Corporate resources. Corporate Resources When a Blog May Be Required

Scientific supervisor - Doctor of Philology, Professor V.M. Gorokhov

CORPORATE INTERNET RESOURCES IN THE PUBLIC RELATIONS SYSTEM: STRUCTURE, CONTENT, DEVELOPMENT FEATURES 1. Public relations of the corporation as a communicative resource of the 1st environment

Modern society: transformation of development models as a tive necessity of public discourse.

Modern corporation: information and communication aspect of reality.

Public relations of the corporation in the public relations system. no-communications of corporate PR. i 2. Internet resources in the corporation’s public relations system

Hypology of corporate network resources.

Email: a resource for internal and external communications.

Website as a communicative component of a corporate

1bness. new format of personal communication: blog.

Convergence of the possibilities of corporate discourse.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Journalism”, Shilina, Marina Grigorievna

197 Conclusions

1. The most complex complex variable integration of the capabilities of various media (verbal-written text, audio, video, statics, dynamics, etc.) is implemented in the computer recording of PR messages, including corporate ones, in hypertext format, which forms a fundamentally new type of communication .

2. The implementation of hypertext as a way of associative organization of information, expanding creative possibilities for working with texts, became possible only with the advent of computer networks. This type communication is fundamentally different from others: the network provides multidimensional representation information, which “creates an information environment adequate to the deep structure of the processing of ideas by the human brain,”1 and, thanks to the system of links, expands the possibilities of structuring the text by co-authors - writing and reading.

3. Computer communications and computer hypertexts are completely new forms of communication and expression of thoughts, which is proven, in particular, in polemics with domestic scientists. The differences are obvious: computer text is virtual, communication is virtual; the basis of communication is not traditional monologue or dialogic speech or its varieties, but a fundamentally new construct created by co-authors - the sender and recipient of communication, and it is not known whose role in creating the final text is more important; the multidimensional form of creating and transmitting information, its visualization, and dynamics create a different format of communication than monologue or dialogic speech; the form of communication in each specific case is different; communication is possible at the level of image transmission.

4. The hypertext system makes possible direct communication, direct communication between the author and the reader, consumer

1 Epstein V. Introduction to hypertext and hypertext systems. // information, at the level of image transmission and co-creation, which is an ideal scheme for modern direct PR communication, which is based on the transmission of values.

5. Based on an analysis of the essential characteristics of hypertext and its accepted definitions, the author offers his own version, for the first time including in the definition the designation of one of the key components of the concept of hypertext as its creators intended: the dualism of co-authorship, which is important for public relations communications. So, network computer hypertext is a special mechanism and form of creation and receipt of network hypermedia information by its co-authors: the creator and the recipient. Corporate hypertext of network resources is a special mechanism and form of creation and receipt of network hypermedia institutional information by its co-authors: the creator and the recipient.

6. Hypertext as an integral part of Internet communications is a vast, interesting and insufficiently studied form of network information, which is still poorly used in the work of PR specialists of Russian corporations. The development of hypertext communications is still determined by trends in increasing volumes of information, the use of the computer as a means of communication and the existing “rhizomorphic” worldview of our contemporaries, to which hypertext corresponds both as a text paradigm, and as a method and form of communication, and as an environment where new ideas can develop , thanks to information flows set in certain directions.

7. Hypertext exists only in a hypermedia environment, in combination with graphic, photo, video, audio, and animation elements. Among the main characteristics of network hypertext we can note: nonlinearity, holographicity, multimedia, virtuality as the ability to stimulate a “transition to a special psychological state,” dispersion of the structure, fragmentation, openness. Thus, hypertext has a powerful potential for creativity. The integrity of hypertext and its key advantages, in contrast to ordinary printed text available on paper, is ensured by the complex combination of semiotic and technical means. The recipient of the information independently builds a navigation system, acting as a full co-author, and each time receives a special, individual final hypertext.

8. The principles and ideas underlying the theory of hypertext allow us to consider it the optimal tool in the arsenal of a public relations specialist for creating corporate complexity, since network hypertext allows direct communication between the author-producer of information and target audiences - its recipients, ensures the creation of multifaceted communicative multimedia environments, and also has all the advantages of a network construct: mass availability and at the same time synchronization, round-the-clock access, unlimited amounts of information, efficiency, instant feedback, instant audience growth. Hypertext, thanks to such characteristics, occupies a special place in the corporation's PR message system.

