How to completely delete a VK account. How to temporarily delete a page in a contact. How to view a deleted VKontakte page

Remove your account from social network VK is not such a rare desire as it might seem. This is not about the quality of the service part, the interface or privacy issues. It’s just that people often get tired of old connections, especially if their life has changed a lot over time and now they want to leave only a small part of their contacts and closest people in it. And creating a new page, even with the same name, usually helps with this.

Also, many have spare profiles and they are no longer needed or pages that are often attacked by spammers, advertisers, trolls (especially if the link to it was posted on some anonymous joker forum).

The list of reasons can be continued for a long time. Whatever the reason in your case, you can always delete your account. This is done not only with personal computer, but also from the phone. The whole operation will not take much time.

Let's start with the mobile web version of the VK website. To delete your profile you need to do:

Your page will be deleted. It will not appear in a search using your initials inside the VK interface. But your profile in the form of a dog will remain in the friend lists of your friends and in the list of members of different communities.

Deleting a page in a mobile application

On your phone, delete your page while in official application for Iphone or Android, it won't work. There is no this function. IN third party applications like Kate Mobile too.

But this will not be a problem, since you can always open your browser, go to the VK domain and there do all the actions described earlier in the article. The applications also allow you to quickly open the web version of the site. To do this, in the page settings, in context menu Click Open in Browser.

This feature is available in the iOS client, Android application and Kate Mobile.

How to remove yourself from social media networks finally and forever

This question may seem strange to some after the removal instructions given, but it makes sense and is asked by many.

Indeed, deleting a profile simply temporarily blocks access to information, but all your materials, photos, videos, correspondence, etc. do not disappear anywhere. They are all stored on the same server, in the same form as before.

You can restore a deleted account in a second at any time and see everything in its original place. Even direct links to your photos and videos will work fine if you simply enter them into the browser at any interval after deletion.

So what happens: it’s impossible to completely remove yourself from a social network? The answer is probably both yes and no. It is impossible in principle to delete something from the Internet forever, so that no traces remain. Hiding from problems with the law by deleting the page will also not work.

Upon official request, the technical agent. support will provide all the information from the remote account. There is no protection from this, but if something else is bothering you, you can isolate yourself from the profile as much as possible and cut off all paths for the user to restore the account.

Here's what you can do before deleting:

  1. Replace all information with fake information. City, age, place of work, contacts. If possible, change your first and last name as well. For the first time or when changing from one simple Russian name to another, administration verification will not be required.
  2. Delete all photos with your face. Yes, they won’t go away, but these are measures not against the VK administration, but against attackers at the same access level as you.
  3. In the page privacy settings, specify the strictest restrictions possible. In options like Who can see, Who can write everywhere, set the values ​​to Only me and No one.
  4. Change your password and delete Mailbox, if it is specified in the settings.
  5. Unlink the phone number from the page.

To delete a phone number:

If you don’t have a new phone number or you don’t want to leave anything on the abandoned page, then try creating a new profile for the old number. You may be asked to unlink it from the old page (if enough time has passed since registration and a mailbox was used there). Then the number will be linked to the new account, and the old one will remain without the specified phone number.

If you do all of the above, it will be difficult for you to restore the page later, and impossible for an attacker, since it has a new password, no phone number, photos and personal information do not match your real data. Therefore, restore it upon application to technical. support will be very difficult even for you.

All these actions can be performed from a computer, laptop, or from a phone, tablet, or other gadget with Internet access.

VK developers claim that if you want to permanently erase your traces from social media. networks (along with links to created materials), then they will meet you halfway. But for this you need:

  • send an official application with passport data on paper by mail;
  • indicate in the application a valid reason for removal;
  • wait for a decision (several weeks or more).

But such cases are rare and isolated, so it is impossible to speak with certainty about the result. If you simply deleted the page from your phone and do not want random people to somehow gain access to your information, then follow all the steps described for privacy settings, contacts and changing personal data. This will be enough for complete safety from attackers who encroach on your page. Do not restore it for 6 months. Six months after removal, it can no longer be restored either by you or by a stranger using any manipulations.

