Download and install ADB, drivers and Fastboot. Download and install ADB, drivers and Fastboot Universal adb driver for Windows 7

ADB utilities and Fastboot are included in the Android SDK development kit (do not confuse it with Android Studio, much less download its cumbersome installation file, unless, of course, you are going to develop for Android). ADB is a debugging tool that allows you to access the Android console from a computer (by connecting the gadget to a PC via USB. At the same time there should be . Fastboot is designed to work with the device when it is loaded in the mode of the same name (if your device has one).

At ADB help you can control your smartphone/tablet from your computer: make a backup of applications, record a screencast, put your smartphone in Recovery mode and much more. In addition, you can work with ADB via Wi-Fi. To do this, your device must have root rights, and you will also need a special application that connects to your computer over the network. For example, ADB Wireless or WiFi ADB. But this is material for a separate article.

Using Fastboot, you can, custom Recovery (or), unlock Bootloader (on HTC, Motorola, Sony, Nexus, Huawei, the latest LG devices it is blocked), clean system partitions.

How to install ADB and Fastboot: instructions

1. Go to the official website where you can download the Android SDK: Scroll down to the “Command line tools only” section and select the archive for Windows.

2. Check the “I have read and agree with the above terms and conditions” checkbox and click the “Download Android Command Line” button Tools for Windows". The archive will begin downloading.

3. Download it and unzip it to the root of Drive “C:”.

4. You also need to download the Java Development Kit from the official page. Go to the website, agree to the terms of the license agreement by checking the “Accept License Agreement” box, and download the JDK version that matches the bit size of your system.

First way

Go back to the Android SDK folder, open “tools” and run “android”.

Check "Android SDK Platform-tools" (and also "Google USB driver" if you have a Nexus device) and click "Install Packages".

Read below about installing drivers for other devices.

Select "Accept License" and click "Install".

My log showed that there was an error. But in the end everything ended successfully.

After completing the above steps, in the “sdk-tools-windows-” folder version“platform-tools” will appear, and it will contain the “ADB” and “Fastboot” that we are interested in.

Second way

Go to the folder "sdk-tools-windows- version» → “tools” → “bin” and, holding down the “Shift” key, right-click on an empty area. Select "Open a command window" or "Open a PowerShell window here" if you have one of the latest builds of Windows 10 installed on your PC or laptop.

Paste the command into PowerShell or command line(in PowerShell add ./ at the beginning):

Click "Enter" to execute the command. The files will download and you will be asked to install:

To enable, type y, that is, “yes”, and press “Enter”, after which the installation of “platform-tools” will begin.

At the end, a message will be displayed on the command line that the procedure completed successfully. And the “platform-tools” folder with ADB and Fastboot inside will appear in “sdk-tools-windows- version».

(!) If for some reason you cannot install ADB and Fastboot using the previous methods, use the third option - simply download the “platform-tools” archive and unzip it to the “C:” drive.

Installing ADB and Fastboot drivers for Windows

For a computer, smartphone or tablet, you need to download the USB driver:

  • Samsung - the driver is included in the Kies utility: or you can download it separately by selecting the desired model: support/downloads
  • HTC – as part of HTC Sync Manager:
  • Nexus - Android driver is installed along with the Android SDK, as described above.
  • Huawei - together with the HiSuite utility:
  • LG – install LG PC Suite:
  • Motorola - see this page:
  • Sony Xperia - FastBoot drivers for all models are here:
  • Xiaomi – Mi PC Suite:
  • MTK – for Chinese devices on MediaTek chips:
  • Lenovo – select your smartphone or tablet model and download the ADB driver:
  • Look for solutions for devices from other manufacturers on their official websites.

There are various universal ADB driver installers (for example, this one: - they can also be used, for example, when for some reason it was not possible to install the official solution.

If your model comes with a driver without an installer, you will have to do the following:

1. Go to “Control Panel” → “Device Manager”. In Windows 10, just right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager.

2. Find in the list the device for which you need to install drivers. Right-click and click Update Drivers.

As you can see, the computer correctly recognizes my Nexus 7 tablet. If your PC detects the smartphone incorrectly or there is a yellow triangle next to the device with exclamation point inside, manual installation Android drivers is required for you.

