Note what needs to be monitored. How to track a person's location by phone number and more. Finding location by phone number

The work of a detective or private detective has always been incredibly difficult, if only because not everyone is capable of becoming a shadow, invisibly following on the heels of the ordered object. But in this millennium, espionage, like most other aspects of life, is moving into a new plane - into the IT sphere. Sherlock Holmes could distinguish forty-two prints of bicycle tires alone - practically the entire London assortment of those times. But our contemporaries do not need most of the skills of past centuries; it is enough just to have the necessary equipment at their personal disposal.

How to monitor a person correctly - comparison of bugs

There are many methods of surveillance, and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them depend on the specific type of device. Here are three fundamental categories that have been dubbed quite funny names on special forums:

  • "Sledgehammer". They hold a battery charge for quite a long time, but have fairly large dimensions, making them easy to detect.
  • "Grasshopper". They have more compact sizes, but quickly discharge, which is why they received the unofficial name “disposable”.
  • "Ninja". They are miniature and “hardy”, but here’s the problem: to get one, you will have to become an agent of the FSB, the only ones for whom such equipment is produced.

Thus, each of them has its own drawback, which reduces the very essence of a personal bug to nothing. But those who don’t know how to track a person won’t have to join the intelligence services. “Kreditka” is a unique device that combines compactness with high energy intensity, but at the same time is open to the general public.

To track the desired object, just throw a beacon at it; this is not so difficult to do thanks to the numerous advantages of the model:

  • It was not by chance that the device was called a “credit card” - it corresponds in shape and size to bank card, slightly inferior in thickness. This allows you to hide the device almost anywhere without the risk of detection.
  • The device can operate successfully for 9 months on a single charge. Thanks to this, there will be no problems with how to quietly follow a person. You can hide the beacon in any place inaccessible to the eye - for example, sewn into the lining of clothing.
  • The device does not require any “feeding” in the form of a subscription fee. The only possible costs may arise in the context of the SIM card, and are determined by the operator's tariff.

Why SIM? Technical details on how to track a person

The device is virtually no different in broadcasting and bearing from a mobile phone, since it uses the GSM data transmission format. This is what makes it difficult to detect the device, even if you know about surveillance in advance. It also simplifies the activation and configuration process, which consists of three simple steps:

  • First of all, you need to purchase the card itself. “Credit cards” are compatible with any Russian operators.
  • After initial activation, you should insert the card into a special slot inside the beacon, having first fully charged its battery.
  • Then, using special SMS commands, all that remains is to “explain” to the bug who its owner is and how often you need to send report messages with your coordinates.

After these simple procedures, which will take no more than a few minutes, the device is ready for use. Owners of such a beacon will no longer worry about how to track a person - the device itself will do all the work, and the owner’s only concern will be that the bug ends up in the right place on time.

How to track any person - from relatives to random passers-by

Events are very different and unpredictable, and therefore it is almost impossible to describe all the ways of using beacons and the prerequisites for such a need. However, there are a number of common situations in which bugs are as indispensable as necessary:

  • If you know how to track a person, you will be able to take care of your relatives, with whom, for one reason or another, you cannot be close. Whether it is a small child or elderly parents, the lighthouse will always show where they are. Also, each model has a built-in hidden alarm button, which allows you to quietly notify you via mobile in an unpleasant situation.
  • If your relatives are suspicious - the children are hanging out in bad company, and the wife is staying late at a corporate party, you can always find out which of them was where and when. With a beacon, you don’t need to learn the intricacies of how to secretly track the person with whom you live under the same roof - you just need to hide this amazing device in his things.
  • Tourists on a hike will feel in complete safety, if they take beacons with them. This way the group will certainly not get lost, and in case of disaster they will be able to send a signal, even if all other methods have exhausted themselves.
  • Bugs will even help with career advancement - for example, in this way you can study where a potential partner or manager hangs out in order to have a ready-made approach to him. The beacon is also useful when collecting various kinds of compromising evidence on unwanted employees.
  • Have you become a witness or even a victim of a crime? If you manage to slip a beacon to the villain, he will not evade justice - including justice that can be carried out without investigations or trials.

With the help of a bug you will learn how to track not only a person

Who would have thought just 10 years ago that bugs would be widely used in everyday life, and in areas that were not previously associated with surveillance even in the minds of the most sophisticated science fiction writers - for example, in controlling the movement of animals. But you have to watch them in the same way as watching a person, while a beacon allows you to secure even property:

  • When sending a parcel, you can be sure: it will never get lost among others and will not be received by a stranger. In addition, you will always know at what stage of delivery it is, which will reduce stress in the event of, for example, a delay at customs.
  • The car will be reliably protected from theft if you hide a beacon inside, which will serve as excellent insurance in case of a break-in. Finding a stolen car will take several minutes, which is tens of orders of magnitude faster than with the help of the police.
  • Cars can also be monitored from a commercial aspect. Taxi drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers, truck drivers and patrol officers all use accountable vehicles. Often in such situations, the “paper” fuel consumption is much higher than the actual one. But how can you track a person who siphons gasoline and falsifies documents? The answer is simple: calculate the exact mileage and fuel costs using data from a beacon hidden in the car.

