Download the health app. S Health by Samsung is not only everything. What is the use of the application

S Health is a proprietary application from Samsung, which is a kind of health diary. This program will be a real find for those who are used to monitoring their well-being or are simply trying to manage healthy image life. Let us immediately note that the program will work exclusively on tablets and smartphones from Samsung. Don't even try to install it on portable devices from other manufacturers - their application, unfortunately, does not support.

So, what can you write down in this health journal? Firstly, the application has a training calendar in which you can indicate which specific physical exercises you performed and at what time. Next to the training calendar is a section that is briefly called “Food”. In it you can create a daily diet for yourself, record the foods you eat, and also count calories. There is also a section in S Health where you can note blood pressure, blood sugar, body temperature, and so on. So that you can track at any time how your well-being has changed over a certain time, the program can build visual graphs and diagrams based on the entered data. You can download and use the program completely free of charge.

Key Features and Functions

  • allows you to record various physiological indicators of the body;
  • includes a training calendar;
  • makes it possible to plan your diet;
  • contains a calorie counting tool;
  • knows how to build graphs for a variety of indicators;
  • has a very simple and nice interface.

S Health is a modern application that will help you maintain good physical shape and monitor your own health. The tool can record and remember our activity throughout the day on Android, as well as measure important body indicators.

There are a lot of apps for sports today, but S Health is the most noticeable of all, because it contains many useful functions and is controlled with just a few taps. Thanks to this, the tool has gained wide popularity among users, who have already exceeded 500 million! Let's figure out what exactly attracts people from all over the world. Firstly, the mobile program perfectly counts steps, and secondly, it monitors the implementation of the planned physical exercises. Everything is taken into account - walking, jogging, cycling, and the most different kinds sports The system supports authorization, but do not rush to worry about the safety of personal information, your well-being and body parameters are reliably protected and hidden from prying eyes. In addition, after logging in S Health for Android you will be able to compete with friends and compare your achievements, which is another motivating impetus for doing your workouts. But that's not all!

What is the use of the application:

  • Thanks to the ability to enter information about the food and drinks you consume, you will be able to monitor the condition of your body and adjust your diet
  • Checking various body indicators: weight, height, pulse, heartbeat, blood pressure, blood glucose level, etc.
  • All important information in the form of visual graphs will allow you to analyze the state of the body
  • Many useful tips and modern sports manuals and physical activity programs will tell you in which direction to move next.
  • Voice instructions during training will replace a professional trainer
  • The opportunity to compete with your friends or a random user, selected based on similar body parameters and health indicators, serves as an excellent motivation

    And with all of the above, the tool also boasts a stylish interface that will be understandable to everyone. The news feed is updated every day, here you will see additional tips specialists, and you can customize it based on your own preferences. Thus, we see that the application is really very useful and download S Health shown to absolutely everyone. You need to treat your own body very carefully, regardless of age and gender. But since our lives are very busy now, motivating mobile programs will come in handy. If you don't want to spend money on fitness clubs and personal trainers, install on your device this application. With it you will always stay in great shape and achieve any goals you set.

  • On their own latest smartphones, the Korean electronics giant, began pre-installing a very interesting S-Health application of its own production. The application, designed in a green style, is designed to make it easier to lead a healthy lifestyle. Using a Samsung smartphone, you can significantly make your work easier in counting the calories you eat and physical activity. But don't be Samsung by Samsung if everything was done right the first time. Only the most meticulous user can fully understand the program, and the lack of clear and up-to-date documentation only spurs his interest in sports. It's good that such a user was found.

    So, let's try to figure out why the S-Health program is needed, how it works and is structured. If we characterize the program as a whole, then it is intended to combine several functions in a single complex. S-Health is a utility that allows you to track the user’s physical activity, the number of calories burned and consumed, as well as receive information about heart rate and sleep. In addition, the program can serve as a portal for running applications from third-party manufacturers, acting as an aggregator of functions. Let's go through all the functions of S-Health in order.

    The first thing that S-Health users will have to face is that they will have to register with Samsung and receive their Samsung ID. If you have not performed such an operation before, then you will have to go through it (you can do it directly from the application). The requirement for such registration is very strange, especially considering that data in the program can only be accessed from the phone itself. There is no website for S-Health users. And registration is only used to back up data to Samsung servers (yes, they spy on you). But this is even stranger, because, as a rule, Samsung smartphones already have a Samsung ID in use, why torture users by forcing them to enter their e-mail and password again?


