How to delete all iPhone 5s what to do. How to delete all posts from a wall in VK: three ways. Does the iCoud program copy all the iPhone memory?

Articles and Lifehacks

What unites all owners of Apple mobile devices who are thinking about selling them second-hand? Each of them will need to figure out how to delete everything from the iPhone.

We are talking about all personal information, contacts, photos, user-installed applications, records, and so on. Our article will tell you how to clean your device.

Standard Cleaning Procedure

If the smartphone is under iOS control While still with us, before selling or transferring it to another user, you must make sure that we have removed all personal information from it.
  • Go to the “Reset” item through the main iPhone settings and select the “Erase settings and content” menu.
  • This will assist us in deleting all personal data, including bank cards, electronic wallets, passwords to social networks, contacts, messages, photos and so on.
  • This will also disable various services (including iCloud and iMessage).
  • If our smartphone has iOS version 7 or higher and we have a service called Find My iPhone activated, we are asked to provide our Apple ID and password.
  • This will help erase all information from the device, as well as remove the device itself from our account. After that new owner smartphone can easily activate it.
If we want to ensure that the deletion of information does not affect iCloud, we should under no circumstances delete any data while we are connected to this storage.

Many users are also interested in how to delete data from a lost or stolen device. It's obvious that mobile operators offer a temporary number and SIM card blocking service. But what about the contents of the smartphone itself? Apple took care of this.

Remotely clearing device memory

If we have the Find My iPhone feature enabled above and we use iCloud, we can remove everything we need from this account by going to
  • Select your smartphone and click “Erase”.
  • After that, select the “Erase from account” option.
  • After all information has been deleted from the device, we wait a day and proceed to activate iMessage on the new device.
  • If nothing works, you can try changing your Apple ID password. This will not affect the safety of information on the device, but the new owner will not be able to delete it from iCloud.
  • Let us add that if we use Apple Pay, then we can go to and delete information about our bank cards.
  • Click the “Settings” section and view the smartphones that use this service.
  • Select the mobile device and click the delete button.

The iPhone is one of the most popular gadgets today; the device is easy to sell for good money even after a year or two of careful use.

At the same time, the iPhone is a fairly personal device; over the course of its use, it accumulates gigabytes of confidential data and information that is undesirable to give into the wrong hands.

If the time has come to part with your favorite smartphone, you will have to quickly and efficiently delete all the contents.


Here's what to remember before wiping your iPhone:

1. Backup

First, make a backup copy of your device. You can save a backup on your computer via iTunes or use the iCloud cloud service (if the size of the backup being created will fit in the cloud).


You will need a backup copy if you want to transfer your data and settings to new iPhone.

Even if you firmly decide to switch to Android, backup copy you will still need it, there are also photos, notes, contacts and other important data.

2. Apple ID

Check if you remember the login/password combination for your account Apple ID. If the smartphone was set up a long time ago or someone helped with it when purchasing it, you should remember the credentials.

To check, try logging into your account at


Only if you have a login and password will you be able to disconnect the device from your account. If this is not done, it will be very difficult to sell it, and if the data is erased, we will end up with a brick.

3. Jailbreak and unlocking

If the iPhone was purchased second-hand or in another country, it may be locked to a specific telecom operator. To work with any SIM cards in this case, the so-called Turbo-Sim is used.

This is a small board that is placed in the tray under the SIM card. Before resetting and flashing such iPhones, you need to study the issue in detail. A specific iPhone model may refuse to work with specific model Turbo-Sim on a specific firmware version.

Without a clear understanding of the issue, it is better not to start the process; there is a possibility of getting a brick.

4. Apple Watch

If the iPhone you are selling is connected to an Apple Watch, you should unpair the two. This can be done using .

Deleting data

When you have sorted out your account, backup and made sure that the phone is not locked, you can start cleaning the device.

1. Disable the function Find iPhone (

2. Settings – Apple ID – Sign Out), you will need to enter your Apple ID password.

3. We erase all data ( Settings - General - Reset – Erase content and settings), you will need to enter an unlock code.

You can perform the procedure through iTunes on your computer.

1. Disable the function Find iPhone (Settings – Apple ID – iCloud – Find iPhone), you will need to enter your Apple ID password.

