How to adjust the temperature in a display refrigerator. What temperature should be in the refrigerator Stinol. How to adjust the temperature in a refrigerated display case. Features of the refrigeration unit

Refrigerated display cases, unlike classic refrigerators and chests, require adjustment of the temperature and operating mode. This is due to the fact that completely different products that require different temperatures can be stored in refrigerated display cases. To learn how to set up your refrigerated display case, read the instruction manual.

For meat and fish it is usually set to -2 degrees, for cakes and pastries +7, for vegetables and fruits +8 or more. Also, a lot depends on the humidity in the room and in the display case itself. Properly adjusted and configured, it allows products not to lose their presentation for several days, does not weather them, and does not itself become covered with drizzle and condensation.

Remember that refrigerated display cases are intended for temporary storage of products. This means that the goods in it should be changed regularly, and unsold ones should be sent to cabinets or chests for storage. Some devices, such as Cryspi freezer display cases, allow you to lower the temperature to -8 degrees during non-working hours, which significantly extends the shelf life of goods. But more often than not, such a function is the exception, not the rule.

How to adjust the temperature in a refrigerated display case

Refrigeration equipment is a complex system that must be set up and maintained by a professional. general information instructions for setting the temperature are in the operating instructions. Be sure to read it before you begin. If something is unclear to you, it is better to contact a specialist - this will help avoid further expensive repairs.

Temperature setting and display programming occurs via the control unit. It is usually located at the bottom of the display case on the seller's side. Most modern models are configured via a remote control - from it you can set the operating temperature and operating modes. Setting up via the block requires qualification. Determine what temperature should be in your display case and set it from the remote control. The display case has its own thermometer, which shows the current temperature - the software and physical ones must match.

There are often cases when the actual and programmed temperatures differ from each other. This situation occurs due to contamination of the heat exchanger: it becomes covered with ice, dust, various debris and grease. It is necessary to monitor its cleanliness and do it at least once a month. general cleaning"in the window. Ariada freezer display cases have automatic system defrosting - you need to connect a special drainage to them for proper operation. Other display cases simply need to be unplugged and washed with warm water and soda.

How to set the temperature in a refrigerated display case

The initial temperature adjustment will be carried out by a specially trained person after installation of the display case. Consult him regarding this process– usually there is nothing complicated about it. Raising and lowering the temperature from the remote control is generally done using one button (like the volume on a TV). Setting the temperature through the block is more difficult, since any error can lead to the program being reset. Also, the settings may be lost if there is a power outage while you are changing the program. In such cases, you will have to call a professional who will completely reprogram the device.

How to lower the temperature in a refrigerated display case

Sometimes situations arise when the temperature in the display case does not drop to the required level. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons - a damaged compressor, low pressure or refrigerant leak, the heat exchanger becoming clogged with ice or dirt, curtains that are not tightly closed. If the temperature does not drop to the required level, then defrost the display case, wash the heat exchanger thoroughly, remove dust from the external compressor, and clean the grooves along which the curtains run. If this does not help, then reduce the temperature via the remote control by a few degrees and see if it decreases in the display case. If yes, then just leave it as is. If not, call a specialist.

You can often hear complaints - they say that my refrigerator works, but it doesn’t produce enough cold, or - what temperature should be on number “3” of the thermostat knob...

It is impossible to give a definite answer. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment depends on many factors, such as refrigerator load, ambient temperature, etc. And from the divisions on the temperature regulator you can only approximately determine the degree of cooling of the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
In general, if such a question arises, it is determined as follows:
Place a 0.5 liter container on the middle shelf. with water. The next day at the same time (preferably at least a day has passed), we dip a water thermometer into it, you can use an ordinary household one, but the more accurate the device, the better, of course, and determine the water temperature. This will be the average temperature in the refrigerator compartment. If the operating temperature is not satisfactory for some reason, you can set the regulator knob to a higher number.
Refrigerators with digital control and indication, you can observe the temperature in the chambers on the indicators, but in most cases it does not correspond to the real one, because we see the set temperature, not the actual temperature.

What temperature in the refrigerator is optimal for storing food?