9. In accordance with the general typology of institutional network resources proposed in this work, corporate hypertexts are classified according to the functional principle - targeting target audiences: internal and external. The work also proposes a principle for the typology of corporate PR messages - structural, dividing hypertexts into texts Email, corporate sites various types, corporate blog, podcast. Genre characteristics of hypertexts of corporate network resources have also been determined.

10. The work confirms the basic postulates of creating effective hypertext as a form of recording corporate PR information: simplicity of presentation, specificity of information, “inverted structure” of presentation, the presence of visual, graphic markers, competent hyperlinks, the use of meaningful and attractive photos, audio, and video sequences. The presence of human intonation in the text is also required, since the Internet is a channel of mass - but also personal - communication.

11. Most dynamic Russian companies have not yet assessed the capabilities of the Internet and hypertexts as a means of creating corporate complexity: the image of a company on the Internet is created on the basis of the principles of linear text that should long be a thing of the past, without taking into account the potential of hypermedia, which is confirmed by the applied research of hypertexts on the websites of the most innovative domestic corporations. Thus, hypertext in the PR-referral system Russian corporations is not used correctly yet.


Modern corporate public relations are a significant and constantly developing segment of scientific and scientific-applied knowledge, which has significant prospects. The need for scientific general theoretical identification of corporate resources, including network ones, is constantly growing.

The period of formation of the domestic science on the development of public relations determines the absence of significant systematic theoretical work in basic areas, while new realities of public relations associated with online institutional PR have not even been de facto identified. On the topic of corporate network resources, Russian science has not yet offered serious general theoretical and scientific-applied work, and in this situation - with the rapid growth and socialization of corporations, the development of the Internet and Runet - there is a certain antagonism, which we tried to overcome in this essay.

The future of public relations of the corporation as a defining part of the anthropocentric business system is seen in the priority development of the online communications segment, subject to their creative use; Such development is even more impossible without theoretical research. The study of the most dynamically growing sector of communications in Russia, the study of the patterns of influence of corporate communications on the formation of the economic field will allow us to determine vectors and build models for the development of public relations of companies - and, to a certain extent, of the domestic society.

System analysis and a scientifically based concept of corporate Internet resources in the public relations system proposed in this work contributed to solving the complex problem of the theory of public relations - establishing optimal parameters for creating corporate integrity and a consensus social environment using online communications and resources.

The boundaries of the existence of the above processes are constantly changing, operational criteria are not defined; Thus, the research appears to be particularly interesting in its permanent novelty. Let us note that the a priori impossibility of fundamental scientific generalizations in this area - due to the constant unpredictable transformations of modern economic and communication processes - seems to be a distinctive characteristic of any research related to current online communications, however, based on the analysis of a significant layer of network communication realities, we tried draw adequate scientific conclusions.

Theoretical research in this area is difficult due to the lack of a clear typology of both corporations and their business and PR communications. However, the available scientific and practical material of corporate online resources made it possible to systematize the data, to record for the first time a number of parameters characterizing the current state and development trends of institutional online resources, which require further study and scientific understanding.

We highlight the cause-and-effect dependence of a corporation's social communications on its essential economic characteristics. The model of information capitalism in Russia has national specifics, however, the trends in the drift of intangible assets of domestic companies are similar to the global ones: an increase in the importance of public capital, virtualization of communications, flexibility and non-standard solutions, strengthening the role of a specific person, his knowledge, creative abilities - which in some aspects allows us to consider similar strategic directions for the development of these phenomena in Russia and the world, and, therefore, use materials from domestic and foreign researchers to study and classify them.

Based on the research, the author defined modern corporate public relations in Russia and the trends in their development. It can be stated that the communication development strategy of an advanced corporation can be implemented exclusively in line with anthropocentric, human-oriented strategies, both in internal and external circuits; therefore, public relations of corporations will develop intensively.

In institutional public relations, online resources of the corporation occupy an increasingly significant place. To develop classification parameters, we determined the place of corporate network communications in the public relations system: the system-forming element of this system is communication, computer network communication has fundamental differences from all others, in particular, communication and its participants are virtual, equal in rights, are co-authors, interactive interaction of communicators, creation and broadcast of PR messages, complex impact. Only network resources have the ability to capture multimedia corporate information.