2. Sign out of your Apple ID account ( Settings – Apple ID – Sign Out), you will need to enter your Apple ID password.

3. We connect the iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes, in the section with the connected device, select Restore iPhone.

As a result, we get a clean iPhone without a single hint of personal data with the Apple ID disabled.

Don't forget to clean the outside

In order to now get the maximum possible amount for an iPhone, you should give it a marketable appearance.

Careful and careful users can wipe the iPhone with a cloth; others will need a little time to remove dirt, dust and debris.


The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. You can’t hide deep scratches and chips no matter how hard you try, but you can overdo it and cause additional damage to the device you are selling.

Now you can collect the kit and place an ad on the Flea Market.

The high reliability of the iPhone leads to the fact that its owner thinks about purchasing a new model faster than the device breaks down. Old smartphone in this case it is transferred to another family member or sent for sale. In any case, before you finally part with your old phone, you need to delete personal data from it and disable the binding to the Apple ID. Let's figure out how to clean an iPhone before selling it and save the information accumulated on it for later recovery.

If you've never done backups before, now is the time. Having a backup allows you not to set up a new iPhone from scratch, but to transfer data from the previous one to it. Thus, the user saves time and immediately receives the familiar set of applications.

Local copy

Any PC or Mac can be used to create a local copy of the data. The iTunes program installed on your computer must first be updated to the latest current version.

  1. We connect the iPhone using the original USB cable. Having opened iTunes in the main window, click on the icon with a stylized image mobile device. In the drop-down menu, select the smartphone for which the copy is being created.
  1. Place a check mark in the place marked with the number “1”. To include the accounts and passwords saved on the device in the backup, we additionally activate data encryption.
  1. Set a password to access the backup copy.
  1. Confirm your desire to enable local encryption. If necessary, re-enter the previously set password.
  1. We are waiting for the copying to complete. The execution progress is displayed in a small window with a “Stop” button, which allows you to interrupt the procedure at any time.

Copy to iCloud

Creating a “cloud” copy of the device in iCloud is performed directly on the smartphone. The iPhone must be connected to Wi-Fi networks. Accordingly, the time required to complete the backup will depend on the speed of the wireless connection.

  1. Open the smartphone settings. On home page select the area with the owner’s avatar. Starting with iOS 10, it contains all the parameters related to Apple ID and other Apple services.
  1. Select the iCloud icon from the list. Open cloud storage management options.
  1. Scroll through the list of programs that are allowed access to iCloud. At the end of the list we see the “Backup” item.
  1. We move the switch marked with an arrow to the active position. The next step is to click on the interactive link to start creating an immediate backup.
  1. We are waiting for the operation to complete. The progress is shown in the standard iOS form. The button pressed in the previous step changes the assignment and allows you to interrupt the copying process.

Disabling services

Throughout the entire period using iPhone the user deals with various branded services. Having created an Apple ID at the time of activation, we use it to purchase content or install applications from App Store. It is also used to link existing Apple gadgets into one ecosystem. For this reason, the next step in pre-sale preparation is to disable services.

Logging out of the Apple ID account to which the device is linked is the main condition for correctly preparing the smartphone for sale.

  1. We return to the main settings page again. Click on the marked item to open account management options.
  1. Scroll the image on the screen down to the end. We need the very last item, located under the list of linked devices. Click the “Exit” button.
  1. Enter your account password to disable Find My iPhone. Click the button marked in the screenshot to confirm your decision.

Mobile Apple devices have their own iMessage messenger. Its peculiarity is that messaging is possible only between Apple devices. When changing iPhone 4, 5 or 6 to a newer SE, 7, 8 or X, you don’t have to turn it off. If you decide to switch to Android, this is a must. Otherwise, various failures may occur when sending SMS.

  1. Having opened the settings, go down to the main services section. Select the item marked in the screenshot.
  1. Turn the switch indicated by the frame to the off position.

Cleaning your device

As a result of preliminary preparation, we created a backup copy of the smartphone and disabled service services. Now the iPhone can be “zeroed” or, in other words, reset to factory settings.

Reset data on iPhone

After the operations described above are completed, we begin cleaning the personal information contained on the device.