    As you know, the latest versions of Samsung smartphones are equipped with built-in step sensors. Therefore, any owner of a Samsung smartphone with a pedometer function can easily track the number of steps taken. But, of course, you need to carry your phone with you at all times, otherwise it won’t count your steps.

    Pedometer in Samsung phones, for example in the Galaxy S5, is implemented using ANT+ technology. ANT+ technology is a further development of the technology wireless transmission ANT data, an ultra-low power alternative to Bluetooth connectivity. A special feature of both ANT and ANT+ is that devices using this protocol consume a tiny amount of energy. Therefore, you should not look for how to disable the pedometer on your phone. It doesn’t turn off, that’s one thing, it consumes as much energy as it is lost due to the natural self-discharge of your phone’s battery, that’s two things. But, excuse me, why should I wireless connection between the pedometer and the phone, if the pedometer is already built into the phone and is located inside the case? The fact is that ANT+ technology means that in addition to wireless connection A wired connection can also be used. And that’s why you can’t connect a pedometer on your phone to another phone wirelessly.

    According to test results, the pedometer counts steps very accurately. But sometimes he perceives ordinary shaking from means of transport as steps, be it a car or a subway car. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the readings of the built-in pedometer. In addition, while playing sports, running or cycling, the pedometer continues to count steps. It is not disabled by the application and its readings are not ignored. Which can be misleading to the owner of the phone, because he seemed to be riding a bicycle, but the uneven road counted him a huge number of steps. The only solution to correct this shortcoming is to pause the pedometer with your hands. True, for me personally, on S5, it never came back from pause. I had to reboot the phone.

    As an additional option, S-Health can count not just steps, but also running and climbing stairs. The latter will work if your phone is equipped with a pressure sensor (barometric sensor), otherwise the phone is simply not able to determine whether you are climbing stairs or just walking. In addition to counting steps, in parallel, the application also calculates the number of calories that were spent on completing all these steps. Calculation of calories is very simple - the user’s weight is taken into account, which is multiplied by the average number of calories spent per step at that weight. No fancy formulas.


    In order to encourage the user to move, the application has a built-in reward system. The system is completely simple and consists of tracking and rewarding the user with virtual rewards if he walks a lot, burns a lot of calories and eats in calories no more than the system has counted for him. In addition, all measured parameters can be viewed on histograms built into the application. These display not only daily statistics, but also progress over a certain period of time.

    Made, in principle, convenient. The graphs are scaled, and it’s convenient to use medals to spur yourself on to improve your own results. But what you need is an alarm clock for physical activity. So that the phone would periodically remind you that you should get up from the computer and go stretch your numb bones.

    Social functions are not ignored either. All results can be done in in social networks and compare with other users who have the longest list of virtual victories over themselves. In addition, for some activities, it is possible to add photos. You run past beautiful ducks, take pictures of them on your phone camera, eat a delicious cake, and put a photo of it on your phone.


    Since S-Health is positioned as a one-stop center for keeping fit, special attention is paid to the training regimen. In this mode, several options for physical activity are available at once - running, walking, cycling and hiking. For each mode, you can, if desired, set an activity goal. The goal can be distance, time, or calories. In addition, the built-in assistant voices your progress towards your goal, and the built-in music player, can play your favorite songs or audiobook.

    In training mode, not only the pedometer is activated, or rather, it is not activated at all, but continues to count steps as before. And the readings of the built-in GPS sensor are used, accordingly the ascents and descents are calculated, the speed developed in certain sections, and the training route is also recorded. I still haven’t figured out what the difference is between a “walk” and a “hike” type of training (it’s possible that in the “hike” mode the GPS is not polled as often, which saves battery power). But the “cycling” and “running” modes are worth examining in more detail.

    The application makes no difference between various types cycling, in terms of calories, cross-country and just regular track food will be calculated exactly the same. Calories burned are calculated using a certain average formula, which is based on the cyclist’s weight, speed of movement and walking distance. And it is possible that it is for this reason that the results of calories burned are too different from other fitness trainers.

    On the other hand, the running mode quite adequately calculates the calories expended, apparently due to the fact that cross-country running is not much different in energy consumption from running around a stadium. The only difference is the presence of descents and ascents, which, at the very least, are calculated using the built-in GPS. Additionally, in all modes a map of movement is built, and after training you can view informative statistics.

