The phone does not detect the lavalier microphone. The best external microphones for a smartphone. Fashionable gadget for meaty sound: Zoom iQ6

Sometimes the built-in microphone on a laptop or PC breaks, but a portable one simply doesn’t. But the connection needs to be maintained somehow. Then a regular Android smartphone can come to the rescue. Many users asked the question: “Is it possible, and if so, how to connect the phone as a microphone to the PC?” Yes, you can. And it's quite easy to do. Moreover, there are several programs for this.

WO Mic

How to connect your phone as a microphone? The first option is using the WO Mic program. The application is available on the Play Store for free. It has already been downloaded more than a million times, which clearly gives a clear idea of ​​the demand for this utility.

It allows you to connect your smartphone to personal computer via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or a regular USB connection. In order for the interaction between the smartphone and the PC to be successful, you need to download the drivers and the WO Mic client itself to the computer. This is a requirement.

Then you need to press the Start button on your smartphone and Connect in the window that opens on your computer monitor.

When using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, it is worth considering that both the PC and the smartphone must work from the same network: from the same Wi-Fi.

But this is just one example of how to connect your phone as a microphone. There are a couple more alternative ways, the first of which is similar to the above, and the second is completely different from both of them.


How to connect your phone as a microphone using the Microphone program from the developer Gaz Davidson? Even easier than in the previous case. You just need a four-pin audio cable with identical plugs at the ends: 3.5 mm audio jacks (the same as those installed on the headphones).

In this case, it is enough to simply connect one end of the wire to the smartphone, the other to the personal computer, and then the PC will begin to read the voice recorded on the phone’s microphone.

This program makes the question “how to connect your phone as a microphone to your computer” almost completely irrelevant.

What problems might arise?

Even if the user correctly fulfills all the conditions and launches the programs in the required sequence, the result will still not be guaranteed. It is possible (but not necessary!) that the program may require root rights to operate, since in fact the PC system, be it Windows or Mac OS, must penetrate the Android OS and begin capturing sound from the smartphone’s microphone. Hardly in the majority standard firmware from official developers this is allowed by default. After all, such actions clearly violate the system Android security and jeopardize the confidentiality of data stored on the device.


How to make a microphone from a phone? You can connect another high-quality microphone to it. Why not?

You can purchase an adapter for Jack - audio/video connectors - and connect some kind of lavalier microphone to it. There is only one problem: the microphone may not work this way at all. And it doesn’t even depend on the presence or absence of root rights. They are not needed here.

The fact is that some smartphones, when connecting an external headset built into the headphones, continue to record sound from the main microphone, and some begin to record sound from the headset microphone.

To check whether you can connect an external microphone to your smartphone, just connect any headphones with a headset to the phone and check whether sound will be recorded.

If the answer is yes, then you can safely purchase an adapter and an external headset; if not, you shouldn’t spend money on anything. We need to look for another way.

By the way, on iOS devices you cannot definitely connect an external microphone. Apple developers are generally famous for making their OS as closed as possible to external influence. This applies to any accessories that could somehow harm the security of the system.

Do you want to record a YouTube video on your phone, but don't know?

How the microphone/smartphone combination works

How to connect a microphone to your phone

Your smartphone, regardless of the model, uses a certain form of connector (four-pin), which can accept up to 2 channels of audio input.

Thus, the smartphone perceives external stereo sound. It also provides 2 channels of stereo headphone output.

This connector is also called a “socket”. This is where the pins for the input and output lines meet.

If this is not the case, the sound will not be clear and clear. The pins on a stereo microphone plug (TPC) are arranged differently than the pins on a smartphone (four pins).

Therefore, you can't just plug a gadget into your smartphone and expect it to work.

What you need to get high-quality sound is a microphone that has a built-in adapter (for example, Rhode Smartlav+ or GORA Lavalier).

Another option is to use an adapter and a standard microphone.

The type of adapter depends on the microphone, of course, but again it's important to make a good choice.

Just remember that the plug on the adapter should be four-pin, and the socket should probably be either TRS or XLR connectors. These are the two most common types of forks.

