Create your own blog for communication. How to start your own blog for free? (detailed instructions). Where to create a free blog

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. You have a great desire to write, share your thoughts with the public, promote your ideas and become popular. This is simply wonderful. Your desire can have a positive impact on your well-being or simply bring moral satisfaction. What would you be more willing to agree to?

I suggest you focus on the first option, especially since it will not take much effort or time. Of course, if you know what to do and where to go. In this article I will tell you where to start your blog on the Internet in order to spend a minimum of effort on studying, but get the maximum that the Network can give you (relative to money and fame).

Don't limit yourself. Even if you’re not thinking about profit right now, but just want to start publishing and getting views as quickly as possible, leave yourself the opportunity to still make money on your blog. Not necessarily now. When you're ready for it.

Live logs

There are sites where you can simply sign up and start right away, publishing your thoughts for free. You will not need any programming knowledge at all. Elementary registration and you are already a blogger. Here are a few links:

  • is the most popular live journal service. Here you can find hundreds and thousands of blogs of ordinary people who talk about their lives completely free of charge, share what worries them, and express their opinions.
  • - no less well-known resource than the previous one, in which anyone can have their own blog without paying a penny for it. This opportunity is used by this moment about 4 million people - you can copy other people’s favorite posts from the Internet, describe your unique ideas and generally do whatever you want.

The main disadvantage is that few people will see yours. Look, when you create your website, you use the entire Internet; if you work with one electronic service, as is the case with livejournal or liveinternet, you only get those who are its adherents. The maximum you can count on is that a random person visiting this network will catch their eye on several of your publications. There is no talk of any widespread fame here.

You will never captivate a visitor with a beautiful or simply original design. The whole emphasis is on people who already like visiting these portals. Unfortunately, I can’t say that there are so many of them. Now the population is more careful about information and values ​​their time. There are cool media, sites that the reader trusts, so using this method it would be more correct to say that you are keeping a blog or diary for yourself and do not think about the future.

You can make a lot of money with your website. It may be too early to talk about this now, because you don’t have it yet, but you can find out about various ones right now, the necessary article has already been published. Unfortunately, many of them will not be so relevant if you use a live journal, and the money will not be that big, since your “site” does not have too many visitors. The developers themselves skim off all the cream, and you are left with only the leftovers, and only if you are active.

What is the best way to proceed? I have a couple better ideas for you.


If this article was intended for people who want to take their first steps in website building, I would name the constructor Tilda - the best option. Considering the target audience of this article, I will put the service in this unique rating only in second place, but first let’s talk about the advantages.

Tilda will allow you to take control of your own website, which does not depend on anyone in particular. At first, of course, you won’t need all the features and niceties of the designers; you will use free functions. Creating your own project will not be so difficult. In just an hour you will have your own blog, formed from various blocks - “Articles”, “Reviews”, “About Me” and so on.

The most important advantage is that nothing will interfere with your appearance in search engines Oh. Tilda will contribute to this. Do not think that to win first places you necessarily need some knowledge. Some of your articles will appear in Google and Yandex despite everything. This often happens among beginners. Only later do they begin to find out how they managed to capture the right place and find their reader.

There are also disadvantages. IN free plan you can only create 50 articles (pages). Then you will have to pay 750 rubles per month or 500 rubles monthly when paying for the year to expand your own capabilities and increase the number of pages to 500.

However, there is an alternative. As soon as the threshold is reached, you pay 1250, find a specialist (if you don’t want to bother yourself) and leave Tilda for free swimming. Take your blog and transfer it to another hosting (I already wrote about that).

You no longer pay to the service, but only give money for the domain (about 100 rubles per year) and the hoster itself (about 1,500 rubles per year). Expenses for a specialist can amount to 500 rubles one-time. As a result, the budget will be about 1600 rubles. There are, but they also have their pitfalls. For the first year or even a couple of years, their capabilities will be enough for you, and moving, if the functions are required, again, with the assistance of a specialist, will take 500 rubles from the budget.

On the one hand, this is an excellent option - you save on design, allow your project to become profitable in the future, and you can get outside readers simply from a search engine. So be sure to pay attention to it and think again, maybe choose this option? This way you can test your own capabilities for free and see if you have the desire to publish at least once a week.


Why do you need intermediaries on the path to your dream when you can find helpers to realize your idea? Now I'm talking about the Internet services exchange . Here, in the “Development and IT” section, you can select the “Turnkey Website” category and find a person who will immediately help you choose a template design and install the site on hosting.

Let's look at one of the offers on this exchange? For 500 rubles, the contractor offers you to find a theme (design for the site) and install it on the hosting. Naturally, he will also have to connect you to a domain. This is a standard service. The very next day you will have your own Internet project, which you just need to fill out. What else is needed for happiness?

