Word, Outlook, Internet Explorer. Useful tips. Selecting an additional editing or development language and setting up language settings in Office Word excel mail microsoft outlook

I am writing this introduction for those who picked up a book from a store shelf and want to understand what it says and who it is intended for.

1. This is a tutorial on the most common office programs today under the general name package Microsoft Office 2007 (“package” - because there are a lot of programs in it; in Russian it is simply called “office”). This tutorial describes:

Word text editor;

Excel spreadsheet editor;

PowerPoint presentation software;

Outlook mail program.

2. This tutorial is intended for beginners. But! You should know how to turn on a computer, how to create a document, and how to find the right key on the keyboard.

If you really, really don’t know which way to approach the computer, then I recommend starting with my book “Computer for Women”.

3. This tutorial does not aim to bring a novice user to the level of a super professional. Here we consider the necessary in the work regular user things.

But I guarantee you that the knowledge from this book will be more than enough for you to correctly type and print any text, understand a table in Excel, make an absolutely stunning presentation in PowerPoint and send an email.

4. The language of the book is as “human” as possible, without complex computer terms.

Note! This book will describe the programs included in the Microsoft Office 2007. If you have a different version of the “office”, then the illustrations in the book will not match what you see on your screen. In addition, I made the drawings for the book in the operating system Windows 7. Therefore, if you have a different operating system, the images may also differ slightly.

From the publisher

Send your comments, suggestions and questions to: Email (Peter publishing house, computer edition).

We'd love to hear your opinion!

On the publisher's website http://www.piter.com you will find detailed information about our books.

Text editor Microsoft Word

Appearance of Word

Home tab


Menu Office Buttons

Word Options

First, a few words of theory.

As I said in the preface, you must have installed on your computer operating system Windows 7 and also the package Microsoft Office 2007. These are the newest and latest versions to date Windows and Microsoft Office.

No programs included Microsoft composition Office is probably unthinkable to work in any office, school, clinic, or even at home. The more computers penetrate our lives, the more people are forced to start working with these programs.

It's a shame that so many of those who are forced by harsh reality to sit down at a computer do not try to make their lives easier and spend a little time studying the capabilities of the programs in which they work. And often, a huge amount of precious time for all of us is spent on something that can be done with the click of a button.

But since you bought this tutorial, we will quickly figure it out together. Microsoft Office programs are very simple.

Do you know what it is interface? This appearance program, its shell, which makes your work easier.

So, the interface of the “office” programs is very “friendly”. Almost all buttons are labeled and there is help. And the greatest value of the office interface is that they have one for all programs. That is, with each subsequent program you will find it easier and easier to understand.

Well, are you no longer afraid to get to work? Then let's get started!

1. Let's turn on the computer!

2. Create your own working folder. We do this in order not to clog up the computer. What if you work for someone else?

To do this, click the button Start

Which is located in the lower left corner of the screen. In the menu that appears, select Documentation. We opened the library of documents of the computer owner (let’s hope that he won’t be too offended by us about this) (Fig. 1.1).

Now imagine that the computer is a closet, and you need its own shelf in it.

You see a button at the top of the window New folder? Click on it.

Rice. 1.1. Documents library window

A newborn folder appeared on the screen, its name highlighted (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. The newly created folder

Type the name And these are my documents. Did you dial it? Click Enter or click the mouse button on an empty area of ​​the screen. We confirmed the entered name.

If, when entering the name of a folder, you try to type (accidentally or on purpose) not a letter, but one of the unacceptable (how ominous it sounds!) characters in this case, a message will appear (Fig. 1.3). From it you can find out which characters the file name and folder name should not contain.

Rice. 1.3. Such characters should not (and cannot) be in the file name.

So now in the library Documentation there is your personal folder.

3. Launch the Word program.

To do this, click on the button again Start

Which is located in the lower left corner of the screen. Then click on the line All programs, click on the folder Microsoft Office, and then press the item Microsoft Office Word 2007(Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.5. Microsoft Office Word 2007 window

Look at the top line. In the center is the name of the program ( Microsoft Word ) and document name ( Document), in the upper right corner there are icons for minimizing, reducing (enlarging) and closing the window


Microsoft Word can do everything. It allows you to type text, then at any time, in any place, make any correction to the text, and then also layout this text, that is, format it.

Layout text is a beautiful arrangement of text on the screen, and then on paper.