How to start following a person now?

To get this miracle bug, you just need to order it on our website. To do this, you need to fill out an online form, which will take no more than 5 minutes, and after final confirmation of the order, the package with the beacon will be immediately sent to the specified address. Within a few days, you will become the proud owner of the equipment that millions of spy boys and thousands of business men who use bugs in business dream of. Anyone who knows how to track a person and what benefits this promises will not waste time and advise: order the device right now.

Today on the Internet you can find many different programs for tracking your phone that work on the Android platform. But are they effective? That is the question. The main advantage of all programs is that they can be easily and simply installed on a mobile phone. You can track your phone using a computer via email, where all the information from the phone comes. Also, all applications only work in hidden mode, and it will be very difficult to detect them on a mobile phone. Let's look at the five most popular spyware programs that can be found on the Internet:

  1. VkurSe;
  2. Cell Phone Spy PRO+;
  3. talklog;
  4. TrackView;
  5. FlexiSpy;


Let's start with the Talklog app. The program has the following features:

  • call log. You will receive a full report of all calls to your email;
  • audio recording telephone conversations. Each conversation can be recorded and then saved on the server;
  • receive SMS messages. You can intercept all messages from your phone;
  • phone location;
  • web browser. You can get history from your internet browser;
  • applications. Talklog can also keep track of and monitor applications on your phone;
  • audio control. The program allows you to turn on the microphone on your phone.

This is the whole list of possibilities « programs" to spy on your phone Talklog. Not enough, isn't it?

Cell Phone Spy PRO

The Cell Phone Spy PRO + program is mainly aimed at convicting a loved one of cheating. It works almost the same as all other spyware programs. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this program may be at risk, because during startup it requires entering a password and thus can be easily removed from a mobile phone. Despite this, Cell Phone Spy PRO+ will detect the phone's location, calls and messages.


The TrackView spy program is capable of tracking the location of a mobile phone, viewing messages and listening to calls, listening to ambient sound, and also viewing a picture from the camera. This program Perfect for monitoring your child's phone. The only negative is that the application's functionality is small, so if you need a program with wide functionality, then it is best for you to install another mobile spy.


FlexiSpy stands out among the first three described programs for spying on a phone. This application has many more features than the first three. All data will be sent to your Personal Area Online. In addition to all the known capabilities of any mobile FlexiSpy spy can also hack screen lock password, passwords electronic mailboxes and applications. In addition, you will receive notifications when the owner of the phone visits prohibited places. But it is worth noting that none of the above mobile spies guarantee the safety of information from third parties.

Service VkurSe

The VkurSe service not only guarantees the safety of all transmitted data from third parties, but also has a huge list of capabilities. Such as:

Just look at the entire list of program features. No other " program" to spy on your phone. This is why most users choose VkurSe mobile spy. The program was created not only to track and find the location of the phone, but first of all, this is one of the ways parental controls, as well as protecting your phone from theft, increasing employee productivity, finding a device if lost, and much more. See for yourself by downloading the VkurSe phone tracking app.

With our service you will always be aware of everything that happens with mobile phone and its owner!

The cost of the service is from 3000 rubles.

Sometimes in a family one of the spouses begins to suspect the other of cheating. But no one wants to bring unfounded accusations against the other half. In this case, it is worth contacting a detective agency, whose employees will establish surveillance of the client’s spouse.

For many spouses, surveillance is a last resort. Not everyone is ready to do this, for fear of violating the personal space of a loved one. But it is also impossible to live in constant doubt. That's why people decide to play it safe. They decide to hire a detective who will find out what the other half of the client does during those hours when she is not at home, who she communicates with, how she spends her time.

If you want to get rid of doubts, contact our detective agency "Private Detective". We are located in Moscow and are ready to provide surveillance services for the client’s spouse. We are often approached by people who begin to doubt the sincerity of their relationship with their partner. Our frequent clients are people with a large age difference, wealthy businessmen, and company employees who, due to the nature of their activities, are often on the road.

Features of a detective's work

Our specialists monitor a person in such a way that he does not notice the detective who is constantly following him. In our work we use specialized equipment. We often use a GPS beacon, which allows us to receive data about the location of an object. It is a small transmitter that the client needs to attach to the clothes of his other half, put it in her bag or briefcase, and install it in the car in which the husband or wife moves around the city. The peculiarity of GPS beacons is that they transmit signals over long distances. Therefore, there is no risk that the detective will lose track of the object.

