Corporate resources. Corporate resources Product catalogs and online stores

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Shilina Marina Grigorievna. Corporate Internet resources in the public relations system: structure, content, development features: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences: 10.01.10. - Moscow, 2007. - 277 p. : ill. RSL OD, 61:07-10/1303


Chapter 1. Public relations of the corporation as a communicative resource of the social environment

1.1. Modern society: transformation of development models as an objective necessity of public discourse 20

1.2. Modern corporation: information and communication aspect of activity 25

1.3. Public relations of the corporation in the public relations system. Internet communications of corporate PR 33

Chapter 2. Internet resources in the corporation's public relations system

2.1. Typology of corporate network resources 65

2.2. Email: a resource for internal and external communications 70

2.3. Website as a communicative component of corporate activities 88

2.4. New format of personal communication: blog 120

2.5. Convergence of corporate discourse capabilities 150

Chapter 3. Hypertext as a means of creating corporate complexity

3.1. Concept, functional characteristics, content features of computer hypertext 166

3.2. Typology of PR texts of network corporate resources 182

3.3 Hypertext in the corporation’s PR communications system 190

Conclusion 201

Applications 208

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic

The economy and society of the modern period, starting from the 70s of the 20th century, are making a transition from the “world of atoms to the world of bits” 1: the roles of information and communication are fundamentally increasing, the importance of network communications, digitality and virtuality is increasing in all - primarily material - spheres. However, “the information explosion has not produced any radical changes in the way industrial societies are organized or in the direction of their development.” 2

Central to the world of the new economy 3 and new communications is the basic structural unit - the commercial private company (corporation). To achieve successful financial performance and solve long-term corporate tasks of developing business in society and increasing public capital, the Internet is optimal as a channel and medium for integrated communications in internal and external audiences, a tool for constructing a consensus social environment.

Corporate public relations using computer technology and online resources, due to the massive spread of network communications, the growth in the number of companies and the potential creative possibilities of the Network, are increasingly relevant as a global trend and are characteristic of the Russian model of modern society and corporate PR communications, which at the same time , undoubtedly, have their own unique national-historical specificity. "It is obvious that for

1 Negroponte N. Being Digital. Alfred A. Knopf. NY., 1995.

2 Kumar K. From Post-Industrial to Post-Modern Society: New Theories of the Contemporary
World. Oxford. Blackwell. 1995. P. 234.

3 New Economic (NE) - term by P. Senge I Fifth discipline. M., 2003.

4 Sibling communications (from the French cible - goal) - new forms of communication in
narrow target audiences.

in modern Russia, the concept of a network society still remains an intellectual hypothesis,” 1 however, according to leading domestic researchers, “the Russian Internet sector is one of those few achievements, perhaps the most important and key, that Russia can be proud of.” The national Concept for the formation of the information society in Russia, adopted in 1999, notes that “our country’s entry into the global information community is inevitable.” 3

“Modern Russian society is characterized

polysubjectivity information activities, which is associated with the emergence of new powerful sources of information, media, with the growth of information, technological, financial, and human resources. (...) Today we should talk about the corporate vector of development in information processes" 4 Corporate public relations in Russia occupy about forty percent of the PR consulting market, and, according to experts, will develop even more intensively. 5

The dynamic development of the domestic economy and corporate public relations, the development of network communications allow us to talk about a fundamentally new, relevant scientific topic and area of ​​applied knowledge with significant potential.

The lack of systematized information and generally accepted theoretical approaches to identifying corporate Internet resources leads to a distorted understanding of their essence and, as a consequence, incorrect definition and use in public relations.

1 Vartanova E. L. Russia: foundations of a network society / National models
information society. M, 2004. P. 166,185.

2 Zasursky Ya.N. Information Society and Media / National Models
information society. M., 2004. P. 29.

3 The concept of forming an information society in Russia was approved by the decision
State Commission on Informatization under the State Committee of the Russian Federation for
communications and information dated May 28, 1999.

4 Gorokhov V.M. Corporate communications: to the problem of public identification
relations / Public relations and advertising in the communications system. Moscow State University, faculty
journalism. M., 2005. P.5-6.

5 Grinberg T.E. Political technologies: PR and advertising. M., 2005. P. 12.

A systematic study and scientifically based concept of corporate network resources in the public relations system will allow us to solve the complex problem of the theory of public relations - to establish optimal parameters for creating corporate integrity and a consensus social environment using network communications and resources. Thus, the relevance of the dissertation topic is correlated with its novelty in domestic science.

Object of study

This work systematically studies corporate Internet resources, their structure and characteristics, place and role in the system of public relations.

Subject of study

The subject of typological research is structural, content, functional features various types corporate network resources, such as: intranet, Internet and extranet sites, email, blog, podcast.

The work also studied the features of hypertexts of corporate Internet resources.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to identify the essential characteristics and paradigms of functioning, the place in the system of public relations of network resources of a modern Russian corporation.

Research objectives

In accordance with the stated purpose of the work, the following tasks are defined:

formulate the concept of a corporate public relations system,

determine the features of corporate communications, including network communications, in the system of domestic institutional public relations,

analyze and classify various corporate online resources based on the methodology proposed by the author,

study and systematize the features of hypertexts, identify the characteristics of hypermedia necessary for the effective functioning of corporate resources,

identify creative factors for creating effective corporate network resources,

determine, based on a comprehensive analysis of various models of corporate Internet resources, schemes for their creation,

Formulate criteria for optimal functioning and
build a system for assessing their effectiveness.

Methodology and research methods

The methodological basis of this dissertation research is modern theories in the fields of philosophy, sociology, social and general psychology, communication science, social media, public relations, journalism, literary criticism, text theory, computer science, research in the field of hypertext and hypermedia, web design and many others.

Interdisciplinary specificity of public relations in their
corporate incarnation and corporate network resources

predetermined the appeal to the methodological foundations, general theoretical postulates, applied knowledge, and empirical experience of the above sciences.

We consider the methodological basis of the study to be a systematic approach to the study of materials involved in the range of topics outlined in this essay. At the same time, the economic and social connections of the corporation, reflected in institutional Internet resources, are considered as interconnected integral systems.

The dissertation uses the principles of determinism to identify key relationships in corporate business and social communications using online resources.

Exploring the features of modern world and domestic public relations, including corporate, institutional Internet resources, hypermedia capabilities of network constructs, we act on the basis of methods of comparative, structural, functional analysis, which allows us to identify the essential characteristics of the objects under study.

In the work on this topic, two groups of theoretical methods were used: system analysis, aimed at considering the corporation and its social relations as open systems, as well as theoretical methods that are fundamental for understanding the motivation of people involved in social processes, in particular, psychodynamic, cognitive, etc. .

When collecting and processing empirical material, methods of participant observation, questionnaires, surveys, content analysis, SWOT analysis, document and text analysis were used.

We consider it important in research on the stated topic to understand the technical parameters of the creation and functioning of Internet resources, identifying methods and directions for creative transformation, synthesizing the achievements of information technology and a number of humanities for use in the field of corporate public relations.

Degree of scientific development of the topic

The relative novelty of domestic corporate network resources as a phenomenon, the history of which goes back about fifteen years, explains the lack of significant general theoretical works on this topic; there is no methodological basis that forms the conceptual essence of activities in the field of public relations, and

allowing to integrate into this science the achievements of not only social, but also other sciences.

The fragmented nature of the approach in the scientific literature on the chosen topic also reflects the rhizomorphic nature of Internet resources as an environment and part of the system of corporate PR communications: in fact, researchers can only identify certain trends in a certain period of development, record the parameters of a certain situation, which can change at the next point in time to directly opposite. However, each of the works, both theoretical and practical, can serve as the source material for constructing the theoretical basis of the dissertation; a cumulative analysis of existing research allows us to mainly outline the scientific boundaries of this problem. Also, the analysis of this phenomenon is associated with the identification of the basic theoretical postulates of social relations itself as a science.

Research in the field of corporate PR communications is at the intersection of new scientific directions and concepts and is interdisciplinary in nature. The author was guided by theoretical works in the field of foreign and domestic public relations (giving preference to the latter due to the specifics of the development of public relations in Russia), as well as research in sociology, social psychology, creativity psychology, philosophy, communication studies, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, textual criticism, journalism , information technology, web design.

From a methodological point of view, it is possible to identify the key thematic areas of materials on the chosen topic: characteristics of modern economy and society, modern corporate PR communications and online communications recorded in networks

1 Current state public relations is reflected in studies published since the late 90s of the last century in Russia and abroad.

resources as a special direction in the system of development of public relations of the corporation, as well as hypertexts of network PR resources as a means of creating corporate complexity.

