Professions that use a computer. Computer-related professions: list. Computer related professions

In the second half of the last century, a number of events occurred that mark the emergence of the science of computer science: the creation of the first digital computer, the publication of fundamental works by N. Wiener, K. Shannon, and von Neumann.

From the history

The term “ cybernetics", and soon after it - the English-language term "Computer Science"(computer science), which is quite widespread in the United States of America, Canada and other countries to name a scientific and academic discipline that studies the processes of processing, storing and transmitting information using computers and telecommunication systems.

In the late 60s - early 70s. In the 20th century, French scientists introduced the term “informatique” (informatics), apparently derived from two French words - “informatione” (information) and “avtomatique” (automation).

Computer science studies what is common to all numerous varieties of specific information processes (technologies). These information processes and technology is the object of computer science.

The subject of computer science is determined by the variety of its applications. Various information technologies operating in different types of human activity (management production process, design systems, financial transactions, education, etc.), having common features, at the same time differ significantly from each other. Thus, various “subject” computer sciences are formed, based on different sets of operations and procedures, various types cybernetic equipment (in many cases, along with a computer, specialized instruments and devices are used), various information media and so on.

The area of ​​interest of computer science is the structure and general properties of information, as well as issues related to the processes of searching, collecting, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information in a wide variety of areas of human activity. Processing huge volumes and flows of information is unthinkable without automation and communication systems, therefore electronic computers and modern information and communication technologies are both the fundamental core and the material base of computer science.

The structure of computer science is currently determined by the following main areas of research:

  • theory of algorithms(formal models of algorithms, computability problems, computational complexity, etc.);
  • logical models(deductive systems, complexity of inference, non-traditional calculus: inductive and deductive inference, inference by analogy, plausible inference, non-monotonic reasoning, etc.);
  • Database(data structures, searching for answers to queries, logical inference in databases, active databases, etc.);
  • artificial intelligence(knowledge representation, knowledge inference, training, expert systems, etc.);
  • bionics(mathematical models in biology, behavioral models, genetic systems and algorithms, etc.);
  • pattern recognition and visual scene processing(statistical recognition methods, use of ghost spaces, theory of recognition algorithms, three-dimensional scenes, etc.);
  • robot theory(autonomous robots, representation of knowledge about the world, decentralized control, planning of appropriate behavior, etc.);
  • software engineering(programming languages, technologies for creating software systems, instrumental systems, etc.);
  • computer theory and computer networks (architectural solutions, multi-agent systems, new principles of information processing, etc.);
  • computational linguistics(language models, text analysis and synthesis, machine translation, etc.);
  • numeric and symbolic calculations(computer-oriented computing methods, models of information processing in various applied areas, working with natural language texts, etc.);
  • human-machine interaction systems(discourse models, distribution of work in mixed systems, organization of collective procedures, activities in telecommunication systems, etc.);
  • neuromathematics and neurosystems(formal theory neural networks, the use of neural networks for learning, neurocomputers, etc.);
  • use of computers in closed systems(real-time models, intelligent control, monitoring systems, etc.).

Computer science is a science that studies all aspects of obtaining, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information.

Computer science should reflect the most generally significant, fundamental concepts and information that reveal the essence of science, equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to study the fundamentals of other sciences at school, as well as prepare young people for future practical activities and life in the modern information society.

In connection with the change in the dominance of professional activity and the increasing share of the information sector in the economy, it is necessary to prepare schoolchildren for a variety of activities related to information processing. This includes, in particular, the development of information technology and information technologies. Of particular note is the importance of initial management training. As you know, many technologically developed countries (Great Britain, Germany, etc.) see this as the key to successful state and economic development.

The importance of computer science when it penetrates into most professions goes beyond the role of classical disciplines, since for many professions there is a need to use information technology tools.

Profession "programmer"

A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and programs based on mathematical models.

Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • Application programmers are engaged in the development of software necessary for the operation of the organization. For example, this includes 1C programmers.
  • System programmers develop operating systems, interfaces to distributed databases, and work with networks. Specialists in this category are the rarest and highest paid.
  • Web programmers deal with networks, but, as a rule, with global ones, such as the Internet. They write web interfaces to databases, create dynamic web pages, etc.

Pros of the profession

  • High demand in the market,
  • High profit payment,
  • You can work without higher education,
  • Mainly a creative profession.