The concept of “target audience” on the Internet acquires a specific meaning: the peculiarity lies in the fact that the parameters of the target audience for whom we are building PR communications must be specific, however, the identity of the user-communicator, with all the accuracy of taking into account the Internet parameters of each user, can be anonymous or completely arbitrarily modeled by himself (gender, age, social status and so on.); Moreover, any information for an external target audience can be publicly available throughout the Network.

The specificity of the essential characteristics of network corporate resources as a tool of public relations is based on their technological capabilities; the differences lie in the strategic goals and creativity of use by PR specialists. A similar thesis, put forward in the dissertation as the main condition for classification, despite its obviousness, was proposed for the first time in a systematic consideration of corporate online resources.

As part of this study, as a result of a fairly well-reasoned debate with scientists who have touched on the topic of corporate Internet resources in one way or another, we propose our own most complete classification of corporate Internet resources, proposing to structure them based on a single functional principle - targeting, focus on target audiences and based on the characteristics of the technologies of each of them. The author's classification of corporate network resources is proposed according to seven criteria: audience, goals and objectives, authorship, scale of communication, nature of corporatism, nature of PR code, navigation.

The typology of corporate network resources is valid for all the constructs considered: email and mailing lists, websites (intranet, internet, extranet), blogs, podcasts, which allows us to speak about its methodological correctness.

The peculiarity of e-mail in the system of corporate PR resources is that this massive corporate tool is created not only by specialists in the field of public relations or top managers - like other online resources of the corporation - but by all members of the corporation, and all e-mail information can actually be is regarded as corporate PR information, since its addressee is representatives of the corporation.

With the development of dynamic, transparent, global business, internal computer communications are becoming increasingly important. The intranet as a platform for social communications demonstrates the level of efficiency of business processes, provides the opportunity for teamwork and reflects - to a greater extent than other resources - the level of corporate culture and commitment to the company's values, and is a platform and tool for internal corporate management.

The corporate website occupies a key place in the corporation’s external and extranet communications due to the comprehensive nature of the opportunities provided for implementing the company’s information strategy, building an image, increasing trust, interactive interaction, and, subsequently, participating in corporate reputation management. In the corporation's system of integrated Internet resources, the website is the only comprehensive platform for media relations.

Personification of information consumption in network communication and expansion technical capabilities for individual work online led to the creation of a special personal Internet resource - an online diary (blog), which in RuNet is a developing platform for corporate communications and social media, for the first time realizing the possibility of creating corporate content by recipients of institutional communications.

The main trend in the evolution of network resources is the convergence of hypermedia capabilities and the demand for new, diverse, increasingly individualized types of network communication, such as podcasts. The trends in its development are the movement towards the formation of a set of functions that provide the fullest possible range of communication capabilities and interactive communication, a move away from monofunctionality to hypermedia convergence of capabilities.

To characterize information recorded by means of Internet communication and functioning on the Internet, the work introduced the broader semantic parameters of the term “PR message” and the classification of this phenomenon within the framework of the author’s general typology. In an Internet message, unlike previous forms of recording corporate communication, the main thing can be not just a PR message, but an image.

The most complex complex variable integration of the capabilities of various media (verbal-written text, audio, video, statics, dynamics, etc.) is implemented in the network recording of PR messages, including corporate ones, in the hypertext format, which forms a fundamentally new type of communication. The hypertext system makes possible direct communication, direct communication between the author and the reader-consumer of information, as well as their co-creation, which is an ideal scheme for modern direct PR communication.

The corporation's network resources are undoubtedly a unique tool for shaping its communications and increasing reputational capital, since they have a special arsenal for an emotional, complex hypermedia impact on target audiences.

Domestic network corporate public relations and resources have an undoubted originality, the structural, content and compositional characteristics of which are studied in the work; the scientific reliability of the author’s conclusions is supported by the results of applied research on corporate network resources of the Runet (websites, blogs, podcasts) and hypertexts of corporate websites.

To summarize, we can conclude: corporate Internet resources Runet is a new significant object in the system of public relations, which necessitates the development of a new section of the sphere of scientific knowledge and scientific and applied research.

The proposed systematic approach to a comprehensive study of corporate network resources opens up methodological possibilities for further scientific research on the stated topic and seems to be a basic factor in the creation of both private scientific constructions and a fundamentally new identification of the general theory of social relations, which is a condition for its further development. All problems raised in this work are open for further study, which confirms its scientific novelty and theoretical relevance.

Research on the stated topic is a key trend in the development of the theory and practice of public relations of tomorrow, both in Russia and throughout the world.