Russian and foreign scientific literature on the subject of the dissertation includes several research areas. The theoretical basis of the dissertation is largely based on work in the field of economic and social sciences, in particular, the work of M. Allett, D. Bell, V.I-Vernadsky, D. Garnham, M. Castells, J. Habermas, D. Harvey, G. . Schiller 1 and others.

General theoretical studies of the functioning of public relations corporations in foreign scientific literature are represented by the works of American and European, primarily French (Latin) 3 schools of communication.

The French school (J.-P. Beaudoin, F. Buari, J. Seguela) offers ideas for the development of public relations of a corporation from the point of view of maximum consideration of the needs of target audiences, shifts the emphasis from simple information services to companies to the development of socially oriented business strategies and public relations.

Dissemination of the above scientific and practical trends

1 Aglietta M. A Theory of Capitalist Regulation. New Left Books. 1979; Capitalism at the Turn
of the Century: Regulation Theory and the Challenge of Social Change. New Left Review. 1998;
Bell D. The Coming of Post"Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.
Harmonswordth:. Penguin. 1976; Castells M. The information Age: Economy, Society and
Culture. Blackwell. 1996-1998; Garnham N. Emancipation, the Media, and Modernity:
Arguments About the Media and Social Theory. Oxford University Press. 2000; Habermas J.
Communication and the Evolution of Society. Heinemann.1979; Harvey D. The Urban
Experience. Oxford. Blackwell. 1989; Schiller H. Mass Communication and American Empire.
Augustus M.Kelley. NY. 1969; Vernadsky V.I. Philosophical reflections of a naturalist."
M., 1980.

2 Black S. Introduction to public relations. Rostov-on-Don. 1998; Cutlip S, Center A, Broome
G. Public Relations. Theory and practice. M., 2003; Newsome D., Turk D., Kruckeberg D. All about
CO. Theory and practice of public relations. M., 2001; Haig M. Electronic Public Relations.
M., 2002.

Beaudoin J.-P. Company image management. M., 2001; Buari F. Public relations or trust strategy. M., 2001; Segela J., Lebedeva T. Nostalgia for the future. M., 2005.

Latin school in other countries, including among the leading theorists of the USA, is confirmed by their new theories, for example, the idea of ​​​​D. Kruckeberg about the model of “organic social relations” 1.

Particular attention in this area was paid to domestic sources, since we agree with the point of view on the specifics of the processes of social development and public relations of Russian scientists. Among domestic studies on problems of public relations 2 we will name the works of I.V. Aleshina, A. Vasilenko, V.M. Gorokhova, E.N. Pashentseva, I.M. Sinyaeva, N.E. Sharabarina, V. Yakovlev and others."

The St. Petersburg school is actively developing a line of research on public relations as a system of social management. 3

In our opinion, sociological research, in particular, the work of L.N., is interesting for studying the processes of modern public communications. Fedotova “Public relations and public opinion” 4 and E. Trubetskoy “Psychology of reputation”. 5

When studying Internet resources, including corporate ones, Russian science does not yet offer fundamental general theoretical and scientific-applied work, and in this situation - with the rapid growth of the domestic segment of the Internet - there is a certain antagonism that needs to be overcome.

1 Based on materials from a meeting with D. Kruckeberg on July 11, 2006. .

2 Aleshina I.V. Integrated Marketing Communications / Marketing for
managers. M, 2003; Vasilenko A. PR major Russian corporations. M., 2002;
Gorokhov V.M. Industrialization of public relations as a factor of formation and development
information market. Bulletin of Moscow State University. Episode 10. Journalism. 2001. No. 3; Pashentsev
E.N. Public relations: world practice and modern Russia. M., 2000;
Pashentsev E.N. Public relations: from business to politics. M., 2000; Sinyaeva I.M.
Public relations in commercial activities. M., 1998; Sharabarina N.E.
Communications in the public relations system: models of functioning and
typological characteristics of texts. M., 2004. Dis. for academic competition Ph.D. degrees


ilol. Sciences*, Yakovlev V. Public relations in organizations. St. Petersburg, 1995. Public relations as social engineering. St. Petersburg, 2005.

4 Fedotova L.N. Public relations and public opinion. St. Petersburg, 2003.

5 Trubetskoy E. Psychology of reputation. M., 2005.

To understand the essence of modern hypertexts, classical works on text theory 1 M.M. are important. Bakhtina, Yu.M. Lotman, research by I.R. Galperina, V.V. Vinogradov, as well as works devoted to textual criticism, communication studies 3, the creation of Internet texts 4, PR-texts 5 and hypertext itself, 6 although the author argues with a number of scientific positions in this essay.

Using the capabilities of network resources as a tool for public relations is possible subject to their creative use, for which materials on the issues of creativity are involved.

Note that, along with printed works, a new layer of materials for developing a topic is increasingly represented directly by the Internet, where materials not only of informational, applied, but also systemic orientation began to appear, which can serve as a source of relevant information, for example, in the field of web usability.

Scientific novelty of the research

Scientific research into network resources, including from the point of view of the development of public relations of a corporation, is carried out by Western scientists with

Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. M., 1979; Lotman Yu.M. The structure of a literary text. M., 1970; Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. M., 1981; Vinogradov V.V. About the language of artistic prose. M., 1980.

2 From books to the Internet. M., 2000; Russian language of the late 20th century. M., 1996; Dridze T.
Text activity in the structure of social communication. M., 1984; Uchenova V.V.,
Shomova S.A. Polyphony of texts in culture. M., 2003.

3 Misonzhnikov B.Ya. Phenomenology of the text: the relationship between content and formal
structures of the printed publication. St. Petersburg, 2001; Zemlyanova L.M. Foreign
communication science on the eve of the information society. M., 1999.

4 Kalmykov A, A., Kokhanova L.A. Internet journalism. M., 2005.

5 Ponomarev S. Types of texts in Public Relations II Advisor. 2001. No. 4. P.5-9; Krivonosov
HELL. PR text in the public communications system. St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2001; Epiphany
A.E. PR-text in the genealogical classification system. Voronezh., 2006.

6 Gilyarevsky R.S. Text as an element of information technology. Bulletin of Moscow State University.
Ser. 10. Journalism. 2005. No. 2; Ovodova N.S. Hypertext as a model of modern
culture. M., 2005.

7 Dotsenko E.L. Psychology of manipulation. M., 1998; Pronina E.E. Psychology

journalistic creativity. M., 2006; Kjell L., Ziegler D. Personality Theory. St. Petersburg, 1997;

Cialdini R. Psychology of influence. St. Petersburg, 1999; Yudina E. Creative thinking in PR. M.,

8 Nielsen J. Web design. St. Petersburg, 2003. Also works by J. Nielsen: .

the moment of their appearance; Russian research has been carried out over the last decade. Relevance predetermines them scientific novelty, it is also determined by changes in the object and subject of research in real time, online.

However, for a number of objective reasons, general theoretical works are fragmentary in nature and do not provide a holistic vision of the subject today. At the same time, there is a need for the formation and formulation of the provisions of a theoretical system that reflects this direction of social relations as a science: from a general mega-theory 1 to particular theoretical postulates and applied concepts.

For the first time in this essay, the Internet resources of domestic corporations are considered based on the presented analysis of the current economic state of society, the place and role of the corporation in it, and its communications.

This dissertation essay proposes the author’s classification of institutional online resources, created on the basis of the most systematic and complete study of them, and the place and significance of each of them in the system of development of public relations of the corporation is determined.

For the first time, a number of definitions in the field of public relations are proposed, based on the proposed systemic classification.

For the first time, materials on corporate blogs and podcasts were collected, systematized and classified.

The study of PR texts of corporate resources from the point of view of using their hypermedia nature was also carried out for the first time. For the first time, a typology of PR texts of network corporate

1 Expression by Prof. V.M. Gorokhova / Conference “ROS|Russia. Public relations management technologies are a communication imperative of the 21st century.” Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, February 3, 2006.

resources, built on the basis of an analysis of their functional and content features.

For the first time, the problem of creativity is raised as a factor that fundamentally increases the efficiency of institutional Internet resources in the context of the widespread availability of web technologies. 1

The conclusions are supported by the results of pragmatic studies of websites, blogs, hypertexts of domestic corporations in their development (2004-2007), which complement the main body of research, and were also conducted for the first time.

