Arad is a young city with a rich history. Arad, Israel - recreation, beaches, hotels in Arad from “Subtleties of tourism City in Israel Arad Dead Sea

The biggest feature of the city of Arad- his young age. Located in the hottest and driest desert in the country. The second feature is that it is a city of migrants; refugees from the former Soviet Union, Latin America and other English-speaking countries periodically came here themselves or were brought by the government. Tourists who come here can hear local conversations in a variety of languages; it turns out to be a mixture of Russian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish, and Hebrew. It’s interesting that the residents themselves understand each other perfectly, and guests will feel comfortable.

Other features of the city: in the eastern part there is the Dead Sea, a healing resort, natural beauty; The city is surrounded by the Negev desert, not only endless sands, but also canyons, rocks and ridges; literally a few kilometers away is the artificially created forest of Yatir.

Arad is considered optimal choice starting point for a trip to Israel. Here you can improve your health, go on an excursion through the desert, get acquainted with the developed industry of the city, and attractions.

There is no winter here, the air temperature does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius, in summer it does not rise above 30. Rain is rare.

Sights of Arad:

  • Masada Fortress. Located on the shores of the Dead Sea at the very top of a cliff in the desert. It was a full-fledged dwelling and included baths and weapons depots, barns with food supplies and artificial water supply. The Masada fortress is located at an altitude of 450 m above sea level and is surrounded by cliffs. Excursions to it are conducted regularly; guests can see Herod’s palace, a synagogue with ancient mosaics, food and weapons storage facilities.
  • It was founded in 2007 and is a studio of artists who create sculptures from recycled bottle glass. The basis of the collection is the work of Gideon Friedman, who creates them on kilns of his own design and manufacture. The collection constantly includes sculptures of other artists, lectures on glass are held, and all exhibits are sold.

Glass Museum in Arad
  • Tel Arad is a national park. Located on the very outskirts of the city, it is famous for its archaeological excavations. Guests are shown the structure of an urban settlement in the first years of our era; there are also examples of the life of residents of the 6th century. The remains of dwellings, specially carved containers in the rocks to collect water, temples and squares have been completely excavated and even partially restored. Of particular interest is an ancient engineering structure - a reservoir in the Lower Town with a huge stone bowl.
  • Masada cable car. It leads from Arad to the ancient fortress, length - 900 meters. Small carriages and low speed movement allows you to see everything around.

Masada cable car

Popular places to stay:

  • Oasis of the Negev. Guest house, there are both single and family rooms. The cost of living is on average 4,000 rubles, including breakfast, use of the jacuzzi, and internet. Buses to the Dead Sea depart regularly from the hotel.
  • Arad Hostel. There are cozy rooms and a shared kitchen, where you will have to cook lunch and dinner yourself; breakfast is included in the price (3500 per person per day).
  • Masada Holiday. You will have to pay 6,000 rubles per person per day. Guests receive a full range of services, including meals, transfers, and organization of excursions throughout Israel.

Read more in our article about the city of Arad in Israel.

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Features of Arad

The biggest feature of the city is its young age, although the place is considered one of the most popular and visited by tourists in Israel. Arad is located in the hottest and driest desert of the country. The first people tried to settle here in 1921, but quickly left the place - they could not find water, without which it is simply impossible to survive.

The second attempt to found a city on the mountain pass in 1962 led to success - 160 residents settled at an altitude of 640 m above sea level, found water and recognized this place as the most favorable for living in terms of climate.

The second feature of Arad is that it is a city of migrants. Periodically, refugees from the former Soviet Union, Latin America and other English-speaking countries came here themselves or were brought by the government.

Tourists who come here can hear locals talking in a variety of languages; the result is a monstrous mixture of Russian (sometimes Ukrainian words slip through), English, Spanish, and Hebrew. It is interesting that the residents themselves understand each other perfectly, and guests will feel comfortable - out of more than 30,000 people you can find someone who will understand explanations and questions.

Here are some other features highlighted by guests of the city of Arad (Israel) and its residents themselves:

  • in the eastern part of the city there is the Dead Sea with all that it implies: a healing resort, natural beauty;
  • The city is surrounded by the Negev desert and it is not only endless sands, but also canyons, rocks and ridges;
  • literally a few kilometers from Arad there is an artificially created Yatir forest - silence, coolness and tranquility are guaranteed.

City of Arad

Arad is considered the optimal choice for the starting point of a trip to Israel. Here you can improve your health at the Dead Sea, go on a tour of the desert, and get acquainted with the developed industry of the city. There are also quite serious sights around the city, mention of which can be found in the Bible.

