Where is the device manager on Windows 7? Where is the device manager located on the computer? Launching Device Manager from the Windows folder

The Device Manager tool is present in all editions of Windows (since 2000) graphical interface. It provides the ability to manage everything connected to the computer peripheral devices: both external and hidden inside the case of the system unit or laptop. Let's take a closer look at how to open Device Manager in Windows 7 and what it is.

This tool is a component (snap-in) of the MMC management console. It displays a tree of devices connected to the PC and is intended mainly for experienced users and administrators. The functionality of the equipment is as follows:

  • driver update/rollback;
  • connecting/disabling hardware components using software (it is useful to disable devices that have not been used for a long time or are not working);
  • display is very detailed information about each element, including the resources allocated to it.

Computer components are displayed in the form of a tree with devices grouped into categories: ports, modems, drives, video adapters, etc.

Let's look at how you can call this MMC console snap-in in Windows 7.

Operating system interface

In general, all ways to open Device Manager can be divided into text (executing a command) and graphical. Let's start with the last ones.

Only those users who have administrator privileges in the system will be able to open the snap-in and see the list of equipment.

Control Panel

  1. Open it in any convenient way.
  1. Click on the “Hardware, Sound” icon if the settings for displaying elements have not been touched.

  1. In the next window, follow the link highlighted in the screenshot.

Changing the way pictograms are rendered to icons will only make things easier. The required icon will already be in the main window. Click on it and the problem is solved.

When trying to access the hardware components list window:

  • the required interface will appear in front of the administrator;
  • the user with his privileges will be prompted to click "Continue" in the UAC window (how to disable UAC);
  • account with limited rights you will have to be content with the ability to work with the tool in read mode.

And this applies to any of the graphical methods of launching the equipment.

Computer management

There are several ways to open this window. Let's focus on the graphic for now.

  1. Expand “Start” and call context menu"My Computer" directory.
  2. In the drop-down list, click “Manage”.

  1. If the branch " Utilities” is not expanded, double-left click on it.

  1. After this (or otherwise), you can go to the subsection of interest.

If you are working under a regular account, a notification will appear that you will not be able to make changes to the equipment configuration.

My Computer Properties

Device Manager also opens through the “My Computer” directory.

  1. Call “Properties” of this folder in “Start” or on the desktop.

  1. In the system properties there is the link we need. Let's activate it.

Direct call

The tool is an important part of the operating system and the management console in particular and is presented in the form of a small independent program devmgmt.msc. It is located in the directory along the path “%windir%\system32”, and in Windows 7 x64 also in “%windir%/SysWOW64”.

  1. Open Explorer, for example, using the keyboard shortcut Win + R.
  2. Let's go to this folder.

  1. Here you need to find the devmgmt.msc file and execute it.

If you use the tool quite often or don't want to constantly navigate through various menus and request administrator rights, create a shortcut to launch it.

  1. We minimize the window so that the desktop is visible.
  2. Hold down the right key on the object and drag it to the desktop.
  3. Release the right button, and select “Create shortcuts” in the drop-down menu.

The shortcut can be moved to a convenient place, including the “Taskbar”. It is also created in the following way.

  1. Call the command to create shortcuts on the desktop.

  1. Enter the text “devmgmt.msc” in the line where you need to indicate the location of the object, and press Enter.

  1. Set the name of the element and close the window.

Text commands

The same, but in the console

Previously, we solved the problem using the Computer Management window. Now let's look at how it opens with the command interpreter.

  1. Press Win + R.
  2. Type “compmgmt.msc” and click Enter on your keyboard.

  1. Here we open the desired tree branch.

Command interpreter

The “Run” window will help you open a window where all the equipment used on/in the computer is displayed.

  1. Simultaneously press Win + R.
  2. Enter “devmgmt.msc” and run the command.

Also suitable for this purpose:

  • command line;
  • search integrated into “Start” (enter the text: “devmgmt.msc” and press Enter);
  • Task Manager - execute the command in the window that appears as a result of calling the “New task” item through the “File” menu;
  • “Explorer” address line – insert the line as an address and execute the command.

Problems and their solutions

Some hardware components are not displayed in the Manager, and this is normal, although many users begin to think that the system does not see some of its components. Usually these are various kinds of ports and devices whose drivers do not support the function automatic settings, as well as problematic devices.