    But the most interesting thing begins when using a heart rate monitor, which is worn on a person and constantly transmits information to the phone. In this case, it is possible to conduct training in the most effective mode possible. The system will track not only the maximum heart rate (determined by the formula 210-0.65*age). And if the threshold is exceeded, it will signal the need to reduce the load. But, a special technology is also used to ensure a safe increase in the load on the body. The technology was developed by sports doctors from Finland and is proudly called FirstBeat.

    The essence of the technology is to change the load (issuing recommendations) for a more complete loss of calories. The device, analyzing the speed of movement, heart rate and weight of the athlete, gives him recommendations when to increase the pace, and when, on the contrary, to reduce it. This technique is used not only by Samsung, but also by many other manufacturers of electronic sports trainers.

    The Finns promise that from readings of load and heart rate, they can obtain information about oxygen consumption, calories burned and the body’s readiness for stress. In addition, the shamans of the cunning northern tribes also modify your training to achieve the most optimal results (depending on the task at hand). The functionality is very useful, especially so as not to overload your internal fiery motor. But all this only works if a heart rate sensor is connected to the phone. The sensor built into the phone, due to its location, is completely unsuitable for continuous analysis of heart activity.

    Of course, during physical activity, measuring your pulse in this way will not work at all. And if the phone is in a case, placing your finger on the sensor is not so easy. In general, I have very big questions about why you need a heart rate monitor in a phone in this design. Yes, of course it’s cool to know what my resting heart rate is. Well, what next? What to do about it? Keep statistics? Yes, it is underway, a full schedule is being built. But such measurements are of little or even zero use. After all, the phone does not take into account the state when the measurement was made. And, naturally, after a 3-kilometer cross-country race, my puls will be quite high, and after waking up in the morning, it will be incredibly low. But there is just no benefit from such information, because there is no division based on the state in which the measurement was made.


    To keep your body in shape, it is important not only to lose calories from physical activity, but also to consume calories. A built-in module with the laconic name “Food” comes to the rescue here. In food, the user independently enters the type of dish consumed and its weight. For input, four different meals are available every day. In addition to the three traditional ones, breakfast, lunch and dinner, there is also an additional category “Snacks” (in our opinion, a snack). Based on the user's weight, the phone automatically calculates the daily calorie intake and then visually displays the intake in the form of a pie chart. In keeping with the spirit of tinkering, no fitness energy expenditures are taken into account. All entered data can be edited. When consuming fewer calories than calculated by the program, the user is given a virtual medal, which is added to those already available on the motivation page of the application.

    To the delight of domestic users, the application is connected to the FatSecret Russia product database. On this service, users enter data on the calorie content of those products that are found in our local stores. Therefore, the database contains both chebupels and navy-style pasta. Since the information in the database is entered into the database by Fat Secret users themselves, in some cases it may not be entirely accurate. Although, the community is open and such inaccuracies are gradually being corrected. Please note that in addition to the FatSecret database (and it is only available when connected to the Internet), you can also enter your own products (they remain available in Offline mode).

    Like FatSecret, S-Health allows you to enter your food intake in both servings and grams. But, since portions differ from case to case, it is still better to get a scale to make the measurements more accurate. Yes, sometimes the app calculates portions based on the weight of 100 grams, and not on the actual portions of the product. Therefore, you need to keep your eyes open and always check, otherwise you will end up with a lot of uneaten food.

    On FatSecret, all products are described not only in terms of calorie content, but also in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates. However, wise Koreans decided that there is no need for the average person to clutter their head with unnecessary information. Therefore, they took and left only calorie information in S-Health, thereby reducing the usefulness of keeping a food diary in the application tenfold. If a person restricts himself in nutrition, then it is absolutely important for him what type of calories he consumes. And so, all that remains is a breakdown by type of meal (breakfast, lunch, etc.) with calories consumed.


    You can’t write much about weight, but it is measured and recorded in the database. The entered data can then be viewed in graphs. It is understood that the user can use not only ordinary scales and enter their weight by hand, but also special fitness scales from Samsung, which will enter weight data into the phone themselves.


