Aimp 3 instructions for use. How to remove a program in Windows. How to install the VK plugin for AIMP

Hello dear blog readers. Today I will digress a little from the topic of security and write a completely different article. I usually listen to music on my computer through the AIMP player. This player, in my opinion, is the most adequate, and various plugins for it can greatly expand the functionality. Of course, I have nothing against other players, to each his own.

In this article I want to talk about two things - listening to music from Vkontakte through the AIMP player and removing annoying covers from songs. Now I will explain each point.

If you don’t want to once again log into a social network using a browser, but have a desire to listen to music, then you can use third party applications, for example, VkMusic, but if you have an AIMP player, then you can install Vk plugin and enjoy the music. Unfortunately, social network canceled the integration of music files for almost all programs. AIMP is no exception, but there is one way, albeit illegal, but I will tell you about it later.

The second point has to do with album covers. Sometimes one annoying cover appears on all music files. You can't find the cover image manually, but you can remove it using the same AIMP, which has a tag editor.

How to install the VK plugin for AIMP?

For everything to work, you need to download the modified plugin from this site: Don’t worry, the file is safe, so even if the antivirus “curses” you will still download it.

Launch AIMP and click on the button MENU top left. Click on the section "Plugins" and select the item "Install".

Select the VK plugin file that you downloaded. Then check the box next to the VK Plugin v1.00.46 RC plugin that appears.

When the VKontakte plugin appears on the left, click on it. Select the button on the right side of the window "Log in". This is where the fun begins. We read carefully.

A window will appear in which you need to enter data from your VKontakte page. After this, a window will open where we need to allow the application to access your music files. When we click, we will see a message that the web browser could not open this website. Most likely this is due to the “sawing of holes” from Vkontakte. But there is a solution.

At the top we have an address bar in which you must paste the following address, instead of the one indicated there - Now we press Enter and see that we are already asking for access Windows Phone, but just Windows. Press the button again "Allow" and everything works.

In the MENU, mark the item "Phonotheque" and songs from your page will become available to you. In addition, there is music from your friends, bookmarks, recommended music, community music and popular music. In short, everything you need.

That's it, now let's talk about the covers.

How to remove album art from a song in AIMP?

To remove the cover from a song in AIMP you need to click on MENU at the top left and go to the section "Utilities" and select the item there "Tag Editor". Or just press Ctrl+T.

A window appears in which we select the folder where all your songs are stored. A short scan will take place, and then all the songs will appear in the program window.

You can sort music files by pictures by clicking on the appropriate item. Now you need to find the cover you want to remove. Use the arrows to move down and look at the image displayed in the window. Once you have found what you need, click on the cover itself and the folder opens. Just delete it and the problem is solved. Of course, you can go through all the songs, in case there are still pictures that don’t satisfy you.

If, when you click on the cover image, there are no elements in the folder, then you need to do the following: open Explorer and click on the “View” tab at the top, then go to “Options”.

A window will open where you must go to the “View” section, go down to the very bottom and uncheck the box. After this, the pictures should be visible.

After the operation, return this parameter to the initial state.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. I really hope that this article will help you.

For general development:

Materials taken from the official AIMP forum:

Among users who prefer to listen to music on a computer or laptop, there is probably no one who has not heard about AIMP at least once. This is one of the most popular media players available today. In this article, we would like to tell you how you can customize AIMP, taking into account different tastes and preferences.

All adjustments here are divided into special subgroups. There are quite a lot of them, so when you come across this question face to face for the first time, you may get confused. Below we will try to consider in detail all types of configuration that will help you configure the player.

Appearance and Display

First of all, we will make the configuration appearance player and all the information that is displayed in it. We will start from the end, since changing external settings may reset some internal adjustments. Let's get started.

