Programs for resetting Windows 8 password. How to easily reset a forgotten password in any version of Windows. Overview of reset programs

The situation when the local system administrator password is lost occurs very often. You went on a business trip, and upon arrival you cannot remember your password. Or an employee who previously worked at the company suddenly quit, leaving his work computer locked.

There are actually a huge number of similar situations. How to get into your computer bypassing the password? standard means will not work. That's why it was installed. It turns out that resetting the Windows 8/8.1 password if you forgot is impossible? Not everything is lost. There are several ways to solve this problem. Let's look at them below.

Reset Windows 8/8.1 password using Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home

This is a program that allows you to reset the local administrator password in Windows 8. First you need to download it from the official website.

We choose the home version (there is no need for commercial versions, and besides, they are paid).

Using the installer, download the program to your computer and install it. After launch, the user is presented with a similar window.

Select the Disc Image and Clone option. In the menu section on the left, select the Build Bootable function. From the drop-down list, select the version of Windows we need with the appropriate bit depth.

Click the “next” button until a window like this appears.

Here you need to select " USB Flash" and click Next again. At this moment, all files from the flash drive will be deleted. At the end, click the "Finish" button. That's it, bootable flash drive ready. Now let's move directly to resetting the Windows 8 password. To do this, follow the procedure listed below:

1. Insert the flash card into the computer and reboot it.

2. At the moment of switching on, enter the BIOS menu and set the flash drive with the program as priority.

Attention! This instruction is suitable for those who have on their computer boot menu BIOS. If you already have UEFI, the procedure is slightly different.

3. In the command interface window that opens, select Lazersoft.

We wait until the program loads. In the window that appears, select the “Password Recovery” option (usually located in the lower right corner).

4. Click “Reset Windows Password” and agree to the warning that the program is prohibited for use for commercial purposes.

5. In the window that appears, select the version of the operating system we need, not forgetting to correlate it with the bit depth, and check the “Reset Local Password” function.

6. In the next window, select the account of the user we need.

7.The last program window opens. Press the "RESET/UNLOCK" button.

8. Reboot the computer. Ready. You can now log into your user account without a password.

Resetting your password using a system image

If possible to download third party programs no, but you have a disk or flash drive with an image of your or a similar operating system on hand, you can use the method below.

We follow the instructions:

1. Restart the computer and boot from the disk or flash drive.

2. In the window that appears, select the “Troubleshot” function.

3. Go to Advanced options and select the Command Prompt item with which we will call command line.

The system command interface window will open. Please note that all subsequent operations will be performed only from the keyboard, since working on the command line using the mouse or third-party pointing devices is simply impossible.

4. Consistently execute the diskpart and list vol commands (after entering each command, press Enter).

5. The entire list of system partitions will be displayed on the screen. Typically, the one we need is section C.

6. Exit the diskpart subroutine with the exit command.

  • cd windows
  • cd system32
  • copy cmd.exe cmd.exe.original
  • copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.original
  • delUtilman.exe
  • ren cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  • shutdown –r –t 00

Don’t forget to press the Enter key after entering each command.

8. After completing all commands, the computer will reboot on its own.

9. Click on the “Special Features” icon. The command line will appear.

10.To view all accounts, enter the net user command.

12. The system will prompt you to enter a new password.

A feature of input at this moment is a completely motionless cursor. In addition, the characters you type will not appear on the screen either in their original form or as asterisks. Therefore, be extremely careful!

13. After entering the password, press Enter and repeat entering the password again, after which we exit with the exit command.

Done, you can log in with a new password!

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Many users are interested in how to remove the password from a computer or laptop on Windows 8. In fact, it is not at all difficult, especially if you remember the login combination. But there are times when a user simply forgot the password for his account and cannot log in. So what should we do? Even from such seemingly difficult situations there is a way out, which we will talk about in our article.

If you remember your password to log into your account, then you should not have any problems resetting your password. In this case, there are several options for how to disable the password request when logging into a user account on a laptop; at the same time, we’ll look at how to remove the password for a Microsoft user.

Reset local password

Method 1: Disable password entry in “Settings”

Ready! Now you won't have to enter anything every time you log in.

Method 2: Reset your password using the Run window

Thus, we did not remove the password, but simply configured automatic login. That is, every time you log in, your account information will be requested, but it will be entered automatically and you won’t even notice it.

Disable your Microsoft account

Ready! Now re-login using your new account and you will no longer need to enter your password and log into your Microsoft account.

Reset your password if you have forgotten it

If the user has forgotten the password, then everything becomes more difficult. And if in the case when you used a Microsoft account when logging in, everything is not so bad, then many users may have difficulties resetting their local account password.

Reset local password

Main problem this method is that this is the only solution to the problem and for it you need to have a bootable USB flash drive of your operating system, and in our case, Windows 8. And if you do have it, then that’s great and you can start restoring access to the system.

This method is not recommended by Microsoft, so you do everything you do at your own risk. You will also lose all personal information that was stored on the computer. Essentially, we will simply roll back the system to its original state

You can now log in to your new user account using your new password. Of course, this method is not easy, but users who have already encountered the console before should not have any problems.

Microsoft password reset

For this method of solving the problem it is necessary additional device, from which you could access the Microsoft website.

Now, using the combination you just created, you can sign in to your Microsoft account on your computer.

We looked at 5 different ways how to remove or reset the password in Windows 8 and 8.1. Now, if you have problems logging into your account, you will not be confused and will know what to do. Report this information to friends and acquaintances, because not many people know what to do when the user has forgotten the password or is simply tired of entering it every time when logging in.

I recently published instructions. In this instruction I will tell you if you have lost or forgotten it. Reset your password in Windows 8 It's not difficult at all.