Hello, our dear readers and site visitors who visited for the first time. In this article website will tell you how to delete a VKontakte page yourself. There is nothing complicated about deleting a VKontakte page. And there are many reasons for this. Why might you even need to delete a VKontakte page?

Firstly, a user of the social network “VKontakte” may decide to give up a vicious addiction;). This is undoubtedly commendable, but there are other reasons why deleting a page is more of a necessary measure. For example, because you were hacked, you could have been hacked, but then it was possible. Or you decided to create a new Contact profile. In any case, our simple instructions should help.

Previously, before it became possible to delete a profile, it was possible to delete a VKontakte page in the following perverted ways:

  1. Go to the tab "My settings", further in "General", and remove the checkmarks from all possible presented items. After that, delete everything associated with your profile: videos, music, notes, applications, and the like. Author this method claims that this removal of everything and everyone on the page helped him. But in fact, you simply make your profile “uninhabited”, and for this reason it can be deleted by a VKontakte moderator.
  2. Add Durov P., the creator of the sect under discussion, to the black list, that is, a ban list. After which, the page should be deleted automatically. Also, questionable effort. But it could well be a joke from the administration. If interested, try it.
  3. Set the desired privacy in your profile settings using the following path: "My settings", then in "Privacy" and here put “only me” and “nobody” wherever possible. After this, also delete everything from the profile, as in the first point.

Agree, the methods are stupid. And most likely, they were invented out of despair, when people simply could not delete a page on VKontakte. But now there is a really easy way to remove it.

Quickly deleting a page on VKontakte

Apparently the VKontakte administration decided that such an option as deleting a page should be present. True, if you want to know how to delete a VKontakte page forever, then the answer will disappoint you. It cannot be completely and permanently removed. The page can always be restored. This was done so that scammers and those bad people who hack Contact cannot delete your profile.

That is, at the moment, you can only block a page on VKontakte. This is done as follows. Looking for a menu item "Settings", which is available in your current profile:

Select the item at which you decided to delete the VKontakte page. You can also check the box here to let your friends know about your decision. After that, click the blue “Delete page” button and it will be deleted.

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  • IN modern world There are practically no people left who can easily do without a VKontakte page. But which of us has not at least once had the thought of leaving the virtual “web”? There can be a lot of reasons for such a decision: the semi-annual report is just around the corner, and you once again spent the whole night browsing interesting communities; your ex-passion suddenly decided that she couldn’t live without you and started bothering you with endless messages; you decided to teach a lesson to someone you know and leave the social network in order to increase the degree of anxiety. In general, the list can be continued indefinitely. The time has come to cast aside all doubts and complete the task. To do this, it is important to know how to delete a VKontakte page from different electronic devices. There are several ways to solve this problem.

    How to delete your VKontakte page

    There are several ways to delete a VKontakte profile. The page can be deleted permanently or temporarily. It all depends on your desire or the reasons why you decided to leave the social network.

    In addition to cause-and-effect relationships, in the process of deleting a VKontakte profile, it is important to consider electronic device, from which you most often accessed the social network.

    Standard method of removal from a computer (from the site itself)

    This method was created specifically for simple and at the same time reliable deletion of a VKontakte page. The method is provided directly by the developers, and they know a lot about it:

    1. First of all, you need to log into your account.
    2. In the upper right corner, find a button with your name and a mini version of your avatar next to it. Click on it.
    3. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”.

      Removal using the means provided by the developers is the easiest way

    4. The “General” tab will automatically open in front of you. Scroll down the page that opens and find the option “You can delete your page.” Click on it.

      In the “General” tab you will see the message “You can delete your page”

    5. A menu will appear in front of you in which you can indicate the reason for deleting your profile, and also leave a message for your friends that you will no longer appear online. After specifying all the desired data, click the “Delete page” button.

