Protective film sticker. How to properly stick the film on your phone? Which side should you apply the film to your phone? What you need for an ideal result

When buying a new smartphone, you want to preserve the presentation of the gadget for as long as possible.

That is why it is common to buy protective glass or films along with the phone. With their help, the device screen can be protected from chips and scratches that form as soon as possible. We tell you how to properly apply protective film or glass at home.

Protective glass or film: what to choose?

When choosing a defense mechanism, every user asks the question - which is better? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each means of protection has pros and cons.

Protective glass provides reliability when the phone falls, but at the same time increases its thickness. The film is practically invisible during operation, and is also much cheaper, but the level of protection is lower. Despite the differences in certain parameters (degree of protection, price, durability), the principle of gluing these elements is the same.

Majority protective accessories have brief instructions according to the sticker, but manufacturers are silent about some factors, so we will analyze each point on the shelves.

Preparing the place and accessories

Prepare your work area. Wipe the table where the sticker process will take place. Recommended to be placed above the phone table lamp to better see “problem areas” on the screen. Additionally, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and dry them.

The glass or film usually comes with tools. In most cases the kit looks like this:

  1. The green “dry” bag is a dry cloth for cleaning the screen.
  2. Pink “wet” bag – a wet wipe for cleaning the display.
  3. A microfiber cloth that reduces the likelihood of picking up dust particles.

The first stage is cleaning the glass. Place your phone on the table. Pick up a napkin that says “wet” (sometimes it’s even numbered one). Wipe the smartphone screen with a damp cloth. Try to wipe the display so that not a single speck of dust is visible in the light.

The second stage is “drying”. Now take a second rag labeled “dry” (similar to the previous napkin, numbered two) and wipe the screen dry. Please note that your fingers should not touch the display.

The third stage is “intermediate”. Some manufacturers include an adhesive film in the kit to further rid the screen of dust particles. If you have such a tool, just stick it on the display and peel it off after a couple of seconds.

Working with glass

Pick up some protective film or glass. Look at her carefully. Manufacturers supply protective equipment with a special tongue to make it easier for a person to peel off the “sticky” part.

Having carefully peeled off the “adhesive part”, take the special glass by the “edges” and begin to slowly apply it to the phone. It is extremely important to ensure that the contours of the film and the screen match. While “aiming”, do not press on the display.

Release the glass. While it gradually sticks, make sure that there are no dust particles or bubbles anywhere. If no problems are found, effortlessly (lightly) swipe your finger across the center of the screen. If you notice any air bubbles, take a dry cloth and push them towards the edges of the display.

Once you are sure that there are no dust or air bubbles left under the glass, wipe the display again with a dry cloth.

Dust particles as a separate problem

There is a possibility of noticing a speck of dust after the procedure is completed. In such cases, you will need to re-raise the glass. This operation can be performed using a bank card. Additionally, take a small strip of stationery tape.

  1. Pick up the edge of the glass that is closest to the speck of dust.
  2. Place a piece of tape on the problem area
  3. Quickly tear it away from the screen.
  4. Return protective glass to the starting position.

When releasing new smartphones, manufacturers equip each model with a touch display that responds to finger touches. The screen control is convenient, but it contributes to the appearance of scratches, abrasions and dirt on the glass. A protective film is a transparent coating that protects the phone’s display from microcracks and dust. Read our article about how to stick it correctly.

Types of screen films and their purpose

If the film is selected in accordance with the owner's preferences and is properly applied, it will not interfere with viewing images, videos or text documents. Therefore, when choosing a coating for your smartphone display, focus on your needs. Films vary in parameters: transparency, size, thickness.

Depending on surface type

Common types of screen films on the market:

  • glossy;
  • matte.

The glossy finish does not affect image quality, but reflects sunlight with glare. Dust particles settle on the surface, greasy fingerprints remain, and girls have traces of foundation after talking on the phone. Choose gloss as a screen protector only if you use your smartphone indoors more often than outdoors.

A type of glossy film is a film with a mirror coating, thanks to which the image on the screen can only be viewed at a right angle. If you want to protect your private “mobile” life from prying eyes, opt for a mirror surface.