Everyone knows, and those who don’t know, can guess that the storage of different products requires different refrigeration. In this direction, units with conventional system cooling is preferable to systems with forced air circulation No Frost. In the latter, the temperature is the same on all shelves, which does not allow choosing the optimal temperature regime for the refrigerator for each type of food placed. But on the shelves of a regular refrigerator, different temperature zones form - the temperature decreases from top to bottom. This allows you to better preserve different products - cool drinks at the top at +7...9 degrees, a temperature of +5...7 degrees on the middle shelves is most suitable for butter, milk, and on the lowest shelf it is better to place fresh fish or meat, it will be kept at +2...4 degrees.

What is the temperature in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator

The temperature in the freezer of a household refrigerator is almost constant, and after entering the operating mode it ranges from minus 18 to minus 24 degrees. WITH

In the freezer compartments, temperature zones are less noticeable, but the laws of physics cannot be canceled, and the bottom is always colder than the top compartment. Therefore, for fastest freezing, it is better to place fresh food in the bottom drawer.
Warning - under no circumstances should you put the thermometer in water and then in the freezer!

Selecting temperature settings depending on the outside air

Most refrigerators operate in the ambient temperature range from 16 to 32 degrees. C This is a fairly wide range, and the optimal temperature in the refrigerator depends greatly on this. Therefore, you should not set the temperature too low in the heat of summer. This will only increase your energy consumption. In other words, the optimal mode is that the higher the ambient temperature, the lower the regulator number.

Often a working refrigerator may not cool food well. Many users of refrigeration units note incorrect temperature conditions inside the refrigeration chamber - increased temperature. This is typical for both outdated models and new “sophisticated” products with automatic and electronic control. An elevated temperature does not at all indicate a serious malfunction. You can often fix this problem yourself.


  1. Incorrect operation of the refrigerator.
  2. Slots in the doorway.
  3. Incorrect temperature setting selected.
  4. When the refrigerator door is closed, the light comes on.
  5. Freon leak.
  6. Poor thermal insulation of the refrigerator.
  7. The thermostat is not working correctly.
  8. Compressor efficiency has decreased.
  9. Infrequent compressor shutdown.

Eliminating the cause

  1. The refrigerator cannot be used in a damp room where the relative humidity is above 80%. It is best to install it in a dry, well-ventilated room, in the kitchen - in the coolest place, inaccessible to direct sunlight, away from heat sources (stoves, radiators) .
    The most favorable ambient temperature for refrigerator operation is from +14 to +32°C. Due to high outside temperatures, the refrigerator begins to consume more electricity. If the room temperature is above +32°C, the temperature inside the refrigerator may not be low enough, and if below +14°C, the temperature inside the freezer may become too high due to a decrease in the production of cold by the refrigerant. There is a danger of frozen food defrosting.
    When installing a refrigerator next to another refrigerator or freezer, remember that the minimum distance between them should be 2 centimeters. This will prevent water condensation from forming.
  2. If you notice that your refrigerator has begun to cool food poorly, then, first of all, check the temperature settings, tightness (is the door sealed tightly, is warm air leaking into the chamber) and operating conditions. Over time, especially if the refrigerator is not level, the door may become warped. Due to this, air from the room can enter the refrigerator compartment. As a result, the temperature in the refrigerator will be higher than expected. Check the verticality of the door hanger and adjust it if necessary.
    The fit of the rubber seal may have been disrupted due to cracking and loss of elasticity. If this happens, the seal needs to be replaced.
  3. If the wrong temperature mode is selected, and does not take into account the temperature conditions in the room, then a large snow coat may be observed on the walls of the evaporator.
  4. When the refrigerator door is closed, the light comes on. Possible reason– deformation of the inner door panel, so the switch button does not work.
  5. There may be a small refrigerant leak or a clogged capillary tube. In this case, it is better to call a specialist who will quickly fix the problem. A gradual leak of freon is possible. There is a metal condenser at the back of the refrigerator, which should heat up with a normal amount of freon. If it is cold, then this indicates a freon leak and the need to refill it. In this situation, it is very difficult to find the place where the leak occurred.
    You can determine the malfunction in this order: turn on the compressor and check the discharge tube. If it heats up, then the absence of freon in the cooling system can be ruled out. Then check the evaporator at the entrance of the capillary tube; if there are no signs of cooling, then we can assume that the capillary filter is clogged. When checking the evaporator, you can listen and perhaps you will hear the characteristic sound of a mixture of air and oil flowing from the compressor into the evaporator. This indicates a lack of freon in the system. B and the absence of a characteristic, most likely a compressor malfunction. This refrigerator needs to be repaired by specialists.
  6. Wetting of thermal insulation or its settling. Here it is also recommended to contact a specialist.
    In most floor-standing refrigerators, the evaporator is introduced into the chamber through hatches located in the rear walls of the cabinet body and the refrigerator compartment. The hatch in the rear wall of the cabinet body is closed with a lid, sealed with a gasket and putties so that the thermal insulation of the refrigerator is not moistened by moisture contained in the air.
    If the seal is broken, atmospheric air will intensively penetrate into the thermal insulation and condense on the cold walls of the evaporator, as a result of which they will quickly become covered with a snow coat.
    To check the quality of the seal of the rear hatch cover, unscrew all the screws securing it and remove the cover from the rear wall of the cabinet. If the sealing gasket is unsuitable, it should be replaced with a new one, and the interface between the cover and the rear wall should be thoroughly coated with mastic. If the thermal insulation in the hatch opening is wet, then it must be dried.
  7. First of all, you need to make sure normal operation thermostat. If you feel that the problem is a malfunctioning thermostat, replace it and check how correctly the refrigerator operates. You can also have the thermostat adjusted.
  8. The compressor's efficiency may have decreased and it requires repair or replacement. It is almost impossible to diagnose problems inside the motor-compressor, as well as to eliminate them. Call a technician if you suspect a compressor problem.
  9. A long duration of engine operation usually occurs due to a build-up of snow, improper fastening of the bellows tube to the evaporator, and a malfunction of the refrigeration unit. If there is no snow coat on the evaporator, inspect the capillaries of the bellows. Infrequent switching may occur due to the large distance between the bellows tube and the evaporator. Or a slight clog in the capillary filter. This is due to insufficient supply of freon to the evaporator. Filter clogging can be determined by touch; when clogged, at the junction of the filter with the capillary, the temperature will be noticeably colder than at the junction with the condenser tube.