  1. In the smartphone settings we find the “Basic” section.
  1. Having opened it, scroll through all the parameters to the end of the page. We need the penultimate item on the list.
  1. Select the option marked in the screenshot to delete settings and content.
  1. Clicking on the designated button will cause all information contained on it to be completely deleted from the device. After the reboot, a welcome message will appear on the screen and a prompt to select a language and region. You can turn off the smartphone and, after wiping the surface, wait for a potential buyer.

Erase using iTunes

You can also clean your iPhone before selling it using iTunes.

  1. After completing the backup and disabling services, select the option marked in the screenshot.

Remote wipe

The last option may be useful to the most inattentive users who forgot to sign out of Apple ID before handing over the device to someone else. To be able to take advantage remote control Find My iPhone must be enabled on your device.

  1. Get remote access can be done on the iCloud website or from any other Apple device directly connected to the user’s Apple ID or having family access to it. After the geolocations of active devices are determined, select your phone on the left side of the screen. A control panel will appear at the bottom. Click on the button indicated by the arrow.
  1. As a result, the control panel should display available actions. Select the right button, indicated by a frame.
  1. In the pop-up window, click the “Erase” button. As a result, all data on the smartphone will be deleted remotely, and the smartphone itself will disappear from the list of those associated with the account. You can restore them to another iPhone, provided that you previously performed a local or cloud backup.


The decision to sell a smartphone does not come suddenly, and therefore time pre-sale preparation always is. Completing the described steps will allow you to save the necessary data, and the new owner will be able to fully use the device by linking it to his Apple ID.

Video instruction

The overview video below will allow you to become more familiar with the sequence of operations performed and can be used as a visual aid.

Many people have it on their wall social network Hundreds of posts and reposts accumulate. Since hobbies, tastes and views on life can change over time, some entries become embarrassing, some need to be deleted because they no longer seem funny. And it also happens that you need to delete everything. Then the question arises: how to remove all posts from the wall without wasting a lot of time on manual deletion? There are several fairly simple methods that you can use if you need to quickly clean VKontakte.

The first method is the most difficult, but is suitable for those who have few records and do not want to use special program code. You just need to delete it manually. We will now consider three other methods - through the address bar, a console command and using a special extension.

Don't worry in advance: you won't have to write unique code yourself for such a simple action. There is a special script and programs that will delete all posts from the wall in a couple of clicks.

How to delete all VK entries through the address bar

If you want to know how to delete all posts from a wall in VK, then the simplest answer is using a script. You will need to give the browser a special command in the address bar and the wall will be cleared without difficulty.

Note! If you use quick wall cleaning on VKontakte, then remember that by doing this you may arouse suspicion on the part of the administration of the social network. Support may think that someone is trying to hack you. In such cases, the administration freezes the page. Restoring it is not very difficult, but to do this you need to have access to the phone number to which the VK page is registered. If for some reason you don’t have a number left, and you don’t want to lose access to the page for a long time, it’s better not to use quick clearing. After all, recovery without a phone takes up to several weeks and requires a lot of effort.

If you want to know how to delete all posts from a VK wall using the address bar, carefully follow the instructions below:

java****script:var h = document.get****Elements***By***Class****Name("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].get***Elements****By***Tag****Name(“a”)***String (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";"); eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clear***Interval(int_id) )else(i++));var int_id=set****Interval(del_wall,500);

If you did everything correctly, you will need to wait a while and the wall on VKontakte will clear. However, the method may not work not only because of your error, but also because there are internal changes in the browser or because the VK administration will limit the ability to delete all entries in VK in this way. If that doesn't work, you can try one of the methods below.

How to delete VK entries via console command

This method is more complicated than the one described above, but it is almost 100% likely to clear the entire wall of writing. In order to do this, you need:

  • Open your browser and go to your VKontakte page.

  • Rewind the wall to the very bottom, to where the first post is located. If you do not scroll to the very bottom, only those entries that are currently displayed for you are deleted. Rewinding may take a few minutes, but without this the console command will not produce the expected results. In order not to do this yourself, you can hold down the space bar or the End key with something and you can go about your business. You can put a small figure, a light pebble or a small magnet on the key, you can glue it with tape, the main thing is that it is constantly pressed. Soon, even a page with a thousand entries will reach the end without your participation.

