How to set the language on iPhone 5s. How to enable iPhone recovery mode? As a reference: the concepts of “upgrade” and “rollback”

Articles and Lifehacks

Often, users of Apple mobile devices do not know how to cope with the basic functions of their gadget. Our article will tell you how to change language on iPhone, as well as about installing the Russian language. And having completed this task, you can begin to communicate.

Changing the language on iPhone

If the interface is displayed in a language completely unfamiliar to us, changing it may seem difficult - regardless of whether we chose it by chance or it was set incorrectly in the first place.

Let's start by pressing the "Home" button, and on this screen we will find and select the gear icon. After this, a window will open where we will select the next section (it also shows a gear). These are the basic settings of our mobile device.

We find the 5th list of settings. It contains 3 parameters. Let's select the last parameter of this column (this is “Language and text”).

If we use iOS version 6 and earlier, then we find the 6th list with 4 parameters. Select option number three. A window will open. Let's go to the first point. This is the Language menu. We select the language that interests us and press the bright blue key at the top right. This is the "Done" button. After a few seconds, the display of our device should show home screen with the selected language.

So, we know how to change the language on iPhone. All that remains is to write the first SMS to your friends.

Now let's talk about installing the Russian language on an Apple mobile device.

Changing and installing Russian language on iPhone

If we are the owner of an unofficially imported Apple gadget, it is quite possible that we will have to install the Russian language on it ourselves. Well, since most Apple mobile devices are imported to us from the USA, in our example we will look at the English-language menu.

We go to the “Settings” menu, that is, to the settings, and go to “General”. We look for the “International” option at the bottom and click on it. Now we go to the very first item called “Language”, that is, “Language”. There we can install the Russian language. Having selected it, click “Done”.

IN currently Apple offers its users over 50 languages. In addition, if desired, we can add a Russian-language keyboard. After we install the Russian language, go back to the main settings and go to the “Keyboard” item. Select “International”. For example, on our mobile device There is no Russian keyboard. To add a new layout, click on “New keyboards”. We choose what we need.

Now the Russian keyboard has been added to the smartphone. Even without a reboot, we can already write letters or SMS messages. It’s quite easy to figure out how to change the menu language. Using this method, we can add over fifty languages ​​to the iPhone.

The Apple iOS platform, on which the currently extremely popular iPhones and iPads run, has, in addition to numerous features, one more feature: interesting feature- multilingual. This implies the presence of many pre-installed localizations on your device. Among other languages, naturally, there was a place for the “great and mighty”.

It’s not so important where exactly you bought the gadget - even at the North Pole. In the settings there is always Russian language for the system and the main keyboard. But sometimes it happens that some users end up with a device where the interface is localized in a language other than Russian.

Lost in translation

Of course, you can still somehow figure it out with English letters, but what to do with Eastern or Asian characters? This is where a completely logical question arises: how to set up an iPhone in Russian and do it painlessly, as for the gadget itself, without damaging system settings, and for the user. The problem may not be so acute, but for some it leads to a real stupor. So, let's figure out how to change the language on an iPhone, experimentally. The methods described below are suitable for absolutely all versions of gadgets, including iPads and iPods.

First start

If the device was purchased at a distributor’s store, that is, it was packaged and no one has ever used it, then the question of how to change the language on an iPhone practically disappears. Here you just need to turn on the device, and after the welcome screen you will be immediately transferred to the section for selecting a country and, accordingly, localization. Select the language you need and then work with the platform using familiar letters.

It is also worth noting that many CIS countries support the Russian language, but each specific localization, different from the domestic one, has its own nuances. Therefore, do not be lazy to scroll through the regional sections and choose Russia, and not Armenia or Kazakhstan. Pay special attention to this point before changing the language on your iPhone.

Subsequent activations

If you get your hands on a gadget with an unfamiliar localization already installed, then you will have to navigate further using the pictures. First of all, we find the icon with gears in the iPhone menu, that is, settings. Next, in the window that opens, click on the identical shortcut and scroll down the screen to the iTunes Wi-Fi inscription. Regardless of the localization, this item will always be depicted in English letters, so there should be no further confusion.