      When deleting, you can indicate the reason for your actions

    6. Congratulations. Your page has been deleted. For those who decide to change their minds after some time, the VKontakte developers have provided the ability to restore their profile. But this function is only possible for a certain period of time. The last day on which you can restore your profile will be indicated on the page after it is deleted.

      After deletion, you will see a corresponding notification and a date before which you can restore your page

    If for some reason you were unable to enter the “Settings” menu, then immediately after you log into your account, go to direct link. This will help you skip straight to step 5.

    Standard method of deleting from a phone

    If you do not have the opportunity to access your VKontakte profile from a computer (or you prefer mobile devices to use social networks), then you can use the method of deleting a VK profile from your phone.

    Setting privacy and completely clearing the page

    For those who want to sleep peacefully, knowing that their page has been completely deleted and will never be found by some old acquaintances or ill-wishers, there is an option to clear the page and change the privacy settings:

    As a result, you should be left with a completely “bare” page. Now you can forget your password with a clear conscience. After some time, your page will be deleted by the VKontakte administration.

    Changing the password and linking to a one-time number

    If you are determined to never succumb to the charm of social networks again, then there is a somewhat expensive way for you to delete a VKontakte page. We are talking about linking a profile to a “one-time” number.

    1. First of all, you need to completely clear the page, as indicated in the previous instructions.
    2. After the page is completely cleared, the privacy settings are set correctly, you need to unlink the account from Email. There will be difficulties with this, since the latest VKontakte updates have eliminated the function of completely unlinking email. email from profile. In this case, you should change your old email address to one that you can delete immediately after confirming the change of data.

      First, change your email address to one you don’t use.

    3. Once you have linked your profile to a disposable email address, change the password to one that you are unlikely to remember. Ask your cat, budgie, or pet mongoose to run across the keys (or, as a last resort, play Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3 on the computer keys).

      When changing your password, you will need to confirm your phone number

    4. Now you need to buy a new SIM card, to the number of which you will link your deleted page. If you do not want to purchase a new number, you can use an old SIM card, but keep in mind that after binding it will have to be broken.
    5. We link the VKontakte page to the new number. To do this, you will again need to return to the “Settings” menu, then go to the “General” tab and next to “Phone number” click “Change”.
    6. You need to enter a new number in the field that opens. Then follow all the instructions that will be sent to your phone. After the new number is linked, the SIM card needs to be broken.

    This method, of course, can be considered radical and energy-consuming. It is suitable for those who have thoroughly decided not to return to social networks, as well as those looking for difficult paths. After you get rid of the SIM card to which you linked your cleared account, and also delete the mailbox associated with your page, it will be impossible to restore your profile.

    Letter to technical support

    If you don't dare self-removal VKontakte profile, you can resort to help technical support. But keep in mind that you should still contact technical support in cases where access to your page has been lost, or ill-wishers have hacked your account.

    1. In such cases, technical support will respond much faster to your call for help and delete your page.

      If you have access to your page, then you need to go to the “Help” section.

    2. First of all, go to the “Help” menu

      In the “Help” section, select the question you need or enter the question you are interested in in the search field.

    3. Look for your question in the list that you will see
    4. If, for example, you are interested in “How to delete a page that you can’t access,” then select the appropriate item. In the window that opens you will be given detailed instructions

      , following which you can restore access to the page, delete it or block it.

    5. Follow the instructions you receive carefully If you do not have access to your page, then you need to go to home page

      social network ( and select “Forgot your password?”.

    6. Click "Forgot your password?" and follow further instructions

      If you do not have access to an email or phone number, select the appropriate option below the data entry field.

    7. If you don’t remember the password for your email, and you don’t have the phone number that was linked to the page, click where the arrow points

      In the window that appears, enter the address of your page or try to find your page in the search.