For the procedure reset password in Windows 8 You will need boot disk with operating system or flash drive. You can make a recovery disk on another computer with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 by entering the line in the start screen "Recovery Disk" and following further instructions.
Step 1 . We insert the boot disk into the drive and boot from it. (how to do this is described in detail in the section Windows installation 8 .)
After loading from the disk, you should see this window:

Step 3. Select an item Diagnostics. Then in the section Diagnostics you need to select a sub-item Return to the initial state :

Step 4. In the subsection Extra options select an item Command line.
it will be revealed to you Team Windows string 8 with administrator rights. Enter the following commands sequentially:
cd c:\windows\sуstem32
copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
Step 5. Reboot the computer.
Step 6. After restarting the computer in normal mode, you need to hover over the icon in the lower left corner - Accessibility Center. A command prompt will open. You need to enter the command there net user. A list of users will be displayed. After selecting the name you need, enter the command
net user<имя_пользователя> <пароль>
Attention! The cursor does not move while entering a new password, so be extremely careful when entering the password.
After entering the password, enter the command Exit and exit the command line.
Step 7. Login to Windows 8 with a new password.

Windows 8 is a relatively new operating system Microsoft system, so some users may experience certain difficulties when working with it. For example, many do not know how to restore forgotten password and resume access to your account.

Recovering a forgotten or lost Windows 8 password

Windows 8 users probably know that G8 uses two types of accounts: local and remote (this Account also called a Microsoft account). With this combined option, authorization data - login and password - are stored on a Microsoft server. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to log in operating system, if your computer does not have an Internet connection.

Recovering a forgotten password using a Microsoft account

An undeniable advantage of using a remote account Windows entries 8 is the ability to reset a forgotten password and create a new one in a few simple steps. This method is also applicable if a hacker has changed your password and controls your account.

1. To start recovery, just remember the address Email, linked to a Microsoft account.

3. Take advantage of intuitive step by step instructions and create a new password for Windows 8. For security purposes, to confirm the new password on your mobile phone(if it was specified during registration) will be sent special code, which must be entered to confirm the changes. If you don't have access to your phone, you can answer your security question.

Reset your password using the reset disk

If you are using a local account, then things are a little more complicated. There are many ways to reset your password, but special attention should be paid to only one. The most popular is to use a reset disk.

Minus this method The problem is that this disk should always be at hand, so you need to create it, like a Windows OS image for recovery, in advance. It will not be easy for an inexperienced user to select the correct recovery paths and enter commands for the operating system in the DOS console.

What to do and how to remove the Windows 8 (and Windows 8.1) password if I forgot it

First, let's clarify the situation with account types. In Windows 8 and 8.1, there are two types of accounts - local and Microsoft LiveID account. At the same time, logging into the system can be done using either one or the second. Resetting and deleting a password will be different in the two cases.

How to change your Microsoft account password

If you log in using a Microsoft account, i.e. Your email address is used as a login (it is displayed on the login window under your name), do the following:

Log in from an accessible computer to the page

Enter the E-mail corresponding to your account and characters in the field below, click the “Next” button.

  1. On the next page, select one of the items: “Email me a reset link”, if you want to receive a link to reset your password to your email address, or “Send a code to my phone”, if you want the code to be sent to the linked phone . If none of the options suits you, click the “I can’t use any of these options” link.
  1. If you select "Send Link by Email", the email addresses associated with that account will be displayed. After selecting the one you need, a link to reset your password will be sent to this address. Go to step 7.
  2. If you select “Send code to phone”, by default an SMS with a code will be sent to it, which you will need to enter below. If desired, you can select a voice call, in which case the code will be dictated by voice. The resulting code must be entered below. Go to step 7.
  3. If you selected the “None of the methods are suitable” option, then on the next page you will need to indicate the email address of your account, the mail address where you can be contacted and provide all the information you can about yourself - name, date of birth and any other that will help confirm your ownership of the account. The support service will check the provided information and will send you a link to reset your password within 24 hours.
  4. In the “New Password” field, enter a new password. It must consist of e of less than 8 characters. Click "Next".

That's all. Now, to log into Windows 8, you can use the password you just set. One detail: the computer must be connected to the Internet. If the computer does not have a connection immediately after turning it on, then it will still be used Old Password and you will have to use other methods to reset it.

How to Remove Windows 8 Local Account Password

In order to use this method, you will need installation disk or a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. You can also use a recovery disk for these purposes, which can be created on another computer where you have access to Windows 8 (just enter “Recovery disk” in the search, and then follow the instructions). You use this method at your own risk and is not recommended by Microsoft.

  1. Boot from one of the above media (see how to boot from a flash drive, from a disk - similarly).
  2. If you need to select a language, do so.
  3. Click the "System Restore" link.
  4. Select “Diagnostics.” Restoring the computer, returning the computer to its original state, or using additional tools.”
  5. Select "Advanced Options".
  6. Launch Command Prompt.
  7. Enter the command copy c:\ and press Enter.
  8. Enter the command copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe, press Enter, confirm replacing the file.
  9. Remove the flash drive or disk and restart the computer.
  10. On the login window, click on the “Accessibility” icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Alternatively, press the Windows key + U. The Command Prompt will launch.
  11. Now enter the following into the command line: net user username new password and press Enter. If the above username is multiple words, use quotation marks, for example net user “Big User” newpassword.
  12. Close Command Prompt and log in with the new password.

Notes: If you don't know the username for the above command, then just type the command net user. A list of all usernames will be displayed. Error 8646 when executing these commands indicates that the computer is not using a local account, but the Microsoft account mentioned above.
