How to install android 4.4 on any smartphone. How to update the Android version on your phone: basic approaches. How to install pure Android on your phone

There are several popular ways to install Android OS on smartphones and tablets, namely: with using CWM Recovery, via TWRP Recovery, through the ROM Manager program and using . Using these methods you can install not only official, but also custom firmware from third party developers. After this you will need.

Installing Android via CWM Recovery

CWM Recovery– a multifunctional menu, one of the capabilities of which is the installation of new firmware. The menu only works with ZIP archives, so be sure to check the extension of the downloaded file.

Installation new firmware occurs in several stages:

  1. Because CWM Recovery is custom, it must first be downloaded and installed on the device.
  2. Log in to the Recovery Menu using the method described below.
  3. In the menu itself, navigation is carried out using the volume up/down buttons, and selection is carried out using the power key. Installing a new system assumes the previous OS. Find the “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” section and select it.
  4. Confirm your choice by clicking “Yes – Wipe all user data”.
  5. Next, return to the main Recovery menu and select the “Install ZIP” section.
  6. In the list that opens, select the “Choose ZIP from /sdcard” option.
  7. Specify the directory where you previously downloaded the new firmware.
  8. Confirm your choice. Click “Yes – Install”.
  9. The Android OS will start downloading to your phone. At the end of the process, a notification “Install from sdcard complete” will appear.

To activate the Recovery menu, turn off the phone and press the button combination that corresponds to your phone model. Below are the most popular combinations:

  • Volume up + power button;
  • Volume down + power button;
  • Volume up/down + power button + “Home”;
  • Volume up + volume down + power off button.

If you are unable to get to the Recovery Menu, then use the search to find the desired key combination.

The installation is now considered complete. Return to the main menu and reboot the system. The first launch of a new version can be unusually long. This is worth taking into account and not giving in to unnecessary panic.

Installing Android OS via TWRP Recovery

TWRP is another custom Recovery that works with installation files in ZIP format. The flashing process begins with installing this menu on your phone. Next, follow the algorithm:

  1. Download the desired version of Android, and then upload it to a random directory on your smartphone or tablet PC in ZIP format.
  2. Go to TWRP Recovery. The login method is no different from getting into other Recovery Menus, so study the key combinations at the beginning of the article or find the combinations for your phone model in Google.
  3. Perform a factory reset. Click "Wipe" in the main menu of the program.
  4. If you just want to restore the factory (native) settings, then move the highlighted slider to the right side.
  5. If you want to completely clear the memory for further installation of a new system, then click “Advanced Wipe”. At the end of the cleaning process, simply click on the “Back” button.
  6. Now you need to install a new operating system. In the main menu, click on the “Install” section.
  7. Select the path where the program will find the firmware you saved.
  8. Confirm the start of flashing by moving the slider to the right. The process usually does not take more than 2-3 minutes.
  9. Upon completion of all manipulations, the program will issue a notification about the successful completion of the installation. Select "Reboot System" to reboot and start the new version.

The installation is now considered complete.

Flashing via ROM Manager

How to install Android on your phone using specialized software? Previously, the methods were described exclusively for working in the Recovery Menu, but if you prefer utilities with a user-friendly interface, then the program of choice is ROM Manager.

Before starting work, the following conditions must be met:

  • To work with the application, you must obtain Root rights (this can be done through Unlock Root, Vroot and other programs);
  • You must install any custom Recovery. The program performs all operations using it, but saves you from a primitive interface and inconvenient navigation;
  • The OS version you want to install must be saved on your smartphone in ZIP format.

When all these points are completed, launch ROM Manager and follow the step-by-step algorithm:

The program also allows you to download ready-made firmware for your smartphone or tablet model. Select the operating system in the “Download Firmware” section.

Recently, within Android project x86 an important event happened - a stable version of the operating system was released Android systems 6.0 Marshmallow. This means that the latest version of Android is now available for installation on computers and laptops. In this article, we will tell you how to install Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your computer, as well as how to configure and better use this system on your computer. full-fledged computer.

