SSL connection error on phone. SSL connection error, what should I do? Client Authentication Certificate

When visiting a website with established certificate security (for data encryption using SSL/TLS protocols) that the browser cannot verify, the following warnings are issued:

Internet Explorer:

"This website's security certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority."

Firefox 3:

“(Site Name) is using an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because the issuer's certificate is unknown." Or: “(Site Name) is using an invalid security certificate. The certificate cannot be trusted because it is self-signed."

Let's figure out why browsers react this way to some certificates and how to get rid of this error.

Why does the SSL error occur?

Browsers are usually designed with a built-in list of trusted SSL certificate providers. These include well-known companies Comodo, Thawte, Geotrust, Symantec, RapidSSL, GlobalSign and some others.

However, many SSL certificate providers are not on these lists, since not all have agreements with web browser developers. When you open a site with an SSL certificate issued by one of these providers, the browser displays a warning that the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the SSL certificate is not trusted. The same thing happens when a self-signed SSL certificate is installed on the site. Internet Explorer issues a fairly general warning, while Firefox 3 distinguishes between SSL certificates issued by the server itself (self-signed SSL certificates) and other types of untrusted certificates.

If you purchased an SSL certificate from us and after installing it, this error occurs, you can resolve it by following the instructions below. There is no need to install additional software on client devices and applications to resolve an error with a trusted SSL certificate. The first thing you should do is find the cause of the SSL error using an SSL certificate tester. By clicking on the link, you can enter your domain and start checking the SSL certificate. If there is an SSL error about an untrusted certificate, the service will report this. He distinguishes between two types of errors:

Self-signed SSL certificates

A possible cause of this SSL error could be a self-signed SSL certificate installed on the server. Browsers do not accept self-signed certificates because they are generated by your server and not by an independent certificate authority. To determine whether your SSL certificate is self-signed, use the tester above to see if the certificate authority is listed in the Issuer field. In the case of self-signed SSL, the name of your server is indicated in this column and then “Self-signed” is written.

Solution: Buy an SSL certificate from a trusted certification authority.

If, after installing a trusted SSL certificate, a self-signed one is found on your server, we recommend reviewing the installation instructions and making sure that you have completed all the necessary steps.

Error installing SSL certificate

The most common cause of a “certificate not trusted” error is an incorrect SSL installation on the server (or servers) hosting the site. Using the same SSL certificate tester, you can check whether this is the cause of the problem. The Certification Paths block lists the intermediate and root certificates installed on your server. If “Path #X: Not trusted” is indicated in this block, then you have an error in installing the SSL certificate and the client was unable to install the issuer of your SSL certificate.

Solution: To resolve this SSL error, install the intermediate certificate file on the server by following the installation instructions for your server. You can download intermediate and root certificates from personal account, along with your main SSL certificate.

After installing the certificate, make sure that the installation was completed correctly. If necessary, reboot the server.

Other browser SSL error messages

Below are a few more warning messages issued by various browsers. Internet Explorer 6:

“The information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed or modified by others. However, there are caveats regarding the site's security certificate. The security certificate was issued by a non-trusted company. Review the certificate to determine whether the certificate authority should be trusted. Do you want to continue?"

Internet Explorer 7:

“This website's security certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority. "The presence of errors in the security certificate may mean that they are trying to deceive you or want to intercept information transmitted to the server."

We are often asked the question: how reliable are POS terminals and what can break? As with any equipment, absolutely anything can fail in terminals; it all depends on how carefully you handle the equipment and whether you follow the operating rules. In general, terminals are designed for long term operation, but careless users significantly reduce this period.

Mechanical damage is the most common breakdown

For example, very often workers simply fill the terminals with various liquids - tea, coffee or juice, which leads to equipment failure. Here you can also add various falls and throwing (yes, yes, this happens) of terminals, as a result of which not only mechanical damage occurs, but also problems associated with software. All of the above is not a warranty case.