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for informational purposes and were obtained through recognition original texts dissertations (OCR). Therefore, they may contain errors associated with imperfect recognition algorithms. IN PDF files There are no such errors in the dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

At the present stage, corporate websites are included in the category of the most common network resources. It is very rare to find companies that do not intend to acquire their own portal. After all, with its help you can get the opportunity to solve a large number of problems, from attracting to increasing and maintaining your image at a certain level.

What do you need to know about corporate projects?

What do corporate websites mean? You can find a large number of definitions. And almost all of them are correct. Considering a corporate portal from the point of view of classifying network resources in full dependence on the tasks performed, we can say that this is a project developed by a company to carry out its development on the Internet.

Quite often, users confuse two types of sites with each other - corporate and commercial. Without a doubt, they may have many similar elements. However, the purpose of a corporate resource is not to sell services or products, compared to a commercial site.

So what tasks should corporate websites perform? The main ones include positioning the enterprise on the Internet and maintaining the relationship between its individual branches.

Types of corporate resources

Depending entirely on the goals, portals of this nature can be divided into the following types:

  1. Closed network resources.
  2. Image sites.
  3. Corporate blogs.
  4. Business card sites.

Resources not available to most users

Closed corporate sites imply resources through which enterprises solve certain problems regarding the cohesion of their representative offices. Such portals allow you to quickly exchange information between branches, maintain high document flow, communication between employees, etc. For example, thanks to such a site, ordinary employees are able to obtain information regarding their salaries and contact managers. Using the portal, management will have the opportunity to give orders not only to individual employees, but also to the entire branch.

The main difference between a closed portal is that it can only be used by company employees. At the present stage, very often situations arise when companies develop incomplete websites of this nature. They organize only a separate part of a closed type on existing projects.

Resource aimed at improving image

A corporate website of an image nature implies a portal open to all users. Due to it, you can obtain a large number of necessary data regarding a particular enterprise. Users are provided with complete information about the company, its history, achievements, contact details, addresses, etc. The main tasks of the image resource include:

  1. Improving the company's image among potential clients.
  2. Attraction of new clients.
  3. Carrying out promotional events on the Internet.
  4. Increasing competitiveness on the Internet.

When might you need a blog?

Basically, corporate blogs exist and act as an additional element of the main image project. But it is worth noting that they play a huge role in the development of an enterprise on the Internet. Using a corporate blog, you can solve some fairly important problems. For example, it can be used to provide feedback that will help customers contact the management of the enterprise.

Most of the content of such a blog is current and past company news, data on ongoing promotions and their results, reporting on the company’s performance, etc. In other words, with the help of such a resource, each company will have the opportunity to provide customers with the required information that will be of interest to them. Due to this, you can demonstrate your openness, which will have a positive impact on your business. Through a corporate blog, each company gains the opportunity to communicate with potential clients. Accordingly, it will be possible to promptly learn about the attitude of clients towards the enterprise and promptly make certain decisions.

Resources for Small Companies

The company's corporate website can be presented in This is a simplified version of the image resource. Typically, a business card is developed by relatively small companies that do not have the opportunity to create a large project and promote it. Sometimes a large portal is simply not necessary. Basically, a business card website is necessary to provide clients with a fairly narrow range of available opportunities. Using such a corporate resource, you can get acquainted with basic information regarding the company’s activities, learn about the products and services it sells, etc.

Resource design plays an important role

The creation of a corporate website should be based on some individual components. Among them, it is worth highlighting the resource, which implies a certain part of the corporation’s style, in which all the company’s image elements should be presented, starting with business cards and envelopes, and ending with forms and folders.

The design of a corporate website, in principle, like the entire portal, should be created by a professional in his field. This cannot be trusted, for example, to accountants even if they are familiar with the process of developing network resources. Naturally, enterprise programmers can also design a portal. It will be cheap, but not very high quality. If you still want to develop a resource yourself, then you should consider this process from the perspective of a design project.

Content must be of high quality

Creating a corporate website means that perfection is a must. And this can be said not only about the design and software component of the resource, but also about the preparation of content. To fill the portal, you must use only the best photographs. Accordingly, it is necessary not only to purchase a good camera, but also to learn the main points in working with it. Having typed the text, you must send it to a proofreader for checking. It should be understood that bad photographs and texts, which contain many errors, cannot have a positive impact on the image of the enterprise.