  1. Launch AIMP.
  2. In the upper left corner you will find a button "Menu". Click on it.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear in which you need to select the item "Settings". In addition, a similar function is performed by a combination of buttons "Ctrl" And "P" on keyboard.
  4. From the left side open window there will be settings sections, each of which we will consider in this article. Let's start by changing the AIMP language if you are not satisfied with the current one, or if you chose the wrong language when installing the program. To do this, you need to go to the section with the appropriate name "Language".
  5. In the central part of the window you will see a list available languages. Select the one you need and then press the button "Apply" or "OK" in the lower area.
  6. The next step is to select an AIMP cover. To do this, go to the corresponding section on the left side of the window.
  7. This option will change the appearance of the player. You can choose any skin from all available. By default there are three. Simply left-click on the desired line, and then confirm your choice using the button "Apply", and then "OK".
  8. In addition, you can always download any cover you like from the Internet. To do this you need to click on the button "Download additional covers".
  9. Here you will see a strip with color gradients. You can choose the color to display the main elements of the AIMP interface. Simply move the slider on the top bar to select the color you want. The lower bar will allow you to change the shade of the previously selected parameter. Changes are saved in the same way as other settings.
  10. The following interface option will allow you to change the display mode of the running line of the playing track in AIMP. To change this config, go to the section "Ticker". Here you can specify the information that will be displayed in the line. In addition, parameters for the direction of movement, appearance and its update interval are available.
  11. Please note that the ticker display is not available in all AIMP skins. A similar function is definitely available in the standard version of the player skin.
  12. The next item will be the section "Interface". Click on the appropriate name.
  13. The main settings of this group concern the animation of various inscriptions and software elements. You can also change the transparency settings of the player itself. All parameters are turned on and off with a simple checkmark next to the desired line.
  14. In the case of changing transparency, you will need to not only check the boxes, but also adjust the position of a special slider. Do not forget to save the configurations after this by clicking the special buttons "Apply" and then "OK".

We are done with the appearance settings. Now let's move on to the next point.


Plugins are special independent modules that allow you to connect special services to AIMP. In addition, the described player has several of its own modules, which we will discuss in this section.

  1. In the same way as before, go to the AIMP settings.
  2. Next, from the list on the left, select the item "Plugins", simply by left-clicking on its name.
  3. In the work area of ​​the window you will see a list of all available or already installed plugins for AIMP. We will not dwell on each of them in detail, since this topic deserves a separate lesson due to the large number of plugins. The general idea is to enable or disable the plugin you need. To do this, you need to check the box next to the required line, then confirm the changes and restart AIMP.
  4. As with player covers, you can download various plugins from the Internet. To do this, just click on the desired line in this window.
  5. IN latest versions AIMP plugin is built in by default "". To enable and configure it, you need to go to a special section.
  6. Please note that authorization is required for its correct use. This means that you need to pre-register on the official website "".
  7. The essence of this plugin comes down to tracking the music you like and then adding it to a special music profile. This is exactly what all the parameters in this section are aimed at. To change the settings, you just need to, as before, check or uncheck the box next to the desired option.
  8. Another built-in plugin in AIMP is visualization. These are special visual effects that accompany a musical composition. By going to the section with the same name, you can configure the operation of this plugin. There aren't many settings here. You can change the parameter for applying anti-aliasing to visualization and set it to change after a certain time.
  9. The next step is to configure the AIMP information feed. It is enabled by default. You can see it at the top of the screen every time you launch a particular music file in the player. It looks like this.
  10. This block of options will allow you to carry out detailed configuration of the tape. If you want to turn it off completely, then simply uncheck the box next to the line marked in the image below.
  11. In addition, there are three subsections. In the subsection "Behavior" You can enable or disable the continuous display of the feed, and also set the duration of its display on the screen. There is also an option available that changes the location of this plugin on your monitor.
  12. Subsection "Templates" will allow you to change the information that will be indicated in the information feed. This includes the name of the artist, the title of the composition, its duration, file format, bitrate, and so on. You can remove the extra parameter in these lines and add another one. You will see the entire list of valid values ​​if you click on the icon to the right of both lines.
  13. Last subsection "View" in the plugin "Information feed" is responsible for the general display of information. Local options allow you to set your own background for the feed, transparency, and also adjust the location of the text itself. For convenient editing, there is a button at the bottom of the window "Preview", allowing you to immediately see changes.
  14. In this section with plugins there is also an item related to AIMP updates. We think it is not worth dwelling on it in detail. As the name suggests, this option allows you to run a manual check new version player. If one is detected, AIMP will immediately update automatically. To start the procedure you just need to press the appropriate button "Check".

