Detech 32gb flash drive recovery. Free programs for repairing flash drives. the best programs for data recovery from flash drives

How to restore the file system of a flash drive without losing data, step-by-step instruction! Flash cards have long established themselves as a reliable and compact storage medium, but even they sometimes fail. Fortunately, in most cases, all problems with flash drives can be solved independently at the software level, using special utilities. In this article we will describe in detail how to restore flash drives from various manufacturers (such as transcend, kingston, silicon power, etc.) without resorting to the help of expensive service centers - at home.

What could have happened to the flash drive, why doesn’t the computer see it?

The problems that cause a laptop or computer not to detect a flash drive can be completely different. Flash drive recovery may be necessary for the following reasons:
— USB port on the front edge system unit not connected.
The main cause of all problems. Often, users insert a flash drive into the port located on the front of the computer, because it is quite convenient. But there are situations when, during assembly, this port is inadvertently not connected to motherboard. The result will be non-working connectors on the front - both the USB port and, for example, the headphone input.
- Faulty flash drive.
The second most “popular” reason. Flash drives also have their own expiration date, after which they inevitably break. The main problem is burnout.
- Virus.

Unfortunately, nowadays it is almost impossible to completely avoid infection. When copying data from a computer containing a virus, the situation can develop in two ways:
a) the contents of the flash drive are not visible;
b) the flash drive itself is not visible.

It is also possible that the infected computer simply will not detect the flash drive.
— Problem with drivers.
An extremely rare problem, but still worth checking for this possibility.
— Conflict between different file systems.

There are cases when a file is installed on a flash drive. FAT system, and on a laptop or computer - NTFS. Data file systems may conflict, as a result of which the computer will not see the flash drive.
— Not working USB port.

There is a possibility that the port into which it is connected is faulty, and not the flash drive.

How to restore the file system of a flash drive?

One day, your flash drive may stop working, and when you try to open the content, you will see the message “No access. The file or folder is damaged. Reading is impossible." In this case, you will not be able to copy data from it or do anything else.
If you open My Computer and call context menu flash drives, you will see that the file system will be unusual RAW, and not the familiar FAT or NTFS.

You can restore a USB flash drive with the program. IN free version the user has the ability to recover files up to 1 gigabyte in size.
After you launch the program, select the drive and files from which you are going to recover files. You should select a flash drive. will show all the folders and files located on it. Select all the files you want to restore and click the blue Save Files button. The utility will clarify where to save the recovered files and will once again ask you not to write the data again to the same flash drive from which the recovery is taking place.

After this, copying will take place. The duration of the process will depend on the size and number of files.
Once the operation is completed, you will see a corresponding information message.
Check all data for readability. If everything went well, format the flash drive and copy the data to it.

The American company SanDisk is primarily known for producing memory cards for various electronics: cameras, players, phones. It occupies a considerable part of this niche and owns a large number of different developments and patents. For example, CompactFlash memory cards were developed by SanDisk employees. The SD format was developed jointly with Matsushita Electric and Toshiba.
In parallel with memory cards, fast and convenient flash drives are also produced. Their distinctive feature is a bright design with black and red elements. Most likely, you will never need to restore your Sandisk flash drive. The company produces very reliable memory chips, but no electronics is immune from various errors due to frequent use, power surges and improper operation.

Often you can encounter errors related to writing/reading, incorrect device detection, incorrect memory size detection, the presence of bad blocks and other malfunctions that are typical for all drives of this class. You can solve them using a specially designed program for repairing and restoring SanDisk flash drives. It was designed just for situations like this. The chance of data recovery, although not 100%, is quite high.
You don't need any additional utilities or instructions. You just need to connect a flash drive, download a program to restore the flash drive, and run it.
With the right selection of repair programs, you can repair almost any flash drive. SanDisk is one of the most reliable manufacturers, so with it you rarely have to think about malfunctions.

Programs and utilities for recovering USB or micro SD flash drives

The most effective and popular programs for recovering micro sd flash drives.

  • CardRecovery;
  • Auslogics file recovery;
  • R.saver;
  • Pandora Recovery;
  • DMDE;
  • Hetman Uneraser;
  • Hetman File Repair;
  • Smart Image Recovery;
  • SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery;
  • Magic Uneraser;
  • Stellar Phoenix;
  • WinHex;
  • RS File Recovery;
  • PhotoDOCTOR;
  • Starus File Recovery;
  • Back2Life.

Basic utilities for flash drive recovery:

  • A program from the manufacturer for flash drive recovery Silicon Power;
  • Adata;
  • D-Soft Flash Doctor;
  • Chip Genius.