Efficient operation of a refrigerated display case is essential. Otherwise, the products may be spoiled, which will lead to losses for the seller at best. An error in operation can lead to calling a professional to set up the equipment.

Today you can even buy refrigerated display cases via the Internet. They are presented on the market in a wide range. A potential client can choose from both domestic products and Chinese-made models.

It should be noted that any refrigerated display case has its own not only design, but also packaging features. For self-installation you may need:

  • professional advisory support;
  • user guide;
  • electronic control unit.

Dust and dirt are the main enemies of refrigeration units. When the space between the ribs becomes clogged with mechanical contaminants, the refrigerated display case fails.

It is better to entrust the first setup of the device to a professional. Follow his work and make some notes for yourself for the future.

It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the user manual and instructions for setting up the refrigerated display case. If you don’t understand something, you can ask a professional about it.

This unit is in most cases located at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment. It is he who regulates the temperature inside the sealed and thermally insulated chamber.

If it fails or malfunctions, the on/off cycles will be disrupted and the food will eventually spoil.

Today, for precise adjustments, special remote controls or panels are used on the refrigeration unit itself. However, they can be used to make adjustments only if the electronic unit is working properly.

Its programming takes place at the factory. If the program is broken and you are unable to set up the refrigerated display case yourself, contact a professional. This way you will save not only time, but also money.

The setup begins with checking the supply voltage level. Constant fluctuations negatively affect any electrical equipment. A simple solution It may be necessary to install a stabilizer.

A short video demonstrates the principle of setting up the electronic control unit of a refrigerated display case:

It is difficult for a modern person to live without a refrigerator. But quite often it happens that a recently purchased and seemingly quite high-quality unit, which should serve for at least several years, fails after a couple of months. One of the most common reasons is incorrect temperature conditions. How to set the temperature in the Samsung No Frost refrigerator, as well as in some other popular models? Read about it in our article.

Samsung refrigerators

Samsung produces several models of refrigerators. They differ not only in design, but also in functions. Accordingly, each type requires its own temperature regime. Now on sale you can find the following types of units from a recognized Korean brand:

  • Two-chamber. For two-chamber models, the freezer is on top. These rather compact units have been produced for quite a long time, but are still very popular.
  • Combi. Combi class models have a large freezer compartment at the bottom. The cameras are autonomous and have separate cooling.
  • Side-by-side. This model consists of several cameras. Outwardly, it resembles a closet; each compartment has its own door.

With or without freezer?