This completes the plugin settings. Let's move on.

System Configurations

This group of options allows you to set parameters that are related to the system part of the player’s operation. It's not at all difficult to do this. Let's look at the whole process in more detail.

  1. Open the settings window using a key combination "Ctrl+P" or through the context menu.
  2. In the list of groups located on the left, click on the name "System".
  3. A list of available changes will appear on the right. The very first parameter will allow you to block the monitor from turning off when AIMP is running. To do this, just tick the corresponding line. There is also a slider that will allow you to adjust the priority of this task. Please note that to avoid turning off the monitor, the player window must be active.
  4. In the block called "Integration" You can change the player launch parameter. By checking the box next to the desired line, you will allow Windows to automatically launch AIMP when turned on. In the same block, you can optionally add special lines to the context menu.
  5. This means that when you right-click on a music file, you will see the following picture.
  6. The last block in this section is responsible for displaying the player button on the taskbar. This display can be turned off completely by unchecking the box next to the first line. If you leave it, additional options will be available.
  7. An equally important section related to the system group is "Association with files". This item will allow you to mark those extensions whose files will be automatically played in the player. To do this, just press the button "File Types", select AIMP from the list and mark the required formats.
  8. The next system settings item is called "Connect to the network". Options in this category allow you to specify the type of AIMP connection to the Internet. It is from there that some plugins often pull up information in the form of song lyrics, cover art, or for playing online radio. In this section, you can change the timeout for connection, and also use a proxy server if necessary.
  9. The last section in system settings is "Trey". Here you can easily customize the general appearance of the information that will be displayed when collapsing AIMP. We will not advise anything specific, since all people have different preferences. Let's just note that this set of options is extensive, and you should pay attention to it. This is where you can disable various information when you hover over an icon in the tray, as well as assign actions to mouse buttons when you click on one.

Once the system parameters are adjusted, we can start setting up AIMP playlists.

Playlist options

This set of options is very useful, as it will allow you to adjust the work of playlists in the program. By default, the player has such settings that each time you open a new file, a separate playlist will be created. And this is very inconvenient, since a huge number of them can accumulate. This settings block will help correct this and other nuances. Here's what you need to do to get into the specified group of parameters.

When you're done setting up playlists, you can move on to the next step.

General player settings

The options in this section are aimed at general player configurations. Here you can configure playback parameters, hot keys, and so on. Let's look at everything in more detail.

  1. After starting the player, press the buttons together "Ctrl" And "P" on keyboard.
  2. In the options tree on the left, open the group with the appropriate name "Player".
  3. There are not many options in this area. This mainly concerns settings for controlling the player using the mouse and certain hotkeys. Also here you can change the general appearance of the line template for copying to the buffer.
  4. Next, let's look at the options that are in the tab "Automation". Here you can adjust the program launch parameters, the playback mode of songs (random, in order, and so on). You can also tell the program what to do when the entire playlist has finished playing. In addition, you can set a number of general functions that allow you to customize the player's state.
  5. Next section "Hotkeys" probably doesn't need any introduction. Here you can set certain player functions (start, stop, song switching, etc.) to your preferred keys. There is no point in recommending anything specific here, since each user configures these adjustments exclusively for himself. If you want to return all the settings in this section to their original state, you should click the button "Default".
  6. Chapter "Internet radio" is devoted to the configuration of streaming and its recording. In the subsection « General settings» you can specify the buffer size and number of retries to reconnect when the connection is lost.
  7. The second subsection, called "Recording Internet Radio", allows you to specify recording configurations for the music played when listening to stations. Here you can set the preferred format of the recorded file, its frequency, bitrate, folder for saving and the general appearance of the name. The buffer size for background recording is also set here.
  8. You can learn how to listen to the radio in the described player from our separate material.
  9. Setting up a group "Album Covers", you can download them from the Internet. You can also specify the names of folders and files that may contain a cover image. You should not change such data unless necessary. You can also set the file caching size and the maximum allowed size for downloading.
  10. The last section in the specified group is called "Phonotheque". This concept should not be confused with playlists. A music library is an archive or collection of your favorite music. It is formed on the basis of ratings and ratings of musical compositions. In this section, you can configure the settings for adding similar files to the music library, recording auditions, and so on.

