Program for resetting smart hard drives. Program for resetting a smart hard drive. How to fix a SMART error on your hard drive or SSD. Eliminate lack of memory on the TV. How to view S.M.A.R.T. hard drive. Explanation of parameters

What is S.M.A.R.T.? Why do SMART errors occur and what does it mean? Below we will describe in detail the causes and methods for eliminating such problems.

Means S.M.A.R.T. showing errors hard drive(HDD or SSD) is a signal that some problems have occurred with the drive that affect the stability and operation of the computer.

In addition, such an error is a serious reason to think about safety of your important data, since due to a problematic drive you can simply lose all the information that almost impossible to restore.

What is SMART and what does it show?

"S.M.A.R.T." stands for "self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology", which translated means “technology of self-diagnosis, analysis and reporting”.

Every HDD, connected via a SATA or ATA interface, has a built-in S.M.A.R.T. system that allows you to perform the following functions:

  • Conduct analysis drive.
  • Correct software Problems from HDD.
  • Scan surface hard drive.
  • Conduct program correction, cleaning or replacement damaged blocks.
  • Give ratings vital characteristics of the disk.
  • Keep reports about all hard drive parameters.

System S.M.A.R.T. allows you to provide the user with complete information about physical state of rigid disk, a scoring method that can be used to calculate the approximate time of HDD failure. You can personally familiarize yourself with this system using the Victoria program or other analogues.

You can find out how to work, check and correct hard drive errors in the Victoria program in the article “”.

S.M.A.R.T. errors

As a rule, in a normally operating drive, the S.M.A.R.T. does not produce any errors even with low scores. This is due to the fact that the occurrence of errors is a signal of possible imminent disk failure.

S.M.A.R.T. errors always indicate some kind of malfunction or that some elements of the disk are practically have exhausted their resource. If the user begins to see such messages, you should think about the safety of your data, since now they can disappear at any moment!

Examples of SMART errors

Error "SMART failure predicted"

In this case, S.M.A.R.T. notifies the user about imminent disk failure. Important: if you see such a message on your computer, copy it urgently all important information and files to another medium, because given hard disk may become unusable at any time!

Error "S.M.A.R.T. status BAD"

This error indicates that some parameters of the hard drive are in poor condition (they have practically exhausted their resource). As in the first case, you should immediately make a backup of important data.

Error “the smart hard disk check has detected”

As with the previous two errors, the S.M.A.R.T. talking about imminent HDD failure.

Error codes and names may vary between different hard drives, motherboards, or BIOS versions, however, each of them is a signal to do backup copy your files.

How to fix SMART error?

S.M.A.R.T. errors indicate imminent hard drive failure, therefore, error correction, as a rule, does not bring the desired result and the error remains. In addition to critical errors, there are other problems that can cause these types of messages. One such problem is elevated carrier temperature.

It can be viewed in the Victoria program in the SMART tab under the item 190 "Airflow temperature" for HDD. Or under the item 194 "Controller temperature" for SDD.

If this indicator is overestimated, measures should be taken to cooling the system unit:

  • Check cooler performance.
  • Clear dust.
  • Put additional cooler for better ventilation.

Another way to fix SMART errors is checking the drive for errors.

This can be done by going to the folder "My computer", by clicking right mouse button by disk or partition, select "Service" and running the check.

If the error was not corrected during the check, you should resort to disk defragmentation.

To do this while in properties disk, press the button "Optimize", select the required drive and press "Optimize".

If the error does not disappear after this, most likely the disk has simply exhausted its resource and soon he will become unreadable, and the user will only have to purchase a new HDD or SSD.

How to disable SMART check?

Disc with S.M.A.R.T error Maybe fail at any time, but this does not mean that you cannot continue to use it.

It is worth understanding that using such a disk should not imply storing any valuable information on it. Knowing this, you can carry out reset smart settings who will help disguise annoying errors.

For this:

Step 1. Go to BIOS or UEFI(F2 or Delete button during loading) and go to the item "Advanced" and select the line "IDE Configuration" and press Enter. To navigate, use the arrows on your keyboard.

Step 2. On the screen that opens, you should find your drive and press Enter(hard disks signed "Hard Disc").

Step 3. Scroll down the list and select an option SMART, press Enter and select the item "Disabled".

Step 4. Exit BIOS, applying and saving settings.

It is worth noting that on some systems this procedure may be performed slightly differently, but the principle of shutdown itself remains the same.

After disabling SMART errors will stop appearing, and the system will boot normally until until the HDD completely fails. In some situations, errors may appear in the OS itself; to do this, you should reject them several times, and then appear "Don't show again" button.

