Technical means of digital information processing. Technical means for collecting, processing and issuing information. History of computer development

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum costs on purchase

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

Classification of technical means of information processing

Technical means information processing are divided into two large groups. These are the main and auxiliary processing tools.

Auxiliary means are equipment that ensures the operability of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes managerial work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that to manage certain processes, certain management information is required that characterizes states and parameters technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. To fixed assets technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, input means, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore, devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and recording of data are widely used. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic balance, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Means of receiving and transmitting information. Information transfer refers to the process of sending data (messages) from one device to another. An interacting set of objects, formed by data transmission and processing devices, is called a network. They combine devices designed to transmit and receive information. They ensure the exchange of information between the place of its origin and the place of its processing. The structure of means and methods of data transmission is determined by the location of information sources and data processing facilities, volumes and time for data transmission, types of communication lines and other factors. Data transmission means are represented by subscriber points (AP), transmission equipment, modems, multiplexers.

Data preparation tools are represented by devices for preparing information on computer media, devices for transferring information from documents to media, including computer devices. These devices can perform sorting and adjustment.

Input means are used to perceive data from computer media and enter information into computer systems

Information processing tools play a critical role in the complex of technical information processing tools. Processing means include computers, which in turn are divided into four classes: micro, small (mini); large computers and supercomputers. There are two types of microcomputers: universal and specialized.

Both universal and specialized can be either multi-user - powerful computers equipped with several terminals and operating in time-sharing mode (servers), or single-user (workstations), which specialize in performing one type of work.

Small computers- work in time sharing and multitasking mode. Their the positive side is reliability and ease of operation.

Mainframe computers- (mainfarms) are characterized by a large amount of memory, high fault tolerance and performance. It is also characterized by high reliability and data protection; ability to connect a large number of users.

Supercomputer- These are powerful multiprocessor computers with a speed of 40 billion operations per second.

Server is a computer dedicated to processing requests from all stations on the network and providing these stations with access to system resources and distributing these resources. A universal server is called an application server. Powerful servers can be classified as small and large computers. Now the leader is Marshall servers, and there are also Cray servers (64 processors).

Information display tools are used to display calculation results, reference data and programs on computer media, print, screen, and so on. Output devices include monitors, printers and plotters.

A monitor is a device designed to display information entered by the user from the keyboard or output from the computer.

The printer is device for outputting text and graphic information onto paper.

Plotter is device for outputting large format drawings and diagrams onto paper.

When designing technological processes, they are guided by the modes of their implementation. The implementation mode of the technology depends on the space-time features of the tasks being solved: frequency and urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing, as well as on the operational capabilities of technical means, and primarily computers. There are: batch mode; real time mode; time sharing mode; regulatory regime; request; dialog; teleprocessing; interactive; single-program; multi-program (multi-processing).

Batch mode. When using this mode, the user does not have direct communication with the computer. Collection and registration of information, input and processing do not coincide in time. First, the user collects information, forming it into packages in accordance with the type of task or some other characteristic. (As a rule, these are tasks of a non-operational nature, with a long-term validity of the solution results). After receiving information is completed, it is entered and processed, i.e., there is a processing delay. This mode is used, as a rule, with a centralized method of information processing.

Conversational mode(query) mode in which the user has the ability to directly interact with the computing system while the user is working. Data processing programs are permanently in the computer's memory if the computer is available at any time, or for a certain period of time when the computer is available to the user. User interaction with a computer system in the form of a dialogue can be multidimensional and determined by various factors: language of communication, active or passive role of the user; who is the initiator of the dialogue - the user or the computer; response time; dialogue structure, etc. If the initiator of the dialogue is the user, then he must have knowledge of working with procedures, data formats, etc. If the initiator is a computer, then the machine itself tells at each step what needs to be done with a variety of choices. This method of operation is called “menu selection”. It provides support for user actions and prescribes their sequence. At the same time, less preparation is required from the user.

The dialog mode requires a certain level of technical equipment of the user, i.e. the presence of a terminal or PC connected to the central computer system by communication channels. This mode is used to access information, computing or software resources. The ability to work in interactive mode may be limited in the start and end times of work, or it may be unlimited.

Sometimes a distinction is made between conversational and request modes, then by query we mean a one-time call to the system, after which it issues a response and turns off, and by dialog we mean a mode in which the system, after a request, issues a response and waits further actions user.

