Application not installed error how to fix. Applications are not installed on the smartphone. Error "The application is not installed Android" - what to do. Applications are not installed on android - there is not enough space although there is memory

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Unlike iOS and other closed systems, Android developers have provided the ability to install a variety of applications on their own, without the participation of the Google Play Store and other content stores. Having an .apk file on hand, you can install a paid application yourself, without paying a penny for it.

"Why resort to self-installation with .apk files?" - you ask, and then that not all applications are presented in Google Play Store and besides, most of them are paid and cost money. All Android applications have .apk extensions - in fact, this is a kind of archive, the contents of which can be viewed by any archiver.

Where to begin?

The first action that you need to perform is to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources, go to Settings/Settings -> Applications/Application Settings and check the box next to Unknown Sources and click OK.

1. Install applications using the file manager

After this simple step, you can copy the .apk file to your phone's SD card. Further, to install the application, you can use any file manager that recognizes and understands apk files. For these purposes, ASTRO File Manager or ES File Explorer are suitable.

Run file manager, find the apk file, tap on it and install the application using the standard Android installer.

2. Install apps using the app manager

In addition, to simplify the installation of Android applications, there are special programs- application managers. One of these programs is

InstallAPK will automatically identify the apk file and start installing the application on your Android phone. You will only need to agree with the installation of the application and click the "Install" button.

4. Other ways to install Android apps

If you do not want to install any additional programs, then you can install the application from apk files in the old, old-fashioned way. Run the standard android browser and enter the following link in the address bar of your browser and the installation will start automatically:


This method is not very convenient, and is suitable for those who rarely install Android programs.


In this article, we tried to describe all the ways we know how to install an Android application from apk files. If you know other ways to install programs - write to us about them in the comments and we will definitely include these methods in this article. Stay with us.

As you know, users often mobile devices encounter problems when installing a particular application / game. It would seem, what could be easier? But in practice, the standard installation of the necessary content can often turn into hours of torment. It is immediately worth noting that the problems, exactly and as well as the methods for solving them, depend on where the content was taken. Consider the main options.

Google Play and Error 406

Sometimes it happens that a user wants to download content of interest to him from the official Google store, but instead of the desired result, he receives an error 406. What should I do? Go to the "Settings" section, then "Applications" and select the "All" tab. For "Google Services Framework", "Google Play Market" and " Google Services Play" - do the following: uninstall updates, clear the cache, etc. If everything is done, then go to the Settings\Accounts\Google section. Here we are interested in the item "Setting up account synchronization". Remove all the checkboxes and reboot the device. After rebooting put all the checkboxes back (an error may pop up, but you should not pay attention to it).Reboot the device again.Done!

apk file not installing

There may be several problems here. First, make sure you have root access. Without them, installing apk files turns into a real torment. Secondly, if during installation, you see a message that the format is not supported, then try using the "ROM Manager" application. Select the function "Fix permissions" and try again. Thirdly, make sure that in the Settings / Application Manager / Installing applications section there is a checkmark next to the item "Allow installation of applications from other sources". However, from now on, you should be completely sure of those sites where the necessary content will be taken from. And finally, fourthly, if nothing helps, then probably the reason may be in the firmware of the device itself. This is especially true for devices where unofficial firmware. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

If these tips did not help you and the application / game still does not install, then try asking a question in the comments on the relevant topic.

Installing applications on android is quite simple, in most cases you do not need to flash or patch your device in any way! To help novice users and not only, we present to your attention the manual "how to install games and programs on Android", as well as "how to install games with a cache on Android".

1. Getting started, the first thing you should do:

  • Go to "Settings" - in the "Personal" section, select "Security" - in the "Device Administration" section, select "Unknown sources" tick!
! Note: android is one for everyone, but each manufacturer for some reason can change the placement of certain functions in the settings menu, so your task is to find something similar to "Unknown sources" and tick it!