Surveillance will allow the client to find out the truth. And this is a better option than to suffer in ignorance all the time. Contact us if you have doubts about the fidelity of your husband or wife. Our detectives will conduct an investigation and draw up a report, which will indicate all the movements and meetings of your other half. In the event of divorce proceedings, you can use the information we provide as evidence of the reasons for separation from your spouse.

Our own counterintelligence [Practical guide] Zemlyanov Valery Mikhailovich

Basic rules of surveillance

Basic rules of surveillance

In order to learn to notice surveillance, you need to know its basic rules:

– study the object of observation and its habits;

– study the probable locations of the object;

– be invisible against the background of the surrounding environment;

– be ready to escape surveillance;

– show entrepreneurial spirit and readiness for unexpected situations.

Studying the target's previous activities, combined with interviewing neighbors and friends under plausible pretexts, prepares agents for surveillance. They study newspaper files, company newsletters and other sources of information. They identify the movable and immovable property of the person involved, record the brands and license plates of cars, enlarge photographs to study details, shoot films to determine the habits, gait characteristics, manner of dressing and other features of the object.

Preliminary information should include: address, storage locations for various items, vehicles company and person involved. It is necessary to establish routes to work and home and stops along the way, for example, shops, recreational places, clubs, houses of friends and relatives.

Before starting surveillance, the agent must study the situation. Ideally, he needs to become familiar with the situation in all places where the object of observation may appear. Familiarization with the area should occur at a time when it is known that the person involved is in another place. Agents often stock up on maps and interior layout diagrams.

Agents rarely worry about a person of interest discovering surveillance. A much greater danger is posed by the police and suspicious people who can be found in any office or neighborhood. They pride themselves on always finding out everything before others. They are sometimes called gossips and are the terror of all agents, both private and government.

The agent should not be conspicuous, which is facilitated by the choice of image (clothing, hairstyle, accessories, car brand) and culture of behavior. Using transport during observation simplifies the task. The appearance on sale of vans with mirrored windows has made life much easier for agents - now they can comfortably relax in a warm (or vice versa cooled by air conditioning) van, observing, photographing, and supervising work technical devices. Another convenience is head restraints on car seats, due to which the agent’s head is not visible.

Observation from a long distance is often preferred, since in this case the maximum distance is established between the object and the agent. Observations from a short distance are quickly detected. It is usually used by inexperienced newcomers, or by the police if they want to intimidate a criminal. The rules of surveillance require the agent to immediately stop surveillance as soon as he suspects that the person of interest has noticed the surveillance.

Since the agent may find himself in the most unexpected conditions, it is necessary to have a set of clothes to change his appearance. For example, the person involved may take you to the sports field. A person in a business suit will be very noticeable there, so you should have a sports T-shirt and cap in stock. The agent must have food and water, spare film and cassette, change for the machine gun, a blanket, etc. Bedding, bug spray, and a portable toilet may be helpful. Occasionally, a wig and makeup may be required in addition to a spare set of clothing. Surveillance vehicles must be equipped with front and rear light switching devices to change the lighting pattern at night. An agent with a good imagination can come up with many more useful things. For example, empty fruit baskets or a few fishing rods in the back seat of a sedan will turn a surveillance car into a family car. It’s a good idea to use baby items, such as diapers, for camouflage.

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How to find out if your wife or girlfriend is cheating? This question remains relevant at all times for men who have doubts about the fidelity of their partner or spouse.

More recently the decision this issue required a lot of effort and financial costs. Not every man had effective method, how to follow your wife to finally clarify the situation and at the same time maintain confidentiality.

Spying on your spouse on your own takes time, and looking for an informant among acquaintances and friends is a rather risky and reckless idea. People are not always sincere and have good intentions, and not everyone is ready to reveal their family problems and personal life to strangers. The services of a professional private detective who can keep information secret are available only to a limited number of people.

No matter how difficult the situation may be, we should not forget that we live in an era of high technology, which allows us to solve a variety of problems without outside help! With the advent of specialized spy programs for phone tracking, it has become much easier to obtain indisputable evidence of infidelity or the absence of infidelity. It is enough to install a small application called “Talklog” on your mobile phone so that you can monitor your wife around the clock through the phone.

Program functionality

Installing the program on the phone of the surveillance target will allow you to get instant access to all notifications stored on the device:

  • You can track your phone, incoming and outgoing calls, and also, if you want, listen to your wife’s phone in order to record her conversation with the interlocutor you are interested in.
  • The spy will allow you to monitor SMS correspondence and the exchange of multimedia messages between the owner of the gadget and other subscribers.
  • You will also get access to media files and be able to track what Internet resources the phone owner visits.

Phone tracking programs are the easiest and most effective way to find out true information about a person; if you suspect that they are trying to mislead you or hide something, then it makes sense to register now. Thousands of users of our site have already been convinced of this, for whom the spy allowed them to find the most accurate answer on how to find out whether a wife is cheating or remains faithful to her spouse. The pleasure of purchasing the program is guaranteed.