How to use an external microphone on an Android phone with a 3.5mm headphone jack

Connecting and recording audio from external source It's a fairly simple procedure on the phone.

But many new users complain that doing this is not as easy as it seems.

At first you might think that you just plug in a microphone and everything should naturally work.

But if you've tried this before, you know it won't work.

Headphone and microphone jacks on Android devices are different.

Headphones work great on Android, but it doesn't work with microphones. You just have to know how to do it.

The only place you can plug it in is into the headphone jack.

But to prepare the device for operation, you will need an adapter cable.

It depends on it whether the microphone input, as well as the audio output for headphones, will be fully functional. It is this small detail that causes difficulties.

Choosing the Right Adapter

On the Internet you can find universal multifunctional adapters.

When the adapter is connected, the user has the opportunity to connect a microphone and headphones at the same time. Both of these devices will work simultaneously.

For example, StarTech TRS to TRRS can be purchased on popular online platforms for only $7.

They compare favorably to many other devices that only have one headphone jack.

Smartphone as a universal device

Today, smartphones are undoubtedly powerful pocket computers that can do many amazing things.

While the ability to test on the go was once considered an incredible feat, today their possibilities seem limitless.

We play games on them, take and edit amazing photos, view and edit spreadsheets and documents.

Many users can't imagine a day without drawing, scheduling tasks and reminders, saving their most personal notes, and recording and editing audio - be it on blogs or forums.

The smartphone is also used to download current music.

Bloggers shoot exclusive ones.

It has also become common practice for musicians to take out their smartphone as soon as a new song idea pops into their heads.

Creative people use smartphones to record their unique ideas.

And let's be honest, there is one small detail that users are really missing.

Even most top-end smartphones are practically unable to produce thick, powerful sound without distortion, muffling and interference. There is also no bass at all.

Luckily, there are many external microphones available for capturing full-featured audio.

The bad news is that most of them only come with the Apple Digital Connector. It is unfortunate that Android users can't enjoy many decent options.

But they have developed the ability to connect a digital microphone via an OTG USB cable.

This means that users have unlimited options available to most PC users.

How to Connect an External Condenser Microphone to Your Android Device

There are many reasons why you might want to connect a high-end microphone to your mobile device.

Having a mobile phone, you can achieve almost studio-quality recording. A sound source can be really helpful.

Regarding high quality video, there are no problems here.

Mobile image sensors are responsible for their processing, which create decent opportunities for video recording.

But a low-quality audio signal can be a big turn-off for budding video makers and vloggers.

If you are a mobile videographer and want to optimize your audio recording quality or you just want to find a better alternative existing solutions, you should pay attention to an external microphone.

It is obvious. With all that said, here are a few mobile gadgets that are worth considering.

Simple solution: discrete solution for one Rode smartLav+ speaker

The lavalier or lingering type is widely known to the audience. This device is still widely used among video bloggers, who rarely film more than one person in a video.

Some people use them in clips; it can be attached to clothing, usually in the chest area. Then it is customary to hide the cable under clothing.

Obviously, in this case there is one limitation - the speaker is not too far from the phone.

Maybe it's a good idea to use a lavalier microphone in additional device, which is located in your pocket, while another camera takes video.

Otherwise, interference may occur.

If we talk about the price of the above options, you can find enough budget solutions for $14 or purchase branded devices from Rode.

In any case, lavalier solutions are a great compromise between size, ease of use, and sound quality, but they are not the best option if you want a noise-free audio signal.

  • Compact and discreet
  • Easy to connect and configure
  • Not suitable for multiple audio sources
  • The cable may interfere with use

Omnidirectional and portable: The Mighty Mic

It is louder, more sensitive, more directional. But the most unique thing is that it does not take up much space.

Indeed, The Migthy Mic is great option, if you want to record video with noticeably better sound than what the standard built-in gadget is capable of.

There is also a headphone jack for monitoring purposes.

  • Ultra-portable directional
  • Easy to connect and configure

Reliable Stereo Recorder: Shure MV88

This device is designed with a serious focus on performance.

The architecture is designed for clear stereo sound. The user gets 5 digital presets to customize the recording parameters according to the current situation: speech, singing, apartment, acoustic instruments, loud ambient atmosphere.