2. Now let's move on to downloading the necessary files:

  • There are installation files, also called apk and cache files, these are additional files for some games and programs! I will describe how to install all this below, first we will figure out how to select the appropriate files for your device.
  • Near the links to download files, on our website, markers with various parameters are indicated, here is a list of them and what they mean:
First group:
  • @root - applications that will work only on devices with super user rights, which can be obtained by flashing the device or through special programs.
Question: How to get Root rights?
Answer: We go to our info site in the catalog of smartphones and tablets, we find our device through the search, if there are firmware for it, then you will see the corresponding tab "Firmware" in it you will find instructions for obtaining root rights and instructions for firmware. For example: instructions for Samsung firmware G9208 Galaxy S6
  • Adreno, PowerVR, Mali, Tegra 2, Tegra 3 - in addition to the main processor, the devices also have a graphics processor - a video accelerator. You need to select files in accordance with the video accelerator of your device (we mainly use these designations for cache files), but if there are all marks next to the link to the cache, then there is one cache for everyone!
  • For Broadcom processors - try cache from Adreno
  • For Vivante processors - the cache from Mali should be suitable
2.1 Determine the type of processors in your device:
  • After registering on the site, go to "Cabinet" - "Settings", then we find the field with the note "Your PDA device" and start entering the name of the smartphone / tablet (similar devices will be displayed in the list), after selecting your device, its video accelerator and architecture will be displayed below processor. Or use CPU-Z
  • If your device is not in the list, use the "My device is not in the list" button and we will add it!
  • Having decided which tags correspond to your device, go to the site and upload files!
3. Installing apk on android:
  • If the files were downloaded to the PC, we connect the device with USB help cord, wait until the device is recognized as a flash drive (for some, you may need to confirm the connection on the device). Next, copy the downloaded file to a folder convenient for you.
  • If you downloaded the file directly to the device, then skip the previous paragraph.
  • Next, launch the file manager (called "My Files" on Samsung), if it is not there, install it from Play Market, for example: "ES File Explorer".
  • We find the downloaded file and tap on it, launching the installation, follow the instructions, at the end we click ready!
  • If the game does not require additional cache files, then in the list of your applications we find the game and launch it!
3.1 Installing games with cache on android:
  • We select the previously downloaded cache, unpack it using the WinRAR program for PC or ES File Explorer for Android, or their analogues. The resulting folder is placed along the path indicated on the page with the game (above the links with the cache). In 99% of cases, sdcard = BUILT-IN memory card, NOT removable microSD!
  • Next, install the apk, as described above.
Note: cache path specifics:
  • /sdcard/Android/data/ and /sdcard/gameloft/games/ - caches located on these paths can be downloaded through the application via wi-fi, EDGE or 3G. Also, it is not necessary to change the cache from version to version.
  • /sdcard/Android/obb/ - download caches to this folder only from the site, when updating the version, download the new cache again.
4. Major Errors and FAQs:

You will not receive an answer to these questions from the moderator, you will find the answers to them under the list of questions!

  1. In the description of the cache path, "sdcard" is a built-in memory card, NOT a micro SD that can be removed!
  2. Will it work on my device?
  3. Which cache to download for my device?
  4. I don't have a data or obb folder, what should I do? Create it!
  5. Why does not see the cache?
  6. I placed the cache correctly, but it asks me to download XXX MB, why?
  7. I have little built-in memory, and the cache weighs a lot, what should I do?
  8. How to ask a question in order to get an answer?
  9. How to get Root rights?
Question: Will it work on my device?
Answer: Look at the tags and whether your device is supported on Google Play or not. We cannot know whether it will work for you or not, and it can take a long time to wait for a response from a user with the same device! Please post the result!

Question: Why does not see the cache ?, I posted everything as written.
Answer: The cache is located not on the built-in memory of the phone, but on microSD. Not every game supports placing the cache on an external drive. The exceptions are some Chinese devices and some Fly models, in these smartphones / tablets, when a microSD card is connected, the external card is replaced with the built-in one ...
Answer 2: Run the game and see what folder and where it will create, should be similar to the folder from the cache archive, move the files from the folder in the archive to the folder created by the game.
Answer 3: The folder from the archive must be extracted to the current folder, and not to the folder with the name of the archive (when unpacking via WinRAR)

Question: I placed the cache correctly, but it asks me to download x MB, why?
Answer: If the number of MB is approximately equal to the MB of cache downloaded from the site, then this is not a download, but a full download! That is, the cache is not located correctly, read the previous question / answer!

Question: I have only 1GB of internal memory, and the cache weighs 2GB, what should I do?
Answer: Flash root rights and use the program, for example: Directory Bind.
Answer 2: Look in the phone settings, the option "Install applications on an external SD card" activate it. It may help if the apk has already been installed, after enabling this option it needs to be reinstalled.