Display hiding elements

  1. Call the “View” item from the main menu.
  1. Click "Show hidden...".

Will display the menu, if there is none, Alt .

As a result, a new huge list of previously invisible drivers will be added, and in some categories - elements, including an unknown device with a yellow icon. You can disable it through the context menu or try to make it function properly by updating the driver, because the component is most likely operating in abnormal mode.

Hidden drivers

Removing the window startup ban

Due to negligence or deliberate activity of the administrator, calling the Dispatcher may be prohibited for everyone or the current account. If she has elevated privileges, this is a fairly easy fix.

  1. Open the command interpreter Win + R.
  2. We write “regedit” and click on the “OK” button.

  1. Expand the HKCU branch, where the current account settings are stored, and go to the address circled in the screenshot.

If the directory is missing, create it by right-clicking on the Policies folder.”

We do the same with the “DisableTaskMgr” key.

  1. Double-click on the “DisableTaskMgr” parameter.
  2. In the window for editing it, change the value to “0” (zero) and save the configuration.

  1. Reboot the computer or log out and log back in.

Device Manager in Windows 7 is necessary to manage the operation of devices, update and roll back their drivers. There are a lot of options for opening it. We looked at the main ways to call it (in fact, there are more of them, but the meaning remains the same) and solving some problems when working with the tool.


Additionally, you can watch a thematic video.

In Device Manager in operating system Windows collected information about hardware computer or laptop. Device Manager is necessary to collect information about all devices that are installed on the computer. You can also use it to remove a device from the system or update drivers for it. In general, this device manager is a very useful and necessary thing. For example, to install drivers after reinstalling the system, when you don’t know exactly which components you should install drivers for (an exclamation mark appears next to the device name).

Today I will talk about how to launch Device Manager. This can be done different ways and they all lead to the same result, so which one you should use is up to you to decide. Everything will take you a few seconds.

Method 1

Find the “Computer” icon on the desktop (if you don’t see it, click the “Start” button - it will be on the right side of the screen), click on it once with the mouse and click on the right button. A menu will appear, select “Properties”.

Here is a window for viewing basic information about your computer. On the left side of the window you will see a small menu. Select “Device Manager” from it.

Voila, Device Manager is launched.

Method 2

Look for the “Computer” icon again and click on the right mouse button. Only now in the menu we select the “Management” item, and not “Properties”.

A window titled “Computer Management” will appear. Select "Device Manager" here.

Method 3

Another option. Click on the “Start” button and add the following word to the “Search programs and files” line: devmgmt.msc. Press Enter.

Available in the operating room Windows system very useful thing. It's called "Device Manager" or something else. Device Manager.

How to access device manager?

To find Device Manager in Windows, right-click on the " My computer" and select the item " Control".

Next in the side column of the window " Computer management"we are looking for an item" device Manager" and click on it. In the central area of ​​the window we will see what equipment the computer consists of. We can say that this is the anatomy of a particular computer.

Here you can see what hard drive is installed and how many of them are in the system, which CPU used, the video card model is indicated, the presence of network adapters (network cards) is shown, and much more.

Alternative way to open Device Manager: Button " Start", Further " Control Panel", then select " system and safety", then in the window we look for the section " System". It contains a link to " device Manager", she looks like this.

How can Device Manager be useful?

For laptops, one of the main problems is energy saving, since in offline mode power is provided by the battery. To reduce energy consumption, you can use various software utilities, which, as a rule, are installed on any laptops and desktop PCs.

But there is another way. You can turn off unused or rarely used devices. You can disable, for example, the built-in video camera, wired or wireless network card,host controllers of unused interfaces (e.g. IEEE 1394 host controller). All of these devices are real electronic devices that consume battery power even when they are not in use and are in " sleep mode».

Another example.

Many modern all-in-one computers are equipped with a touch screen. When using the Windows 7 operating system, having touch controls is not always convenient and sometimes undesirable. Some touch screens are very sensitive and even react to insects (flies, midges, spiders, etc.). So, for example, I had to disable the touch screen on the candy bar Sony Vaio VPCL14S1R, since random alarms from insects created inconvenience. You can rummage through the settings, but the easiest way is to disable the device that is responsible for touch input. In this particular case, the touch panel was registered in the manager as NextWindow 1950 Touch Screen In chapter " HID devices (Human Interface Devices)".