    8. You will be asked to enter the address of your page, or use “Search by People”
    9. After this, you will see an application form that you need to fill out.
    10. Next, wait for appropriate instructions from technical support.

    After restoring access to your profile, you can use any method convenient for you to delete a page, given here.

    Blocking a page through another account

    An unpleasant situation could happen to any of us: a VKontakte account was hacked, all data was changed, and access to the profile was lost. In this case, you will need to create another VKontakte profile. The most the best way

    a page will be created with exactly the same data as on the hacked account.

    After the alternative profile has been created, do the following:

    Typically, such applications are reviewed from 3 to 7 business days. If you ask your friends to perform similar manipulations on your hacked page, things can go much faster.

    This method of deleting a VKontakte page is provided only as theoretical material for reference. The use of this method in practice may result in criminal penalties.

    If you are a risky person and want to leave VKontakte amid the roar of cannonade, then this method is just for you. It provides for a deliberate violation of the VKontakte rules, i.e. active irritation of users and administration of this social network. Spam, profanity, aggressive advertising, inciting racial and nationalist propaganda, pornographic video and photographic materials that you publish in communities and on your own page will help you quickly attract the attention of the resource administration. Naturally, simply deleting the page may not solve everything, and you will have to deal with law enforcement agencies.

    How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

    It is quite possible to restore a previously deleted VKontakte page. But there are some restrictions.

    After the user independently deleted his VK profile, a footnote should have appeared on his page, which indicates the last day when access to the page can be restored without losing data on it. The standard time for symbolic “freezing” is 210 days from the moment the profile is deleted (or about seven months). After this period, access to the page cannot be restored by any means.

    So, you deleted your VKontakte page, but less than seven months later you came to your senses and decided to return. It's easy enough to do:

    Once again, it is worth recalling that a deleted VKontakte page can only be restored within 210 days from the date of deletion.

    After the allotted period has passed, it will no longer be possible to do this and the only way out will be to create a new page.

    How to view a VK profile that has been deleted

    Many users have encountered the fact that one of their friends or acquaintances (or they themselves) deleted their page on the social network, and along with it photos, data and other information. And sometimes you want to see what was in the profile before it was deleted. There are several ways to satisfy your curiosity.

    Search engine cache In other words, the ability to view a saved copy of the page. This method is not entirely reliable, since the storage time of such a copy is limited. Therefore, for example, if a user deleted a page a year ago or earlier, then you will no longer be able to view it. Plus, after The function does not work correctly, and it is almost impossible to find a saved copy of the page of the person you need.

    In theory, the saved copy can be found as follows:

    1. First of all, go to the remote page and copy the user ID from the address bar.
    2. Paste the ID into search bar(for example, in Yandex or Google). Click "Search".
    3. Ideally, the first link in your search should be the page of the person you are looking for.
    4. Click on the small arrow next to the ID and select “Saved copy”.

    The method works very crookedly, since recently VKontakte has acquired a large number of privacy settings for its users, so there is a possibility positive result after using this method it is very small.

    Archive of sites

    In addition to the saved copy, you can try to find the deleted page in the web archive. But this also has its difficulties. The website has been blocked by Roskomnadzor, so you can only use it using an anonymizer.

    If virtual life has become a burden to you, and the VKontakte page causes nothing but irritation, then this is a sure sign that the time has come to delete your profile. It is best, of course, to use the methods specially provided by the VKontakte developers for this. These methods are quite simple and safe.

    Keep all your data in a safe place, do not go to third-party sites and try not to access your VKontakte profile from other people’s devices, this will protect you from unwanted blocking or data leakage.

    Follow the rules for using the social network, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation. Remember that your desire to “play with fire” (deliberately pissing off the administration and users by sending spam, publishing pornographic materials, inciting racial and nationalist hatred, etc.) may result in more than just blocking and deleting your profile on social networks, but also with imprisonment.