Matte film makes the image grainy and slightly blurry, but it is stronger than glossy film and less easily soiled. There are no fingerprints or traces of dust left on it. The film, despite its thickness, does not make it difficult to control the smartphone - the display easily responds to touch.

Other types of films:

  • ultraviolet – protects the display from fading;
  • antibacterial – prevents the accumulation of microbes;
  • antistatic – does not allow dust to settle on the display.

Features of use

Depending on the application, screen coatings are:

  • original;
  • universal.

The original film is cut to the size and shape of the screen at the manufacturer's factory and fits one smartphone model. The universal one is marked with a grid. It is selected based on the diagonal of the screen, and before gluing it is applied to the display and cut with a stationery knife.

Based on the frequency of use, a distinction is made between reusable screen coverings with a magnetic fastening method and disposable ones with an adhesive base.

Required Tools

To stick the film at home, prepare the following tools:

  • a damp cloth for cleaning LCD monitors;
  • dry microfiber cloth;
  • scissors or knife (for universal film);
  • cardboard spatula from the kit or plastic card.

You can purchase a ready-made set from the manufacturer or save money by purchasing the film separately and using available tools for the job.

Screen processing and gluing technology

The technology of gluing film to the screen consists of six stages.

Table: stages of film gluing



1. Preparation of the workplace and tools.

It is necessary to clean the workplace, wipe off dust, and wash hands. Prepare and arrange materials and tools in order of use.

2. Cleaning the display.

Cleaning the screen from smudges, stains and dust.

3. Preparation of the protective coating.

You need to cut the film to the shape of the screen. The film must be clean.

4. Pasting the film.

Remove the bottom protective layer of the film and glue it to the screen.

5. Level the coating using a mini-trowel or plastic card.

Remove all bubbles.

6. Removing the top protective layer.

The phone screen is protected, nothing interferes with viewing images.

Installation of protective coating

If, when gluing the film, a small particle of dust gets onto the screen or adhesive layer, an air bubble will form that cannot be expelled. Therefore, before attaching the covering, prepare your work area. Wipe the table from dust and arrange the tools in a convenient order: scissors, napkins, film and spatula.

Prepare the universal film in advance - apply it to the screen and cut off the protruding edges with a stationery knife. If you are careful and are not afraid of scratching the glass, you can run the knife directly along the film, focusing on the border of the display, and if you are not confident in your abilities, trace the glass with a pencil, remove the coating and cut it out on the table.

Cut the film on each side 1mm smaller than the phone display to make gluing easier.

Remove the used film and degrease the display with a damp cloth. Do not use alcohol-based cleaners as they affect the brightness of the picture and leave streaks. A worthy alternative to a napkin is a soap solution prepared in the ratio of 1 drop of shampoo per 20 g of water. After removing streaks and dust, use a dry microfiber cloth to polish the display.

Take the film and remove the protective layer from it. If there are two of them, remove the one marked with the number “1”. Proceed carefully - separate part of the protective layer to the middle and apply the film to the screen without pressing, and then align it along the top side. Continue to push back the protection, gradually pressing the rest of the film.

The secret to aligning the borders: before peeling off the protective layer, place the film on the screen, align it and secure it with a strip of tape along the side.

Remove large air bubbles formed between the screen and the film during gluing with a cardboard mini-spatula or plastic card. Press the end of the card to the screen and swipe from top to bottom. Do not try to remove small bubbles - they will disappear on their own within a day. If there is a protective covering numbered “2” left on the film, carefully remove it with tweezers.

If it doesn't work out the first time

If a speck of dust gets on the adhesive layer of the film, it must be removed and the coating must be re-glued. Remove the film from the screen and turn it over with the adhesive layer facing up. Cut two strips of wide tape. Apply the first to the film along the length to the middle, and the second - overlapping from the center. Clean your phone's display again, then tear off the tape and carefully stick the film in place.

The main task of the coating for touch phones is to protect the screen from all kinds of mechanical damage. Even if you purchased a special case for your device, this does not guarantee it complete safety. During a call, the display may accidentally be scratched by earrings or solid debris may get into the case. During active use, it is absolutely impossible to ensure sterile cleanliness of your hands, and fatty secretions, sweat and dust will very quickly render the device unusable, reducing the sensitivity of the screen. A protective film on your phone significantly extends its service life and makes it easier to care for.