What else do you need to know to create a corporate website that can attract regular customers? At the present stage, a resource that is not updated for a long time will not be of interest to anyone. However, this does not mean that any information can be added to the portal. Please note that it must be current. In other words, the reader, after reading the article, should not wonder why it was written and added. A procedure such as adding content can hardly be entrusted to external specialists. Therefore, it must be taken into account that information should be provided to clients in an optimized form.

The writing of each individual text must be approached with an understanding of who it is being created for - for clients or for suppliers, for journalists or for government agencies. In such a situation, the illustrated material must be of high quality, and the text must be proofread by professionals or proofreaders before posting.

Design needs to be updated

What else should the development of a corporate website be based on? Don't forget about the redesign. The visual design should change periodically. Due to this, it is possible to highlight the dynamism of the enterprise, as well as its compliance with all changing conditions. When changing the design, do not forget to transfer the old information. Content must be accessible. With this, you can emphasize the experience of the enterprise, continuity and other components that are strongly associated with stability. It should be understood that both dynamism and staticity must be present at the same time. This situation reflects the law of struggle and unity of opposites.

What structure is typical for projects?

Corporate resources are based on a set of structural components. When developing a particular portal, some elements can be removed or added. What components are typically found on corporate websites? Examples of main sections are given below.

  1. Home page.
  2. Resource navigation.
  3. Data regarding the company, its products and services.
  4. Prices for goods and services (price list).
  5. A section that provides information for partners.
  6. Order and processing system.
  7. Enterprise news.
  8. Feedback.
  9. Sections in which information about competitions, sweepstakes, and promotions will be posted.

What needs to be added first?

The “Company Information” section on corporate websites usually contains detailed information. It can be divided into the following subsections:

Promotion of a corporate website plays a fairly important role. After creating a resource, you need to take care of high-quality promotion. There are several ways to convey information about new products to potential customers. You can resort to free technologies. However, promotion in such a situation will require a lot of time.

At the present stage, there are also expensive promotion options. It's about about contextual, banner and With its help you can achieve the desired results in a relatively short time. The moment advertising hits the Internet, it will immediately begin to function. Long-term results can be achieved through search engine optimization. But its cost will be significant compared to other methods. In addition, at decisive moments the level of qualifications of the specialists involved can also have an impact.

Success depends on the little things

The best corporate website can be created by those who are willing to spend their time on it. If there is a desire on the part of the developer to develop his project, creating a resource can cost a relatively small amount of money. But development and promotion in such a situation will require much more time.

If you want to create a really good resource, then you should take into account even the most insignificant details at first glance. Only in such a situation can we talk about the success of the project.

Promotional resources

Promotional resources are sites that advertise a single product or service (a narrow range of products or services) or promote a brand. Creating such a resource includes creating a stylish design, individual navigation systems, and connecting the necessary software modules.

Such sites resemble commercials. Indeed, the main requirements that promotional resources must meet are brightness, colorfulness and memorability. This, in particular, is achieved through flash animation. Visitors often return to such sites because they are “beautiful.”

Effective use of a promotional resource is only possible in conjunction with a powerful advertising campaign (usually banner or rich media, or using non-standard advertising media). Thanks to it, you can quickly promote the advertised service (product, brand), and also use it as a source of reference information.

It takes several months to develop such a resource, and the costs in some cases can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Corporate Resources

Corporate Internet resources are effective tools for attracting and serving customers. They provide visitors with the most complete information on the products (services) being sold, if possible with descriptions of both the products (services) themselves and patterns of interaction with potential clients. Typically, corporate resources have means of interactive communication between visitors and company personnel.

Effective use of corporate resources involves combining inexpensive promotional activities (optimization for search engines) with one-time promotions. With the right approach, over the course of a year, a corporate resource can become the main means of attracting new and retaining existing customers.

The book Effective Brand Management provides examples that explain what a company wants to achieve by posting information about its products and services on the Internet.

  • * Build a virtual business or support your traditional one.
  • * Provide customers with specific technical information.
  • * Increase sales, reduce sales staff or increase its efficiency.
  • * Offer customers an alternative purchase/distribution channel.
  • * Develop a customer relationship management program.
  • * Attract a new segment of consumers. Enter the global market.
  • * Increase brand awareness and recognition.

Any of these goals (or others) could be strategic. Paul Temporal is convinced that it is important to focus on the goal and, based on it, determine what the site should be. Taking into account the intended tasks, in particular, the website design is being developed.

Scientific supervisor - Doctor of Philology, Professor V.M. Gorokhov

CORPORATE INTERNET RESOURCES IN THE PUBLIC RELATIONS SYSTEM: STRUCTURE, CONTENT, DEVELOPMENT FEATURES 1. Public relations of the corporation as a communicative resource of the 1st environment

Modern society: transformation of development models as a tive necessity of public discourse.

Modern corporation: information and communication aspect of reality.

Public relations of the corporation in the public relations system. no-communications of corporate PR. i 2. Internet resources in the corporation’s public relations system

Hypology of corporate network resources.

Email: a resource for internal and external communications.

Website as a communicative component of a corporate

1bness. new format of personal communication: blog.

Convergence of the possibilities of corporate discourse.

Conclusion of scientific work dissertation on the topic "Corporate Internet resources in the system of public relations: structure, content, development features"

197 Conclusions

1. The most complex complex variable integration of the capabilities of various media (verbal-written text, audio, video, statics, dynamics, etc.) is implemented in the computer recording of PR messages, including corporate ones, in hypertext format, which forms a fundamentally new type of communication .

2. The implementation of hypertext as a way of associative organization of information, expanding the creative possibilities of working with texts, became possible only with the advent of computer networks. This type of communication is fundamentally different from others: the network provides a multidimensional representation of information, which “creates an information environment adequate to the deep structure of the processing of ideas by the human brain,”1 and, thanks to the link system, expands the possibilities of structuring the text by co-authors - writing and reading.

3. Computer communications and computer hypertexts are completely new forms of communication and expression of thoughts, which is proven, in particular, in polemics with domestic scientists. The differences are obvious: computer text is virtual, communication is virtual; the basis of communication is not traditional monologue or dialogic speech or its varieties, but a fundamentally new construct created by co-authors - the sender and recipient of communication, and it is not known whose role in creating the final text is more important; the multidimensional form of creating and transmitting information, its visualization, and dynamics create a different format of communication than monologue or dialogic speech; the form of communication in each specific case is different; communication is possible at the level of image transmission.

4. The hypertext system makes possible direct communication, direct communication between the author and the reader, consumer

1 Epstein V. Introduction to hypertext and hypertext systems. // information, at the level of image transmission and co-creation, which is an ideal scheme for modern direct PR communication, which is based on the transmission of values.

5. Based on an analysis of the essential characteristics of hypertext and its accepted definitions, the author offers his own version, for the first time including in the definition the designation of one of the key components of the concept of hypertext as its creators intended: the dualism of co-authorship, which is important for public relations communications. So, network computer hypertext is a special mechanism and form of creation and receipt of network hypermedia information by its co-authors: the creator and the recipient. Corporate hypertext of network resources is a special mechanism and form of creation and receipt of network hypermedia institutional information by its co-authors: the creator and the recipient.

6. Hypertext as an integral part of Internet communications is a vast, interesting and insufficiently studied form of network information, which is still poorly used in the work of PR specialists of Russian corporations. The development of hypertext communications is still determined by trends in increasing volumes of information, the use of the computer as a means of communication and the existing “rhizomorphic” worldview of our contemporaries, to which hypertext corresponds both as a text paradigm, and as a method and form of communication, and as an environment where new ideas can develop , thanks to information flows set in certain directions.

7. Hypertext exists only in a hypermedia environment, in combination with graphic, photo, video, audio, and animation elements. Among the main characteristics of network hypertext we can note: nonlinearity, holographicity, multimedia, virtuality as the ability to stimulate a “transition to a special psychological state,” dispersion of the structure, fragmentation, openness. Thus, hypertext has a powerful potential for creativity. The integrity of hypertext and its key advantages, in contrast to ordinary printed text available on paper, is ensured by the complex combination of semiotic and technical means. The recipient of the information independently builds a navigation system, acting as a full co-author, and each time receives a special, individual final hypertext.

8. The principles and ideas underlying the theory of hypertext allow us to consider it the optimal tool in the arsenal of a public relations specialist for creating corporate complexity, since network hypertext allows direct communication between the author-producer of information and target audiences - its recipients, ensures the creation of multifaceted communicative multimedia environments, and also has all the advantages of a network construct: mass availability and at the same time siblingity, round-the-clock access, unlimited amounts of information, efficiency, instant feedback, instant audience growth. Hypertext, thanks to such characteristics, occupies a special place in the corporation's PR message system.