General playback settings

There is only one section left in the list, which will allow you to configure general settings for music playback in AIMP. Let's get to it.

These are actually all the parameters that we would like to tell you about in the current article. If you still have questions after this, write them in the comments. We will be happy to give the most detailed answer to each of them. Let us remind you that in addition to AIMP, there are no less worthy players that allow you to listen to music on your computer or laptop.

To learn how to completely remove programs from the operating room Windows systems, it is enough to know how to do it correctly, and today we will show that it is not at all difficult. Not long ago we talked about that, but today we’ll tell you how to remove programs.

The article is divided into three conventional parts:

And we will start with the most common option.

Uninstalling programs using standard Windows tools

The main and easiest way is to remove programs using standard Windows tools. To do this you need to go to Control Panel, which can be launched through the menu Start:

In the “Control Panel” you need to select the item Uninstalling a program, which is in the section Programs:

In the window that opens, you need to find and select the program that you are going to remove. By default, the list of programs is ordered alphabetically, with programs with Russian names (for example, "Yandex browser") are located at the end of the list. We talk about the process of uninstalling a program using an example AIMP audio player, an entry about which in our case was located at the beginning of the list of installed programs.

So, select the required program, right-click on it (to call context menu) and select Delete:

Usually after this the program immediately asks for confirmation, but in our case the program prompted us to first select the language of the AIMP removal program:

Clicking Ok you will be taken to a window for selecting data to delete. If you are sure that you will not use the program anymore and there is no need to save any program data after deleting it, then feel free to check the boxes next to backup copies and user settings.

Please note that "custom settings" may refer, in the case of an audio player, to your playlists playlists or, for example, a library of songs.

All you have to do is press the button Delete, after which the so-called process will be launched uninstallation, that is, the process of uninstalling a program:

Depending on the program itself and the power of your computer, this process can take 5-10 seconds, for small programs like ours, 10 minutes, or even several hours, if we are talking about a serious professional program, for example, for drawing drawings or for video processing, especially if the process takes place on an old computer.

After removing the program from the system, all that remains is to press the button Complete:

Removing using the program uninstaller

In addition to the method discussed above, most programs can also be removed using a standard uninstaller. In essence, it is no different from the first option, except that we skip the step with the “Control Panel” and “Add or Remove Programs”. You just need to open the menu Start > All Programs and select the item in your program folder Uninstall(it may also be called "Removal", "Uninstall" or "Remove" - ​​all these are synonyms):

After this, the process of uninstalling the program will immediately begin, and then it will proceed in exactly the same way as in the case discussed above.

Why didn't we talk about it from the very beginning? Because it is not always applicable. For example, if you look at the screenshot above, you may notice that Opera does not have a folder in Start, which means it does not have a shortcut in the Start menu to launch the uninstallation process. But in all other cases this method works without problems.

Deleting program folders manually

Some programs do not provide the option to delete user data along with the program itself, as AIMP does. Or they provide, but do not delete all of their data, leaving behind garbage. In this case, no one bothers you to delete the remaining files and folders manually.

Naturally, you should manually delete program folders only after you have deleted (or at least tried to delete) the program in the usual way.

Most often, during installation, programs create folders in C:\Program Files, as well as in the user's home folder, which is located at C:\Users\your_username(On Windows XP and earlier systems, the folder is located in C:\Documents and Settings\username). Accordingly, you can check the remains of the deleted program in these folders.