Now let's look at some of the most common errors that can be seen on the screen of Ingenico POS terminals:

  • LLT - the terminal is in configuration mode and is waiting for the software to load;
  • SSL session error - usually occurs on POS terminals with a GPRS module. This problem with cellular communication— to eliminate the error you need to select mobile operator with the most stable signal level in the place where the terminal is installed.

The following errors occur as a result of anti-hacking protection and can only be “treated” in the Ingenico Service Center:

  • sad smiley - :-(;
  • messages "UNAUTHORIZED", "ALERT IRRUPTION", "ERROR xxxxx" - most likely the tamper protection has worked;
  • "BAD Signature" when loading LLT - the terminal is not signed, or is activated for another software vendor.

The following errors and malfunctions can be found among VeriFone POS terminals:

  • The screen backlight does not light - call for service;
  • DOWNLOAD NEEDED - terminal in software download mode - equipment engineers at the bank download software and configure it for the client;
  • TAMPER, BAD RTC CHIP, SECURITY ALARM - if rebooting/flashing/replacing the battery did not help, call service;
  • When printing a receipt, the terminal reboots - there is a possibility that replacing the power supply will help;
  • The magnetic/chip reader stopped working - if rebooting/flashing did not help, contact service.

That's all for now. I hope the information was useful to you. Until next time. Good luck in your business!

It's no secret that very often, when entering a certain resource or authorizing on a site, the user receives a message that an SSL error has occurred (SSL_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR), and the requested page does not open. Why? This is what we will find out now, and at the same time we will consider possible reasons its occurrence and the simplest methods of elimination.

What does it mean and how to deal with it

In general, every user should clearly understand that there is nothing critical in the occurrence of such a failure. Just for some reason computer system can't connect to remote server via the SSL protocol, which is a secure connection.

As is already clear, a message containing the line “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR: SSL protocol error” indicates that the protected (secure) connection is being blocked by something. It’s quite difficult to say exactly what it is right away, but we can confidently say that there are several main reasons for this. What these reasons are and how to bring the system to life will now be considered.

In addition, it is immediately worth noting that such problems mainly appear during input authentication, say, in social media like VKontakte, on mail servers such as Mail.Ru, search engines like Google, etc. Naturally, there is a way out of this situation.

Checking the system for viruses

Code 107 does not indicate a specific reason. However, it is believed that one of the possible, and also the most common, options may be damage to the HOSTS file due to the influence of viruses or malicious codes.

What to do in such a situation, I think, is already clear. It is advisable to check the system not with a standard scanner, but with some portable independent utility. Unfortunately, some viruses can hang in random access memory, so to be sure you should use boot disks like Kaspersky Rescue Disc, which load their own interface before Windows start and carry out a full due diligence check.

Setting the date and time

This may seem strange to many, but the SSL error “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” may be a consequence of an incorrectly set date and time. The fact is that the server has its own parameters, and when connecting to it via a secure connection, verification is carried out. If a mismatch is detected, the server identifies the connection attempt as unsecure and blocks it.

In this case, you need to set the correct parameters, but you just need to do this not through the settings itself. operating system, and through the BIOS followed by rebooting the computer terminal or laptop.

Updating the operating system

Sometimes the problem with SSL connection failures may be that the system does not have the latest updates installed.

True, for the most part this applies to Windows XP with the mandatory installation of Service Pack 3. Installing the appropriate update in many cases solves the problem.

Disable antivirus scanning

A fairly common problem is that the SSL connection is blocked by antivirus packages. In most cases, this is characteristic of the Eset Smart Security package, starting from the fifth version.

To fix the problem, it is recommended to disable HTTPS and SSL checking in your antivirus, and also use the exclusion list to add the browser application to it. This situation may also occur in other antiviruses. In general, the solution is the same.

Using the brandwall exclusion list

The exclusion list is also useful when changing firewall settings. This mainly concerns the appearance of the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Google services, the most search engine or even a browser.