The study and categorical understanding of the stated topic in this dissertation research, in our opinion, can serve to form and further develop a new significant and relevant direction in the theory and practice of public relations in Russia: network resources in the structure of public relations of a corporation.

Almost all the topics and problems raised in this essay are open for further study, which proves the promise of the chosen direction of research.

Main working hypothesis of the study

Institutional network public relations are a specific type of connections in the public relations system, since communication, which is a system-forming element of PR, has special properties online.

The main provisions that are submitted for defense

1. The model of information capitalism in Russia has national specifics; domestic corporations, as the main economic and social institution in a changing online digitalized society, have their own unique features. At the same time, the trends in the drift of intangible assets of corporations are similar

1 On February 8, 2006, Yahoo filed applications for two patents on the concepts of “interestingness”: “Ranking media objects by their interestingness” and “Media object metadata associations and ranking”, .

global: the importance of public capital, virtualization of communications, as well as the creative abilities and knowledge of a particular person is increasing.

    Meaning social connections of domestic corporations becomes decisive, since it is the lack of open, transparent, publicly available horizontal online communications that hinders the development of business and its integration into global economic processes.

    Corporate network communications have fundamental differences from all other types of corporate communications in the field of public relations; in particular, communication and its participants are virtual, the sender and the addressee have equal rights, are co-authors, interactive interaction between communicators, the creation and broadcast of multimedia PR messages, and their complex impact on target audiences are possible.

    The most complete classification of all phenomena related to corporate online communications, proposed in the work, is based on their technological capabilities, which determine the variability of the use of network constructs in public relations, which opens wide opportunities for corporate PR specialists to use them creatively in the development of public relations.

    The author’s general classification of corporate network resources, the key parameter of which is the functional sign of addressing the final target audiences, is valid for all the constructs considered: Email, websites (intranet, internet, extranet), blogs, podcasts.

talk about the first proposed systematic assessment of such an important area in the field of public relations.

6. The concept of “target audience” takes on a new meaning in
Internet. The specificity is that the parameters of the target audience,
which is involved in PR communications must be specific, however
the identity of the user-communicator, with all the accuracy of recording parameters
every visitor to the Web, can be anonymous or completely
arbitrarily modeled by himself (gender, age, social status And
etc.); Moreover, any information for any external target audience
publicly available to all users. Similar parameters of target audiences
require special approaches to their analysis and assessment.

7. The most complex complex variable integration
capabilities of various institutional information carriers
implemented in computer recording of corporate PR messages in
hypertext format. This is a fundamentally new type of communication
allows direct interaction between the author and the consumer
information at the level of virtual transmission of images, meanings, which is
optimal scheme of modern direct communication in the field
public relations.

8. Corporate Resources Runet are a new object in the system
public relations. Their specificity, intensive development, high
level of demand determine the need to create a special
section of the sphere of scientific knowledge and scientific and applied research.

Theoretical significance of the work

The theoretical significance of this work is due to the fact that the presented provisions and conclusions provide a systematic conceptual justification for the specifics of corporate Internet resources and their place in the theory of public relations.

The dissertation solves the problem of substantiating a unified typology of corporate network resources, which allows them to be systematized, and proposes analysis techniques and models for effective correction.

Categorical studies of this problem are theoretically significant, which is due to the involvement of a new array of information in the field of institutional network resources for the domestic science of public relations.

A systematic analysis of the existing theoretical framework, combined with clear methodological approaches, made it possible to formulate for the first time a number of definitions and provisions on corporate Internet resources in the system of domestic communications, contributing to a comprehensive disclosure of the stated topic.

The theoretical significance of this study also lies in the indicated opportunities for studying new aspects of the theory of public relations. In this regard, let us note the key points in the further development of the topic. Primo: the need for scientific general theoretical identification of corporate Internet resources is constantly growing due to the permanent growth of the Network, the increase in the number of companies, and the demand for institutional public relations. Secondo: the future of public relations corporation as a defining part of the anthropocentric business system is seen in the priority development of the Internet communications segment, subject to their creative use; such development is impossible without theoretical research. Tertio: the boundaries of the existence of the above processes are constantly changing, operational criteria are not defined; Thus, the research appears to be particularly interesting in its permanent novelty.

The study of the most dynamically growing communications sector in Russia, the study of the patterns of influence of corporate communications on the formation of the economic field will make it possible to determine

vectors and build models for the development of public relations of companies, and, therefore, to a certain extent, of the domestic society as a whole, “since the future of PR and its potential are inextricably linked with the potential of society, which is determined by the level of relationships that have developed in it.” 1

We especially note that the a priori impossibility of fundamental scientific generalizations in this area - due to the constant unpredictable transformations of modern economic and communication processes - seems to be a distinctive characteristic of any research related to current network communications.

Practical significance of the study

From an applied point of view, the results of this dissertation research can be used in the scientific and educational work of teachers and students in the field of public relations on the theory and practice of PR, in the field of web journalism, in the work of domestic PR specialists, in particular in the field of corporate communications .

The conclusions and provisions of the work make it possible to evaluate corporate Internet resources in the company’s PR toolkit, more accurately identify their capabilities, and can also be effectively applied at all stages of strategy development, tactics, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of online projects.

Structure of the dissertation research

The structure of the dissertation reflects the author's concept of vision and scientific understanding of the potential of institutional Internet resources in the structure of public relations. The work consists of the following sections: introduction, which outlines the general directions of development

stated topic, the relevance of the research problem is substantiated,

1 Kokhanov E. Theoretical and methodological foundations of PR activities. M, 2004. Sat.

the object and subject of the study, its purpose and objectives are indicated, the methodology and methods, the degree of scientific development of the problem are described, the main working hypothesis of the study, its theoretical and practical significance, and testing parameters are identified;

first chapter generalizes the essential characteristics of modern public discourse, based on which the corporation - as the main structural unit of society - builds its public communications; the nature of communications of a modern corporation as a business institution is further defined; developing in line with human-oriented strategies, social institutional connections occupy an increasingly important place in the system of corporate PR; This chapter proves that the network direction of corporate communications is fundamentally new in the public relations system, complementing the traditional resources of public relations corporations with particularly effective capabilities;

second chapter is directly devoted to the analysis and characterization of the place and role of corporate online resources - e-mail and mailing lists, discussion sheets, internal, external and mixed sites, as well as a blog, a podcast - in the system of institutional PR, their typology, essential characteristics, effectiveness assessment; the argumentation system includes materials from applied research on corporate websites, blogs, and Runet podcasts conducted by the author;

third chapter devoted to the study of the content and functional features of hypertexts of corporate network resources, ways of recording corporate PR information in them, studying the patterns of their creation, functioning, systematizing the possibilities of using hypertexts to create corporate complexity;

the conclusion contains conclusions based on the results of the study and an assessment of its significance" for identifying the methodological foundations of the phenomenon, crystallizing the structure of corporate network resources, determining the general patterns of their functioning, trends and practical ways of development as a new object in the theory of public relations.

The work includes as appendices the results of applied research on corporate network resources of Russian corporations - websites, blogs, as well as network hypertexts, supplementing the main body of the dissertation and confirming the author’s reasoning and conclusions; glossary. Approbation of the study

The provisions of theoretical and practical research outlined in this work and on related topics in the field of public relations were voiced by the author in speeches at scientific and practical conferences, tested during practical classes at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. The main provisions and conclusions are reflected in the author’s scientific publications.

The dissertation was discussed at the Department of Economic Journalism and Advertising, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University named after MB. Lomonosov and recommended for protection.

Modern society: transformation of development models as an objective necessity of public discourse

The economic realities of modern society are increasingly determined by information, information technology, the availability of the Internet and the resulting global network communications. “A significant portion of users do not turn to anywhere other than the Internet to obtain information.”1 The network’s audience has exceeded a billion people and continues to grow.2 Modern society is increasingly defined as information society3; this stage is typical for the industrialized countries of the world; its features are also noted in Russia .

However, the quantitative growth of information does not change the principles of production relations, “the global network society in which we find ourselves today is a more complete embodiment, or, if you like, a transmutation, of the well-known principles of capitalist society.”4 The state of modern society, in our opinion, is the most accurately characterizes the term “information capitalism,” introduced by M. Castells in a fundamental study of the last decade, which describes the situation in Russia.

“Transmutations” of society continue. Thus, the domestic theorist and practitioner of public relations A. Veksler believes that the global information stage at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries is being replaced by an integrated network, “gradually but steadily Information society transforms into a “society of dreams” and virtuality.”1 Indeed, information and communication transfer a significant layer of real basic parameters of economic relations into the virtual sphere.

