Long domains are not a panacea, but why not use them? The longest domain name in the world and something and something else and something else The longest domain name in the world

I don't argue that a keyword in a domain name can help, no. But I would like to say that this is not a very strong factor. It’s just that this could help those who have carried out full-fledged page optimization, and extra positive “points” would not hurt here.

I asked search engine administrators: “Will words from search query in the domain name will my website appear in the search engine results above other sites, all other things being equal?" And this is what they told me: "Keywords in the domain name do not improve ranking much. We look at half a dozen influencing factors. Keywords on the page, their frequency, location, etc. are still very significant factors," said Don Dodge (AltaVista Director of Engineering).

Inktomi replied that their search engine can bring to the first place a website whose domain contains some unique search query. For example, when querying Quokka, quokka.com will most likely come in first place. But if the request is not unique, for example, sport, then you will see that the presence of the sport.com domain does not play a major role here.

Thus, long, containing words of "your" search query are certainly not a panacea. But why not use it if it adds at least a little “weight” to your site when ranking search results on the search engine results page?

In Wales, on the island of Anglesey, there is a village whose name consists of 59 letters. It means: the Church of St. Mary in a hollow overgrown with white hazel, near a rapid whirlpool, not far from the Church of St. Tisilio and the red cave. The village has a website with one of the longest domain names in the world.

In fact, until the 19th century the village was known as Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll (St Mary's Church in the White Hazel Hollow).

But with the advent railways residents formed a committee to come up with ways to attract tourists.

Unfortunately, it is not known for certain who was actually behind the invention of the new name, but they say that it was a shoemaker from a neighboring village. Thanks to him, the name grew to its current monstrous proportions in the 1880s.

Moreover, if you come to this village and ask one of the locals to reproduce this 59-letter abracadabra, he will supposedly do it without hesitation and at the same time explain about the churches, the hazel tree, the whirlpool and the cave.

An Englishman calling himself Great Dave has opened a website with what he claims to be the longest single-word domain name ever. Although there seem to be two words there.

From the site you can send one letter to a friend for fun - it is assumed that this friend's return address will shake him to the core.

Perhaps this is so, but if we’re talking about mail with a crazy address, then instead of a village site it’s better to use this resource, in the domain name of which the English alphabet fits almost two and a half times - 63 letters.

This site is a project of the Canadian company Appwalk.com and invites the user to create the longest address Email in the world. A 6-megabyte box is provided for free, for $1.67 and $2.33 per month - a 25-megabyte box without advertising and with advanced functionality.

It’s a pity, but there is no limit on the maximum number of characters in the “user name”. It would be great to use 50 letters here too.

Meanwhile, Appwalk.com managed to find the right words to advertise its email service. Having studied these advantages, it is no longer possible to refuse the address:

  • Some web forms will not work with your address due to its length. They may consider your address invalid or even fraudulent! This is the only email address that will allow you to fail with web forms!
  • Some mailers may give you an error message stating that your address is simply incorrect because it is too long! This is the only email address that will prevent you from having success with email programs!
  • People won't be able to remember your email address. This will be an extremely difficult task for your friends or colleagues because it is simply too long! So this is the only email address that will allow you to tease your friends for not being able to remember your address!
  • Many companies will assume that your address is fake. Currently, various companies like to fill up mailboxes spam, but just imagine what they will think when they see your address. They will assume that the address is fake and will not bother you with spam. This is the only email address that actually stops companies from sending you spam!
  • And in general: the longest email address in the world is like the Great Wall of China. Be extraordinary and get your address for free today!

The advantages of the longest email address in the world: programs don't work, people don't remember, spam doesn't arrive. Beauty (illustrations from appwalk.com).

That's it. Oh, and Appwalk.com isn't the only owner of the 63-letter domain. There is, for example, this site called “The Longest Domain name in the world there is something, and something else, and something else” (here, by the way, is its analogue, and another one).

Its creators even contacted the Guinness Book of Records, from which the answer came that, they say, this is not a record, since registering a domain requires practically no effort.

from the day of the start of open registration, when everyone received the opportunity to acquire a domain name written in Cyrillic. During the operation of the new domain, over 920 thousand names were registered, of which 67 percent were successfully delegated, and 25 percent successfully hosted sites.

Andrey Kolesnikov, General Director of the Coordination Center for the National Internet Domain (CC), agreed to answer RG's questions about the domain and the prospects for its development.

According to statistics, almost a million .РФ domains were registered during the year. What are your forecasts for next year?

I think by the new year the number of registrations will decrease slightly. This is due to the fact that on the first day of open registration there was a rush of demand for domain names. But we will confidently cross the million domain names mark in 2012.

Have measures against cybersquatters worked? How high was the activity of domain hijackers? Has it ever reached the courts between the parties?

Lawsuits surrounding domain names are normal everyday practice for both domains. Domain.RU is associated with a large number of simultaneous cases. There are only a few such cases in the .RF domain, and they arise around the question of which trademark owner has more rights to the domain name.

As for cybersquatting, in the .RF domain 97 percent of all registrations are Russian. The rule to limit registration for foreign users worked quite well. 3 percent of domain names are trademarks that were registered foreign legal entities as part of priority registration. The .RU domain has 84% ​​of Russian registrations. I think that with the lifting of the ban on registration by foreigners, approximately the same percentage will be in the Russian Federation. Also, based on the percentage of delegated domains (working resources), we can conclude that many registrations were made “in reserve.” The further fate of these “capital investments” will be decided solely by market conditions.

Is the priority registration mechanism justified? As far as I know, this practice has not always existed. Is it worth using priority registration when opening all new domain zones?

Of course, priority registration must be done for new domain zones - first of all, to protect trademark owners. However, opening generic domain zones (gTLDs), especially commercial root domains, is a much simpler and more straightforward process than launching a national zone, since the main goal of such launches is to extract maximum profit.

Let us remind you that .РФ will become one of the first national and local domains in the world. Thus, in Serbia it is planned to launch a Cyrillic top-level domain. SRB, and other market players are planning to open domain zones. MOSCOW, .BERLIN and so on.

The Coordination Center also shared interesting statistics - it turns out that eight Internet addresses hold first place in the competition for the longest Cyrillic domain name. They mostly contain numbers - for example, one of them consists of 63 nines, and the other of the same number of ones. If we talk about meaningful addresses, then the domain “cargo transportation-special equipment-Ekaterinburg-surroundings.rf” can be considered the longest - it has 51 characters, not counting the prefix “.rf”. But the address “the longest-name-in-Russian-language-that-is.rf” turned out to be not the longest - it consists of only 49 characters. The domain “and-this-will-be-the-longest-domain-in-the-domain-zone.rf” is unsuccessfully competing with it.

Registrar Reg.ru timed its thematic survey to coincide with the anniversary of the “discovery” of the Cyrillic domain. According to the data presented, the majority of respondents are confident in the advantages of the .РФ domain as a tool for promoting business on the Internet, 27 percent noted the memorability of the address, and 16 percent - that the domain name fully corresponds to the brand name. As for development, 45 percent of respondents believe that the .РФ and .RU domains will develop in parallel, while 13 percent are confident that .РФ will become the main domain of the Runet. Reg.ru General Director Alexey Korolyuk said that there are already only four times fewer Cyrillic .РФ domains than those registered in .RU. Thus, he believes, the new country code domain can catch up with its “competitor” over the next three to five years.
