How to return Google voice search. Using the OK Google voice assistant on your computer. Setting up “OK Google” on a computer and laptop

“Okay, Google” is an application that blew up the Internet with its appearance. It is accessible from almost any device and helps people control various functions using just their voice. All this boring and silent typing on the keyboard and meticulous manual control of the functionality of a PC or Android can be left far in the past, if only you have the opportunity to constantly access a sufficiently high-speed Internet.

What features does “OK Google” have?

The whole point is that you can make any request to your device at any time, and it will be fulfilled in the blink of an eye. And this means that this application will help you:

  • Search for the necessary information on the Internet;
  • Use GPS navigation;
  • Set an alarm;
  • Leave reminders;
  • Write SMS and call;
  • Send emails to E-mail;
  • Recognize the names of musical compositions;
  • Automatically translate the text you need into any language in the world;
  • And much more.

And if one moonlit evening you feel a little lonely, “Okay, Google” can pass for a completely tolerable interlocutor. Thus, this application will greatly simplify your life.

What you need to do to take advantage of all these benefits technical progress? Carry out a simple procedure for setting up the application. Today, “Okay, Google” can be installed on a smartphone, iPad, iPhone, laptop, or your home computer.

Okay Google for computer

A browser is required to configure this feature " Google Chrome" Unfortunately, no other browser supports this feature yet. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser window and click on the Settings icon located in the top corner of the screen.
  1. Find the “Search” menu and check the box next to the “Enable voice search at the command “OK, Google.”

Setting up ok Google on Android

  1. Open Google and, starting from the “Settings” menu, go to the path: “Voice search” -> “OK Google” recognition.
  2. Move the checkbox to the right side on the “From Google App” command.

On some devices, the voice recognition command can be enabled from any screen.

  1. Check the "From all applications" or "Always on" checkbox.
  2. Follow the prompts below and let the app remember your voice. If you can't enable it, it may not be available in your language.

Ok Google on iPad or iPhone

Default this command Not available on apple products. You can use it by first installing the Google program on your device and enabling access to the microphone. Next, proceed exactly as when installing the application on Android.

Owners of mobile devices have long known about such a function as voice search, but it appeared on computers not so long ago and was only recently brought to fruition. Google Company has built voice search into its browser, which now allows you to control it with voice commands. We will tell you how to enable and configure this tool in your web browser in this article.

First of all, it should be noted that the tool only works in Chrome, since it was developed specifically for it by Google. Previously, it was necessary to install the extension and enable search through the settings, but in latest versions browser everything has changed. The whole process is carried out in just a few steps:

Step 1: Update your browser to the latest version

If you are using old version web browser, the search function may not work correctly and may occasionally crash because it has been completely redesigned. Therefore, you must immediately check for updates and, if necessary, install them:

Step 2: Enable Microphone Access

For security purposes, the browser blocks access to certain devices, such as the camera or microphone. It may happen that the restriction will also affect the page with voice search. In this case, you will see a special notification when you try to execute a voice command, where you will need to move the dot to "Always share my microphone".

Step 3: Final voice search settings

The second step could be completed, since the function voice commands now works properly and will always be on, but in some cases it is necessary to additional settings certain parameters. To perform this you will need to go to a special page for editing settings.

Here, users can enable safe search; this will almost completely eliminate inappropriate and adult content. In addition, there is setting restrictions on links on one page and setting up voice search.

pay attention to language options. The selection of voice commands and the overall display of results also depend on its choice.

Without a doubt, the ability to issue voice commands to control our smartphone or tablet or search for the necessary information is a very convenient thing that can help us in a variety of situations.

All the more unpleasant is the fact when one day we discover that voice commands and Okay Google search do not work on our device. Today we would like to introduce you to several ways to fix this.

So let's get started:

How to fix voice search and commands not working OK Google

1. Try the easiest method first: restart your smartphone or tablet. In this case, it is advisable to turn it off completely and then turn it on. In many cases, this helps fix some of these types of problems.

2. Uninstall Google app updates and install the latest version again. To do this, go to the “Applications” section of the main system settings, find the Google application here and uninstall its updates.

Reboot your device, go to Play Store, find the Google app in the My Apps section and update it to the latest version.

To do this, go to the Google application settings -> “Settings” -> “Voice search”

Here, first of all, you need to make sure that you have downloaded a voice package that corresponds to the language installed on your system by default (the “Languages” item). To do this, go to the “Offline speech recognition” section and if the voice pack for your language is not here, download it.

4. If all of the above did not help you, go to the settings section of the Google application with the name “OK Google Recognition” and make sure that the mode for recognizing voice commands on any screen is enabled here:

5. If this does not help, re-record your voice sample by entering the corresponding menu item Google settings(screenshot above right).

6. Disable S Voice on your smartphone or Samsung tablet. If you want to use Okay Google voice commands on your Samsung smartphone or tablet, disable the proprietary S Voice control system on it, which may conflict with Google voice search.

7. Check the microphone of your smartphone or tablet. This advice is more suitable for tablet owners who may not be aware of problems with the microphone or the microphone of their device not working at all: smartphone owners will be informed about this by their subscribers during the first phone call.

