System administrator specialist courses. System administrator course: system administrator training. User and Group Accounts

System administration courses are aimed at fully mastering practical application administration to the majority computer networks enterprises of various sizes and purposes. Course participants become experienced specialists in the field of maintenance, continuity and security of computer networks, and this is already a very prestigious, highly paid and popular profession with signs of a masculine character, deep thoughtfulness and planning. In fact, this industry is not only a profession, it is a way of life, behavior, and habits. This is very popular, prestigious and honorable. Most of the problems that arise in the computer networks of most enterprises or offices are a lack of qualified service, and if the company does not have an experienced system administrator, then the system will collapse sooner or later, and then it will be impossible to do without costly system restoration.

All Administration Courses

* - price with current discounts, rubles.



Computer repair and assembly





32 hours
8 lessons





52 hours
13 lessons

60 hours
15 lessons

Computer network administrator - guarantee of security and stability

Windows administration courses allow you to transform an ordinary computer user into an experienced specialist computer system, with the possibility of qualified service, ensuring safety, uninterrupted operation and, most importantly, competent modernization, in the spirit and necessity of the current moment. A qualified system administrator is the key to the success of any company, in any economic situation, in any conditions of technical competition, in any systemic and technological requirements time.

Database Basics. 20 lessons.
Database Design and SQL Queries

Databases (DBs) are data storage and processing systems that are accessed using the SQL (Structured Query Language) language. Any modern website, game or desktop application needs data storage. On this moment There are many different database management systems (DBMS), the most popular being MySQL. “Database Basics” is 20 intensive video lessons (10 minutes each), where we will go through all the stages of database design using the example of an online store using the language SQL queries. After this course you will be able to use various databases such as MS SQL and Postgre Sql as the syntax SQL language for them it is practically no different.

Lesson 1: Relational Databases

What is the difference between a database and a DBMS; what databases are called relational; overview of modern DBMS.

Lesson 2. Installing a DBMS

Installation DBMS MySql And graphical application Mysql Workbench.

Lesson 3. Database design, normal forms

Data design in Excel; normal forms; primary key.

Lesson 4. SQL CREATE command

Creating Tables in GUI MySql Workbench; CREATE command; data types; work in the console.

Lesson 5. SQL INSERT command

Filling tables with data using GUI; INSERT command; AUTO INCREMENT.

Lesson 7. SQL commands DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT

Receiving and filtering data using SQL commands DISTINCT and LIMIT; sort with ORDER commands BY.

Lesson 9: Data Consistency

The concept of consistency or consistency of data.

Lesson 10. Foreign key

The concept of a foreign key and restrictions on column values; FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS.

Lesson 11. Creating tables with a many-to-many relationship

Adding a cart to the online store database.

Lesson 12. Composite primary key

Using a composite primary key when designing a table with a many-to-many relationship.

Lesson 13. Joining data from multiple tables

Retrieving data from several interrelated tables; inconsistency of the approach using several SELECTs.

Lesson 14. INNER JOIN operator

Joining data from multiple tables using the INNER JOIN operator.

Lesson 15. Operators LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN

Joining data from multiple tables using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN operators.

Lesson 16. UNION operator

Combining the results of multiple SQL queries using the UNION operator.

Lesson 17. Aggregation functions

Aggregating functions COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX.

Lesson 18. GROUP BY operator

Group a selected set of rows using the GROUP BY clause.

Lesson 19. Indexes

Filtering in GROUP BY using HAVING; increasing the speed of query execution using indexes.

Lesson 20. Transactions

Transaction concept; TRANSACTION statement; ACID requirements for the transaction system.

Computer networks. 1 month.
Classic computer science

A fundamental course that will provide the basis for developing network applications: understanding the operation of the TCP/IP protocol stack, client-server architecture and application level protocols. Students will learn to set up networks, work with network utilities and applications. Learn about popular and promising network technologies. They will learn to choose the optimal architecture for a network application and protocols for data transfer, will be able to deploy their own web server and ensure network security. The course provides knowledge and practice essential for a web developer's portfolio and successful interviews.

Lesson 1. Basics of computer networks. Ethernet technology. Part 1.

Basic concepts of computer networks; OSI/ISO reference model and TCP/IP protocol stack; introduction to Ethernet technology; physical level diagnostics.