Polarity option and gain options are also available. It's obviously designed for serious applications.

It can capture the deafening sounds of a rock concert and try to turn them into crisp recordings, but the price tag certainly reflects that.

So the user will have to prepare to fork out money. But the result will be worth it.

  • Stereo recording
  • Rugged housing
  • Presets for several different scenarios
  • Advanced features such as wind reduction, equalizer, compressor and limiter
  • Works well in noisy environments
  • A little expensive
  • Cannot be used with smartphones with cases

Fashionable gadget for meaty sound: Zoom iQ6

This module consists of two, located X/Y figuratively to the recording source.

The idea is that the off-axis attenuation performed by each microphone creates a difference in stereo and a difference in level.

The result is good, the sound is very rich.

This device is great for recording acoustic instruments.

The gadget can record songs as well as any special sound effects that you want to capture from the real world and turn into digital materials.

The Zoom iQ6 will cover your iPhone's audio jack, but don't worry - the microphone and output will be free. These can be used if you want to control your tracks!

  • Captures deeper, more realistic sounds
  • Variable angles
  • Fine gain control
  • Handles very well in noisy environments (up to 130 dB)
  • Extended Lightning connector and removable spacers accommodate most smartphones

Wide range of settings: Blue Microphones Mikey

This rugged beauty is built to handle loud sounds - according to the specification, it can handle up to 130dB of volume.

To understand what this parameter is, it must be said that the volume at a rock concert fluctuates around 120 dB, so you should feel quite comfortable.

There are three amplification modes - quiet, car, and loud.

The gadget adapts depending on the situation, and its protection is able to reflect unwanted noise.

The device also has a micro-USB port that allows you to charge your / iPod / using the microphone. This option is implemented just in case there is a long recording ahead.

Unfortunately, the device blocks the headphone port on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S.

You will not be able to use headphones for monitoring.

Therefore, in places where constant tracking and monitoring is required, it is worth using a different device.

iPhone 6/6S users - you can still use it for demo recordings, or capturing a clip of your favorite band, but when using it for studio work, be prepared for the inevitable disappointments.

  • Stereo capture
  • Rugged housing
  • 230 degree rotation
  • Micro USB port for charging your phone while recording
  • Built specifically to handle loud environments (130dB), and can cancel out unwanted noise
  • How to connect a microphone to your phone

    How to connect a microphone to your phone: The easiest ways

In this video tutorial, the authors of PRO Hi-Tech studied the topic of professional video shooting with a camera mobile phone. The task is to consider ways to connect an external microphone to a smartphone for various tasks. The word professional indicates the difference that will allow the story to be broadcast, for example, on TV. Cheap microphones in this Chinese store. Cashback (return on purchases): up to 90%.

Since the presenter will write the sound immediately in the frame, you need good microphone. There are options here. You can write directly into your phone using the buttonhole. Or you can do it separately, using a voice recorder. Or use a recorder. And then you need to mount it all.

To make the lavalier work instead of the phone's built-in microphone, you will need an adapter. If you try to connect a lavalier to the jack on your phone without it, nothing will work. But don't rush to buy it....

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Do you want to record a YouTube video on your phone, but don't know how to connect a microphone to your phone?

How the microphone/smartphone combination works

How to connect a microphone to your phone

Your smartphone, regardless of the model, uses a certain form of connector (four-pin), which can accept up to 2 channels of audio input.

Thus, the smartphone perceives external stereo sound. It also provides 2 channels of stereo headphone output.

This connector is also called a “socket”. This is where the pins for the input and output lines meet.

If this is not the case, the sound will not be clear and clear. The pins on a stereo microphone plug (TPC) are arranged differently than the pins on a smartphone (four pins).

Therefore, you can't just plug a gadget into your smartphone and expect it to work.

What you need for...

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Everyone knows that when television workers conduct interviews, they always bring the microphone to their interviewer.

Why use microphones at all? After all, the cameras can handle it themselves, someone will object. But let's see how it really is, especially in those moments when sound is very important. I think you all know that when you shoot a video in a noisy place, then you have to constantly listen in order to understand what is being said.

