How to restore voice search on your computer. How to install Google voice search on your computer. way. Installation using the Play Store emulator

How to enable voice search

How to start voice search

How to change the settings for the "Ok Google" command

Launching the "Hey Google" feature

  • Access via Voice Match And On any screen
    If the screen is unlocked or your phone is charging, you can activate Assistant on any screen. Please note that this feature may interfere with other voice-controlled applications.
  • Driving a car
    Use the "Ok Google" command when you have open Google Maps or running Android Auto.
  • Always on
    Use the "Hey Google" command regardless of whether the screen is on.

Lock screen settings

  • Unlocking with Voice Match
    This feature allows you to issue commands and open websites using the "Ok Google" command. You won't need to unlock your device if it recognizes your voice.
  • Personal results
    Personalized search results will be shown even if the device is locked.

Sample voice with the command "Ok Google"

  • Re-record voice sample
    Try creating a new sample if Google can't recognize your voice. If you don't have this feature, make sure the Access with Voice Match, Any Screen, and Always On settings are enabled.
  • Delete voice sample
    You can delete a voice sample recorded on your device.

How to remove voice samples with the "Ok Google" command

When you set up Voice Match in Assistant settings, voice samples are saved in your Google account. If you wish, you can remove them from there.

How to use voice commands

How Google remembers your favorite apps

If you don't name the app (for example, just say "Scan Receipt"), you'll be asked to select an app from a list. After you repeat this a few times, Google will remember which app you're using and will open it right away.

If you want a clarifying question to appear every time:

The application will not launch automatically, but will appear in search results first (this may take a few minutes).

Where can you use voice search?

Feature supported on English language in Australia, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, USA and South Africa.

“Okay, Google! Why doesn't “Ok Google” work for me? Voice search from Good Corporation is one of the most impressive and useful features operating system Android. First of all, it’s cool - you take out your phone and tell it what to search on the Internet. Secondly, search results are always personalized and highly relevant. And finally, voice responses allow you to receive information without picking up your smartphone or looking at its screen.

But there is one small but quite serious problem. “Okay, Google!” Doesn't work on every device. But this does not mean that you will have to suffer and type search queries on one's own!

Why doesn't "Ok Google" work?

  1. The first problem is the lack of a suitable application. And ideally, even two applications, a search and a launcher from the Good Corporation.
  2. Secondly, the problem may be that the smartphone or tablet is too old and has an unsupported version of Android installed on it.

Both of these problems can be solved. The main thing is that the device works under Android control 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or later.

How to install “Hey Google!”

The first and most important thing is that anyone who wants to get a voice search, activated by the command “Okay, Google!” - special Google Search application, latest version. Therefore, if it is not yet installed on your smartphone or tablet, it’s time to go to the Play Store. And if it is installed, but of an old version, then it’s also time to go to the Android application store, but in order to update this application.

After installing and quite simply setting up this application - just agree to all the points on the start screen - voice search will already be available. However, it will work strangely.

You will need to open Google Search, look at the hint cards, and say “Okay, Google!” This is quite stupid, and therefore you need to install another useful application for the household - Google Start.

After Google installations Search You can add search widgets to your desktop. On some Android versions(more precisely, assemblies like Cyanogenmod) this is already enough to add the ability to activate voice search from the desktop.

In addition, the Google Search application is the very assistant Google Now, widely advertised. Only, again, it needs to be turned on. Find out how to activate and configure Google Now in one of the following articles.

“Okay, Google!” from desktop

In order to be able to launch Google voice search from your desktop - you activate the display, unlock your smartphone and start talking to it - you will need to install another useful application for your household: the Google Start launcher.

Search engine Google system is very deeply integrated into this launcher. This allows, for example, to open Google Now by swiping from the first screen and launch voice search from any screen on which the search bar is visible.

By installing Google Start, you can launch voice search with the command “OK, Google!” from any desktop, without opening additional applications or clicking on widgets.

How to set up “Ok Google”

However, some models of smartphones and tablets allow you to launch voice search with the command “Okay, Google!” and from any screen - from third party applications, For example. Moreover, a number of devices are capable of being activated by this command even if the display is turned off and/or locked!

Setting up “Ok Google” is done in the “ Google Settings", which is installed automatically along with Search or Play Store om latest versions.