Weather in the city

There is no winter here! And this weather fact, perhaps, becomes the most important when choosing a stopping place during a trip to Israel. Even in the usual winter months, the air temperature does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius, and in the summer it does not rise above 30.

In Arad, both people with high blood pressure and those who are weather dependent (there are no sudden changes in pressure or air temperature or winds) feel comfortable. Rains are rare - after all, the city is located in the desert, but if it rains, it happens from December to February.

Despite the proximity of the Dead Sea, the air remains dry even in the heat and therefore there is no suffocating condition when you have to literally swim, as if in jelly. Considering the numerous green spaces, the presence of parks and fountains with artificially created miniature reservoirs, you can come here even in the most extreme heat.

Sights of Arad

Museums and natural unique places, ancient cities - there is a lot of this in Arad, and therefore, if you stay in the city, you can go nowhere around the country for several days!

Masada Fortress

Located on the shores of the Dead Sea at the very top of a cliff in the desert. The fortress was founded in 73 BC, but in 25 AD it was greatly strengthened and expanded by Judas the Great, and at the same time he built a whole complex of shelters for his own family. The fortress was a full-fledged dwelling and included baths and weapons depots, barns with food supplies and an artificial water supply.

Masada Fortress

The Masada fortress is located at an altitude of 450 m above sea level and is surrounded by rocks, so it is almost impossible to see or examine it from land. Excursions to it are conducted regularly; guests can see Herod’s palace (it has been preserved almost entirely in its original form), a synagogue with ancient mosaics, food and weapons storage facilities.

Arad in Israel at one time served as protection against enemies entering the country - the fortress made it possible to track their movements long before they approached the rocks.

It was founded in 2007 and is a studio of artists who create sculptures from recycled bottle glass. The basis of the collection is the work of Gideon Friedman, who creates them on kilns of his own design and manufacture. In addition to Gideon’s works, the collection also constantly contains sculptures of other artists - they change frequently, which allows you to see a wide variety of exhibits in a short period of time.

The museum invites its guests to attend lectures on the history of glass, its properties and features/types of processing, and attend master classes. All museum exhibits are for sale and can be purchased by any guest - the administration of the establishment provides a document authorizing the export of the exhibit abroad.

Excursions are often conducted by Gideon Friedman himself, who also demonstrates and verbally accompanies a film about the creation of the sculptures that are exhibited in the halls.

Tel Arad National Park

Located on the very outskirts of the city, it is famous for its archaeological excavations. Conventionally, the territory of the park is divided into the Upper and Lower Towns, and regular excursions are held around them. Thanks to excavations, guests are shown the structure of an urban settlement in the first years of our era; there are also examples of the life of residents of the 6th century. The remains of dwellings, specially carved containers in the rocks to collect water, temples and squares have been completely excavated and even partially restored.

Of particular interest is an ancient engineering structure - a reservoir in the Lower Town with a huge stone bowl. Water from the Upper Town flows through specially laid pipes and gutters, accumulates in a bowl and is then distributed to all streets and houses.

Tel Arad

It is surprising that scientists did not have to dig too deep - it was enough to remove the sand from the protruding stones and expose 2 layers in the ground, and the ancient city “in all its glory” appeared before the eyes of archaeologists.

Masada cable car

It leads from Arad to the ancient fortress and is 900 meters long. Small carriages and low speed of movement allow you to look around, admire the vastness of the desert, enjoy the bird's eye view of the Dead Sea (290 meters!) and imagine and appreciate the greatness of this place - it is often mentioned in the Bible and only from the good side.

Where to stay in Arad

There are quite a lot of hotels in the city - after all, the main financial source of the budget is the tourism business. Three hotels are especially popular, in which the price-quality ratio is simply optimal:

  • Oasis Negev. This is a guest house that has several types of rooms - from single to family. The cost of living is on average 4,000 rubles, which includes continental breakfast, use of the jacuzzi, and internet. The hotel has regular bus services to the Dead Sea and Arad's attractions.

Guest House Oasis Negev
  • Arad Hostel. Perfect for a group of friends, but absolutely not recommended for a family holiday. There are cozy rooms and a shared kitchen, where you will have to cook lunch and dinner yourself, but breakfast is included in the price (3500 per person per day).
  • Masada Holiday. These are real apartments in which a young couple, older people, and a family with children will enjoy relaxing. Yes, you will have to pay 6,000 rubles per person per day, but in return guests receive a full range of services, including meals, transfers, and organization of excursions throughout Israel (travel outside Arad is subject to an additional fee).

