Sync error - update passphrase

This message appears if you have installed on one computer a special passphrase to encrypt synchronization or recently changed your Google Account password.

If you set a special passphrase on one computer, you must enter the same passphrase on all other computers that are synced. On other computers that sync, an error message may appear in the Chrome menu prompting you to update your passphrase.

Follow these steps to resolve this issue.

  1. From the Chrome menu, click Sync Error: Please update your sync passphrase.
  2. In the dialog box " Additional settings synchronization" in the section passphrase for encryption you will see one of the options below.
    • "You have already encrypted your data using a different version of your Google Account password." , enter Old Password Google account.
    • “You already have data encrypted with a passphrase.” If this message appears, enter a special passphrase.

If I don't remember the passphrase

If you no longer have access to your special passphrase, you need to reset sync.

  1. If your synced data (bookmarks, programs, etc.) is available on your computer, sign in to your Google Dashboard.
  2. Under Chrome Sync, click Stop syncing and delete data from Google. This action will delete data from Google servers. The data on your computer does not experience any changes.
  1. Wait a few minutes and then sign in to Chrome and re-enable synchronization on your computer.

In the Login section of the Settings page, you see the following error message.

Synchronization service is not available for your domain

You're probably using a Google Apps account to sync. Ask your administrator for permission to enable synchronization for your domain.

Unfortunately, synchronization stopped working

It's likely that one of your data types is failing to sync. Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Click to stop syncing on your computer.
  2. Go out(Mac: Quit).
  3. Restart Chrome.
  4. and turn synchronization back on on your computer.

Circle icon doesn't stop

If the circular icon doesn't stop for an extended period of time after you sign in to Chrome or after entering the program's requested password, follow these steps.

  1. Click Cancel to close the dialog box with the circular current icon.
  2. If option available Disabling a Google Account, click the button to stop syncing on your computer.
  3. Close Chrome by going to Chrome menu → Go out(Mac: Chrome menu → Quit).
  4. Restart Chrome.
  5. Sign into Chrome and turn syncing back on on your computer.

Server is busy - Please try again later

This message appears if you recently reset synchronization using the information Google panels. Wait a few minutes and check to see if your Google dashboard shows any Chrome sync data, then sign in to Chrome.

This account is already in use

This message appears if you're already signed in to Chrome as a different user using the same Google Account.

Click the Chrome user icon in the top corner and select the user associated with your account from the drop-down menu Google entry, using the details of which you are trying to sign in to Chrome.