In addition to Outlook, the Microsoft Office suite of applications includes such common applications as the Word text editor, the Excel spreadsheet editor, the PowerPoint presentation application, and the Access database application.

All of these applications are independent and self-sufficient, but their joint use opens up truly unlimited possibilities in organizing office work. Using Outlook with other applications included in the Microsoft Office suite allows you to:

  • create messages using all the power text editor Word. Compared to the relatively poor (albeit sufficient) capabilities provided by the Outlook formatting panel, Word is capable of creating full-fledged documents that feature a variety of styles and design templates, containing built-in objects, etc. The interaction of Outlook and Word will be discussed in the first section of this chapter . Moreover, this section will discuss a tool common to all Office applications - distribution along the route;
  • create messages using the full power of the Excel spreadsheet editor. The created table can be easily sent not only as an attached file, but also saved as a message. This opportunity will be discussed in the second section of this chapter. In addition, in this section we will talk about a tool common to all Microsoft applications - placing documents in a shared folder;
  • create meetings to participate in an electronic conference held using PowerPoint. Creating an electronic conference is directly related to the use of the Microsoft NetMeeting application discussed above (See section 11.5 “Net Meeting”). How PowerPoint works with Outlook will be discussed in the third section;
  • create messages using Microsoft Access, capable of connecting to a remote database to display information. Using Outlook and Access together allows you to quickly export and import data from Outlook folders into Access tables. This possibility will be discussed in the fourth and final section of this chapter.

Outlook and Word

The interaction between Outlook and Word is perhaps the most typical example. collaboration. I already mentioned above that the user can specify Microsoft Word as the message editor.

Example 18.1. Word as a message editor

(Using Outlook application)

> Tools >Options Message

Use Microsoft Word as a message editor

Use Microsoft Word to read messages in RTF format

As an example of using Word, consider creating a message containing curly text and a diagram demonstrating the structure of a given book.

Creating a message using Word

There are two ways to create a message using Word:

  • Launch the Word application, create a document and select the command > File > Send > Message.
  • Directly in Outlook by selecting the command > Actions > New message using > Microsoft Word (Figure 18.1).

As can be seen from the figure, the essence of the message has not changed, the fields for entering recipients and the subject of the message remain, a signature and a panel are automatically added Drawing(Drawing), however, the toolbar has been noticeably enriched Formatting(Formatting).

Rice. 18.1. Outlook message (Microsoft Word editor)

Inserting curly text

So, let's first create a nice title for our message using a WordArt object.

Example 18.2. Inserting a WordArt Object

> Insert > Drawing > WordArt

Select the desired text style OK

Text:= Book structure Bold OK

(Format Panel) Centered

As a result of our actions, a beautifully designed text with a yellow gradient fill in the center will appear (Fig. 18.2).

To change properties of this object You can use the buttons on the toolbar of the same name. In our case, let's change the fill color from yellow to blue.

Rice. 18.2. WordArt text in message

Rice. 18.3. Dialog window Filling methods

Example 18.3. Changing WordArt Object Properties

(On the WordArt toolbar)

WordArt Object Format Color and Lines

Color Filling methods...


One color Color1 Blue

Hatch type From center

Options (Fig. 18.3)

Inserting a chart

The next step we are considering is inserting a diagram, which, by the way, is one of the innovations in Word.

Example 18.4. Inserting a chart

> Insert >Organization Chart...

Select chart type (Fig. 18.4)

Rice. 18.4. Dialog window Chart library

A placeholder will appear in the message body, displaying the selected chart. But it consists of one “root” and only three “branches,” while this book has four parts. Let's add another branch and change the chart style.

Example 18.5. Adding a branch to a diagram

(Highlight the root of the diagram)

(In the Organization Chart panel) Add a shape


Select a chart style: Embossed Gradient

Now all that remains is to enter the diagram text. To do this, left-click once on one of the chart stubs and enter the appropriate text. The final version of the message, edited and formatted using Word, is shown in Fig. 18.5.

Rice. 18.5. Final message

After the message is created, all that remains is to fill out the fields To whom(That) and Subject(Subject), then press the button Send(Send).


Because our message is saved and sent in HTML format, some formatting may be lost or modified. Keep this in mind when creating messages in Word! Sometimes it is better to simply attach created messages as an attachment.