    Every person registered on a social network may want to delete their page completely, or for some period of time. The time given by developers for reflection varies from one month to six months. This is due to the fact that approximately a fifth of users annually submit requests for deletion and half of them subsequently restore their pages.

    Below we discuss in detail the methods of how to delete a page in a contact, proposed by the developers, and those found by chance (or not by chance) by users. There are different options - you can delete it completely permanently, or temporarily.

    Method No. 1

    The easiest way to completely permanently delete a page in a contact provided by the developers is to delete it through the settings. To do this you can do this:

    1. Log in to your account.
    2. On the left side, in the menu column, select “My Settings”.
    3. Open the “General” tab.
    4. At the very bottom of the page, click on the “Delete your page” link.

    We choose the reason for deletion, and if desired, send a message or parting words to our friends.
    your page has been deleted. But since you used your page before the decision to delete it, you can restore your account and old page within up to six months.

    If you were unable to access the “Settings” menu item or you do not want to look for it, then after logging into your account, follow the link After the transition, you will also see a deletion window where you indicate the reason and confirm the deletion.

    Method No. 2

    Or a way of safe oblivion. It is used if you don’t communicate much on social networks, visit your page about once a month, or even want to forget about the existence of social networks and sleep peacefully. So, how to delete a page in a contact completely forever in this case?

    1. On your page, open the “Settings” item
    2. In the “Privacy” tab, set all values ​​to “Only me”.
    3. In all other tabs, delete all information about yourself.
    4. Delete all files and posts from your page, that is, photos, wall posts, music, and so on. The page should become completely null.
    5. Delete/unfollow all friends.

    Now you can forget your password. Since your page is empty and no one can see it except you and the VKontakte administration, after some time (about a month) it will be deleted by the administration. But during this time you can still restore the old page. In order to restore a page deleted in this way, you just need to try to log into your account. A link will appear at the top: “restore your page.” Click and that’s it – the refund is complete.

    If you are sure that you do not want to restore your page, then the next method is for you. It is a slightly modified method No. 2.

    Method No. 3

    Here you will definitely permanently and immediately delete your page completely (strictly speaking, it will continue to exist, but you will not go to it even if you want to).

    1. We repeat all the points indicated in method No. 2.
    2. In the settings, you refuse the mail to which you are linked.
    3. Change the normal password to a random one, the one that will be easiest for you to forget. For example, 4GJGU8678JHJ.
    4. You buy the left SIM card and link the page to its number (or leave the old one, but then you will have to buy a new one for permanent use).
    5. Leave the page and destroy the linked SIM card.

    The method, of course, is longer and more complicated, but now you definitely won’t be able to restore your page, since there is no email, the number associated with the account, and you won’t remember the password.

    Method No. 4

    You can write a corresponding letter to the technical support service of the social network. To do this, email [email protected] you write a letter asking to delete your page. Perhaps after that you will be asked to provide evidence that it is yours and you can only wait for a response from the technical support service.

    NOTE: If your decision is final and cannot be changed, please note that all your ratings and comments will remain online under your name. Therefore, if you do not want to leave your data, you can change your name before deleting.

    Method No. 5

    Applies if your account has been hacked and you cannot log into it. To apply, you will have to re-register on the social network and it is best if you enter all your data from the previous page into it. This way the administration will have less doubt that you are the real owner of the account. So:

    From the newly created account, go to the hacked page.

    Under the photo, in the context menu, select “Report user”

    In the “User Complaint” window that opens, select the “Offensive Behavior” option and describe your problem in detail in a comment.

    The application will be considered for three to network days, after which the user will be blocked and subsequently deleted. The result will be faster if your friends also contact the administrator with a complaint about the fraudulent person.

    ATTENTION: If the administration has ignored your request, you can restore access to your page and delete it yourself. If you cannot log into your account using such simple and well-known recovery methods as by phone number or email, you can restore access using a special application form.
    In order to restore access to your page, you need to:

    Go to the website and select “Help”, or follow the link After this, a window for restoring access will appear in front of you.