As is already clear, you need to go to the security settings and add the corresponding Internet application to the list of allowed hosts. It is also advisable to clear cookies and cache in your browser Google Chrome, if it is the default. You can also try installing it in your browser automatic settings proxy server, but this is not always necessary. In theory, the problem should disappear.

Choosing a browser

Now a few words about preferences in terms of Internet browsers used. Not all of them are equal, and the problem when suddenly out of the blue the SSL error “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” appears may be associated with such software. True, the situation here is more with outdated software, so it is advisable to update the version of the default browser to the latest one.

However, according to some experts, ideally it is best to use standard Internet Explorer, although many people do not like it. In the tenth Windows versions there is no such problem. There, the Edge browser, which replaced the standard Explorer, is more powerful. Still standard Windows browser with default settings and parameters, this does not create such a problem (unless it is changed by the user himself).


As you can see, the SSL error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR), although quite common, can nevertheless be eliminated using the simplest methods. Moreover, it is in no way related to problems with the operating system itself. In general, it all comes down to either updating the system or the corresponding software, or disabling certain types of checks.

SSL is a secure protocol used when visiting resources whose address begins with HTTPS. Data is transferred in encrypted form, and you don't have to worry about confidentiality. But if the certificate has expired or was not made properly, the web browser will show an SSL connection error when you try to open the site.


The failure may be caused by the server from which information about the site is requested, or by the computer running the browser. Usually the error appears in browsers running on Chromium: Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Comoda Dragon.

IN Mozilla Firefox such a failure is defined as "This connection is untrusted."

If the certificate works properly, then when you click on the padlock next to the address you will see the following picture:

If an error occurs in the definition of the SSL protocol, part of the address will be crossed out (https//), and in additional information You will read that the site's identity is not verified and the connection is encrypted using outdated technology.

This situation will repeat on all sites that you try to open.

Important: if an SSL connection error appears only on one web resource, then the cause of the failure is on the site’s side, that is, the page actually has problems with encryption.

You should use the methods below to fix a connection error only if no website that uses the HTTPS protocol can open on your computer.

Bug fix

If, when opening additional connection information, you see a message that the certificate is not yet/no longer valid, check the date on your computer. If it seriously differs from reality forward or backward, then the protocol will not work, and accordingly, an error will appear when accessing the site.

Usually the time and date are lost due to a dead CMOS battery. You can also replace it yourself by purchasing a new power supply in the store. But before you change the battery, look at what is currently installed in your system unit or laptop. If you have a battery with a wire, then you need to purchase a similar power source.

Browser check

If the date on your computer is set correctly, but the connection still fails, pay attention to the state of the browser. You must have latest version web browser. If you're using Google Chrome, go to Settings and open the About section. In other browsers, version checking is done in a similar way.

Typically, web browsers update without user interaction. But, for example, new ones are not supported on XP and Vista Chrome versions. Accordingly, when working with older operating systems, you may not be able to access some sites.

Another reason for the connection error may be the action of extensions. They will not necessarily be malicious: completely legal add-ons can also conflict with sites.

To test this hypothesis:

  1. Open settings, go to the list of extensions.
  2. Disable all extensions for a while, and then try to access the site again.

If the problem persists, reset your proxy settings. They may become confused due to the fact that you connected to the Internet through a proxy, or due to the actions of other applications. To reset proxy settings in Chrome:

If sites open normally in other browsers, but the connection error appears in only one browser, reset its settings. This will delete all data, but will help solve the problem.

Setting up an antivirus

In addition to the wrong date and problems with the browser, a connection error can be caused by excessive curiosity of the antivirus and firewall. Security software checks the SSL connection. Some sites may define such a check as an attempt to interfere and block access to information.

To check whether your antivirus or firewall is to blame for the error, temporarily disable your computer's protection. This should only be done if you are confident that the site you are trying to access is secure.

If web pages open without failures when security software is disabled, configure the https scanning mode in your antivirus.

In Avast, for example, you need to go to settings, open the “Active Protection” section, click “Settings” and uncheck “Enable HTTPS scanning”.

In Kaspersky Internet Security the same settings are located in the “Network” section of the advanced settings.

All antiviruses have similar options, so you just need to find them and disable HTTPS checking.

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Often, many Internet users, when working in the Opera online browser, are forced to solve a problem that results in a connection failure. Sometimes such a failure is detected as an SSL error. How to remove SSL error in Opera?

In the specified browser, it is easy to fix it if the user is aware of the source of its occurrence. Let's look at several probable causes of the error and ways to get rid of the problem.

Features of the error

If you analyze the initial causes of an error of this type, you first need to find out what exactly it is. Typically, such a failure is a message that is sent to the security system.

SSL technology is quite similar to HTTPS and is a system of secure Internet connection when the information that the user’s terminal sends and receives is encrypted. The SSL protocol uses a special list of certificates that are provided to online resources. They serve as confirmation of the security of a particular Internet site.

When you receive a notification that a certificate error occurred in the Opera browser while connecting to an online resource, you should not rush and go to the web resource. Often this may not be very safe. However, this is by no means an isolated situation in which such a failure can occur.

Virus infection

A common situation when an Opera SSL error occurs is simply when threats such as viruses, applets or harmful codes enter the system. They are capable of partially blocking the connection, and at the same time installing their redirection to other Internet resources, which are generally not safe. Therefore, it is immediately important to pay attention directly to the address line. Usually, instead of the request that was entered, a completely different address will be written there.

In this case, experts advise not to use installed antivirus to find and eliminate the danger. It is advisable to use a specific portable utility or boot before starting the system from a disk like Kaspersky's Rescue Disk. By the way, the latter method is considered more preferable, since current viruses can settle in the RAM, in boot disk sectors, and at the same time in logical partitions.

Firewall and antivirus settings

Often an SSL connection error in Opera occurs due to an authentication problem in the browser. As a rule, its occurrence is caused by prohibitions that are stored in the settings, as well as the parameters of the Windows firewall and antivirus scanners.

How to fix SSL error in Opera? There are two ways: add the required Internet resource to the list of exceptions antivirus program or do the same, but for an online browser, in the firewall settings. Although it is possible to completely disable the firewall, but only when a licensed version of the antivirus is installed on the terminal, which monitors the prevention of external threats directly online.

Inaccurate date and time

The presented error can also occur due to incorrectly set time and date, although this is considered an indirect cause. It is important to take into account that, in particular, the date was set for entire years in advance. When the certificate validity of an Internet resource has expired during this interval, the Internet browser defines it as expired. The same applies to setting the date, which is done whole years ago. Here the opposite situation is observed, in which the certificate has still become valid and is not recognized as real.

It is possible to cope with this problem if you set the time and date correctly in the system parameters. However, sometimes this may not work, so you will need to address the system time and date parameters located in the BIOS.

Modifying SSL settings in the Internet browser

Another reason for the error occurs when the main browser settings are incorrectly configured, namely, support for the SSL protocol.

In this case, you will need to go to the main browser menu. After this, you need to go to the advanced settings one by one and open the tab responsible for security. This menu has a special button to enter the section where security certificates are located. In the window that appears, you need to select the “SSL” inscription. After completing this procedure, the changes must be confirmed by clicking on “OK”, after which the browser will restart.

As for the cases when a plugin error occurs in Opera (it doesn’t matter which one), then, apparently, this is only due to the fact that the plugin is either disabled or needs to be updated (update messages are sometimes disabled, especially when using optimizers that work online). In this case, you just need to update the required add-on or add-on, in particular, download the Flash Player plug-in from the official Adobe website, and then install it into the system after closing Opera.

It is likely that your online browser has installed a plugin such as AdBlock, which is sometimes also capable of blocking the content of Internet sites (often pop-up windows). If necessary, you can disable such a plugin in the add-on settings.

As you can see, there is no need to perform anything particularly complicated to eliminate the error in question. But these are only the general and most common causes of errors of this kind. Before deciding to use one action or another, it is important to clearly understand the current situation.