Real time mode. Refers to the ability of a computing system to interact with controlled or managed processes at the pace of these processes. The reaction time of the computer must satisfy the pace of the controlled process or user requirements and have a minimum delay. Typically, this mode is used for decentralized and distributed data processing.

Teleprocessing mode allows a remote user to interact with a computer system.

Interactive mode assumes the possibility of two-way interaction between the user and the system, i.e. the user has the opportunity to influence the data processing process.

Time sharing mode assumes the ability of the system to allocate its resources to a group of users one by one. The computing system serves each user so quickly that it seems like several users are working simultaneously. This possibility is achieved through appropriate software.

Single-program and multi-program modes characterize the ability of the system to work simultaneously under one or several programs.

Regulatory regime characterized by the time certainty of individual user tasks. For example, receiving results summaries at the end of the month, calculating payroll statements for certain dates, etc. The deadlines for the decision are set in advance according to regulations, as opposed to arbitrary requests.

The following methods of data processing are distinguished: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

Centralized assumes presence. With this method, the user delivers initial information to the computer center and receives processing results in the form of result documents. The peculiarity of this processing method is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of establishing fast, uninterrupted communication, the large load of the computer with information (since its volume is large), the regulation of the timing of operations, and the organization of system security from possible unauthorized access.

Decentralized treatment. This method is associated with the advent of personal computers, which make it possible to automate a specific workplace.

Distributed method data processing is based on the distribution of processing functions between various computers included in the network. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first involves installing a computer in each network node (or at each level of the system), with data processing carried out by one or more computers depending on the actual capabilities of the system and its needs at the current time. The second way is to place a large number of different processors within one system. This path is used in banking and financial information processing systems, where a data processing network is needed (branches, departments, etc.). Advantages of the distributed method: the ability to process any amount of data within a given time frame; high degree of reliability, since if one technical means fails, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; reduction of time and costs for data transfer; increasing system flexibility, simplifying software development and operation, etc. The distributed method is based on a complex of specialized processors, i.e. Each computer is designed to solve specific problems, or tasks of its own level.

Integrated way of processing information. It provides for the creation information model managed object, that is, creating a distributed database. This method provides maximum convenience for the user. On the one hand, databases provide for shared use and centralized management. On the other hand, the volume of information and the variety of tasks to be solved require distribution of the database. Integrated information processing technology allows you to improve the quality, reliability and speed of processing, because processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, entered once into the computer. A feature of this method is the technological and time separation of the processing procedure from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum acquisition costs

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

Technical means of information processing are divided into two large groups. This basic And auxiliary processing means.

Auxiliary equipment is equipment that ensures the functionality of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes management work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that in order to manage certain processes, certain management information is needed that characterizes the states and parameters of technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. The main means of technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, means of input, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore they are widely used devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and data recording. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic scales, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Technical means of information processing are divided into two large groups. These are the main and auxiliary processing tools.

Auxiliary means are equipment that ensures the operability of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes managerial work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that in order to manage certain processes, certain management information is needed that characterizes the states and parameters of technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. The main means of technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, means of input, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore, devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and recording of data are widely used. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic scales, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Means of receiving and transmitting information. Information transfer refers to the process of sending data (messages) from one device to another. An interacting set of objects, formed by data transmission and processing devices, is called a network. They combine devices designed to transmit and receive information. They ensure the exchange of information between the place of its origin and the place of its processing. The structure of means and methods of data transmission is determined by the location of information sources and data processing facilities, volumes and time for data transmission, types of communication lines and other factors. Data transmission means are represented by subscriber points (AP), transmission equipment, modems, multiplexers.

Data preparation tools are represented by devices for preparing information on computer media, devices for transferring information from documents to media, including computer devices. These devices can perform sorting and adjustment.

Input tools are used to perceive data from computer media and enter information into computer systems

Information processing tools play a critical role in the complex of technical information processing tools. Processing means include computers, which in turn are divided into four classes: micro, small (mini); large computers and supercomputers. There are two types of microcomputers: universal and specialized.

Both universal and specialized can be either multi-user - powerful computers equipped with several terminals and operating in time-sharing mode (servers), or single-user (workstations), which specialize in performing one type of work.

Small computers– work in time sharing and multitasking mode. Their positive side is reliability and ease of operation.

Mainframe computers– (mainfarms) are characterized by a large amount of memory, high fault tolerance and performance. It is also characterized by high reliability and data protection; ability to connect a large number of users.

Supercomputer- These are powerful multiprocessor computers with a speed of 40 billion operations per second.