Samsung refrigerators can have different purposes. Based on this, they are divided into several categories:

  • refrigerator equipped with a freezer:
  • refrigerator without freezer;
  • freezer without refrigerator;

They may also have different type frosts. Based on this parameter, two groups can be distinguished:

  • compressor;
  • absorption.

Important! Compressor units are more often found in homes because they are safe, reliable and have high performance. Absorption models are weaker, and in the event of a malfunction, they release harmful substances.

How to set the temperature in a Samsung refrigerator?

This largely depends on the type and model. Even inside the unit the temperature is different:

  • The average for a freezer is usually 18°C.
  • The temperature in the refrigerator compartment should not be warmer than +2°C, on average - no higher than +3°C.

Important! Some models have a so-called “fresh zone”, where the temperature is around zero.

What types of sensors are there?

Setting the temperature in, as well as in models of some other brands, is done using the control panel. She, in turn, gives a “command” to the sensors that are located inside. These elements serve to set the optimal temperature in each compartment and maintain it for a long time. From the sensor, information is sent to the control circuit, which is “responsible” for the operation of the compressor.

The following sensors are available:

  • general;
  • freezer;
  • environment.

The common sensor is located in the central part of the refrigerator compartment. It gives an average indicator, on the basis of which the mode is determined. Almost all models have universal 502AT temperature controllers. If the sensor fails, it must be replaced immediately, otherwise the unit will first work unstably and then stop altogether.

Important! You should not change such devices yourself; it is best to contact the service center of the same company.

Setting the parameters

Each refrigerator model comes with instructions that must be read carefully and followed in the specified order. On the control panel you will find a display where you can see information about the mode and errors. For models in which the freezer and refrigerator are located in the same cabinet, the temperature is controlled as follows:

  1. Measure the exact cooling temperature - to do this, place a glass of water in the central compartment.
  2. If the water cools to +4°C, this is best option, in the central part of the unit this temperature should be.
  3. If the temperature is 1-2°C higher or lower than optimal, adjustment is needed.
  4. On the control panel, find the Cooling Power or Fridge button and press it.
  5. If there is no button, find the thermostat knob and turn it to the desired angle - from +1°C to +7°C.

Important! The temperature does not have to be minimum - setting the regulator to minimum leads to an increase in electricity consumption.

Adjusting the freezer temperature

Like the refrigerator, the freezer has a thermostat. It has more modes. For example, if there is an accelerated freezing mode, the temperature will drop for three days and then return to standard. The mode is adjusted using a button, just like in the refrigerator compartment.

No Frost function

This function gives you an absolutely wonderful opportunity not to forcefully defrost your unit. Such refrigerators last longer and require minimal maintenance. To prevent ice from freezing, an additional fan is installed in the model. The temperature regime is set in the same way as in two-chamber models.

If the indicator is flashing

With Samsung and some other models, situations quite often arise when the refrigerator seems to be working normally, but the indicator or display does not behave as it should - for example, it blinks. Incorrect behavior can be caused by a number of reasons, including those related to temperature conditions:

  • For example, the temperature is higher than you set - perhaps because the door is opened often and the house is very warm. In this case, you need to close the door and leave the unit alone for a couple of hours. He should bounce back.
  • The display and indicator react in the same way if the temperature mode is not set at all. They simply don’t know how to behave, so they blink, calling the owner to order. The only way out is to set a regime.
  • Most models have a separate indicator for the ice tray. It can also blink, signaling to the owner that the tray is not positioned as it should be. Change the position and everything will return to normal.
  • Sometimes the indicators react the same way if you have recently moved the door. We'll have to check how reliable the contacts are.

If there are none of the above reasons, and the indicator does not want to calm down, you will have to call the service center.

Refrigerator “Atlant” - temperature control

How to set the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator? There is nothing complicated about this if you know what temperatures are needed to store certain products. There is no point in refrigerating fresh vegetables in the same way as meat or fish. Therefore, when storing food in the refrigerator, consider the following data:

  • temperature from +1°C to +3°C is suitable for meat, fish and eggs;
  • from +2°С to +4°С - for sausages and some culinary products;
  • from +3°С to +5°С – for dairy products, as well as ready-made soups and meat dishes.

Single-chamber “Atlant”

This is a fairly simple model of a popular Belarusian brand. The unit has only one door, behind which everything is located - several shelves and a freezer. You can easily find the regulator, and installation is done using the knob, which is placed in positions from 1 to 7.