The last three are perfect for restoring Kingston flash drives.

Despite their technological effectiveness and a number of undeniable advantages over optical storage media, USB flash drives are still at risk of failure. When a user is deprived of confidential data, exclusive photographs or a single electronic key, it is time to think about the meaning of the word “catastrophe”. However, even in the most unfavorable events there is always room for hope. In our case, the role of the latter is the resuscitation of the flash drive. A pleasant miracle awaits all those dejected and those who once disdained the basic rule of safely removing a device. Really working recovery technologies will become available and understandable to you immediately after you read this life-saving summary of information. Calm the trembling and get rid of the anxiety - your flash drive will work again!

Memory that fails people

In order for the resuscitation of a flash drive to become a successful recovery process, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused the digital sabotage that occurred, and you should also know exactly the model of the memory device (often it is enough to have information about the manufacturer). Perhaps the fact that the manufacturer's promised reliability and security of data storage on storage devices like USB Flash driver are rather relative concepts than a proven truth. This can be confirmed by a number of reasons that significantly affect the efficiency and long-term use of the specified drives.

Main technological limitations

There are several other specific restrictions. However, in the context of this article, mentioning them will be simply unnecessary information - we will miss the difficult-to-understand terminology...

Under what conditions does resuscitation become inevitable?

When using a Flash drive, an unlucky user often makes a mistake that is quite common for a beginner - he removes the storage device, so to speak, on the go, forgetting that it must first be turned off using software tool OS. This ultimately leads to complete or partial inoperability of the flash drive, which is expressed in the following:

  • The storage device is recognized by the OS as unknown.
  • The file system of the Flash drive has been changed to RAW.
  • When opening the flash drive, the folder is empty.

Otherwise, there is a certain tendency to standardize risk factors, since mechanical damage or critical exposure to water will negatively affect absolutely any electronics.

Reanimation of a USB flash drive, or Methods for restoring it

Depending on the above “symptoms of electronic illness,” there are several action algorithms. It is worth noting that some recovery methods may either not work at all or give positive result only after a certain time. However, if you follow the recommendations described, your chances of success are incredibly high. Believe in luck, and it will certainly smile at you!

Method number 1. Resolving the situation

A single copy of archival information is a significant reason to try to extract data hidden in the digital depths. The main rule in such a situation is not to do anything at all with the Flash drive until the actual recovery process begins (this means attempts at thoughtless experiments: formatting, recording, etc.).

    You will need special program. Reanimation of a flash drive (the process of restoring data on it) will be carried out using R-Studio software. Why this particular program? It is free and, despite its simplicity, it quite effectively returns lost (even formatted!) information from digital oblivion. Among “free” software, this is the best tool for data recovery.

    After you have downloaded and installed R-Studio, it is recommended to close all active applications before launching the software.

    On the left side of the main program window, select your USB drive.

    Then activate the “Scan” tab.

    • In the next program window, in the block where it is written, specify the initial value “0” in the “Start” checkbox, and in the area below “Size” - the nominal capacity of the flash memory being restored.
    • Make sure that the " Known files» is marked with a tick.
    • Then feel free to press the “Scan” button.
    • After some time, the R-Studio flash drive recovery program will complete the recovery process and require some actions from the user.
    • In particular, you must again select your USB drive in the area on the right and use the right mouse button to call up the context menu.
    • In the list, select “Show contents...”. A list of resuscitated files will appear on the right, among which you will definitely find lost data.
    • Right-clicking and selecting “Restore” is the penultimate stage of digital reincarnation.
    • The final step is to select a directory for saving.

    As a rule, such a program for resuscitating a flash drive is used once, since after some stress the user becomes prudent and in the future always duplicates valuable information on HDD computer.

    Method No. 2. Software glitch

    When a Flash drive is not detected correctly by the OS or the operating system refuses to work with the device, a specialized utility for resuscitating a flash drive can help. Depending on the type of controller involved in the memory device, an individual firmware is used that works with specific identifiers of the control chip. Due to the specificity this method We present to your attention a step-by-step action plan.

    Step #1. Definition of VID and PID controller

    • Go to the Start menu.
    • Point the marker over the “Computer” section and long-press the right mouse button to bring up the context menu - select “Device Manager”.
    • In the list of displayed system components, select “Universal Serial Controllers...”.

    Note: it makes absolutely no difference when the flash drive, Transcend USB drive, or any other modification of the storage device requires the definition of identifiers. For literally all types of Flash memory, the described scenario will be identical.