Lesson 2. Physical and channel level. Ethernet technology. Part 2

Basic Concepts Ethernet technologies; CSMA/CD. MAC addressing; Ethernet frame format; switching; microsegmentation; link level diagnostics.

Lesson 3. Network layer. Part 1

Classful IPv4 - addressing; ARP protocol: association of IP address and MAC address; IPv4 packet format; static routing; network level diagnostics.

Lesson 4. Network layer. Part 2

Classless routing, variable length subnet masks (CIDR/VLSM); dynamic routing; DHCP protocol.

Lesson 5. Transport layer

Protocols with guaranteed and non-guaranteed data delivery: TCP and UDP; TCP segment and UDP datagram formats; sockets; overloaded NAT(PAT) technology; transport level diagnostics.

Lesson 6. In-depth study of network technologies. Part 1

DNS system; network security; encryption with symmetric and asymmetric keys; VPN technologies.

Lesson 7. In-depth study of network technologies. Part 2

Wi-Fi technology family; VLAN technologies (802.1Q); Introduction to IPv6.

Lesson 8. Application layer

Application layer; SMTP, HTTP; promising application protocols.

Linux. Work station. 1 month.
Practice administering Linux OS on a computer

GNU/Linux is a popular operating system leading the market server equipment, also used as an embedded OS in industrial and consumer equipment and even as desktop software. GNU components are also used in MAC OS X, and GNU/Linux also influences Windows. Familiarity with Linux is necessary for a system administrator, tester, web programmer, software specialist. information security, to any developer claiming middle or higher status. This course covers the basics of working in Linux: the basics of working in the Linux shell, managing users and file rights, regular expressions and writing bash scripts, working with processes, and managing boot and services in Linux. Understanding of programming fundamentals, number systems (binary, octal, hexadecimal) and Boolean logic

Lesson 1. Introduction and installation

Introduction to GNU/Linux. What is GNU, Linux and UNIX. Virtualization. Installing Ubuntu in a virtual machine. Basic Linux features

Lesson 2. Working in graphical and console mode

Console and graphical mode in Linux; console commands; creating and editing files.

Lesson 3. Files and permissions in Linux

Users and rights in Linux; working with files; performing operations on behalf of the superuser.

Lesson 4. Regular expressions

Regular expressions. Search. sed.

Lesson 5. Bash Programming

Syntax. Teams. Variables. Control structures. Some simple scripts. Running scheduled tasks using cron

Lesson 6. Web services

Linux networking capabilities. Web services. Nginx, Apache2. Let's encrypt. Network filter netfilter and iptables utility.

Lesson 7. Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git.

Lesson 8. SOA and introduction to Docker

Monolithic and SOA application architecture. Introduction to Docker

The fundamental course provides an understanding of the logic of operating systems, the interaction of programs, processes, memory and hardware. Students practice practical understanding of the Linux OS, the most popular in web development. The program includes an introduction to assembly language. This allows you to engage in development and system administration at a professional level.

Lesson 1. Computer Basics

What is a computer? Examples of computers. Element base. Machine code. Registers, interrupts, byte order

Lesson 2. Operating system kernel

What is an operating system? Booting a PC using MS DOS as an example. What is the core? Kernel architecture (monolithic, hybrid, microkernel). Examples of OS with different kernels.

Lesson 3. Discs

History of disks (tape, drums, HDD). Anatomy of HDD (electronics, mechanics, magnetic layer), HDD and SSD. Disk addressing (CHS, ECHS, LBA).

Lesson 4. Logical drives

MBR. Working with MBR. Utilities. GPT.

Lesson 5. File systems

File systems, including ext2/ext4. Symlinks, hardlinks

Lesson 6. LVM

LVM - working with Logical Value Management. What is LVM. Working with LVM (PV, VG, LV)

Lesson 7. RAM

RAID arrays. RAID levels. Comparison of RAID levels. mdadm utility

Lesson 8. Multitasking

Lesson 9. Cross-platform and virtualization

Security of wired and wireless networks. 1 month.
Computer network security

The course is intended for people with little knowledge in the field of information security. A minimal understanding of networks and the protocols used in them is required. Knowledge welcome UNIX-like systems. If you don’t have this knowledge or it’s not enough, you can get it in the course.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Network Traffic Analysis

Introduction to network security. Classification of network attacks. Tools we will need. Kali Linux. DVL. Network traffic analysis. Wireshark, tcpdump.