Question: How to ask a question in order to get an answer?
Answer: Write in clear text, without using words from only capital letters, your installation steps: Indicate which card the cache was placed on (external microSD or built-in), write what full cache path you got, whether there is Internet on the device and the actual model device (it is NOT necessary to specify its characteristics). Have you checked whether your device is supported by the game on the Google Play page!

In this article, I will tell you about the ten most common reasons why programs do not install. You will learn about the symptoms of a particular cause and be able to diagnose and eliminate it yourself.

So, let's go - a dozen reasons why programs on Windows are not installed.

The most common cause why programs are not installed, this is the lack of a system library NET Framework required version. This library contains resources that are needed for the normal operation of a particular program. Therefore, if it is not there, then the program will not be able to install.

It is recommended that you install all versions of the NET Framework on your computer, starting with 2.0 and ending with the oldest version that your Windows supports. This will provide normal work all programs compatible with your OS.

To find out which version of the NET Framework is installed on your computer, click on the "Start" button, select "Control Panel", then open the "Programs" section, and then - "Programs and Features" (example for Windows 7).

You can download the versions that you are missing on the Microsoft website, .

As a rule, if programs are not installed due to the lack of the required NET Framework, a message appears indicating the version that needs to be downloaded.

Lack of Visual C++ and Direct X required version

The next common reason why programs fail to install is the lack of Visual C++ and Direct X components. Visual C++ is required for programs that are written in the popular C++ language, and Direct X is required for most games. As with the NET Framework, there are different versions of these components.

You can find out the version of Visual C ++ in the same way as you can find the NET Framework - in the "Programs and Features" section.

And in order to find out the version of Direct X, click "Start" and open "Run" (or ctrl + R). Write down the dxdiag command and click OK.

As a rule, if the program is not installed due to the absence of these components or their correct version, a corresponding message appears. The required versions of Visual C++ can be downloaded, while Direct X .

Incorrect bitness of Windows

Windows can be 32 or 64 bit. On 64-bit operating systems, you can install 32-bit and 64-bit programs. And on 32-bit systems, only a 32-bit program will work. Therefore, you will not be able to install a 64-bit program on it.

To determine the bitness of the system, right-click on "Computer" and select "Properties".

The capacity of the program can be found in its description. If it does not fit, then an appropriate error will appear during the installation process.

Corrupted installation file

If during the installation of the program an error occurs that the installation file is damaged, then you should get this file again. This can happen due to the fact that the program file has not been completely downloaded, or has been posted on the site already damaged. To solve the problem, you need to try to download the program installation file from another location.

Missing Required DLL

A rare reason why programs are not installed is the absence of some libraries in the system that should have been in it by default. This happens if you are using an unofficial build of Windows or if these libraries were intentionally removed.

The problem manifests itself in a message that swears at some DLL file.

To solve it, you need to download the required DLL file and place it in the correct directory (in system32 or SysWOW64). You can download libraries.

After that, you should register the library. To do this, click "Start" and select "Run" (or keys ctrl + R). Then write cmd and click OK. AT command line libraries are registered with the regsvr32 file.dll command, where file.dll is the name of the library file.

Software build curves

A common reason why programs are not installed is the crooked hands of pirates who hack them and give them to you for free, or somehow modify them, that is, they make their own assembly (repack). To avoid this, check out the comments of those who have already tried what you are installing.

It is difficult to say what errors can be when installing such programs. It could be anything.

Without administrator rights

If you work in an office, then you may find that your user does not have administrator rights. Your System Administrator may intentionally prevent the installation of programs. To resolve this, contact him for help.

This can happen not only in the office, but also at home if your user on the PC does not have administrator rights.

Blocking by security programs

All computers have antiviruses and some software can be blocked by them. This is also a common reason why programs are not installed. Solving it is simple - disable your antivirus or other security program and install the program. If necessary, add this software to the trusted list in the antivirus or security program.

Be carefull. If you are not sure about the reliability of the source of the program, then it is better not to install it if the antivirus swears.

Conflicts with incompletely removed old versions of programs

If you are updating a version of the program, and first uninstalled the old one, and then try to install the new one, then a conflict may occur if the components of the old version were not completely removed. This often happens when using the standard Windows uninstaller.

To fix this problem, you need to uninstall all components previous version manually. You can also use cleaner programs such as CCLeaner.