    • So, the next step is to open the branch of the “Universal Controllers...” section.
    • Among the displayed devices, select “Storage…”, which, in general, is the designation of your flash drive.
    • Using the same manipulation (right button + long press), call up the pop-up menu in which activate the “Properties” item.

    • In the window that opens, go to the “Details” tab, where in the checkbox you need to set the parameter “Equipment ID”.
    • As a result, in the area below you will see the information you are interested in in the form of numeric and symbolic values, which is the required component for defining the corresponding utility.

    Step #2: Finding the Best Firmware

    Reanimation Kingston flash drives is implemented using the same low-level utility, because today there is simply no more effective and safer option! The algorithm for finding the required software corrector is quite simple: enter search bar copied Vendor ID (VID) and Product ID (PID) identifiers and download the found utility. But the most acceptable option is to contact the manufacturer’s official website in the technical support section.

    Nevertheless, there are a lot of different Internet resources, the specialization of which is precisely related to this kind of restoration issues. The incredibly popular iFlash service has a truly amazing base of low-level utilities. The best software solutions, most of which are from flash drive manufacturers - and all of this is completely freely available! By spending just a few minutes of your time, you will certainly get a positive result in the form of the necessary software tool.

    Method number 3. Effective resuscitation

    Transcend flash drives, however, like many others, can be returned to electronic life by using the universal Flash program Memory Toolkit or the equally functional HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. These are the best digital resuscitators today. However, let’s make a reservation: such software solutions are aimed at total restoration of storage types, that is, directly through the inevitable formatting process. So if all your attempts to retrieve lost data from the digital abyss have been in vain, and the price of information is not so significant that you need to contact a specialized center, then it is likely that the performance of the flash drive itself will be a consolation prize for you.


    As you understand, the incredibly multifaceted process of recovering flash drives was presented in a fairly comprehensive version. At the same time, the question of which utility is better can be answered unambiguously with a short phrase: “The one that works!” However, relying on the material in the article, you will definitely achieve the desired result. Good luck to you and absolute reliability in data storage!

Do you have an inoperable USB flash drive or other storage device and are you wondering what program to choose for recovery?

We reviewed the most popular utilities. Which of the above programs is suitable for you and will restore a flash drive with a 100% guarantee?

A one-of-a-kind program will help you extract all the data. Hetman Partition Recovery. It is loved by both beginners and professionals for its convenience, speed and advanced information recovery algorithm. Your files will be found and copied even when the media’s FS is no longer accessible or is damaged.

JetFlash Recovery Tool is a proprietary utility that has the maximum simple interface and support for working with Transcend, JetFlash and A-DATA drives. Controlled by just two buttons, you will definitely like it. Do not forget that cleared data cannot be restored, so pre-saving information from a flash drive will not be superfluous.

If you need to always have with you universal program, which is convenient to use both on home computer, and beyond, we recommend D-Soft Flash Doctor, its platform does not require pre-installation, it launches instantly on any PC. Software Suitable for repair, unlocking,
restoring the volume of the flash drive and its performance.

If you need to recover SD cards, we recommend downloading F-Recovery SD, which has an effective set of simple options for working with damaged flash drives from digital cameras and others portable devices. From the point of view of a professional approach to Flash drives, it will be interesting to use the Flash Memory Toolkit; the application contains a whole range of additional functionality that can test flash drives; in addition, the program works with any version of the Microsoft OS.

Recognize maximum quantity various types Flash Drive flash drives, among the above utilities, and also quickly restore the drives’ performance, the formatting utility and USB recovery Disk Storage Format Tool, which has a very clear and user-friendly interface. The USB Disk Storage flash drive repair program can quickly recover data from damaged partitions hard drive even if problems with the flash drive firmware are detected.

If no flash drive recovery program has helped, we recommend checking the status of the memory controller using the ChipGenius utility. The program works with USB, micro SD, SD, SDHC and USB-MP players from Kingston, Silicon Power, Transcend, Adata, PQI. Further actions to correct errors and restore lost data are only appropriate if
The flash drive is detected in Chip Genius.

A USB flash drive is not the most suitable device for permanently storing files, but anything can happen in life. And situations when valuable data located only on it were accidentally erased happen regularly. However, in about half of the cases, grief can be helped - restored deleted files from a flash drive. Under what circumstances is this possible and how to do it, read on.

