Purchase of guards. Tips for posting guards and the concept of a guard. Adding sites to your cart and purchasing links from them in Rotapost

From today I will start talking about a new way to make money on a blog. I will try to teach you how to make money from a blog on sale of guards. For those who don't know, guard– this is usually a small advertising text (at the end or beginning of the post) with a link to the required site, which is paid for. Earnings from selling guards depends on what your site indicators will be (“bullies”), that is, the higher your blog’s performance, the more you will earn.

You can negotiate with advertisers to sell posts on your blog, but this is extremely inconvenient and ineffective. When you promote yourself very well, advertisers themselves will offer you to post all sorts of posts, sales articles, etc. That's why there are exchanges for buying and selling links. Someone may ask, why buy links at all? I will answer: the main purpose of buying links is the desire to move your site in the search results for a specific request. You can read more details in.

So, the first exchange for buying and selling links that I will tell you about is. This exchange (like many others) does not accept all sites in a row and has the following requirements:

  • The blog must be more than 1 month old.
  • The number of indexed pages in Yandex and Google should be more than 50 pages (how many pages are indexed can be found out using or, as well as in many other ways).
  • The blog must have unique content.
  • The site should not be on free hosting.

If your website or blog meets these requirements, then let's get started with this service.

Working with Rotapost

If your site has been accepted into Rotapost

If your site is nevertheless approved, you can wait with folded arms until the advertisers themselves offer you to post posts. Or you can send out offers to advertisers, which is what I usually do. To do this you need:

If the advertiser accepted the application, you receive the task and complete it. For the first time, carefully read the Rules for working with the system. I'm sure this will clear up a lot of questions for you. The main thing to remember is that in Rotapost the guards must be placed in new posts. That is, let's say I chose the second item. I usually do this: I write a new article, then I look at advertisers’ offers, for example, let’s say I chose the second point above. The link from my article should have the anchor “site promotion”. And from this you can do the following:

Do you need website promotion? Contact professionals, they know a lot about promotion.

As you can see in the example above, the link will enter the address that is needed; there is thematic text around the link, that is, it is diluted in the form of 1-2 sentences. It won’t be difficult for you to come up with these proposals; it takes me 20-30 seconds. The only thing, in the example above, I put a link in, that in the real sale of guards, in no case should this be done! That is, the link must be indexed!

Cash withdrawal

The money is withdrawn quite quickly. The only limitation is that you cannot transfer money to your wallet more than 2 times a month (in principle, in my opinion, no more is needed) and the minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles. In order to withdraw, you will first need to indicate your wallet number. To do this, go to My Account -> Payment Settings. There you select the Wallet Type and enter its number. And to withdraw your earned funds, go to Webmasters -> Withdrawal of funds. Specify the amount you want to withdraw and click on the “Withdraw” button.

Where to start... From the beginning I’ll start, probably;) So, on this moment I am leading 5 projects in Rotapost - 2 of mine and 3 of my workers.

Initial data:

  • Guards purchased: 341
  • Money spent: ~31000r
  • TCI of sites: 0–950, average TCI 45, mostly sites with TCI 20-50
  • PR of sites: 0-5, average PR 2.6, mainly sites with PR 1-3

And now the most important thing, indexing:

  • Indexing in Google: pages NOT in the index – 11 (out of 341), indexing – ~97%
  • Indexing in Yandex: pages NOT in the index – 75 (out of 341), indexing – ~78%
  • Attention! Look at the paragraph at the end of the post marked UPD.

Well, what do you say? I think that Google rules, but Yandex doesn’t!

Of course, in the list of analyzed pages there are those that experienced only one update (today), therefore, some simply did not have time to be indexed. But some pages that were in the index until today have fallen out, which upset me a little.

For some projects, I have intersections between sites, that is, those on which I posted guards for different projects. It turned out to be a good tool for creating a blacklist - sites with pages not in the index of several projects are being banned.

By the way, why I checked for indexing not the links themselves, but the pages. I buy posts only on new pages, so the indexing speed is faster, and the link that appears along with the publication is more like a natural link than a link that appeared after some time.