Initially, video on phones and smartphones was only for entertainment, since early cameras were very weak. But now, the situation has begun to change and shooting video on a smartphone has become almost professional.

Now the ability to connect an external microphone has appeared, which is very pleasing. Using this feature you will expand your horizons when shooting, especially if you have a good camera.

By connecting an external microphone (lapel, gun, radio, etc.) you can add professionalism to your video and...

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Sometimes the built-in microphone on a laptop or PC breaks, but a portable one simply doesn’t. But the connection needs to be maintained somehow. Then a regular Android smartphone can come to the rescue. Without a doubt, many users have asked the question: “Is it possible, and if so, how can I connect my phone as a microphone to my PC?” Yes, you can. And it's quite easy to do. Moreover, there are several programs for this.

WO Mic

How to connect your phone as a microphone? The first option is using the WO Mic program. The application is available on the Play Store for free. It has already been downloaded more than a million times, which clearly gives a clear idea of ​​the demand for this utility.

It allows you to connect your smartphone to a personal computer using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or a regular USB connection. In order for the interaction between the smartphone and the PC to be successful, you need to download the drivers and the WO Mic client itself to the computer. This is a requirement.

Then you need to click the Start button on...

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3 years ago

Link to Lavalier microphone like mine BOYA BY- M1 1. In today's video I will show you a great idea on how you can make a mini stereo lavalier microphone with your own hands at home. The external microphone is more or less well isolated from the camera, and you don’t have to worry about using the mechanically noisy optical stabilizer and camera focus drive, and you don’t have to worry about being able to record the sounds of camera controls and changes in hand grip. Make your own homemade Stereo Microphone at home! **************************************** ********** I welcome you to my Roman Ursu channel, where you will learn how to make homemade items, New Year's crafts, gifts, toys, scarecrows for Halloween, and most importantly, that all this can be done at home and with your own hands! Are you into needlework, homemade items, or just have nothing to do? Then you've come to the right place...

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Do you understand that there is a way out and there is an entrance??
The headphone OUTPUT cannot take a signal from an external microphone - the amplifier output is connected inside the smartphone - OUTPUT, understand?.
If Android doesn't have a microphone input, that is, it doesn't have one. You won’t be able to do anything without disassembling your smartphone. No splitters will help you.

Bl. yat. children and programmers have become completely stupid and climb and climb with their dirty little hands without brains.

Comment has been deleted

Jem 78 Sage (16219) Why do you emphatically at the beginning? You forget to close your mouth before starting a thought)))

Comment has been deleted

Jem 78 Sage (16219) I don’t want to explain it at the entrance - it’s a pity to waste time on aggressive fools. Obviously, the author of the question thinks the same way. Is not it so?...

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In terms of video recording modern smartphones Even semi-professional cameras will “give a head start”, but gadgets, alas, have not learned how to produce high-quality sound recording. Fortunately, the mobile electronics market allows users not to put up with poor sound - there are now a huge number of external microphones for smartphones on sale that guarantee clear and 100% “readable” audio.

Who needs an external microphone for a smartphone?

For manufacturers mobile devices Those who consider the sound recording function for a smartphone to be secondary, it is worth paying attention to how large the number of people who, due to their occupation, have to constantly record audio. Potential users of remote microphones are:

Journalists/interviewers. For people who earn their living through interviews, an external microphone is a must-have technique. Interviewing can take place in a noisy place (on the street or in a cafe) - the gadget’s built-in microphone with the task...

0 0

A computer microphone is often used by users for voice communication in applications such as Skype, Viber, in softphones with a SIP connection, as well as for recording audio tracks. Therefore, we can safely say that a microphone in a computer is an essential component. High demand also determines its fairly high cost.

How to use Android as a microphone

It may happen that your microphone stops working due to an accidental fall, electrostatic discharge, the laptop was flooded with beer, what should I do, or for another reason unknown to you. The most unpleasant thing is that, as a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment, for example, when you urgently need to record an audio track to do important work. Most likely, you won’t be able to immediately replace a faulty component; few people keep a spare microphone at home. Moreover, replacement can cost a lot of money. What to do?

And here I want to make you happy. For temporary, cheap, but effective...