What to do if the data was lost?

In case of accidental formatting, deletion by viruses or loss of any important data, you should quickly return the lost information using the most effective method.

One such method is a data recovery program. RS Partition Recovery. This utility can quickly return remote photos, video files, audio tracks, Pictures, documentation and any other files, which disappeared from the drive for various reasons. has an advanced system for scanning and searching for deleted information, which allows you to find and restore even those files that were deleted quite a long time ago. More details about the capabilities and main features RS Partition Recovery can be found on the official website of the manufacturer

Winchesters Seagate Barracuda very popular among users personal computers. Many discs last for 5-10 years and have excellent “health” at this age. By the word “health” I mean both the functioning of the hard drive itself, its speed and stability, and the performance of its self-diagnosis and recovery system S.M.A.R.T.. Often, over many years of operation, the self-diagnosis system indicators S.M.A.R.T. change from the moment you start using the hard drive. In these indicators, the hard drive itself remembers such parameters as: the maximum temperature of the hard drive, the operating time of the hard drive (hours of operation), the number of turns on and off, the number of head parkings, etc. However, the most undesirable indicators that may appear during long-term work hard disk is number of bad sectors.

Reasons for appearance bad sectors there are different ones. The main reason is time. Over time, areas with unstable reading of recorded information may appear on a disk, even of very high quality, especially if this information was recorded a very long time ago and the disk has not been used for a long time. Among the reasons may be the low quality of the hard drive platters themselves, poor-quality assembly, or the use of cheap materials in the manufacture of the HDD by the manufacturer.

However, there are times when bad sectors appear not because of the hard drive itself. I mean cases when the power is turned off while information is being written to the disk, or there is a defect in the SATA cable, or errors in the SATA controller on motherboard computer, or unstable operation of the PC power supply (voltage surges along the 5V and 12V lines). In these cases, the self-diagnosis system can find on the surface of the hard drive from several pieces to several thousand so-called "software bads", i.e. areas where information cannot be read, because do not match checksums with the information itself that is recorded in these blocks. The diagnostic system often identifies them as unstable or bad and changes the system parameters S.M.A.R.T. not for the better. System S.M.A.R.T. It may even replace these blocks with good ones and display them in its indicators as Reallocated (moved), although the blocks themselves may be very good. This happens quite often, but not always.

The photo below shows a screenshot of the Victoria program with indicators S.M.A.R.T. problem disk. You can see more than a thousand sectors that have already been moved and hundreds that are preparing to move.

So what can we do to try to get the S.M.A.R.T numbers back? back to normal? We can reset the S.M.A.R.T. or transfer bad sectors to a hidden area of ​​the self-diagnosis system, the so-called P (Slip) list. This operation does not guarantee that after resetting the indicators, these indicators will not appear again after a few days or weeks. If the disk really has bad sectors, the self-diagnosis system will identify them and mark them after using the disk for some time. So you most likely will not be able to make “candy” out of a truly “dead” hard drive.

This guide outlines the procedure for resetting S.M.A.R.T. For hard drives Seagate Barracuda 7200.11, Seagate Barracuda 7200.12, Seagate Barracuda ES, Seagate Barracuda ES.2. On other hard drives Seagate Barracuda I haven't checked, maybe the procedure is similar.

First, we need to get an RS232-to-TTL adapter. You can assemble an adapter based on the MAX232 chip as shown in the diagram:

Note on the diagram: If it is possible to connect to a stabilized voltage of +5V, then the circuit can be simplified by removing the 7805 stabilizer with two capacitors from it.

Alternative RS232-to-TTL adapter circuit.

Threat name

Executable file name:

Threat type:

Affected OS:

Win32 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven, Windows 8)

Smart HDD infection method

Smart HDD copies its file(s) to your hard drive. Typical file name .exe. Then it creates a startup key in the registry with a name and value .exe. You can also find it in the process list with the name .exe or .

If you have additional questions regarding Smart HDD, please fill out and we will contact you shortly.

Download the removal utility

Download this program and remove Smart HDD and .exe (download will start automatically):

* SpyHunter was developed by the American company EnigmaSoftware and is capable of removing Smart HDD in automatic mode. The program was tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.


The program is able to protect files and settings from malicious code.

The program can fix browser problems and protects browser settings.

Removal is guaranteed - if SpyHunter fails, free support is provided.

24/7 anti-virus support is included in the package.