So, what else interesting can be extracted from the numbers...
You can calculate monetary losses for non-indexed pages:

  • Yandex losses: 6177 rub.
  • Google losses: RUR 779

These losses cannot be added up. In order to obtain the final losses, intersections must be taken into account. There were only three intersections, for 190 rubles.

  • Final losses: 6766r (~22% of the total budget)

This is bullshit, guys. I really hope, of course, that after a few updates the pages will be included in the index, but, nevertheless, it is already possible to analyze the results and draw conclusions about which blogs are worth buying links from and which ones are not.

What I said above more likely belongs to the category of “site efficiency”, and not to the effectiveness of promotion in general. If we talk about this, I believe that promotion with eternal links today is a more interesting option, more promising, especially for non-commercial requests.

Posters have many advantages over sapo-links, look more natural, positioned more quality pages, are indexed faster, and often have transitions to the promoted site. Another good thing is that webmasters write a separate thematic post under the guard, not always, but 15-20 percent do just that.

Also a nice moment - pages with posted posts have their own PR. I noticed this just after the recent PR update, when I monitored all the donor pages, this already says a lot about the quality of the sites. This doesn't happen in Sape.

If we talk about the “request/loot” parameter, then, of course, it turns out that promoting each request is expensive (the cost of a guard is 100-300 rubles). More than once I have estimated the payback of “eternal” links - it turns out to be a year and a half or two. And if you are promoting your website or the website of the company you work for, in other words, everything that is not a client’s website with a monthly payment, all of this is profitable and necessary to promote.

My sites have been steadily rising to the top ever since I started promoting them by post. The only frustrating thing is the exhaustion of the blog resource, that is, if you need to buy a lot of links, it won’t work. But it's only a matter of time...

Today’s post is without pictures, but it’s informative and, I hope, useful. When I write a post about recommendations for purchasing guards through Rotapost, I will take into account the analysis of “bad” donors and talk about this in more detail.

Stay in touch and good luck!

UPD 07/18/2011: Today I carried out another check of backlinks using Yandex:
A total of 340 were checked (I don’t know where one link got lost during the check)
In index I: 306
Not in index I: 34
Total indexation percentage is 90%! (at the time of writing this post, we remember the figure was 78%)

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site. Every webmaster sooner or later thinks about the possibility of making money on his website, but the question arises how this can be done. With this article I want to start a series describing interesting services for earning money. One of these is the exchange Rotapost– a great opportunity to earn money and promote your resource. Owners of websites, blogs, YouTube channels or Twitter accounts can earn income from their sites by promoting others.

Anyone who plans to increase traffic can also count on this system and feel free to order the publication of their articles.

This material was written in personal experience, since I have repeatedly resorted to the services of webmasters. I can definitely say that this service, in my opinion, is one of the best, due to the ease of operation and a fairly large number of performers.

Enough preface, let's look at all the points in order.

The essence of working with the stock exchange

Let's say there is one popular resource with high PR. And there is a lesser known - recently created blog.

In order for a new blog to become more significant and traffic to begin to grow, it must be referenced by the same, more authoritative resource. Links from well-promoted sites (donors) to new ones increase the latter’s “in the eyes” search engines. This affects rankings and...

This is why the Rotapost.ru exchange was created. Of course, popularity will not skyrocket from just one referring domain. However, some values ​​will change in positive side. For more successful results, it is recommended to constantly increase your link mass.

How Rotapost.ru works

From the rules of the exchange it becomes clear that Advertisers are customers, and Webmasters are performers. The first ones create an advertising campaign and look for high-income donors (you can read about this in the article of the same name). The second place information on their resources.

The system provides the following tasks:

  • Postovoy – a link that should be inside the thematic text.
  • A press release is a finished article that contains the url of a specific site.
  • A post is a full-fledged task for writing an article and posting this material on the site.
  • Tweet – a Twitter entry about the advertiser’s resource.
  • Retweet – repost a post on Twitter.
  • Link in video description on YouTube. No need to explain here. Everything is clear.

For each of these types of tasks there are certain rules and restrictions. The advertiser can use them or put forward his own conditions. And the Webmaster must choose suitable proposals and conscientiously implement them.

Registration process

To register with Rotapost, you need to fill out a simple form. Alternatively, you can use your account on one of the social networks.