Cons of the profession

  • What is clear to the programmer is not always clear to the user; a lot has to be explained,
  • It happens to work in emergency mode,
  • Working on a computer is bad for your health
  • And this is where routine comes into play.

Personal qualities

First of all, a programmer must have patience and endurance. These are absolutely irreplaceable qualities in his work.
Programming is a rapidly developing field, so you need to be able to adapt quickly and constantly learn something new. Otherwise, in a few years your value as a specialist may significantly decrease.

The ability to objectively assess the capabilities of technologies and their use in each specific case. So that it doesn’t turn out that the firewood is cut using the latest laser developments.


It is advisable to have a higher education from a technical university in applied mathematics or Computer Engineering. However, experience matters a lot in this profession. Just a few years ago, it was not uncommon among programmers for a self-taught programmer to be more professional. True, this trend is now on the wane.
In most cases, a programmer must know several programming languages, such as C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP, Java, Perl, etc. The set of knowledge of a specialist in a certain field is quite specific. Within the framework of his specialization, he knows everything, but in a neighboring area of ​​knowledge he may lack. But still, the main thing in this profession is the ability to master programming techniques that are constantly evolving.

Place of work

  • Research centers,
  • IT companies,
  • Organizations that in their structure include departments of programmers (or staff).

Career and salary

Head of a group of programmers, IT director, project manager, you can move within the specialty, improving professionally.

Salary from 10-50 thousand rubles, they can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.

computer science teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Vasilievskaya Secondary School No. 2 ZMR RT"

Information technologies have already deeply entered into all areas of our lives. The economy, administrative and other government structures, healthcare, law enforcement agencies, private life and much more - everything is closely related to information communications, office equipment, and software. The introduction of computers into the organization of state institutions contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy and infrastructure, reducing bureaucracy and paperwork.

With the reasonable use of information technologies in the areas of state activity, in the future, it would be possible to fully solve the problems of corruption. All this, coupled with fairly high wages for IT specialists, contributes to the fact that professions related to computer equipment, programming and information technology are gaining increasing popularity among young people. Below are some examples of current professions from the IT sector.

1. ERP consultant

An ERP system is a set of applications that allows you to automate management and accounting at enterprises, connecting their various departments. This complex is a single repository of information from all segments of the company's structure - about marketing, personnel, sales, production, forecasts and much more. There are three most common ERP systems in the Russian Federation: Oracle, SAP and Microsoft.

Here are the responsibilities of an ERP consultant:

  1. Coordinate the work of a specific project module: marketing, financial, logistics or any other.
  2. A thorough study and description of the processes occurring in the client’s business.
  3. Identification of problem areas in these processes.
  4. Determining the changes needed by the customer's business.
  5. Making proposals for actions that need to be taken to eliminate shortcomings in the customer’s business. Creation of theoretical models for optimizing business processes.
  6. Creation of technical specifications for developers, formation of solutions.
  7. Configuring modules, ensuring its integration and optimal interaction with other modules, as well as other systems.
  8. Training system users in the organization (trainings, seminars, preparation of educational materials).
  9. Providing technical support for the system at the final stages and after completion of the project (consulting, providing additions and adjustments).

2. ERP programmer

A specialist of this type is engaged in the implementation of the project, the direct implementation of the analysts’ concepts, and the implementation of plans. He writes program codes and adapts the software to the characteristics of a particular company. ERP programmer configures user interfaces, troubleshoots the system, advises staff, and makes adjustments. A professional ERP programmer must be fluent in at least one of the variations of ERP systems and thoroughly proficient in various programming languages ​​(Visual Basic, Pascal, C++, Delphi, etc.).

Also, such a specialist needs to understand the business logic. If the module concerns finance, a non-programmer cannot do without knowledge of the basics of accounting.

3. IT evangelist

Also, such a specialist is called an expert in software development technologies. This profession has nothing to do with religion, although euangélion translated from Greek means all good. A specialist in this area is engaged in software promotion. In a sense, he is, of course, a missionary - he conveys information about the advertised program to potential clients. His task is not only to attract new customers, but also to strengthen the confidence of existing customers in the software he promotes.

