Download djvu solo 3.1 Russian version. DjVu Solo is a program for creating and editing djvu files. Creating a djvu file in the DjVu Solo program

Free program for creating and reading files in DjVu format. You can download the program at

The DjVu format appeared quite a long time ago, but has gained popularity recently. The format was created by AT&T and sold to LizardTech, which created several programs to work with this format. The DjVu Solo program was the first trial program for creating files in the DjVu format, after which LizardTech created the commercial program Document Express, the professional sixth version of which was released not so long ago. DjVu Solo 3.1 program in this moment does not develop further. Many attribute the slow spread of the DjVu format to the fact that the Document Express Pro 6 program is now asking for incredible amounts of money. At the same time, the DjVu Solo 3.1 program allows you to create files in the DjVu format, although it does not understand Russian texts, that is, it does not recognize the text and does not separate it into a separate layer, treating it as image elements. But it doesn't matter much.

So, what is the DjVu format and what is it for?

Imagine the following example: you have a rare technical book, and you want to convert it into digital form, in other words, scan it. There are no problems with scanning. But further difficulties may arise. What are the scanned files? These are the most common images, usually in JPG format. What is any technical book: text, drawings, formulas. We won’t talk about tables, since they are closest to the text. The programs ABBYY Fine Reader 10.0, ABBYY Scan To Office 2.0, CuneiForm 12 Master and many others are designed for text recognition. These programs can also recognize drawings and import them into a text document. But here there are several “buts”. Firstly, the text is recognized, but it is usually imported into a text document in the form of a font other than the one in which it was typed in the document, but the one selected for import. If there are many fonts in a book, they may lose their original parameters. Secondly, many characters are still recognized with large errors or not recognized at all. This mainly applies to the Greek font, superscripts and subscripts, etc. But we warned at the very beginning that we were going to digitize a technical book, that is, a book usually stuffed with various formulas. And thirdly, you will most likely have to say goodbye to the decorative design of the book when recognizing text. All this will have to be restored in text document after manual recognition, that is, for a long time. To do this, you need to have exactly the same fonts on your PC, waste your time and, as a result, still not get the design style that was in the book.

That is, we are convinced that recognizing a complex technical document most likely leads to a dead end. No matter how powerful recognition programs are now, they still have limitations.

So we're back to the original scanned files, which are stored as images. Another way is to create a book from these images. But images take up a huge amount of disk space. Store a book of 800 pages, 2 pages in one file - 400 files. If each file takes up approximately 200 KB, then the total size will be approximately 80 MB.

The DjVu format allows you to bypass all the shortcomings of both text recognition and creating a book from images. This format occupies an intermediate position between text recognition and image storage. Scanned pages are stored as images, but take up approximately 10 times less space than the most cost-effective image formats. For example: we scanned a book as a spread (2 pages). In JPG format, the file size was approximately 200 KB. When converting this image to DjVu format, the volume became more than 10 times smaller: from 16 to 21 KB. However, the quality of the pages did not deteriorate. The pages will appear as they appeared on the scanned page, that is, with shadows at the fold. In addition, the DjVu Solo 3.1 program allows you to arrange a book page by page. That is, the book becomes a single whole and there is no need to remember which pages are stored in which file.

Note: speaking of shadows on the double pages. Recent studies have shown that it is easier for a person to read e-books simulating a real book.

DjVu Solo 3.1 program splits the image into three layers: foreground, background and black and white mask. The mask stores the text first. This is done as follows: characters of the same font are sorted, and only one of each character is remembered, and in place of all the other same characters, the addresses of their location on the book page are remembered. Thus, much less memory is needed than to save the entire text. If the text uses several fonts, then memorization is performed for each font separately. Illustrations and paper texture are preserved in the background. Therefore, those characters that are not recognized as characters are remembered in the background. The volume of a multi-page book is many times smaller than the sum of the volumes of individual pages if they were stored on separate pages. This effect is achieved by storing only one collection of characters from each font.

All layers are located on top of each other and visually when viewing a book page it is impossible to distinguish them from each other.

Well, if we have convinced you that you vitally need this format, and with it you will become a great specialist, then forward to knowledge.

Getting the first page of a book

After starting the program, the program working window opens (Fig. 156).