The total set of key characteristics of the “virtual” economy of modern times varies. For example, the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) highlights the following features: strengthening the role of communications, primarily network ones; the emergence of new communication channels as new business platforms: the Internet, Cell phones, 3D technologies; the emergence of new production indicators: key competence, intellectual capital; increased value of intangible assets - public capital (research and development, reputation, brands as an effective means of establishing relationships, intellectual property, software); the increased role of the human factor (personnel); the emergence of a new consumer dictating the terms of communications, both marketing and public relations.

The distinctive qualities of the newest economic stage: flexibility, business adaptability and globalization, which can be provided exclusively by network connections.

The characteristics of the new society are speed and non-standard decision-making.

The defining component of the new - in contrast to the traditional - economy of capitalist society is communication1. In particular, to increase productivity, knowledge and competence of people are important (previously - the efficiency of technology); to increase competitiveness, the work of management with investors is important (previously - cost reduction); to increase income, it is necessary to change the consumer’s attitude towards the product (previously - to improve production or the quality of the product itself). product), to get a return on advertising you need to find a way to the hearts of people (previously - effective means placement), to improve the social climate it is necessary to form a positive public opinion (previously - to obtain tax breaks).

The model of modern society is being transformed, according to D. Bell, from “economized” to “sociologized”; understanding any basic economic processes requires the researcher to constantly take into account and evaluate changes in the social structure and public consciousness. Let us note that the scientific community does not consider “any of the processes or factors of social life to be central, but sees the essence of modern life precisely in their interaction, mutual influence and change”3, which is quite in the coordinate system of the post-neoclassical scientific paradigm.

Society becomes fragmented, “mosaic”4. Thinking is decentered; ceasing to be “universal”, it becomes “clip-on”. People surrounded by information blitzes, that is, unclassifiable short messages, announcements, collages, excerpts from books, songs, poems, change their ideas quite quickly. With a constant clip change of impressions, ideas, ideas, the lack of stability of basic concepts in any sphere, individuals in the mass easily identify themselves with entities standing above them: a nation, a corporation, - as a result of which individuality can be replaced by the “prevailing universal reality”2, which used by mass culture, propaganda and should be taken into account by PR specialists. Various simulacra are becoming increasingly widespread. There is a developed tendency to fragment macrosocieties into microgroups, “tribes”, according to J. Deleuze and F. Guattari. Such “new tribalism” is fully consistent with the selective and narrow focus of communications. At the same time, despite the comprehensiveness of the modern information field, possible thanks to television and Internet communications, a person uses - as practice shows - only the opportunity to select a narrow segment of information that interests him personally. The construction of effective social connections is possible with a global reach of audiences and taking into account the micro-societal nature of modern society, also for the target audience - a single individual. Thus, it can be noted that constant changes in the economy and society become an objective necessity for the development of public discourse. Global economic relations, personification of information and communication needs of society are fully met by Internet communications.

Modern corporation: information and communication aspect of activity

The company (corporation) has become the main structural form of activity in the modern economy in recent decades. At the same time, corporations are increasingly included in social processes; today “these are the dominant social institutions of our time.”1 Let us define: a corporation is a collection of individuals united to achieve common goals2, an organizational structure that connects a certain part of society with specific economic, social, hierarchical connections3 and forms an independent subject of law - a legal entity.4

The modern corporation is “a model representing the unity of activity and communication. The constitutive principle of a corporation is a rationally meaningful goal, the way to achieve which becomes hierarchical structure, an organization that integrates and coordinates individual actions. The way of being of a corporation is social action, the unity of conscious, purposeful behavior and communication of a group of individuals, the establishment between them of hierarchical relations based on a certain recognized type of power.”5 We also note “the presence in them (organizations, corporations - author) of a system of social relations. An organization in miniature resembles a society.”6

Corporations by form of ownership can be state-owned (formed by the federal government for a specific state purpose), quasi-state (endowed with a monopoly on certain types of activities, mainly serving the population), non-state (for example, municipal), private (they are owned by individuals or other companies) . State, non-state and private companies, according to the purpose of their activities, are divided into commercial (that is, working for the sake of making a profit) and non-profit (working not for the sake of financial interests). This paper examines the system of public relations, the place in it and the essential characteristics of the network resources of a commercial private Russian corporation1.

Modern types of corporations began to take shape in the 70s of the 20th century, but never acquired a stable set of characteristics, since their livelihoods are determined by the constantly changing online economy. Economic processes in the modern world lead, on the one hand, to rapid diversification and differentiation of business, on the other hand, they help to consolidate business structures and form transnational corporations.2 At the same time, a modern corporation is not necessarily a mega-company. For successful business development today, it is essential not to expand it, but to optimize it. Innovative forms, “strategies, processes, systems, boundaries, personnel” become more important. Since the mid-1990s, the predominant forms of even large businesses have been multidivisional companies with semi-autonomous production units; so-called cellular organizations specializing in individual business processes. The predominant number of corporations are relatively small in terms of the number of employees and volume of activity, and this is despite the trend of globalization modern business. All over the world, and in Russia, the prevailing trend is to increase the number of medium and small companies, since they are more stable in constantly changing business conditions.

The newest economic space is determined by colossal volumes of information and the speed of its dissemination; it must be dynamic, constantly changing and requires the same from corporations. “This is not just a change in form or structure, but a dynamic (continuous) adaptation of forms, processes, systems, boundaries and behavior, indicating that a complex process of change is underway.”4 Differentiation, new organizational structures and management approaches have become decisive for business , when every decision must certainly be non-standard, as, indeed, the activities of the corporation as a whole.

The definition of a modern corporation, which is fully consistent with the nature of business and trends in the perception of reality, was given by Swedish economists, proposing for scientific use the term funky incorporated5 - a mix of heterogeneous meanings that does not have an unambiguous interpretation, which can be interpreted in different ways, in full accordance with postmodern ideas about the plurality of meanings. 6 The key idea of ​​the new definition: a corporation is modern if it has non-standard, innovative ideas, values, working methods, technologies, that is, it has creative strategies and tactics.

Typology of corporate network resources

Network communications in the public relations system of a corporation are occupying an increasingly important place; this trend will develop, as was proven earlier, since it is online resources, in the conditions of the prevalence of human-oriented business strategies, organic strategies for the development of public relations, that provide the most effective opportunities for the formation of a synchronized PR- interaction between the company and its target audiences.

Modern works on this topic1 are limited to describing particular cases, and most importantly: there is a stable tendency to misinterpret the essence of network technologies, mix up basic concepts and, as a result, distort the essence of processes and problems, although the technological aspects are not debatable. Thus, the classification of Internet resources of the “profile spectrum for PR specialists”, proposed by A. Chupalov and given in the book by A. Chumikov and M. Bocharov “Public Relations. Theory and practice” looks like this: “content projects (online media, thematic sites, industry sites, search engines and portals), On-Line services (free and paid services, website creation and hosting systems), Internet services (web developers, design studios, providers, hosting providers), e-commerce (shops, their systems, payment systems, specialized delivery services), brand transferred from off-line.”

The proposed classification partially represents resources for PR communications, and partially for marketing ones. There is no system in it: all types of resources that could be found on the Runet by 1997, when A. Chupalov published his book, are simply listed. By the time the work of A. Chumikov and M. Bocharov appeared, the situation was different: Internet resources had evolved significantly and could already be structured from the point of view of use in the system of public relations, including corporate ones.

A systematic approach to the study of corporate Internet resources has not been formed to this day. For example, the authors of the St. Petersburg PR school list among “the main technologies that make the work of a public relations specialist on the Internet effective”1: email, marketing and sociological research, a corporate website, and work with media representatives. In fact, there is a confusion of concepts software(software), network resource and areas of PR activities. Also - since mail can be used in internal communications - it would be more correct to designate these resources as network resources.

The problem of confusion of concepts in the field of corporate online communications and resources, in our opinion, can be solved by the introduction of a clear concept and system of relevant terms. The author is convinced that network technology is a set of specific technical means and software that enable the functioning of certain resources. A network resource is a certain type (form) of manifestation of a certain network technology, implemented by specific software. A corporate network resource is a resource created by a corporation to implement its strategic goals, including in the field of public relations.