Be careful when working with system folder C:\Program Files! It contains programs installed on the system, and if you are careless, you can delete the folder with another installed program.

That's all. Read the next article about programs that failed or cannot be removed using standard means.

Sometimes AIMP3.exe and other system errors EXE errors may be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the AIMP3.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows Registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), AIMP3.exe errors can occur. Additionally, a malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with AIMP3. Thus, these corrupt EXE registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid AIMP3.exe keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can lead to inoperability of your PC and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any AIMP3.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, causing the error AIMP3.exe) and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with AIMP3.exe (for example, AIMP3):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the AIMP3.exe-related key (eg. AIMP3) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the AIMP3 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "AIMP3 backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your AIMP3.exe-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

Hello guys, Aimp is just a super program, because it works without glitches, the computer does not slow down and many users have noticed this. This is an audio player, simple, but at the same time clearly doing what it should and, in fact, one of the best and most popular. No jambs were noticed.

There are many versions, there is Aimp 2/3/4. They all sound slightly different. I used Aimp 2 for a very long time, then I tried Aimp 3, but I didn’t like the sound there anymore. It’s just that starting from the third version they use their own engine for playback, and it’s not very good for me. But I’ll be honest with Aimp 4 - I haven’t listened to it, well, that is, I haven’t listened closely, but it plays well

What's so good about this player? Well, it seems to me that it all started with the fact that one programmer created a player that was different from all the others in that it was really convenient. And all the controls, that is, buttons, were all somehow conveniently located. And the player began to slowly gain popularity.

To be honest, I have recently stopped using this player. Although it’s strange to me even myself, because he was a faithful friend to me for many years...

And all because I bought a new one modern computer and a separate sound card and now I listen to music on YouTube without processing (though later I switched to the Foobar2000 player). The equalizer in Aimp seems to me to be of high quality, I used to process music with it, but now it’s not, because sound card good and I don’t need to process anything... in general something like this...

But the Aimp player is cool, it plays especially well music in flac format, well, it seems so to me..

This is what it looks like Aimp player 3:

To open the playlist, you need to click on this button:

And for the equalizer, then this:

You see, everything is done conveniently. Yes, I agree with you if you say that almost everything is done in the same way in the popular player, but still Aimp is something special, well, I can’t say what, but there’s clearly something in it!

You can also change player visualizations, just right-click where the visualization is displayed and select another:

In the player settings, you can configure a pop-up bar at the top of the screen so that when a song starts, it appears for a while. You can get to the settings yourself by clicking on this button:

To configure this pop-up strip, open the Information Feed section:

But here’s what it all looks like in practice, I think it’s such a useful function; the feed can be configured so that it doesn’t interfere with you in any way:

The player, of course, supports removable covers, additional visualizations, plugins, all this stuff can be downloaded on official forum. There are also instructions on how to install everything, I don’t think there could be any problems with this

I think you'll figure it out in the settings. Although you don’t have to change anything there, everything is fine and it will work that way

And just a note to you, Aimp is installed in this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\AIMP3

Well, or almost the same, there’s just the number 3, this is the version, well, you understand, I think..

How to completely remove Aimp from your computer?

No matter how cool this Aimp player is, it cannot be liked by everyone, I agree here. And if you don’t need it, then of course it would be logical to delete it. But how to do it right? Well, for the coolest users there is such a tool as . It not only knows how to remove programs, but also cleans out the garbage that programs can leave behind. In general, I recommend it, my job is to suggest

Well, now how to remove it simply from Windows, without any programs. So, click Start and select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then to find this item you need to call secret menu, to do this, hold down the Win + X buttons! By the way, I have nothing against Windows 10, but I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me or what, but I like the glass interface of Windows 7 much better...

Now find the icon here Programs and Features, run it:

A window will open where there will be a list of all the software that is on your computer. Here you need to find Aimp, right-click on it and select Delete.