How to disable a device in Device Manager?

You must select the device you want to disable. For example, I want to disable a wired network card because I only use a wireless one. Find the item " Network adapters", click on the arrow so that the tab opens and all devices belonging to this category appear. As you can see, I have two network cards on my computer:

    Wireless– Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter, and

    Wired– Intel (R) 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection (We will turn it off).

Right-click on the device name and click " Disable".

A message will appear stating that the device will not work when turned off.

Please note that the main devices (hard drive, processor) cannot be turned off - point " Disable" is simply not in the drop-down menu. Yes, this is not surprising.

After disconnecting the device, an arrow in a circle will appear on its icon, indicating that the device is not currently working.

The question is, how can you then turn on a previously disabled device? What if we need it? Everything is done in the same way, but select the item " Engage". After this, the device will turn on again and will work the same way as before it was turned off. In some cases, you may have to restart the computer for the programs to work correctly.

If you are still a novice computer user, then do not disable devices in the manager unless absolutely necessary, otherwise you may encounter the fact that some programs will refuse to work. In any case, there is nothing wrong with this, since a previously turned off device can be turned on again. Therefore, if difficulties arise, there is no need to panic. You just need to find the disabled device in Device Manager and enable it.

How else can Windows 7 Device Manager be useful?

You may need a device manager when upgrading your computer hardware (upgrade). In Device Manager, you can see which driver is used to manage the hard drive. So, for example, in the tab "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"we see that a controller driver is used to control the hard drive Intel (R) ICH10 Family 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 – 3A20. Your controller may have a different driver. We also see that other adapters and controllers for interacting with SD memory cards and Memory Stick are registered in the same tab.

Also using " Device Manager"You can update drivers for specific devices, as well as view hardware parameters and properties through the item" Properties".

To open Device Manager in any windows You can press the combination “Win ​​+ R”

and enter:

The Device Manager window will open.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 7/8 via “My Computer”

You can access the manager by right-clicking on the “My Computer” or “This Computer” icon and selecting “Properties”

How to quickly open device manager in windows 10

For Windows 10, everything is very simple: you need to right-click on the “Start” icon

To take advantage of all the features of the tool, you need to log in with administrator rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to remove/add devices, or change their operating parameters.


How to open device manager in windows XP, 7, 8, 10?

How to open device manager, what exactly is it? Answers to this and other questions can be found in this guide.

The essence and composition of the device manager

This mechanism is the simplest element of the Windows operating system, created to control various devices connected to personal computer. It displays the entire catalog of devices with which the computer is connected and through which control takes place, for example, keyboard, mouse, HDD, sound card, various kinds of USB gadgets and much more.

It also includes a list of equipment, without which it will be impossible to set the necessary tasks in the system. Adjusting PC hardware is impossible without this program, even if your user skills are much higher than the average home user.

So why is it needed? this program? All components of your personal assistant store data about drivers, various system resources, as well as other types of information necessary to understand how this machine called a computer actually works.

The following actions can be performed in this statement:

  1. Update drivers for existing utilities.
  2. Reinstall system components that are out of date and replace them with new ones.
  3. View the condition of gadgets, their functioning and the level of quality of their work.
  4. Revert updated utilities to older versions.
  5. Enable or disable those devices that operate in the background.

The program we described is easy to use and understandable even to “dummies”, and is also available in all versions of operating systems. Further we'll talk directly on how to open the task manager.

Opening Device Manager in Windows XP

Today, few people use the Windows XP operating system, but it is famous for its simplicity and easy control over various PC properties through such simple programs, the use of which does not take much time and effort and occurs in almost 2 clicks.

How to open XP Device Manager? The most basic method, which can be used in both Windows 7 and Windows 8, is to use the command line.

It is easy to use and can be brought up on the screen by pressing the WIN + R key combination, or by entering the “Start” menu and using the “Run” option.

A window appears in which you should enter devmgmt.msc and use the “Ok” button.

There is another solution that allows you to get into our Windows XP version operator. The “My Computer” icon should be present on the screen. Right-click on it and select “Properties” from the list. A window appears in which we open “Hardware”, and then go to “Device Manager”. Opening Device Manager in Windows XP turned out to be quite easy.

Opening Device Manager in Windows 7 and Windows 8

Opening the above combination in seven will not be difficult:

  1. On the desktop, click on the “My Computer” shortcut with the right mouse button. Go to “Properties” and in the pop-up window we see the line we need - “Device Manager”.
  2. Click on the button at the bottom left and the Start menu appears. We enter the “Control Panel”. We install small icons, and then go to our operator section.
  3. In the “Start” section we find the search line where you need to enter the word manager. Select the option we need and press LMB.

Now we know how to enable device manager in windows 7.

Opening the device manager in the Windows 8 operating system may seem even easier than in the seven. We can launch our operator in just 2 clicks. All you need is to right-click on the “Start” button and select our program from the menu that appears. Now we know how to enable our Explorer in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Many people ask how to open device manager in windows 10, because this is a new OS. The easiest way would be to use search, but then you will need to write. Another way: click on start, but right-click, then a context menu will open, in which there will be an item “Device Manager”

After reading this guide, you can easily use the PC operator in any Windows.


How to open Device Manager

The Device Manager field in Windows serves as a convenient directory of all connected devices, adapters, and components. This is where you can see the name of your video card, audio equipment and other important details. To get to this location, you can use the search bar in windows, control panel or computer control. Each of these methods may be suitable for one or another user, depending on your computer and the specific situation, so this article will discuss all three ways to open the device manager in Windows.

How to open Device Manager through Control Panel

  • Go to Control Panel via Start in Explorer.

  • Make sure your dashboard display is set to categories. To do this, look at the “View” field in the upper right corner: the word “Category” should appear there.
  • Click on "Hardware and Sound".

  • In the new window you will see many sections, you need “Devices and Printers”. It will immediately indicate the “Device Manager” subsection. Click on it once.

  • Device Manager will open immediately. Now you can work with drivers and view a list of devices on your computer.

How to open device manager with command

Another quick way open device manager in windows system. You just need to remember the command and key combination.

  • Press the Win and R keys on your keyboard at the same time. Or Win and K on the Russian keyboard. For greater clarity, you will see the combination in the screenshot below.

  • A small window called “Run” will appear in the middle of the screen. Write the following command in it: mmc devmgmt.msc
  • Press the Enter key or click “Ok”.

  • This command instantly brings up the Device Manager.

How to open device manager through computer management

This method is only suitable for you if you have an administrative account on your computer. If you have a guest account, then log in to the administrator account or use one of the two methods above.

  • Open Control Panel through your computer's Start.
  • Find the “Computer” section on the right side of the menu.
  • Right-click on this word.
  • You will see a pop-up list of settings and options, select “Manage” from it.
  • Notice that there is a small sign near this point. This means that only an administrator can access it.

  • In the window that opens, go to the very first section “Computer Management”. A list with a subsection “Device Manager” will immediately appear. Click on it.

  • Now you can access the device manager directly in the computer management directory.
  • Choose any of the three methods and use it constantly.


Open "Device Manager" in Windows XP

“Device Manager” is a component of the operating system that manages connected equipment. Here you can see exactly what is connected, which equipment is working correctly and which is not. Very often the instructions include the phrase “open Device Manager.” However, not all users know how to do this. And today we will look at several ways how this can be done in the Windows XP operating system.

Several ways to open Device Manager in Windows XP

In Windows XP, you can call the Manager in several ways. Now we will look at each of them in detail, and you just have to decide which one is more convenient.

Method 1: Using the Control Panel

The easiest and longest way to open the Manager is to use the “Control Panel”, since this is where system configuration begins.

Method 2: Using the Run window

The fastest way to go to Device Manager is to use the corresponding command.

Method 3: Using administrative tools

Another way to access Device Manager is to use administrative tools.


So, we looked at three options for launching the Manager. Now, if you come across the phrase “open Device Manager” in any instructions, you will already know how to do this.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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Device Manager and How to Use It

In the Windows OS family, control over the properties of the computer hardware is carried out using a system utility such as the device manager. In other words, this is the interface directly between the user and the hardware. With its help, the following options are available:

  • View the equipment installed on your computer.
  • Timely identification of incorrectly operating equipment and elimination of device conflicts.
  • Editing configuration parameters for a single device.
  • View information about installed device drivers, and the ability to download driver updates directly from the Internet or your computer.
  • Rollback software devices up to the previous version.
  • Enable, disable, and remove devices through appropriate interactions with their drivers.