3. Select “Browse this computer for driver software.”

4. Specify the path to the driver folder on your PC.

Wait until the installation is complete and then reconnect the gadget to your computer via USB.

How to get started with Fastboot and ADB

Working with ADB or Fastboot is done from the command line; the utilities are launched in two ways:

1: Right-click on “Start” and select “Command Prompt (Admin)” or “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”. Next, using the commands, specify the path to the folder with ADB and Fastboot (after entering each, press “Enter”).

To return to the root of the "C:\" drive, use:

Thanks to this command we open the desired folder:

In my case it turned out like this:

cd\tools_ version-windows\platform-tools

You will get (Google developers changed the name of the archive after writing the original version of this instruction):

cd\sdk-tools-windows- version\platform-tools

The path to Fastboot and ADB is indicated, now we work with them from the console.

To avoid having to do this every time, add the path to "platform-tools" to the "Path" variable. First, go to the folder, in the navigation bar, right-click on “platform-tools” and select “Copy Address”.

Go to "Control Panel". To do this, press “Win” + “R” and in the “Open:” field, paste control . Click OK.

Select System → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables...

Find the "Path" variable, highlight it and select "Edit...".

Click New, paste the path to the "platform-tools" folder and click OK.

ADB (Android Debug Bridge Utility) is a command line included in the Android SDK. ADB allows you to control your device via USB, copy files, install and uninstall applications and much more. ADB allows you to use some Android tricks.

Step 1: Android installation SDK

Go to the Android SDK download page and scroll down to “SDK Tools Only”. Download the ZIP file for your OS and extract the archive.

Run exe file SDK Manager and uncheck all items except “Android SDK Platform-tools”. If you are using a Nexus smartphone, you can also check the “Google USB Driver” checkbox to download the drivers. Click on the install button. Components will be downloaded and installed, including ADB and other utilities.

When the installation is complete, you can close the SDK manager.

Attention! IN this moment installation proceeds as follows:
Go to the Android Studio download page, scroll down to the “Get just the command line tools” section and download the archive for the appropriate OS version (in our case, it’s Windows).

Unzip the downloaded archive, for example, to the root of drive C.

Interaction with SDK Manager is carried out through the command line. You can recognize all the commands, but we will focus on the main ones. To launch SDK Manager, go to the folder where you unpacked the contents of the archive > tools > bin and hold down the Shift key, right-click on an empty area and select “Open command window” if you are using a version other than Windows 10. Or run the command line and specify the working directory. In my case it's:

Cd C:\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\tools\bin

Enter the command sdkmanager and press Enter to see all available options. But we are interested in the following command:

Sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-26"

This command will install platform tools (including adb and fastboot) and SDK tools for API 26, which corresponds to Android version 8.x. Full list Android versions and its corresponding API are described below:

  • Android 1.0 - API 1
  • Android 1.1 - API 2
  • Android 1.5 - API 3
  • Android 1.6 - API 4
  • Android 2.0 / 2.1 - API 5, 6, 7
  • Android 2.2 - API 8
  • Android 2.3 - API 9, 10
  • Android 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2 - API 11, 12, 13
  • Android 4.0 - API 14, 15
  • Android 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 - API 16, 17, 18
  • Android 4.4 - API 19.20
  • Android 5.0 / 5.1 - API 21, 22
  • Android 6.0 - API 23
  • Android 7.0 / 7.1 - API 24, 25
  • Android 8.0/8.1 - API 26

Because I have a device with Android 7.0, then my command will look like this:

Sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-24"

You can also do this step through a graphical Android interface Studio. To do this, go to the download page, download, install and launch Android Studio.

Click "Configure" and "SDK Manager".

Make sure there is a checkmark next to “Android SDK Platform-tools” and “Google USB Drive” if you are using a Nexus device. Click "OK" to close SDK Manager and also close Android Studio.

Step 2: Enable USB Debugging

Go to your phone settings and select "About phone". Scroll down to Build Number and click on this item 7 times. A message should appear indicating that you are logged into developer mode.

Return to home page settings, you should have a new item “For Developers”. Enable “USB Debugging”. Enter a password or PIN if required.

Once you do this, connect your phone to your computer. You will see a window on your phone asking “Do you want to enable USB debugging?” Check the box next to “Always allow on this computer” and click OK.

