How to change the location of the download folder. Changing the download folder in Yandex Browser. Changing Paths in Environment Variables

For those who don't understand what we're talking about we're talking about, I’ll show you everything in pictures:

This is what the boot menu looks like when installing the latest Windows 8 OS.

And this is what the menu looks like when installing the latest Windows Vista, 7.

Before Windows Vista (Windows 2000, XP), all changes to downloads were made to the file boot.ini. Boot.ini is a system file that contains information about the Windows operating systems installed on your computer. This data is displayed while the computer/laptop is booting. In order to change the boot parameters, just open the boot.ini files with any text editor and make changes.
Starting with the Windows Vista operating system (Windows 7, 8, 10), the boot.ini file has been replaced by the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file. This file is more versatile than boot.ini and can be used on platforms that use a means other than the BIOS to boot the system.

But how do you make changes to boot options in Windows Vista 7, 8, 10? There are two ways for this provided by Windows developers:

1 With GUI;

2 Using the command line.

Change boot options using GUI in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

To use this method, press the key combination "Win" + "R", In the "Run" line, type msconfig, and press Enter.

It must be said that quite a few settings are available this way, but for most users this will be quite enough. This tool will allow you to:

1) Get information about the current and default boot systems.
2) Edit time (timeout). After this time it will be downloaded operating system, defined to load by default without user intervention. To do this, specify the time (in seconds) in the "Timeout" field.

3) Change the default system to boot. To do this, select which system you want to boot by default (without external intervention) and click the "Set as default" button.

4) Remove unnecessary entry from boot menu. Select the entry you want to delete and click the "Delete" button.

All changes will take effect after pressing the "OK" button and rebooting the system.

Change boot options using command line (bcdedit) in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

The bcdedit utility provides more extensive options for changing boot parameters. Bcdedit is a command line tool designed to manage boot configuration data. It can be used for a variety of tasks: creating new repositories, modifying existing repositories, adding boot menu options, and much more.

To get to know this team better, run command line with administrator rights and run the command:


In this article I would like to go into more detail on examples of using the bcdedit command .

Example of using bcdedit.

Before you start making changes to Windows boot loader, you first need to create it backup copy. To do this, create a BootBackup folder on any disk and enter the following command at the command line (the command line must be run as Administrator):

bcdedit /export D:\BootBackup\bcd

If you feel that something went wrong, in order to return everything to its original state, run the BCD restore command:

bcdedit /import D:\BootCopy\bcd

Where is D:\ drive where the BootBackup folder is located.

The next step is to find out basic information about your BCD. To do this, run the command bcdedit.

identifier– ID of a particular record;
device– shows the partition on which the download files are located (this can be the operating system or the BOOT folder);
osdevice– shows the section on which the system files operating system. Typically, the values ​​of the device and osdevice parameters are equal;
path– if device defined a disk partition that contains operating system files, then this parameter defines the rest of the path to the operating system loader;
default– shows the ID of the operating system that is loaded by default, if the operating system in which the command line was launched is loaded by default, the default parameter is assigned the value (current);
displayorder– shows the order in which records about bootable systems are located;
timeout– timeout (see above), the value is shown and set in seconds;
locale– indicates tongue boot menu or menu additional parameters downloads;
description– shows the name of the operating system displayed in the boot menu.

How to change the default operating system.
Specify the value /default and the ID of the OS that should boot by default.
bcdedit /default (ID)
Now the operating system with the specified ID will boot by default.

How to change the boot delay value
To change the delay before the operating system starts loading, run the following command:
bcdedit /timeout XX
where XX is the number in seconds, the default is 30 seconds.

Removing an entry from the BCD and boot manager done with the command:
bcdedit /delete (ID)
There is a peculiarity in executing the command: if a known record is specified as the ID, for example (ntldr), then the command must be executed with the /f key:
bcdedit /delete (ntldr) /f
If the ID is written in alphabetical digital code, the /f switch is not needed.

In order to get more detailed information about the capabilities of the bcdedit utility, you must use the help bcdedit/?

operating room Windows system by default provides users with special folders to save their data, such as Documents, Music, Videos, Images and so on. Most programs are configured to save user data in these directories. By default, all these folders are located on drive C: in the section Users. However, if your operating system becomes depressed and the only cure is a complete reinstallation with disk formatting, then all your data will be lost forever. Therefore, I want to remind, especially novice users, a simple way to avoid these troubles.

So, to safely store your data even if Windows fails, you must first take care of transferring it to another drive. It's best if your computer has two physical drives, but another partition of the same drive will work too.

The first step is to open your home directory, which is located at


Then select the folder that we want to transfer, right-click on it and select to context menu paragraph Properties. In the window that appears, go to the tab Location.

Here we see three buttons, we are interested in the middle one - Move. After clicking it, a folder selection window appears in which we must specify the new location of the standard directory. All that remains is to confirm your choice by clicking OK, and then allow the files to be transferred to a new location in the pop-up dialog box.

Such easy setup, applied to all the folders you need with your data, can save a huge amount of nerves and time in the event of a sudden failure of Windows. You simply reinstall the system, then again specify the path to your data folders on another drive and get back all your photos, movies, music, documents and even your Desktop. I recommend that you do this simple maneuver immediately after installing the system.

Usually, immediately after installing the browser Google Chrome the folder for download files will be located in the root folder of the browser, in other cases - in the system disk (it is advisable to have free space on this disk for optimal system operation).

Reasons and benefits of changing the folder:

  • Optimizing the distribution of occupied memory in Local disks (means that your system local disk will not save downloads from the browser to its folders);
  • Setting the file download path will allow the user to know exactly where he downloaded the file from the Internet;
  • When the download folder is on the system disk, it will occupy memory as hard drive systems and RAM during the download period.

There are also a lot of advantages and a complete absence of disadvantages makes it clear - this procedure need to know.

Replace download options

It's very easy to do by following the instructions. So let's start:

Working with the browser download folder

To work with the download folder and downloaded files, click on the menu (in the upper right corner) in this list, select the “Downloads” tab, or you can simply press the Ctrl + j keys and “Downloads” will immediately open and then perform actions with the downloaded files.

By opening the folder with downloaded files, you can move them where you need them (to another folder, on a flash drive, or simply upload them to the Internet), delete them (unnecessary files that are clogging up space and memory), or clean the download folder from outdated files.

This method makes life much easier for users, it makes it possible to sort the necessary files into different folders when downloading, thereby eliminating the need to search through the numerous “garbage” of the shared folder. It is much easier to open the desired folder and confidently find the desired file in a matter of seconds, without the burden of searching and downloading files.

Do you often download files from the Internet? If yes, then you have clearly encountered the question: where are the downloaded files saved? In each browser, you can set a local disk and folder in which all downloaded files will be placed.

In Google Chrome, the default location where all downloaded files are located has the following path: \Users\\Downloads. Just imagine how much your system local disk (usually Local Disk C) will be overloaded with heavy daily downloads of movies or music. And you probably know that the less free memory remains on local disk with Windows, the more the operating system itself will slow down and glitch.

Let's choose a different folder for the downloaded files. To do this, we need to directly launch the Google Chrome browser itself. Next, open the menu by clicking on the corresponding button.

A list of available settings and options will open. Finding the command " Settings".

Then find and click on " Show advanced settings".

Now find the section " Downloaded files". In this section you will see the previously mentioned path to the folder where all the files you downloaded are stored. To select another folder, you must click on the " Change". This will open a dialog box " Browse folders", in which you need to select a new location to store the downloaded files. Then simply click on the button " OK".

This is what the new path to downloaded files will look like.

If you check the box next to " Always indicate the download location ", this will allow you to select a specific location every time you try to download a file. This way you can, for example, sort music by genre (in this case, folders can be named as specific music genres) or images by topic.

All modern browsers are equipped with such a useful feature as a download manager. But sometimes you can get confused, where did the browser save the recently downloaded file?

You will need

  • - browser.


  • Launch the Google Chrome browser to change the download folder for that browser. Specify any folder on your computer where all the files you download should be saved, or choose to specify the folder each time you download, then the program will ask you every time in which folder to save the file.
  • Click the wrench button on the Google Chrome toolbar to change the default download location. Select the “Options” menu item, select the “Advanced” tab, go to the “Downloads” section to change the default download folder, click the “Change” button, then select the desired folder. To select a separate folder for each download, check the box next to “Ask where to save each file.”
  • Find downloaded files Google browser Chrome, if you have not changed the default download location: Windows XP OS:/Documents and Settings/"Username"/My Documents/Downloads; Windows Vista OS: /Users/"Username"/Downloads; Mac OS: /Users/Downloads; Linux: home/"Username"/Downloads.
  • Open the Opera browser to change your download folder. Go to the “Tools” menu – “ General settings" - select the "Advanced" tab, in this tab select the "Downloads" item. At the bottom of the window, specify the path to the folder into which the files will be downloaded; to do this, click the “Browse” button, select the folder and click “OK”.
  • Launch your browser Mozilla Firefox to change the default download location. Go to the menu “Tools” – “Settings” – “General”. In the “Downloads” settings group, check the “Path to save files” checkbox, click the “Browse” button and specify the folder in which you want to save the downloads.