You might have been confused by other prices: 4 and even 9,000, so I’ll tell you in a little more detail about the functions that cost that much, and you can understand whether you really need them at this stage. I already talked about it on my blog. This term means that the resource adapts to the extension mobile phone. Of course, this is a good thing, but is it really necessary for a beginner? Don't think.

In fact, you don’t dream of fabulous money and fame, so you can easily save money on responsive design. If you want to later, you can always contact the same contractor and, again, buy an additional function for 500 rubles.

Landing Page is . This topic is not about you at all, since you need your own blog.

Unique design. Again, it's not a bad thing, but at this stage you still don't understand anything about code or web design. I don't mean that you can't tell the difference between bad work and good work visually, we're talking about O technical specifications the concept of “done well”. In fact, they can sell you the same template under the guise of a unique design, and you won’t even understand anything.

– this is also not for you yet. You don’t have to study it to rank well in the search results. Of course, knowledge will open up wide opportunities and allow each article to attract 100 people, which means that in a month the visitor statistics will grow exponentially. However, you don't have to pay for this. A little later you will be able to find out everything yourself, for example, from this blog.

By the way, I advise you to read about keeping track of how many people visit you. This is the only thing you really need at this stage. When you run out of energy and have no desire to continue running your website, you just need to see how many people are reading you and the work begins again.

That's basically it. Don't forget to subscribe to group Start-Luck VKontakte or my blog newsletter to always be aware of how to create and maintain a website profitably. Until next time.

Today blogs are gaining popularity. Many celebrities create them. And there is nothing surprising here, because the Internet is a great opportunity to communicate with a large number of people at the same time, and create a blog, means to realize this opportunity.

Officials, popular artists, and athletes have blogs. In general, almost everyone does. Do you have it?

If not, and you don’t know where to start, then below I will introduce you step by step instructions to create your own diary. After reading it to the end, you will imagine how you can create a blog for yourself in a short time.

Step 1 – Domain and Hosting

Domain and hosting are integral attributes of any blog. Without them, in principle, its functioning is impossible. First, we need to choose hosting. Hosting is a service for hosting a resource on a web server, or providing the service of hosting someone else’s web server on one’s own “site.” Website hosting is in greatest demand, since hosting someone else's web server is necessary only for large websites. There are two types of hosting – free and paid.

If you don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, then first I advise you to create it on free hosting. You will not pay money for it, but you will simply experience certain restrictions. This could be an advertisement that will subsequently be displayed in your online diary. In addition, you are completely dependent on the administration of the free blog service (hosting), because they can ban your diary at any time and all your work will go to waste.

This was once the case with my first diary, which I created on LiveJournal ( But still, for beginners who don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, I would recommend free hosting (blog service) to start with. You just practice, learn about some promotion features (seo, smo, etc.), see if you can write posts and whether you like this process.

I will describe some free blog services. is a great platform. LiveJournal has a large audience, so create personal blog This blog service, in my opinion, is promising. There is a lot of functionality here: the ability to add friends, the ability to earn money by placing contextual advertising Google AdSense and many other possibilities. But, as you can see, active promotion of a blog on LiveJournal is punishable by a ban, so you should act very carefully. You can read in detail about LiveJournal blogs in my post– in fact, I myself once started with it. As far as I know, has now blocked all outgoing links from blogs posted on their blog service from being indexed by search engines. This suggests that there are no prospects for making money from various types of selling links, so the service can be chosen solely for training– also suitable for a novice website builder. There is no need to install any modules or engine here. The interface is intuitive. No support for PHP and MySQL databases– free hosting from Yandex. Probably the most popular. Anyone wishing to create a blog is provided with unlimited space for a personal diary. The hosting does not support scripts and PHP. In general, there are an incredibly large number of free blog hosting services. You can always find them by entering the request “Free hosting” in the Yandex or Google search bar. It will give you a lot of results.

By the way, the popularity of such services according to Yandex can be viewed at If you already have some knowledge and are confident that you will not abandon your blog, then it is better to create it immediately on paid hosting. The advantage is that there will be no annoying advertising, but there will be a large number of different functions.

Below is a list of some paid hosting services:– good hosting. But it's paid. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about this hosting on the search engine ( The service is gradually gaining momentum and I think it has excellent prospects. Support works quickly, many functions are implemented. By the way, this service is one of the five largest hosting providers in Russia. They currently have four tariffs in total. The price per month today ranges from 99 to 450 rubles per month. My blog once also huddled on this hosting. By the way, for everyone who registers using my referral, a bonus will be awarded when registering on hosting– another good paid hosting. They have a total of 4 tariffs to choose from. The only difference is the amount of disk space provided. True, there have been cases of hosting failure.