Download the Smart HDD removal utility from the Russian company Security Stronghold

If you are not sure which files to delete, use our program Smart HDD removal utility.. The Smart HDD removal utility will find and completely remove all problems associated with the Smart HDD virus. Fast, easy-to-use Smart HDD Removal Tool will protect your computer from the Smart HDD threat that harms your computer and violates your privacy. Smart HDD Removal Utility scans your hard drives and registry and removes any manifestation of Smart HDD. Conventional antivirus software is powerless against malicious programs such as Smart HDD. Download this simplified removal tool specially designed to solve problems with Smart HDD and.exe (download will start automatically):


Deletes all files created by Smart HDD.

Removes all registry entries created by Smart HDD.

The program can fix browser problems.

Immunizes the system.

Removal is guaranteed - if the Utility fails, free support is provided.

24/7 antivirus support via GoToAssist is included in the package.

Our support team is ready to solve your problem with Smart HDD and remove Smart HDD right now!

Leave detailed description your problem with Smart HDD in the section. Our support team will contact you and provide you with step by step solution problems with Smart HDD. Please describe your problem as accurately as possible. This will help us provide you with the most effective method removal of Smart HDD.

How to remove Smart HDD manually

This problem can be resolved manually by deleting registry keys and files associated with the Smart HDD, removing it from the startup list and de-registering all associated DLL files. In addition, missing DLL files must be restored from the OS distribution if they were damaged.

To get rid of it, you need:

1. Terminate the following processes and delete the corresponding files:

Warning: you need to delete only files whose checksums are in the list of malicious ones. There may be files with the same names on your system. We recommend using this to safely resolve the issue.

2. Delete the following folders:

3. Delete the following registry keys and/or values:

Warning: If registry key values ​​are specified, you should delete only the specified values ​​and leave the keys themselves intact. We recommend using this to safely resolve the issue.

4. Reset browser settings

Sometimes it can affect your browser settings, such as changing your search and home page. We recommend that you use the free "Reset Browsers" feature in "Tools" in the program to reset all browsers at once. Please note that before this you need to delete all files, folders and registry keys belonging to the Smart HDD. To reset browser settings manually, use these instructions:

For Internet Explorer

    If you are using Windows XP, click Start, And Open. Enter the following in the field Open without quotes and press Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click Start. Enter the following in the field Search without quotes and press Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

    Select a tab Additionally

    Under Reset settings Internet browser Explorer, click Reset. And press Reset again in the window that opens.

    Select checkbox Remove personal settings to delete history, restore search and home page.

    After Internet Explorer has completed the reset, click Close in the dialog box.

Warning: Reset browser settings V Tools

For Google Chrome

    Find the folder Google installations Chrome at: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data.

    In folder User Data, find the file Default and rename it to DefaultBackup.

    Launch Google Chrome and it will be created new file Default.

    Google Chrome settings reset

Warning: In case this doesn't work, use the free option. Reset browser settings V Tools in the Spyhunter Remediation Tool program.

For Mozilla Firefox

    Open Firefox

    From the menu, select Help > Problem Solving Information.

    Click the button Reset Firefox.

    After Firefox finishes, it will show a window and create a folder on your desktop. Click Complete.

Warning: This way you will lose your passwords! We recommend using the free option Reset browser settings V Tools in the Spyhunter Remediation Tool program.

Without a doubt, owners of LG TVs have faced the problem of lack of memory. An error code appears on the screen as soon as the user tries to play any media content. Moreover, regardless of the type of Internet connection: cable or wireless.

How to clear the memory on an LG TV, thereby restoring the correct operation of Smart TV? There are several proven methods, which we are talking about now. we'll talk. If you have an error on your LG TV "Not enough memory", you first need to determine what caused the software failure.

Causes of a memory full error

Not surprisingly, the alert software glitch lights up on the TV screen only when you connect to the Internet. That is, standard television viewing will be available. The TV's built-in browser is used to play multimedia content. Sometimes an error appears when you try to start an audio track or enter a game.

Remember that the appearance of this error is in no way related to the incorrect operation of a specific website. In addition, the software failure code may not appear immediately. For example, you first started a video, but after a few minutes it is interrupted and a notification appears on the LG Smart TV screen stating that the TV does not have enough memory.

The error appears when the user tries to play a streaming video. Gradually free space There are fewer temporary files to store, which means the image will take much longer to load. To avoid software failures, try to use web portals where files are saved in blocks. As a result, it will be possible to avoid cache overflow in Smart TV.

There are several ways to solve the problem. As noted earlier, expand internal memory impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to install additional software, which will prevent the error from occurring. As a result, the content will be played through such programs.