  • After this, you need to open the browser console. To do this you need to call context menu(Shift + F10 for Windows or hold down the Ctrl key and click on the left mouse button if it’s a MacBook). Next, you need to select the “View code” option. In the menu that opens for you after this, you need to click on the Console tab.
  • Please note that in different browsers The command name for viewing the code will be different. So, in Firefox browser“Examine element” will be written, you should select this option, and then go to the Console. You can also open the console using a combination of hotkeys, which are different for each of the popular browsers. For example, in order to open the console in Google Chrome, you should simultaneously hold down three keys - Ctrl+Shift+J. If you are using Mozilla browser, then the hotkey combination in it will be different - it is Ctrl+Shift+K. If you use Opera or Safari, as well as other browsers, you can search the Internet for a combination of hot keys in your specific case.

  • After that, use the mouse or use a hotkey combination to copy the code below.

(function () ( 'use strict'; if (!confirm('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var delete***Post***Link = document.body.query****Selector** *All('a.ui_actions_menu_item');for (var i = 0; i< delete***Post****Link.length; i++) { delete***Post****Link[i].click(); } alert(delete***Post****Link.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());

  • From here you also need to remove all asterisks (*), no need to leave spaces or other characters.
  • Then you should place the cursor in the console window and hold down the hotkey combination Ctrl+V. After this, you need to press the button to enter - Enter.

Please note that the wall is not cleaned instantly and console command you also need to give time. How quickly the wall will clear depends on how many entries you had. But in any case, cleaning will happen faster than Note: cleaning the wall does not happen instantly. The speed of deletion depends on the number of posts in your VK microblog. Regardless, it's much faster than deleting posts manually.

Cleaning Extensions

There is another simple way to clear a wall in VK, but you must remember that any unofficial extension like these can bring with it malware, which will harm your computer, so do not download this cleaning extension unless you have very good antivirus.

There are several browser extensions that can help you quickly clear your social media wall. For example, the VkOpt program. It is easy to use with a simple and clear interface. And the fact that the program is most likely safe is confirmed by the fact that the program is available for download in the Google Chrome store. If you use another browser other than Chrome, then in order to download it, you should go to the official website of the program

After you have visited the site, you must:

  1. Download and install the browser extension.
  2. Open it.
  3. Click on the “Posts” tab; it should display the number of posts on the VKontakte page.
  4. After this, you need to select the Action tab.” Next, in the list that opens after this, you need to select the “Clean the wall” item.
  5. After this, you just have to wait until the program does its job and the wall on the social network becomes empty.


It is still necessary to clear the wall on VKontakte from time to time, since the posts you post can reveal too much about you and even serve as a reason for opening some criminal cases. Therefore, you need to not only carefully monitor what you post, but also periodically delete what you no longer find interesting, truthful or relevant.

We brought three simple ways how to clean a VK wall. If you are not afraid of temporarily losing access to the page and you have a phone number in order to quickly restore it, then you should not bother and delete each post yourself.

Interestingly, previously it was possible to remove all posts from the wall in just a couple of clicks. But the developers specifically abandoned this option. The fact is that it was often used by ill-wishers who hack pages. They deleted records that were important to the user, which could not be restored later. We hope that you will use the above tips only for peaceful purposes in order to delete all unnecessary posts from your page.

If you know for sure that the time has come to reset and erase all data from your iPhone, delete all information, clear settings on iPhone, delete data from iPhone, reset network settings, then you should not take this lightly. Since resetting and preparing network settings and settings on an iPhone, the process, although not difficult to perform, is fraught with unpredictable consequences if you cannot delete all the data.

For example, you decide to sell your phone, but you don’t know how to do a full reset, free up space on your iPhone and restore it to its original condition. Or, let’s say, the memory on your iPhone is overloaded and your smartphone periodically “freezes” and “glitches”, so you are tired and want to reset your iPhone to factory settings. However, without studying the proper instructions, resetting your iPhone to factory settings would be more than imprudent.

Let's learn how to wipe iphone to solve your factory reset problem.

First, keep in mind that complete reset iphone It will take you some time to copy your phone data. We also advise you to check that before you start resetting the iPhone, the iPhone is charged and its charge level is at least 50%, since the data transfer process is quite energy-intensive.

We will look at the easiest and most convenient way to reset an iPhone - cleaning via the cloud. We don't need a computer, flash drive or tablet or other device. Using only one device, we will find out how to erase an iPhone. This option can provide data transfer to the cloud up to 5 MB at a time. The whole process consists of several processes, following in strict order: data backup, resetting and preparing settings on the iPhone, data recovery on your iPhone.

