How to install Android - Step by step instructions. How to install Android - Step by step instructions Lee Android 5.0

Before version 5.0, think carefully. There may be two reasons why you did not receive the update automatically. Either this was an error (during distribution, upon receipt, etc.), or the manufacturer did not plan to update the software for your device. And if in the first case the defect is easy to correct, then the second option makes you think. Of course, the point here is not that the manufacturer doesn’t care about your device or has forgotten about you. Everything is much more prosaic.

Every manufacturer, be it Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG or any other, remembers very well about each of its devices. But he also knows everything in detail specifications each model. Much better than you and me! And no matter how much OS developers talk about increasing the performance of gadgets after updating them, numerous tests and user reviews indicate either a meager or zero “increase” in operating speed. But most often, users report a deterioration in the performance of the device after the update. The explanation for this is simple: Android 5.0 Lollipop is brighter and more functional than its older brother, and this requires more resources to work. And all manufacturers also know about this, which is why they do not send an update to your device.

Therefore, let's start with advice: if you think that your device on Android 4.4 Kitkat is working at its limit technical capabilities, then you probably don’t think so! Of course, you can experiment with deleting photos, videos, games and applications, installing accelerator programs, checking for viruses, and so on. But the risk of getting a “brick” after a forced update still remains!

It's worth remembering that there are a few things you need to take care of before starting the installation. Surely you are well aware of them, but, as they say, “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

First, you need to do Backup. After installing the update, there will be nothing on your device except the operating system and programs installed by default. Therefore, SMS, applications, games and everything that you downloaded will have to be done on your own. Good, special programs There are a lot of people who can help you do this.

Secondly, if you decide to install custom firmware, of which there are now an incredible number, you will have to take care of Root rights. Just like with Backup, you will need special software.

Thirdly, before you start manipulating the system, make sure that the battery is fully charged and that you have a USB cable (preferably the original one) at hand.

Before moving directly to the Android update process, it must be said that there are not many options for doing this, only two: “over the air” (that is, via the Internet) and through a computer.

Option number 1. “By air”

As mentioned above, there can be two situations here. Either the update arrived automatically, or it needs to be checked and installed forcibly.

If the update came automatically, then there are no problems at all. You will see a notification that a new one is available Android version 5.0 Lollipop. Typically, the same notification will suggest “Update now” or “Delay update.” You know what to choose!

In case your Android update did not arrive automatically, you can check its availability manually. To do this, open the “Settings” menu, go to the “About device” submenu, then go to the “Updates” section. In the window that opens, tap on the “Check for updates” button. If the update is “found”, install it.

It happens that this method does not work. Then you can go another way. To do this, you must first erase data from Google apps Services Framework. And you can find this application at “Settings” - “Applications”. After the data is erased, restart your phone and check again for updates.

Before moving on to the next method of updating the OS, I would like to note that the options described above will install on your device official firmware. Therefore, you don’t need to think about any other nuances. But it’s better to do Backup anyway!

Option number 2. Through a computer

This method will be of interest to those who want to install custom firmware, as well as to all owners for whom Android 5.0 Lollipop was not originally intended.

I would like to immediately note that for everyone specific device, whether it’s a smartphone or a tablet, the process of installing an OS via a computer is individual. Before you start installing the update, study the algorithm in detail in theory. Read forums, reviews, ask questions. Firmware assembly is individual for each device separately. Install only the one that is suitable for yours.

In essence, the update process via a PC comes down to the fact that you need to download the firmware to your computer and use a certain bootloader program to install it on the device. For many gadgets on the Internet there are detailed instructions on installation, and even video materials with visual reviews. Especially for popular models of the tablet and smartphone world.

The update method will depend on the specific device

We will focus on the main actions that will have to be performed, based on the fact that you have already downloaded the firmware, root, bootloader and backup programs, unpacked everything, installed it and are ready to start.

  1. Switch the device to firmware mode (see the instructions for your device).
  2. Connect to computer.
  3. Launch bootloader and load the firmware into it.
  4. , start the installation process and wait a bit.
  5. After completion, the device will reboot and turn on with new version Android.

This is the structure of the process. In fact, for some manufacturers' devices, this process can be much more tricky. But it’s certainly possible to figure it out!