Usually in such situations you receive an email with a link. Follow it and you can start working.
It all looks like this from the inside:

As you can see, all the tips have already been given. Therefore, the interface is quite easy to understand. And we will consider further actions in details.

How to make money using the Rotapost service

Rotapost.ru allows you to earn money by posting articles, Press releases, Posts, Tweets and Video descriptions on its sites.
Compared to others similar systems, this is a fairly loyal exchange.

System Requirements

  • Sites that are at least 30 days old are allowed.
  • All blog articles are assumed to be unique ().
  • The information is successfully indexed in search engines.
  • Posts are placed only on newly created content, and Posts are unique articles.
  • New information should constantly appear on the resource. Posts must include a date added.
  • Your Twitter account must have at least 30 followers.

The Rotapost service has stricter conditions for sites on free hosting and outside the RU zone.

Adding a site to the system

You can start earning money after adding a site. To do this, go to the “Webmaster” section and select “Add a site”.

In this field you can enter the address of your Twitter account or YouTube channel. Be sure to attach keywords (up to five are allowed). Advertisers will use them to find you. It is not recommended to enter long phrases.

Also in the Rotapost exchange it is possible to customize prices. If you have any difficulties with this, go to the “Buy” section, take a closer look at blogs with similar topics and TIC/PR indicators. Set it to about the same price.

A few days after moderation, applications from Advertisers will be received. You don’t have to wait for orders, but go to the “Sell” section and make an offer personally (which, in my opinion, is very convenient).

Rules for Posts, Press Releases and Articles

There are only three basic rules for a Guard:

  • Must be surrounded by text on a similar topic. This means that the link is always located in the article.
  • You are allowed to place only one link per article.
  • Publishing a link in a new article. It is prohibited to post Postova in old materials.

These rules are prescribed by the creators of Rotapost, however, they may be supplemented by the requirements of different Advertisers and, accordingly, differ from each other. It is important to read them carefully before starting work.

If you have received an application for a Press release, also read the terms and conditions. There is only one standard requirement for the assignment - the article must be announced on home page and via RSS.

Post has a more individual character. The meaning is the same everywhere: requests are received to publish articles, and you fulfill them and receive money. If you receive an order for a Post, unlike a Press Release, you need to write it yourself.

According to the rules of the Rotapost.ru exchange, 7 days are given for implementation from the moment your site is confirmed by the customer. The verification may last up to 4 days. Once the work is approved, the money specified in the order will immediately be credited to your account.

Withdrawal of funds

The Rotapost.ru service withdraws earned money to WMR and WMZ wallets. To do this you need to save 100 rubles. It is allowed to make a transfer 2 times a month. The system charges a commission of 0.8% of the total amount.

In the section “My Account” - “Settings” - “Setting up automatic payments”, you can set withdrawal dates. This condition allows you to work calmly, without being distracted by the translation routine.

  • Don't overprice. Evaluate your proposal soberly. First, take a look at the prices of the Rotapost exchange from other Webmasters. Only then draw conclusions. If the resource is too young and has small TICs/PR, do not try to get more. This number will not work.
  • It is better to first develop your resource and only then start earning money. After creation, you shouldn’t immediately run to earn money, unless of course you want your project to be considered a link dump and it is aimed only at making money by posting articles. You can read about this in one of my articles.
  • The system provides for bargaining - do not miss this opportunity. When the Advertiser has given an order for a Press release for 200 rubles with open bidding, be sure to offer your prices. Prove that accommodation costs more.

Opportunities for promotion. How to place an advertising campaign

If you came to Rotapost.ru with the goal of promoting your site, open the Advertiser panel and create a task. First you need to organize an advertising campaign. Go to the “Advertisers” section – “Add campaign”. Call it whatever you want. Just so you don't get confused. Here you can immediately set your budget. This function is enabled at the user's request.

When the campaign is created, a control panel will appear where you can click on the green cross and “Create offer”.

This is the name of the function for adding a task to the system. Let's consider the proposal using Postovoy as an example.