Hardware deficiencies

Today there are such programs and games that can no longer be installed on all computers. So they can make special demands on video cards, random access memory, processor.

To solve such a problem by downloading some files will not work. Here you need to upgrade your computer and buy more hardware.

In order to simplify the installation of new programs on your computer, you can use the OfflineInstaller website ( 6 ratings, average: 3,67 out of 5)

To fully use a gadget with Android OS, you need to install various applications on it that will help you comfortably watch videos, process photos, communicate on social networks, etc.

Usually everything goes fine, but sometimes it is not possible to install a game or application. Why is this happening?

Most common cause: random failure

Any technique is not immune from accidental failure. If the installation failed for the first time, most likely this is an accidental malfunction. Just turn off the phone (tablet), and then turn it back on, i.e. reboot your device.

As a rule, this is enough for everything to work fine the next time you start the installation.

Out of memory

Downloading applications on Android devices always occurs only in, and not on the memory card. After installation, some of them can be copied to the card, but not all. If your device's own memory is full, or the app you're downloading is taking up a lot of storage space, you'll need to free up space for it to install.

  1. Check the free internal memory of your tablet or smartphone.
  2. View the list of installed applications, remove those that you no longer use.
  3. Transfer files to the memory card for which Android allows this action. Usually these are photos, video and audio files, texts, etc.
  4. Run the program to clean up memory from garbage - temporary files left after the work of applications. If cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, then a sufficiently large amount of memory can be freed after it.

After completing all these operations, try downloading the application you need again. If free space a lot, it should install without problems.

Unlicensed or incorrect application

Check the source from where you want to install the app. Many gadgets today are used with the installation antivirus programs and other security systems. If the application being installed is incompatible with the official version of the Android OS or contains viruses, it will not be installed. The Android OS developer recommends using only applications from the Play Market for installation, since he can guarantee their safe and correct operation.

If you still want to install the application from another source, go to the security settings and allow the installation of third-party software. It is possible that in this case it will be downloaded to the memory of your Android device as a file, and then you will have to run it with a special installer. But in this case, no one can guarantee that it will work correctly on your device and will not conflict with other applications.


In the case when all of the above did not help, or if, after various attempts to change the settings, Android almost stopped working altogether, the last resort remains - resetting the settings to the original ones. Before starting a factory reset, remove the memory card and try to save your contact list and other important information on your desktop computer .;

  • Imagine the situation: you want to install on your tablet or phone on the OS android new game or Viber messenger, but the download or installation does not occur. The application refuses to install, the loading bar seems to take forever, or there is an "out of memory" error at all. The problem is common and easily solved.

    There may be several reasons:

    • not enough space in internal memory;
    • download failed due to viruses;
    • custom unstable firmware is installed on the device;
    • Internet connection is not stable;
    • not enough mobile internet traffic.

    As with many other crashes, the problem can be fixed by restarting the device. But not all problems can be solved by rebooting or resetting to factory settings.

    We are not responsible for your actions. We recommend that you contact the service center for a solution to the problem.

    Out of memory

    When apps are downloaded from Play market, they are downloaded exclusively to the internal memory of the device. It will not work to select a memory card for downloading, you can only transfer the installed one in the future (and even then not every one). Cards are considered by the system as unreliable, because many problems can arise due to damage or failure. There is nothing you can do to ensure that applications are installed on the memory card by default. Therefore, the internal memory will have to be cleaned:

    • uninstall apps you don't use;
    • transfer music, photos and videos to a memory card;
    • delete all unnecessary files, clean up temporary and garbage special utility;
    • clear the cache of applications, first of all the Play Market.

    Some applications (from those already installed!) can be transferred to microSD card. To do this, you need to go to the "applications" tab in the settings menu and transfer them to an external drive manually. When the memory is freed and there is enough space to install a new application, you can try downloading again.

    Viruses or firmware

    If there is enough space, the cache is cleared, and applications are not installed on Android, the reason may lie in the infection of the device with viruses. If the antivirus is already installed, just run it and then fix the infected files or remove them completely. But the antivirus is also an application, if it is not worth it, you will have to install it manually.

    Try downloading the apk from a trusted site and then installing it. If not, it is recommended to reset the system to factory settings. Problem not solved? It is worth contacting the specialists in the service center.