Google Company began distributing Android 5 Lollipop to owners Nexus devices. In the near future, the update will be available for downloading over the air on Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi and Nexus 10. If you want to install it already, then read the instructions on your smartphone. Installing Android 5.0 will entail deleting all user information from the device. Need to do backup copy, transfer photos, documents, etc. to your computer. Charge the device at least 30% and connect it to the computer. To update you need software ADB and Fastboot, which is located in the platform-tools/ folder Android package SDK, as well as the firmware itself for a compatible device.

How to download Android 5.0 Lollipop update and firmware

How to install Android 5.0 Lollipop

Installing Android 5.0

  1. Open the folder with ours for nexus, for Nexus 7 it’s called razor.
  2. Copy the contents of the folder and paste the files into the folder \Android-L\adt-bundle\sdk\platform-tools
  3. Launch the command prompt Win+R, type Cmd and press Enter.
  4. Run the command adb reboot bootloader in the folder with the firmware.
  5. Or open the folder with the firmware file and run the flash-all script. This script will install a new bootloader and firmware.
  6. Wait until the end Android installations 5.0 Lollipop.

Android OS appeared relatively recently, and we all remember how raw and inconvenient it was. The developers are not sitting idle! Today, many users have an excellent opportunity to download Android 5.0 firmware for various smartphones and tablets for free, and then quickly update their device.

Differences between starting and latest version OSes are, of course, huge. For a long time, Google did not pay attention to external kind of Android, with tacit consent allowing manufacturers to create appearance applications.

Main functions

Material Design

Absence standard interface created a number of additional problems. Experts at Google decided to make profound changes to the Android interface that are simply necessary. Thanks to this, the idea of ​​Material Design came to life, unifying all Google services and products.

Lock screen and application menu

Now, in order to view notifications or turn off data transfer, you do not need to unlock your smartphone, as was the case in more recent times. earlier versions. In Android 5.0, the lock screen is designed in such a way that the user has easy access to notifications, even to the point where you can write a reply while in lock mode, making the device much easier to use.

The updated menu makes it easy to work with applications, both system and user-installed, which are located in one place. Application icons are displayed on a light background, so navigating the menu has become much easier.

Changing users

Special attention should be paid to such an option as a user manager. The function is very relevant for family tablets that are used by all family members. A separate one can be created for each user Account. By switching between accounts, using one gadget becomes more convenient for a group of people.

Alert panel

The notification panel has undergone global changes; now, when it drops out, it does not cover the main screen, because it is made translucent. In conditions of multitasking use of a smartphone, this feature will be an additional plus for ease of use.


After the installation is completed, you will see that the improvements in the settings menu are not so global; you will not find any special differences: all the same icons, all the same functions. The exception is the additional function “Contactless payment” - a section intended for mobile payments.

Extra options

Smartphone, calendar and clock

Voice calls are set to shortcuts by default. Contact lists, as well as call logs, can be found if you scroll to the right. The change to the calendar is the addition of an option to display the schedule. You will see the calendar and all events in one feed.

The application standardly contains local and world time, a timer, an alarm clock, and a stopwatch. Here you can set the time display to turn off on the display at night, saving a little battery, the setting is called “night mode”.

Contacts, photos and keyboard

The address book is a list of contacts arranged in alphabetical order. The “Favorites” tab allows you to create an additional short list of the numbers that are most important to you.

Lollipop's snapshot storage concept is inextricably linked to Google+; Photos can be saved to Google cloud storage. The program will edit pictures automatically; it is possible to create interactive and animated albums consisting of a series of photographs. But everything about the keyboard has changed: the interface as a whole, the design of the buttons, animation when pressing keys, vibration response.

Google Fit

In the updated OS, you will find a pedometer from Google - Google Fit. The program will count steps, show average speed, display the number of kilocalories burned, but will also allow you to systematize and save training results and various health information.