Simply turn the knob:

  • The most popular position is 3. In this case, all refrigerator systems will work extremely correctly.
  • There are situations when stronger and longer cooling is needed. Then you can select mark 5 or even 7. But Atlant should not be allowed to work in this mode all the time - the load on the compressor is too high.

Two-chamber “Atlant”

Setting the temperature mode is no different from that used in a single-chamber refrigerator:

  1. We find the regulator.
  2. We turn the handle.
  3. For normal coordinated work, set it to number 3.
  4. For more intensive work For freezers, set the regulator to divisions from 4 to 7.

Important! If the regulator is set to mark 3, this means that the temperature in the main compartment is from +1°C to +5°C, and in the freezer - -18°C.

Atlant with two compressors

You can now find Belarusian refrigerators with two compressors on sale. Such models also have two thermostats - one is “responsible” for the refrigerator compartment, the other for the freezer. Configure them separately:

  • The main camera regulator can be set to division 3 or 4;
  • freezers - from 3 to 5.

“Atlantas” with electronic control

Like all “smart” refrigerators, “Atlantas” with electronic control are equipped with the most modern devices, including separate temperature control. Such models have several indicators.

To set the temperature in an Atlant refrigerator of this model, first:

  1. Plug in the refrigerator.
  2. Look at the control panel - there you will find information about the operation of the refrigerator and freezer.
  3. Open the door.
  4. Wait a minute - after this the alarm of the electronic unit should start working, it will also inform you about the unit being turned off or about power outages.

It is very easy to adjust the temperature in the compartments of this model:

  • On the left side of the control panel you will find the freezer control button. Next to it there is a window in which the parameters are visible. On the right is the refrigerator control button.
  • Modes are set by simply pressing one of the buttons.

If Atlant doesn’t freeze

No refrigerator should be turned on immediately after it has been delivered. The unit should stand for about 8 hours, or even more. This is necessary so that the oil, which is in the compressor and leaks during vibrations and tilts, is back in its place.

At the same time, you cannot demand too much from a refrigerator. It will not enter the mode right away - it needs about a day to “swing up”, but you must set the temperature right away. After 24 hours, the device should reach the optimal temperature.

How to extend the life of a refrigerator?

The refrigerator is not the cheapest unit, so you don’t want to change it every year. Following a few simple rules can extend the life of your device:

  • make sure that the door is always tightly closed;
  • change the seal in a timely manner if it is damaged;
  • do not put hot or even warm food in the refrigerator;
  • try to distribute the products so that they lie at some distance from each other;
  • Consider storage areas.

Storage areas

The name “storage zone” may not seem entirely clear to some. But everything is very simple - products must be stored at the temperature required for their preservation. The coldest place is in the freezer, where things that need to be frozen are placed:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • frozen vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms for long-term storage.

In the “freshness zone”, where the temperature is about 0°C, there are:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat that does not need to be frozen;
  • some alcoholic drinks;
  • greenery.

On the shelf closest to the freezer there are usually:

  • sausage;
  • semi-finished products;
  • cakes;
  • eggs.

The middle part of the refrigerator compartment can store soups and sauces, as well as bread. Finally, the lowest shelf is for vegetables and fruits, as well as some pickles.

Some features of different models

All modern models have thermostats. True, they look different, and this sometimes confuses new owners.

Regulators can be:

  • electronic;

Efficient operation of a refrigerated display case is essential. Otherwise, the products may be spoiled, which will lead to losses for the seller at best. An error in operation can lead to calling a professional to set up the equipment.

Today you can even buy refrigerated display cases via the Internet. They are presented on the market in a wide range. A potential client can choose from both domestic products and Chinese-made models.

It should be noted that any refrigerated display case has its own not only design, but also packaging features. For self-installation you may need:

  • professional advisory support;
  • user guide;
  • electronic control unit.

Dust and dirt are the main enemies of refrigeration units. When the space between the ribs becomes clogged with mechanical contaminants, the refrigerated display case fails.

It is better to entrust the first setup of the device to a professional. Follow his work and make some notes for yourself for the future.

It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the user manual and instructions for setting up the refrigerated display case. If you don’t understand something, you can ask a professional about it.

This unit is in most cases located at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment. It is he who regulates the temperature inside the sealed and thermally insulated chamber.

If it fails or malfunctions, the on/off cycles will be disrupted and the food will eventually spoil.