Due to the specific nature of networks as a communication medium and technical means online resources are both objects and an environment for the functioning of public relations. Such dualism is inherent only to network resources in the arsenal of public relations of a corporation, which can be considered their specific characteristic. Thus, let us define: a corporate network resource is a certain type (form) of manifestation of a certain essence of network technology, implemented by specific software, created to solve specific institutional PR tasks in a specific target audience of the corporation, both online and offline.

Network resources began to appear since the creation of the first computer networks in the 70s. Initially, all resources could be defined exclusively as corporate, since it was scientific institutions and military-industrial corporations that initiated their emergence and development. The Internet as a PR platform and tool began to be used much later.

Today, the most frequently used network resources in the corporation's PR arsenal are: e-mail and its variety of mailing lists in various forms (for example, discussion sheets), portals/sites, conferences (so-called forums and chats), newspapers, personal pages (including including the manager’s personal page), blogs as a type of public individual corporate communication. So-called anti-resources with destructive information have also appeared: in the practice of public relations, anti-sites and anti-blogs are most often created. A promising direction in the development of network resources is their convergence, which we consider using the example of a corporate podcast.

Concept, functional characteristics, content features of computer hypertext

An up-to-date form for recording corporate PR requests to modern system public relations, as we argued earlier, is a PR message, that is, a synthetic form that combines PR messages of a corporation in various formats, capable of conveying maximum information, meanings, images and corresponding to verbal, auditory, visual and other media in the modern digital communication space .

The most complex complex variable integration of the capabilities of various information media(verbal written text, audio, video, etc.) is implemented in computer recording of PR messages, including corporate ones, in the form of hypertext.

In this work, we study the hypertext of the corporation’s network resources (Fig. 3.1, sample text Z.1.).

In Chapter 3, we set the goal of continuing to systematically prove the main working hypothesis of this study about the special place of network corporate PR communications in the public relations system, substantiating the peculiarity of computer hypertext as a way of recording corporate PR messages, for which we comprehensively examine its specifics, essential characteristics, and define typology, place in the corpus of PR messages. SIBUR companies Social responsibility news

Social responsibility for the SIBUR group is a necessary component of building a successful and sustainable business. SIBUR's social responsibility as an employer is based on creating favorable working and living conditions for its employees. The company creates jobs, provides competitive wages, and social guarantees. SIBUR recognizes that the company's long-term success is possible only in conditions of social stability. Therefore, the company strives not only to ensure a decent position for employees, but also to promote the socio-economic development of the regions where the company operates. In a number of regions, SIBUR signs social partnership agreements with authorities. Such cooperation is aimed at jointly solving socially significant problems. SIBUR carries out social investment and charity programs. The target audiences of the company's charitable programs are children, youth and pensioners. The SIBUR Group contributes to the development of medicine, education, culture and, to a greater extent, sports. Support for innovation and recognition of responsibility for the impact on the quality of life of others, including the environmental situation, is obvious to the SIBUR group. Reducing anthropogenic load is one of the strategic development goals for the long term.

Despite its widespread use, computer hypertext is not defined terminologically. The difficulties of definition lie in the very essence of it as a computer product: hypertext is both a textual paradigm created by both the author and each reader, and an ever-growing rhizomorphic construct, and a system for organizing knowledge within computer networks, and a method of communication for many individuals. Hypertext is a multilateral communication chain associated with the subjective activity of the information/communication producer, the information channel - computer, software, virtual environment - and the subjective perception and co-authorship of the recipient. Hypertext often exists in combination with semiotically equivalent graphic, photo, video, animation, and audio series, that is, it is a multimedia product, which makes an exact definition even more difficult.

The genesis of the concept of hypertext comes from the first attempts to create new structuring systems text information, based on the features of associative, natural for the human brain, and not formal logical thinking. The ideas of associative structuring of information were formulated by Vannever Bush, chief scientific adviser to President F.D. Roosevelt, in 1945. V. Bush noted that the human brain “operates according to the associative principle. Having caught one thought, he immediately moves on to the next, generated by associations of thoughts in accordance with certain plexuses of traces in brain cells.”1 The scientist, taking as a basis the hypothesis that the processing and generation of ideas by the human brain occurs associatively, was the first to formulate the principle of associative indexing, when any piece of information can serve as a starting point for the immediate automatic selection of any other piece of information. Based on these ideas, V. Bush proposed the idea of ​​an electronic-mechanical device MEMECH (from the English MEmory Extension - memory expansion), which could organize records, articles in a certain way - and ultimately optimize creative thought processes (texts in the form of microfilms are mechanically extracted in any necessary order, you can simultaneously view several texts on the screen, add new entries, the text is the sum of texts combined by selecting a communicator).

Corporate Resources

Corporate Internet resources are effective tools for attracting and serving customers. They provide visitors with the most complete information on the products (services) being sold, if possible with descriptions of both the products (services) themselves and patterns of interaction with potential clients (Fig. 5). Typically, corporate resources contain means of interactive communication between visitors and company personnel.

Effective use of corporate resources involves combining inexpensive promotional activities (optimization for search engines) with one-time promotions. With the right approach, over the course of a year, a corporate resource can become the main means of attracting new and retaining existing customers.

Rice. 5. Corporate website of JSC Mekhanizatsiya MSM-1 (developed by the web design studio X-Project).

The book Effective Brand Management provides examples that explain what a company wants to achieve by posting information about its products and services on the Internet.

Build a virtual business or support your traditional one.

Provide customers with specific technical information.

Increase sales, reduce sales staff or increase its efficiency.

Offer customers an alternative purchase/distribution channel.

Develop a customer relationship management program.

Attract a new segment of consumers. Enter the global market.

Increase brand awareness and recognition.

Any of these goals (or others) could be strategic. Paul Temporal is convinced that it is important to focus on the goal and, based on it, determine what the site should be. Taking into account the intended tasks, in particular, the website design is being developed.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Computerra Magazine No. 47-48 dated December 19, 2006 author Computerra magazine

SOFTERRA: Long arms: Corporate systems remote control. Part 2 Author: Ralko, Andrey Let's continue the topic of remote computer control via a network, started in the previous issue. All products of this class can obviously be divided into two groups: firstly

From book Information technology PROCESS OF CREATION OF SOFTWARE USER DOCUMENTATION author author unknown

From the book Promoting Business on the Internet. All about PR and online advertising author Gurov Philip

Corporate media Corporate media resources deserve special attention. They are located between corporate and information resources and are often used to organize effective internal communications in a company. In many cases these are Internet versions

From the book Internet Intelligence [Guide to Action] author Yushchuk Evgeniy Leonidovich

Corporate Blogs Wikipedia defines a corporate blog as a blog published by an organization ( legal entity) and used both for public relations and for internal organization of its work. The purposes of an internal corporate blog are varied. Among them:

From the book Public Key Infrastructure author Polyanskaya Olga Yurievna

Corporate magazines and newspapers Many companies, the circle of clients of which is clearly defined, publish corporate newspapers or magazines. Such publications are interesting for a competitive intelligence specialist in that they can contain lists of clients and contain

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Cross-Certified Enterprise PKIs If two organizations or user communities constantly interact with each other and need secure communications, peer-to-peer communications can be established between their public key infrastructures. Rice.

From the XSLT book author Holzner Stephen

22.1. Resources on the Web The main Ruby site is all the others are just a few clicks away. From here you can always download the latest version of Ruby. Another important site is, which previously only contained a wiki page. Wiki remains as it was, but now

From the book PGP: Encoding and encryption of public key information. author Levin Maxim

XSL-FO Resources A number of XSL-FO resources are available on the Internet, but there are far fewer of them than XSLT resources. Here are the main ones: The XSL Candidate Core Recommendation, which also includes XSL-FO; List of W3C notes for XSL-FO. Just as there are XSLT processors,

From the book Firebird DATABASE DEVELOPER'S GUIDE by Borri Helen

PGP Internet resources. There is a wealth of PGP-related information available on the Internet. Its good catalogs are located on the pages: PGP Inc. (; (;international PGP server (;PGP user conference ( ;Russian Album PGP

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From the book Russian Guide to Win32 API author Soroka Taras

RESOURCES Evernote Help Blog by Michael Hyatt: Thomas Nelson Publishers executive, speaker, and preacher. He has collected interesting posts on implementing Evernote for those who are bloggers and writers. E-book “Evernote®: The unofficial guide to capturing everything and

From the book IT security: is it worth risking a corporation? by Linda McCarthy

Resources BeginUpdateResource The BeginUpdateResource function returns a handle that can be used by the UpdateResource function to add, remove, or replace resources in executable file. HANDLE BeginUpdateResource (LPCTSTR pFileName , // name of the file in which the resources will be updated BOOL bDeleteExistingResources //

From the book HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

Business Initiatives and Corporate Goals From Dan Langin's review in the previous section, it is clear that legal action may be taken against a company that fails to maintain security. But even when the threat of legal action looms over your head

From the book 101 tips for working in in social networks author Solomatina Olga

Resources I write about HTML5 quite often on my personal page:'m not the only person in the world who is looking forward to HTML5. The incredible Bruce Lawson also writes down his thoughts: is just one of the active participants

From the book The Ideal Programmer. How to become a software development professional author Martin Robert S.