Let us remind you once again that here we are considering only the general principle of how Outlook and other Office applications work together. In addition to inserting objects (of which there are many more than two), there are also forms, frames, styles, tables, fields... The list goes on and on. The world of Microsoft Office applications is wide and truly multifunctional. Learn it in parallel with Outlook and other existing applications. In the end, the road will be mastered by the one walking...

Distributing a document along the route

Distribution of a document along the route(Routing) is the sending of a document by email to colleagues in a certain sequence. The mailing sequence is called document route.

Having received the document, the addressee can make his changes and comments and send the document further along the route. At the end of the route, after the document has been viewed by all recipients specified in the routing list, you can request the return of the document or specify the user for whom it is intended, for example, a project manager.

Example 18.6. Sending a document along a route

> File > Open… (open the required document)

> File > Send > Along route. . .

Nashatyrev Anton To whom

Mokhovikov Oleg Komu

Message text:= Dear colleagues! Read the attached document and express your thoughts and comments about what was written. Thank you in advance, Egor Usarov.

one by one

Return upon completion

Track status



While running this program, you may see dialog boxes Outlook security warnings about third-party tampering and access to Outlook data. In this case, always agree to allow access (after all, this request comes from your actions, and you expect it).

You can attach a designated route to a document so that you do not send it immediately, but do so later. To do this, at the last step of the program you need to press the button Add(Add Slip).

> File > Send > Next recipient...

Send the document Nashatyrev Anton

To refuse to send a document along a route and disconnect the route altogether, you need to click the button Clear(Clear).

Let's go back to the example. After the button is pressed Send(Route), a message will be automatically created with the text specified in the field Message text(Message Text), and with an attached document that needs to be sent (Fig. 18.6). Let’s assume that the first recipient (in our example, this is Anton Nashatyrev) is configured responsibly, i.e. he will not leave the received message unattended or delete it without reading it, but will react to it properly: he will read not only the mailing message, but and the attached document itself, and will not only read it, but also add his wishes and comments to it, and then send it to the next correspondent. Let's try to follow how this happens.

To open the sent document itself, the recipient only needs to double-click on the attached document icon in the message. Next, the recipient makes his changes to the document in the usual way. At the end of the work, he must send the document further along the route.

>File>Send>Next recipient...

Send document "Oleg Mokhovikov"

Rice. 18.6. Message with document distribution

What happens after this? First, the message will be sent to the next recipient on the mailing list - Oleg Mokhovikov. He will be able to read the document with changes already made and make his own. Second, the original sender will be notified when the document moves through the mailing list because the dialog box Route(Routing Slip) checkbox was selected Track status(Track Status).

If everything goes well, the document will be promoted through the mailing list until the entire mailing list is exhausted of this document. The last recipient in the route will be asked to return the modified document to the initiator of the mailing, and thus the circle will be closed.

To speed up the process, you can send the document not one by one, but to everyone at once. In this case, merging changes falls on the shoulders of the sender.

Outlook and Excel

From the very beginning of the book, when creating a message, we set out to convey as the body of the message not just text, but a table. Using Excel tools allows you to easily solve not only the problem of inserting tables, but also related components (for example, Excel charts).

As an example of Outlook and Excel working together, consider sending a message that contains a table with data on the number of pages of each part of the book, and an Excel chart that graphically displays the percentage of each part in the book.

Creating a message using Excel

As with Word, you can create a message in two ways. But if in Word we chose the second option (creating a message from Outlook), now let's look at sending a table directly from the Excel application.

Rice. 18.7. Outlook Message (editor Microsoft Excel)

Example 18.9. Creating a message using Excel

>File > Send > Message

Include current sheet in message body

Subject:= Statistics

Introduction:= This message contains...


In the Introduction field, the user can enter text message(comment) preceding the table.

As mentioned above, we will consider sending the table shown in Fig. 18.10. At this stage, the table contains only text and has no additional formatting.

Working with a table

Before sending a message containing a table, it is advisable to format it: highlight the header, emphasize the borders, etc. But Outlook features allow you not only to format the table, but also to work on its logic. In example 18.10, we added another row - “Total”, containing the sum of all pages in the book, and then styled the table accordingly.

If the text of the message does not fit in the cell, its borders can be expanded. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the junction with the name or numbering of cells (the pointer will look like a double-headed arrow) and, while holding down left button mouse, move the column or row boundaries to the required distance.