How to install next to other OS

To install Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 on your computer or laptop, you need to follow fairly simple instructions. Burning an image to a disk or USB drive:
System installation:
  1. Prepare a disk partition for Android. To partition a disk, it is better to use the Acronis Disc Director Suite software package. The new version of Android x86 allows you to install systems next to another OS without damaging it. Therefore, you don’t even have to worry about the division if you don’t want to bother too much.
  2. Once you have finished burning the image to the USB drive, if there were no errors, restart your laptop. After turning on and the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen, periodically press the button that brings up a window with alternative ways downloads. On ASUS laptops- this is the Esc button, on most PCs - F8 or nearby buttons from this row. It's better to check on the Internet. If an alternative boot is not available, then enable it in the BIOS, which is usually called by the Delete button.
  3. In the alternative launch window, select the USB, CD, or DVD drive where you installed Android.
  4. After this, you will see a window with four options. The first three allow you to run Android in Live CD or Live USB mode - working with the system directly from the disk. The last option starts the installation. This is exactly what we need.

  5. Next, you have to choose which partition to install Android on. You can select any supported partition by formatting it, or installing Android next to another system. In the latter case, select the “Do Not Format” option instead of the file system name. If you decide to install the system on a blank partition, then select a file system (ext3 or ext4 are recommended).

  6. The next window will ask you to install the GRUB boot manager. If you do not have it installed on another Linux system, then you can safely select “Yes”. Then, the next time you turn on the laptop, it will display a window with options to launch all installed operating systems. It is worth noting that Windows is recognized normally. If you already have GRUB installed, you can select “Skip” and then add Android to the /grub/menu.lst list in another OS. In both cases, you can choose to install GRUB - you can't go wrong.

  7. After this, the installation will begin. Upon completion, the installer will offer to immediately launch the installed Android or reboot the system. If you chose to install GRUB, then after turning on the laptop you should see something like this.

  8. Select the first item, after which the launch will begin installed Android.
  9. Next, you will have to go through the usual operation that every buyer of a new Android device faces: installing the language (Russian is present), setting up Google account, Wi-Fi connection and more. There is nothing complicated here.
  10. After all this, you should see a full-fledged Android desktop. Voila, the mobile OS is running on your laptop.

How to install on a virtual machine

If you do not want to install Android x86 on your computer as a full-fledged system, but would like to try it on a virtual machine, then there is one more instruction for you.
How to install Android x86 6.0 Marshmallow on a VirtualBox virtual machine:
  1. Create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox. Select the Linux type, Linux version 2.x / 3.x / 4.x (32 or 64 bit) depending on your PC. Also create a virtual partition of at least 2 GB. As a result, the settings should look like this:

  2. After creating the machine, in its settings, connect the Android x86 image you downloaded. This can be done in the “Media” section.

  3. Start the virtual machine. If everything is set correctly, you will see a screen with four items. Select the bottom one - “Installation”. But you can also try Live CD without installation.

  4. A section selection menu will appear. The sequence of actions is as follows: Create / Modify partitions → Do you want to use GPT (no) → New → Primary → (you can select the partition size) Enter → Bootable → Write (yes + enter) → Quit.

  5. Select the partition that was created (VBOX HARDDISK). It will be the first item on the menu. File system - ext4.

  6. Are you sure to format this partition? → Yes
  7. Do you want to install boot loader GRUB? → Yes
  8. Do you want to install EFI GRUB2? → Skip
  9. Do you want to install /system directory as read-write? → Yes
  10. The system is installed, select Reboot.
  11. After reboot virtual machine The GRUB boot loader will appear. To launch Android, select the topmost item in its menu. You don’t have to touch anything at all and the system will boot automatically.

  12. Voila! Now you can use Android in a virtual machine.

Additional settings

As an interface shell for Android x86, we can safely recommend ADW Launcher, which offers a lot of settings, and its design is better optimized for the mouse. After installing the launcher, all gestures will become much easier to perform using the mouse, and the desktop will become a little more convenient.

During setup after the first launch, you may notice that switching the language using a keyboard shortcut does not work. To fix this, you need to go to the “Language and input” section in the settings and select the layout you need. Android developers for computers even provide support for a keyboard shortcut to change the language - by default it is CTRL + Space. By the way, if you need a virtual touch keyboard that is not initially displayed on the screen, then switch the “Show input method” toggle switch in the same layout selection menu.

Many combinations are supported that are necessary for normal operation: Copy (CTRL + C), Paste (CTRL + V), Cut (CTRL + X), Windows Button minimizes all applications and returns to the desktop. On some laptops and computers, the function keys in row F will work. The PrintScreen button works, which takes a screenshot.