    Also, the problem may be software failures firmware related. Custom firmware sin with errors and the most unpredictable bugs. There's a good chance you've installed one. There is only one solution: flash the device to a stable official version suitable for your device on the Android operating system.

    Unstable internet

    It does not matter where applications are installed and how much free space is available if you have an unstable Internet connection that does not allow you to download even the easiest program. It's best to download and update everything on a stable Wi-Fi connection. Through 3G Internet, failures may occur due to disconnections. If you are seeing an "eternal" download bar, delay the download and installation until a normal connection.

    How to install applications through the Play Market and directly

    Most applications can be found in the Play Market. Go to the page you want, click on the "install" button. After that (with a stable Internet connection and the presence of free internal memory space), the download will begin. Direct installation starts only after you confirm it by setting the appropriate permissions for the application. Everything is simple and intuitive.

    But if desired application No? Or is it not available in your region? There is a need to learn how to install the application on Android directly, and not from the online store. Official developers often retain the ability direct download apps from their website or blog. So Flash Player can be found on the Adobe website without looking for it in the Play Market. The main thing is to download applications only from trusted sources, ignoring dubious sites.

    Find the application, download the .apk file to the device, then find it in memory. And just run. The program will ask necessary permissions and then it will start installing. In the same way as with the installation from the Play Store. Yes, the same apk file is downloaded from there. Just starting automatic installation after download. By downloading the application directly, you can install it at any time.

    Unlike iOS and other closed systems, the creators of the android system provided the ability to independently install applications not only from the play market.

    It just happens that sometimes applications are not installed either way or way. Naturally, there is a reason for this, and not just one.

    If the system does not indicate a specific reason, which is not uncommon, then you have only one way out - experimentally check all the options described below.

    Any of your problems - this should solve - there are not many of them and it will not take long to eliminate. Ready? Go.

    Android apps not installing from play store

    The fact that applications do not want to be installed from the play store is usually preceded by three reasons;

    • little memory;
    • cache full;
    • google account crash.

    To do this, the first step you need to take is to see how much system memory is left and, if there is not enough space, delete something.

    The second step is to clear the cache. You can manually, but I still recommended. It does not need to be installed from the play store.

    Remove the third step account, reboot and create it in a new way. You can use the same data, or you can register a new one.

    Registration takes a few minutes. Yes, it looks a little contradictory, but nevertheless such a trick has helped many.

    Android apps not installing from internet

    If you do not install applications from the Internet, then all you need to do is enable installation from unknown sources.

    I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that such a function has been implemented since android 5.1 or 4.4.

    After this simple step, you can, for example, transfer the .apk file to your phone's memory card and install it.

    You can also use any file manager that recognizes and understands APK files for this purpose, such as File Manager or ES File Explorer.

    To simplify the installation procedure, there are special programs - managers. One of these "InstallAPK" - automatically recognizes and starts the installation.

    All you have to do is agree to install the app and click "Install".

    Applications are not installed on android - there is not enough space although there is memory

    If your system writes insufficient space although there is memory, this is due to the fact that some phones have reserved space for installing applications and space for multimedia, like photos and videos.

    Then the memory for the former may be full, although you will see that it is there. This ill-conceived decision creates problems for many and is very often solved only by obtaining root rights.

    In general, all programs are installed by default in the device's ROM memory, and on flash memory only after making changes yourself.

    Android 2.2 has a built-in feature that allows you to transfer already installed files to a memory card.

    Applications on android are not installed on a memory card

    The eternal lack of memory on smartphones is an eternal problem in the case of mobile devices.

    Unfortunately, despite more and more new technologies, the capacity of the internal disk in the phone is not always sufficient.

    In addition, when programs installed on the phone can take up several hundred megabytes, and games easily cross the boundaries of gigabytes, there may be a problem with space not only for movie images.

    Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem - installing on an SD card - some manufacturers provide this option.

    First of all, you must be able to install an SD card on our smartphone. If you buy, you should choose a model with a higher capacity and it is worth investing in new generations, with the fastest data writing and reading, as this will allow you to work comfortably.

    However, some manufacturers have previously offered this option. There are also various programs that transfer files with better or worse results.

    To install on an SD card you must change the settings. Depending on the phone model, the options and access path may be slightly different.

    Some of the devices allow you to permanently install so that the application is installed by default in the internal memory of the device or on an external one - on the SD card.