(In fact, Google Settings is part of those Google Services, which it is unclear what they are needed for and take up 70 MB of memory on a smartphone!)

In the “Google Settings” application, you need to open the “Search and Suggestions” item, in it – “Voice Search”, there – “OK Google” recognition.

If you enable the “From Google apps”, then the command “Okay, Google!” will be recognized in the search application itself and on the desktop (if Google Start is installed).

If you enable the “From all applications” item, the corresponding command will be recognized from any screen, including locked and turned off (only while charging). Some devices do not support this method of activating voice search. Some offer more options: for example, Moto X recognizes the command when the display is off while running on battery power.

In order for the "From All Apps" mode to work, you will need to record a voice sample. This can be done in the same settings item.

After installing all the applications and setting them up, “Hey Google!” will finally work, and you can productively and effectively search for the necessary information.

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If you have already assessed the performance of the voice Google search, on your smartphone, then I can make you happy. This function can be enabled on a computer or laptop. If you don’t have a separate microphone on your computer, I recommend purchasing it, but for our purposes, the built-in microphone in a webcam or headset is also suitable. The laptop has a built-in microphone. In order to install Ok Google voice search on your computer, you do not need to download any special software. It will be enough to install Google browser Chrome. You can download the browser on the official website:

By default, browser developers disabled the voice search function back in 2015, since according to statistics, few people used this function on desktop PCs and laptops. Nowadays, many of you must have appreciated the voice search feature and want to use it on your PC. At the same time, as practice shows, for many smartphone users, using the OK Google function has become a habit. Therefore, let’s proceed to enable the function: OK Google voice search on your computer.

If you have old version browser Google Chrome, then you can enable the voice search function in the settings.

After you activate the function, you can check how voice search works in action.

Note! As I said above, this function is only available on older versions of the browser. If you have it enabled automatic update(Google Update service), then most likely your browser version is up to date.

To check the version of the Google Chrome browser. You must click on the “Menu” button and select “About Google Chrome browser” in the drop-down list in the “Help” item.

Let's turn on Google voice search on your computer using the extension.

If your computer has the most current version Google Chrome browser, you won’t be able to enable voice search using the menu. This function is not available in latest versions browser. But don’t be upset, enthusiasts have developed analogues of voice search. To enable this function You and I will need a special extension.

Let's start installing it.

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser;
  2. Click on the button that opens the “Menu” and go to “Settings”;
  3. In the window that opens, go to the “Extensions” item;
  4. In the tab that opens, click on the link “Go to the Chrome Online Store”;
  5. An online store will open;
  6. Enter “Voice search” into the search;
  7. A list of found extensions will appear, click the “Install” button;
  8. After installing the extension, a “Microphone” icon will appear next to the search bar. When you click on it, you will be asked to say a question.


In today's short article, we learned how to install Google voice search on your computer. Hope, this instruction helped you solve your problem and now you can easily use voice search functions on your computer or laptop. If you have any problems during installation, ask questions in the comments.

Okay Google, the voice assistant that can be found in all the latest versions of Android has reached computers. If you are used to searching for the information you need using voice queries, now you can do it in Chrome browser. Let's figure out how to enable Okay Google and what you can do with it.

Download the browser from the official website and install it if you have never used Google products before.

After downloading, you need to configure Chrome to enable OK Google:

Below you will see where you can use this option ( Go to the search engine page and try using the assistant - it supports Russian. Don't forget to connect the microphone to your computer first and set it up if you don't have a built-in audio recording device.

Using the assistant

To use OK Google, the following conditions must be met:

  • You enabled this feature in Chrome settings.
  • A microphone is connected to the computer, which is configured as the default audio recording device.
  • You have access to the Internet.

If all three conditions are met, then you can go to Say “OK Google” or tap the microphone icon to activate voice search. When the word “Speak” appears on the screen and the red microphone appears, say your request. The system will process the received data and give you an answer to your request in the form of a regular Google search result.

Google's voice assistant, despite its intelligence, is not yet able to understand all requests, so the set of available commands is limited. You can experiment with questions search engine, but most likely she will only respond to requests of this kind (information taken from Google support):

The number of queries that OK Google understands is constantly growing, so feel free to experiment with it voice assistant, using different languages ​​and asking difficult questions.

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