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How to connect a karaoke microphone to a computer? Can I use a dynamic microphone for Skype? Why, when connecting a vocal dynamic microphone to a standard one? sound card Computer (Realtek, VIA) sound is very quiet? Will a simple adapter help to connect a karaoke microphone to a computer? How to amplify the voice from a vocal microphone, make the recording louder? What kind of preamp is needed for a dynamic microphone?
You will find the answer to these questions in this video.

Thanks to Oleg Mazroff for providing the recording of a Shure SM58 dynamic microphone to the microphone input of a Realtek ALC 887 motherboard.
The original of this recording can be downloaded here: d/fhh8mvkb3QzWUg

If you have interesting ways to solve a problem, please do not hesitate to share them! Because information on this issue very little.
For example, these relatively high-quality recordings on Apple computers using an external USB audio card: 2bAaOh

Music: "Aces High" by Kevin...

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I abandoned the blog for a whole month. The reason is more likely to be a reluctance to repeat. Tired of simple forays into the garden, park, forest...

All this time I was filming a bunch of videos, shows, clips, but did not publish them, mainly due to the non-format. There is profanity and I don’t think my subscribers listen to rap. This is exactly the theme.

If you are still interested, then all creations can be seen on the channel:

Get to the point. We often shoot reports or reviews, and once we filmed near a busy highway, I felt a catch on the spot and when I came home I was convinced that the sound had rejected all the content...

Then I finally began to move along the path of purchasing an external microphone, the so-called body microphone, lavalier microphone.

And now, I’ve already ordered this handsome guy for my slando:

Wired, without a receiver or transmitter, and all because my budget camera does not have a connector for connecting an external microphone.

This means that sound is needed...

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2 years ago

Tripod and holder for smartphone: Holder for smartphone: Head for tripod: My tripod: http://bit. ly/2g7kZBk Video shooting application: How to shoot high-quality videos on a smartphone. In this video, I showed how to shoot video on an iPhone, namely how to shoot high-quality videos on an iPhone. Moreover, the life hacks for shooting videos that I showed are suitable for almost any smartphone. This is professional photography on a smartphone and it’s real! As an example, I showed how to shoot video on an iPhone 5s, but naturally the result will only be better if you shoot video on an iPhone 6, 6s and other iPhones....

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Like the sampling frequency, the bit depth of the microphone is also important for high-quality recording; the higher the indicators, the cleaner the track will be recorded.
It seems difficult to understand, but if it’s easier, here’s an example. When listening to 16-bit audio, approximately 10 megabytes of information are reproduced per minute, and when listening to 24-bit audio – 2.5 gigabytes per minute.

Transfer rate (bitrate “Kilobits per second”)

Bitrate is the amount of data per unit of time used to transmit an audio stream. For example: 3 minutes recorded at 128 kilobits per second will take up 2.81 MB of recording space on the SD card or hard drive.
The higher the bitrate, the better the recording quality will be.
With the Shure Motiv MVL microphone you can choose all these options as it has an IOS app where you can customize everything to your liking.


A decibel (dB or dB) is a tenth of a Bel (1 decibel = 0.1 Bel). Decibels are a unit of measurement for loudness, or more precisely, sound intensity.
For example: when everything is quiet, without any source of sound or noise, the decibel level is 0 dB. The other extreme would be a decibel intensity that could break eardrums, this intensity is around 130 and 140 dB.

Imagine the decibel level used when talking between people is between 10 and 30 dB. Between 30 and 40 dB the intensity is still low and is what we often hear in normal environments.
The volume begins to irritate from 60 to 75 dB, for example when using a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.

Sound level scale (in decibels)

  • 40 is the norm in residential premises
  • 50-55 is the norm in offices
  • 60-75 – noisy
  • 80-95 – very noisy
  • 100-115 – extremely noisy
  • 120-125 – almost unbearable
  • 130 – pain threshold
  • 135 and above – concussion

In terms of video recording, modern smartphones “give a head start” even to semi-professional cameras, but to produce high-quality sound recording gadgets, alas, never learned. Fortunately, the mobile electronics market allows users not to put up with poor sound - there are now a huge number of external microphones for smartphones on sale that guarantee clear and 100% “readable” audio.