In the "Link" field, enter the URL to the desired page on your site. You can come up with an anchor for it and write it down in the appropriate column.
Where it says “Comment”, enter your terms. With green plus signs (they are located in the picture below), the system prompts the standard requirements for the task. It is advisable to include them all. Then the likelihood that your resource’s performance will increase will be greater.
Announcing the guard on the main page is another important requirement that should be included on the Rotapost exchange. This way you can avoid placing the link in a place that is difficult for visitors to access.
Open " Extra options”, which are below, and filter out future donors according to your criteria. The service itself will calculate the number of suitable sites and exclude unnecessary ones.

Those wishing to include bargaining will have the opportunity to negotiate a lower price for the Postovoy. But this doesn't always work.
If you do not check the box: “Accept applications from Webmasters,” you will have to make offers yourself.
On Rotapost.ru you can limit the number of applications from one artist and do this within the framework of the current offer. This way, the Guards will be placed on different resources, rather than focusing on one.
When all the settings are ready, click on the “Create” button. A new offer will appear in the taskbar. You will track all the information in the “Advertisers” – “My Companies” section

Similarly, you can add tasks for Press Release, Post and other types of services.
To receive the first applications, top up your account in the Rotapost service. This can be done in top panel website (section “Balance”). There is a “Top up” function.

Rotapost offers several convenient methods to choose from: using bank card, via Webmoney, or via mobile phone. Other services are also available.
When the campaign launches, applications from Webmasters will be received. You will see them in the “Awaiting confirmation” item. There you can see the proposed donors. Each has its own characteristics. You can see what the site is like using the “Open in new window” link.

Independent search

In the “Buy” section you can independently find donors and send offers to their owners. There are also filters there. This makes it easier to find a site at the desired cost and other important parameters. Use keywords to quickly find a suitable donor. Make an offer to the Webmaster - click on the cart, which is shown next to the price.

A new window will open. Click on the “Add” button and offer one of your orders.

As soon as the artist posts information, you will receive a notification. All that remains is to check if everything is in place and approve the work.

Periodically check completed tasks. If one of the Webmasters deleted the material with your link, feel free to complain to feedback. Stay tuned for new sites to be added. This becomes important if you have already snapped up all the eligible donors.

If you came to Rotapost as a Webmaster, fulfill orders honestly and carefully read the conditions for each of them. If you are an Advertiser, try to carefully check the work done. Don’t forget to indicate all the requirements, and most importantly, the url of your site. This exchange provides excellent opportunities for promotion and earnings.

If you have any questions or suggestions for adding this material, do not hesitate to write in the comments.

Which, by the way, was organized and launched by a fairly well-known blogger in RuNet, Dimok (Dmitry Golopolosov).

Also, as far as I understand, Rotapost is now collaborating with another player in the eternal links market - . Placement orders also come from it, which seriously increases their total number in this exchange. Flow of applications for placement for my sites in Rotapost at the moment even exceeds what Gogetlinks and Getgoodlinks combined give me.

Opportunities of the Rotapost exchange

The platforms that are currently available on this exchange (there are about ten thousand of them) are to some extent represented in the analogues mentioned just above, but there are also quite unique offers.

But at the same time, I selected only those Twitter accounts that themselves had a high rating in Yandex.Blogs. These links cost from 5 to 10 rubles apiece, which, in general, is quite expensive, at least in comparison with the Prospero exchange, where on average I spent a little more than a ruble apiece on purchasing a tweet.

Although there are examples when sites with virtually no link mass, but with a huge number of tweets (viral activity) got into the Top for highly competitive search queries on Google. It is possible that there are examples of similar promotion for those who prefer to focus on Yandex.

Purchasing links through Rotapost on blogs on free blog hosting sites will not always be equally useful. For example, not so long ago at all free blogs In livejournal, hyperlinks have become available and search engines no longer take them into account when ranking. The same can be said about buying backlinks on blogs on blog.ru - a waste of money and time.

Adding sites to your cart and purchasing links from them in Rotapost

Using the left module with filters in Rotapost, you can select sites, for example, by the keyword you entered, or set the desired range for the site parameters that interest you. In general, it’s quite convenient and original - you can take into account any wishes.

In order to add the site you like to your cart, you can click on the corresponding icon located immediately after the price in the line with the resource you need. Or you can click on the name of the site and press the button "Add to cart":

In the same window, you can go to the donor site and evaluate its performance using the Rds bar, as well as look at its quality, frequency of updates, comments, etc. In the same way, you collect the number of donors you need to purchase backs in Rotapost and go to the cart using the item of the same name from the top menu.