    Enter your registration information: login, email address or phone number.

    Enter the captcha and verification code. The code should be sent via SMS.

    If you do not remember your login or phone number, then after clicking on the link, at the very bottom click on the link “if you do not remember the data, or do not have access to the phone, click here.”

    Next, you will need to either find your page in the search, or remember the identification number. Afterwards you will have to fill in the fields with the data that you may have saved ( Old Password and telephone), send a request to the administration and wait for a response. You may need to prove that the page is yours and send the administration a scan of your passport and a personal photo, but you can also repeat complaints about the scammer or write a letter to technical support.

    Method number 6

    WARNING: This method is intended for informational reading only, as it is socially harmful and entails unpleasant consequences for the user. In particular, from a bunch of minuses to karma to the disappearance of a large amount of funds and restrictions on freedom.

    If the method provided by the developers and the method of safe oblivion are not enough for you and you want to leave virtual life with fireworks, you can try to get your account blocked. To do this, you just need to anger as many users as possible and provoke them to complain to the administrators. How to do this is up to you. If you hope to restore your page (not create it again, but restore it), then simply imitate hacking your account. Profanity, rudeness, spam and aggressive advertising will anger everyone and you will be blocked very quickly. It will be difficult to restore access, but if this was not planned, then you don’t have to worry. If you want to be deleted without the right of recovery, then you will have to violate the laws not only of the virtual space, but also of the Russian Federation. For example, start posting Nazi or extremist texts on the wall, calls for terror and overthrow of the government. They will block you quickly and certainly forever.

    WARNING: Violation of laws Russian Federation hazardous to health and may result in criminal liability.

    As a conclusion

    If you are simply tired of the world of social networks, then the most convenient way is to use the method already created by the developers or hiding, as described in method number 2. In order not to suffer with recovery, please take care of a strong password and store all data in a safe place. And please do not use method number six, for actions aimed at deleting a page from a social network, it is too unpleasant.

    Hello, dear blog visitors! Social networks have become a part of our lives. Most Internet users have an account on one social network or another. Sometimes a person changes his account and needs to delete the old one so that friends and acquaintances do not get confused. Today I will talk about how to delete a page in Contact, one of the most popular social networks.

    How to delete a VK page from a computer?

    Let's move straight to the practical part. Let's look at how to delete a page in Contact from a computer using the example of a new design:

    1. Go to
    2. In the upper right corner, click on your name or avatar. This menu is accessible from any page of the website.

    Go to the VK menu

    1. Left-click on the item " Settings».

    Go to VK account settings

    1. Scroll down the page and you will see a link that allows you to delete your page. Click on the inscription " delete your page».

    Deleting a VK account

    1. A window will appear where you will be asked to indicate the reason for deleting page (1) (specified or write your own). Also in this window you can check the box next to “ tell friends"(2) so that all your friends know that the page has been deleted. After entering all the data, click on the button “ Delete page"(3).

    VK account deletion confirmation window

    This is how a VK page is deleted from your computer.

    How to delete a page in a contact from your phone?

    Deleting a contact page from your phone is quite simple. You will need to follow the same steps as on your computer. So, how to delete a page in a contact from your phone:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. This icon is available on any page of the VKontakte website.

    Go to the VK menu

    1. Scroll down the menu that opens and click on the item " Settings».

    Go to VK settings

    1. Scroll down the settings page. Click on the item " delete your page».

    Deleting a VK account

    1. A page will appear where you will need to indicate the reason for deletion. After that, click on the “ Delete page»

    VK account deletion confirmation page

    This is a simple algorithm for deleting a VK account from your phone.

    Remember that you can restore your account at any time. However, VK deletes it after a while deleted accounts fully. After which it will no longer be possible to restore it. I hope you have learned how to delete a page in a contact. If you encounter difficulties during deletion, write here in the comments, we will figure it out together.
