What is the difference between a phone and a smartphone and an android? What is the difference between an iPhone and an Android? Windows smartphones and gadgets running Android OS

The confrontation between the iOS and Android fan camps is in the nature of a “battle for life and death.” In order not to provoke the growth of empty disputes (including getting personal), in thematic online conferences there are even attempts to raise the question “which is better: an iPhone or an Android?” lead to “prophylactic” blocking of the account. In this situation, users who really want to understand which OS-based device is best for them cannot find a clear answer.

This material is intended to correct the current state of affairs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which is better to buy, “iPhone” or “Android”. Each platform has its own advantages. These systems are not without shortcomings, minor and significant.

How is iPhone different from Android, which is better?

Although the Android and iOS operating systems have become their closest competitors, they have significant differences. Read more about how iPhone differs from Android devices below.


Apple's operating system is software with proprietary and closed source code. Apart from engineers and programmers from Cupertino, no one has access to it. Third-party developers must use the official SDK (software development kit) to create programs and implement in their software only the functionality contained in it.

Apple has reliably protected the OS from unauthorized use by third-party developers of officially undocumented features. Neither full access To file system, neither the installation of programs from third-party sources, nor the implementation of other hidden functionality can be achieved without Jailbreak - a “hacking” of the system, which Apple views extremely negatively.

This approach made it possible to achieve operating stability of the OS, optimize energy consumption, protect it from viruses and other malware. But, at the same time, some people did not like such restrictions. These users, when asked which is better - iPhone or Android, choose the second option.

Android is an open source system. Theoretically, anyone can access it, modify the OS and change/delete/introduce new functions. If you follow the recommendations Google anyone the manufacturer can officially install Android on smartphones.


The iOS graphical shell has an attractive appearance, but has limitations in functionality. It does not support widgets on home screen, and desktop management is implemented “for an amateur.” Users have to pay for attractive appearance systems by refusing useful functions.

Android allows you to install third-party graphical shells. Similar programs in Play Market there are quite a lot. If desired, everyone is free to give their OS the appearance of the same iOS or Windows Phone. iPhone owners do not have this option.


The question of “which is better: iPhone or Android” and memory organization are not in favor of Apple. Access to it is limited (you cannot move freely through the file system, like on a PC), and the ability to expand using a memory card or USB storage absent. Android doesn't have these shortcomings. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that the creators of smartphones with Android also refuse to install a MicroSD slot, but USB support More devices are getting OTG.

In addition to the listed differences, there are also smaller ones that do not allow us to finally close the question of what is better to buy: iPhone or Android.

What's good about the iPhone?

A superficial glance may seem like Android is better in everything. But there are a number of points that do not allow us to recognize the quick conclusions as correct. Chinese manufacturers, who made Android-based smartphones several times cheaper than Apple technology, did a disservice to the system. Wanting to make products more affordable, they resort to austerity.

Processors, RAM chips and permanent memory or displays are produced only by large high-tech enterprises. Chinese manufacturers buy from them ready-made modules for installation in gadgets. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, savings have to be made on the level of customer service, adaptation of the OS for devices and subsequent system support through updates. As a result, clients receive cheap, but “crude” smartphones, which are characterized by the presence of bugs and unstable operation of the OS.

Large manufacturers, such as Samsung or LG, “sin” like this less often, and only in the case of budget handsets, but they also fall under attack. Their reputation is suffering, and Apple fans are convinced that Android is an unstable and flawed OS.

Such categorical statements are not 100% true, but nevertheless, the fact is clear: Apple smartphones suffer from these shortcomings to a lesser extent. Strict selection of software also has a positive effect: if any of the programs downloaded to the AppStore works stably on 1 GB random access memory, there is software in the Play Market that slows down even 2 GB.

Which is better to buy: iPhone or Android

To resolve the iPhone vs Android dispute for yourself, and understand what is better in a particular case, it is worth determining for what purpose the device is being purchased. iPhone is balanced smartphones with modern (albeit not top-end) functionality, a well-developed OS and good implementation of multimedia functions.

Android is a universal OS that is suitable for both beginners in the world of mobile technology and professionals involved in software development. For enthusiasts, such devices offer more opportunities to modify the system and customize it to suit their needs.

The question of what is better to buy – an iPhone or an Android – is decided in favor of the former for those who need a high-quality device with balanced capabilities, and cost does not play an important role. For supporters of saving, as well as those who like to “tinker” with their device, buying “Apple” equipment will be a disappointment. For this category of buyers, an Android smartphone is a good purchase.

Ordinary users choose their phone based on what is on display in the store window. Often, studying a smartphone is limited to viewing the interface and music player- buyers do not have great knowledge about technical specifications purchased product. Let's improve our own literacy level and learn more about how Android differs from a smartphone and about the incorrectness of posing this question.