Example 18.10. Working with an Excel table


A6:= Total

Wb Autosum (Formatting)

A1:Вб (Select while holding down the left mouse button)

> Format > Autoformat...

Rice. 18.8. Formatted message with Excel spreadsheet


In addition to using the automatic style, you can apply additional formatting using the buttons on the toolbar of the same name.

Inserting an Excel Chart

The next step to demonstrate the capabilities of Excel and the use of this application with Outlook is to create a chart that represents the data on the worksheet in a clear graphical form.

Example 18.11. Inserting an Excel Chart

> Insert > Chart... Standard

Type Circular

Chart title:= Outlook in original

Data Signatures Shares

Rice. 18.9. Constructed diagram


If we had not selected the range A2:B6 before starting to construct the chart, we could have set it later, in the second step of the Chart Wizard. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to manually enter a complex formula into the Data Range field. It is enough to select the desired range on the worksheet with the mouse, the wizard dialog box will collapse so as not to interfere with the selection, and the formula will appear automatically.

Once a chart is inserted, it may overlap the table you are using. In order to move a diagram, just select it and, holding the left mouse button, drag it to the desired location.

Now let's look directly at the diagram itself. All elements are displayed clearly and beautifully, with the exception of the data circle itself, which is very small in size. To enlarge the area of ​​the diagram, you need to click on the invisible square in which the circle and text explanations are inscribed (Fig. 18.9). A square frame will appear with selection handles at the corners. Hook these handles and drag, stretching the selection frame until the circle is the size you need.

So, the message is completely ready to be sent, all that remains is to enter the address of the message recipient and press the button Submit sheet(Send this Sheet).

Of particular interest is how our message will be displayed to the user, because, firstly, it is converted to HTML format, and secondly, not every recipient may have Excel installed. After sending and receiving messages, go to V folder Inbox(Inbox) and open the created message (Fig. 18.10).

Rice. 18.10. Received message with table and chart

Firstly, as you can see, the text entered in the field Introduction(Introduction) precedes the table and is separated from it by a line. Secondly, the table format is preserved. And finally, we are proud - the diagram completely matches the created one (format, data, etc.). The only thing missing is there is no signature since we created our message from Excel and not Outlook. This flaw could be corrected by running the command > .Insert > Signature > Sincerely before sending.

Example 18.12. Inserting a signature

> Insert > Signature > Best regards


Generally speaking, additional editing and formatting of posts is sometimes necessary, if not required. After creating the table (with using Excel) the user can always open the message and edit: insert a signature or a number of additional comments, as well as add a background, add a picture, etc.

Exchange folder

Working with Exchange folders is as common to all Office applications as route distribution. The essence of this feature is to place the active document in public folders of the Microsoft Exchange server. Thus, the user gives access to this document to all members of the working group.

Example 18.13. Send to Exchange folder

> File > Send to > Exchange Folder…

Select folder < Общая папка>

After the document is placed in a shared folder, each user can open it by clicking on the appropriate link in the information viewing window (Fig. 18.11).

Outlook and PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a versatile presentation tool. After creating a presentation, the user can show it as local computer, and make a presentation online for the entire working group. The PowerPoint presentation is delivered in HTML format, so participants only need a browser to view it Internet Explorer 4.0. Thus, the presentation can be carried out both throughout the company and between members of a small group located in different places. The number of participants is not limited, but if more than 16 listeners participate in the presentation, a special Microsoft NetShow Server server application must be used to conduct it.

The problem with any meeting is its planning. Of course, to hold a conference, in addition to the desire of the speaker, the consent of the participants is also required. In the case of a regular conference, the participation of all participants is confirmed by the fact that they all gather together and at approximately the same time in the room designated for the conference. The presenter can schedule a PowerPoint electronic conference like any other meeting using Outlook.

Rice. 12.18. Presentation and Dialog Planning to broadcast a presentation

Example 18.14. Broadcast planning PowerPoint presentations

> Slide show > Live broadcast > Set up and schedule...

Description:= "Microsoft Outlook 2002 in original"(Fig. 18.12)

Parameters... Setting up broadcasting (Fig. 18.13)

Display mode Resizable


Enter or select a name:< presentation participants



(A dialog box will appear notifying you that a broadcast is scheduled)

Rice. 18.13. Dialog window Broadcast Options


Switches Sound only(Audio only) and Video and sound(Video and Audio) makes sense to install if the presenter’s computer is equipped with a microphone and video camera, and the participants’ computers are equipped with equipment for playing audio and video. In our example we do not assume this, so the checkbox is checked No(None).