The opportunities that this program opens up can be used by both a beginner (find out the model of a particular device, update drivers) and an advanced user (advanced troubleshooting and conflicts in the operation of equipment).

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Open the “Control Panel”.
  3. Item "System".
  4. In the “Hardware” tab you will see the “Device Manager” button.

Dispatcher windows devices 7 has the following location:

  1. Click “Start” again.
  2. If there is a “Computer” item in the menu, right-click on it and in the menu that appears, find what you were looking for.
  3. Otherwise, go to the “Control Panel”.
  4. In the upper right corner of the “View” menu, check the box next to “Large (small) icons.”
  5. In the generated list you can find the dispatcher.

Also, in any Windows OS, the device manager can also be opened using command line. To do this, go to “Start” and find “Run” there.

A dialog box will appear with a line in which enter the line “devmgmt.msc” and press the enter key. That's all.

It is worth noting that your account must have administrator rights to make any changes to device settings. However, any user can access Device Manager.

And now a few words about the program interface. Initially, you will see a list of devices on your computer. By clicking on the plus sign to the left of the name of a device or device class, or by double-clicking directly on the words, you can see a list installed drivers. To update the configuration, select the appropriate action from the right-click menu. If in the list you see an icon in the form of a yellow question mark in XP, or a small white circle with a question mark inside on the main icon next to the name in Windows 7, then this means that the driver is not installed for the device, that is, the computer cannot use it in your work. You can fix this by updating the configuration, or searching for the required software manually on the Internet if you know the device model.

Device Manager is most useful application, which must be installed in all modern computers with Windows OS. Opening it, you will find a list of components that are included in this moment, and the computer or connected to it.

It is much more useful and interesting to look at the status of devices in the manager. If you feel that the computer or its specific device is unstable, then go there.

Non-functioning elements will have a special sign. In addition, you can see here important information about device drivers. If there is something wrong with the computer components, then a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark will be located next to them.

But how can you get into this wonderful application and start using it to the fullest? We will consider these issues using the example of all popular operating systems.

Let's start with, perhaps, the oldest and gradually dying OS - Windows XP. Nowadays it is used less and less, but there are still thousands of users who are interested in how to use the device manager on this particular system.

How to open Device Manager through My Computer

How to get to Device Manager:

Alternative connection method through the “Control Panel”

It is a little longer, but perhaps it will be more convenient.

A few quick ways

There are also very short, but not easy ways for everyone:

Note! These methods work equally well on all versions

Whichever method you choose, you will find yourself in the “Device Manager” itself. This is a window in which all types of devices are visible and displayed. By clicking on which, a list with specific PC elements opens.

By double-clicking on an element, you will see information about it, including information about drivers.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 7

The next truly popular system was Windows 7. Fortunately, the Manager has not disappeared from it. Please note that the dispatcher in this version has changed visually. It is still extremely useful for working with hardware and its drivers.

You can get into it by following slightly different instructions from those in XP.

Method 1

One of the most convenient ways is to use search bar Start menu. This is done as follows:

That's all, this is a really simple and convenient way. In general, in the operating system Windows 7 and subsequent ones, the search mechanism is very well implemented. Searching for files and programs is very easy. Device Manager is no exception.

Note! Similarly, you can open the desired program, by pasting the string “devmgmt.msc” into the search bar or into the Run application.

Method 2

In general, there are quite a few ways to achieve our goal in Win 7. Let's look at another one:

Method 3

Another way:

Method 4

Open “Device Manager” through “Control Panel”.

Open Device Manager in Windows 10

Next, we will look at the process of launching the manager on the more modern and progressive Windows 10 OS. It appeared relatively recently and users are still interested in the question of opening the good old “Device Manager”.

First of all, use the search icon. This is still one of the fastest and most convenient ways to get to the dispatcher. Visually, the Start menu and search bar have received major changes, but the mechanism for using them remains the same as in Windows 7.

Another way to open Device Manager is by right-clicking on the Start icon.

You can open the very convenient “Device Manager” on any operating system, and it’s quite easy to do.

Video - How to open Device Manager in Windows 7/8/8.1/10