Manufacturers of mobile devices who consider the sound recording function for a smartphone to be of secondary importance should pay attention to how large the number of people who, due to their occupation, have to constantly record audio, is. Potential users of remote microphones are:

  • Journalists/interviewers. For people who earn their living through interviews, an external microphone is a technique in the “ must-have" Interviewing can take place in a noisy place (on the street or in a cafe) - the built-in microphone of a gadget with the task of sound recording will definitely not work in such conditions.
  • Musicians. It is extremely important for musicians to be able to “catch the muse by the tail” - to capture on audio a melody that suddenly began to sound in their heads.
  • Students. Not all teachers make sure that students have time to record their words on paper or Word sheet. Thanks to the remote microphone, you can record a lecture on audio so that you can translate it into written form at home, in a comfortable environment.
  • Bloggers. It doesn’t matter whether the blogger makes reviews of technology or just funny videos - if the sound is “out of the box”, his videos will not become popular.

What types of external microphones are there?

Based design features And appearance microphones are usually classified into 3 categories:

"Labels". Lavalier microphones are characterized by their small dimensions, the presence of a clothespin-type mount (clip) and a relatively low price. Lavaliers are used mainly to record interviews and the voice of the presenter or blogger. Here's an example - MXL MM160, an inexpensive microphone suitable for smartphones on both iOS and Android:

Lavalier microphones also have disadvantages. "Labels", as a rule, are undirected, and therefore extraneous noise in the recording is heard as clearly as the useful signal (that is, the voice). In addition, lavaliers are not suitable for recording music due to the limited frequency range.

"Guns". The shotgun microphone is directed microphone, and therefore is free from the disadvantages that “lavaliers” have. The “gun” records sound directly in front of itself, cutting off the overtones on the sides - it turns out that an exclusively useful signal appears on the audio track. An example of this type of microphone is Rode VideoMic Me, a fresh model presented at the exhibition Photokina 2016:

VideoMic Me is considered a breakthrough model for two reasons: Firstly, this microphone is connected via 3.5-Jack, which means it fits all gadgets, Secondly, it has a very liberal price - about 3 thousand rubles.

“Guns” are also not suitable for recording songs – precisely because of the direction. Microphones of this type do not record reverberation and echo, but it is sound reflections that make music “live”.

Stereo microphone. Musicians need such equipment. A stereo microphone captures sound throughout the room, which means it also captures useful reflections that are so important for the liveliness of a composition. Contrary to popular belief not all stereo microphones are expensive: on AliExpress, for example, you can purchase a “no-name” device capable of recording stereo, in total for 150 rubles.

If a musician wants to buy high-quality stereo equipment from a well-known manufacturer, he should pay attention to microphones Zoom. At the peak of popularity is a model with two capsules :

Microphones of similar design not cheap- behind iQ6, for example, you will have to pay about 8 thousand rubles.

How to choose an external microphone for a smartphone?

When choosing an external microphone, you need to proceed primarily from the purpose of using the equipment. Obviously, a home blogger, a professional interviewer, and a musician will have different requirements for a recording device. If a user buys a microphone to record voices and conversations, he should pay attention to the following:

  • Wire length. This indicator is important for lavalier microphones. 1.5 meters will be quite enough for convenient operation of the equipment. There are microphones with cables of 6 meters or more included - in this case, you need to make sure that there is a special reel around which the cable can be wound so that its excessive length does not become a hindrance.
  • Microphone size. Here, as in the case of portable speakers for smartphones, there is a dependence: the larger the microphone, the higher the recording quality. For video bloggers who only care about readability, a small lavalier like the Rode SmartLav+ is suitable. Professional interviewers usually prefer directional guns.
  • Equipment. If we are talking about a buttonhole, then in addition to the cable, the kit should include a clip for attaching to clothing and a wind protector. Both elements seem very insignificant, but if they are absent, the user will understand how important they are.
  • Device compatibility. Unfortunately, some “guns” can only work with “Apple” gadgets. Therefore, if equipment is purchased for Android, you should immediately tell the store consultant about it. “Lavels” are compatible with all Android devices, but only with a special adapter (we’ll talk about it later).