    Sometimes this setting can be hidden, for example under the name of the default installation location. Then you need to choose the option of installing all on external memory and thus solve the problem with large files.

    Here the question arises: what to do with applications that are already installed in the internal storage? You can also transfer them to an SD card.

    All you have to do is go into your phone settings and find them. There is a list installed programs. When choosing, you can select the option - transfer to SD card - then this will be transferred to external storage.

    Only in this way, not all applications can be installed on the SD card. Some of them, for proper operation, require installation directly into the internal memory of the device.

    Otherwise, they won't work properly or won't start at all. Of course, there is another possibility to install on an SD card and practically no matter what system or manufacturer we have.

    Only this method requires the so-called root (root rights) - administrative access to the device software.

    Thanks to this, we will be able to customize the installation settings exactly the way we want. For this purpose, special programs are used that require the above-mentioned powers.

    Only with root rights there is a certain risk, so I recommend this option only for advanced users. Good luck.

    The Android operating system has its own Play Market app store. Therefore, users are advised not to scour third-party resources in search of software, but to download it from an official, verified and moderated source. All this is very good, but sometimes the installation is interrupted by an error. The inscription "The application is not installed" appeared on Android - what to do in this case? There is nothing critical in this error, let's try to get rid of it together.

    If the error “Application not installed” occurred during the installation of the software, then it’s time to clean the operating system from debris. It is really full here - it is formed as a result of the operation of the OS and applications, and in fairly large quantities. The presence of garbage leads to errors and failures, so you need to get rid of it. For this we will use popular app Clean Master - you need to install it in advance, among the first applications.

    How is cleaning done?

    • We start the application;
    • We start the garbage analysis;
    • We remove the found garbage.

    Finally, you can unload unused applications - this is done with the click of a button.

    If you want to achieve more expressive results, your smartphone or tablet should be restarted. After you clean the operating system of garbage, try to install the software again - go to the Play Market and run the re-installation. If everything went well, and critical junk was removed, the application installation will proceed without errors. Activate cleaning every time you notice some errors in your work operating system Android.

    Instead of the Clean Master application, you can use any other applications for cleaning and speeding up Android devices, including those combined with antivirus utilities. Also, many handsets have basic tools for clearing memory.

    More and more often, built-in cleaners began to come across in smartphones. An example of this are devices from Huawei and Xiaomi - they use standard tools to clean up RAM and user memory. There are many advantages from them:

    • No need to use third-party software, sorting through dozens of options;
    • They do not clutter up memory, as they are built into the operating system;
    • They know exactly what is worth deleting and what is worth keeping in mind.

    In addition, they do not need to be downloaded - everything is already on board.

    Remove unnecessary applications and files

    I got an "Application not installed" error on Android - what to do? Most likely, it's time to deal with unused software. It clutters the internal memory and interferes with the normal installation. As practice shows, errors occur even when there is less than 500-700 MB of free memory left. At the same time, many applications installed in the system are practically not used. Why keep them then? Feel free to demolish unnecessary applications and free up space.

    You should also deal with the storage of music, photos and videos. If all this is stored in the built-in memory, you need to revise and transfer the files to a memory card or copy to HDD your computer. After removing the software and files, we launch Clean Master, clean up the garbage and proceed to re-install applications.

    Photos and videos are best stored in the cloud. For example, in "Google Disk" or "Cloud". Initially, 8-10 GB are available to users, but this volume is easily expanded using paid plans. As an example, consider tariff plans cloud storage from

    • 64 GB - 799 rubles / year or 99 rubles / month;
    • 128 GB - 1550 rubles / year or 169 rubles / month;
    • 256 GB - 2350 rubles / year or 249 rubles / month.

    Promotional codes and promotions from cloud storage organizers will help you reduce the cost or get free additional disk space. As for music, use numerous music services to listen to it - these are Yandex.Music, Vkontakte Music, Google Music, Apple Music and many others. Especially since cellular operators provide them with free traffic.

    Moving software to a memory card

    If your Android device showed the error "The application is not installed" and started to swear at the lack of memory, you need to remove some of the applications. Didn't find anything you didn't need? Then move some of the applications to the memory card - this is done in standard ways and with the help of an additional software. The performance of applications may decrease slightly, but there will be a place to install the necessary software.