How to properly glue film

It is important not only to be able to stick the film on the phone, but to do it as correctly as possible. Bubbles are the most common problem and evidence of unprofessionalism. To properly apply the film, you must be extremely precise and follow the instructions. For each model mobile phone Custom film is available to fit the unique dimensions of the touch screen and has the necessary slots. You can purchase it in the online store or at any point of sale of mobile equipment.

Tools for work:

  • protective film for your phone model;
  • lint-free dust removal cloth (microfiber);
  • squeegee.

For work it is advisable to choose clean room without dust and drafts. If this is not found, you can go to the bathroom.

How to stick the film correctly:

How to stick a film on a phone without bubbles

To ensure that bubbles form during operation, you must act as carefully as possible and follow the instructions. Above we described the process of gluing ready-made film for specific model phone, but many prefer a more budget-friendly option, buying universal protection for equipment. Also, the universal film will be the optimal solution for new phone models, components and accessories for which have not yet gone on sale in all stores.

How to stick universal film:

  1. First, you need to correctly cut the coating strictly to the configuration of the model. To do this, you can use protective plastic, which is glued to the factory packaging of phones. If this coating has long been removed, you can make a template yourself by attaching tracing paper to the screen and tracing it around the perimeter.
  2. Attach the template to the universal film and align it with the existing grid.
  3. Cut using a utility knife or scissors. Don't forget to make openings for the speaker and menu button (if there is one).
  4. Wipe the phone screen with microfiber, which is usually included in the package with a universal film.
  5. Make a soap solution by diluting 1 drop of shampoo in 20 ml of water. Using a soft artist's brush, apply a thin layer of the solution to the screen. It will prevent the film from sticking until you align it according to the configuration. Some people prefer to pour without solution. In this case, we recommend using the instructions described above.
  6. The universal film has two coatings - transparent and mesh. Remove the transparent one and apply it to the screen. 7. Level and remove the second coating. 8. Take a plastic card and use light pressing movements to “expel” the bubbles, moving from the center to the edges.
  7. Using a cotton swab, remove the soapy mixture from under the protective coating, making sure that it does not penetrate the speakers.

Helpful advice: if, despite all precautions, dust gets under the film, remove it, carefully rinse under running cold water, dry completely and re-apply.

We glue the protective film

As a rule, the service life is any protective film with active use of the phone it lasts about a year, so it will be useful to learn how to glue it yourself. To more accurately glue the film, it is recommended to leave an allowance of approximately 0.5-1 mm at the edges. The reason for the formation of bubbles is microscopic dust particles that stick to the back of the film and prevent it from adhering tightly to the surface of the screen. Therefore, it is important to carry out the operation in a room free from dust and drafts, and also never touch the adhesive part with your hands.

Applying the film to your phone correctly will not be difficult if you strictly follow any of the above instructions. If the case is successful, the device will last much longer and maintain its aesthetic appearance.

How to properly stick the film on your phone? Which side should you apply the film to your phone?

With all the many advantages of today's smartphones, despite the fact that they have already become real multimedia devices that fit in the pocket and integral companions in modern life, they are still fragile and vulnerable to damage.

Even the most branded smartphone, if handled carelessly, in a matter of days can be turned from a status and beautiful thing into something in which one can hardly recognize the genius of human thought, and numerous scratches and cracks on the body, as well as the phone screen, cause only a couple of emotions: feel sorry for the little comrade's injuries. In this article we will look at the best way to protect your smartphone screen.

The best way to protect your smartphone screen is to use protective films that are adhesive to the display of your mobile phone. I have often noticed that some smartphone owners prefer not to notice their quality and usefulness. Basically, these same people begin to notice scratches and even terrible cracks on the screen of their smartphone over time.

Protective films will not only protect your mobile phone screen from scratches, but will also take the brunt of the damage if your smartphone falls face down.

Let's now look at how to properly glue a protective film on a smartphone with your own hands. The task is not the easiest, in fact, but if you do everything carefully, you will definitely succeed.

