How to remove a private profile in Odnoklassniki. How to make your Odnoklassniki profile private The “About Me” section in Odnoklassniki

You have become the proud owner of your own page on social network Classmates and don't know where to start? First of all, you need to set up your account in accordance with your needs and personal preferences. This is not difficult to do and is within the capabilities of any novice user.

So, you have already created a login (usually a valid phone number), and come up with a complex password of letters and numbers so that it is difficult to guess. What to do next? Let's go through the process of setting up a profile in Odnoklassniki together, sequentially moving from one step to another. For details on how you can register with Odnoklassniki, read another article on our website, which you can access using the link below.

Step 1: Set Main Photo

Firstly, you need to immediately set the main photo of your profile so that any user can recognize you from the many namesakes. This image will be your business card in Odnoklassniki.

Step 2: Add personal information

Secondly, it is advisable to immediately indicate in detail your personal data, interests and hobbies. The more fully you describe yourself, the easier it will be for you to find friends and communities to communicate with.

  1. Under your avatar, click LMB on the line with your first and last name.
  2. In the top block above the news feed, which is called "Tell us about yourself", indicate the places and years of study, service and work. This will greatly help you find old acquaintances.
  3. Now we find the point and click on it.
  4. On the next page in the column "Family status" press the button "Edit".
  5. In the drop-down menu, if desired, indicate your marital status.
  6. If you are a happy spouse, then you can immediately indicate your “other half”.
  7. Now we have sorted out our personal life and select the line just below "Edit personal data".
  8. A window opens "Change personal information". We indicate the date of birth, gender, city and country of residence, hometown. Press the button "Save".
  9. We fill out sections about our favorite music, books, movies, games and other hobbies. This will help in finding friends and like-minded people on the resource.

Step 3: Profile Settings

Thirdly, you definitely need to set up your profile based on your own ideas about the convenience and safety of using the Odnoklassniki social network.

  1. In the upper right corner of the page, next to your avatar, click on the triangle icon.
  2. In the menu that opens, select the item "Change settings".
  3. On the settings page, first go to the tab "Basic". Here you can change your personal data, access password, phone number and address Email, to which your account is linked, interface language. It is also possible to enable the double protection function, that is, each attempt to access your page will need to be confirmed with a code from an SMS that will be sent to your phone.
  4. In the left column go to the tab "Publicity". Here you can enable paid service "Closed profile", that is, only your friends on the resource will see information about you. In chapter "Who Can See" Check the required fields. There are three options available for who can see your age, groups, achievements and other data: all users, only friends, only you.
  5. Scroll the page a little lower to the block "Allow". In this section we indicate groups of users who will be allowed to comment on your photos and private gifts, write you messages, invite you to groups, and so on. At our discretion, we put dots in the required fields.
  6. We move to the lower block, which is called "Additionally". In it you can enable filtering of obscene language, open your page for search engines, configure the display of your presence on the resource in the section "People Online Now" etc. Place marks and press the button "Save". By the way, if you are confused about the settings, you can always return them to the default position by selecting the button "Reset settings".
  7. Go to the tab "Notifications". If you want to receive notifications about events on the site, you need to specify the email address to which they will be sent.
  8. Enter the section "Photo". There is only one parameter to configure here for now. You can turn GIF autoplay on or off. Select the desired position and save it.
  9. Now let's move to the tab "Video". In this section, you can enable broadcast notifications, disable video viewing history, and activate automatic video playback in the news feed. Set the parameters and press the button "Save".

That's all in a nutshell! Initial setup Odnoklassniki is over. Now you can look for old friends, make new ones, join communities of interest, post your photos and much more. Enjoy the conversation!

Sometimes social network users prefer to set special settings on their page that would allow them to correspond only with a narrow circle of friends and family, hiding their profile from unwanted interlocutors. After some time, there may be a need to cancel such a function, but for some reason this is not always possible. Now we will take a closer look at how this operation can be carried out by returning the page to “visibility”.

How to remove a private profile in Odnoklassniki

The procedure for changing privacy is very simple. By following the instructions below, beginners of any age can complete it. All you need is:

Important! This section contains the “Reset settings” column. Select it if you are not sure that you did everything correctly. Your account will return to its original state, after which you can try again.

This way you can turn off previously set settings. You also have the opportunity to allow strangers to do only certain things from the list above - for example, conduct a dialogue and comment on notes, and other actions will remain available exclusively to regular interlocutors, which is quite convenient.

Important! Be careful when setting your privacy settings so that you don't accidentally deprive your loved ones of the opportunity to communicate with you.

By following the instructions provided, you can quickly disable the functions of a private profile, allowing site users to view the profile, read information, and conduct a dialogue.

Publicity settings help you customize the display of various information on your Odnoklassniki page.

Using the publicity settings, you can: remove age in classmates (no one will let you remove age in classmates. But, you can hide age in classmates and this is done in the publicity settings.

If you find that your classmates page is displayed on Yandex and is visible to anyone and everyone. And what’s more, without your knowledge and permission. The settings also allow you to remove classmates from Yandex.

Or perhaps you don’t want to show your other half to your classmates? All this is done in the settings, so let's move on to the actions!


Under your main photo, click the “More” link arrow.
In the drop-down menu, click the “Change settings” link.


Click on "Publicity Settings".


Now it’s up to you to decide whether you want to remove your classmates from Yandex or hide your age in Odnoklassniki, or maybe you don’t want to show your significant other in Odnoklassniki?

Good to know. If you want your page to be seen by the entire Internet, select the first option. Then, let’s say, someone types “Lyudmila Nikolaeva” into Yandex and lo and behold, your classmates’ page on Yandex, a page appears in the search results, perhaps with a photo. If you want to limit yourself to Odnoklassniki, then the second option will suit you. Well, the third one is for those who want to completely

Your first actions on social networks

After completing an easy registration on a social network, you will need to click on the “Odnoklassniki” tab with your computer mouse. It is in the upper left corner. You will be taken to your personal page, where the settings in Odnoklassniki are located. When you are in your personal account, you will note that it is well thought out GUI. On an intuitive level, it is understandable even to the most inexperienced user.

Above the main menu there is a photo, graphic image or a picture - your own avatar on Odnoklassniki. Try clicking on your avatar and you will see that the image will increase in size and links will appear near it. You will be able to add comments to your avatar to capture the attention of other users who have registered on the social network.

Changing personal data

At your discretion, you may change any information provided in your profile. Click the "More" button. It's located just above the "Add a note" field at the top of the page, below your country and city of residence. You will see a menu with sections:

  • Design themes;
  • Holidays;
  • Forum;
  • Black list;
  • Bookmarks;
  • Achievements;
  • Settings;
  • Auctions;
  • About Me.

Select the item that interests you in this interactive menu and complete your profile settings in Odnoklassniki. You can change your first and last name, date of birth, place of actual residence (hometown) and indicate your gender. After changing your personal information, be sure to save your settings.

How to create a new password?

On a social network, you can change the current password that is used to access personal account and settings. When you are online, click the Odnoklassniki change settings button and select “Password” from the list that opens. You will see a form for changing your current password, which you will need to fill out.