    Please note that some phones do not support installing and moving programs to memory cards or do not have card slots at all.

    Get rid of errors with a reboot

    About easy way we still forgot to get rid of errors - this is the most banal reboot. It will help you get rid of simple mistakes in the functioning of the operating system and bring it back to normal. Every user can reboot Android devices - to do this, hold the on / off button until the corresponding menu appears. Next, select the "Restart" item, wait for the reboot and proceed to reinstall the applications.

    Virus cleaning

    Viral infections can disrupt the functionality of the operating room Android systems. As a result of this, various errors may appear in it that interfere with the normal installation of applications. Therefore, it is very important to have at least the simplest antivirus on board - install it in advance, immediately after you have purchased a smartphone. After performing a thorough check for virus infections, you should proceed to reinstall the necessary applications.

    If your device has become so damaged and clogged that cleaning and checking no longer helps, try performing a factory reset ( hard reset). Be sure to back up your important data to a secure medium or cloud storage first.

    Alternative Applications

    In some cases, there is an incompatibility of applications with a particular smartphone or version of the operating system. You will have to look for alternative software with similar functionality. Another thing is that it is impossible to find a replacement for the same Sberbank Online. But for social network VKontakte has many alternative clients. In addition, if you encounter an “App not installed” error, you can contact the developer of this application on Google Play - he will help solve this problem.

    This article is devoted to the problem when applications are not installed on an Android phone or tablet: the download process does not start or the download is waiting.

    To fully use the gadget on the Android system, you should install various applications on it that will comfortably help you watch videos, communicate on social networks, process photos, etc. Often the installation process goes well, but in some cases it is not possible to install an application or game. Let's deal with this problem.

    The main reason is the lack of internal memory of the tablet or smartphone. If there is not enough memory on the gadget, then it will not be able to save the installation file of the program and complete the installation. The problem is resolved in one of the following ways:


    To see exactly where applications are installed, you need to go to the "Memory" menu in the settings. There is an item "Installation location" at the top. Clicking on it will display a list with available options.

    To install applications on a memory card, you must select it in this list. In this situation, the installation file system will download the file and install programs on the microSD. The location of the file does not matter, the programs work equally well from the card and from the internal memory of the gadget.


    This operation is not available on all gadgets. It all depends on the shell provided by the manufacturer of the product.

    One more possible cause errors during installation may be unstable Internet while downloading the installation file from the Play Market via 3G. Better connect with wifi hotspot to guarantee a connection at a stable speed.

    In addition to problems with programs, errors can occur in Google's work account. To fix them, you need to delete the account and add it again:

    • Open the settings, find the "Accounts" section.
    • Select the line "Google".
    • Click on the account in use.
    • Expand the additional menu and select "Delete account". It is important to pay attention to the nuance that all data associated with the account will be deleted. Therefore, if necessary, create a backup copy.


    When you delete your account, the gadget needs to be restarted. During the next turn on, the account should be re-added and try to download programs from the Play Market.

    If you encounter problems with the installation, the last resort would be to flash the device or reset it to factory settings. Flashing is relevant only for devices with a custom system, not the official one.

    Proper installation of applications

    Each user should know that an Android application can be installed different ways - APK file and through the Play Store. This allows you to reduce the number of errors when installing software and will allow you to choose a more acceptable method for each specific case.

    Instructions for installing the application from the Play Market:

    • We launch the Play Market application on Android. If you haven't added yet Google account, the system will prompt you to enter the information of an existing profile or create a new account.
    • AT search line enter the name of the application to be installed.
    • Open the page with the found application. You should make sure that it is compatible with the gadget. Then click "Install".
    • We accept the required permissions.
    • We are waiting for the download and installation of the software to complete.


    After successful installation, a notification will be displayed that the application is installed. It should be opened and checked for functionality. You can perform identical actions on a computer using the Google Play resource:

    • In the browser, open the Google Play resource. Log in to your account added to the gadget.
    • We find the application, check compatibility and click "Install".
    • If one account is added to several devices, then select the device on which you want to install the application.


    The main condition for remote installation of applications was the connection of the gadget to Wi-Fi. App won't download from google play mobile traffic.

    Application installation mode

    If you need to install the program from a third-party source, without using the Play Market, you should prepare the system:

    • Open the settings, go to the "Security" menu.
    • We find the line "Unknown sources" and put a tick next to it.