We are interested in the point above this inscription, which is precisely responsible for working with languages. After clicking on it, a new window will open where you need to select the top line in the menu. This item opens a list of all available languages, among whom there will be a Russian.

Next, click on the selected language until a blue checkmark appears and click on the icon in the upper right corner, which is located exactly under the battery indicator. This is a kind of "Accept/Enter". After some time has passed to install the localization, your gadget will take on its usual Russian-language appearance. If something went wrong and you missed somewhere, then it is best to turn off and then turn on the device again and repeat the procedure from the very beginning, rather than try to continue wandering through the hieroglyphs. Keep this point in mind before changing the language on your iPhone.

iPhones are not always supplied to the Russian market with Russian installed language management. Often if we're talking about about products directly from the United States or China, menus and keyboard layouts in English or Chinese. Understanding the functionality on your own, and even more so how to change the language, is problematic.

The iPhone software supports dozens of options, so finding the right item in the settings is not easy. The question of how to change the language on an iPhone sometimes confuses the user. But in fact, if you follow the instructions given, the problem can be easily solved.

First you need to go to “Settings”. The icon is located on the desktop and has the shape of a gray gear. After this, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Select the “General” option (small gray gear).
  • Next “Language & Region”;
  • Go to the “iPhone Language” section and check the “Russian” checkbox.
  • Press the blue “Done” key, similar to the standard “Done”.
  • Confirm the operation (“Change to Russian”) and wait.

Changes saved. Thus, changing the language from English to Russian is a process that takes several minutes.

Also in “Settings” you can change the date, time, switch or add keyboards.

Adding new keyboards

Translating an iPhone into Russian in this way does not mean that the keyboard will automatically switch. To install the Russian one, you need to download it from the App Store.

Possible problems

It is not always easy to change and configure the selected mode on your iPhone. The algorithm is given for official models.

Analogs that are homemade or do not have a license from an official manufacturer may not support the language change function. Install using standard methods and you won't be able to turn on the keyboard.

You need to download the program from the application store and replace it yourself. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to initially choose gadgets with the correct iOS firmware. If you are confident in the quality of your smartphone, the malfunction is often associated with operational glitches operating system. To resolve the issue, it is recommended to contact the device consultation center in your city.


Making the Russian language on an iPhone is a simple procedure, but only if the device has latest firmware. For licensed devices, all language systems that support Apple gadgets are provided. Even if a person wants to buy a phone abroad, there is no need to worry that the device will not contain the language of their native country.

In Ukraine, it is already quite easy to buy an iPhone, but since phones are not officially imported into the territory of our state, you will have to install the Russian language on the iPhone yourself. The word “install” sounds scary; it’s better to write “set up Russian language on iPhone”, because the procedure is very easy.

We will start from the fact that most Apple smartphones are delivered from the USA, so let’s look at an example of a menu in English.

Change the language on iPhone, repeat after us:

  • Go to settings Apple iPhone. To do this we need to click on the icon " Settings":
  • In the tinctures we look for the item " General":

  • Next we go down and look for the item " International" and feel free to click on it:

  • Now we are interested in the very first menu: " Language". It is this that will help us change to iPhone language into Russian:

  • Apple has taken great care of almost every person on the planet. By default, you can use more than 50 languages. We are interested in the Russian language, or Ukrainian. Select the one you need and press the button " Done" and enjoy your favorite, native language.

  • In just a few seconds, the iPhone will install the Russian language.

You need to enter the device into this mode if the user of an Apple gadget encounters problems when updating the operating system or when flashing a jailbroken smartphone. In addition, by transferring the iPhone to DFU-mode and returning it to normal, you can correct a number of system errors, which can lead to incorrect operation of the device.