Arad is a small city in the Israeli desert, which has a unique geographical location, a pleasant climate in both winter and summer and can be a starting point for visiting Israel. You just need to resolve the issue of accommodation and the hotel staff themselves will help you navigate the offers from tour operators.

Useful video

Watch the video about what the guest house in Arad looks like:

Modern Arad is located in the south of Israel, in close proximity to the ancient Arad mentioned in the Bible, destroyed more than 2,700 years ago. The city itself is located 25 km west of the Dead Sea and 45 km east of the city of Beersheba. Arad stands on a mountain pass in the middle of the desert, at an altitude of 640 m above sea level. The local climate is considered more favorable and easily tolerated than that which developed in the immediate vicinity of the Dead Sea.

Arad has dry mountain air, so local resorts are recommended for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases.

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How to get to Arad

By bus

  • By bus

Arad can be reached by bus from Beersheba (travel time 45 minutes), Ein Gedi (1.5 hours), Ein Bokek, Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. All buses arrive at the city's central bus station, located at the intersection of Rehov Yehuda and Yerushalayim streets.

  • By car

Highway No. 31 connects Arad with Beersheba in the west and the Dead Sea in the east. The road has two interchanges - highway No. 80 and No. 3199, along which you can reach the popular attraction of Israel - the Masada fortress in half an hour.

Search for air tickets to Tel Aviv (the nearest airport to Arad)

Weather in Arad

Arad is located in an arid mountainous region, so summers are always dry and hot. In winter, rains are also infrequent; the most precipitation falls from December to February.

Average monthly temperature, °C day and night





  • June







Popular hotels in Arad


Respiratory diseases, including asthma and bronchitis, are treated in Arad. This resort is also recommended for patients with psoriasis, arthritis, skin and nervous disorders. Treatment methods: mud applications, cosmetic cleansing of face and body, massage, anti-stress therapy, soothing baths.

Entertainment and attractions of Arad

In the center of Arad there is a tourist information office where you can get acquainted with the geology and history of the formation of the Judean Desert, find out information about trekking routes through the desert and its main attractions, buy maps and books. The center is open to visitors from April to September from 8:00 to 17:00 and from October to March from 8:00 to 16:00.

National Archaeological Park

Tel Arad National Park, surrounded by mountain ranges, is very interesting, located on the site of an ancient city, just 10 km west of modern Arad. The archaeological complex is divided into two parts - upper and lower, which were inhabited during the Chalcolithic period around 4000 BC. e. The park is open to visitors from 8:00 to 17:00 (from April to September), from October to March from 8:00 to 16:00.

The extensive settlements on which Arad is located date back to the Bronze Age and existed until 2650 BC. e. During the migration of the Israelites in the 11th century. BC e. the area acquired the status of a city known as the Citadel. The most significant archaeological find is considered to be an ostracon - a clay shard; along with expensive papyri, it was also used for records. On the shard found, the Citadel is referred to as the “House of Yahweh” (“Yahweh” is the Hebrew probable pronunciation of the name of God).

Up to 597-577. BC e. During the reign of the Jewish kings, the Citadel was rebuilt several times until it was completely destroyed during the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. However, with the siege of Jerusalem, the “Citadel” was not completely abandoned. In the 5th-4th centuries. BC e. During the Persian period of rule, about 100 ostracons were written in Aramaic.

Discovered during excavations in Arad, the citadel and sanctuary were built during the time of Kings David and Solomon.

Thus, in one place, several fortresses were built one above the other, which existed during the periods of Hellenic and Roman rule. The citadel stood until the final destruction of Jerusalem, and then lay in ruins for 500 years until 861 AD. e. Then a new fortress was erected in its place, which is considered the last structure on the territory of ancient Arad.

Masada Fortress

One of the most popular attractions in Israel is the Masada fortress, located in the Judean Desert at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level. A fortress dating back to 37-31. BC e., was completed in 25 BC. e. King Herod the Great, who built a refuge on this site for himself and his family. Currently, Herod's palace, a synagogue, water tanks, and fragments of mosaics have been preserved on the territory of the fortress.

Ein Gedi

In close proximity to Masada there is the Ein Gedi oasis, the territory of which is recognized as a national reserve. The reserve is located on the coast of the Dead Sea and runs along the eastern border of the Judean Desert. Notable attractions in Ein Gedi include the David and Arugot waterfalls, the Dodim karst cave and the ancient synagogue. The reserve is open to visitors from 8:00 to 17:00 (from April to September), from October to March - from 8:00 to 16:00, the entrance fee is 29 ILS.

Not far from the Ein Gedi oasis is the settlement of Qumran, famous for the cache of scrolls found in nearby caves.

Regardless of the time of year, the tourist flow to Israel does not decrease. Whatever city in this country tourists go to, it will be interesting for its attractions, climate, and the unique Dead Sea, where there are always excursion trips. Hiking enthusiasts will be delighted by the diversity of the landscape of the National Israel Highway. Let's start virtual trip to Israel, to its small city of Arad, which is located in the Southern District of the country.

City location

The modern city of Arad was built in 1961. It is located within sight of the ruins of the ancient city, which also bore this name. Artifacts found during archaeological excavations confirm that it was destroyed approximately 2,700 years ago.

The modern city of Israel - Arad borders on the hills of Judea, which is a continuation. West of Arad, 45 km along a mountain serpentine, is the city of Beersheba, and east of the city is the Dead Sea. You can get to it via highways. The distance to it is 25 kilometers. Arad is also considered the closest city to the historical monument of Masada Fortress. According to the latest statistics, approximately 24 thousand people live in it.

Ancient fortress Masada

One of the ancient attractions of Israel in Arad is the Masada Fortress - site number 1040 on the World Heritage List. This fortification overlooking the Dead Sea is a reminder of one of the most dramatic events in Jewish history. The fortress preserves one of the last episodes of the Great Revolt against Rome 2000 years ago. Instead of fighting, 1,000 Jewish rebels decided to kill each other so as not to fall alive into the hands of the Romans. The scenery around Masada, with Herod's palace, overlooking the vast gorge and the expanse of the Dead Sea, is as dramatic as its backstory. Nevertheless, the fortress continues to be one of the largest tourist sites in Israel.

Masada was a stunning natural fortress in the Judean desert of Israel. It was built in Roman style by Herod, King of Judea, sometime between 37 and 31 BC. Masada had an advantageous position: on one side it was located above the Dead Sea at an altitude of 1500 feet, on the other it was surrounded by desert. It housed the king's residence with a palace, as well as administrative centers and warehouses, including weapons.

Masada Museum

The Fortress Museum features artifacts and informational audio presentations that bring Masada's history to life. The museum is located at the cable car station. Having visited it, it is as if you are returning to the time of the dramatic fall of the fortress, tourists say. This is facilitated by recreated rebel dwellings, straw baskets, looms, sandals, clothing, kitchen utensils and clay pots.

The museum contains information about the use of the fortress by Byzantine monks in the 6th century. Remaining untouched for more than 13 centuries, it has lost all signs of human habitation. Thanks to ongoing excavations, several fragments of buildings have been restored, including Herod's palace with suspended terraces, baths with preserved mosaics and frescoes, a synagogue and a camp established by the Romans.

Commercial and industrial center Zim

Zim Center Arad is an open and spacious shopping complex located in an industrial area at the main entrance to Arad. In Israel, many cities have such shopping centers. It is located close to the main transport artery (Route 31) leading to the Dead Sea, Masada and Eilat, and is the main stop for travelers in the area.

It combines commerce and entertainment along with tourism and public services. The complex is an integral part of the city. They "settled" in it fashion stores, such as Castro, Fox, Timnoon, Delta, Aldo, Togo, as well as restaurants - Pizza Hut, Schnitzelier and Aroma. The ideal location provides optimal visibility from all sides and ideal access to the center for residents of Arad and its surroundings.

There is also an artists’ quarter where you can wander between various galleries, visit workshops (by arrangement in advance), and get acquainted with artists and their works. In shopping malls you can only purchase original works from the artists themselves.

Resort city

Resort town in Israel, Arad is the cleanest city on the planet, according to UNESCO. People with bronchial asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary diseases come to its resorts. They are treated with mountain air, which is rich in iodine and bromine. Procedures using Dead Sea water help improve the health of those who come with skin problems, as well as those suffering from rheumatic diseases.

The urban microclimate with moderate winters and long summers miraculously relieves fatigue and insomnia. Holidays in the city's sanatoriums are inexpensive compared to the cost of health improvement in sanatoriums in other cities in Israel. In Arad, the treatment prescribed by professional doctors does not differ from those prescribed in other sanatoriums in the country.

Having visited the sanatoriums of Arada at least once, people tend to come here all the time. This indicates that they receive effective recovery, calling the procedures carried out in the sanatorium simply life-giving. Vacationers like both the high level of service personnel and the conditions of stay in hotels in the city. In addition, when arriving in Arad, vacationers do not feel a language barrier; the local population speaks Russian.

Excellent budget holiday tourists call their stay in Arad (Israel) in reviews. There are advantages in everything, they say.