9. In accordance with the general typology of institutional network resources proposed in this work, corporate hypertexts are classified according to the functional principle - targeting target audiences: internal and external. The work also proposes the principle of a typology of corporate PR messages - structural, subdividing hypertexts into email texts, corporate websites of various types, a corporate blog, a podcast. Genre characteristics of hypertexts of corporate network resources have also been determined.

10. The work confirms the basic postulates of creating effective hypertext as a form of recording corporate PR information: simplicity of presentation, specificity of information, “inverted structure” of presentation, the presence of visual, graphic markers, competent hyperlinks, the use of meaningful and attractive photos, audio, and video sequences. The presence of human intonation in the text is also required, since the Internet is a channel of mass - but also personal - communication.

11. The most dynamic Russian companies have not yet appreciated the capabilities of the Internet and hypertexts as a means of creating corporate complexity: the company’s image on the Internet is created on the basis of the principles of linear text that should long be a thing of the past, without taking into account the potential of hypermedia, which is confirmed by the applied research of hypertexts of the sites of the most innovative domestic corporations. Thus, hypertext is still used incorrectly in the PR communications system of Russian corporations.


Modern corporate public relations are a significant and constantly developing segment of scientific and scientific-applied knowledge, which has significant prospects. The need for scientific general theoretical identification of corporate resources, including network ones, is constantly growing.

The period of formation of the domestic science on the development of public relations determines the absence of significant systematic theoretical work in basic areas, while new realities of public relations associated with online institutional PR have not even been de facto identified. On the topic of corporate network resources, Russian science has not yet offered serious general theoretical and scientific-applied work, and in this situation - with the rapid growth and socialization of corporations, the development of the Internet and Runet - there is a certain antagonism, which we tried to overcome in this essay.

The future of public relations of the corporation as a defining part of the anthropocentric business system is seen in the priority development of the online communications segment, subject to their creative use; Such development is even more impossible without theoretical research. The study of the most dynamically growing sector of communications in Russia, the study of the patterns of influence of corporate communications on the formation of the economic field will allow us to determine vectors and build models for the development of public relations of companies - and, to a certain extent, of the domestic society.

System analysis and a scientifically based concept of corporate Internet resources in the public relations system proposed in this work contributed to solving the complex problem of the theory of public relations - establishing optimal parameters for creating corporate integrity and a consensus social environment using online communications and resources.

The boundaries of the existence of the above processes are constantly changing, operational criteria are not defined; Thus, the research appears to be particularly interesting in its permanent novelty. Let us note that the a priori impossibility of fundamental scientific generalizations in this area - due to the constant unpredictable transformations of modern economic and communication processes - seems to be a distinctive characteristic of any research related to current online communications, however, based on the analysis of a significant layer of network communication realities, we tried draw adequate scientific conclusions.

Theoretical research in this area is difficult due to the lack of a clear typology of both corporations and their business and PR communications. However, the available scientific and practical material of corporate online resources made it possible to systematize the data, to record for the first time a number of parameters characterizing the current state and development trends of institutional online resources, which require further study and scientific understanding.

We highlight the cause-and-effect dependence of a corporation's social communications on its essential economic characteristics. The model of information capitalism in Russia has national specifics, however, the trends in the drift of intangible assets of domestic companies are similar to the global ones: an increase in the importance of public capital, virtualization of communications, flexibility and non-standard solutions, strengthening the role of a specific person, his knowledge, creative abilities - which in some aspects allows us to consider similar strategic directions for the development of these phenomena in Russia and the world, and, therefore, use materials from domestic and foreign researchers to study and classify them.

Based on the research, the author defined modern corporate public relations in Russia and the trends in their development. It can be stated that the communication development strategy of an advanced corporation can be implemented exclusively in line with anthropocentric, human-oriented strategies, both in internal and external circuits; therefore, public relations of corporations will develop intensively.

In institutional public relations, online resources of the corporation occupy an increasingly significant place. To develop classification parameters, we determined the place of corporate network communications in the public relations system: the system-forming element of this system is communication, computer network communication has fundamental differences from all others, in particular, communication and its participants are virtual, equal in rights, are co-authors, interactive interaction of communicators, creation and broadcast of PR messages, complex impact. Only network resources have the ability to capture multimedia corporate information.