The automatically filled meeting form (Fig. 18.14) is identical to those discussed earlier, See Chapter 2, Calendar, and Chapter 10, Collaborate in Outlook.


The only mandatory condition for live broadcasting of a presentation to a wide audience is a computer connection to the network (global or local). Additional features may not be used if technical conditions do not allow it.

After agreeing on the time and composition of participants, you can proceed directly to the demonstration itself.

Rice. 18.14. Meeting form

Example 18.15. Live broadcast of the presentation

> Slide show > Live broadcast > Start broadcast...

When holding a scheduled conference, the presenter plans to broadcast it using the meeting scheduling interface in Outlook 2002. At the specified time, a meeting reminder window will appear on the participants’ computer screens, on which the participant will see a button, after clicking on which the introductory page of the presentation will be loaded (Fig. 18.15 ). The presenter controls the change of slides. On the participants' computer screens, the slides are shown in the same way as in a normal slide show.

Rice. 18.15. Main page for live presentation

During the presentation, participants can have private discussions, ask questions to the presenter, and receive answers via email via Outlook.

Outlook and Access

Microsoft Access is a universal database management system, and Outlook is a universal information management system. Based on these definitions, it is natural to assume that these applications have some means of exchanging information among themselves. But in addition to exchanging information, Outlook, like Word or Excel, is capable of creating messages using Microsoft Access tools. Only in this case, these tools are not in the area of ​​formatting or editing, but in the area of ​​providing data for sending and publishing.

In this section we will look at an example of importing information from address book Outlook to your Access database, and create a message containing the information you just imported.

Information exchange

First of all, open Access and create a database. Our goal will then be to create a table containing data from the Outlook address book.

Example 18.16. Import data from Outlook to Access

> File > External Data > Import...

Outlook file type (Exchange/Outlook Import Wizard will start automatically)

> Address Books > Outlook Contacts Address Book

In a new table

(At this step you are asked to define the parameters of the imported data and find out whether it needs to be imported at all)

Do not import

Import to table:= Contacts

Rice. 18.16. Microsoft Access table with imported data

After import, as expected, a new table will appear in Access Contacts, containing information from the Outlook address book. The import result is shown in Fig. 18.16.

Working with Access Data Page

Consider the following example. Let's say that one of the project participants has created a database, the information of which is interesting, and perhaps necessary, for other team members. There are several solutions for this problem, but we will focus on the option of sending a message containing an Access Data Page. In fact, the message simply contains an HTML page with an ActiveX object that connects to the database and displays data.

Example 18.17. Create a message with Access Data Page

> Actions > New message using... > Microsoft Office >Microsoft Access Data Page

(Access will open with a wizard New page data access)


Select data source:=< Database>

After completing the procedures, a page with a data grid will open. So, first of all, you need to place the information fields that will be on the page. To do this, drag the required fields onto the table grid and replace its name, for example with Contacts. Then enter the name of the message recipients and click the button Send a copy.

Before sending a message, the user can see how it will be displayed to the recipient. To do this, select the command > File > web page preview. A Web browser will open with a loaded page, which will be displayed in the same way for the recipient of the message.

Rice. 18.23. Web page with data from Access

Using the buttons Back and Next, you can navigate through table data Contacts. Also, by specifying the appropriate access parameters, you can edit the table (add or delete records), organize data filtering, etc. But this is beyond the scope of this book.


So, in this chapter we looked at the possibility of Office and Outlook applications working together. Truly, using Outlook together with the tools provided by Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access allows you to create rich messages and make it easier to share and access information.

  • Word. Formatting a message. Using Word as your default editor. Distribution of the document along the route.
  • Excel. Create a post with a table and chart. Placing documents in public folders on the Exchange server.
  • PowerPoint. Organize an online meeting to present a presentation.
  • Access. Import data from Outlook to Access. Create a message containing an Access Data Page.

MS Word provides a number of keyboard shortcuts to make your office work faster. If you need to use MS Word a lot, then it is highly recommended that you learn a few useful keyboard shortcuts -It will help you work quickly. You can click Ctrl+B to make text in bold, Ctrl+U to make the text underlined. These keyboard shortcuts work in all parts of Microsoft Office like MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint, etc.