When creating a blog, you need to consider some more nuances:

    Paid hosting provides the ability to receive an unlimited amount of traffic (this is in general)

  • All paid hosting supports PHP and MySQL databases
  • Using paid hosting, you get the opportunity to create a subdomain for your blog
  • Many paid hosting providers provide their clients with ready-made technical solutions. These can be various scripts, etc., that improve the work of the created blog and its functionality

You can find paid hosting services in the same way as searching for free ones. Just enter in search bar Yandex or Google search for “paid hosting”. Let's say you like some hosting. Don't rush to order a service from them. Be sure to check if there are reviews about this service. Go to at least the same service and in the forum search bar type the name of the hoster you are interested in. You will definitely be given some topic where the work of this hoster will be discussed.

The only exceptions can be hosting providers operating not in Russia, but somewhere in America or Canada. Such hostings can also be used, just know that they will work somewhat slower than ours, since we need to make allowances for distance.

Now that you have finally decided where it is best to create a blog, let’s register for hosting. After this, you will be provided with passwords and data from the panel to your FTP account. Be sure to save this data. Preferably on removable media. In general, this is where the choice of hosting ends.

Domain for a personal diary

Now that we already have hosting, all that remains is to choose a domain. If you are going to work for a Russian audience, then it is better to purchase a domain name in You can also consider the option of .com and .net zones. I don’t recommend the rest for the Russian-language segment of the Internet. Most hosting providers provide the opportunity to register a domain through them.

Or you can register it with a third-party registrar, which specializes only in providing domain registration services. Choosing a website domain name is a simple procedure. The main thing is to come up with a name for it in advance.

Today, to register a domain in, you will need to provide the registrar with your passport information and also indicate your place of residence. In addition, the newly created domain will need to be assigned DNS servers your hosting. You will find this data in your hosting control panel.

DNS (Domain Name System)domain system names It is designed to convert domain names to IP addresses. Or maybe vice versa - intended to convert IP addresses into domain names. DNS are designed for domain delegation. Once you register the domain and you have assigned the DNS servers, you will need to park the domain to your hosting.

Depending on the hoster, the name of this service may vary slightly, but usually in the control panel there is a “domains” tab, where there is an option to “park a domain”. Here you need to enter our registered domain in the appropriate field, and then wait. By the way, domains are discussed in detail in the article. That's it, this step is finished. Now the next step in creating a blog is installing the WordPress engine.

Step 2 – Select an engine

Now it's time to choose an engine for the blog we created. As with hosting, you can create a personal blog using either a free or a paid engine (CMS).

One of the popular engines is DataLife Engine. This is a paid engine. If you don’t know where is the best place to create a blog, then simply evaluate the capabilities of paid engines and draw conclusions. Many additional modules have been created for this engine, so you can build almost any website on this CMS.

Installing this engine is not difficult. For this we need file manager Total Commander. We upload files from the archive with our engine to the server via FTP, and then run the installation file. This is usually done by typing in the address bar an address like _http://your site/install.php. Nothing further is required from you except follow the instructions provided. When installing the CMS, you will need to create a MySql database. You can do this through your hosting control panel.

In principle, every archive with the engine should always have installation instructions, so you can’t go wrong. After installing the engine, go to the settings. True, I will not describe this, since this is a separate topic for discussion. You will need to install a theme, plugins, etc.

The next popular engine is WordPress. I recommend this CMS to all beginners. This is perhaps the best blog engine. WordPress is a free blogging engine. You can download the distribution kit on the website, or the Russian-language and modified version from Lecactus ( Installing the engine comes down to the fact that we need to upload files via FTP to the server, fill MySql data database into the “wp-config-sample” file, and then run the installation.

This can also be done by typing the address _http://your site/install.php into the address bar of your browser. In general, the archive with the engine must contain installation instructions, so you’ll figure it out. The engine is intuitive. I myself started with it once, when I knew nothing at all, but gradually I figured it out.

And the last popular engine that webmasters use is Joomla. This engine weighs slightly less than WordPress. This CMS is installed like DataLife Engine. As for functionality, Joomla does not shine at all, but despite this, many webmasters like it. This concludes the second step of creating your blog.

Step 3 – Fill the created blog with content and carry out internal optimization

The first two steps are very important. But this does not mean that they are the main points. Creating a personal blog is one thing. It’s something completely different to promote it. One of the most important components of promotion is filling it with unique content. Content refers to all the material on a website – pictures, texts, videos, etc.

It is very important to maintain the uniqueness of the content. That is, all the material you post on your blog should not have exact copies on other sites. Material can be obtained by rewriting or copyrighting. I wrote about what this is in the article.

A rewritten text is, of course, also good, because it is unique. But such content is mainly filled with those online diaries that are intended primarily for earning money. If you want to create a high-quality author’s project, then, of course, it would be better to write texts that have not been published anywhere before. It is the uniqueness of information that attracts people. It is important to understand simply the fact that if the text is unique to search engines, this does not mean that it is unique to people. If the idea is not new, then your blog is unlikely to gain much popularity.

Previously, as an experiment, I created one of my first diaries on the blog service, and then, out of ignorance, I simply took and copied materials from other sites. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after some time my blog was banned by Yandex and Google. Hence the conclusion: there is no need to steal content, this can lead to a ban in search engines or a lower ranking in search results.

Now about internal optimization. Creating a personal blog is not difficult, but after that you simply must delve into the basics of search engine promotion and optimization.

Below I will give some tips for on-page optimization:

  • The first thing you need to do is select the keywords under which you will promote your resource.
  • After you decide on your queries, you need to select the most relevant pages for each query.

    You should not optimize one page for many requests at once. 1-3 is enough

  • Keywords must be written in the page title and in its description
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of keywords in the text. If you make a text densely stuffed with keywords in such a way that the readability of the text is lost, then search engines will quickly determine this and the page will fall under the “You are spam” filter.

  • Keywords can be highlighted with tags And
  • You also need to include keywords in the alt tags of pictures.
  • At the end of each article, include a list of similar articles. This will increase the coherence of the text material and also increase the number of page views

  • It is advisable to indicate the most popular articles in a prominent place in the sidebar
  • Navigating the site should be simple and convenient. All blog pages should be accessible in 2-3 clicks from the main page

    It is advisable to provide each article with icons of social networks so that visitors can add those materials that they like to social bookmarks or other social services

  • Be sure to make a separate page with your contact information

Step 4 – Promotion and monetization

If you think that you already know perfectly well how to create a blog, then you are mistaken. Let's assume you created it, filled it with content, and carried out internal optimization. But what next? Do you think that visitors will immediately flock to you? Not at all. Promotion is perhaps the most difficult process in this whole business.

There are many promotion methods, but I will give only those that you will need at the initial stage:

1. First, add your blog to search engines:

2. In order for new pages to be indexed faster by search engines, run each new post in social bookmarks.

3. One of the most popular methods of website promotion today is article promotion. This is a rather expensive and time-consuming method. One of the most popular article exchanges today is If you have a certain capital and are ready to invest money in the development of your website, then I recommend this exchange

4. You can promote your newly created blog using services such as, GoGetLinks, Sape, etc. There are many more ways to promote, but at the initial stage this will be enough. After your site has crossed the bar of 300 visitors per day and the indicators TIC>20 and PR>1, you can begin to monetize it. Read more about selling links using a blog through specialized services in the article. Here we are at the finish line.

Now we know how to create our own blog, where it is better to create it, and we have the initial skills of SEO optimization. If this knowledge is not enough, then I advise you to look at the article

If you are interested in the question of how to start your own blog for free, then there is a holiday on your street.

Now and here you will learn all the secrets of blogging, learn how to write stunning posts, attract thousands of readers and even make money from your project.

Is it really possible to make any money on a free blog? Not just any, but very good ones. Most blogging platforms are quite friendly to the small businesses of their users. Do you want to earn money? Please. Just don’t forget to share with your favorite administration.

Buy a commercial account, install a paid theme, buy plugins for your profile.

The main thing is don’t be greedy. If you earn a lot of money on a free platform and don’t give anything to the administration, your blog will be closed for some kind of violation of the Rules, which were rewritten an hour ago especially for your case. And your well-promoted project will be handed over to good hands.

Creating a blog - step by step instructions

The era of the easy and simple Internet is long gone. Today it is absolutely not enough to describe the adventures of your funny kitten to interest users. Modern blogging has turned into a full-scale promotion strategy using guerrilla marketing methods with the prospect of a viral effect.

In order for your web magazine to attract the attention of Internet regulars, you need to work professionally and systematically. Here's a basic business plan for creating, promoting and monetizing a free blog.

Online magazine. Selecting a technology platform. Content blogging. Popularization of the blog. Monetization.

Which theme to choose for your blog

It is often said that there are thematic niches where there is a lot of money, and there are unpromising ones. In fact, the question of making money poses only one critical task for a blogger - traffic. If there is traffic, there is money; if there is no traffic, no fat and trendy niche will generate income.

The question of choosing a topic is a deep understanding of the issue and the pleasure of working with the blog. Since we are talking about how to start your own blog for free, you will not be able to hire a professional journalist and will have to write everything with your own hands and head.

It is impossible to write well about something that you know nothing about and that you are not interested in studying. That's just the point.

Required Tools

Text processor with Russian spelling checker. Graphic and photo editor. A program for taking computer screenshots. A program for reducing image sizes.

Where is the best place to start a blog? Which web technology should you choose for your blog? If you need a stand-alone blog, then there is no choice. WordPress only. Why is that? WordPress is the most developed, popular blogging platform.

The largest number of themes for the master page and a huge number of plugins have been developed for WordPress, with the help of which you can modify your project in any way you like and adapt it to solve any problems.

If you decide to create a blog within a popular social network, choose according to the mentality of the user audience.

Livejournal. The most democratic and even somewhat aggressive style of communication. Suitable for a political or social blog.

Facebook. Lovers of interethnic communication gather here. A blog on Facebook requires a multilingual audience from different countries.

Odnoklassniki and My World. The audience mainly consists of people who are little advanced in the field of Internet technologies and who prefer traditional values.

In contact with. Alternative to Odnoklassniki. Wo consists of educated young and old people, advanced in all respects.

Google+ and Blogger. Alternative social communities for those who have a negative attitude towards Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Although in fact everything is the same.

Here are detailed video tutorials about creating a blog on Blogger, be sure to watch:

How to become a popular blogger

The answer to the question of how to start your own blog for free is not as difficult as creating high-quality content that generates traffic is problematic. That’s right – these days SEO tricks and clever maneuvers almost don’t work. The basis of modern Internet marketing is the creation and delivery of useful and interesting content to users.

The path to popularity lies through the hearts of readers. If your publications do not carry any informational super-task and do not engage emotionally, your blog joins the army of the so-called UG.

If you don’t know how to write, start your winning path in the blogosphere with a detailed study of the best bloggers in your chosen topic. Subscribe to all top blogs. After a few months of regular reading, you will begin to understand the secret of popularity.

Don't try to imitate the content of publications - imitate the style and format. How do the best bloggers write? This always strikes directly at the deepest feelings inherent in the majority of humanity. Work for universal human values.

If you look closely, most people are strikingly similar in their emanative response habits. If you manage to find the keys for one user, consider that you have the entire target audience in your hands.

Is it possible to make money on a blog?

Once you figure out what you need to do to start a popular blog for free, the best part begins - the era of monetization.

Do you think that it takes many years to gain mass popularity? In fact, success is largely the result of a lucky coincidence of circumstances and a brilliant idea snatched out of thin air.

Things that are relevant, innovative and really capable of meeting the needs of millions of people become consumer goods.

Why did Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook become so popular and made their founders billionaires? Because remote communication via the Internet appeared precisely when people all over the planet began to feel an acute lack of human participation.

What do people around the world need today? This is the source of endless wealth for a blogger. Give people what they need, give it for free and right now. No one can resist such an offer.

More and more people are becoming interested in blogs. It seems like every person or business already has their own blog. If you are wondering how to create your own blog, then congratulations, you have come to the right place!

My goal is to explain all the steps so that you can create a blog for next to nothing. After all, the startup process doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. This guide will help a beginner not make mistakes when starting out.

The good news is that if you follow these instructions step by step, it will also save you from confusion in the entire process and difficult technical issues.

Why should you create a blog today?

There are actually many reasons, here are a few of the most popular ones:

1. Income

Blogging can be a very profitable endeavor if done correctly. Earnings can amount to hundreds of thousands and even millions of rubles per month.

2. Popularity

Many popular bloggers are known as experts in their field just because of their blog. If you are known in your niche, this will give you a lot of advantages, including earnings. You will be able to create partnerships with other top bloggers.

7 steps to create a blog

Any blog starts with these simple steps. Some of them are very easy, some require some time.

  1. Make a firm decision to start a blog
  2. Choose a blog niche
  3. Choose a blogging platform
  4. Select domain and web hosting
  5. Set up a blog
  6. Start blogging
  7. Start making money from your blog

1. Make a firm decision to start a blog

Thousands of blogs appear on the Internet every day, which begin to be active, but are abandoned over time. In most cases, this is due to the fact that people do not see quick results and they give up.

You have to take a long-term view and understand that this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Make a plan for publishing articles on your blog and always be consistent. Here's my story.

2. Choose a blog niche

Decide for yourself what topic you will blog about. It is better to choose a niche that you understand or that you like. It could be anything from cooking to politics.

A niche is the basis of a blog. To succeed, you must strive to make your blog number 1 in your niche. Accordingly, choose the right topic so that it “ignites” you and you don’t lose interest in it too quickly. Be sure to read the article on choosing a niche and the article on topics that will always be relevant.

3. Choose a blogging platform

There are two answers to the question “Where to create a blog”. The first is to create a blog absolutely free, and the second is to pay 120 rubles per year for a domain and 115 rubles per month for web hosting. As you can see, the second option is not so expensive and everyone can afford it. Now let's look at how they differ from each other.

1 Free

You can create a blog for free on the two most popular platforms.

Starting a blog for free sounds like a good idea. But this is only in theory. In fact, you will face problems if you choose the free option.

  • While you work hard to create your content (articles, photos, videos), these sites will make money from you by advertising and selling you additional services.
  • If you want to change anything in the design or code, you will not be able to do it. This blog does not belong to you, which means you will have no control over it.
  • Such free platforms have the task of making money for themselves, not for you. Advertising banners will be placed on your blog. This means that you will not be able to sell advertising space on your blog, which is one of the main sources of income for bloggers.
  • On such a blog, you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to install free plugins that make the blog much more convenient.
  • On free platforms, your blog can be deleted at any minute due to the slightest violation or technical failure. You will not be able to influence this in any way, because you will have no control.
  • You will never be able to sell such a blog to another person or company. Again, due to the fact that it does not belong to you.

I think these reasons are enough to reject the idea of ​​​​creating a free blog.

2. Shareware

If you want to have full control over your blog and make money from it, then you need to create a blog using the WordPress engine. The engine is usually called the program on which the whole thing will work.

The engine itself WordPress is free, you can download it from this link. Millions of blogs all over the planet work on it. It is completely translated into Russian. It has an intuitive menu. Convenient text editor. It is possible to install free plugins and designer themes.

Why then “shareware”? All you need is to buy a domain and order hosting. It's actually inexpensive, it's even cheaper than going to the movies.

Hosting services can be ordered for only 115 rubles per month, and a domain can be purchased for 120 rubles per year. If you pay for hosting immediately for a year in advance, then: firstly, you will receive a decent discount for this, and secondly, the domain will be a gift!

Watch the video instructions below, which will show you step by step how to register your domain and hosting.

4. Domain and web hosting

This step is technical and many beginners do not create their own blog on the Internet precisely because of it. Just a few years ago, starting a blog was very difficult. Now it takes no more than 20 minutes. At the same time, you do not necessarily need to know programming languages ​​and other technical nuances.

  • Reliability. Your blog is always available 24/7/365
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Install WordPress blog in 1 click
  • Free SSL certificate (from the video you will learn what it is needed for)
  • Simple and clear menu in the form of pictures

You will need a simple registration and clicking on a few links for everything to work. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it! Study this video instruction and you will solve this issue once and for all!

5. Set up a blog

The blog is installed and basically ready to go. But before you start adding articles to it, you need to configure it. First of all, you need to make the url (permanent links) readable. If you do not do this, then all your posts will look like this: for example, you added an article with the title “My first post”. Without settings it will be like this: ?p=123. Looks ugly, right?

If configured correctly, the same entry will look like this: or

It’s already much better and it will be easier for search engines to navigate. Get to grips with the WordPress admin and set up your blog.

6. Start a blog

The most important thing you need to do now is to produce a lot of valuable and useful content. The whole purpose of a blog is to help the user in one way or another. It's up to you to figure out what is valuable content for your blog.

Such content can earn money by selling advertising, or you can collect your readers into a database and use email newsletters, sell them your products or recommend products through an affiliate program.

The main thing is to start creating content, in the process you will discover for yourself what works better and which of your articles or videos get more response from readers.

Write detailed articles, short articles of 500 words work worse and worse. Most bloggers fail because of short content. Forget about small articles and start working on content that solves user problems. Such articles will have more different keyword phrases, which will have a positive effect on search traffic for the blog.

Don’t forget to format your articles with high-quality pictures, bulleted lists, tables, etc.

7. Start making money blogging

From the very first days of blogging, you should place a form to collect readers. Register for an email newsletter service and create a special form. Place it in a widget in the right column or under each article. To make people more willing to leave their email addresses, give them something useful in return. For example, a pdf report or video.

Try to send useful emails to your subscribers at least once a week. If you don't do this, you will simply be forgotten. Over time, you will accumulate a large base that will trust you. You will be able to offer your products and services to such readers.

Your base is your most important asset! Remember this and start working on your asset from the very first days. Read the article below and find out best ways making money on a blog.

In custody

Try not to get hung up on any technical aspects. They are certainly important, but don't try to do everything perfectly. Over time, you will figure it out and bring your blog to mind technically. This includes design, page loading speed, and adaptation for tablets and mobile phones.

Simple advice. Choose a free design for a blog that has adaptive design. That's it, that will be enough.

Focus on finding keywords and creating useful articles. Start understanding search engine promotion, there are plenty of materials on this topic. Several of them are in pdf file below.

So that you always have it at hand!

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter! Every month I send reports on income and expenses for the blog and share other useful tips! The subscription form is below.

P.S. If you have not yet subscribed to my news and reports on making money on websites and blogs, then be sure to do so!

Best regards, Sergey Smirnov.

What is a blog and how to create one? Where is the best place to start your personal blog? Is it possible to create a blog to make money online for free?

A blog is not only a way to tell the world about everything that worries you, but also a promising platform for making money. Thousands of people are making money right now with their blog.. Want to join their number? Read this article!

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to create a blog and why it is needed, how to properly organize the monetization of your resource, what is domain And hosting and how Yandex and Google will help us promote our blog.

That's not all: the most patient will get a review of the best online platforms for creating a blog, plus tips, how to avoid common mistakes of neophyte bloggers.

1. Blogging – a way of self-expression or good income?

Blogs are websites whose main content is regular posts with posts, pictures, videos and multimedia content.

As you can see, the definition of a blog is quite broad and largely arbitrary. Blogs are also called full-fledged author’s websites, as well as accounts on Instagram and Twitter. A typical example of a blog is a page on LiveJournal, the author of which periodically publishes entries about what is happening in his life, in the city, in the country, in the world and gives a personal assessment of all this.

How is a blog different from a regular website? By and large, nothing. Unless the blog is more focused on live communication with readers and is tied to chronological order.

Anyone has the right to comment on blog posts, argue with the author, praise him or criticize him.

I will highlight the most popular goals for creating a blog:

  • generating income (monetization)– public blogs, which are visited by thousands of visitors every day, bring their owners decent money;
  • promotion of your own brand and promotion of services– freelancers, individual entrepreneurs, online store owners and anyone interested in attracting a client audience have blogs;
  • search for like-minded people and friends– gamers, travelers, young mothers, philatelists, cooks and Hindi translators have blogs;
  • increasing self-esteem: having a blog is a unique way of self-identification and individual therapy.

To become a successful blogger, you do not need to have literary or any other talent. All you need is patiently, purposefully and competently maintain a blog that is interesting to readers.

Blogs are created on special platforms - website builders or based on ready-made services such as LiveJournal or Blogger. The easiest way is to start a blog on a social network page, for example, Instagram.

There are text blogs, photo blogs, video blogs. Some bloggers write serious analytical articles on a given topic, others post several lines a day, others publish recipes, life hacks, and travel reports.

If you are interested in the question, read the special article on our website.

It's hard to say which theme is more suitable for monetization - almost all areas have prospects for making a profit. It is not so much the theme of the site that is important, but rather the presentation and proper promotion. It is easier to achieve success if the topic concerns you personally and you have a professional understanding of the issues you are talking about.

Experts recommend start with narrow niches, and then gradually expand your audience reach. There is less competition in specific topics, so it is easier to achieve top positions in search results. Nobody will stop you from choosing a popular “mass” topic, especially if you can present it in an original way.

I have a friend who runs a blog about sports betting. There are such sites on the network as a train and a small cart. But he chose his own format - a critical attitude towards making money in bookmakers.

In his posts, he exposes philistine myths about making money on bets and, for this purpose, sells subscriptions to his original, non-standard football forecasts.

The most profitable niches for subsequent monetization are still blogs about construction, repair, cars, real estate, travel, beauty and health.

But to achieve success in these topics, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, and even money into your blog - if you choose paid methods promotion.

2. How to create your own blog to make money - step-by-step instructions

First, you need to clearly define your goals. What is the ultimate goal of your blog? Who will read your posts? Who besides you is interested in the subject of the site?

If there are reasonable and definite answers to all these questions, feel free to start creating a resource.

To make it easier and simpler, follow the expert step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Decide on a topic

A topic that is close to you will itself stimulate you to develop. You will be interested in uncovering new aspects, delving into details and solving complex problems.

Starting a blog with the immediate goal of making a profit is the wrong approach. First, fill your website with quality content, attract your target audience, and study the experience of successful bloggers. Opening a blog without deciding on the direction is a common mistake for beginners.

Step 2. Choose a domain and hosting

Domain saying in simple language, this is the name of your blog, or more precisely, the address of your resource on the Internet. A domain consists of a name and the zone in which it is located. For example, “site” means that the site is aimed at a Russian audience.

Some tips for choosing a good domain:

  1. The name should be original and easy to remember: you should not use hackneyed phrases and linguistic cliches.
  2. The name should reflect the essence of your blog.
  3. Don’t take the name too long – 12-14 characters are enough.
  4. Come up with several dozen name options and check if the name you have chosen is available using a special service.

Hosting is a service for physically hosting a blog on a server with a permanent connection to the network. This is actually the location where your website is located..

Paid hosting gives you more freedom, but requires monthly expenses for blog maintenance. However, most sites do not require the services of expensive and powerful servers. On average, paid hosting costs 100-1500 rubles monthly.

Paid platforms are good because the blog will belong to you and only you as the legal owner. At any time you can move to another hosting with all the content, and “attach” interactive functions to your blog.

Besides It’s easier to make money on such platforms– your site will be open to traffic and indexing by search engines immediately after launch.

A successful blogger must be a bit of a webmaster and understand the principles of how a website and search engines work. Or you will have to hire a specialist who will do all the work for you.

But even in this case, it is worth at least in general terms to understand how a blog works, how readers find it and what to do to get more visitors.

Step 3. Select and install website design

The appearance of a blog largely depends on the capabilities of the server on which it is created. The platforms offer several ready-made themes or templates that you will use as mockups.

Choosing a design from scratch is always difficult, especially if you are not a designer at all. To make it easier, research blogs that you like and target them.

There is no point in engaging in direct borrowing, but there is also no point in getting hung up on the search for a super-original idea - It's better to spend time on content rather than form.

Step 4. Setting up a blog

The designed blog is basically ready to launch, all that remains is to configure it. Need to make permanent links to your blog readable (url). If you don't do this, the addresses of your posts will look like unreadable gobbledygook.

Understand the functionality of the website creation platform you use. This will make it easier for you to add posts, set up monetization and promote your resource in search engines.