Server is a computer dedicated to processing requests from all stations on the network and providing these stations with access to system resources and distributing these resources. A universal server is called an application server. Powerful servers can be classified as small and large computers. Now the leader is Marshall servers, and there are also Cray servers (64 processors).

Information display tools are used to display calculation results, reference data and programs on computer media, print, screen, and so on. Output devices include monitors, printers and plotters.

A monitor is a device designed to display information entered by the user from the keyboard or output from the computer.

The printer is device for outputting text and graphic information onto paper.

Plotter is device for outputting large format drawings and diagrams onto paper.

18. Power and energy of a three-phase circuit and methods of measuring it.

19. Disabling the electrical circuit using contact devices. Attenuation of the magnetic field when the contacts open.

20. Digital methods for measuring electrical energy and power on alternating current.

21. Performance characteristics of an asynchronous motor. Efficiency and power factor of IM.

22. Client/server technology. Functions and options for client/server technology.

23. Electromechanical systems of measuring instruments. Accuracy class. Absolute and relative measurement errors.

24. Types of DC and AC electromagnets, Purpose and principle of operation.

25. Power and energy losses in lines and transformers. Measures to reduce them.

26. Construction of a system project using IDEF technology.

27. Electric circuits with mutual inductance. Consonant and counter inclusion. How can the magnetic coupling coefficient be brought closer to unity?

28. Selection of the number and rated power of transformers and autotransformers of step-down substations, taking into account permissible overloads.

29. Method of symmetrical components. Decomposition of three-phase asymmetrical voltages and currents into direct, reverse and zero sequence.

30. The design and principle of operation of a synchronous machine in the mode of an engine generator and a reactive power compensator.

31. Functions and principles of constructing automated control systems for energy saving of energy facilities.

32. Transient processes (TP) in linear electrical circuits with lumped parameters. Initial conditions and laws of commutation. PP time constant.

33. Selection of economic cross-sections of overhead line wires and current-carrying conductors of cable lines.

34. Electromotive force and electromagnetic torque of a DC machine.

35. BPwin tool environment. Analysis of the functional organization of the enterprise.

36. Basic concepts and relationships for magnetic circuits. Analogy of electric and magnetic circuits. Electromagnet and its traction force.

37. Standards user interface. Principles of transition to a new IP.

38. Equations electromagnetic field in integral and differential form of recording for the low frequency region.

39. Passwords and their strength. A set of registers to support a memory protection mechanism.

40. Magnetic materials, their properties and characteristics. Hysteresis and eddy current losses. Methods for measuring the hysteresis loop of a ferromagnetic core.

41. Purpose, device, principle of operation, symbols logical elements.

42. Schemes of external networks of power supply systems of enterprises. Schemes of inter-shop networks.

43. Types of threats and attacks on operating system. Security models in Unix and Windows 2000.

44. Different kinds quadripole equations. Systems of parameters and their interrelation. Parameters of the T- and G-shaped equivalent circuit of a four-terminal network and their experimental determination.

45. Main step-down substations, deep input substations (high voltage).

46. ​​CASE – BPwin, Erwin tools. Linking process models and data.

47. Circuits with distributed parameters. Long line equations and their solution in steady state. Under what conditions is there no reflection of the incident wave?

48. Determination of the center of electrical loads. Selecting the location of the GPP, TP and RP.

49. Databases and principles of their construction. Basic concepts of relational databases.

50. Laplace and Poisson equations. Boundary conditions at the interface between media with different electrical and magnetic properties.

51. Load characteristics and efficiency of the transformer.

52. Determination of design loads of different stages and elements of power supply systems.

53. Types and quantitative characteristics of operational dispatch information.

54. Complete system equations of the electromagnetic field in integral and differential notation.

55. Parameters and characteristics of thyristors. Types of thyristors. Methods for controlling thyristors. IGBTI - power transistors.

56. Medium voltage distribution points, workshop transformer substations.

57. Assessment of the quality of transmission of operational dispatch information.

58. Magnetic flux and its continuity. The law of total current in integral and differential form of writing. Scalar and vector magnetic potentials.

59. Load capacity of transformers. Permissible and emergency overloads.

60. Information systems in energy saving.

61. Energy of magnetic and electric fields. Transmission of electrical energy via a two-wire line.

62. Electrodynamic resistance of electrical devices. Electrodynamic forces.

63. Information exchange, system and networks of information exchange in energy saving.

64. Complex method for calculating alternating sinusoidal current circuits. Consider an example.

65. Regulation of the speed of an asynchronous motor by changing the frequency of the supply voltage and the number of pole pairs.