Backing up data from iPhone

Copying to the cloud

Before formatting iphone first You'll need to create a free Apple ID account if you don't have one. To do this, go to “settings”, select the “iCoud” function, and then “Apple ID”, fill in your data (last name, first name or nickname, etc.), you can add a photo.

Now you can back up your music, photos, documents, calendars, contacts and more from your smartphone’s memory to another source in order to save all the information on your iPhone or transfer all the data you need to the cloud.

When deciding how to return your iPhone to factory settings and prepare your iPhone for sale, do not try to erase the iPhone manually. This may result in the deletion of content from servers that were connected to your account from all devices. For this purpose, we will use the iTunes program. Check if there is such a program on your iPhone, if not, then read the instructions for installing it and install it on your iPhone.

Once you are sure that iTunes has taken up space on your iPhone, activate it. Before you completely clean and format your iPhone, make sure that Wi-Fi on your iPhone is turned on. iCoud - Apple's cloud storage will provide you with a “storage chamber” of your data from your phone before formatting your iPhone.

To understand how to return your iPhone to factory settings and how to reset it, go into your iPhone's settings and select the iCoud cloud function. The screen will display all the information stored on your smartphone. Include icons for mail, photos, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, and other applications you need. Then activate the "backup" function. Once the “iCoud Backup” page opens, activate the “backup to iCoud” function and select “create a backup copy”. Depending on the amount of information being backed up, resetting information can take quite a long time.

What is saved with this type of backup?

This is a pretty solid list of information:

  • all contacts, messages, mail, call history,
  • accounts, photos saved and captured, videos, wallpapers,
  • calendars, notes, bookmarks,
  • all files, documents, cache/database, parameters and settings, points wi-fi access, bunch of keys.

Does iCoud copy all of the iPhone's memory?

Of course, there is some data that cannot be copied.

  • touchpad settings,
  • Apple Pay settings,
  • Gmail data,
  • imported MP files 3 formats,
  • contacts, calendars, files previously located in the cloud.

Once all the necessary information has been securely transferred to the cloud, you can reset everything iphone settings, for which you actually started this whole procedure. To do this, you open the “settings” menu, select the “general” function, and then, to reset the content and settings, activate the “reset” function. The iPhone reset and reset menu will offer you different options, but you choose either the “reset all settings” function or the “erase content and settings” function.

You choose the second option if the data was backed up not remotely to the cloud, but to another device. In order to decide how to reset everything, you need to understand the goal that you were initially striving for. Then select the “erase content and settings” function on your iPhone. The last method will delete all information about you and reset the phone to factory settings.

If you just wanted to “clean” your smartphone of excess debris, then select the first option “reset all settings”. All data will be deleted. The cleaned smartphone is ready. Now you know how to reset your iPhone to factory settings.

Copy to iPad

If you were planning to sell and accordingly prepare the iPhone before selling, then you need to know how to delete everything and reset the iPhone to factory settings. Backup should be done in another way, by copying the data, for example, to an iPad using iTunes or iTools. To reset customized content and settings, open iTunes and connect your iPhone using a USB cable to your iPad. Turn on your iPad, go to the settings menu and sync it with your iPhone, then select the “browse” function, then the “encrypt backup” function copy of iPhone» and set a password that you need to remember for later data extraction. The information will be saved on HDD devices. Now we just need to figure out how to reset the iPhone to factory settings.

Recovery from iCoud

After all the settings are reset, your iPhone is cleared of the junk that prevented it from being active, you can drop all the valuable information stored on the cloud into its place in the iPhone without loss. To do this, you need to apply a password; if you forgot your password, recover it and run several commands.

To do this, go to the “programs and data” main screen and select the “restore copies from iCoud” function, indicating your personal Apple ID. Next, select the “backup” function and the prepared process of returning files from the “cloud” to your iPhone is launched.

Deleting a backup

Now you can clear the backup copy as unnecessary. To do this, go to the “settings” section and select the “general” function, and then go to the “storage and iCoud” function. A “storage” will appear on the screen, which contains the reset content and saved files. When managing the "storage", select the "properties" function, and then activate the "delete copy" function and confirm "turn off and delete". This will permanently delete the backup.