The second method is to update WebOS ( operating system smart TV). It is possible that such glitches will be fixed in later versions. Because the software is constantly being improved by the developers of the equipment manufacturer.

How to clear cache

The system requires the user to clear the cache to reduce the load on RAM. However, it is absolutely not necessary to delete temporary files of absolutely all applications; it will be enough to clear the cache of the browser you are using.

Remember that deleting temporary files of absolutely all applications will cause the settings in them to be reset to default settings. You will need to sign in to your account again.

How to clear memory on LG TV? All you need is a remote control remote control. Follow the simple step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to go to the main menu of Smart TV. To do this, press the “Smart” button on the remote control.
  1. On the right or left (depending on the version of the installed OS), click on the “Change” button.
  1. Select the software you are using and click on the “Uninstall” command that appears in the window that opens.

This is how you clean the memory of your LG TV. Consequently, temporary files of absolutely all applications will be deleted.

If you would prefer to clear the cache exclusively of the built-in browser that you use directly to play content, then follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Click on the "Smart" button to switch to Smart TV mode.
  2. Launch the built-in browser, and then in the right corner click on the settings menu icon.
  3. Select a team "Clear cache", and then confirm the action again.

After a short period of time, the files saved by the browser will still be deleted. After the cleaning is complete, absolutely all videos and audio will begin to play correctly, and the error will disappear. It is advisable to restart the TV immediately after cleaning.

Uninstalling apps

Not only temporary files are saved to the internal memory, but also applications installed by the user. Therefore, sometimes, in order to free up space, you have to delete applications from Smart TV that you do not use. You can do this in 2 ways.

How to clear the memory of an LG Smart TV? First, hover over the app you want to delete, then you need to open context menu and select a team "Delete". Confirm the uninstallation again. This is how games, movies, various widgets and all kinds of programs are removed.

In addition, there are other ways to delete applications. Open the directory "My Applications" and then transfer unnecessary files to the right corner of the screen until uninstallation begins. To complete the process, just confirm the action.

Surely many LG Smart TV owners have encountered such a problem as: “Not enough memory. Please reload the page or go to another site." This notification pops up on the TV screen at the moment when the user tries to open some multimedia file for viewing, and it doesn’t matter whether the Internet connection is via cable or via wireless connection. The thing is that the TV does not have enough memory to load multimedia content. However, this problem does not always arise, and not immediately. If there is insufficient memory, a corresponding notification pops up.

It is clear that this problem only occurs when your TV is connected to the Internet (everything is fine during normal channel viewing), and you use the TV’s built-in browser to watch any online video. When playing music or launching games, this error may also occur.

The problem is in no way tied to a specific site, i.e. The error message can pop up on any site. Moreover, this message about the problem does not always appear and not immediately. Suppose you watched multimedia content for about 10 minutes and suddenly everything is interrupted and a notification about low memory is displayed on the display. Reloading the page allows you to correct this situation, but most likely not for long - for a few minutes.

Memory Features

It turns out that there is no way to expand the device's memory. Memory card or more precisely external hard disk won't help here. Samsung TVs also have this problem. This situation occurs when you try to download a streaming video. The TV memory is full because... The image loads slower than online video and the required amount of memory simply does not always have time to be freed. It is recommended to open those sites in which the video in a common file is saved in blocks - then memory overflow does not occur.

There are not many options, because... You cannot expand the memory of a TV, as is the case with a computer. The only way out of this situation may be to install special applications on the TV that will allow you to get rid of this problem and watch movies, various videos, and listen to music from the Internet through them.

You can try updating your TV's software. There is hope that in later versions there will be no such “jambs” and memory will be used and distributed more correctly and more economically. After all, technology does not stand still, and this also applies to the development of the TV market. How can you clean the memory of an LG Smart TV easily and without problems?

Algorithm of actions:

  • Connect the TV to the Internet, no matter how. May with using Wi-fi, modem or cable.
  • Switch to Smart TV mode using the button on the remote control.
  • A browser window will open; you need to select a tab in the upper right corner, which will have several lines.
  • Select the line “Clear cache”. Click on the line and confirm this action and wait for the cleaning to complete.

TV capabilities

Using LG Smart TV, the user can open pages on the Internet, just like on a smartphone, laptop or desktop PC, using the browser built into the TV. “Surfing” the Internet using a remote control is not very convenient, although it is possible to purchase a keyboard for this purpose. But managing built-in Internet services using the remote control is very convenient, because they open instantly.

The range of these services available on smart TV depends on the country of residence of the owner and on the firmware version of the software. Usually this is Skype, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, various TV channels. There is also access to multimedia resources.