However, by default, MS Word does not provide shortcut for striking out a command. Even though strikethrough is a frequently used command, it's surprising that Microsoft hasn't created keyboard shortcuts for strikethrough. But the good thing is that we can configure MS Word to create such a keyboard shortcut quick access. Today I will teach you how to install quick way to make the text strikethrough.

What is strikethrough?

Sometimes in a document, you don't need certain text, but you don't want to remove it. In such cases, you can strikethrough the text. A piece of text will remain in the document for later use (and even later inclusion) but at the same time, strikethroughs will show the reader that the text is no longer relevant. It looks something like this: strikethrough

How to Install the Strikethrough Shortcut in MS Word

You will need to do the following process only once and after that, you will be able to cross out the text by pressing the combination of the selected key.

Open any MS Word document. You can even open a blank document as well.

Press Ctrl + D to open the Font dialog box. This window shows font formatting options.

Now press Ctrl + Alt and by holding both of these keys down press the plus key on the numeric keypad (Numpad).

The cursor will change to a carnation in the shape of one. Release the Ctrl + Alt keys and click on the Strikethrough option in the Font dialog box (shown as the red circle in the image above).

The Customize Keyboard dialog box will open. Place the cursor in the field Key new print shortcut and press the shortcut key combination you would like to set to strikethrough the option. I put it on Ctrl + Shift + S... You can also install it like this. Place the cursor in press - new shortcut key and press Ctrl + Shift + S.

MS Word will automatically capture the keys you press. You can use any combination of Shift, Alt, Ctrl and key With letter. If you press a key combination that is already assigned to some other command, MS Word will show you this information. It's best not to overwrite an existing shortcut. Ctrl + Shift + is a good combination.

Click on the button Assign to set the strikethrough shortcut.

Now, to check whether it is working or not, type something in an MS Word document. Select the text and press Ctrl + Shift + S (or whatever combination you chose). The selected text will immediately be strikethrough.

I hope you found this little setup tip strikethrough label in MS Word useful. If you have any questions about this topic, please feel free to ask me through the comments section on this page. I will try my best to be helpful to you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!

The interaction between Outlook and Word is perhaps the most typical example of collaboration. I already mentioned above that the user can specify Microsoft Word as the message editor.

Example 18.1. Word as a message editor

(Using Outlook application)

> Tools >Options Message

Use Microsoft Word as a message editor

Use Microsoft Word to read messages in RTF format

As an example of using Word, consider creating a message containing curly text and a diagram demonstrating the structure of a given book.

Creating a message using Word

There are two ways to create a message using Word:

  • Launch the Word application, create a document and select the command > File > Send > Message.
  • Directly in Outlook by selecting the command > Actions > New message using > Microsoft Word (Figure 18.1).

As can be seen from the figure, the essence of the message has not changed, the fields for entering recipients and the subject of the message remain, a signature and a panel are automatically added Drawing(Drawing), however, the toolbar has been noticeably enriched Formatting(Formatting).

Rice. 18.1. Outlook message (Microsoft Word editor)

Inserting curly text

So, let's first create a nice title for our message using a WordArt object.

Example 18.2. Inserting a WordArt Object

> Insert > Drawing > WordArt

Select the desired text style OK

Text:= Book structure Bold OK

(Format Panel) Centered

As a result of our actions, a beautifully designed text with a yellow gradient fill in the center will appear (Fig. 18.2).

To change the properties of this object, you can use the buttons of the toolbar of the same name. In our case, let's change the fill color from yellow to blue.

Rice. 18.2. WordArt text in message

Rice. 18.3. Dialog window Filling methods

Example 18.3. Changing WordArt Object Properties

(On the WordArt toolbar)

WordArt Object Format Color and Lines

Color Filling methods...


One color Color1 Blue

Hatch type From center

Options (Fig. 18.3)

Inserting a chart

The next step we are considering is inserting a diagram, which, by the way, is one of the innovations in Word.

Example 18.4. Inserting a chart

> Insert >Organization Chart...

Select chart type (Fig. 18.4)

Rice. 18.4. Dialog window Chart library

A placeholder will appear in the message body, displaying the selected chart. But it consists of one "root" and only three "branches", while this book has four parts. Let's add another branch and change the chart style.