Rice. 156. Working window of the DjVu Solo 3.1 program

The working window opens empty, since page images still need to be obtained. You can obtain the original images, not necessarily using this program, but scan them in any program that allows scanning. If scanning was performed previously, then you must click on the button Open(Open) () and select start graphic file. The DjVu Solo 3.1 program understands several popular graphic formats: JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PICT, PNM.

If you want to scan source pages from the DjVu Solo 3.1 program, then click on the button Scan(Scan) (). After this it starts standard program for scanning, that is, DjVu Solo 3.1 does not have a built-in driver for the scanner. After scanning is completed, the image is loaded into the working window of the DjVu Solo 3.1 program. Please note that an image is being loaded that has yet to be converted to DjVu format.

Note: if you have several scanners connected to your PC, then run the command FileSelect Source(File → Select Source) and select one of the scanners.

To convert the received (or opened) image to DjVu format, you need to run the command FileEncode As DjVu(File → Convert to DjVu). Save the resulting file.

Getting the next pages of a book

To scan the next image, press the button again Scan(Scan) (). Each scanned image is placed in a separate window. Therefore, after each scan, you need to convert the resulting images into DjVu format, save and close the window with such an image after saving. As soon as you try to save the resulting image, the program will offer to convert this image to DjVu format when saving. That is, you should still have open book with pages converted to DjVu. To continue the book, execute one of the commands in the menu section Edit(Edit):

  • Append Page(s)- insert pages at the end of the book. It doesn't matter which page is selected in the preview window;
  • Insert Page (s) Before- insert pages before the selected page in the preview panel;
  • Insert Page(s)After- insert pages after the selected page in the preview panel.

Note: The preview panel is located on the left side of the working window. The pages are presented in the form of icons. To disable or re-enable the preview panel, run the command ThumbnailsShow Thumbnails(Icons → Show icons). The panel with pages is visible if the command Show Thumbnails checkbox is checked. To change the boundaries between the preview pane and the open page, place your mouse on the vertical line dividing the panes so that a double-headed arrow appears. Click on the mouse and, without releasing it, drag left or right.

After executing any of these commands, a window opens Open, in which you need to select one or more files in DjVu format and click on the button Open. Once individual pages are included in the book, the original DjVu files are no longer needed and can be deleted. If several pages are connected to a book at once, then the source files for them are selected using the Ctrl key: select the first file, then press the Ctrl key and, without releasing it, click on all the opened files in turn. Release the Ctrl key.

If some pages were included in the set by mistake, they can be removed from the book. Select such pages in the list of pages and right-click on them. From the context menu that appears, run the command Delete Page(s).

Navigation through book pages

To navigate through the pages of the book, you can use the toolbar buttons or menu section commands Navigate(Navigation). The menu section provides the entire list of navigation commands (key combinations are indicated in brackets) (button on the toolbar):

Book page viewing modes

To view pages by layer in the toolbar and menu section ViewDisplay(View → Display) the following modes are available:

If some layers are missing, then this layer will appear empty on the page. For example, in mode Color Mode shadows are visible on the facing pages. If you do not need them, then turn on the mode Black &White Mode and the shadow on the spread will not be visible.

Reading a book or watching a slide show

Before reading a book, click on the page area (on the right side of the working window). If you do not do this, the command to read the book may not be available. After this the command is executed Slide ShowBegin slideshow(Slideshow → Start Slideshow) or press the F 2 key on your PC keyboard. Book pages are viewed on the entire monitor screen. Page turning is done with mouse clicks. After scrolling last page book, the program returns to the working program window. To force a return to the working program window, press the Esc key on your PC keyboard. Book pages are viewed in the mode that was previously selected in the working window before reading started. However, the viewing mode can be changed while reading a book. To do this you need to call context menu pages and place the mouse on the section Display(Display) and select the desired reading mode or page scale ( Zoom(Scale)). In the context menu in reading mode, you can also change the viewing scale.