On Android x86 it is better to use a special video player called Dolphin. It better understands the architecture of desktop chips and also works well with a large number of formats. You can download the Dolphin video player for Android x86 on Trashbox.

To see more detailed condition laptop batteries, it is better to install the Battery Disc widget, which can be placed on the desktop. The widget displays the battery charge as a percentage.

As you can see, Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 is already pretty well optimized for most laptops, considering that my device has an AMD chip. I even got to play the Android port.

I'm sure most strategy and interesting games are also supported. Among other things, on your laptop or computer under Android control x86 is worth installing quite good text editor, For example - . After the release of stable Android versions 6.0 Marshmallow x86 we will definitely update this article with links to more recent images.

Other versions and updates

Major changes in Android 6.0 Marshmallow for x86 systems:
  • updated Linux kernel to version 4.4.12;
  • OpenGL ES 3.x hardware acceleration support for Intel / AMD (radeon / radeonsi) / Nvidia (nouveau) graphics, as well as in VMware and QEMU (virgl);
  • OpenGL ES 3.0 support via software rendering on or without other graphics chips;
  • Support for secure boot via UEFI and installation to a UEFI disk;
  • the ability to install on partitions with ext4 / ntfs / fat32 file systems via a text-graphical interface;
  • improved updating from older Android x86 releases - now file systems ext2 and ext3 are automatically updated to ext4;
  • improved support for multi-touch screens, audio, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, sensors, cameras and Ethernet (via DHCP only);
  • automatic mounting of USB drives and SD cards;
  • support for other architectures (arm / arm64) through the native mechanism (Settings → Application compatibility).
Images of the following versions of Android x86 are also available for download:
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (32 bit).
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (64 bit).
The installation process for version 5.1 is identical to 6.0 Marshmallow.

Have you decided to update your system or change the firmware to a newer one? We'll tell you how to do this.

Often, Android owners think about changing the phone's firmware. This usually happens when it comes out a new version system, if the old one does not support some functions that are so necessary for the user.

Or the smartphone does not work correctly with new applications. By the way, anyone who is planning to do a flashing should know how to reinstall Android on their phone.

To change the system version on your device there are several options:

  • Reinstall directly from your phone
  • Using a USB cable via a computer or laptop
  • Using special programs for firmware
  • Contact a specialist
  • Through installing drivers on a mobile phone

In the opposite situation, you are unlikely to succeed, and instead of a device with a new system, you may end up with a useless and non-working device that only a specialist can fix.

In general, reinstalling the system is not difficult. Decide this task any inexperienced user can, since there is a special one for this. Therefore, doubts about reinstalling Android yourself are unfounded.

How to prepare your phone for reinstallation?

To ensure the reinstallation goes smoothly, prepare for the process. First of all, read the instructions for your phone. It often contains a lot of interesting information.

You should also remember in what sequence all the actions are performed, so that during the operation you do not have to look at the source all the time.

You will also need to install a special program for firmware. For Android it is called ODIN.

You will also need drivers so that the computer can easily detect the connected device.

Flashing resets all settings to factory settings and completely deletes all data from it. In some cases, this can lead to serious problems, so even before starting the operation, take care of the safety of the data. A great solution is to back up all your files.

By the way, it is recommended to perform this operation periodically. This way you can avoid many problems if any malfunctions occur, for example, serious freezing or unexpected shutdown. Therefore, it is better to consider this procedure as one of the important components of flashing.

You can make a copy yourself by connecting your phone to a computer or other device. Transfer everything you need by regular copying. But this may take some time, so most users prefer to use special programs. By the way, ODIN program also has this function.

The advantage of manual copying is that you can save only the information you need. If a complete copy is made, viruses and spy files may get into the new system.

How to reinstall the system?

So, when everything is ready, you can safely begin the reinstallation. The procedure itself has several sequential steps:

  • Reset your phone to factory settings. Carrying out this action depends on which model is used, since different manufacturers use their own algorithms
  • Connect your phone to your computer. Accordingly, first install all the necessary drivers on it. If everything was done correctly, then when connecting to a computer, the phone will be immediately recognized
  • Create a backup if you haven't done so before. It is worth recalling that it is forbidden to change the firmware without this procedure
  • Update the firmware using the installed program. To do this, select the file with the firmware in the appropriate window and open it so that the data is loaded into the program
  • Perform the flashing directly. This process is enabled using the "Update" button. Next, you should wait until the program completes the operation and announces that the installation is complete

Once you have completed the reinstallation, format your memory card if you are using one. Although it is not at all necessary to do this, viruses and dubious files can still penetrate from it. Therefore, it is better to get rid of all old data in order to start the system from the very beginning.