Tourism in Arad

A trip to Israel will delight thrill-seekers. Extreme tourism is organized in Arad. A fairly new sport - snapping (canyoning) has become widespread in this country. This is a kind of journey through mountain gorges. The program of this trip includes: rock climbing, ascents, abseiling, mountaineering, diving (water canyoning).

The diversity of the landscapes of the National Israel Highway is known to hikers all over the world. Israel is home to numerous trails that wind between the breathtaking heights in the north and the cosmic landscapes in the south. These routes are a great way to see the beauty of the country.

Tel Arad National Park in Israel is the remains of the fortified city of Canaan, which is mentioned several times in the Bible. It is located on the outskirts of the city. It is here that excavations are carried out, which help archaeologists study historical layers in detail. The park is divided into Lower and Upper towns. On a hill overlooking the city and the Arad Valley, fortresses from the times of the Kingdom of Israel open up.

A city in Israel near the Dead Sea, Arad

There are wonders of the world that not everyone knows about. There are still unique places on the planet with a miraculous climate. We found such a place 25 km from the eighth wonder of the world - the Dead Sea. This place is the city of Arad, Israel. A few years ago, UNESCO recognized Arad as the most environmentally friendly city in the world! Arad has a truly unique location in the middle mountains, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, at the junction of the Judean Desert and the Negev Desert. The unique climate of Arad is formed by dry winds from the desert and the flows of healing air from the Dead Sea, saturated with bromine, oxygen and other useful substances, mixing with them. The city has the cleanest dry hypoallergenic air. Since the 60s of the 20th century, the construction of industrial enterprises has been prohibited within a radius of 10 km from Arad.

All these factors have made Arad a place where millions of tourists from all over the world flock, especially those with medical conditions such as allergies, asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, dermatitis, psoriasis and other diseases. The healing climate of Arad itself and the opportunity to visit the beaches of the Dead Sea every day is a unique combination.

On the Dead Sea itself, there is only one resort village in Israel - Ein Bokek, where almost all of Israel's hotels on the Dead Sea are located. The cost of living in these hotels is quite high, and long-term accommodation near the Dead Sea itself is generally impossible due to the specific climate.

Thus, the optimal climate situation and interesting price offer for all types of tourists, and especially for people with health conditions and who need health improvement in the Dead Sea and its surroundings, this is only!!! Arad. By the way, the mayor of Arad is Russian-speaking

But what does Arad offer today to millions of tourists from all over the world?

*According to statistics, in the USA, Europe and Russia alone there are more than 100 million. man has asthma

Arad is an amazing place not only in terms of climate. This is one of the few cities in Israel that still has the status of a “development city” in Israel, tax incentives and, most interestingly, relatively low real estate prices!

For example, a good 4-room apartment of 100 sq.m. in the city center you can buy for $170,000 , and a simple two-room apartment for $60,000, a house of 150 sq.m. with a plot of 5 acres for $250,000. At the same time, real estate prices in major Israeli cities are significantly higher. The rise in real estate prices in Israel is the most stable among all developed countries in the world. Over the past 7-8 years, prices have increased by an average of 80%

The tourist infrastructure in the city is poorly developed. There are only 8 hotels and mini-hotels, among them only 2 hotels with more than 50 rooms. Moreover, in the high season, for example October-November 2012, the occupancy rate of these 8 hotels is 100% (according to booking. com ). The city administration is extremely interested in the development of tourism infrastructure and is ready to discuss benefits for investors, and the Israeli Ministry of Tourism in certain situations can provide preferential financing for the construction of new hotels with up to 25% participation in investments.

In Arad there are operating or almost ready-to-operate mini-hotels for sale. For example, a zimer (private mini-hotel) 240 sq.m. 9 rooms, consists of two parts with separate entrances and courtyards, plot area 1000 sq.m. for sale for $370,000, there is the possibility of building a 2nd floor throughout the entire area of ​​the house.

Today's Arad is a small but modern city that has all the appropriate attributes: schools, clinics, shopping malls, sports clubs, etc.

The city is very well located geographically. If you look at the map, then Arad is the geographical center of Israel (and not Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, as many people think). From Arad - to Tel Aviv 140 km (1 hour 30 minutes) to Jerusalem 145 km (1 hour 40 minutes), to Eilat 220 km (2 hours 20 minutes). So again we see the uniqueness of Arad. Living in this city, it is most convenient to visit three!!! The sea while living very close to the most wonderful - the Dead Sea. You can get to the Mediterranean Sea (by car) in one and a half hours, and to the Red Sea in two and a half hours. And the road to Jerusalem will take about an hour and a half.

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