Where to look for failure in your success program? Secrets of searching the Internet and unusual search engines Where to look

You can actually find a person through the Internet. And not just find him, but also contact him - send a message and even call him. This is done using special sites. Everything there is simple and free.

First, let's look at quick way search. If we're lucky, we'll find the right person in literally five minutes.

Quick people search

vk.com/search- here you can find people through the social network VKontakte without registration.

Type your first and last name in the top line and click on the “Search” button.

The people found by the site are immediately shown. As a rule, the list is quite large. Therefore, in order to remove unnecessary things, you need to indicate some more data: country, city, age, school or university. There are special fields for this on the right side.

yandex.ru/people - search for people on popular social networks through Yandex. In the search line we type the first and last name, and indicate other data just below. After which the system displays the pages of people found using these parameters.

What to do next. If you have found the right person, then in order to contact him, you need to register on the social network where his page is located. This is a free procedure, after which you can send a message to this user.

In short, it all happens like this:

  • Right-click on the logo/name of the social network (top left). Select “Open in new tab” from the list. This is necessary in order not to lose information about the person.
  • In the newly opened tab, look for a button or link for registration. Usually it says “Registration” on it.
  • We fill out something like a small form and do everything exactly as it is written there, that is, we follow the instructions. As a result, we get our own page from which you can send messages.
  • We return to the tab with information about the desired person and update it: right-click on an empty space on the page - “Reload” or “Update”.
  • We are looking for a button or link “Message”, “Write a message”, “Send a message” or something similar. We click, write what we want to tell the person, and send it.

If you have little experience on the Internet, but in social networks If it doesn’t exist at all, I recommend writing a very detailed message indicating your contacts. Because if you don’t do this, the person will respond through a social network, and you, unknowingly, may simply not receive his message.

Write in detail who you are and where you are from, a short history acquaintance or degree of relationship. Honestly tell him that you don’t know how to use a social network and ask him to contact you in another way (not by writing a message). Indicate exactly how - a phone number with a code or another method of communication (e-mail, Skype, etc.).

How to really find a person on the Internet

If quick search did not give results, but you really need to find a person, you will have to puff. First you need to register on each social network from the list:

ok.ru- Classmates

vk.com- In contact with

facebook.com- Facebook

my.mail.ru - My world on Mail.ru

vkrugudruzei.ru - Among friends

Start your search immediately after registration. It is not necessary to fill out your page for this. Use different options: full and short name, without and with age, without country/city and with their indication, etc. Also try searching by typing your first/last name in Latin letters.

If you still can’t find the person you need, try looking for his relatives - often it’s much easier to find a relative’s page. And the closer a person is, the greater the chance that his list of friends includes the one you need. Just open the "Friends" section and search there.

Husband/wife, children/grandchildren, close and distant relatives, friends, classmates and fellow students, work colleagues - use all the options. If, of course, the result is worth it :)

When you find the right person, fill out the received (your) page on the social network with your data, at least briefly. I highly recommend adding a personal photo.

Some people do not respond to messages that come from blank pages. This is especially true for pages without a photo or with a “left” photo.

Well, after that, write a message to the person. Who are you, where are you from, when and how did you meet, etc. After sending all this, wait for a response. If a person often visits his page on a social network, then the answer will come soon.

But keep in mind that there are also abandoned pages - those that their owner does not visit at all. This can be determined by the page itself. In Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, for example, at the top right it is written when the person last logged in. You can also look at the date of the last entries on the page.

other methods

Yandex.ru and Google.ru are the largest search engines.

How will they help you find people? It’s simple: type your first and last name, click “Find” and see what the search engine returns. Miracles happen.

For example, once I needed to find an old friend, an artist by profession. A search on social networks yielded nothing, but simply by entering his first and last name into a search engine, I found his personal website. Although there was practically no information on it, pages on social networks were indicated. I definitely wouldn’t have found them with a regular search, since fictitious information was provided instead of my friend’s data.

poisk.vid.ru - website of the TV show “Wait for Me.” On it you can leave a request for a search, and also see if someone is looking for you.

Skype is a popular communication program.

Type your first and last name in the “Search” field (top left) and click “Search in Skype.”

To see detailed information about the person found, click on his name in the list. Then click on the avatar - a small picture or photo at the top.

A window will open with an enlarged photo and some information.

If this is the one you need, add him to your contact list. Just don’t be lazy and type in the box instead of the standard text your own - who you are and what you want.


-looking for , - looking for ; sov., trans. And what.

Start searching, search for a while (in 1 and 2 digits).

“Listen,” my Liar interrupted, “Before we go to the bridge, we’d better look for the ford.” I. Krylov, Liar.