Video: How to easily flash any Android? how to reflash android?

In order to install a new version of Android on your phone, you must first download it. It offers to work only with the official version, which is available on Downloading files from other sites is highly discouraged, as there are several reasons for this.

They will be discussed below in the article, but now you need to understand what you will need to successfully complete the case:

  1. Having a mobile phone that runs Android
  2. Availability of the ODIN program
  3. Availability of the latest firmware version, which can be found on the official website of the OS company
  4. Availability of USB cable
  5. Availability of BACK UP files that will help restore the system in case of errors
  6. Availability of a charged battery

Using these six steps, you can conveniently and quickly install a new Android on your phone. All that the portal user will need to do is follow strictly the steps that are indicated at the bottom of the article (in the proposed list). After they have been completed, a person will be able to start using completely new applications that will run on the updated version of the software.

IMPORTANT: Flashing the phone should only be done with the original OS program. You need to get it by contacting the software manufacturer’s website, since it is there that it will be completely free of viruses and free of harmful code. It is worth noting that the article was created in 2014. It is for this reason that using the data in it means solving problems in a timely manner when working with a mobile phone that needs a software update. It is better to write all necessary questions or difficult points in the comments.

How to rearrange software on Android?

1. Auto update. This is the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to update, since the software is downloaded from the official Google Play Market website. Before you start updating the firmware, you should take into account that some operating updates can take up to 500MB and in order to save money, it is better to download them over the unlimited Internet. Even a child can perform Android auto-update; all that is required is to go to the “Settings” interface, find the “About phone” item, then “System update” and activate the function. If you have mobile device with the second or third version of Android, then you need to look for the update item in “Settings” and then go to “General settings” or “About the system”. Then all you have to do is wait a little while for the system to find the updates and prompt you to follow step-by-step instructions to begin installation. Upon completion of the firmware, as elsewhere, you will need to reboot your mobile phone.

2. Via the phone's official website. This method is not suitable for all mobile phones. The ability to install a new version of Android in this case depends on the availability of the program. For example, if latest version Android is not available for your phone, it means that the updated version operating system has not yet been released in your region or for your operator. To find out if a new version of Android is available for your phone, connect your phone with via USB cable to your computer, open PC Companion (on a PC) or Sony Bridge for Mac (on a Mac). Please wait 1-2 minutes to receive a notification about available updates for your device.

Some official sites actually offer to install newer versions of Android. As a rule, they are protected from downloading and archived, so to gain permission to access them you must enter your phone's IMEI code. It can be found on the back of the device under the battery or by dialing *#06# on your mobile phone. After entering it, the archive becomes available for Android firmware. This archive also contains a computer program and instructions for performing the update, which also need to be downloaded. Next, the Android installation will happen almost offline, you just need connect your mobile phone to the computer using a USB cable, run the program and point it to the path to the firmware file.

3. Not entirely legal. Many experienced users prefer update Android using custom firmware, since they are activated

You can update the firmware of your mobile device yourself; to do this, you just need to read the instructions. Some users do not yet know how to update the Android system version on their phone, so they contact service centers. In order to independently replace the platform with a newer one, in fact, you do not need any special (paid) software or additional devices. A large number of devices, in particular smartphones, currently run on the Android mobile OS. In order for your device to have more features and capabilities, you need to update the firmware. Manufacturers release free software packages that are hosted in open access, you just need to download them and then install them correctly on your device. Let's look at the question of how to update the Android version on your phone, because it is currently very relevant.

Project history

Not everyone knows that the described platform was created by a little-known company, after which Google, which is the owner of one of the largest search engines, as well as several other popular services. The first version of Android was developed in 2008. But in currently In total, there are more than thirteen updates that were performed by professional developers. Not many users know how to update Android themselves. After studying this article, you will be able to properly configure your phone yourself, without the help of professionals. If you carefully read the instructions, you should not have any difficulties in this matter, since everything is done in just a few clicks.