66. Objectives of energy saving and energy audit: quantitative and qualitative indicators.

67. Information security problems. Modern methods information protection.

68. Frequency characteristics of passive two-terminal networks.

69. Design and principle of operation of a transformer. Using a transformer to match the load.

70. Three-phase circuits. Purpose of the neutral wire in three-phase circuits. What happens in a three-phase circuit when one of the phases breaks?

71. Main indicators characterizing an adjustable electric drive. Variable frequency electric drive.

72. Characteristics of the environment of production premises of industrial enterprises and its influence on the design of workshop networks.

73. Information exchange, system and networks of information exchange in energy saving.

74. Electromagnet and its traction force.

75. Generators and DC motors: independent, parallel and mixed excitation. Mechanical characteristics of a DC motor.

76. Design, principle of operation of thyristors. Types of thyristors.

77. Information Basics EPS control (messages, information, signal, interference, coding).

78. Soft magnetic and hard magnetic materials, scope.

79. Regulation of speed, current and torque of an electric drive with independent excitation DC motors.

80. Frequency voltage converters for regulating the speed of rotation of the IM.

81. Modeling of document flow and information processing.

82. Measurement of direct and alternating current. Measurement of large currents and voltages.

83. Block diagram of an electric drive with stabilization of speed on the IM shaft.

84. Types and designs of workshop transformer substations.

85. Technology of working in a distributed data processing environment.

86. Transmission of electrical energy via a two-wire line.

87. Operating modes of asynchronous electric drives.

88. Current and voltage measuring transformers. Measurement of power and energy in alternating current circuits. Why is it impossible to open the secondary winding of the current transformer in operating mode?

89. Basic processes of information transformation. Definition of information system (IS).

90. Power balance in electrical circuits.

91. Power and electromagnetic torque and mechanical power of an asynchronous motor.

92. Coefficients characterizing load graphs.

93. Client/server technology options.

94. Serial connection magnetically coupled coils. What does mutual inductance depend on? Experimental determination of mutual inductance.

95. The process of self-excitation of a direct current generator. Start the engine into operating mode.

96. Requirements for power supply systems of industrial enterprises. Power sources and requirements for power supplies.

97. Administrative policies. Firewalls, their purpose and functions.

98. Laplace and Poisson equations for the electrostatic field.

99. Operation of a synchronous machine in generator and motor mode.

100. Requirements for the grounding device.

101.User interface standards. Principles of transition to a new information system.

I affirm:

Head Department of T&OE A.P. Popov



In market conditions, information is one of the most important elements in managing the commercial activities of a trading enterprise. Information support from a market perspective is a completely new matter, and therefore its targeted development is required.

Information support includes receiving, transmitting, processing, accumulating and implementing output information. This entire chain is associated with multi-stage promotion, analysis and systematization of information. When providing information, the composition and structure of the necessary information are established. There are two types of initial information: information characterizing all aspects of the activities of a trading enterprise; information about the state of the market and the external environment, as well as administrative, executive, regulatory information, classifiers and codifiers. Sources of concentration of mass and analytical information are given in table. 5.1.

Table 5.1 Sources of concentration of initial information

Means 1mass01voy

Legislative and government materials: laws, regulations, regulations and regulations

Official government statistics

Specialized news agencies

Industry magazines Periodical information publications

Marketing research of product markets

Manufacturer suppliers, intermediaries

Competitors, subcontractors Commercial structures

Trade and industrial exhibitions Practical conferences

All functioning information is integrated into a single information base, or into an information system. There are vertical and horizontal integrations: vertical is aimed at vertical information flows; horizontal - to horizontal. The advantage of integrated information is the following:

Disparate information flows and blocks are combined into a single information array;

The likelihood of errors in the processed information is reduced;

The speed of processing and exchange of information increases;

The efficiency of using the resulting information increases.

The information requirements are as follows:

reliability - must be reasoned and complete when receiving and issuing it;

reliability - must be constantly accumulated in sufficient quantities and updated;

efficiency- must be specific and of high quality to ensure timely commercial decisions;

systematic - its collection must be carried out continuously and systematically;

complexity - should comprehensively reflect the activities of the trading enterprise, as well as data on the market and the external environment.