Lesson 2. Passive network attacks

Passive network attacks. Host and service discovery. OS detection, nmap, zetmap.

Lesson 3. Active network attacks

DOS, DDOS, arp spoofing, dhcp spoofing, dns spoofing, sslsplit, sslstrip, sslsplit.

Lesson 4. OpenVas vulnerability scanner

Search for vulnerabilities using a scanner.

Lesson 5. Metasploit Framework

Penetration testing practice.

Lesson 6. Wi-Fi Security and Vulnerability

IEEE 802.11 standard, attacks on connections and protection against them.

Lesson 7: Bluetooth Security

Bluetooth standard, attacks on connections and protection against them.

Lesson 8. GSM Security

Architecture of GSM networks, attacks on connections and protection against them.

Analysis, optimization and emergency work in Linux. 1 month.
Analysis, optimization and emergency work in Linux

The course is aimed at specialists with some experience in administering Linux systems. In it, we will examine the methodology for detecting problems, collecting information for subsequent analysis, and, finally, fixing problems. In addition, the principles of optimizing the operation of Linux systems will be discussed.

Lesson 1: Basics of Information Gathering and Problem Finding

Lesson 2. Debugging at different stages of system loading and services

Lesson 3. Storing data in Linux, solving problems with partitions

Lesson 4. Finding and solving problems in the network stack

Lesson 5. Security in Linux

Lesson 6. Debugging applications

Lesson 7. System profiling

Lesson 8. Overview of Linux optimization

Virtualization systems. 1 month.
Virtualization systems

This course is aimed at a wide audience, especially those who, due to their occupation, have to use virtualized environments: DevOps and network engineers, developers and testers of distributed services and systems. During this course, you will become familiar with the virtualization technologies available today and analyze the features of specific implementations virtual machines, and also consider typical uses of the most common hypervisors. At the end of the course, in addition to studying the hypervisors themselves, you will touch upon virtual machine management systems.

Lesson 1. Introduction to virtualization

Lesson 2. Effective virtualization technologies

Lesson 3. Type 2 hypervisors (integrated with the host system)

Lesson 4. Type 1 hypervisors (bare metal hypervisors)

Lesson 5. Nested virtualization

Lesson 6: I/O Virtualization

Lesson 7. Containerization (virtualization at the OS kernel level)

Lesson 8. Virtualization management systems

Basic services on Linux for the enterprise. 1 month.
Basic services on Linux for the enterprise

The course is dedicated to administering services on Linux and is intended for an audience that already has basic skills in working with Linux, as well as understanding the principles of operation and construction of computer networks. Upon completion of the course, you will be able, depending on the needs of the enterprise, to successfully deploy, as well as understand the logic of various services on Linux, such as load balancers, DNS, mail server and others.

The Center for Modern Computer Education invites you to take a system administrator course. Have you already realized the need for in-demand knowledge? Do you want to troubleshoot system crashes? Then it's time for you to enroll in system administration courses!

Who is the system administrator course for?

Discount 30%
* before December 16, 2019
12900 rub.
Ind. cost: 36310 rub. including 30% discount
60 ac. hours

Experienced teachers will help you navigate the vast world of Windows! System administrator courses in Moscow will allow you to learn various ways settings, operating system installation and software for her. This is not the end of the lesson. Windows administration courses will also teach you how to troubleshoot any glitches or problems. You will be able to solve administration problems and correct incorrect work. “System administrator” courses are training that also includes familiarization with methods for recovering lost data.

Don't rush to refuse our offer! Don't think that Windows administration is a difficult task! Just talk to our teachers, look at their work. Make sure that administration is accessible to everyone who strives to gain knowledge and skills, not to be lazy and strive to constantly improve!

After completing the training you will feel a huge difference between yourself and ordinary users. She's huge! You will be a real professional, and not a beginner who falls into a stupor at the mere mention of names various elements operating system.