10 tips for those who are going to open corporate accounts on social networks 1. Decide for what purpose you are going to work - on behalf of the company or present yourself as a specialist in networks.2. In 9 cases out of 10, working on social networks leads to increased recognition

From the author's book

"Corporate" management systems source code It's quite possible that your firm has already invested a fortune in an "enterprise" source code management system. In that case, please accept my condolences. You probably won't be able to just

Business card sites are sites entry level, usually consisting of one to five pages. In fact, this is a small representative office of the company on the Internet with information about it, a short list of products and services, and contact information. Business card sites can contain the simplest forms of interaction with visitors (for example, a form for sending messages or a guest book). Typically, company partners visit them to check the postal address or see directions. In most cases, “business card” websites are not considered effective marketing channels.

Rice. 1. Website “business card” of lawyer Pavel Astakhov – original minimalism (developed by Artemy Lebedev’s studio).

The creation of such sites is relatively cheap (from 5 thousand rubles), but sites of this level are practically not subject to development. Due to the simplicity of “business card” websites, when creating them, you can do without installing a content management system (see the corresponding section). It usually takes specialists only a few days to develop such a website.

There are examples when “business card” sites had great image value. For example, the website of lawyer Pavel Astakhov (, developed by Artemy Lebedev’s studio, contains only one page (Fig. 1). Apart from the email address, there is no other information on it. Due to original minimalism combined with talented creative idea The lawyer’s website serves as a promotional resource. Accordingly, its cost is comparable to the cost of developing promotional resources.

Promotional resources

Promotional resources are sites that advertise a single product or service (a narrow range of products or services) or promote a brand. Creating such a resource includes creating a stylish design, individual navigation systems, and connecting the necessary software modules.

Such sites resemble commercials. Indeed, the main requirements that promotional resources must meet are brightness, colorfulness and memorability. This, in particular, is achieved through flash animation. Visitors often return to such sites because they are “beautiful.”

Effective use of a promotional resource is only possible in conjunction with a powerful advertising campaign (usually banner or rich media, or using non-standard advertising media). Thanks to it, you can quickly promote the advertised service (product, brand), and also use it as a source of reference information.

It takes several months to develop such a resource, and the costs in some cases can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Examples of successful promotional sites are shown in Fig. 2–4.

Rice. 2. Unusual shocking promotional site (developed by ADV/web-engineering studio).

Rice. 3. Original promotional website for the radio station “Silver Rain” (developed by the X-Project design studio).

Rice. 4. Promotional website of the RIWA company, presenting the technology of sound projectors (developed by the web design studio Integrate).

Corporate Resources

Corporate Internet resources are effective tools for attracting and serving customers. They provide visitors with the most complete information on the products (services) being sold, if possible with descriptions of both the products (services) themselves and patterns of interaction with potential clients (Fig. 5). Typically, corporate resources contain means of interactive communication between visitors and company personnel.

Effective use of corporate resources involves combining low-cost advertising efforts (search engine optimization) with one-time promotions. With the right approach, over the course of a year, a corporate resource can become the main means of attracting new and retaining existing customers.

Rice. 5. Corporate website of JSC Mekhanizatsiya MSM-1 (developed by the web design studio X-Project).

The book Effective Brand Management provides examples that explain what a company wants to achieve by posting information about its products and services on the Internet.

Build a virtual business or support your traditional one.

Provide customers with specific technical information.

Increase sales, reduce sales staff or increase its efficiency.

Offer customers an alternative purchase/distribution channel.

Develop a customer relationship management program.

Attract a new segment of consumers. Enter the global market.

Increase brand awareness and recognition.

Any of these goals (or others) could be strategic. Paul Temporal is convinced that it is important to focus on the goal and, based on it, determine what the site should be. Taking into account the intended tasks, in particular, the website design is being developed.

Corporate media

Corporate media resources deserve special attention. They are located between corporate and information resources and are often used to organize effective internal communications in a company. In many cases, these are online versions of paper corporate publications - newspapers or magazines, supplemented with opportunities for interactive communication between employees and clients. They can be intended either for company employees or for a general audience.

An example of the successful implementation of such a project is the internal corporate electronic intranet newspaper “PROVIDETS” of the group of companies Pro-Vision(Fig. 6). She was repeatedly noted at specialized competitions. In a press release Pro-Vision Their president, Vladimir Vinogradov, was quoted as saying: “Our business is built on interaction between people, and the success of our work depends on how effectively communication is built within the team. The PROVIDER plays an important role in solving this problem. The main advantage of our corporate newspaper is interactivity. For staff Pro-Vision A corporate publication is not only about timely information about events within the company or in the industry; everyone sees the result of their direct participation in the formation of the information space.”

Rice. 6. Intranet newspaper “PROVIDETS”.

Product catalogs and online stores

Product catalogs are corporate websites of companies offering a wide range of products.

When creating such a site, you need special software to support the simplest possible addition/removal of products to categories and subcategories, quickly create an extensive structure of product categories, and conveniently enter product descriptions various types. In addition, it would be good to post photographs, diagrams, presentations, detailed documentation, and indicate prices of products and services on the site. Visitors order products via email, which is then processed by the company manager. As a result of using the catalog website, the need for significant costs for publishing a paper catalog will be completely or partially eliminated; customers will be able to quickly find the products they need (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Product catalog of the motorcycle dealership

Online stores are designed to sell goods or services via the Internet. Unlike a product catalog, such sites contain functions for ordering and paying for goods via the Internet, as well as working with an order basket. Online stores have a search system based on one or many product characteristics.

To evaluate the effectiveness of an online store, the conversion rate is used. Conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors who used the service offered on the site to the number of users who came to the site. According to research by NAUET and CNews Analytics(2005), the average conversion rate in a Russian online store is 4.9 %.

To increase commercial returns, it can be useful to maintain a separate news feed on the website dedicated to the operation of this service. It is advisable to give detailed description products and provide visitors with the opportunity to discuss on the website the advantages and disadvantages of the desired models and compare them (Fig. 8).

Online trading opportunities in the consumer goods sector are limited. For example, a woman buying fashionable clothes or shoes, he will probably want to go around the entire store and try on the things he likes. An alternative to this process has not yet been invented on the Internet.

Rice. 8. One of the most famous Russian online stores

Speaking about the organization of online trading, it is worth mentioning the affiliate programs widespread on the Internet in the West (see, for example, David Phillips. PR on the Internet. - M.: FAIR-PRESS). He describes such programs this way: “If you are an online retailer, you can find forms of reward for other sites (affiliates) that refer traffic to you. If, when they appear on your site, they take a number of actions you want (buy the product offered), you can pay the owners of affiliated sites a certain reward. Both money and information, including intellectual property, can be used as payment.”

Informational resources

Resources of this type are characterized by a large number of information materials (news, analytical articles, reports, interviews, comments, reviews, etc.) on the topic (or topics) of the site. They are updated regularly. As a rule, such sites are online publications, news agencies or Internet representations of off-line media (print publications (Fig. 9), news services of television channels and radio stations, etc.).

Rice. 9. Information resource of the newspaper “Izvestia”

For information resources, a content management system is usually installed, allowing a large number of users to add/edit information. It supports the branched structure of the site with the addition of new sections, helps publish documents in any number of sections as quickly and easily as possible, and focuses attention on new materials (for example, placing promotional blocks on home page site).

Important requirements that such resources must meet are fast loading of site pages and the ability to work with archives of publications. Often it is information resources that are attacked by hackers, so it is necessary to place increased demands on technical support for their security.

Online diaries

Online diaries, or blogs, are a series of articles or notes (posts) arranged in reverse chronological order and written by one or more authors. As a rule, readers are given the opportunity to leave comments. Collective online diaries form so-called communities.

The word “blog” comes from the English weblog (“web-magazine”). The totality of all online diaries is called the blogosphere. People who write blogs are called bloggers. In 2006, there were more than two million blogs in Russia, and their number is constantly increasing. However, the Russian-language blogosphere is only 3–4 % world. Every few seconds a new blog appears on the global Internet.