I won’t get my hopes up in vain: the chances of successful data recovery from USB flash drives are lower than from stationary drives - hard drives PCs and laptops and permanent memory mobile devices. The reason is that flash drives are usually used to transfer files from one device to another. And accidentally deleted data most often ends up being simply overwritten, sometimes even more than once. And overwriting, unfortunately, destroys the information irrevocably.

Full or partial file recovery on your own is possible in the following cases:

  • The user deleted them manually.
  • The drive was formatted using operating system.
  • The files became inaccessible after a virus attack.
  • The files disappeared after the flash drive was divided into partitions.
  • A logical failure of the file system has occurred: it has become defined as RAW - unknown, or Windows and programs consider the entire space of the device to be unallocated.

The chances of recovery are extremely low or zero if:

  • The flash drive is physically faulty - it is not detected by the computer at all or is recognized as an unknown device, access to its memory is either completely absent, or the size of the latter is several KB instead of tens of GB. The exception is relatively simple breakdowns that do not affect the controller and device memory.
  • The files were deleted using a shredder program.
  • The flash drive was low-level formatted (essentially repartitioned and rewritten) or reflashed (the controller microcode was rewritten).
  • The files are encrypted, but there is no decryption key. It may be the result of an attack by a ransomware virus or user actions (encrypted, but lost the key). In the first case, it is sometimes possible to recover files if you have a suitable decryptor.

In case of physical and complex logical faults, data recovery from flash drives is sometimes possible, but often costs the owner very much - up to several tens of thousands of rubles (not even the result, but the attempt at recovery, can cost that much). Therefore, in such situations, many people prefer to say goodbye to files forever.

How to increase your likelihood of success

Even if your case falls into the simple category, in order to increase the chances of a successful recovery, adhere to the following rules:

  • The fewer operations were performed on the drive's file system, the better the result. Therefore, start recovery immediately as soon as you notice missing files.
  • Save the recovered data only to another physical medium (computer hard drive, second flash drive, etc.).
  • Try to restore everything in one session. Don't interrupt unless absolutely necessary.
  • If one recovery program does not help, use others. Sometimes simple free utilities are more effective than expensive paid ones. It is impossible to know in advance what will help in your case, so try everything that is available.
  • If the recovery program is capable of creating and saving images of drive file systems, be sure to use this feature. In case of unexpected failure of the flash drive or accidental overwriting before the end of reading, you can restore the data from the image.

7 best programs for data recovery from flash drives

You may already be familiar with some of the storage device data recovery programs. Our site talked about them in an article about. Today our collection will be replenished with seven more applications of the same purpose. Maybe one of them will be life-saving for you.


Wise Data Recovery

Wise Data Recovery is another worthy tool for recovering information from desktop and portable drives. Available only in Windows version. Like its predecessors, it works without installation on a hard drive. It has a high scanning speed and displays the possibility of restoring each found object.

If next to the file there is:

  • Red circle—data has been completely overwritten and cannot be restored.
  • Yellow circle—overwriting is partial, success is not guaranteed.
  • Green circle—the file has not been overwritten and is recoverable.

When you click on “green” files, if it is a picture or document, the program shows their thumbnails (if saved). It also has a function to search for certain types of data using keywords: pictures (imagies), audio (audios), videos (videos), documents (documents), archives (compressed files) and mail (emails).

Wise Data Recovery - completely free application and, by the way, with support for the Russian language.

How to use Wise Data Recovery:

  • Unpack the archive with the program into any folder and run executable file WiseDataRecovery.exe.
  • Select the desired media from the list and click “Scan”.
  • Select the files you want to recover from the list. Click the "Recover" button.
  • Specify the location to save the files on your hard drive.

Disk Drill

The Disk Drill utility, well known to many Mac OS X users, appeared in the Windows version some time ago. More precisely, in two: free - free, and paid - pro. The free one allows you to recover up to 1 GB of information, the paid one - without restrictions.

Unlike the three previous applications, Disk Drill requires mandatory installation on the computer (for which it receives a minus, since this simple operation can lead to overwriting the data that the user was just about to restore). But it has a number of benefits that others do not have.

With constant use, Disk Drill keeps track of deleted files and also creates them backups, which increases the chances of their recovery even after time. In addition, it supports any type of storage device and almost all file systems (it knows more than 300 unique file signatures).

Disk Drill does not have a Russian localization, but it is quite easy to use.