The long-awaited Lollipop turned out to be not as accessible as the previous version of the android. Even now, a year after its official announcement, it is quite problematic to find a mid-price smartphone with Android 5.0 installed. Of course, top gadgets from Samsung, HTC, Sony and Nexuses immediately get an “A” right out of the assembly line. So what is interesting about this Lollipop in terms of updating? The most important innovation was multiple user support. Yes, what we took for granted in Windows, Android received only in the fifth version! Nowadays, more and more corporate users use one smartphone or tablet to work with several employees. And this innovation came in handy.
Next significant changes touched upon the design of the operating system as a whole. Changed interface, which, according to Google developers, has become simpler, clearer and more convenient. In practical terms, this loud statement is not very noticeable. In a few words, the interface has become different, and that’s all. Most the five differs from the four in the logic of its operation, something that the end user does not see. And the results of these changes are noticed, for example, in an increase in duration battery life gadget, or speeding up applications.
Let's take a look at the subversions that have already appeared.
Android 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 editions have the opportunity to be released only due to correction of critical errors. So it’s not worth chasing the firmware of these particular versions. You can completely flash the base assembly and get all the advantages (and disadvantages;)) of the new OS.
As usual, We recommend that you install the official Android 5.0 firmware in Russian or custom builds based on basic versions. Alternative developments tend to have a lot of glitches, so there is a chance that after flashing your phone or tablet you will end up with more problems than benefits.

Full video review of Android OS 5.0 Lollipop

Latest 20 added Android 5.0 Lollipop firmware

Google recently released stock images of Android 5.0 Lollipop for Nexus models. If you are the owner of a Google Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 Wi-Fi, Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi or Nexus 10 and you want to get acquainted with the new version of the operating system, then we have prepared instructions especially for you, which describe in detail the process of installing the factory firmware image. Remember that everything you do is done at your own peril and risk! The author of the guide is not responsible for your actions! By the way, we suggest you look at our review of Android 5.0 Lollipop using the example of LG Nexus 5, and then evaluate its main charms from your own experience.

Preparing for firmware

1. To start the firmware, you need to download additional software from here.

2. Run the downloaded installation file as administrator

3. The installer window will appear in front of you, enter on your keyboard Latin letter Y and press Enter. Repeat this procedure 2 times.

4. At the third stage of installation, the program will ask you to install drivers for the firmware; in the dialog box that appears, click “Next”, then “Install”

5. Installation of additional software is completed.

Of course, we need to download the firmware image for your device: from here for Nexus 4, from here for Nexus 5, from here for Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi version), from here for Nexus 7 2013 (Wi-Fi version) and from here for Nexus 10.

1. Download the firmware image and unpack it to any place convenient for you. The unpacked archive looks like this. zip files no need to unpack:

You can proceed directly to the installation.

Installing Android 5.0 Lollipop

1. The firmware process is performed in the Command Windows line To launch it, press the Win+R key combination, type cmd in the input window and press “Open”/Enter key.

2. B command line dial:

and press Enter.

3. Put your device into bootloader/fastboot mode by simultaneously pressing the following buttons: Volume down + Power button (Volume down + Power) and connect it to the computer. The bootloader looks like this:

4. At the command prompt, run (type and press Enter):

fastboot devices

If your smartphone appears in the list, it means you did everything right.

5. Unlocking the bootloader

If your bootloader was not unlocked before, or you blocked it back, then you need to unlock it to flash the firmware.

Run the command:

fastboot oem unlock (fastboot oem lock for blocking)

A message warning about bootloader unlocking will appear on the screen of your device; use the volume buttons to select Yes and confirm the selection with the Power button.

6. After erasing the “erasing” inscription, run the flash-all.bat file from the folder where the firmware image was unpacked.

7. The process of flashing your device will begin.

8. Wait for the firmware process to complete.

9. The smartphone/tablet will reboot into standard mode, and then you will see the Android 5.0 Lollipop loading animation. It may take about 5 minutes to download and then you will see the initial setup screen.

10. Installation complete!

Alternative method firmware for those who get errors when trying to run it via .bat. Do everything up to point 5 inclusive, and instead of point 6, unpack the contents of directly into the C:\Nexus folder. Next, enter the following commands in cmd:

fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img

fastboot reboot-bootloader

fastboot flash radio radio.img

fastboot reboot-bootloader

fastboot flash system system.img

fastboot flash userdata userdata.img

fastboot flash boot boot.img

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

fastboot erase cache

After that, use the volume keys to go to the Recovery menu, wait for the robot to appear on the screen and hold down the Volume Up and Power keys (volume up and power). Select "wipe data/factory data reset", and then Reboot.

Based on materials from xda-developers,