Network administration - courses that take place in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. We are rightfully proud of our well-equipped classrooms and teachers who are able to explain all the intricacies of work and convey experience in such a way that after completing the training, students are surprised at how quickly and clearly they understood the most complex material.

Come to us! Sign up for system administrator courses! Be proud of the results you'll receive with your Government Certificate.

What will you learn in sysadmin training courses?

1. Introduction to the operating system Windows Server 2016.

  • 1.1. Overview of the Windows OS family, new OS features.
  • 1.2. Domains and workgroups in Windows networks.
  • 1.3. Preparing to install Windows Server OS.
  • 1.4. Various OS installation options, problem resolution.

2. Installation of Windows Server OS2016 .

  • 2.1. Workshop 1. Windows installation Server.
  • 2.2. Windows security basics, network logon.
  • 2.3. Dialogue Windows window Security.
  • 2.4. Network services, protocols. Basics of TCP/IP networks.

3. Windows Administrator Toolkit.

  • 3.1. Control Panel.
  • 3.2. Using the MMC management console.
  • 3.3. Workshop 2. Creating a custom MMC console.
  • 3.4. Working with the Task Scheduler.

4. Setting up Windows Server OS2016 .

  • 4.1. Manual and automatic installation equipment.
  • 4.2. Setting up and optimizing OS parameters.
  • 4.3. Scene Working with multiple monitors.
  • 4.4. Equipment profiles. Docking stations.
  • 4.5. Workshop 3. Setting up the desktop, working with the swap file.

5. Accounts users and groups.

  • 5.1. Types of user and group accounts.
  • 5.2. Planning and creating accounts.
  • 5.3. Account administration, templates.
  • 5.4. Account security policies.
  • 5.5. Workshop 4. Working with user and group accounts.

6. Management hard drives on Windows.

  • 6.1. Basic and dynamic disks.
  • 6.2. File FAT systems, FAT32, NTFS.
  • 6.2. Types of volumes, disk management tasks in Windows.
  • 6.3. Workshop 5. Working with dynamic disks.

7. Network protocols Windows.

  • 7.1. TCP/IP protocol. Configuration and utilities.
  • 7.2. NWLink protocol. Other protocols.
  • 7.3. Network connections. Setting up bindings.
  • 7.4. Workshop 6. Installation and configuration of network protocols.

8. Name resolution in Windows.

  • 8.1. DNS name resolution process.
  • 8.2. Net BIOS name resolution process.
  • 8.3. DNS Servers and WINS. Hosts and LMHosts files.
  • 8.4. Workshop 7. Configuring DNS and WINS clients.

9. Printing in Windows.

  • 9.1. Basics of printing in Windows, terminology.
  • 9.2. Installing printers, setting print priorities.
  • 9.3. Workshop 8. Installing a network printer.
  • 9.4. Settings network printers, providing public access.
  • 9.5. Resolving printing problems.

10. Restricting access using NTFS permissions.

  • 10.1. Using and assigning NTFS permissions.
  • 10.2. Special permissions, access control list.
  • 10.3. Merge NTFS permissions.
  • 10.4. Copying and moving files and folders on NTFS volumes.
  • 10.5. Workshop 9. Working with NTFS permissions.

11. Working with shared folders in Windows.

  • 11.1. Planning and opening access to public folders.
  • 11.2. Permission to access OP, caching.
  • 11.3. Use offline files and folders.
  • 11.4. Combination of NTFS and shared folder permissions.
  • 11.5. Workshop 10. Working with shared folders.

12. Audit of resources and events.

  • 12.1. The concept of audit, audit categories.
  • 12.2. Planning and application of audit.
  • 12.3. View event logs using Event Viewer.
  • 12.4. Workshop 11. Working with Event Viewer.

13. Data storage management.

  • 13.1. Data compression and encryption capabilities on NTFS volumes.
  • 13.2. Certificates, certifying bodies, recovery agents.
  • 13.3. Disk space quotas.
  • 13.4. Disk defragmentation when Help Disk Defragmentator.
  • 13.5. Workshop 12. Work on managing data warehouses.

14. Backup data.

  • 14.1. Archiving and recovery of data.
  • 14.2. Create a rescue disk.
  • 14.3. Workshop 13. Working with the Backup program.
  • 14.4. Monitoring access to resources.
  • 14.5. System Performance utility utility.