Here you will need to use the button "Add" open the window for adding a new task for each selected site:

You have two options - use the data of a company created in advance (we talked about this a little higher in the text) or set the required URL and anchor links manually(personally, I always do this). For the last step, you will need to click on the “green plus” icon and then the corresponding fields (Url, anchor and description) will become active.

Enter the necessary data into them, and if this site supports the trading mode, you can try to reduce the cost of placement (by no more than a third). Although in this case the likelihood of the webmaster accepting your application is somewhat reduced (it becomes less interesting and tempting for him).

Add tasks in a similar way for all sites in the Rotapost basket, and then put a checkmark in the last column of those lines with sites for which you have already added tasks.

Then scroll down the page and click on "Buy dedicated". A certain amount of funds necessary to purchase these backlinks will be blocked on your Rotapost account, and webmasters will receive your tasks.

As you complete tasks, you will receive messages from Rotapost by email. You will need to select “Advertisers” - “Control Panel” in the top menu of the exchange and click on the inscription "For checking". As a result, you will see the tasks that webmasters have already completed.

Next to it there will be buttons to add to to speed up the indexing of the hyperlink you purchased. And if you have comments on the completed task, then click on the “Reject” inscription, write the essence of the complaint, and then click the “Return for revision” button.

If you have allowed webmasters to send you applications in the settings of your advertising campaign, then in the same advertisers panel (“Advertisers” - “Control Panel”) you will be able to view all incoming applications by clicking on the inscription “Awaiting approval.” Naturally, the appearance of a new application will be accompanied by a message to your email.

In general, there are a lot of settings in Rotapost, but it’s impossible to describe everything in one article. But I think that you will understand everything anyway, because the interface of the exchange can be called friendly and the process of selling or buying links to your site should not cause you any special problems or complaints.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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What is the difference between fasting and guard duty?
For those people who are trying to monetize their website or blog, it can be quite useful to know What is the difference between fasting and guard duty?.

So, fasting is separate message. For example, now you are reading a post. This post is dedicated to how to understand what a post on the Internet is and what a guard is, as well as their differences. A post is a long message. If you are trying to make money by writing posts, they usually require 2000 characters for such a message.

How does a guard differ from a post?

I hope I helped you.

And for those who are interested in how you can make money on your website/blog, here is a list of companies with which you can cooperate by posting posts and sentries:

Rotapost - high-quality sites, requests are periodic. In rotapost, links can be bought and sold forever. Place it once, receive the money and move on. A large selection of sites for optimizers, prices are reasonable, even I would say low. Trading for links is possible. Almost any site is accepted. There is no strict moderation. The time for acceptance of the application and its implementation is 4 days. This is a good, decent period of time in which you can do everything. However, there is a high percentage for deposits and withdrawals (15%). It’s also great for static sites like mine, originally hosted on a blogger (blogspot).

Miralinks – I really like this site. Sells articles. I like this way. Imagine, you don’t need to write a unique long article (2000 characters), insert a link or pictures into it. The optimizer has already done this for you. The only thing you need is to place such a ready-made article on your resource and get money for it. Isn't that great? And if you write articles yourself, you will earn more (the function is called reverse search). But that is not all. You can write articles and put them up for sale. They will buy an article from you and a place on your site. I love. I recommend that you register.

Sapa – this resource has been on everyone’s lips for a long time, but with my static website I thought for a long time about how to make money there. Where to insert the code, how to even start working. So, Sape allows you to post links with daily payment. Unlike the two previous resources, where you could only sell eternal links. Here you will get money every day.

And now about the cons. In my opinion, the menu is very complex and incomprehensible for a beginner. It is necessary to conclude an agreement, which must be sent by mail (that is, print it out, sign it, buy an envelope, go to the post office). You can turn your site into a link dump. Due to the large number of external outgoing links, you risk being banned by search engines as a shit site. But unlike eternal links, where you received money for placement once, here you will have income constantly. By the way, you can also sell eternal links in Sapa.

Setlinks – very similar to sapa. What a menu, what links. If you act on the principle “the more large sites I register my site, the more I will earn,” then you can register in