    In order to use the “Sleep” section, you need to use a wearable accessory from Samsung. This is either a smart watch or a fitness trainer on your wrist. In any case, it should be a device with an accelerometer that will monitor the user’s movements and determine the phases of sleep, its duration and quality. All the results obtained are naturally presented in the form of diagrams. Why it was impossible to use the accelerometer built into the phone remains a mystery.

    Additional Applications

    Since S-Health was conceived as a portal application that combines all the tools for leading a healthy lifestyle, there is the possibility of integration third party applications into the overall S-Health ecosystem. There is enough space on the main screen of the application to place at least a dozen icons additional programs. However, as of Autumn 2014, only two programs are available for connection:

    Lark Activity Trainer

    Nothing more than an almost complete repetition of all the functionality of the pedometer implemented in S-Health. Installing it additionally and having duplicate functionality is not very prudent.

    Skimble Workout Trainer

    Oh, here’s a trainer from Skimble that’s already something interesting. The application will never let you get bored. The application is paid and not available in Russian. However for Samsung users There is a non-full-featured mode that can be used for free.

    The main focus of Skimble is on increasing the motivation of the amateur athlete to train. When registering, the master asks what is the most impeding factor to constant training. It could be a lack of time, energy, or something else. And based on the answers, as well as the user’s progress, the application tries to adapt the program so that interest in the classes does not disappear or disappear.

    Skimble is designed primarily for sets of exercises (work outs) that combine both pure fitness and strength training methods. But, I would especially like to note the quality of the materials for the exercises. All exercises are not only described in detail, but also provide high-quality video instructions. And the base of exercises and training is constantly growing and updated with more and more new sets. Of course, the application contains the much-needed diary of physical activity, where all the exercises done, approaches, etc. are recorded in detail, but there is also a built-in trainer who will squeak angrily, urging you to reduce the rest time between approaches and start repeating the exercise.

    All this looks very rich and you can immediately see that it was done with great love for sports in general.

    In general, application integration is a good thing, but the overall disadvantage of S-Health does not receive any additional value from the integration. I would much rather use Sport Tracker for running and cycling, Skimble for exercise, and Fat Secret for my food journal than using the half-baked functionality of S-Health.


    The creators of S-Health were guided by the fact that at least a wrist fitness tracker would be used with their application. But, in addition to simple trackers, a wide variety of devices can be connected to a device with S-Health, ranging from weights and exercise bikes to extremely sophisticated “smart” watches. But you should be very careful when choosing additional accessories, because the period of use of the same simulator is several times longer than modern smartphone. And don’t forget about compatibility issues. ANT+ is certainly good, but it’s not a fact that a device from a third-party manufacturer will work properly with S-Health. The app has a short list of compatible accessories, but it's updated with the app, which doesn't happen very often.


    What can you say about Samsung S-Health? Yes, in general, everything is the same as about most of their products. At first glance, it’s not bad at all, but as always, it’s the details that let us down and completely ruin the whole impression. Minor defects, coupled with the lack of normal documentation, make it impossible to use S-Health normally, in the form in which it was intended. Therefore, after trying the functionality offered by S-Health, an advanced user will simply switch to another program, implemented with great attention to detail. And indeed, the attempt to cover everything at once led to the fact that everything at once is impossible to use together with the phone and S-Health. Why can I get statistics on calories consumed in the context of proteins, fats and carbons with Fat Secret, but I can’t with S-Health, which uses the same database? Why is it that with Sport Tracker I can choose the type of cycling I want to do, but with S-Health this is no longer possible? Why can I use the phone's built-in accelerometer with various sleep programs, but this cannot be done with S-Health? After all, such minor restrictions do not require any too serious modifications and do not require thousands of man-hours to implement. You just need to initially think through all the functionality, and only then start developing.

    UPD. Literally a week after publication Samsung review updated its product. And then a week later again. The general meaning of S-Health has not changed, but something new and interesting has appeared.

    Firstly, the interface has changed slightly; now the main measurement indicators are displayed on the main screen of the application, and shortcuts to built-in and downloaded applications are located on the bottom line. Is it more convenient, I doubt it, but free space not left on the screen and it began to look less empty.

    Secondly, statistics on consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates have been added to “Food”. But, it is not displayed on a general indicator, but only if you delve into the details of each specific meal. The usefulness has not increased, because athletes need to know which foods to lean on more, but for now they can still focus only on calories.