In some ways, the responsibilities of an IT evangelist are similar to the responsibilities of a copywriter or PR specialist, because he writes blogs, communicates with the consumer audience through interviews, writing articles and even books. Otherwise, such a specialist can be called a “programming journalist,” since, in addition to the ability to promote the company’s products, he must also be an expert in the field of information technology.

4. Web designer

To work successfully in this profession, a specialist needs to combine artistic taste and talent in the fine arts with knowledge of Internet technologies and programming skills. The main task of a web designer is to design a website so that it is visually attractive to the widest possible audience of users. Such a designer creates Web pages and combines them into sites.

As one of the experts in this field put it, Web design is a mix of psychology, art and computer science.

Main responsibilities of a web designer:

5. Web programmer

This profession brings together various specialists in the field of IT technologies and web programming. Web programmers bring the ideas of web designers to life. Their task is to create a full-fledged, working website based on the “layout”. A web programmer must know languages ​​such as JAVAScript, HTML, PHP, JAVA, Perl and CGI, as well as have experience working with a variety of web developer tools such as ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Flash (etc.). Such programs and programming languages ​​significantly expand functionality websites and the ability to fill them with various multimedia content. A web programmer works directly with the Internet. Its activities are aimed at creating programs that will function exclusively within this network.


Any profession in the field of IT technology or programming will suit you if you:

  1. Ready for purely intellectual, creative work.
  2. They are able to sit in front of a computer monitor for days, solving problems and eliminating errors.
  3. Attentive, pedantic, consistent.
  4. Prone to rationalism and logical thinking; love exact sciences and mathematics.
  5. They are ready to sacrifice an active lifestyle, fresh air, sun and various benefits that could be derived from close communication with society.
  6. Don't be afraid of losing your sight.
  7. You love to develop intellectually, constantly learn and improve.

Recently, professions in the IT field have been gaining popularity. Firstly, this is a very interesting activity that allows you to create great products and projects with my own hands. Secondly, programming and computer specialties are highly valued in modern society, so true professionals in their field can count on a decent salary wages. Thirdly, working with computers does not require an office or a specific place of work, so you can do your own thing at home or in a cafe.

In contact with

In addition, it must be taken into account that the development of technology obliges all people, one way or another, to understand the hardware. It is difficult to imagine how much easier the work of some specialties was made by the introduction of programs and computers.

Prospects for IT professions Nowadays young people are very interested. Therefore, the article will discuss the most popular, profitable and lucrative computer-related professions.

Computer related professions

Many may ask the question: “Why are system administrators in first place on the list?” Today this is a very popular and in-demand profession. Despite the fact that almost everyone has encountered, in one way or another, the work of a system administrator, many have not figured it out or do not know what responsibilities are included in their work.

First of all, a system administrator is a master who understands all areas of computer science. The system administrator is obliged to monitor the operation of operating systems and if an error, breakdown or threat occurs, fix it immediately.

To the list of their work also includes installing the necessary software, checking the network, programs and other useful things for the computer, updating drivers and the system if necessary, knowing how to work with antiviruses and removing Trojans, viruses and damage from the computer. You need to be able to repair equipment in case of problems, protect the network from attack, connect equipment and understand the internal workings of equipment. Besides, System Administrator is obliged to provide the local network and server with the necessary updates.

In other words, the system administrator is responsible for everything related to configuration computer systems and equipment repairs. It’s impossible to say for sure, what salary the system administrator will receive. First of all, it will depend on the individual qualities and skills of the person. If he is knowledgeable in many areas and can prove his usefulness in practice, then the salary can be quite high. In addition, the amount of money received will depend on the company in which the person works.

Sometimes you can meet a professional who will receive a salary of 50 thousand rubles. And although this happens, you should not count on such an amount, because it is quite rare to encounter this. On average, a high-quality system administrator receives from 25 thousand to 30 thousand. The system administrator’s schedule is variable and ranges from 5 hours of work to 12.


Next on the list is honorable and the programmer takes his rightful place. It’s not worth talking much about his responsibilities - programmers are people who write programs. In the last few years, the popularity and development of this specialty has increased dramatically. Firstly, programmers are needed in all areas - there is almost no company that does not use computers. Programmers write special, highly focused programs that make their work easier. Secondly, programmers always have the opportunity to travel and do their favorite work outside the office walls.