[Serebryakov:] In the morning, look for Batyushkov in the library. It seems we have it. Chekhov, Uncle Vanya.

Semyon Degtyarev looked back and looked for someone among the Ozerovo residents. Bubennov, White Birch.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Evgenieva A. P.

    1957-1984. See what “search” is in other dictionaries:

    SEARCH, searching, searching; absolutely, whom (what) and what. 1. Spend some time searching (in 1 value); start searching (in 1 digit). P. suitable parking place. P. himself an assistant. 2. search. Expression of high positive or extreme... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SEARCH, I'll look, you'll look, absolutely, for anyone, what. Start looking for someone or something. I looked for the book, but couldn't find it. “Yes, look for something better! I know there’s a hole in your pocket on the right side.” Gogol. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Verb, holy, used compare often Morphology: I will look, you will look, he/she/it will look, we will look, you will look, they will look, look, look, searched, searched, searched, searched, searched, searched 1. see nsv. look for 2. If... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    search- what and what. Search for the book you need. ...Rather than go to the bridge, we’d better look for the ford (Krylov). See also search... Control Dictionary

    Sov. trans. Spend some time looking for someone or something. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Search, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking, looking,... ... Word forms

    search- search for, search for, search for... Russian spelling dictionary

    search- (I), I’ll look/, search, pinch... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    I am looking, you are looking; St. who what and what. Start searching, search for a while (1 sign). P. parking place. P. book in the library. * Rather than go to the bridge, we’d better look for the ford (Krylov). P. himself an assistant. P. with the eyes, the gaze of someone, something. Such... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    search- looking /, and / searching; St. who and what to start looking for, to look for a while 1) Search for a parking place. Search for a book in the library. * Rather than go to the bridge, let’s look for the ford (Krylov) * Search for an assistant... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Sign of the snake, Elena Afanasyeva. If two ex-husbands have disappeared at once, and your only hated mother-in-law doesn’t even think about disappearing; if the arrest of your beloved man at the Moscow airport is broadcast by all TV channels in the world,...

The content of the article Many people have to search for people on the Internet very often. As mentioned above, many are looking for their childhood friends, classmates, classmates, co-workers, colleagues, friends and relatives in order to resume communication with them. Many people search for people on the Internet to find out their age, interests, social circle, look at photos, etc. Therefore, knowing the secrets of finding people is useful to everyone.

Where can you find a person on the Internet?

In order to find a person on the Internet there are a large number of resources, and first of all these are social networks. First, think about what social network a person can be registered on. He may not be registered on social networks, he may be registered on several or only one social network. networks. It is best to start your search with the most powerful social network in which you can be registered.

As practice shows, young people mainly under 35 years of age register on the social network VKontakte, and less often on Facebook. Older people, over 30, most often register on the social network Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir. Accordingly, if you are looking for a young girl or guy, then start your search on the VKontakte social network, but if the person you are looking for is more mature, then you will have a better chance of finding him on Odnoklassniki.

How to find a person on the Internet

In order not to limit your search to a particular social network, you can search for a person through the Yandex or Google search engine. To search for a person, enter the person’s first and last name in the search bar, and it is also advisable to enter the city of residence and date of birth. Searching for people on the Internet is very well implemented in the Yandex search engine, where there is a special service that searches for people: “people.yandex.ru”. If the search in Yandex did not produce results, then try doing it in the search engine Google system.

Sometimes you can find information about a person, but not the person himself. For example, by entering a person's position, you may be able to find information about him, for example, a contact work phone number, or an ICQ number with which you can contact him. You can also find his personal blog, website, forum posts, etc. If searching for a person in search engines does not produce results, try doing this on popular social networks.

How to find people on VKontakte
Let's look at how to find a person using the example of the social network VKontakte. Finding a person in a contact is very easy. To do this, you need to be registered in this social network so that the full functionality of the resource is available to you. By going to the official website of the network, click on the “People” section at the top of the menu. After this you will be taken to the search page. In the search bar where it says “Start typing any name, title or word,” place the cursor and enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for.

If you are looking for a person whose first and last name is quite common, then you can narrow your search by entering Additional information about him, for example: university, age and date of birth. If you know the exact city of residence of a person, you can enter that too. You can search for people on other social networks in the same way.

How to find a person by mail

You can find a person by mail through a search engine by entering the mail address in search bar. Also, you can find a person, having his e-mail address, on many services. For example, you can find a person by email address in social media Facebook networks, to do this you need to enter the e-mail address in the network search bar. The same can be done in the microblogging service Twitter. If you have an address Email person who is registered in the Gmail (Google) or Mail.Ru services, then the user can be immediately found in social services data from email clients: G+ and My World, respectively.

How can you find a person who has not been found?

You can find a person on the Internet if he is not on social networks or you have very little information about him in the following way. Maybe you saw or know that this person was communicating or being friends with someone you know, so you can try to find the person through his friends. You can also try to find a person through his classmates, classmates or relatives.

Let's give an example. You want to find on the Internet a person who works in a store whose branch is located in a shopping and entertainment center. For example, you couldn’t find this person on social networks, or you don’t know his first or last name, but you know that an employee of this person communicates with your friend who works in a boutique in the same shopping and entertainment center. Thus, first try to find an employee of the person you are looking for on your friend’s social network page, through whom you can find the person you are looking for. In your own case, follow the same scheme and logical chain.

The same applies to childhood friends, classmates, and classmates. If you cannot find a specific person, then try to find him or her through people with whom he or she communicated or through their relatives. For example, you are looking for your classmate, but you cannot find her on social networks because you do not know where she lives and what her married name is. Try to find her through friends and relatives, for example, if she has a brother, then try to find him first.

What to do if searches do not produce results? If you want to find a person, and not just information about him, then use the services of the “Wait for Me” TV program, where a team of people who have experience in searching will help you find the person you are looking for. It is possible that even the person you are looking for is looking for you and has submitted a search request to this service.

Image search will help you find similar or identical images on the Internet. To search for similar images, online services are used that have large databases of indexed images.

To successfully search for an image on the Internet, it is necessary that a similar image has previously been uploaded to some site on the Internet. Therefore, if you are in this moment time, take a photo and try to find it, then with a high degree of probability the search results will not satisfy you. Of course, this does not apply to photographs of landmarks and other famous places.

Image search by picture is present in the search engines Google, Yandex, Bing, and on some online service X. In this article we will look at searching by image when there is a sample picture, rather than searching for pictures that are suitable for search query entered into the search bar.

Let's see how you can find similar images on the Internet using Google image search, image search in Yandex, image search using the TinEye online service, Bing image search service. Using these services, you can find similar photographs, pictures, images on the Internet.

Google image search

The Google search engine has a database with a huge number of images collected all over the world, thanks to the indexing of sites on the Internet.

  1. To search by image using the Google search engine, you need to go to images.google.ru.
  2. Next, click on the camera image “Search by image”.
  1. In the “Search by Image” window you will need to provide a link to the image, or upload a file from your computer.

In the first case, in the “Specify link” tab you need to enter the URL address of the image. You can get the address in this way: right-click on the image on the site, and in the context menu select the item: “Copy link to image”, “Copy URL of image” (in different browsers points context menu are different, but I think the meaning of the action is clear).

In the second case, you need to upload the image from your computer. Click the Upload File tab and then select an image from your computer.

In the third case, you can simply drag the image into the “Search by Image” window.

  1. After adding an image, click on the “Search by Image” button.

Based on the search results, you will see the found image, other image size options (if there are other sizes), similar images, pages with matching images.

This way you will select the desired image option.

Search by image Yandex

Using Yandex technology, images that completely match the original picture, or similar images, will be found.

  1. Go to the page yandex.ru/images, and then click on the camera image.
  1. Next, you will need to add a picture from your computer, drag the picture into this field, or enter the URL address of the picture on the Internet.
  1. The Yandex Images service will search for images on the Internet. As a result, you will see that you have found: the original picture, this picture in other sizes, similar pictures, sites where the picture is found.

Now you can select the appropriate image option for further use.

Search by images TinEye.com

The online service TinEye com has a very large database of images (millions of pictures on the Internet are indexed).

  1. Log on to www.tineye.com to search for an image.
  2. In the “Upload or enter image URL” field, enter the address of the image on the Internet, or click on the button with the arrow located next to the search field to upload the image from your computer.

  1. Next, TinAi will show the detected images. Found pictures can be sorted according to different criteria; to do this, select the appropriate option in the “Sort by:” field.

Bing Image Search

Microsoft has its own service for searching images using the Bing search engine.

  1. Login to the page " Bing Image Feed».
  2. On the right side of the search field, click on the button with the image of a camera.

The Try Visual Search window offers two options to search for images instead of text:

  • Drag an image from your computer using the mouse into a special form or add an image from your PC using the “browse” button.
  • Insert an image or URL to search for images online.

  1. After adding a picture, a window with similar images will open. The service has the ability to select part of an image (cropping) using the “Visual Search” tool, to search not through the entire image, but only through the selected fragment.