We will start not with the hyperlinks themselves, but thematically adjacent to them - these are highlighted areas. Highlighted areas are areas that need to be highlighted in some way so that the reader pays attention to them. The highlight is done in a color, yellow by default. There is a button to create the backlight. Highlight Area(Highlight Area) () on the toolbar. Create a rectangular area on the page to which you want to highlight some fragment of the page. There is no need to create this exact rectangular area, since it is much easier to adjust it later using the tool Edit mode(Edit mode) (). Once you have finished creating the highlighted area, a window will immediately open. Highlight Area Properties(Highlight Area Properties). We will look at the parameters of this window a little later, but for now just click on the button OK. Select a tool Edit mode(Edit mode) (). After this, place the mouse pointer on one of the corner or middle markers located around the perimeter of the highlighted area. After this, a bidirectional arrow should appear (Fig. 157). Click and drag the mouse in the desired direction. To delete a highlight area, right-click on it and from the context menu that appears, execute the command HyperLinksDelete(Hyperlinks → Delete). To edit the parameters of a highlight area, call the context menu of this area and run the command HyperLinksEdit(Hyperlinks → Edit).

Hyperlinks allow you to create in a book Additional information without increasing the size of the file in which the book is stored. There are three tools for creating hyperlinks: Rectangular Hyperlink(Rectangular hyperlink) (), Oval Hyperlink(Oval hyperlink) (), Polygon Hyperlink(Polygonal hyperlink) (). Rectangular and oval areas are created diagonally from one corner to the other. A polygonal hyperlink area is created by clicking the corners of the polygon. Completing creation is done by double clicking the mouse. After creating the hyperlink, a window opens Hyperlink Properties(Hyperlink Properties), whose parameters we are skipping for now. Click on the button OK.

After creating a hyperlink, its borders can be easily adjusted using the tool Edit mode(Edit mode) (). Viewing hyperlinks can only be done in book preview mode. To do this, click on the button Preview mode(Preview mode) (). When you hover your mouse over the hyperlink area, a tooltip appears (Fig. 158). To finish viewing the hint, click the mouse, otherwise the hint will remain on the screen, not only on the page on which the hyperlink area is located, but on any page in the book. Until the mouse is clicked, that is, until the previous hyperlink is closed, you may have problems viewing the next link.

Setting options for hyperlinks and highlight areas

After creating hyperlinks or highlight areas, a window opens Hyperlink Properties(Hyperlink Properties) or Highlight Area Properties(Highlight Area Properties). Until now, we have not configured the parameters in these windows, but immediately clicked on the button OK. Let's look at these parameters in the table (Table 4).

Table 4. Settings for hyperlinks and highlight areas


Hide the border so that it is not visible. If the Always Visible option is enabled, the border is still visible in preview mode

A line 1 pixel thick. This is the fastest setting

A 1 pixel thick line of the selected color

Shadow Etched In

The border looks submerged

Shadow Etched Out

The border looks raised

Determines the width of the shadow when Shadow In, Shadow Out, Shadow Etched In, or Shadow Etched Out are selected.


Appears when you select Plain Border and makes available the Choose Color button, which is needed to select the color of a hyperlink or highlight the highlight border

Always visible

Highlight Area

Enabled option activates the Choose Color button

Choose Color

Click the button to open the color palette and select a fill color for the hyperlink or highlight area

Link to

Page Number or Page Name

Specifies the page number or name when you create a link to another page in the same document

Specifies the full address (including the http:// prefix) when you link to a URL


Determines where the page should be displayed when you link to a URL (same frame or window, new window, or different location)

In a multiline field Description Specify the tooltip text that will appear when you hover over a hyperlink area or highlight area.

Printing a document

To print a document in DjVu format, do one of the following:

Run the command FilePrint(File → Print) from the main menu;

After performing any of these actions, a window will open Seal(Fig. 159).

On the list Name printer is selected. Please note that a printer can be not only a real printer, but also a virtual one. You can use virtual printer convert a file from DjVu format to PDF format. For example, you may need to convert a file from DjVu format to Microsoft Word format. You can’t convert directly, but first convert the file to PDF format, and then from PDF format You can convert to Microsoft Word format. For example, this can be done using the ABBYY Transformer 3.0 program.

On the panel Print range specify the pages to print. To start printing, click on the button OK.

The program can be downloaded from our website

The developer of DjVu Solo is still the same LizardTech. The program exists in two versions - free version and paid (commercial). The paid version of DjVu Solo, compared to the free one, has a number of advantages.

The program itself is not very complicated and understanding it will not be difficult. Viewing djvu is possible only on one page; on the right, DjVu Solo builds a feed of page thumbnails, however, many people can do this.
When viewing documents, you can choose different viewing modes - color, black and white, highlighting the background or foreground. Indeed, in some cases, the use of different modes can improve the quality of the displayed djvu document:

Also, DjVu Solo is rich in a number of other functions. You can add various notes over the text, highlight them with color, add a comment, bookmark them, etc. There are also settings for document display brightness and similar settings for printing, which can be very useful, since some djvu books and documents can be scanned in very poor quality.

Creating a djvu file in the DjVu Solo program

To create djvu files, we either need to have already prepared images of scanned pages, or we can scan the pages in the DjVu Solo program itself.
In order to scan a document in DjVu Solo you need to:

  • Select the scanner, by this point the scanner should already be connected to the computer and all drivers should be installed.
    To do this, select the File - Select Source menu item, and a window will open in which all scanners installed on the system will be listed. Choose the one you need.
  • Click the icon with the image of a scanner located on the program toolbar. Once scanning is complete, the page will appear in the list.
Along with scanning, DjVu Solo allows you to add new pages from already scanned documents. Images can be in many common graphic formats, for example, DjVu Solo understands jpg, gif, png, tif and some others.
To add pages to the program (each page is now presented as a separate file), select the menu item File - open (open), select the file we need to create djvu and click open. At the same time, it will be created new document. Adding additional pages should be done differently: right-click on the preview of the already added page and select “Insert page(s) after” from the menu. After this, a dialog box will open for selecting files, and you can select several files at once.

After the pages have been added, and no matter how it was done, either by scanning or opening existing images, you can begin to generate a djvu file.

DjVu Solo is a tool for generating djvu format files with the ability to import information directly from the scanner. The application can work as a full-format viewer. Provides full-screen viewing with the ability to change background color, brightness and contrast of displayed pages. Includes a side menu for quick page navigation, supports zooming and adding notes on top of the material being viewed.

The program is capable of generating new documents by importing raster images from a local folder or input device. Contains a sorting tool and applies uniform settings for data compression. Allows you to control the resolution, number of colors and intensity parameters in manual or automatic mode.

The utility includes tools for printing documents, supports adding bookmarks and exporting individual pages to jpg format.

Download the full Russian version of DjVu Solo for free from the official website without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows XP, 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, 8
  • Bit depth: 64 bit, x86, 32 bit

With Russian-language interface (required additional installation Russifier, link below). It has not been updated since 2000, so it only works stably on Windows 7 and XP.

The interface is classic - a panel with buttons on top, a panel with page thumbnails below on the left, and a viewing area on the right. Files are opened in the program not in tabs, but each in its own window, which looks strange. Page navigation is carried out using arrows on the toolbar. Supports fast forwarding and rewinding 10 pages, and instant transition to the first or last page.

Features of DjVu Solo

  • viewing books in original size or scale;
  • choice between color and black and white content display;
  • turning pages using hot keys on the keyboard (CTRL+N, CTRL+R);
  • displaying page thumbnails;
  • mode for displaying pages in slide show format;
  • printing a document to a printer and to a file;
  • ordering open windows with cascading books and mosaics;
  • displaying information about the number of the open page and the set scale on the bottom panel.

DjVu Solo has a built-in DjVu file editing tool. It supports inserting pages from one book into another, merging and splitting books, changing the background color, inserting hyperlinks and setting the scale at which the book will be opened by default;

The program can also scan real paper books and create new DjVu files from them. To do this, a scanner or MFP must be connected to the computer, of course.


To download DjVu Solo for free, click the button below. The link is direct, there are no viruses.

How to install DjVu Solo in Russian

Download the program and run the installer. In each window, click the “Next” button. Then, after installation, unpack it. Run the cracker as administrator. DjVu Solo itself should not be running. In the folder selection window, click the “Browse” button and on drive “C” find and select the directory Program Files (x86)\LizardTech\DjVu Solo 3.1. If you have 32-bit Windows installed, do not change the default folder specified in this window, but immediately click “Next”. In the next window, agree to everything and click the “Install” button.