Do-it-yourself gluing of a protective film on a smartphone

Conventionally, this operation can be divided into four stages. Let's go!


  • Thoroughly clean the surface of the screen from dust, fingerprints or any other contaminants
  • It is best to use a lint-free cloth, which will not leave any traces behind.
  • A small amount of water can be used, but it is strictly forbidden to wipe the screen with any alcohol-based or abrasive products.


  • Taking the film out of the packaging
  • On the front and reverse side films we see special stickers numbered 1 and 2
  • We take the sticker with number 1 (this is the protective film) and peel off the protective film from the shipping film exactly halfway


  • We take half of the protective film and carefully apply the peeled off part to the smartphone screen, gradually gluing it along the entire length of the smartphone, taking into account all the buttons and borders of the screen of your smartphone
  • If you didn’t succeed in gluing it well or evenly at first, then it’s okay: peel it back and try again. It's not difficult at all if you're not in a hurry
  • If it happens that you glued the protective film, and there was a piece of dust, debris or hair under it, then don’t worry, just glue a piece of tape in your film, grab it and slightly lift the film
  • Also glue small pieces of tape to pieces of dust and all sorts of debris and tear them off, they will clean the surface without any problems


  • When you have glued the protective film, air bubbles will most likely appear on it, this is also not a big problem and can be easily fixed
  • Take a credit card and slowly smooth the surface of the protective film with it until the air bubbles completely disappear

All is ready! You have successfully applied a protective film to the screen of your smartphone. As you may have noticed, it actually turned out to be quite simple.

Some nuances:

  • It is not recommended to buy a set of films, because with sufficiently careful use of the mobile device they can last more than a year
  • It is best to clean the film with ordinary water.
  • It is best to apply adhesive film to the smartphone screen in the bathroom, because it is often the least dusty in the house

For greater clarity, below is a video instruction:

Video: How to properly stick the film on your phone? Which side should you apply the film to your phone?

If you've ever wondered how to properly apply a screen protector to your smartphone without annoying bubbles or dust particles, then read on. The process does not require any special tools or skills and all you need is attentiveness and accuracy.

The first thing you need to do before sticking a protective film on your smartphone screen is to minimize the amount of dust in the room. To do this, you need to choose the cleanest room without drafts, for example, a bathroom. You can also try additional methods - for example, turning on a hot shower, the hot steam from which will clear most of the dust in the air.

The next thing to do is make sure your hands are clean, so wash them with soap and water.

Finally, you need to make sure that your smartphone screen is clean and free of dust. Take a microfiber cloth and thoroughly clean your smartphone screen. The use of alcohol and other cleaning liquids is not always recommended by experienced users due to the risk of damaging the device's screen.

Some users also advise using regular tape to remove dust. It is also a good idea to make sure that there are no smudges or fingerprints on the screen, otherwise they will remain under the film.

Once you've done all of the above, it's time to gather your materials and get started. You will need: your smartphone or other mobile device, protective film and bank card. So let's get started:

Step 1. Take the protective film and place it on the display without removing the protective layer - you first need to try the film on the screen of your device and find out what position of the film will be ideal.

Step 2. Place the end of the screen protector at the bottom of the display, lining up the edges. The sticky side should be facing the screen of your smartphone or tablet, and the smooth side should be facing you.

Step 3. Begin removing the protective film by slowly pulling the edge away from you. When the sticky part opens, you will need to stick the film onto your phone's display. In order for the film to stick neatly, you need to slowly remove the film, immediately sticking the exposed part onto the display, in other words, you remove the protective layer with one hand, and immediately smooth the film itself with the other hand. Thus, dust does not have time to stick to the film.

If you do everything correctly, the film should stick evenly to the screen. If there are a few bubbles on the screen, don't panic - use pre-prepared bank card to get them out from under the film.

If something goes wrong - for example, there are too many bubbles, dust on the screen or the film is not attached securely, then you need to try again. Screen protectors are often sold in sets of two or three, so don't be afraid to start from scratch.

Don't worry too much if there are a few tiny bubbles left after everything - if you leave the smartphone overnight, they will disappear and you will have a smooth and shiny screen. All you have to do is enjoy your secure smartphone.