The concept of “target audience” on the Internet acquires a specific meaning: the peculiarity lies in the fact that the parameters of the target audience for whom we are building PR communications must be specific, however, the identity of the user-communicator, with all the accuracy of taking into account the Internet parameters of each user, can be anonymous or completely arbitrarily modeled by himself (gender, age, social status, etc.); Moreover, any information for an external target audience can be publicly available throughout the Network.

The specificity of the essential characteristics of network corporate resources as a tool of public relations is based on their technological capabilities; the differences lie in the strategic goals and creativity of use by PR specialists. A similar thesis, put forward in the dissertation as the main condition for classification, despite its obviousness, was proposed for the first time in a systematic consideration of corporate online resources.

As part of this study, as a result of a fairly well-reasoned debate with scientists who have touched on the topic of corporate Internet resources in one way or another, we propose our own most complete classification of corporate Internet resources, proposing to structure them based on a single functional principle - targeting, focus on target audiences and based on the characteristics of the technologies of each of them. The author's classification of corporate network resources is proposed according to seven criteria: audience, goals and objectives, authorship, scale of communication, nature of corporatism, nature of PR code, navigation.

The typology of corporate network resources is valid for all the constructs considered: email and mailing lists, websites (intranet, internet, extranet), blogs, podcasts, which allows us to speak about its methodological correctness.

The peculiarity of e-mail in the system of corporate PR resources is that this massive corporate tool is created not only by specialists in the field of public relations or top managers - like other online resources of the corporation - but by all members of the corporation, and all e-mail information can actually be is regarded as corporate PR information, since its addressee is representatives of the corporation.

With the development of dynamic, transparent, global business, internal computer communications are becoming increasingly important. The intranet as a platform for social communications demonstrates the level of efficiency of business processes, provides the opportunity for teamwork and reflects - to a greater extent than other resources - the level of corporate culture and commitment to the company's values, and is a platform and tool for internal corporate management.

The corporate website occupies a key place in the corporation’s external and extranet communications due to the comprehensive nature of the opportunities provided for implementing the company’s information strategy, building an image, increasing trust, interactive interaction, and, subsequently, participating in corporate reputation management. In the corporation's system of integrated Internet resources, the website is the only comprehensive platform for media relations.

The personification of information consumption in network communication and the expansion of technical capabilities for individual work online led to the creation of a special personal Internet resource - a network diary (blog), which in Runet is a developing platform for corporate communications and social media, for the first time realizing the possibility of creating corporate content by institutional addressees communications.

The main trend in the evolution of network resources is the convergence of hypermedia capabilities and the demand for new, diverse, increasingly individualized types of network communication, such as podcasts. The trends in its development are the movement towards the formation of a set of functions that provide the fullest possible range of communication capabilities and interactive communication, a move away from monofunctionality to hypermedia convergence of capabilities.

To characterize information recorded by means of Internet communication and functioning on the Internet, the work introduced the broader semantic parameters of the term “PR message” and the classification of this phenomenon within the framework of the author’s general typology. In an Internet message, unlike previous forms of recording corporate communication, the main thing can be not just a PR message, but an image.

The most complex complex variable integration of the capabilities of various media (verbal-written text, audio, video, statics, dynamics, etc.) is implemented in the network recording of PR messages, including corporate ones, in the hypertext format, which forms a fundamentally new type of communication. The hypertext system makes possible direct communication, direct communication between the author and the reader-consumer of information, as well as their co-creation, which is an ideal scheme for modern direct PR communication.

The corporation's network resources are undoubtedly a unique tool for shaping its communications and increasing reputational capital, since they have a special arsenal for an emotional, complex hypermedia impact on target audiences.

Domestic network corporate public relations and resources have an undoubted originality, the structural, content and compositional characteristics of which are studied in the work; the scientific reliability of the author’s conclusions is supported by the results of applied research on corporate network resources of the Runet (websites, blogs, podcasts) and hypertexts of corporate websites.

To summarize, we can conclude: corporate Internet resources of the Runet are a new significant object in the system of public relations, which necessitates the development of a new section in the sphere of scientific knowledge and scientific and applied research.

The proposed systematic approach to a comprehensive study of corporate network resources opens up methodological possibilities for further scientific research on the stated topic and seems to be a basic factor in the creation of both private scientific constructions and a fundamentally new identification of the general theory of social relations, which is a condition for its further development. All problems raised in this work are open for further study, which confirms its scientific novelty and theoretical relevance.

Research on the stated topic is a key trend in the development of the theory and practice of public relations of tomorrow, both in Russia and throughout the world.