    Thirdly, a “stress” meter has appeared in the application. Stress is measured based on heart rate variability, so the same heart rate sensor is used to measure it, but the measurement itself takes longer. The functionality is very interesting, but how high its accuracy is is not very clear. Yes, and there is nothing to check. In general, the more different your heart rate cycles are, the higher your stress levels. In addition, this functionality is not supported by law in the UK. South Korea, Angola, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Algeria, Iran and Canada. Sanctions also came under heart monitor, blood glucose and pressure (the last two are apparently only accessible through some external equipment).

    Fourthly, the application now has its own virtual trainer. The manufacturer of the algorithmic trainer is Cigna. The essence of the trainer is that it motivates the user to perform certain actions and draw up a plan to improve their lifestyle. The trainer creates individual goals in terms of fitness and health parameters and helps you achieve them.

    To program a virtual trainer, you first need to go through a short questionnaire, from the answers of which the phone understands who is using the phone, a nerd who is dead or a well-fed ghoul. But not only questions help in planning to achieve goals. If you diligently enter all your workouts, your weight and consumed foods into the program, then they will also affect your physical activity plans.

    In addition, the virtual trainer tries, to the best of his ability, to suggest to the user what other type of activity he would like to engage in in order to achieve his goals. The activities are sometimes quite interesting, for example, starting your day by clapping overhead or doing a couple of exercises in the grocery store (cute, isn't it).

    UPD. July 2015.

    The S-Health update to version 4.4 arrived on the phone, quite unexpectedly. There were no signs of trouble, but the beautiful, green S-Health interface was redesigned into the hated Material Design. Who came up with this crap? But the programmers tried to make at least something intelligible out of the fundamentally “blind” concept of “material design” of the user interface. All functions of the program turned into tiles of nondescript colors, and convenient graphics into incomprehensible “bars” and unsightly broken curves. However, the program has finally begun to calculate both calories burned during training and distance with decent accuracy. And the voice assistant has become more talkative. But he speaks using a Samsung “engine,” so the distorted voice of the “robot” may shock others at first.

    In measurements of stress, heart rate and some other functions, states appeared during the measurement. Thus, the heart rate can be marked with several different statuses, such as “Before training”, “At rest”, “After training” and others. It has become more convenient to enter data on food consumed in the calorie counting function. Apparently, the programmers were finally expelled from the design department and several specialists were hired there user interface. The database of products has become more interesting; in the search you can search not only products, but also entire establishments. In this case, dishes from the menu of the selected restaurant are displayed on the screen.

    Interface of the "Walking" mode (not to be confused with a pedometer), selection of products for the calorie consumption tracking function.

    I was a little confused by the presence of two overlapping functions. Pedometer and “Walking” are not the same thing. The pedometer is implemented in hardware and simply reads data from the pedometer sensor. And it doesn’t matter to him at all whether you are riding a bicycle, running or shaking in a subway car. It will count your "steps". But the “Walking” function is implemented like other functions related to tracking distance, speed and elevation. Walk uses GPS to track your activity.

    Number of functions, compared to previous version, increased noticeably. They can be toggled on or off to appear on the home screen. In addition to the usual food, tracking has appeared for those who like to crack coffee too much or drink water. All this can be tracked, goals can be set and achieved. In addition, the “Sport”, “Blood Sugar” and “Blood Pressure” functions are of interest. The last two are for manually entering readings. In the “Sports” mode there are several dozen activities, which are tracked mainly simply by time with some average calculation of calories. There are only a few workouts and goals in the app right now, but I hope there will be more of them soon.

    S-Health in new version began to support more third-party applications. In addition to the Workout Trainer present in the previous version, you can install about a dozen more different applications. Samsung places special emphasis on Nike+ Running, popular app among amateur runners. You can remove Nike+ from the main screen by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of its tile.

    Overall, I liked the update to version 4.4. It is clear that Samsung is aimed at further development of the program and does not intend to stop at the achieved results. And with well-functioning software, you can tolerate an unsightly interface.