It is easy to understand that the main task Programmers are writing codes and the ability to competently use a programming language for their tasks and purposes, developing software and changing the way some things work. If we compare a system administrator and a programmer, the system administrator includes a larger number of tasks in his list of responsibilities, however, it is the programmer who must have greater skills and knowledge. And although in modern world in fact, a system administrator and a programmer have the same base, yet they use slightly different skills and experience.

Every programmer must have a certain reserve of nerves and energy, since this profession is often exhausting and can be incredibly difficult. A programmer must be able to write a good program code, check it, find errors, fix them and constantly update your creation. Only a person with a lot of patience and strength can try to become a professional programmer.

A true specialist in this field receives a little more than a system administrator - from 35 to 40 thousand rubles. Salaries may be higher depending on a person's professional skills and computer experience. It is worth noting that the specialist’s tasks do not include repairing computers, laptops or other equipment. Programmers do purely internal work.

A programmer's schedule, like that of a system administrator, is inconsistent. Very often, due to high workload, programmers can work more than 12 hours.

Depending on the chosen activity, the programmer can deal with narrowly focused tasks:

  • Websites.
  • Mobile applications.
  • PC Applications.
  • Server developments.
  • Systems research.


This type of activity is suitable for people with humanitarian mindset who like to work with technology. Every person has heard about this specialty and may ask the question “Where exactly can designers find employment in the IT field?”

The schedule and work of designers in the computer field is not much different from other designers. It is still necessary to carry out sketches, layouts, sketches, present and defend your projects. Of course, modern programs and computer capabilities have made the job easier to do. But now, in addition to a subtle artistic taste and the ability to create a catchy and memorable project, a designer’s responsibilities include knowledge of a package of basic graphic programs.

Designers are divided into several categories. Someone can find themselves in the field of 3D design(in this area people model and create three-dimensional figures), someone will want to do web design - they develop page layouts, etc. All these professions, like other creative specialties, have an ambiguous schedule and a good average salary. For example, a specialist in the field of design can receive from 40 thousand rubles.

If a person finds himself in the field of design and wants to interact with computers, then he could be:

  • Web designer.
  • Graphic designer.
  • 3D designer.
  • Virtual reality designer.

Web Programmer

In the computer field there are different types and directions of pure programming. A web programmer or web developer is one of the most popular specialists in demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that this profession has deservedly received one of the priorities among universities and millions of personnel graduate every year, the demand for this specialty remains one of the highest.

The responsibility of a web programmer is the ability to competently develop websites, write codes and promote their projects on the Internet. Be able to create a beautiful appearance(i.e. be able to perform the tasks of a web designer) and bring it to working condition. Web programmer's schedule fluctuates from 10 to 12 hours. The average salary of this type of specialist can be from 35 to 50 thousand, depending on individual skills and abilities.

In order to become a good web programmer, it is not necessary to graduate from a higher educational institution; it is enough to be able to meet customer requirements.

Of course, professions that involve computers, there are a huge number and it is almost impossible to describe them all. It is important to remember, no matter what one chooses, the main thing is to be able to enjoy and enjoy the process of one’s activity.

If 20 years ago Russians managed just fine without computers, today it is impossible to imagine a single day without information technology. Turn on the TV, open your laptop, make a phone call - software is present in all areas of our lives, and computer-related professions are extremely popular among applicants.

Computerization of the world

Digital transmission of information has brought to the masses not only the opportunity to communicate at a distance, but also has accelerated document flow and reduced bureaucracy in government agencies. The growing need for specialized personnel has increased the demand among employers for professions related to computers and the Internet, the creation and maintenance of telecommunications, and data protection. In addition, a modern accountant or secretary must have solid user skills. If you have not yet decided which job is best to choose, read here first.

Let us note that the highest paid professions in our country are directly related to IT technologies. The prospect of solid earnings, foreign business trips, and high prestige among colleagues attract thousands of young people to the industry.

From this video you will learn why you should become a programmer:

Computer-related professions: list, prospects

In recent years, not only specialties related to web development and programming have gained wide popularity - EPR consultant, web programmer, system administrator. There is a growing demand in the labor market for professions related to the Internet: SEO specialists, content managers, copywriters. (About the most in-demand professions in Russia.) New specialties are also emerging, which we will consider in more detail.

Web resource programmer

Even the high demand for this specialty among applicants does not save employers from personnel shortages - professionals in this field are in demand more than ever.

