How to delete a message on VK at home. How to delete a message on VK so that it is deleted from the interlocutor: instructions. Delete a single message

Delete message You probably already know how, but we’ll tell you in this article how to delete a message in a contact from another person, namely your interlocutor.

If you still don’t know how to delete messages so that the other person has them and they disappear from you (you never know who else has access to your account. Wife, parents, etc.), then do it very simple.

If you are on a computer, simply click on the message you want to delete and click “delete” at the top. So that the message disappears forever and no one can recover it, refresh the page. Still, a small loophole exists, and if you still want to, then read the article on our website.

Okay, we figured out how to delete messages on our own. And now let's figure it out Is it possible to delete a VK message so that it would be removed from the interlocutor? The answer is yes. Now we will understand this.

It's stupid, but the easiest way is to ask the other person to delete these messages himself. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Most often, the need for the interlocutor to delete a message appears when the message went to the wrong person in the contact and, in order to avoid shame and an awkward situation, the message must be immediately deleted before it is read.

The second way is to log into the account of your interlocutor and personally delete all unwanted messages. In order for a person not to understand that he has been hacked, or more precisely, that it was you who have been hacked, be sure to log in through an anonymizer. It’s better even through a proxy of another country.

It would be foolish to suspect you when you are thousands of kilometers from the place from where you came to the page.

But this method is also most likely out of the question, since it is very rare for people to have access to the account of their interlocutor.

The next two methods involve spam.

Mark another user's messages as spam and the entire conversation may be cleared. We say “possibly” because such a bug only works half the time. Whether it is spam or not is determined by a machine, namely a complex algorithm social network VK, which includes many parameters. Including, the spam rating system is minimally likely to consider it spam when you have tens of thousands of messages with this user.

It is foolish to assume that you have been corresponding with a person for several months and suddenly decided that he is a bot. Only if it was hacked.

But then it checks from which ip the messages are sent. If the ip is the real owner, then the messages are unlikely to be considered spam.

Let's move on to the next method. It lies in the fact that now you have to be a spammer. By the way, perhaps the situation is such that you can even pretend that you have been hacked. So, in order for your messages to be automatically deleted, you need to immediately after sending the message that you would like to delete, write a lot of messages that look like spam.

Namely: dozens of links to porn sites or any other sites that the spam filter does not like, and these links in VK are regarded as “links to a suspicious site.” Write random sets of characters and other things. This method also doesn’t always work, but it’s still better than nothing. By the way, it works more often than the previous method.

In approximately 80% of cases, messages are automatically deleted from the interlocutor’s correspondence.

I hope that you found a method that suited you and were able to delete sent messages from the interlocutor and you don't have to resort to various programs and services that still don’t help in this matter and simply steal your passwords.

The reasons may be different:

  • from trying to clean up my page
  • to the desire to prevent personal or business correspondence from reaching strangers.

Security is one of the main reasons for clearing history.

Rarely does anyone come out with their account In VKontakte, and a smartphone, tablet or computer may end up in the wrong hands. And sometimes the password can be picked up or stolen.

Few people like it when they read his message history, even if it does not contain secrets and secrets. The solution is simple - messages must be deleted. Delete All of them indiscriminately, or selectively leaving those that you want to keep is up to each user.

There are built-in tools for this purpose. In contact with and third-party utilities and scripts that facilitate the process, let’s consider everything in order.

The dialogue can be deleted by simply clicking the mouse button on the cross with the pop-up inscription “Delete dialogue” (the cross is located on the right in the message itself, look at the screenshot below):

Afterwards, confirm deletion in a pop-up warning window:

Restoring correspondence deleted in this way is impossible, which is clear from the warning.

If you need to delete only some messages in the dialogue, then you should select them by clicking on the left side of the message and marking them with “checkmarks”. Then click on the “Delete” button (at the top of the message window, example below in the screenshot).

Messages will be deleted without confirmation.

In place of the deleted messages, the window will contain the words “message deleted” and a “restore” hyperlink, by clicking on which you can return the deleted messages back to the dialogue.

As a browser version, the Android client allows you to delete individual messages and entire conversations. For this you must log in to the client and open the “Messages” item.