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    Samsung Health contains essential features to help you stay healthy and fit. This app records and analyzes the physical activity you do throughout the day. The results obtained help you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.
    Many built-in trackers help you add different physical exercises in one step and monitor their implementation - while jogging, walking, cycling, playing sports indoors or outdoors. You can use a pedometer to track your distance traveled.
    By recording a variety of information such as food, caffeine and water consumption, Samsung Health helps you create a model for a balanced lifestyle.
    Record everything you consume during the day and check your diet and weight at any time convenient for you. There are also sleep and stress trackers that help you achieve the most comfortable state.
    Using built-in sensors and third-party devices, you can monitor health and environmental indicators - heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, exercise, weight and SpO₂.
    Trackers enable the user to quickly and conveniently view compelling data according to their preferences. Intuitive graphics useful tips and exercise guides to help you stay fit and on track with your diet. From the dashboard, you can add or remove personal goals at your discretion.
    To monitor your physical activity, weight and diet, use Samsung devices Galaxy and Gear.
    The application is compatible with everyone Samsung smartphones, starting with the Galaxy S3 model, as well as smartphones under Android control from other manufacturers.
    Exercise programs such as “Little by little to 5K”, “5K run”, etc. will help you achieve progress in running. Voice instructions are given during training. You can also listen to music while doing exercise.
    Compete with friends and view your ranking. After registration account Samsung you can compete with friends specified in the address field. In the Together section, you can choose an opponent and compare your number of steps with that of people from different age groups around the world.
    The customizable news feed delivers daily health-related news according to your preferences. Advice from health experts can help you stay healthy and fit.
    Discover best apps for health monitoring that can be connected to Samsung Health, in particular Technogym and Coach by Cigna. By connecting them to Samsung Health, you can centrally monitor your nutrition, fitness, and exercise data in any of these apps.
    Tablets and some mobile devices may not be supported. Some features may not be available depending on region, service provider, and device type. For Samsung works Health requires Android 4.4 or later.
    The Samsung Health app supports more than 70 languages, including English, French and Chinese. An English version is available for the rest of the world.
    note that samsung app Health is intended solely for use for the purpose of maintaining physical fitness and wellness and not for the diagnosis of disease, other pathological conditions or for the elimination, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease.
    Your personal health information stored in Samsung Health is securely protected. On all models Samsung Galaxy, released after August 2016, Samsung Health with Knox support will be available. Please note: Knox-enabled Samsung Health will not be available on a rooted mobile device.
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    Samsung Health contains essential features to help you stay healthy and fit. This app records and analyzes the physical activity you do throughout the day. The results obtained help you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Many built-in trackers help you add different physical exercises in one step and monitor their implementation - while jogging, walking, cycling, playing sports indoors or outdoors. You can use the Samsung Health pedometer to track your distance traveled.

    Samsung Health Features

    • By recording a variety of information such as food, caffeine and water consumption, Samsung Health helps you create a model for a balanced lifestyle.
    • Record everything you consume during the day and check your diet and weight at any time convenient for you. There are also sleep and stress trackers that help you achieve the most comfortable state.
    • Using built-in Samsung Health sensors and third-party devices, you can monitor health and environmental indicators - heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, exercise, weight and SpO₂.
    • Trackers enable the user to quickly and conveniently view compelling data according to their preferences. Intuitive charts, helpful tips and exercise guides help you stay fit and on track with your diet. From the Samsung Health dashboard, you can add or remove personal goals as you wish.
    • Use Samsung Galaxy and Gear devices to monitor your physical activity, weight and diet.
    • The Samsung Health app is compatible with all Samsung smartphones starting with the Galaxy S3, as well as Android smartphones from other manufacturers.
    • Exercise programs such as “Little by little to 5K”, “5K run”, etc. will help you achieve progress in running. Voice instructions are given during training. You can also listen to music while doing exercise.
    • Compete with friends and view your ranking. After registering your account Samsung records you can compete with friends specified in the address field. In the Together section, you can choose an opponent and compare your number of steps with that of people from different age groups around the world.
    • The customizable news feed delivers daily health-related news according to your preferences. Advice from health experts can help you stay healthy and fit.
    • Discover the best health apps that connect to Samsung Health, including Technogym and Coach by Cigna. By connecting them to S Health, you can centrally monitor your nutrition, fitness, and exercise data across any of these apps.
    • Tablets and some mobile devices may not be supported. Some features may not be available depending on region, service provider, and device type. Samsung Health requires Android 4.4 or later to operate.
    • The Samsung Health app supports more than 70 languages, including English, French and Chinese. An English version is available for the rest of the world.
    • Please note that the Samsung Health app is intended solely for use for fitness and wellness purposes and not for diagnosing disease, other medical conditions, or eliminating, mitigating, treating, or preventing disease.