So, first, let's figure out why the company constantly releases new versions of its operating system. The fact is that these add-ons are offered to all users, they correct errors of previous developments, and also add special features and functionality. If you want your device to be modern, then you definitely need to go through the described procedure. In fact, the question of how to update the version is not difficult. If you approach this matter properly, then you should not have any difficulties. After the Internet connection has been successfully established, you need to go to the Play Market and download the current platform there.

Another way

In addition to the official company specialists who develop firmware, there are also private ones who create alternative versions for users who do not want to see in their mobile device some of the proposed or even, one might say, imposed services from Google, and there are currently a considerable number of them.

Backup copy

There are several ways in which you can update. Today we will talk only about the most popular of them, and they will probably be interesting and convenient for you. The main rule: before performing the next update, you will need to fully charge the battery, and also synchronize all your data so that it is not lost in the event of any failures. For example, you can save contacts using Google; nowadays such a tool can be used by absolutely any user. And the most interesting thing is that you can synchronize in just a few clicks, and after successfully installing the new firmware, download all your data back to your mobile device.

Automatic option

Let's start with the first, simplest and most common method. If you are using a new mobile device, then you probably already have your own account in the GooglePlay service. Accordingly, one day the system will automatic mode will offer to search for current program elements. In order to successfully update the version of Android on your phone, you will definitely need to connect to a wireless Internet network. Then you can wait for messages from the device. If your communicator regularly asks you to search for the latest software, then you already know how to update the Android version on your phone, because to update the firmware you only need to press a few buttons, and your mobile system will already complete all complex tasks independently.


So, let's now look at the second method of how to update the Android version on your phone. It is also simple, and if you follow the instructions carefully, you should not have any difficulties. First, you need to go to the settings menu, and then press just a few buttons to connect to the Internet. Be sure to remember that when deciding how to update the Android version on your phone, you will need access to the Network, since the download will take place using it.

Update step by step: algorithm of actions

1. Connect the communicator to the Internet.
2. Go to the “Settings” section, then “About the system” (the name may change depending on the version).
3. Turn on the systems and check for the latest additions.
4. Go to Market if the procedure was unsuccessful.
5. Find current version platforms for your communicator through the search menu.
6. If this does not help, go to the official website of the Android OS and get updates there.
7. Install this element as a regular application.

Important! Various incorrect actions during the update can damage your smartphone, including loss of functionality. Therefore, be careful, evaluate your strengths, risks, and benefits yourself.

If you want to install Android 5 lollipop, use our instructions.

Preparing the device for installation

Traditionally, the first thing you should do is backup copy important information. Save contacts from your address book, photographs and audio recordings. We don’t want this data to be lost in the event of a problem.

Now download this program:

We will need it during the installation of the new Android 5 Lolipop.

Don't forget - during the installation process, your device's battery must be fully charged. If it suddenly turns off during installation, there will be problems. So don't be lazy and charge it!

Preparing programs for installation

You need to install the downloaded program on your computer - to do this, run the installation file with administrator rights.

The installation will start. Here you need to confirm several points using the keyboard. To do this, we press on the keyboard “ Y" (yes), then " Enter«.

The next step is to install drivers. Click " Further", then " Install«.

Download the Android Lolipop image

You need to find and download the OS image for your device. We will look at the installation process using an example Nexus devices. Here is a list of download links:

  • Nexus 4
  • Nexus 5
  • Nexus 7
  • Nexus 7 (2013)
  • Nexus 10

When you download the appropriate archive, unpack it to any folder.

Installing Android 5 Lolipop

Launch the Windows command line.

"Start - Run", or Win + R

Next, we must enable bootloader mode on our device. To do this, simultaneously press the buttons “ Volume down" And " Inclusion". If everything is correct, you should see a picture like this.

We connect the device to the computer, and command line dial:

Fastboot devices

Your device should appear in the list. If so, then you have done everything right so far.

At the command line, type the command:

Fastboot oem unlock

This is needed to unlock the bootloader.

At the same time, a message should appear on the device screen indicating that the unlocking process will now begin. You need to confirm it - to do this, select the “ Yes» (use volume keys).

When the process is completed, go back to the folder where you extracted the Android 5 lollipop image. Here you need to run the file flash-all.bat

The Lolipop installation process will begin. You need to wait for the operation to complete.

When everything is finished, your device will reboot. After launch, the process of preparing for work will take several minutes. Next, Android Lolipop will launch.