The dialog can be easily deleted:

  • You must hold your finger on the dialog until the menu appears.
  • then select “Clear message history”:

and confirm your choice:

If you enter into a dialogue, you can delete messages selectively. To do this, long press on an open message, highlight those that need to be deleted and press the delete button (reminiscent of a trash can). Then confirm choice in the pop-up menu.

Deleting messages using scripts and programs

When dozens and hundreds of dialogues have accumulated in the correspondence history and they all require deletion, you can essentially automate the process.

For this task there are special programs and scripts.

  • For the program to work usually require entering VKontakte credentials (which is not good, because you indicate third party program your data, which can be used for “bad purposes”).
  • How they will be used depends only on the honesty of the program author... If you are worried about the security of your account, it is better don't be lazy And clear history manually(as I wrote above) without resorting to programs.
  • Another danger of programs is that for using them there is a non-zero probability of getting blocking your account administration of VKontakte.

Using scripts seems safer. They do not require separate authorization, and with their help you can easily and quickly delete all messages from your VKontakte history.

They either add additional buttons to the message window or are launched from the address bar.

  • In the first case, pressing the button launches the script and it automatically erases the user's message database.
  • In the second case, for this purpose, a script from the developer’s website is launched from the address bar.

However, The risk of falling for scammers is quite high.

If you are not good at programming, you will not be able to analyze third-party scripts for malicious code. And it is better to refrain from using third-party scripts.

Manual removal, even if it takes some time, protects against hacking and possible loss of account.

For a specialist, if necessary, it will be safer and more reliable to write his own script, rather than use and check someone else’s. And it’s not so often that you have to delete a large number of dialogs.

So, friends, I think the choice of deleting VKontakte messages is obvious.

Deleting sent VKontakte messages on the recipient's side

By entering a query into a search engine, you can see links to programs (supposedly!!!) capable of deleting sent messages from the recipient’s account. Install similar programs on your computer and, especially, enter your account login and password into them absolutely not possible.

Otherwise, at best, scammers will steal your data. Only the recipient himself (or anyone who knows his password) can delete his messages from the recipient’s computer.

Otherwise, you can either pretend that your account has been hacked, or try to have the system delete the messages as spam.

Do "as if" it's not difficult - just send the message (without changes) to many other recipients. If you're lucky, VKontakte will perceive the mass mailing as spam and delete the messages.

The method is extremely unreliable and can create more problems than the message itself.

Because, best advice for those who sent an unwanted message to another recipient - “it’s better to just apologize.”

That's it, friends, I have all the information on this article. If you have doubts, questions or your own versions of deletion, then be sure to write in the comments.

You can also watch all of the above information in the video:

No one is immune from mistakes - a couple of careless clicks and the note has flown to the wrong recipient. What to do? How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki without being read? There are several options to solve the problem.

Option one: erase the message

Any message from correspondence on Odnoklassniki can be removed. To do this you need:

Select the desired dialog from the list that opens.

Click on the cross next to the text.

Click the “Delete” button in the window that appears.

Ready! You can remove both your own and other people's messages from the dialogue. In this case, the changes will affect only your account - the messages will be saved in the interlocutor’s profile and will be available for reading. This function is relevant if many people have access to the computer, and you do not want specific correspondence to be accidentally read by someone. But how can you make sure that the interlocutor does not read the message sent to him?

Option two: change the content of the letter

To change the text of a sent message, click on the pencil next to it.

After clicking, the message will appear in the sending form again, edit it.

As a result, the interlocutor will receive only the corrected version - he will not see the original one.

It is important to know:

  • editing is available only for some time after sending, so you need to edit faster;
  • the recipient can see that the text has been changed - the same pencil will appear next to the message and if you hover the cursor over it, the “edited” mark will appear;
  • In this way, it is impossible to remove the contents of the letter completely - you will still have to write something in the editing form, at least a period or an emoticon.

Option three: deleting correspondence completely

Odnoklassniki also provides a function complete removal communication history. To do this, you need to find the settings button in the upper right corner of the message window and click on it.