Special services for hosting diaries are called blog hosting. Any visitor, even one who is not highly skilled in working on the Internet, can use them to create an online diary. About 30 large blog hosting sites are used on the RuNet. The American is still very popular in our country, although the Russian is already following on its heels.

The topics discussed by domestic communities are very diverse. The most popular are the following: advertising, PR, marketing, design, cinema, music, gender relations, etc. Many Russian journalists maintain a “live journal” and place hyperlinks to their publications in it. In some cases, this significantly increases the readership of the publication. Often journalists use their own blogs as an alternative source for publication, this helps them have more control over the text. For example, blogs give them space to post articles that do not follow the standard format, or are too subjective, or deal with issues that are not mentioned in the news or are not of interest to the editor. In a sense, blogging gives journalists a freedom that was previously only afforded to select columnists. The interactivity of publications is extremely important; people mentioned in the articles often join in the discussion of texts (Fig. 10).

The PR capabilities of blogs are described in the section “Emulating Discussions in the Blogosphere.”

Rice. 10. Personal blog famous Russian politician Nikita Belykh

Community-building resources

In a broad sense, community, or community (eng. community),- This is the permanent audience of any Internet site. The presence of a stable and large community is considered the key to the successful development of a web project.

Robert Bly, in his book How to Become a Guru in 60 Days, writes about the reasons why you should build a community on your own website. Firstly, it increases the attractiveness of the site, that is, it determines how much time people spend on the site and the frequency of visits. Secondly, it allows you to provide the site functionality to form a community is possible without significant costs. In other words, it is a way to increase the value of a website with a very small investment. And third, as a supervisor or manager of your digital community, you can observe everything that happens. This can help you learn a lot about your visitors and what they really want.

To form electronic communities of interests on your own website, you can use mechanisms such as surveys, voting, tests and short questionnaires, bulletin boards, chats and guest books, etc.

It is more correct to understand a community as a group of people united by the same interests and communicating via the Internet. The ability to communicate plays a key role here, so any such resources should contain a variety of interactive services.

It’s easy to find people with similar views on the Internet; it’s easier to meet people online than on the street. This is the reason for the presence of a wide variety of communities on the Internet (from cat owners to fans of flight simulators).

As noted in Wikipedia, with the development of network communications, Internet communities are beginning to play a vital role in the development of business and the economy as a whole. This is the basis for the formation (or destruction) of company brands, because reviews of uninterested people whom the reader trusts appear on the Internet. Successful companies create online clubs on their websites, and communities of professionals become market regulators in various fields. They conduct training and exchange of information, create alliances, and find new solutions for the development of the industry.

Community-forming resources are very diverse (Fig. 11, 12). For example, this type of site includes multiplayer online role-playing games - the audience of the world's most successful projects numbers several million people. The owners of such resources make business, in particular, by selling special artifacts for these games. Virtual currencies can often be converted into real money.

When talking about online communities, the term is often used Web 2.0. From the point of view of Tim O'Reilly, a famous publisher and activist Web 2.0, The idea of ​​harnessing collective intelligence and the “Network effect” to mobilize untapped resources is a fundamental aspect of the changes that are taking place in Web 2.0, but, most importantly, we must treat the Internet as a platform. His article “What is Web 2.0,” published in September 2005, largely defined a new stage in the development of the Internet (the translated article can be read in Computer magazine for the same year).

This term still causes great debate in the professional community. According to a number of experts, Web 2.0- an inflated phenomenon, there is nothing fundamentally new in the use of pre-existing technologies, and from a purely technical point of view they are right. Many people believe that Web 2.0- speculation that will end the same way as the famous “dot-com boom”, which was followed by the collapse of many web-based companies in 2001.

Rice. 11. One of the most successful community-forming resources is the portal – a community of managers.

Rice. 12. is a community of marketers, advertisers and PR people.

The increasing use of the term by PR specialists leads to even greater confusion. The preliminary voting results on the website are very indicative pr|online. The majority of survey participants (40%) stated that this was the first time they had heard of such a term, 23 % consider it one of the means of mass communications, and 16% consider it a successful invention of network marketers (we present here only the three most popular answers).

Although most PR specialists still do not understand what it means Web 2.0, some communications agencies have already announced that they provide similar services, automatically moving the term offline every time we're talking about about interactive communications. IT specialists snort with displeasure. Thus, the commercial director of the Integrate studio, Alexander Ananchenko, is categorically against such an expansion of the term. In his opinion, it is more correct to use (since such a need has arisen) the term PR 2.0.

Sites serving other resources

There are many sites on the Internet whose main task is to simplify work with other resources (searching for information, comparing Internet resources, etc.). Below we describe their main types - ratings, catalogues, rubricators and search engines.

Website directories and rubricators

Catalogs and site rubricators are a systematic collection of links to Internet sites with descriptions. Catalogs are divided into general purpose and thematic (specialized, industry) catalogs, as well as regional, national and global.

Unlike search engines, where the index is created automatically, cataloging is a manual effort to classify and annotate resources. They are convenient to use in cases where visitors are not looking for an answer to a specific question, but for sites on a specific topic. Sites can be sorted within the categories presented in the directories different ways: alphabetically, time the link was added, traffic or citations.

The Yandex catalog ( deserves a separate discussion. It represents descriptions of Russian-language Internet sites, systematized by thematic categories. The sites are selected and described by the editorial service - the editors select the highest quality, in their opinion, resources that should help users navigate the topic of interest. Thanks to the Yandex catalog, you can find the site you need by narrowing your search by topic and region. In addition to the usual categories by topic (“Business and Economics”, “Home and Family”, “Entertainment and Recreation”, etc.), the directory administration offers a classification of sites by type of information (references; goods and services; publications, etc.). In addition, the catalog is a rating of the resources described in it. Sites in categories are arranged in descending order thematic citation index (TIC).

The idea behind a citation index is simple. As a rule, the people who create the site are responsible for its content, as well as the information they link to, thus recommending it to visitors. The Yandex Thematic Index takes into account the number of links to a site from other resources, giving them different “weight” (that is, importance) depending on the authority of the linking site. As stated in the catalog description, it lists tens of thousands of resources. More than 2 million users use it monthly. Automatic system Regularly checks links for accessibility and removes from publication those that are no longer valid. Registration in the Yandex catalog is one of effective ways increase site traffic. Review of the application may take a long time, but in the case of paid registration, the directory administration will make a decision within one business day.

The higher the site’s citation rate, the more effective the Yandex catalog. However, sites even with low citations can significantly increase their traffic in the first days of their presence on it. New resources in the Yandex catalog are listed in the first lines and attract increased attention from visitors (Fig. 13).

More information about working with website directories can be found in the sections “Registration in general-purpose directories” and “Registration in thematic directories”.

Rice. 13. The SEOshnik catalog is dedicated to various aspects of search engine optimization.

Site ratings

Based on site ratings, it is possible to estimate traffic or other quantifiable indicators of the resources participating in them. Most ratings serve to assess resource traffic and rank participating resources depending on traffic. To participate in such a rating, you must install a traffic counter on your own website.

Perhaps the most common rating in RuNet is Rambler's Top100 (Fig. 14). Among the goals of the project, the administration indicates the following.

Enable owners of their own pages, who are not webmasters, to quickly and accurately determine the number of visits, and provide them with the opportunity to analyze their statistics.

Involve owners of large servers for a comparative assessment of their popularity. This comparison will be correct, since all counters work according to the same algorithm for all registered sites.

Recently, site ratings have appeared on the Internet, taking into account a wide variety of indicators. For example, service Cybernetic Analytic System(, developed according to the principle neural networks, is intended to assess the quality of website creation. The result of the test is a quality assessment in points, the value of the “emotional assessment factor” and a text with brief explanations and comments.

Search engines

Search engines search engine) are tools for searching information on the Internet. They index sites using special programs (search robots). When search engine visitors ask a question, it ranks indexed sites according to their relevance (see Search Engine Optimization).

The most popular search engine in Russia is Yandex (, its share in search traffic is about 60%. Second and third places are occupied by Rambler and Google. Next comes the search for (note that this system currently works on Yandex technologies, and the results of the two search engines are the same). MSN ( closes the top five. Aport (, which is in sixth place, gives no more than 1 % search traffic.

The audiences of the most popular search engines in Russia are somewhat different. Thus, Rambler became the first Russian search engine (launched in 1996), and many visitors who began working with it in the second half of the 1990s still continue to use it.