Great variety

A smartphone is a cross between a mobile phone and personal computer. For each of these devices it can be:

  • Open webOS;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Android;
  • Apple IOS.

It is a determining factor when considering how Android differs from a smartphone. To understand how incorrectly the question is posed, consider the types of operating systems. They influence the functions that a smartphone can support.

Open webOS

This operating system is the very first one used on smartphones. Now it is becoming less and less common.

Windows Phone (WP)

This MOS was released in 2010 under the leadership of Microsoft. The system also works based on the multi-touch function. Its distinctive property is Hubs. These are sections that unite a common topic (games, contacts, Internet and others). Static icons look like “live” tiles. They reflect information about the state of each partition.

Apple iOS

This type of mobile OS can be installed exclusively on Apple technical products. The screen and interface of the devices operate based on the multi-touch function (simultaneous work with 1-3 points of contact). Applications can be installed on iOS in IPA format.


Let's return to the question of how Android differs from a smartphone. Android and IOS systems are the most popular all over the world. The first version of this OS was launched in 2008. Subsequently, developers only improved Android products. Now this system found on many digital technology products (game consoles, watches, tablets and smartphones). Android smartphones have the following advantages:

  • have open source software;
  • support multitasking and multi-user mode;
  • widely available and relatively cheap compared to Apple products;
  • surprise with its bright and user-friendly interface;
  • Support Wi-Fi, file transfer via Internet, USB, Bluetooth.

The main disadvantage of mobile devices running on Android OS is their wasteful battery.

Android or Open webOS

Having dealt with the question of how Android differs from a smartphone, we will find out which OS is better: Android or Open webOS? Of course, give preference to the first option, because Google Corporation occupies one of the first positions in the global market. Its products meet absolutely all modern requirements for mobile devices. The most on Android is Pixi 4007D. Its price is only 1990 rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

It is common to think that Apple products are of higher quality and more prestigious. However, recently there has been a trend towards an increase in Android OS users.

    Interesting question... In general, a smartphone is a phone with some computer functions, plus touch controls.

    Android is an operating system for a smartphone/phone (like Windows or Linux for a computer), for which most programs, game applications and other gadgets are made and configured.

    What and how is different.. Decide for yourself.

    A smartphone is, in a simple sense, a mobile device in the form of a phone with a touch screen and computer, so to speak, applications. Working for software, so that it is easy for you to understand, called Android. An Android is a kind of electronic machine, a humanoid robot, after all, we watched the movie: Star Wars. Android is an open operating system for e-readers, digital players, netbooks, tablets, including smartphones.

    The smartphone is an invention of the twentieth century and its predecessor the cell phone - which are practically no longer in production. So a smartphone is the same thing as a telephone.

    Android is an operating system created specifically for smartphones.

    So these two titles come together in one device.

    From simple polyphonic mobile phones, we have now grown to the most advanced, touchscreen smartphones that we would not have even dreamed of ten years ago. So fashion and a convenient interface plus high-speed Internet - all this is available in modern gadgets.

    But Android is a special operating system built into this very smartphone for its functionality.

    It's like asking: what's the difference between a saucepan and soup? 🙂

    Smartphone- a smart phone, a small computer with phone functions, with its own operating system (Symbian, Windows Mobile, iOS, Android itself, and all sorts of other ones).

    Android- humanoid robot. You didn’t specify which Android you are interested in :). But if you still meant the operating system for smartphones, then that’s what makes them different: the first is the gadget, the hardware, and the second is the operating system, the software.

    In more detail (as you ask) what these two concepts are, you can write down several pages of text. But this is already on special forums...

    You can’t even immediately figure out how best to highlight these differences, because the question is posed about completely different things.

    Smartphone- this is a phone, but not the same mobile phone with buttons, but with a touch screen and computer applications and various functions. This phone runs on the Android platform.

    Here I have mobile phone-smartphone on this very Android system and how to distinguish the phone from its internal device on the world championship it works?

    Android is a special operating system designed for smartphones and other mobile gadgets, just like Windows for a computer.

    Draw a conclusion by comparing these two concepts: a phone and its system. And my answer to the question will be this - Everyone.

    Android is an operating system for smartphones and tablets. It is installed immediately, during manufacture, and not like in a regular computer.

    A smartphone is a device itself; not only Android can be installed on it, but Windows mobile, for example. When there was no Android, smartphones existed with completely different operating systems.

    Everyone, these are completely different concepts and cannot be compared.

    A smartphone is a mobile phone running on an open operating system.

    Android is the operating system on which a smartphone runs.

    Analogue - PC and Windows.