The main responsibilities of programmers are to create web resources, optimize coding, expand system capabilities, create scripts, interfaces, and process databases.

Important! For specialists in this field, it is absolutely not necessary to obtain a higher education. You can master the basics of web programming at a technical college, in special courses, or through self-study. When applying for a job, the employer does not care about diplomas and certificates - he will want to look at your portfolio and also ask you to complete a test task.

A web programmer must be able to:

  • create new sites on various CMS;
  • have basic knowledge of SEO and web design;
  • understand modern programming languages;
  • know special programs for web developers.

You should not expect career growth in your specialty - an employee can only improve his professional competencies. The maximum in the profession is the head of a department or project. But its owner can easily find a part-time job, open his own business or get a job in a foreign company.

An overview of the web developer profession can be seen in this video:

ERP consultant

Looking for a suitable specialty and studying which professions are related to computers, we will focus on a new direction for the Russian labor market - EPR consulting, aimed at modernizing the business through combining the company’s business processes.

If optimization of a company’s accounting processes does not give the desired result, an ERP consultant comes into play. A representative of the innovative profession will find solutions in the following areas:

  • personnel Management;
  • distribution of finances;
  • supply chain management;
  • sales department.

To effectively solve business problems in the workplace, an EPR consultant studies processes in the organization, identifies shortcomings and develops anti-crisis models, sets tasks for programmers, integrates software modules, and conducts staff training. The consultant solves system business problems by creating and integrating software applications.

System administrator or sysadmin

The responsibilities of a representative of this profession include ensuring the smooth operation of computers, local network, server equipment, protection against hacking and virus attacks, elimination of system and technical equipment failures. The system administrator, as a rule, establishes personnel rights to access certain corporate resources: databases, information about employees, document archives.

The main requirement for an employee is high professional qualifications. The specialist must cope with any technical problems that arise during the work process and be able to troubleshoot problems on his own. The profession can be called monotonous, routine, requiring increased concentration, attentiveness, and stress resistance.

In one and a half minutes you will learn a lot about the profession of a system administrator:

Software tester

Among the list of computer-related professions, there are specialties for people with entry level computer literacy. If technical knowledge is not yet enough, but you really want to work on a computer, try to get a job as a software tester - a specialist who finds errors in new programs and compiles technical task for their subsequent correction. Moreover, you can work in this profession not only in Russia, but also abroad. You can read about that at the link.

The employee must be able to work in a variety of operating systems, have a good understanding of the psychology of entry-level and intermediate-level users, be able to compose technical documentation, know English language on the Middle level. To advance in your career, you will need to demonstrate personal performance and improve your language skills.

How to become a tester and achieve success in the profession, see here:

In the next 20 years, specialties related to computer operation will be in high demand in large domestic and foreign companies. Getting a job in demand or retraining as an IT professional is worth it to people who are ready to work on a PC for a long time, who have patience, attention to detail, who calmly react to lack of communication, and who are aimed at constantly improving their professional competencies.

A modern office cannot do without a computer and without IT specialists - in common parlance IT. What kind of specialists are these? They are divided into IT specialists who deal with computer hardware and those who deal with computer software. The first are a system administrator and a computer hardware development engineer. The second include: programmer, CAD developer, website developers. The site developer knows the mechanisms of how the Internet works. Among those who develop the site there is a web designer and a web programmer. If the site has already been created, then it is handled by the Internet project manager or Internet project manager. His task is to manage the entire site management system, site administrator, site moderator, site content editor. An online store is also an online project. But there are huge Internet portals that are dedicated to information of one kind or another. Each media company has its own website and a team of employees - web programmers, web designers, site administrator and content manager. Separately, we note SEO specialists - a specialist in website optimization and website promotion, there are website analysts, website auditors. Software, software, is developed for business processes of companies of various profiles: for communication companies, for transport companies, for manufacturing companies. The purpose of such programs is to automate the production management process - automated process control systems. The developed programs are checked by a program tester. This is a sought-after profession among IT professions. Companies use ERP systems to manage document flow. In this regard, 1C programmer and SAP programmer are in demand. Finally, information security specialists are extremely in demand on the IT market. Every bank, every company, every state-owned enterprise needs information protection. Developing information security methods is super-intelligent and super-needed work. If you acquire such an IT profession, you will be provided with work and money for life and will be able to live in any country.