How to recover deleted files from using Disk Drill:

  • Install the application on your PC and run it with administrator rights.
  • Select a USB flash drive with deleted data from the list of media.
  • Open the drop-down list next to the Recover button, which is located opposite the flash drive, and click the desired scan type: “Run all recovery methods” (use all search and recovery methods), “Quick scan” (quick scan), “Deep scan” (deep scan) ) or “Load last scanning session” (load the result of the last scan). Click the "Recover" button (or "Continue" if you have already started working with the media).
  • In the next window that opens after scanning, select the desired files from the list, specify the location to save them and click “Recover” again.

RS File Recovery

RS File Recovery is a paid Russian-language application. In addition to the main thing - restoring information from physical drives, it is able to save and subsequently work with their images. After creating the image, the physical device with the data can be disconnected, since the program has already “remembered” all its contents. In addition, the application has a built-in HEX editor for manual byte-by-byte correction of files, as well as FTP client to upload the recovered file to network resources.

After analyzing the storage device, RS File Recovery displays information about the data on it - when it was created, when it was changed, and whether it can be restored. This information appears in the bottom pane of the window.

Unfortunately, in the free demo version of the utility, the recovery function does not work, only viewing is available. The cost of a license starts from 999 rubles.

Like Disk Drill, RS File Recovery requires installation on your computer.

How to use RS File Recovery:

  • Launch the application. Select a flash drive from the list of media by simply clicking on it. All its contents, including deleted files, will be displayed in the middle part of the window.
  • Click on the item you want to restore. Information about it, including the forecast, will be shown in the panel below.
  • Drag the required files to the recovery list on the right side of the window and click the “Recover” button.
  • Select the saving method: to hard drive, to CD/DVD, to the Internet via FTP, or to convert to a virtual ISO image.

  • Specify the destination folder on your hard drive. Follow the assistant's instructions when selecting other saving methods.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

Ontrack EasyRecovery is one of the most functional and effective data recovery programs, the main competitor of industry leader R-Studio. It successfully extracts data even from heavily damaged media, supports all types of file systems and more than 250 file formats, creates virtual images of physical storage devices, can boot from DVDs and USB flash drives, and also has a lot of other useful features.

EasyRecovery is available in several paid editions with different sets of functions. The most inexpensive is home-based, which will cost the user $79 per year. Professional, enterprise and specialized (for servers) cost from $299 to $3000 for an annual license.

Despite the enormous possibilities, even a novice user can use this program, since each stage of the work is accompanied by a built-in assistant. It is also impossible to make a mistake because it is completely translated into Russian.

How to use Ontrack EasyRecovery:

  • Launch the application (it is available in installation, portable and, as already mentioned, boot versions). Specify the type of media on which the deleted data is located.
  • Select the volume to scan (if it is a flash drive, then, as a rule, there is only one volume on it).
  • Select a recovery scenario. Restoring objects after deletion and formatting are different scenarios. First, try using the first one - it works faster, and if that doesn’t help, try the second one.
  • If the data was affected by a logical failure, identify one or more types of file systems that may be on the media.

  • Check again that the conditions are correct and confirm your selection. After this, the program will begin scanning the flash drive.
  • After scanning is complete, select the desired objects in the list (to select several, press and hold the Ctrl key). Click the “Save” button in top panel main window and specify the destination folder on your hard drive.

To create an image of a storage device and work with it in the future, after starting the program, select the device in the list of media, open the “File” menu and click “Create image file”.


Active UNDELETE is another paid utility that successfully copes with the recovery of individual deleted objects and entire disk partitions. Supports all types of media, all file systems and over 200 different file formats. In addition to the main tasks, it allows you to solve related problems - correct errors in the partition table and boot records, create, format and delete disk volumes, etc. Like the bulk paid analogues,Active UNDELETE supports the creation of virtual drive images.

The demo version of the program, available for free download, has a full range of functions, but does not allow you to recover files larger than 1 Mb.

The Active UNDELETE interface is exclusively in English, but the utility is easy to use, since each action is accompanied by a wizard.

Unfortunately, it does not have a portable version. Installation only.

How to work with Active UNDELETE:

  • Launch the program. Click “Recover deleted files” in the first window that opens. This will launch the recovery wizard.
  • The first window of the wizard is a brief summary of how the program works in English. To proceed to the next step, click “Next”.
  • Next, select one or more devices on which the desired files are located. Click "Next" and in the next window - "Scan".
  • After scanning, mark the items you want to recover and proceed to the next step.
  • Set the saving options - folder, file names, renaming in case of matches, etc. You can leave everything as default.

  • The last step is the actual recovery. To launch it, click the “Recover files and folders” button.

If you want to create a virtual image of a flash drive, open the “Disk image management” section in the main window and run the “Create disk image” wizard.