The high dynamism of the developing consumer market requires the use of modern technical means, the creation and operation of an information system. Currently widely used personal computers at trading enterprises, including in the commercial service, therefore one of the design tasks information support is to create an automated technology for obtaining and processing information, which has the following advantages:

» unification of hardware and software, providing for the solution of commercial problems at various levels based on the logic of procedures;

“adaptation and gradual expansion of the capabilities of the technical means used;

» ensuring centralized accumulation, processing and issuance of multifunctional information in a real time mode;

“high efficiency of technology application: “man -ma-.

Well educated Information system allows you to solve commercial issues along the entire path of promoting goods from production to final consumption. At the same time, both stage-by-stage and end-to-end management of the commercial processes of a trading enterprise is carried out, meeting the requirements of the product market.


For automated collection of initial information, its processing and output of results, a set of technical means is used, which must have information, software and technical compatibility, and also be adapted to the operating conditions.

When selecting technical means, the following initial components are taken into account:

The nature and composition of the tasks to be performed;

Media and volume of input and output information;

Forms and methods of presenting the results obtained;

Coherence and compatibility of the actions of technical means of various purposes.

The technological process of information support includes sequentially involved stages using technical means and an established classification:

information collection tools(raw data recorders, devices for collecting and converting information into a form convenient for remote transmission and further processing);

means of transmitting information in time and space(transfer is carried out via telephone, teletype and fax);

means of storing and processing information(microcomputers or computers that provide information with varying degrees of detail and in the required form for analysis and subsequent implementation);

means of issuing information(printing devices, displays, video terminals that provide output resulting information on which appropriate management decisions are made).

The main technical means of the human-machine system are computers. Modern computers have multifunctionality, significant memory capacity and fast

ry action during programmed data processing. They become an integral working element of commercial workers. Computer software and microprocessor support allows you to operate and manage commercial processes at different levels, and exchange information with participants in trade and economic relations.

The required amount of technical equipment can be calculated using the formula

Where Q. - volume of work to be performed using /- technical means;

GG - productivity of the i-th technical means; B - planned working time fund; Km is the coefficient of use of the working time fund.

The coefficient of use of the working time fund (taking into account the time spent on prevention and troubleshooting of technical equipment) is 0.9.

1 Data processing modes

When designing technological processes, they are guided by the modes of their implementation. The implementation mode of the technology depends on the space-time features of the tasks being solved: frequency and urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing, as well as on the operational capabilities of technical means, and primarily computers. There are: batch mode; real time mode; time sharing mode; regulatory regime; request; dialog; teleprocessing; interactive; single-program; multi-program (multi-processing).

Batch mode. When using this mode, the user does not have direct communication with the computer. Collection and registration of information, input and processing do not coincide in time. First, the user collects information, forming it into packages in accordance with the type of task or some other characteristic. (As a rule, these are tasks of a non-operational nature, with a long-term validity of the solution results). After receiving information is completed, it is entered and processed, i.e., there is a processing delay. This mode is used, as a rule, with a centralized method of information processing.

Dialog mode (query) mode in which the user has the ability to directly interact with the computer system while the user is working. Data processing programs are permanently in the computer's memory if the computer is available at any time, or for a certain period of time when the computer is available to the user. User interaction with a computer system in the form of a dialogue can be multidimensional and determined by various factors: language of communication, active or passive role of the user; who is the initiator of the dialogue - the user or the computer; response time; dialogue structure, etc. If the initiator of the dialogue is the user, then he must have knowledge of working with procedures, data formats, etc. If the initiator is a computer, then the machine itself tells at each step what needs to be done with a variety of choices. This method of operation is called “menu selection”. It provides support for user actions and prescribes their sequence. At the same time, less preparation is required from the user.

The dialog mode requires a certain level of technical equipment of the user, i.e. the presence of a terminal or PC connected to the central computer system by communication channels. This mode is used to access information, computing or software resources. The ability to work in interactive mode may be limited in the start and end times of work, or it may be unlimited.

Sometimes a distinction is made between interactive and query modes, then query means a one-time call to the system, after which it issues a response and turns off, and dialog means a mode in which the system, after a request, issues a response and waits for further user actions.

Real time mode. Refers to the ability of a computing system to interact with controlled or managed processes at the pace of these processes. The reaction time of the computer must satisfy the pace of the controlled process or user requirements and have a minimum delay. Typically, this mode is used for decentralized and distributed data processing.

The teleprocessing mode allows a remote user to interact with the computing system.

The interactive mode assumes the possibility of two-way interaction between the user and the system, i.e. the user has the opportunity to influence the data processing process.

Time-sharing mode assumes the ability of the system to allocate its resources to a group of users one by one. The computing system serves each user so quickly that it seems like several users are working simultaneously. This possibility is achieved through appropriate software.

Single-program and multi-program modes characterize the system’s ability to work simultaneously using one or several programs.

The scheduled mode is characterized by time certainty of individual user tasks. For example, receiving results summaries at the end of the month, calculating payroll statements for certain dates, etc. The deadlines for the decision are set in advance according to regulations, as opposed to arbitrary requests.

2 Data processing methods

The following methods of data processing are distinguished: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

Centralized presupposes availability. With this method, the user delivers initial information to the computer center and receives processing results in the form of result documents. The peculiarity of this processing method is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of establishing fast, uninterrupted communication, the large load of the computer with information (since its volume is large), the regulation of the timing of operations, and the organization of system security from possible unauthorized access.

Decentralized processing. This method is associated with the advent of personal computers, which make it possible to automate a specific workplace.

The distributed method of data processing is based on the distribution of processing functions between various computers included in the network. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first involves installing a computer in each network node (or at each level of the system), with data processing carried out by one or more computers depending on the actual capabilities of the system and its needs at the current time. The second way is to place a large number of different processors within one system. This path is used in banking and financial information processing systems, where a data processing network is needed (branches, departments, etc.). Advantages of the distributed method: the ability to process any amount of data within a given time frame; high degree of reliability, since if one technical means fails, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; reduction of time and costs for data transfer; increasing system flexibility, simplifying software development and operation, etc. The distributed method is based on a complex of specialized processors, i.e. Each computer is designed to solve specific problems, or tasks of its own level.

Integrated method of information processing. It involves the creation of an information model of a managed object, that is, the creation of a distributed database. This method provides maximum convenience for the user. On the one hand, databases provide for shared use and centralized management. On the other hand, the volume of information and the variety of tasks to be solved require distribution of the database. Integrated information processing technology allows you to improve the quality, reliability and speed of processing, because processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, entered once into the computer. A feature of this method is the technological and time separation of the processing procedure from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

3 Complex of technical means for information processing

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum acquisition costs

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

4 Classification of technical means of information processing

Technical means of information processing are divided into two large groups. These are the main and auxiliary processing tools.

Auxiliary equipment is equipment that ensures the functionality of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes management work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that in order to manage certain processes, certain management information is needed that characterizes the states and parameters of technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. The main means of technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, means of input, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore, devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and recording of data are widely used. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic scales, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Means of receiving and transmitting information. Information transfer refers to the process of sending data (messages) from one device to another. An interacting set of objects, formed by data transmission and processing devices, is called a network. They combine devices designed to transmit and receive information. They ensure the exchange of information between the place of its origin and the place of its processing. The structure of means and methods of data transmission is determined by the location of information sources and data processing facilities, volumes and time for data transmission, types of communication lines and other factors. Data transmission means are represented by subscriber points (AP), transmission equipment, modems, multiplexers.

Data preparation tools are represented by devices for preparing information on computer media, devices for transferring information from documents to media, including computer devices. These devices can perform sorting and adjustment.

Input tools are used to perceive data from computer media and enter information into computer systems

Information processing tools play a critical role in the complex of technical information processing tools. Processing means include computers, which in turn are divided into four classes: micro, small (mini); large computers and supercomputers. There are two types of microcomputers: universal and specialized.

Both universal and specialized can be either multi-user - powerful computers equipped with several terminals and operating in time-sharing mode (servers), or single-user (workstations), which specialize in performing one type of work.

Small computers operate in time-sharing and multitasking mode. Their positive side is reliability and ease of operation.

Large computers (mainfarms) are characterized by a large amount of memory, high fault tolerance and performance. It is also characterized by high reliability and data protection; ability to connect a large number of users.

Supercomputers are powerful multiprocessor computers with a speed of 40 billion operations per second.

Server is a computer dedicated to processing requests from all stations on the network and providing these stations with access to system resources and distributing these resources. A universal server is called an application server. Powerful servers can be classified as small and large computers. Now the leader is Marshall servers, and there are also Cray servers (64 processors).

Information display tools are used to display calculation results, reference data and programs on computer media, print, screen, and so on. Output devices include monitors, printers and plotters.

A monitor is a device designed to display information entered by the user from the keyboard or output from the computer.

A printer is a device for outputting text and graphic information onto paper.

A plotter is a device for printing large format drawings and diagrams onto paper.

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, primarily management, process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a set of interrelated scientific, technological and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment. Their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Sami information Technology require complex preparation, high initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.
