Holidays in Panama, best prices for tours to Panama. Panama resorts When is the best time to fly to Panama on vacation?

Panama is famous not only for its nature reserves, culture and the Panama Canal. U Panama there are exits to both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, this wonderful country has collected best resorts Central America, where there is everything: snow-white beaches, warm water, stunning islands, beautiful landscapes that are known far beyond the borders of Panama.

Bocas del Torro

Bocas del Torro (Bokas del Torro) is a unique, beautiful archipelago in the north-west of Panama, consisting of 9 large islands and many small ones.

You can get here by local airlines or air flights from neighboring Costa Rica. The route is very touristy, so there are a lot of buses and tourist shuttles from Panama and Costa Rica. First you need to get to the city of Almirante, then by ferry.

The Bocas del Torro archipelago is the most popular tourist destination with developed infrastructure and services. The largest city is Colon, is located on the island of the same name - the largest of the entire archipelago. Colon is a small town that can be walked in half an hour. It is best to book hotels in Colon, because... this is a very convenient place, there is all the infrastructure, you can sail anywhere from here and the airport is close.

The best beaches in Bocas del Torro: Bocas del Drago, Bluff Beach And Punch Beach on the island of Colon, Cayos Zapatillos, Playas Larga And Red Frog Beach.

Best diving spots: around the island Hospital Point, Coral Key, Dark Wood Reef And Punta Juan, area Garden near Cayo Nancy, islands Butt, Cristobal, Cayo de Agua And Cayo Carener. These are some of the best reefs, underwater gardens, lots of marine life (rays, lobsters, crabs and tropical fish). Near the island Bird Island you can see colonies of sea gulls, it is also very interesting to visit Bastimientos National Park and see endangered turtle species there.

Other entertainment options besides eco-tourism include almost anything: walks in the jungle, horseback riding, ATV rides, sea activities, boat rides, diving, snorkeling, surfing, fishing, etc.

Taboga Island

It's hard to believe that just a few kilometers from the dusty and noisy city, there are such heavenly beaches with excellent sea and serene relaxation. These beaches are located on Taboga Island- “Island of Flowers”. You can get here by ferry in just 15 minutes. Ferries run all day. On the island, in addition to the beaches, there is a small town with a church ( San Pedro), where there are observation decks, and on the beach there are all types of recreation. You can stay here in one of the most wonderful hotels.

Spend a few days on this wonderful flower island and you definitely won’t regret it.

Las Perlas Islands

Archipelago Las Perlas is located southeast of Panama City in the waters of the Gulf of Panama. Las Perlas consists of several large islands: San Jose, Pedro Gonzalez, Isla del Rey, Isla Pacheco, Saboga, Contadora, Chapera, Mogo Mogo, Casaia and Viveros and several dozen smaller islets and reefs.

You can get to the islands of the archipelago from Panama City by plane or ferry. Ferries also operate within the entire archipelago and this way you can get to any of the islands.

The most developed islands in terms of infrastructure are Contadora, Saboga And San Jose.

Contadora- the closest island to Panama City, which can offer you both a calm, secluded holiday and an active one. White sand beaches, picturesque corners of the island, nature surrounded by greenery - all this can be found here. You can swim in the ocean or in a cozy hotel pool; in any case, it is best to make Contadora your starting point.

The city has a lot of entertainment and active recreation: diving, fishing, snorkeling, yacht and boat trips, water skiing and scooters, tennis and golf. Evenings can be spent in numerous discos and bars, or you can relax in the casino.

To admire nature and feel like a part of it, it’s better to go to the islands San Jose And Viveros. By the way, there is also an old military base in San Jose, which lovers of military sights love to visit.

The best place to swim in the sea and sunbathe is on the islandSaboga, which will offer more than a dozen different beaches and recreational areas.

By the way, most of the income of the Las Perlas Islands comes not from tourism, but from pearling. Pearls and pearl jewelry can be purchased on the islands at very attractive prices.

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Every year, the number of foreign tourists arriving at Panama resorts increases by an average of one sixth of previous figures. The share of our compatriots in this powerful flow of travelers is constantly increasing and this is not surprising! Located at the junction of two continents, two oceans and two cultures, Panama is ready to offer its guests a lot of interesting things - from unique natural beauty to a magnificent and comfortable beach holiday, which until now travelers could only dream of.

"For" or "Against"?