Step 5. Create a content plan

Posts (entries) should be published regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to make a plan for publishing publications in advance. Since content is the king of a blog, you will have to spend a lot of time creating it.

The release of posts can be configured in automatic mode. For example, write 5 articles in a day and make sure that they are published every day at the same time for the next five days.

Step 6. Publish the content

Short articles are less promising in terms of search engine promotion. Systems love detailed publications with pictures, videos, graphs, tables.

The blog should stand out from the rest, without losing its functionality and remaining convenient

Support feedback with the audience. Respond to comments, do not be afraid to enter into debate with readers. A blogger must know who he is writing for.

A separate point is the promotion or promotion of a blog or page on a social network. Natural methods of promotion are good, but too tedious. Even super-interesting and original content does not guarantee getting into the TOP of search engines and attracting the target audience to the site.

The solution is to use special servers. If your task is to gain subscribers in social networks, I recommend the site. This resource guarantees safe promotion on all popular social networks. Suitable for video bloggers, owners of commercial accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Another popular service is . Created specifically for those who have an Instagram account and are engaged in monetization. “Before Insta” guarantees 50,000 unique views monthly and at least 6,000 new subscribers over the same period.

Step 7. Monetize the site

The most pleasant moment is the reward for your work, receiving income from your blog. There are many monetization options. The more readers you have, the more ways you can make money.

Start small and under no circumstances quit your job if your initial income seems meager. All now successful bloggers, earning hundreds of thousands on their sites, started with meager profits. This is a stage that must be passed through without fail.

3. Where is the best place to create and maintain your blog - review of the TOP 3 popular sites

There are dozens of platforms for creating a blog, but not all are convenient and understandable for beginners.

I suggest overview of the three most reliable and popular resources, which are successfully used by thousands of Runet bloggers.


Free website builder, time-tested. Its main advantages are convenience, accessibility and speed. Even those who have no idea how websites are created on the Internet will understand how this is done if they use the simple and effective functionality of Yukoz.

To get started, you need to register, select the type of site from the proposed categories and follow further instructions. The free functionality is quite enough for blogging. There is also a paid plan: if you switch to it immediately after creating a blog, get 50% discount.

2) Wix

Free service to create the website of your dreams. Vicks is based on visual editor – this means you will have to design your blog pages manually. But you are guaranteed a beautiful and original design.

Add to this reliable hosting, 24-hour support service, an intuitive designer without any programming, and you get the ideal platform for launching and maintaining an author’s blog.

3) WordPress

The most popular platform in Runet for creating blogs, websites, online stores, and information magazines. Our portal “HeatherBeaver” was created specifically onWordPress.

There are several thousand templates here, all free, as well as powerful support and assistance tools that will help you create a blog with zero knowledge of how it works.

« WordPress is loved by search engines: with promotion, if you set it up correctly, there will be no problems.

Site comparison table:

4. How to monetize your blog - 5 proven methods

There is an opinion among beginners that you need to choose one way to make a profit from a blog and use only that. This is fundamentally wrong. Bloggers have access to almost all sources of income at the same time. The main thing is to be able to use them.

Let's look at the most popular options.

Method 1. Earning money from contextual advertising

This is the easiest way available to everyone. Even if you only have 10 visitors per day, you have every right to connect contextual advertising. Another thing is that the income from it with such attendance will be small.

Method 2. Earning money from teaser and banner advertising

Method 3. Selling links

There are services that deal with buying/selling temporary and permanent links. The higher the blog traffic, the more expensive the links. The link trading process is automated; you only need to configure it properly.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

For many bloggers, affiliate programs are the most preferred and understandable type of income. You place an affiliate link on your page and receive money every time a reader makes any useful action through an affiliate.

If your audience is several thousand people, income from affiliate programs will be very decent, and most importantly, stable.


You run a beauty blog and write about skin care products. At the same time, in the article, put an affiliate link with a link to the store where everyone can buy cream, beeswax gel and other products that you are talking about.

Method 5. Earning money from product recommendation services

An option for popular bloggers who have a well-promoted website and a certain authority among visitors. Despite the fact that each offer to recommend a particular product is one-time, it is a serious source of income for many resources.

Famous bloggers charge tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles for paid posts.

Details and facts about making money on blogs in this video:

5. 4 common mistakes when monetizing a blog

I'll tell you about the typical mistakes of neophytes.

Remember and try to avoid.

Mistake 1. Lots of teasers and banners

Don't clutter your site with a patchwork of banners and teasers. Such a site will quickly fly off the list of search engines or visitors will simply stop visiting it. Advertising should be concise, unobtrusive and relevant to the topic of the blog.

Mistake 2. Monetization in the early stages

Knowledgeable people advise not to strive for early monetization. First, you need to promote your website, fill it with original content, gain critical link mass and traffic, and then think about making money.

If you start cluttering up a blog that is a couple of days old with eternal links, you will quickly get banned by search engines. This means no one will find you in the infinite digital universe.