Step3: Testing ADB and installing drivers for your smartphone

Open the folder where the SDK is installed and open the platform-tools folder there. Stored here ADB program. Hold down the Shift key and right-click inside the folder. Select "Open Command Window".

To check if ADB is working properly, connect Android device to your computer using a USB cable and run the following command:

adb devices

You should see the device listed. If the device is connected to the computer, but it does not appear in the list, then you need to install the ADB driver for your device. There should be corresponding files on the website of the manufacturer of your device. For example for Motorola devices They can be downloaded, for Samsung, for HTC drivers are included in the HTC Sync Manager program. You can also find necessary files on the XDA Developers website without additional programs.

You can also install Google USB Driver from the Extras folder in the SDK Manager window as we mentioned in the first step.

If you use Google USB driver, you will have to force Windows to use installed drivers for your device. Open Device Manager (right-click on the My Computer shortcut and select Properties - Device Manager), find your device in the list. Right-click on it and select Properties. Go to the Driver tab and click the Update button. Select "Browse this computer for driver software."

Find Google USB Driver in the Extras folder with the SDK installed, and select the google\usb_driver folder and click Next. Once the drivers are installed, try again adb command devices. If everything is done correctly and the drivers are suitable, you will see your device in the list. Congratulations, you were able to install the ADB driver.

Useful ADB commands

ADB offers some useful commands:

Adb install C:\package.apk

— Install the application on your phone, located at the path C:\package.apk on your computer;

Adb uninstall

— Remove the application named from the device. For example, the command com.rovio.angrybirds will remove the Angry Birds game;

Adb push C:\file /sdcard/file

— Places a file from the computer to the device. This command will send the file C:\file on the computer to the device along the path /sdcard/file<.

Adb pull /sdcard/file C:\file

- Works like the previous command, but in the opposite direction.

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a driver for smartphones and tablets that connects the device to a computer and makes it possible to control its operation via the command line.

How to install ADB driver?

On most devices with MediaTek processor ADB drivers are installed automatically. For this download the archive , unpack it to your computer and run the Install.bat file.

If after installing the drivers and connecting the switched off smartphone to the PC in Device Manager The yellow light next to the name is lit, do the following:

  1. We log into the computer from an account that has administrator rights.
  2. Press the key combination - Windows+R(the Windows button is located between the left Ctrl and Alt).
  3. In the window that opens we write mmc devmgmt.msc(or devmgmt.msc) to bring up the device manager.
  4. On the smartphone in the menu “ Settings/For Developers"turn on" USB Debugging«.
  5. We remove the battery from the smartphone and then return it back (without turning on the device). If the battery cannot be removed, simply turn off the smartphone.
  6. We connect the smartphone to the computer using a USB cable.
  7. Device Manager. If a device with a yellow triangle appears in the ““ section, then install it on the computer without disconnecting the smartphone.

If the device appears in the section com ports or in unknown devices with the title " MT65xx Preloader" or " MTK usb port" or " DA USB VCOM“, you need to do a manual installation.

Manual installation of ADB drivers

To install adb drivers for a smartphone manually, you will need a computer, a USB cable and a few minutes of time.

  1. Download and unpack the folder with ADB drivers .
  2. We follow steps 1-5, which are described above.
  3. Right-click on the new device that appears in Device Manager. In the menu that appears, select Update drivers.
  4. Go to the previously unpacked folder. In it we go to the subdirectory Win7 and let's start installation. For 32 -bit operating systems select a file usb2ser_Win7.inf, For 64 -bit usb2ser_Win764.inf.
  5. We follow the instructions.
  6. Drivers are installed!

On Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, drivers are installed with signature verification disabled.

Disabling Driver Signature Verification in Windows

Disabling signature verification on Windows 8:

  1. Win+I -> Change computer settings -> General -> Special boot options -> Restart now.
  2. When shutting down, click Diagnostics -> Advanced options -> Boot options -> Restart.
  3. After a menu appears, select “Disable mandatory driver signature verification.”