You can use the OK Google voice command to search the Internet and control other Android features devices. But, , this function only works in the app Google Now. In order for this voice command to work in any application, you need to make some changes to the settings. Now you will learn how to enable Ok Google on Android.

To enable the OK Google voice control feature, open the Google Now application. In most cases, this application is opened using a swipe from the on-screen home button. On Samsung smartphones To open Google Now you need to press the mechanical button “ Home", and then click on Google button at the bottom of the screen.

After opening the Google Now application, you need to click on the button that opens the side menu. It is located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Next you need to go to settings Google programs Now. To do this, click on the item “ Settings» in the side menu. Please note that in the menu there is an item “ Settings" and the item " Tune" It is important not to confuse them.

In the settings window, you need to go to the “ Voice search", and then to the subsection " Recognition Okay Google».

After repeating the OK Google command three times, a message indicating that the setup is complete will appear on the screen. Now you can use voice control from any application.

What to do if nothing works? If this instruction did not work for you, then you may need to update the application responsible for the OK Google voice control function. To do this, go to the application store Google Play and find there an application called " Google" (yes, this application is simply called Google) and update it by clicking on the button " Update».

What can you use OK Google voice control for? Voice control allows you to perform many typical tasks mobile device hands-free actions. For example, using voice commands you can create a reminder, find an event in the calendar, open an application, call, write a message, get directions, and of course you can search the Internet.

Rapid progress modern technologies allows you to add more and more possibilities to their use. One of these opportunities is voice search by Yandex and Google. Voice search is most popular among smartphone owners because voice dialing it's much simpler there. But it is possible to install it on a computer.

Voice search Yandex and Google

More and more people are starting to use voice search. This technology allows you to create search query without the need for a keyboard. Moreover, its convenience lies in the fact that it is absolutely not necessary to install any applications. All you need is a simple smartphone and Internet access. The search engines themselves - Yandex and Google - already have a built-in function that allows them to recognize human speech. Therefore, by opening one of these search engines in your browser, you can already experience all the convenience of modern technologies.

Each search engine has its own voice assistant, through which a voice query is entered. For example, in Yandex its role is played by a standard module for ordinary voice search "Yandex.Stroke". The voice assistant is also worth mentioning "Alice". Initially, information about the appearance of this technology for the Yandex search engine was made public in May 2017. On October 10 of the same year, the official launch of “Alice” took place as voice assistant for the search engine from Yandex. But the second option is more of an intellectual assistant, for easy to use Yandex.Stroke is also perfect for voice search.

For the main competitor of the Russian search engine - Google - such technology is Google Now. With this same “guy” everything is a little more confusing and complicated. The fact is that at the time this technology appeared, it was a complete innovation for a wide range of users. The official date for integrating Google Now into the browser's search engine was May 15, 2013. However, the first news of this development appeared back in 2011.

The advantage of voice search over the usual typing of a query is the speed of typing, the ability not to be distracted from doing various things, and also to do it with dirty hands... As “Alice” says: “Joke.” In fact, this innovation turned the usual perception of search engines upside down and significantly expanded the horizon of their capabilities. The voice assistants of the two largest search engines in the Russian Internet space recognize different voice timbres, its volume, clarity and diction. This allows you to convert speech into the correct version of the voice query and quickly return the necessary search results.

How to enable and configure Yandex voice search

On the computer

Click on the icon and if this is your first time, Yandex will ask you for permission to access the microphone. You must click “Allow”.

Subsequently, when you click on it, a pop-up window appears that asks you to say a word or phrase, which will become a search query.

In this case, it is convenient that this opportunity has already been built into the search bar on the Yandex page. In addition, the use of technology does not imply binding to the Yandex Browser - it can also be used by accessing the Yandex page from any other browser. In this case, look minimal settings you can do it right on the page. To do this, click on the secure connection icon on the right side of the address bar and select the microphone use mode.

Typically it is enabled by default. Otherwise, it will need to be turned on with a simple click in the appropriate field. When you open the settings, you will see a column in which you will be asked to select a microphone for recording voice message and some permissions for its use.

As such, there are no difficulties with setting up the use of a microphone in Yandex. The listed settings are relevant for both personal computers, and for laptops.

On the phone

The situation is a little different when using this function on a smartphone. Everything is much simpler here. So let's go to home page Yandex and in the search bar click on the microphone icon.

A window also pops up informing you that you can speak.

For site access settings search engine to phone recording devices, click on the secure connection icon. Here you can deny access, always allow, or allow only upon request.

How to enable and configure Google voice search

A similar situation awaits us when using voice search on Google - a division between computers with laptops and phones.

On a computer or laptop

The same as in the first case - when using voice search in Google from a computer, on the right side search string you can find a microphone icon, which, however, will be slightly different - Google has it in different colors.

After that, you can say what you want to find.

If you want to block Google from accessing the microphone on your laptop or computer, click on the secure connection icon and set the necessary settings.

Today, Google also has a built-in function (although, rather, on the contrary - Yandex “also has”, because Google was the first in this matter), which does not require installing the application. In this case, just go to this search engine from any browser.