Example 18.5. Adding a branch to a diagram

(Highlight the root of the diagram)

(In the Organization Chart panel) Add a shape


Select a chart style: Embossed Gradient

Now all that remains is to enter the diagram text. To do this, left-click once on one of the chart stubs and enter the appropriate text. The final version of the message, edited and formatted using Word, is shown in Fig. 18.5.

Rice. 18.5. Final message

After the message is created, all that remains is to fill out the fields To whom(That) and Subject(Subject), then press the button Send(Send).


Because our message is saved and sent in HTML format, some formatting may be lost or modified. Keep this in mind when creating messages in Word! Sometimes it is better to simply attach created messages as an attachment.

Let us remind you once again that here we are considering only the general principle of how Outlook and other Office applications work together. In addition to inserting objects (of which there are many more than two), there are also forms, frames, styles, tables, fields... The list goes on and on. The world of Microsoft Office applications is wide and truly multifunctional. Learn it in parallel with Outlook and other existing applications. In the end, the road will be mastered by the one walking...

Distributing a document along the route

Distribution of a document along the route(Routing) is the sending of a document by email to colleagues in a certain sequence. The mailing sequence is called document route.

Having received the document, the addressee can make his changes and comments and send the document further along the route. At the end of the route, after the document has been viewed by all recipients specified in the routing list, you can request the return of the document or specify the user for whom it is intended, for example, a project manager.

Example 18.6. Sending a document along a route

> File > Open... (open the required document)

> File > Send > Along route. . .

Nashatyrev Anton To whom

Mokhovikov Oleg Komu

Message text:= Dear colleagues! Read the attached document and express your thoughts and comments about what was written. Thank you in advance, Egor Usarov.

one by one

Return upon completion

Track status



While running this program, Outlook security dialog boxes may appear warning you about third-party tampering and access to Outlook data. In this case, always agree to allow access (after all, this request comes from your actions, and you expect it).

You can attach a designated route to a document so that you do not send it immediately, but do so later. To do this, at the last step of the program you need to press the button Add(Add Slip).

> File > Send > Next recipient...

Send the document Nashatyrev Anton

To refuse to send a document along a route and disconnect the route altogether, you need to click the button Clear(Clear).

Let's go back to the example. After the button is pressed Send(Route), a message will be automatically created with the text specified in the field Message text(Message Text), and with an attached document that needs to be sent (Fig. 18.6). Let’s assume that the first recipient (in our example, this is Anton Nashatyrev) is configured responsibly, i.e. he will not leave the received message unattended or delete it without reading it, but will react to it properly: he will read not only the mailing message, but and the attached document itself, and will not only read it, but also add his wishes and comments to it, and then send it to the next correspondent. Let's try to follow how this happens.

To open the sent document itself, the recipient only needs to double-click on the attached document icon in the message. Next, the recipient makes his changes to the document in the usual way. At the end of the work, he must send the document further along the route.

>File>Send>Next recipient...

Send document to "Oleg Mokhovikov"

Rice. 18.6. Message with document distribution

What happens after this? First, the message will be sent to the next recipient on the mailing list - Oleg Mokhovikov. He will be able to read the document with changes already made and make his own. Second, the original sender will be notified when the document moves through the mailing list because the dialog box Route(Routing Slip) checkbox was selected Track status(Track Status).

If everything goes well, the document will be promoted through the mailing list until the entire mailing list for that document is exhausted. The last recipient in the route will be asked to return the modified document to the initiator of the mailing, and thus the circle will be closed.

To speed up the process, you can send the document not one by one, but to everyone at once. In this case, merging changes falls on the shoulders of the sender.

Depending on the version of Word or Outlook you are using, you may be able to paste into Word document and add various objects to it (for example, PDF files, diagrams or Excel sheets) or email message using linking or embedding. To insert an object, on the tab Insert click the button An object.

Inserting a new object

To create new file To insert into a Word document or email:


    Information in the section Result determined by the selected object type and checkbox state As an icon(installed or not). This information will help you decide what exactly needs to be inserted and in what form.

    To change the data in an inserted object, double-click it.

Linking or embedding an existing file

To link or embed an already created object:

Embedded objects and related objects

Embedded objects become part of a Word file or email message and, once inserted, lose their connection to the original file.

Related objects can be updated when the source file changes. The associated data is stored in the source file. The Word file or mail message (target file) stores only the location information of the source file and displays a view of the associated data. If file size matters, use linked objects.