Musicians also need to pay attention to compatibility - series devices IQ from Zoom, for example, are connected only through the connector Lightning, and, therefore, suitable only for iPhone. However, compatibility with gadgets is not the only important criterion; there are others:

frequency range. There are external microphones on the market whose specifications indicate that they record in the range from 20 to 20,000 Hz. 20–20000 Hz are all frequencies that the human ear can detect. If you are purchasing a microphone for interviewing or recording audio for a blog, such a wide frequency range will not be an advantage. The equipment will record not only the sound of the voice, but also the noise in the next room, behind the window glass - the output will be a track with a huge number of extra sounds. This is the case when more doesn't mean better: microphone with range 60-15000 Hz will allow you to record the conversation even better.

For musicians, it is extremely important that the width of the range is maximum - otherwise it will not be possible to reflect the authentic sound of the instruments. For example, the frequency range of a grand piano starts at 27 Hz; The overtones of the same instrument are located around 13 kHz. If you write a piano on a microphone 60-15000 Hz, the sound will be too “mechanical”.

Ability to adjust cardioid. Circular polar pattern of the microphone (in the diagram below it is indicated as Omni-Directional) will not allow you to get rid of excess noise, which can be made, for example, by the musician himself, telling his colleagues with gestures how to play.

If you change the polar pattern to cardioid, the microphone will not “hear” what is happening behind it. The cardioid device simply needs to be positioned back to the noise source, and there will be no extra sounds on the recording.

There are microphones that allow you to use other polar patterns: hypercardioid, supercardioid, figure-of-eight. The more modes the equipment supports, the better for the musician - he has room for experimentation.

Maximum sound pressure level (SPL ). Characteristics " maximum SPL"shows at what sound pressure level the microphone will begin to distort. Threshold SPL 120 dB is a good indicator, 130 dB is almost outstanding. It is worth noting that 140 dB causes injury to the inner ear.

Fans of rock concerts should pay attention to the maximum sound pressure level. If the threshold SPL installed high enough, you can record sound with a microphone while standing literally right next to the speaker.

Preamp power. The signal coming through the microphone to the smartphone is usually very weak. Therefore, microphones are equipped with preamplifiers. Using the regulator Gain the user can adjust the amplification strength according to his taste. Sufficient preamp power for external microphone - +40 dB / +45 dB.

Some microphones can not only amplify the signal, but also attenuate it. For example, on Zoom iQ6 you can turn the Gain control down to -11 dB.

How to connect an external microphone?

To record sound from a lavalier microphone to a smartphone, you will have to use a special adapter-splitter (aka - splitter). The purchase of such equipment is unlikely to burden the user: AliExpress splitters are sold at prices starting from 34 rubles.

Without adapters, smartphones can only recognize condenser lavalier microphones!

Recording from the buttonhole should be done as follows:

  • Plug the splitter plug into the headphone jack of your smartphone.
  • Insert the microphone plug into the appropriate hole in the splitter. How do you know which of the two holes is the right one? As a rule, there are pictures under both connectors - you should use the connector opposite which the microphone is shown.
  • Wait until the headset icon appears on the gadget screen.
  • Secure the microphone to your clothing. Important point : the distance from the buttonhole to the sound source (that is, the mouth) should not exceed 25 cm.
  • Set your smartphone to " Airplane mode"so that the SIM card is inaccessible. If they call the gadget, the recording will be interrupted, and the take (perhaps the most successful) will be spoiled.
  • Open the application " Dictaphone” and start recording. You can use not only the built-in iOS and Android utilities for sound recording, but also third party applications, downloaded, for example, from Google Play.

To connect external stereo microphones to Android, you also have to use an adapter, but a different one - with Lightning- plug (which, by the way, is a difficult task to find). You can connect a stereo microphone to an iPhone without any additional equipment.


On the modern market of mobile accessories you can find recording equipment that can satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding audiophile. However, buying a microphone whose characteristics promise the most high quality sound, regardless of the purpose of using this equipment wrong. The user risks overpaying for benefits that are meaningless for the type of activity he intends to engage in.