Disabling signature verification on Windows 8.1:

  1. Win+I -> Settings -> Change computer settings -> Update and recovery -> Recovery -> Restart now.
  2. When shutting down, click Diagnostics -> Advanced options -> Boot options -> Restart.
  3. After a menu appears, press F7 and wait for the computer to restart.
  4. Next, install the drivers according to the instructions.

Disabling signature verification on Windows 10:

  1. Press and hold the Windows and shift keys.
  2. Next Start -> Shut down -> Reboot
  3. Release the Windows and shift keys, and select “Diagnostics”
  4. On the next page, select “Advanced options”
  5. Next, go to “Download Options”
  6. Just click “Reboot” and wait for the system to boot before the next step.
  7. After the restart, we will be on the system boot option selection page. Press the F7 key.
  8. The computer will restart and disable driver signature verification.
  9. Next, install the drivers according to the instructions.

If you specify the path to the driver file for the device, but the device manager insists that everything is fine with the drivers and does not want to update them, and the device appears in the " Android Composite ABD Interface"with a yellow triangle icon, then you need to make an edit in the file android_winusb.inf, which is in the folder MTK_Android_USB_Driver from downloaded in " Point 1» archive. We need to write in it PID\VID, which we first recognize from our computer. Right-click on the device with the yellow triangle/ Properties/Device ID. There will be 2 lines. These are the lines we need to copy to the file with drivers. Then we re-specify the path to this driver.

android_winusb.inf— make changes in this file.

%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01&REV_0255
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01&REV_0255

VID\PID can change, set your own values.

Finding USB driver for your Android is almost a difficult task, if your smartphone or tablet manufacturer doesn’t provide a PC suite or if you don’t own a famous brand smartphone or tablet. To resolve this issue, today we are going to introduce an Universal ADB driver and installing it will let you to connect any of your Android device with computer successfully.

The Universal ADB driver given here is a windows based driver and it is compatible with almost all the Windows versions: Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. Also, it supports almost all the Android smartphone and manufacturers in the world (Example: Samsung, Xiaomi, HTC, Panasonic, LG, Micromax, Intex, Lava, Gionee, InFocus, etc.)

Universal ADB Driver Features:

1) Supports All Android Devices: The Universal ADB driver supports almost all android device s (including major brands like Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, Sony, etc.). Just download the driver, connect your Android smartphone and install the USB driver.

2) Automatic Brand Detection: This software detects the brand and chipset of your smartphone automatically and install the USB driver accordingly. Also, the Universal ADB driver comes in a quick installer format i.e., just by clicking the “.exe” file, you will be able to install the driver of your device.

3) Supports 32 bit and 64 bit Windows Versions: This software supports both 32 bit (x86) and 64 bit (x64) Windows OS versions. Also, you can use this software on all Windows versions including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

4) New Refresh Button: The new version of this software (Version 2 and Version 3) comes with a refresh button, which you can use to refresh the device list. This feature was not available in the initial version of this software.

– Latest Version

How To Install Universal ADB Driver:

1) Before beginning the installation of Universal ADB driver, make sure that you have connected your smartphone to the computer using the original USB data cable as the ADB driver installer won't detect your device, if you connect it after you begin the installation process .

2) To get started, download Universal ADB driver and extract its zip package to a folder in your computer. Now, you will find the “ universaladbdriver_v3.0.exe" file.

3) Now, click on it to launch the Universal ADB driver installer.

4) Once the installer is launched, it will automatically detect your smartphone or tablet since you have already connected your smartphone with the computer.

5) Now, you will be able to see your smartphone or tablet model number in the Installer’s device list. Also, you will see the message “ Driver incorrectly"under" Device status“, which indicates that you haven’t installed the ADB driver in your computer.

6) Next, click on “ Install” in the Universal ADB Driver installer to begin the installation process. Once you do that, you will get a Windows Security Prompt stating that they can’t verify the publisher of the driver. Just ignore it and click on “ Install this driver software anyway” to install ADB driver in your computer.

7) After the installation is successfully finished, you will be able to see a green progress bar in the Installer along with the message “ Installation Success“.

That's it. Now you have successfully installed ADB driver for your android device in your computer.

Points To Remember:

1) The Universal ADB driver supports almost all Android devices. So, if your smartphone manufacturer doesn’t offer a PC suite, then downloading and installing this will let you connect your smartphone with the computer.

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