DFU mode on iPhone (otherwise - firmware updates) is constantly confused with Recovery Mode(recovery mode). In fact, the difference is huge, and it is as follows:

  • Recovery Mode– more soft mode compared with DFU; V Recovery Mode The iPhone is accessed using the iOS operating system, and in DFU Mode- walking around her. Mode DFU only applies when Recovery Mode refuses to help.
  • To mode DFU impossible to get in if the device is not connected to the media harvester iTunes. To enter in Recovery Mode It is not at all necessary to connect the gadget to a PC.

There are also external differences between the two specific modes. At the gadget in DFU MODE completely black screen, no Apple logo; The gadget does not respond to pressing " Home" And " Power" separately. On the display of a smartphone located in Recovery Mode, the USB cable and icon are visible iTunes.

How to enter iPhone into DFU MODE?

There are two ways to enter an Apple gadget into DFU mode - both are applicable to any Apple device. The first one is:

Step 1. Connect iPhone to PC and launch iTunes.

Step 2. Press the buttons " Home" And " Power» simultaneously and hold for 10 seconds.


Step 3. Release " Power", A " Home» leave it clamped until iTunes A message about detecting an iPhone in emergency mode will not appear.


The gadget itself will not let the user know that he has switched to DFU MODE.

The second method of switching to firmware update mode is considered more correct, however, it is often not suitable for beginners. Initial action is also connecting a smartphone to iTunes– then you need to proceed like this:

Step 1. Turn off the device - wait until its screen goes completely dark.

Step 2. Hold down the " Power", count down 3 seconds, then press additional " Home" This is where the main difficulty lies: you need to perform these operations in such a way that the iPhone does not turn on in normal mode.

Step 3. Count down 10 seconds after pressing " Home" and release " Power». « Home"Don't let go.

Step 4. IN iTunes a message will appear - in the window, click “ OK».

Is it possible to put an iPhone into DFU mode if the physical buttons don't work?

To get into mode DFU without using physical buttons, you will have to transform the existing original firmware to a custom one using a simple utility called redsnOw. You can download this program for Windows and OS X.

Before you start using the utility, you need to download HDD PC suitable firmware. Then you should proceed like this:

Step 1. Run redsnOw and follow the path " Extras» — « Even More» — « DFU IPSW».

Step 2. In the window " DFU-mode IPSW workaround» click « OK».

Step 3. Through File Browser find the firmware that you downloaded earlier (file format ipsw).

The utility will begin creating custom firmware - the progress of this process is reflected in the status bar.

Once the process is completed, a message will appear indicating that the IPSW file was successfully created. In the message you will see the path along which you can get to the firmware.

You can distinguish DFU firmware from the original one by its name: custom firmware always has the prefix “ENTER_DFU_”.

Step 3. Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch the iTunes program, go to the gadget control menu by clicking on the icon with the image of a smartphone.

Step 4. On your Windows PC keyboard, press “ Shift” (on Mac - “ Option") and click on the button " Restore iPhone..."

Step 5. Select custom firmware in the window that appears.

Step 6. iTunes will warn you that restoring iPhone leads to data deletion - click " Restore».

From this moment on, the firmware will begin downloading to the smartphone via DFU Mode.

How to get iPhone out of DFU mode?

It's quite easy to restore your iPhone back to normal:

Step 1. Disconnect the gadget from the PC.

Step 2. Press the buttons " Home" And " Power"at the same time and hold it for 10 seconds. All you have to do is wait until the smartphone exits DFU mode, reboots and starts working in standard mode.

If the gadget is connected by cable to the computer, then after a 10-second wait you need to release the buttons and hold down “ Power» for another 3 seconds (as during normal switching on).


Putting your smartphone into DFU mode is quite dangerous procedure; if the user makes a mistake, the iPhone may end up in " eternal apple" or in " recovery loop“It’s not easy to get out of these modes. To return your smartphone to normal operation, you will have to use additional software, like iReb or Tiny Umbrella, or turn to specialists for paid help (if the time to master special programs No).