Conclusions of the article

To search by images on the Internet, you can use: service Google Images in the Google search engine, Yandex Pictures service in the Yandex search engine, TinEye image search service, search service Microsoft's Bing. After uploading an image, or entering its URL from the Internet, search engines will show you all the images found that are similar to the original picture.

Traditionally, winter for a search engine is a time for restoring finds and reading thematic literature, working on maps and in archives, making plans for the new season and reading forums. But many of us have such strong “winter withdrawal symptoms” that we want to pick up a metal detector, a crowbar, put on felt boots and go peck at the frozen ground. By the way, some people can’t stand it and do just that, “for fun” or because they have nothing to do! And in this article I want to talk about the real possibilities for winter searching with a metal detector. They are!

Of course, lucky are those whose temperature outside the window in winter does not drop below +5 C, but what should those who live not by the sea or in the southern regions do in winter?! It turns out that you can keep yourself busy on winter days, and by showing ingenuity and ingenuity, start searching when it’s snowing outside and winter is in full swing!

If you have a lot of free time, your job and your salary allow it, you can, of course, do something simple: buy tickets to warmer climes and go - even on vacation, even for a weekend, to the southern regions of our country or to another country where there is eternal summer and the law is kind to you. our hobby (searching with a metal detector).

But now I will share with you real and not far away places where you can walk in the winter with a metal detector and always find something!

Sledding hills and ski slopes
This type of search is perhaps closer to “beach-goers” because... You can find there mainly modern objects (lost items). But in winter, for many, this will pass for happiness, and no one can cancel the joy of finding expensive and valuable items.
When riding winter slides, people fall, they do it often and physically actively. It is not surprising that they lose a lot of valuable things.

I tried this type of searching with a metal detector in winter five years ago. The thought came by itself when I was watching the rush of people on one hill on a day off, seeing how people were falling, I decided that in such conditions I could lose no less than on the beach in the summer, and what’s stopping me from going around with a metal detector in winter? Having chosen a weekday for this, early in the morning, while the children were still at school and the skiers were at work, I went to one ski and sled slope, of which there are many in the Moscow region. What did I get as a result? Well, let me start with the fact that getting a metal detector out of the closet in winter and going searching was fun and exciting, spring is still far away - and here is a real opportunity for searching. The top of the slope, as well as the very bottom, is strewn with traffic jams and garbage (those places where not particularly sporty citizens like to take a walk with a bottle of beer or stronger). The middle of the slope is for the most part not intended for searching because... slippery, strong drops, but there are also certain areas that are definitely worth “combing” with a metal detector - these are areas located below the springboards, where everyone lands and often falls. But the most “catchable” zone is, as a rule, slightly above the very bottom of the slide. Apparently this is due to the fact that when people fall, they slide down almost to the very bottom along with the “lost ones,” and the “lost ones” also probably migrate gradually downward along with the snow.

Of the finds, the most I collected, of course, were modern small items (walkers). There were actually so many coins that I decided to pay for gas for the coming weekend. It feels like coins are being scattered around the slide on purpose, for good luck... I can imagine how the pockets of the skaters are emptied when they fall.
I collected sufficient quantities of corks and beer tongues at the bottom and top of the slope and quickly left there, drawing conclusions. I also found quite a few keys to the locks. Their owners would be happy if they found them in a timely manner...
But the most interesting thing is that already on my first trip to this slope I found gold and successfully opened the early treasure hunting season, so to speak. Not far from the very bottom, a little on the side of the slope, in a place where there was quite deep but well-trodden snow, I picked up a weak signal and picked up what do you think? - a gold bracelet! My joy knew no bounds. In addition, on the same day I also found a gold-plated watch, but unfortunately it was badly damaged (I hope its owner suffered less) - the glass was broken, there was snow inside and part of the bracelet was missing. After the first experience, I realized that searching on the slides is possible and even very possible; it will certainly pass the winter time!

The following interesting finds included: a silver watch, a pendant with a broken chain, a branded Zippo in good condition, a dog tag with an engraving that fell off the collar - SILVER!!!, women's earrings - 7-8 pieces (although only 1 was made of gold and not a single pair), and of course, not counting the many modern coins.

Adviсe: It is worth walking on weekday mornings, ideally after a good snowfall (there are more losses in loose snow). Dress “properly”, especially pay attention to comfortable shoes and gloves, and if you’re lucky with the slope, you’ll have to work hard knocking out the next 2 rubles 1991 or gold jewelry from the snow and ice. Observe ahead of time on weekends to see where there are more people and where there are more falls. A large shovel is not needed, but having a “chisel” on the shovel is very desirable (many valuable items froze into the compacted ice under a layer of snow). If there are a lot of people, don’t stop people from riding; conflicts and the possibility of getting hurt and breaking the device from a collision are not worth it! DON'T DIGG TOO DEEP SIGNALS, ONLY SUPERFICIAL SIGNALS!!! (i.e. these are summer traffic jams and they are not worth such brutal efforts of an ice ax).