Today, for precise adjustments, special remote controls or panels are used on the refrigeration unit itself. However, they can be used to make adjustments only if the electronic unit is working properly.

Its programming takes place at the factory. If the program is broken and you are unable to set up the refrigerated display case yourself, contact a professional. This way you will save not only time, but also money.

The setup begins with checking the supply voltage level. Constant fluctuations negatively affect any electrical equipment. A simple solution may be to install a stabilizer.

A short video demonstrates the principle of setting up the electronic control unit of a refrigerated display case:

A refrigeration unit is a system that requires monthly inspection, adjustment, and serious maintenance. After all, one single mistake can cost more than just calling a technician.

Features of the refrigeration unit

Each refrigeration unit has its own characteristics, mode and equipment. But if you have no other choice, and you decide to install the unit yourself, you will definitely need:

  • professional consultation;
  • instructions;
  • Control block.

Refrigerated display cases have specific design features that are significantly influenced by various factors: dirt, debris and dust. Therefore, the space near the display case between the ribs after some time becomes clogged with dust and dirt, which causes the device to fail.

To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow the instructions for this device. There are instructions for use, as well as for setting up refrigeration chambers. Experts recommend following them carefully: all points of the instructions must be completed in the correct order, according to the document. It is better to carry out the first setup with a professional or under his clear guidance. Read the instructions carefully and make notes for yourself.

Refrigeration electronics

The electronics unit of a refrigeration unit is very important, because its smooth operation depends on it. The block is located under the bottom (on the left) of the installation. Maintaining the temperature in the refrigerated display case depends on it, turning off and turning on the refrigeration unit in a timely manner. Now they can be controlled and configured using a remote control, which is usually included with the kit. Without a remote control, adjust the refrigerator compartment by adjusting the block.

The electronic unit of the refrigerated display case is configured at the factory. Standard modes are installed there. Self-adjustment is necessary when it is important to set the temperature of the refrigerated display case in accordance with the conditions for storing goods and the climate. If the refrigerated display case is intended for storing cheeses and sausages, you need to increase the frequency and duration of defrosting. This way the evaporator will not become clogged with snow.

Remember, when starting the setup, check the voltage in the network, because its fluctuations can undo all your efforts - then you will no longer be able to do without a specialist.

Setting up a refrigerated display case yourself is a very responsible and painstaking job that requires high professionalism, clarity and increased attention in the work.

If you are interested in UTM egais, then go to the website Here you can find all the necessary information on this topic. The company employs only professionals in their field who are always ready to help clients and provide them with the necessary information support. Prices are extremely attractive and competitive in this market segment.

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Refrigerated display cases are often used by small businesses. Selling food products requires their correct storage. No matter how brisk the sales are, it will not be possible to sell all the products without refrigeration equipment - they will spoil faster. Additionally, it is important to understand that different foods require different temperatures for long-term storage. Fortunately, the market is quite capable of offering available options refrigerated display cases.

The website contains a list of specialized equipment. Of course, only professionals should install it. And, nevertheless, during operation situations may arise when the refrigerated display case requires additional adjustment. This is not so difficult to do if control is carried out through remote. Otherwise, you will have to use the built-in controller (program it).

In fact, many similar cases can be cited:

  • another product (with different temperature requirements) is supposed to be stored in the refrigerated display case;
  • it is necessary to increase the humidity level inside the equipment;
  • frost began to form on the food;
  • The temperatures on the controller and in the display case itself do not match.

Indeed, many modern models of refrigerated display cases have remote controls remote control. Setting up with their help is extremely quick and simple - you just need to follow the recommendations specified in the temperature instructions for a specific product.

The control unit for the refrigerated display case is located below (at the bottom). Using the buttons, you can change the operating modes of the refrigerated display case. The display shows the necessary information.

The display case may indeed not function correctly. Let's say the pipeline through which the refrigerant circulates has been broken. It is in such situations that there is a discrepancy between the temperatures on the controller and in the refrigeration chamber itself.

The formation of ice in one area of ​​the refrigerated display case indicates depressurization of the chamber.

Air regularly gets inside. And, insofar as there is a priori a certain amount of moisture in the air, it condenses on the products and freezes. This problem especially concerns the products of the sausage industry.

Such products should not be stored at subzero temperatures, but the temperature is as close as possible to zero degrees.

The video demonstrates setting up temperature blocks for refrigerated display cases:
