What is the name of the latest version of google chrome. How to use Google Chrome (Google Chrome)? Everything point by point. Useful extensions and applications

The laurels of triumph were prepared for him long before his official birthday was announced. He, like the heir to a billion-dollar fortune, was in a privileged position from the moment of his birth. He did not have to go through a long and difficult path to fame, because his great parent always stood behind him -.

Of course I'm talking about browser Google Chrome , which has become the most popular means of surfing in the world today. And by the way, this took him less than six years. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Google Chrome: from idea to first steps

Until 2008, executive director of Google Corporation Eric Schmidt and didn’t want to hear about any own browser under the company’s brand. One can understand him: the niche was divided long ago. By that time, each user had already found his favorite program, with the help of which he accessed the Internet. Coming there with your new development, even under such a formidable brand, was extremely dangerous: if Google’s new brainchild had failed at the stage of presentation to users, this would have been a significant blow to the prestige of the search giant.

And yet there were people in the company who believed in the success of the endeavor. In particular, the well-known founders of Google - and. Possessing enormous financial resources, they could afford to create a browser prototype “at their own risk.” In other words, the first version of Google Chrome was developed without any guarantees that the product would subsequently be approved by the executive director.

Hired from Mozilla Firefox the experts did not disappoint: they created a browser so convenient and easy to use that Eric Schmidt changed his anger to mercy. It was decided to start full-fledged work in preparation for the release of the program into the world. During the day birth of Google Chrome is officially considered September 2, 2008: it was on this day that the corporation officially announced the creation of a new browser. By the way, it was at the same time that the first beta version, aimed at Windows, was released. A start has been made.

Chrome's heyday

If you read my notes about the history of other browsers (,), you will notice that each product has gone a long way from an unknown program to the “favorite” of millions. Thanks to the company's huge money, the Google Chrome browser passed this stage almost painlessly and incredibly quickly. Already on December 11, 2008, the first stable version was released, after which the program immediately won 1% of the market. For a beginner three months old, this is simply a fantastic result.

A little technical information . All versions of Chrome until April 2013 were based on the Webkit engine. Later, the Blink engine became the basis. Chrome still works on Blink.
Versions for Linux and Mac OS X appeared a year after the official release. Starting from the fifth version, the browser has the same capabilities in all operating systems.

Every new release attracted more and more new adherents to Chrom’s side. This is not surprising, because the company had almost unlimited capabilities (finance, PR, direct), thanks to which it could implement any of its developments and whims with lightning speed.

Talk about the history of version development Google browser Chrome is completely uninteresting. Each new release was planned and thought out in advance, there was no struggle for survival or difficulties. Only constant stable growth and development of ever new market territories. Thanks to such well-coordinated work, very soon the browser came out on top in the world, having “moved” to the computers of 40% of users.

Google Chrome Security

And it is Google that has made it a rule to check the security of its browser with the most tested and in a reliable way- . Those who can find a vulnerability in Google Chrome are paid a good sum (Google allocates about $3,000,000 for this task). And this idea bore fruit: in recent years, many “ostentatious hacks” (not prosecuted by law, of course) have been committed. Naturally, the developers drew conclusions, patched up the gaps, and again challenged.

In parallel with each new release, companies constantly pay huge amounts of money for hacking their product. Let's say, when these lines were being written, information appeared on the Internet that the latest release of the program to date (33rd in a row) was successfully hacked twice. For which the “hackers” officially received $100,000 and $60,000 from the company, respectively. Everything is quite serious: the creators are doing their best to ensure that Chrome continues to remain the most secure browser in the world.

Another security feature of the Chrome browser is the sandbox. An excellent solution that allows you to isolate a newly opened tab from the rest of the program’s functionality. In other words, an attack from a specific page will not harm the entire software, since all tabs are programmatically separated. Applications are also sandboxed.

10 Principles for Chrome Success

Of course, it would be foolish to say that the success of Google Chrome consisted only of the loud fame of the brand. This browser has indeed done many revolutionary things, which have rightfully earned it a place in the pantheon of fame. After some thought, I have chosen the top 10 advantages that make Google Chrome so popular. So, here is my humble hit parade:

  • ~ quick page browsing;

  • ~ high level of security and the sandbox we already mentioned;

  • ~ minimalism in design, thanks to which maximum space is allocated for displaying web pages directly;

  • ~ plugins and extensions, of which Google Chrome already has an abundance and new ones are constantly appearing;

  • ~ synchronization with Google account;

  • ~ “incognito” mode, in which browsing history and cookies are not saved;

  • ~ tools for webmasters;

  • ~ presence of dynamic tabs;

  • ~ control of program failures;

  • ~ comfortable search string, combined with address (so-called Omnibox).

What's in the future?

It is clear that at the current stage the full potential of the Google Chrome browser has not been revealed. Considering Google’s literally manic desire to centralize everything, it is worth predicting many more revolutionary breakthroughs and changes.

In particular, you can expect a lot from Chrome OS, which has already gained fame as a destroyer of the usual foundations. It seems to me that Google Chrome is just beginning to show its capabilities, and in the future we will admire its new achievements more than once. This is a browser that can handle the most daring discoveries.

The web browser Google Chrome (Google Chrome) is becoming more and more popular every day. Its main advantage is the ability to surf the net really quickly. In addition, many users note its surprisingly simple intuitive interface as the main advantages of the browser. However, it still takes some time to master it. This material presents short excursion That's why, how to use Google Chrome.

How to download and install Google Chrome?

Of course, before answering the question of how to use Google Chrome, you need to understand where you can download this browser and how to install it. It is worth saying that this is very simple to do - you just need to go to official web browser page, click on the “Download Chrome” button, and then install the program automatically.

However, if you have any problems with the installation, you can read our detailed article on this topic - “”.

Google Chrome interface

So, you have downloaded and installed the browser, now it’s time to figure out how to use Google Chrome.

The first thing you must do is double-click on the browser icon with the left mouse button to launch it and, as they say, the program interface will open in front of you in all its glory. You can immediately notice that it is made in the now fashionable minimalist design, which is pleasing to the eye and accessible to the modern user.

Conventionally, the interface can be divided into several areas:

1 — Field for creating new tabs – you can create as many tabs as you like and work with them simultaneously, switching by clicking on the tab of interest with the left mouse button once.

2 — Field for entering URLs - here you can enter a URL or directly a search query. If you enter a site URL, the site you are looking for will immediately open in front of you; if you enter a search query, a search results window for this request will appear in front of you.

3 — Work area – the contents of the sites you work with or search results will appear in it. However, when you launch the browser here, the main page of the search engine will always open by default. Google systems(unless you configure your browser differently, but more on that a little later) - this is understandable, because it is Google company developed the Google Chrome browser.

Getting started with Google Chrome

Having become a little familiar with the browser interface, you can start working with it. How? Just enter the desired address or search query in the field for entering URLs and click Enter - if you have access to the Internet, the page or result you are interested in will immediately appear in front of you search query– please note that the browser will prompt you with the most popular queries.

If you want to add a new tab, left-click once on the special button.

If you want to download a link from the page you are working on, left-click on it - it will open in a new tab and you will be automatically redirected to it. You can also right-click on the link and select the desired action.

In order to go back a step, you can click the special button located to the left of the URL input line, in the form of a back arrow. If you want to “go back” one step forward, click the forward arrow, and to refresh the page, click on the curled arrow.

To close a tab, you just need to click on the cross.

If you accidentally close a tab, press the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+T” and it will return.

If you want to add a tab to your bookmarks, click on the “star” (see screenshot above), after you click on it, the bookmark will appear in the bookmarks bar.

By default, the bookmarks bar is displayed only on the start page, but if you set the “Show taskbar” setting (to do this, right-click on the bookmarks bar and select the appropriate action), it will be displayed in all windows.

Other tab actions are available by right-clicking on a tab.

Setting up Google Chrome

While talking about the Google Chrome interface, we did not mention one very important browser button - it looks like three horizontal stripes and is a very important point in answering the question of how to use Google Chrome. This is the browser settings button.

The entire web browser settings menu is divided into several parts. A number of options presented in the menu are standard, that is, similar options can be found in any other program - find, exit, help, etc. However, some points are worth talking about in more detail.

Firstly, this is the “History”, “Downloads” and “Bookmarks” group. If you click on “History”, you can see a list of previously visited sites.

The “Downloads” item will show previously saved downloaded files.

The “Bookmarks” item allows you to manage your bookmarks - you can create a new bookmark, go to one of the sites already saved in bookmarks, and also configure bookmarks using the bookmark manager.

In particular, all bookmarks can be sorted into folders if you have a lot of them.

It is also very important to dwell in detail on the “Settings” and “Additional tools” items.

Settings item Google Chrome

Using Google Chrome's "Settings" you can completely optimize the browser to suit your needs. There are a number of sections here:

“Login” - in this section you need to log in Google account, in this case, all your data will be synchronized, all account settings will be automatically remembered, that is, if you log into Google Chrome from any other PC through your account, you will automatically receive a browser optimally configured for your needs.

“Open on startup” - here you can set which page you want to see on startup, the default is “New Tab”, but you can set the “Previously opened tabs” option, then the browser will open and load those tabs that were opened at the time of the last work session. And finally, using the “Specified Pages” item, you can set a very specific desired page, and when you start the web browser, it will open exactly that page.

Chapter " Appearance» allows you to make the browser visually optimal for the user by selecting the desired theme. Also in this section you can activate the button " Home page"("Home page" is the page specified in the "Open at startup" section) and set the "Always show bookmarks bar" setting.

The Search section allows you to select the default search engine.

Using the Users menu, you can configure different user profiles and set extended or limited rights for each of them.

To the left of the settings sections you can see a small submenu consisting of the items “History”, “Extensions” and “About the program”. Using the first, you can view recently visited sites, using the latter, you can find out basic information about the browser, and “Extensions” will help supplement the browser’s options. This section displays installed extensions, and to download more, you can click on the “More extensions” link.

Extensions are special programs, performing certain functions that cannot be implemented through standard settings web browser. For example, you can download the extension "".

And all your favorite pages will be displayed not on a standard narrow panel, but on a special convenient page.

If you don't like the extension, you can always disable or remove it.

Item "Additional tools"

This item is generally intended more for advanced users, because with it you can activate the browser’s “Task Manager” and developer tools.

Using the Task Manager, the user has the opportunity to evaluate, for example, which of the pages he is working with takes up more memory from the PC.

Also, using the “Additional tools” section, you can quickly go to the menu for clearing browser history and view extensions.


Of course, the topic of how to use Google Chrome is perhaps worthy of an entire book, and it is simply impossible to convey all the capabilities of the browser in one article. However, we tried to set out the basics of managing this web browser in this material. And if you are interested in the Google Chrome browser in more depth, you can study other articles about it on our IT blog. We hope you find the information you need!

Google Chrome is a product of one of the most powerful search engines, Google. The founding date of the corporation is considered to be 1998. Google's Chrome browser launched in 2008. Gaining its audience at a good pace, it becomes one of the most popular browsers for computers and mobile devices. Now the number of its users numbers hundreds of millions of people. The browser is used on almost every second computer in the world. Let's take a closer look at what Chrome is, how to install it correctly and what capabilities it has.

Google Corporation. Start

Everyone knows that Google is, first of all, search system. Today, Google is a huge transnational corporation with offices in many countries, and the main one in the United States.

And it all started back in 1996. Two California students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were engaged in a research project designed to develop new technologies for a digital universal library. During the research, students studied the mathematical properties of the then existing World Wide Web. This is how they were created search robot, which found the necessary sites, offered a list of them, assessing, first of all, the importance of the information, and not the largest number of a certain word found on the site, as the then existing search engines did.

After that, investors were found for such a brainchild of students. The new search system, having undergone many improvements, began to very quickly win the hearts of users.

The birth of a new browser

What is "Chrome"? At first, the management of Google Corporation did not even think about creating a new browser, because the niche was already sufficiently filled. And frankly speaking, the creators of the powerful corporation were afraid of the resounding failure of the browser project. But, having powerful financial resources, they decided to try to sketch out a project and submit it to management. Oddly enough, it was approved - due to its simplicity, clarity and pleasant use.

In the fall of 2008, the first version of the Google Chrome browser was released for operating system Windows. Thanks to the huge budget invested in the new brainchild, the browser quickly overcomes the path from unknown to very popular.

Google Chrome browser. What it is

The Chrome browser from Google is developed based on the free Chromium browser, which is the “father” of many existing browsers. The developers of the program decided to use the Webkit engine as the basis for its work, but in 2013 the Google Chrome browser switched to the Blink engine.

Now the Google Chrome browser positions itself as simple, fast and secure software. Of course, it proves this with its popularity, convenient, uncluttered interface, high level of security, which can be discussed separately, and many applications and extensions for every taste. It can also be noted that a browser like Chrome does not stand still, constantly improving its numerous services.

Advantages of the Chrome browser

Following the saying “Everything ingenious is simple,” Google Chrome has many advantages that have given it such popularity. Among them we can note fast page browsing and a minimalistic design in which nothing distracts from the web page.

If you would not like to view your browsing history after use, the “incognito” mode will ensure your privacy. Due to the fact that the search bar is combined with the address bar, there is no need to enter the full site address. To synchronize user data, Google links this data with each other, storing it on a cloud server. If necessary, you can log into your account from any computer and access your bookmarks and necessary information. This handy feature comes in handy if the browser is removed.

Program failure control will not allow you to interrupt work at the wrong time. Also pleasing is the browser’s versatility for all operating systems. Many people probably know that Chrome is a browser that can be installed on any operating system and electronic device. To ensure the safety of its users, Google Chrome maintains a blacklist of malicious sites and also notifies possible threat when going to one or another unknown page. This browser has many advantages, but the main thing about Chrome is its high speed.


Download the Google Chrome browser for free. The best way to do this is from the official page. Before downloading, make sure your device is compatible system requirements. So, Windows for Chrome should start with version seven. CPU Intel Pentium must be in the fourth or later generation. To install Chrome on your mobile device on Android based, you should use a version of the operating system that cannot be before Android 4.1. iOS system must start with 9 or later versions.

After the Chrome installation file has been downloaded for free, you must click the “Run” or “Save” button. Then double-click the mouse to launch the saved installed file and use the Google Chrome browser.

Importing settings

If necessary, you can import user settings from other browsers into the installed Google Chrome browser, after which information such as start page, browsing history, bookmarks, account passwords.

You need to close everything before importing open browsers, launch “Chrome”, in its upper right corner go to the settings menu, which is depicted as three vertical dots. Click “Bookmarks”, then “Import bookmarks and settings” and select the browser from which you want to import data. If not in the list provided desired browser, you need to export bookmarks from it to HTML format, and then when importing into Chrome, select the “HTML file with bookmarks” option. When you click the "Import" button, all settings from the previous browser will be transferred to Chrome.


The Chrome browser updates automatically on reboot or background. But if it is always on, you can skip updating it. To see if more is available a new version"Chrome", you need to pay attention to the color of the "Settings and Controls Google Chrome" menu indicator in the upper right corner of the screen. Green will mean that the new version was released about two days ago, orange - four days ago, red - seven days ago.

To update Chrome manually, you need to open the browser, go to the “Setting up and managing Google Chrome” menu, select the “Update Google Chrome” option (the absence of such an option means that the version of the browser is already new) and click “Restart”. All open windows and bookmarks in the browser will be saved and loaded automatically when you launch it again. The restart can be delayed by clicking the "Not Now" button.


If you need to remove the Chrome browser, you need to exit it and go to the control panel of your operating system (in the lower left corner). Then open “Options (Settings)”, select the “Applications” item, find “Google Chrome” and select the “Uninstall” action (for Windows 8 and 10). For Windows 7 or Vista, in Settings, select Control Panel, then go to Uninstall a program or Programs and Features. Double-click on Google Chrome. The browser will be removed by clicking the "Delete" button.

To clear your profile data, you must click “Also delete browsing data.” But if you synchronize your data and sign back into your Google account, some of your information will be available because it is stored on the Google server. To clear everything completely, you need to clear the history. You can do this by going to the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” menu, then select “More tools”, and then “Delete browsing data”. After specifying the required time range, check the boxes for the type of information you want to delete, then click “Clear History.”

Applications and extensions

The Chrome browser from Google offers a lot of different extensions, plugins and applications for users, both paid and free. In fact, thanks to extensions for every taste, you can design the Chrome browser to suit you. Find required application or the extension is available in the official online store.

If extensions are adding and improving browser functions, then applications are individual programs, which work directly in the browser.

How to add or remove an application or extension

To add extensions or add-ons to the Chrome browser, you need to select “Extensions” or “Applications” in the Chrome online store in the left column. Then select what you need from the catalog that opens, and you can use the search. Near position desired application or extension, the “Install” button will appear. If you add an extension, you need to check what data it will have access to, then click “Install extension”. After that installed applications Chrome will appear on the launcher, and the extensions that appear can be seen as buttons on the Chrome toolbar.

To remove an unnecessary extension, you need to go to the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” menu, then select the “Additional tools” item and from there - “Extensions”. In the list that opens, select the extension to be removed and click on the “Remove from Chrome” button, then click “Delete” again. The application can be removed from the "Toolbar" on the desktop.

Useful extensions and applications

Those who keep up with the times have long been using convenient and useful extensions and applications in their browser. Their functionality can be varied - from work assistants to games and entertainment. Let's look at some interesting extensions and applications from Google Chrome:

    DataSaver is your faithful assistant in saving traffic. It has the function of compressing downloaded pages, text and images. Very convenient for mobile devices. It is already built-in in versions for Android or iOS (“Settings” - “Traffic saving”).

    Quick Notes is a notepad that pops up online as a window at your request. Helps you instantly write down a thought that came to you on any page on the Internet.

    XTranslate - this extension will provide instant translation of both individual words and entire web pages, you just need to select the required text.

    Gmail Offline - allows you to work with mail in the absence of the Internet. True, it is still necessary to receive and send letters. But you can type the answer slowly.

    Save to Pocket - will save the web page for later reading, while clearing advertising and unnecessary elements, leaving only text and images. The page will be saved in the cache and will be accessible even without the Internet.


So what is Chrome? This is a modern and useful browser. The review of popular applications and extensions for it can be continued ad infinitum. However, it's up to you to decide which app or extension you need. A large selection, their diversity and accessibility for the Google Chrome browser makes our lives easier and brighter, helps in work, study, or allows us to pass the time with gaming applications.