15. Service remote access on Windows.

  • 15.1. Configuring remote access in Windows.
  • 15.2. Remote access protocols.
  • 15.3. Configuring incoming and outgoing connections using the Network Connection Wizard.
  • 15.4. Workshop 14. Installing and configuring RRAS.

16. Additional Windows boot options.

  • 16.1. Windows boot process.
  • 16.2. Creation boot disk Windows.
  • 16.3. Advanced download options.
  • 16.4. Windows OS installation options.
  • 16.5. Workshop 15. Installing Windows Advanced Server OS.

Test (interview).

Conditions for enrolling in the “Sysadmin Training” group:

Have you decided to join the group? To do this, you need to call us or come to our office to sign a training agreement!

What will you need?

  • 1. Desire to become a professional;
  • 2. Little time to conclude an agreement;
  • 3. Passport or company details if your employer is paying for you;
  • 4. Prepayment* in the amount of 50% of the course cost;
  • 5. Good mood!
* Prepayment for the course is made in the amount of 50%, the rest will need to be paid before the 3rd lesson. Payment can be made either in cash or by bank transfer.

Home / All courses / System administrator courses

System Administrator is a specialist in servicing computers and local computer networks. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Description of the profession

IN large companies, for which the uninterrupted functioning of information systems is vital (telecommunications companies, publishing houses, etc.), there are special IT departments (or departments information technologies), in which system administrators work for permanent basis. Smaller organizations, as a rule, prefer to invite these specialists only in case of any problems with computers or local network, i.e. work with freelancers. Nowadays, many office buildings have computer services that report to the property owners. Employees of tenant companies contact these services to troubleshoot problems with computers or the local network.

First of all, the system administrator's responsibilities include setting up the software. It installs and configures operating system(Windows, Novell or Unix), programs necessary for the operation of the company (office, graphics, accounting, etc.), monitors software updates. If necessary, the system administrator explains to employees how to use the programs and troubleshoots problems caused by their unqualified use.

The system administrator is also responsible for the equipment. Firstly, he is directly involved in the preparation of the purchase order computer components. Secondly, it assembles computers, monitors their operation, and, if necessary, repairs or replaces them.

System administrator training

International educational institution, teaches. Operating since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries. The largest authorized training center for Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. The main goal is the employment of every graduate.

Invites you to undergo professional retraining according to a program based on secondary specialized or higher education. Learning programs Academies, designed for a wide audience of students, offer the opportunity to acquire a new specialty in a modern distance learning format.

In this course, you can obtain the profession of a system administrator remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.



Salary as of 12/10/2019

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—120000 ₽

An important part of a system administrator's job is establishing communication systems. It connects computers into a network by laying cables, optimizes the operation of servers, and configures the Internet and email. In addition, the system administrator organizes the work of databases and maintains office PBXs.

To preserve trade secrets, the system administrator processes computer information in a certain way. To prevent the loss of data valuable to the company, it stores backup copies.

Another task of this specialist is to combat spam arriving via e-mail. (Special programs are used for such protection.)

A system administrator can also engage in other tasks, in particular, writing and editing web pages. Many system administrators are self-taught. However, for a good job it is desirable to have a higher technical education with a specialization in management information systems. In large companies, employers may require special certificates indicating the qualifications of a system administrator. The most famous certification system is considered Microsoft system Certified System Engineer.

A professional system administrator must have a thorough understanding of computer hardware, network equipment and software issues. He constantly monitors the development of computer technology and applies new technologies in practice.

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about such a profession as a system administrator. Since our century is a century technical progress. The Machine Age. It is impossible to imagine even the most seedy company without a computer! The director of the enterprise, in the accounting department, in the offices of department heads, and even ordinary employees - everyone has computers at their workplaces.

Corporate mail, news, market, bank - all these benefits of the modern workforce undoubtedly help to survive in the cruel world of business. But how do you make it all work together? How to make sure that employees are not “in contact” and “classmates” sitting in work time, but were you busy? How to protect secret information from your work computer from hackers? This is why such a profession as sysadmin exists.

If you ask Google who he is, he will answer something like this:

System administrator is an employee whose job responsibilities involve ensuring the normal operation of the fleet of computer equipment, networks and software, as well as ensuring information security in the organization.