Rice. 15. The purpose of a metasearch engine is to provide users with information retrieved by multiple search engines.

Most of those early users now, 10 years later, occupy senior positions in large and medium-sized Russian enterprises, so Rambler's audience is considered to be of higher quality for the corporate sector. This thesis seems naive, but numerous advertising campaigns organized by the author confirmed it.

The Google audience also has its own peculiarities. Since it can be used to search foreign English-language (and other) sources, it is very popular among IT specialists, scientific workers and etc.

To simplify the simultaneous search for information in several search engines, so-called metasearch systems have been created (they are convenient to use, for example, when doing press clipping). Their task is to provide users with information obtained by several search engines. They may not have their own database; after a request, they turn to other search engines. Metasearch engines are the most famous in Russia Nigma( (Fig. 15) and MetaBot(

The combination of website rankings and search engines seems very promising. Such projects could rank sites based on user preferences. So, if visitors who are interested in refrigerators and come to a certain site immediately leave it, then its relevance may be reduced. This idea has been repeatedly discussed by experts, but the author is not aware of any examples of successful implementation on the RuNet.

Other sites

The above classification should not be treated as exhaustive, because many sites are quite difficult to characterize. For example, the website of the CCT “PROPAGANDA” ( is both a corporate and a promotional site, and also contains elements of an information resource (Fig. 16). On it you can find useful information about the agency’s services, project cases, articles by employees, and materials about the latest technologies. The site is stylized as movie posters of the 60s, its tone is in tune with Fellini’s films. Animated illustrations show the process of making the film, focusing on the motto of the CCT “PROPAGANDA”: “Everything according to the script!”, and all the participants in the filming are disguised and made-up agency employees.

At the intersection of business card sites and online diaries there are numerous home pages. Entertainment sites are very diverse (in some cases they can be community-forming). These are sites for jokes, flash games or cartoons, resources for sharing video content, mp3 libraries, etc. In addition, there are erotic and porn sites, user photo galleries, dictionaries, interactive maps, etc.

Rice. 16. Website of the CCT “PROPAGANDA”: “Everything according to the script!”

Content Management Systems

Websites that require regular posting of information usually have a content management system. Content management system (CMS). Thanks to it, you can use minimal assistance from external technical specialists.

Among the most important requirements for CMS, Let's highlight the following.

The ability to manage the structure of website page output through an administrative resource without the involvement of technical specialists.

Ability to work with significant amounts of information without loss of speed.

Ability to support an unlimited number of resources within one license.

The system must withstand high load testing.

The system must be flexible and easily expandable.

For the most part CMS used as a basic programming language Perl, Python or PHP. All three languages ​​are interpreters (any software changes are made faster and more painlessly). Let's look at their most important features.

Perl was originally developed for working with large amounts of text and began to be used as a development tool CMS, when there were no other interpreters under Unix. As a rule, systems written in Perl work well and quickly, but making changes to them is extremely difficult, as a result they are extremely inflexible and poorly extensible.

Python– a full-fledged high-level object-oriented language. Systems written in it are characterized by relatively low speed of operation. Another disadvantage of using this language is that in Russia there are only about 40–50 specialists who can write CMS on given language. As a result, most of the products currently on the market CMS works in test mode (there is not a single boxed product in Russia). When using a powerful server, a system written in Python can withstand a load of about 5–6 thousand visitors per day.

PHP is the first programming language designed specifically for the Internet. There are quite a lot of PHP developers in Russia, and most CMS are written in it. The modification is mainly used PHP4. However, about a year and a half ago, a fundamentally new object-oriented modification appeared PHP5.

PHP5 allows you to create applications in real time using the latest advances in IT management (extreme programming). At the same time, it is a full-fledged object-oriented language, which allows you to significantly increase development speed through code reuse. PHP5 has updated means of monitoring user activity, which greatly increases the security of the system built on it from the actions of unfriendly users.

Typically used as databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL and Oracle.

MySQL– is, according to the author of this book, the worst among the listed solutions (due to relatively low performance in complex Internet projects). Unlike PostgreSQL, you have to pay to use this database. MySQL license does not imply the use of this database for commercial purposes, however, since it is possible to install MySQL freely, many providers do not pay attention to the license.

PostgreSQL is the best solution for the customer’s future website. On data volumes greater than 4 terabytes (1 terabyte = 1024 GB), PostgreSQL is comparable in performance to MSSQL And Oracle.

MSSQL automatically implies the use of software Microsoft. As a result, hardware requirements sharply increase, the cost of the server and software increases (the use of licensed software is mandatory).

Database Oracle- one of best solutions, but within the framework its advantages are often redundant. Significant performance gains are observed when working with data arrays larger than 10 terabytes.

Rice. 17. The content management system should have an intuitive interface (example of the editorial interface of CMS BaseBuild Crystal Fortress).

Another requirement for CMS associated with the need to solve the problem of the site operating under heavy loads. Since the attendance of a number of Internet resources can amount to thousands and even tens of thousands of visitors per day, this task very relevant. Currently there are two solutions - use caching mechanisms or an HTML converter.

Caching involves remembering a site for some time, then when a significant portion of visitors access the site, queries are not sent to the database. However, because of it, the site is not displayed adequately for some users (visitors may see outdated site content). Another disadvantage is the increase in hardware requirements.

The second option involves the permanent generation of static copies of the site with separate dynamic interactive inclusions in cases where this is necessary. In response to changes on the site, exactly the part where the changes occurred is regenerated. The HTML converter does not require additional resource costs.

If there is no site

In some cases, effective advertising and PR campaigns can be carried out even without having a website. For example, specialists from the Yekaterinburg advertising agency Provinta ( say that “there is no need to open your own newspaper or TV channel to start advertising in the press or on television. In the same way, you can (and should!) advertise online, since ultimately it is your products or services that are being advertised, not your website. Creating an effective professional website and its further promotion and support is a much more expensive task than an online advertising campaign. It often makes more sense to invest in advertising that will bring returns faster.”

I will give two examples of such campaigns based on our experience. One company was engaged in the sale of kitchen furniture. For a number of reasons, management did not intend to create their own website, but wanted to use online advertising. To promote its products, banners containing contact information were created, and a “banner” advertising campaign was organized on the Internet. Thanks to her, the company managed to attract many new customers in a fairly short period of time.

The author had to manage the election campaign of one of the candidates for the State Duma of the Russian Federation. PR specialists were brought in when other candidates' campaigns were in full swing. It turned out that our client's campaign had not yet started, and that his budget was very limited. In this regard, we decided to conduct the main part of the election campaign using Internet technologies. Numerous publications in online publications caused a wide public outcry, and this helped PR specialists fully achieve their goals.

Promotional resources

Promotional resources are sites that advertise a single product or service (a narrow range of products or services) or promote a brand. Creating such a resource includes creating a stylish design, individual navigation systems, and connecting the necessary software modules.

Such sites resemble commercials. Indeed, the main requirements that promotional resources must meet are brightness, colorfulness and memorability. This, in particular, is achieved through flash animation. Visitors often return to such sites because they are “beautiful.”

Effective use of a promotional resource is only possible in conjunction with a powerful advertising campaign (usually banner or rich media, or using non-standard advertising media). Thanks to it, you can quickly promote the advertised service (product, brand), and also use it as a source of reference information.

It takes several months to develop such a resource, and the costs in some cases can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Corporate Resources

Corporate Internet resources are effective tools for attracting and serving customers. They provide visitors with the most complete information on the products (services) being sold, if possible with descriptions of both the products (services) themselves and patterns of interaction with potential clients. Typically, corporate resources have means of interactive communication between visitors and company personnel.

Effective use of corporate resources involves combining low-cost advertising efforts (search engine optimization) with one-time promotions. With the right approach, over the course of a year, a corporate resource can become the main means of attracting new and retaining existing customers.

The book Effective Brand Management provides examples that explain what a company wants to achieve by posting information about its products and services on the Internet.

  • * Build a virtual business or support your traditional one.
  • * Provide customers with specific technical information.
  • * Increase sales, reduce sales staff or increase its efficiency.
  • * Offer customers an alternative purchase/distribution channel.
  • * Develop a customer relationship management program.
  • * Attract a new segment of consumers. Enter the global market.
  • * Increase brand awareness and recognition.

Any of these goals (or others) could be strategic. Paul Temporal is convinced that it is important to focus on the goal and, based on it, determine what the site should be. Taking into account the intended tasks, in particular, the website design is being developed.