Well, if you manage to get to a good slope early on a weekday, where there are a lot of major skiers and snowboarders on weekends, you are guaranteed good finds! Be brave and winter will pass faster and more fun.

Non-freezing areas of rivers and streams
It was a long time ago, now it’s hard to remember, most likely, it was one of my first winters already in the status of a treasure hunter and searcher. While skiing through the forest, I noticed that the bottom of the local stream (or rather, it’s a small river) does not freeze, just like the stream itself! This is especially true for small and fast-flowing rivers, and especially those flowing from large cities, where due to discharges and other factors they do not freeze. But there are also many natural streams that you will find far from the city that are not frozen (most likely due to springs).

And so, one winter holidays I decided to try searching at the bottom of a stream/river. In rubber boots, I put as many as 3 pairs of socks on my feet, took my first metal detector (Minelab T30) and went on a winter search. I walked to the place in ordinary shoes, and already at the river I put on my boots and entered the water. It was unusual and uncomfortable, the metal detector was a little slow due to the negative temperature, ice was constantly falling under my feet and I had to not fall... But one way or another, I began my search as planned! And then the first signals came. Without a special scoop for beach search, it was very inconvenient to dig targets out of the water from the bottom, even despite the shallow depth at the search site (no more than 20 cm).

I threw the bottom rock (a mixture of stones, silt and sand) onto the snow banks and tried to find something there - to be honest, it was very uncomfortable and cold on my fingers. But after getting used to it a little, things went well and after the first USSR coin I was inspired, and after the first imperial coin I thought that my efforts were not in vain...
I will say right away that the river along which I walked is very close to Moscow, is historically rich and flows in interesting areas. Therefore, I expected that coin finds would be... I was looking near a village, in the lower reaches of which a river flows. Avoiding those places where piercings now take place and there are bridges of a modern design (there is an abundance of garbage there) - in other places I came across coins, crosses and horse meat. The finds, as usual, were concentrated in areas where, apparently, there were old paths and river crossings.
This river (stream) turned out to be an almost ideal testing ground for winter search in water: Moscow is very close, in winter the water does not freeze and neither does the bottom, it is more or less convenient to search because... siltation is low due to its transience, the water depth at the search site is from 10 to 40 cm.
But searching in such conditions is not easy - it’s very slippery to get ashore with rubber boots! It’s not easy to climb over the rubble with a metal detector, a shovel and triple-toed boots when you can no longer feel your legs.
One way or another, I climbed along the river for almost two hours, found a couple of interesting places and that time dug up a couple of imperial coins, about 5-6 pieces of Soviet small change, several crosses and buttons + horse meat. The gentleman's set was assembled and I, tired and happy, went home. It’s a pity that I didn’t have the strength to carry the camera with me; I remember with emotion such experimental winter searches!
After that experience, I went out on similar winter searches twice more. I didn’t find a lot of coins, but I didn’t return empty, and besides, on one of the trips I was able to successfully combine the search for fossils in the stones washed by a stream on the slope.

Adviсe: clothes are everything!!! The river should be fast-flowing and shallow, preferably with a rocky bottom, plus flow in a densely populated area. Residents of megacities should pay attention to the rivers flowing from the city limits - they often do not freeze... The safety of coins lying in water is often much better than coins from fields after fertilizers!
In all other respects, this search is not for “house boys”, but for real search lovers, for those who have adventure and the excitement of searching in their blood! So I wish you good luck and good finds on a sunny winter day, all you have to do is take the metal detector out of the case.

Ice hole
I have never tried this type of search myself, but one friend on the forum shared his experience and told me how he carried out searches in places where ice holes are regularly made in villages or simply in an old village pond.

To do this, he needed to construct something like a scoop with holes for sifting and all this on a long stick, which he lowered into an ice hole or hole and, scooping up the bottom layer, raised it and sifted it with the same scoop. According to the search engine, the search using this simple method turned out to be very interesting and quite productive - the main thing is to correctly determine the place where the ice hole used to be. A dozen coins was his reward for his ingenuity and diligence.

So I shared a few methods of entertainment and real searching with a metal detector in winter. I hope I gave you ideas on how to while away the winter off-season! How to wait out and diversify the winter and spend it usefully for your hobby!

I wish you successful searches and still early spring!

Best wishes,