The lists of arguments in favor of flying to Panama on vacation and against this option look very impressive on both sides:

  • A not-so-simple flight, which usually includes a couple of connections and lasts at least 13 hours of pure time, is not the most comforting news. But experienced tourists are not at all upset that they will have to spend the whole day in the sky. Comfortable liners offer many services on board - from watching your favorite movies to satellite Internet.
  • Prices for flights from Moscow to Panama can overshadow the joy of staying at the local resorts. But for the most advanced there are several search engines air tickets at a discount, and fans of traditional methods of selecting tours can always count on the help of a travel agent in this matter.
  • Russian travelers do not need visas to enter Panama resorts if their stay in the country does not exceed 90 days.

Connecting the Shores

Situated on the shores of two oceans, Panama boasts a world-class landmark - a canal that connects these oceans to each other. The canal brought the country long-awaited economic stability and prosperity, which was reflected in the development of the tourism business.
The Pacific coast is replete with beach resorts, among which are real pearls known throughout the world. Contadora Island in the Gulf of Panama has perfect white beaches and magnificent hotels, one of which even hosted the Shah of Iran at the end of the 20th century.
The town of Boquete in the province of Chiriqui is famous for its excellent opportunities for rafting and cycling. Diving into the ocean can be alternated with visiting coffee plantations and swimming in thermal healing springs.
Panama Mama also offers excellent beaches to travelers. The country's capital is replete with places for active recreation, including sports centers, nightclubs, and casinos with restaurants.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address Email; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

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I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored in in electronic format in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and I take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Panama is almost a dwarf state in Central America. It is smaller in area than the Moscow region and you can get from one end of the country to the other in a day. The country is located on the small Isthmus of Panama, separating the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, North and South America. It’s worth visiting these regions if you decide to organize a trip in the fly&drive style. To do this, just get to the capital of the country, Panama City, and then rent a car and go, for example, to the north of the country (the roads in the south are not in the best condition, and you can see more in the north). Those who want to combine a beach holiday with a trip to the rain forest, visit the Amazons, and see the famous Panama Canal and at the same time spend a minimum of time on various transfers. Europeans first reached the shores of Panama in 1501, when a few tribes of Cuno, Choco and Guayami Indians lived here. Afterwards, colonists and pirates began to move here, bringing blacks to work on plantations. In 1821 the country declared independence. For a long time, the country's economy remained backward, but recently, thanks in part to tourism, it has been developing at a fairly successful pace.


The territory of Panama covers 75517.00 km².


Panama has a population of 3,360,474 people.


The official language in the country is Spanish.

Political system

Political system Panama is a presidential republic. The President and Vice Presidents are elected by popular vote for a term of 5 years. The President appoints the Cabinet of Ministers.


Panama has a subequatorial climate. The average daily temperature on the Pacific coast is higher than on the Caribbean coast. On the Pacific coast from March to September the air temperature is +34-36 degrees, from September to March +31-33 degrees. The rainy season lasts from May to December. On the Caribbean coast from March to September +30-32 degrees, from September to March +28-30 degrees. The humidity here is higher than on the Pacific coast, destructive hurricanes from the sea rarely reach Panama and pass further north, but during the rainy season there are often strong gusty winds and downpours. The best time to travel to Panama is from December to April.

Average water and air temperatures in Panama by month

Jan. Feb. March Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. But I. Dec.
Air temperature (day) °C +30 +31 +32 +31 +31 +31 +31 +29 +29 +28 +28 +30
Air temperature (night) °C +23 +24 +25 +25 +24 +24 +25 +23 +23 +22 +22 +23
Water (sea) temperature °C +26 +26 +27 +26 +27 +26 +27 +26 +26 +25 +25 +26


Panama's most famous landmark is the Panama Canal. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Construction began by the French in 1879. However, due to the bankruptcy of the contractor company, the work was stopped. As a result, the canal was built in 1904-1914 by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Currently, the canal locks are called unique structures. Sometimes such huge ships pass here that the service personnel have to do literally jewelry work, since only a few centimeters remain between the ship’s boats and the walls of the airlock. The length of the canal is 80 kilometers. The San Blas Islands are the second attraction of Panama. They are located in the Caribbean and are famous for being home to the Amazons. The local Amazons of the Kuna Indian tribe are quite peaceful and you can visit them and see what modern matriarchy is like. For a long time, foreigners were prohibited from staying overnight on the San Blas Islands. However, now the rules have relaxed, and the first hotels have appeared here. In memory of visiting the archipelago, it is customary to buy red headscarves (this is what the local Amazons wear). The north-west of the country is covered with tropical forests, in which semi-wild Indian tribes still live, to which excursions are regularly carried out. Here, in the mountain region (the Cordillera reaches here), there are several national parks, including Volcan Baru with the Chiriqui volcano, which has fallen asleep for an indefinite period.