Popularly, such a specialist is simply called “administrator” or “sysadmin”.

So let's figure it out...

What is he doing

The responsibilities of the system administrator include ensuring the stable operation of computer equipment.

This stage includes:

  1. installation and configuration (and sometimes even purchase) of computers,
  2. components and peripheral devices(printers, scanners, etc.)

When doing this, the main thing is to lay out computer communications so that even the most sophisticated worker does not pull out the plug with his foot and spill the coffee. system unit.

The most difficult part of the job is to explain to the boss’s beautiful blonde secretary that there is no need to pin the mouse wire with the buttons to the table, even if it gets in the way)))

  • Setting up programs and ensuring their stable, reliable operation will be, perhaps, the most labor-intensive part of the job. The software can be completely different, depending on the specifics of the enterprise. For example, from the usual Microsoft word & excel, to the ORACLE DBMS and accounting programs.

The main problem in the operation of software is, unfortunately, the human factor, since usually employees’ complaints to the system administrator begin with the words: “I pressed the wrong button and everything suddenly disappeared somewhere.” Synchronizing the work of programs and setting up the correct protection “from fools” is, consider, half the work of a system administrator.

  • The system administrator must also know and be able to correctly configure access parameters so that each employee can turn on only his computer, his profile, and launch only those programs to which he has access according to his status in the campaign. If the employees’ work is connected to the Internet, then the system administrator will have to configure access parameters in world wide web so that neither “in contact” nor “oddnoklassniki”, so beloved by office workers, are accessible from work computers.

A system administrator is a very significant figure in a company, like a knight on a chessboard. It seems like he’s not the most important person, but it’s absolutely impossible to live without him. Sometimes it is enough to complete admin courses to become the master of office computers. But computers tend to break down, both for an ordinary employee and for the general director.

You can learn more about what a sysadmin does by watching the video.

Pros of the profession

The incomparable advantages of the work include almost complete independence, because finding a person at the company who will understand computers at the level of a system administrator and will check your work is almost impossible. It is the system administrator who is the “virtual director” in the campaign, therefore, having correctly configured the equipment and given valuable instructions to the “office plankton”, you can safely spend the drab work days, indulging in social networks or the online games that absorb modern youth. In addition, solving problems with technology of superiors and senior management (top manager, chief accountant, personnel officers, etc.) will provide good connections and help in career advancement.

Representatives of this profession, again, have an order of magnitude less paperwork than other workers. As practice shows, while at the end of the month or year, department heads and subordinates are intensively writing reports, settling accounts and summing up results, system administrators are spinning twisted-pair soldiers in their offices.

The obvious advantages include the salary of system administrators. According to the website “”, companies are willing to pay an average of $1,200 to $3,000 for services of this kind.

The disadvantages (cons) of the profession include:

  1. Uneven and sometimes high workload. Through the efforts of careless users, computers glitch and break down with enviable regularity in almost any enterprise.
  2. Lack of understanding and sometimes absolute unwillingness to understand at all how the system works. The mouse is buggy - the system administrator is to blame. The site does not work - the system administrator is to blame. The power supply has burned out - the system administrator is to blame. And go and prove that the voltage in the electrical network does not depend on you!
  3. Limited opportunities for career advancement. If the company’s activities are not related to the provision of services in the field of information technology, then there is nothing more to count on except for an increase in salary.


What qualities do a good system administrator need?

  • Firstly, he must have a good technical education. Knowing what is a system unit, what is a monitor, and how to reinstall the operating system will clearly not be enough.
  • Secondly, a good sysadmin must know English language at a level clearly superior to the basic one.

Most programs and especially technical description they are supplied in English and gaps in language knowledge can be expensive, and in a reputable company there is nothing to do without knowledge of a foreign language.

  • And, finally, thirdly, communication skills and the ability to find an approach to work colleagues will provide the system administrator with not only additional cookies for coffee, but sometimes also a good bonus.

If you are used to working independently, speak good English and know how to approach people, this job is for you. Yes and wage will allow you to provide not only for yourself, but also to please your family, and in our information society a person with this kind of profession will never be left without work.

Regards, Alexey!

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