A list of settings will be displayed - select the “Delete chat” column.

In a pop-up window, the site will warn that the correspondence will be destroyed irrevocably and will offer the choice of continuing the action or canceling it.

Click the "Delete" button to delete your communication history. This method, like the first, will delete correspondence only on your account - the entire communication history will still be available to the interlocutor.

Option four: through a mobile application

All the possibilities mentioned are also possible from the application on a smartphone.

To completely destroy communication history, you need to:

When recalling a message from mailboxes recipients who have not yet opened it will receive the message you sent. You can also replace the alt text. For example, if you forgot to include an attachment, you can try to recall the message and send them a replacement message with the attachment.

Recall message is available after pressing the button Send and will only be available if you and the recipient have an account Email Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange in the same organization.

Recall and replacement of a message

Review review

The outcome of recalling a message depends on the Outlook settings on the recipients' computers. The table below presents five scenarios:



Tracking checkbox is checked.

Note: File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.


An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking unchecked Automatically process requests and responses to meeting invitations and surveys.

Note: To view this option, select File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved from the Inbox to another folder manually or by using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the revocation message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the revocation attempt failed. This occurs regardless of Outlook settings and the read status of the message.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result, Outlook behaves in the same way as if it had not been configured to process messages automatically.

The following happens on the recipient's computer.

An email message is sent to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

The following happens.

    If the recipient reading the revocation message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the revocation succeeds and only the new message remains. The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a revocation message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

Recall and replacement of a message

If you don't see the commands, you probably don't have an Exchange Server account or aren't using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. They are required to recall messages.

This can be found in the dialog box Account Settings in Outlook.

Review review

The result of message revocation depends on the recipient settings in Microsoft Outlook. The following describes various situations, including recalling a message sent to a Microsoft Exchange public folder.



On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox is checked.

Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

If the original message is not read, it is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You are sending an email message to another user. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox not checked Process inquiries and responses upon arrival.

(To view this option, in the menu Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, no revocation occurs, resulting in both messages being available.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You are sending an email message to another user. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved to another folder manually or using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the new message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the recall attempt failed. This occurs regardless of Outlook settings and the read status of the message.

Both the original message and the new message are available to the recipient.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You are sending an email message to another user. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result, the same actions occur as if automatic message processing had not been configured.

In this case, the following happens on the recipient’s computer:

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, the revocation is not performed and both messages are available as a result.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You send an email to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

One of the following will happen:

    If the recipient reading the new message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the recall succeeds (only the new message remains). The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

    If the recipient has already marked the original message as read, they are notified that the revocation has failed, resulting in only the revocation message being deleted.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a new message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

    If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

    For public folders, the success of revocation depends on the permissions of the recipient, not the sender.

The social network VK was created primarily for communication between users, although recently the site has turned into a multimedia giant, where there is absolutely everything, from communication or dating to online games and all kinds of videos.

Returning to the topic of communication, I would like to examine one interesting point. Users often ask if it is possible to delete a sent VK message before it has been read? Currently this option does not exist.

Sometimes you can hear the following story: they say, if you delete this message from yourself, it means that it will disappear from the user to whom you actually sent it. This is not true at all, because the message is deleted only from the user who deletes it. To prove this, let's give a simple example: write a message to the user and delete it.

We wrote a message and sent it to the recipient. The latter did not have time to read it, which is what we see in the screenshot.

Now we log into the account of the user to whom we sent the message and... That’s right, the message is there, it hasn’t gone anywhere and won’t go away until the user deigns to get rid of it.

What to do, is there really no way out of this situation? There are a couple of ways, but they are unlikely to suit you. The first of them is deleting your page before the user even reads the message. True, the likelihood that he will be able to guess who exactly sent him the message is very high, especially if he has a small number of friends on VK.

The second way is to use the login and password from the user page. But where can I get them? The question, let's say, is not easy. In addition, for visiting other people's pages (read: hacking), you can at least get a fine, or even get a suspended sentence - there have already been precedents.

In general, there are no real ways to delete sent messages. And you shouldn’t write to the VK support service, they won’t help you with this issue anyway.