    A smartphone is essentially a phone, usually a touch phone - that is, without buttons. Android is the operating system for these same smartphones.

    Therefore, an android and a smartphone are completely different things that are combined into one device.

    People use it, but they don’t bother studying the terminology.

    A smartphone is a mobile phone with an operating system (you can install whatever applications you want on a smartphone, but not on a simple mobile phone). Android is one of the types of smartphone operating systems. That's the difference.

    But people are often too lazy to say long things to me new smartphone governed by operating system Android, so they say - I have a brand new Android. But it's not right.

    A smartphone is a device (gadget) that runs on software called Android - it is specially designed for mobile devices - phones, smart phones, tablets. These are two different words and concepts.

When it comes to choosing which smartphone is better to buy, you need to proceed from the requirements that you want the gadget to fulfill efficiently. Let's find out the differences between smartphones and iPhones.

There is now a huge variety of smartphones on the gadget sales market. Moreover, ordinary mobile phones are gradually losing their popularity. Advanced users prefer to buy models from well-known companies. And everyone has their own preferences.

Some people choose Android smartphones, others prefer Windows (which has somewhat lost its position among the leaders), and the majority buy iPhone gadgets. The latter lead the list of modern mobile devices. Let's take a closer look at how these smartphones differ from each other.

What is a smartphone and iPhone, iPad?

A smartphone is a mobile device that has a powerful operating system. Thanks to it, the phone is able to work with various applications simultaneously. This gadget is practically the same computer, only a smaller copy of it. On a smartphone you can access social networks, play games, watch movies, listen to music, communicate with other mobile phone users, etc.

Samsung or iPhone

iPhone- this is the same smartphone. It only works on iOS software. While other gadgets work on Android and Windows versions. Android is not as convenient an operating system as iOS. Sometimes it's hard to find the right application and customize your phone. While the iOS version is much more convenient.

iPhone And iPad produces the same Apple company, whose symbol is an apple. This image is known all over the world, as this organization has many fans. iPhones are called touch screen phones that have many functions in addition to mobile communications.

iPads- This tablet computers also with sensitive touch screens. As a rule, they have a large display diagonal for ease of working in various applications, watching movies, videos and working in the office.

Both iPhones and iPads run on the same operating system iOS. Moreover, versions of this operating system are becoming more and more improved every year and provide more opportunities for users. The eleventh version of iOS has already been released, and the twelfth is expected.

It is thanks to the constant improvement of smartphone and tablet models that Apple is always in the first position among manufacturers of such equipment.

This company first showed its products to the world in 2007 V USA. Steve Jobson was the official representative at the exhibition. And at the end of June, Apple models went on sale. IN 2008 In the summer, more advanced Apple models conquered the market Russia.

What is the difference between an iPhone and iPad from an Android smartphone and a regular phone?

The first thing that significantly distinguishes iPhones and iPads from other smartphones is the price. Apple products are much more expensive than their other counterparts due to ease of use, reliability, quality of workmanship and materials. More details below.

What is the difference between Apple and other smartphone models:

  1. First of all, this is the screen (touchscreen). Anyone who already uses products from a world-famous company knows that the screen works great. Feels every touch of your fingers.
  2. Expensive materials are used to make the iPhone; the quality and appearance of the phone are excellent.
  3. Thanks to the operating system functionality mobile device high. Applications do not lag, as happens on other cheaper models from other companies.
  4. Apple takes innovations in the field of electronics very seriously and is constantly improving iOS and its products.
  5. And yet, some people prefer Android smartphones because there is more choice. various programs and settings, additional features.

Why is iPhone better?

When choosing an iPhone, the buyer should know that installing applications in iOS is paid, and the Apple smartphone itself is priced more expensive. Why? This has already been mentioned above.

iPhone or smartphone: which is better, cooler, more expensive?

It is difficult to say which smartphone this or that individual would prefer to choose. After all, different buyers have different opinions. Some people think that Apple is unreasonably overpriced. And the one who has already tried this model does not want to change it for any other. Therefore, which phone to choose is up to you to judge.

Moreover, more and more mobile devices with good characteristics are appearing on the market. Smartphones can be used to perform many actions—they are multifunctional. If you choose a gadget with a good camera, you can get excellent images. By the way, iPhones have succeeded in this. The smartphone's cameras have excellent characteristics.

What to choose Android or iPhone?

It should be noted that the operating room Android system is more open to users, which makes it susceptible to virus attacks, iOS is more secure.

Apple also has advanced support, which, unfortunately, other companies cannot boast of. No other company offers the same service yet.

Now, after the information provided, it will be easier for you to make your choice when purchasing a mobile device.

Video: Which is better to choose: a smartphone or an iPhone?
