What the command line can do. CMD command line. Command line cmd, feel like a hacker. Windows command line commands

Most users personal computers do not face the need to use any CMD command. Many people simply lack the functions provided by the visual shell of the operating system. However, there are situations when you have to manipulate the system directly, and that’s when the command line comes to the rescue.

What is the command line

This software, which is part of the standard programs of the system. CMD provides the user with the ability to work with the system and files directly. The application has a text interface, and the execution result is displayed on the screen. Simply put, the command line translates user requests into a form that the system can understand. Outwardly, of course, the program does not look very familiar to the average user, but at the same time it has a number of positive properties, and besides, it is faster than the visual component. built into every version of the Windows operating system.

Ways to launch the command line

The operating system developers have provided several options for launching CMD:

  • Go to Start menu/ standard programs/ then select “Command Line” from the list.
  • Go to the Start menu, select "Run", in the window that appears, enter CMD.exe in the line. You can also open the Run window using the Win+R key combination.
  • Go to system folder C:\Windows\system32 and select the CMD.exe program.

Most of the most important commands can be obtained using the Help command. After entering of this request Windows CMD commands will appear with information on how to use them. All of them can be divided into several fairly broad groups. Their division occurs according to the principle of application. For example, CMD commands to run the commands used. The most common of them will be presented below. They are also the most necessary commands CMD lines.

Basic commands for working with system directories

This list of commands will be useful if you need to access folders located on the system:

  • Dir - provides the ability to view folders as a list. Using additional criteria command line You can sort directories according to a number of parameters.
  • RD - provides the ability to delete an unnecessary directory. WITH additional parameters you can set deletion criteria: for example, delete several folders at once.
  • MD - the command creates a new folder (directory). Various options allow you to create different types of directories.
  • CD - provides the ability to move from one directory to another, in some cases you will need to use quotes.
  • XCopy - used to copy folders without changing their structure. Unlike Copy, this one has more advanced command capabilities. Via CMD, you can perform fairly flexible operations with this request.
  • Tree - provides the ability to display directories graphically. By default, the display is done using pseudographics.
  • Move - used to both move and change the directory name. The command makes it possible to move several folders at a time.

Basic commands for working with files

These CMD file commands can be useful to many personal computer users:

  • del - command used to delete. Can be used to delete one or several files. In addition, there is an option to delete read-only files;
  • edit - the command launches a text editor;
  • ren - allows you to rename a file. You can also use rename;
  • move - used to move and rename a file;
  • copy con - allows you to create a new file;
  • fc - allows you to compare what is in two files. The result of the work is the appearance of symbols that provide information about the status of the comparison;
  • type - applicable for text documents. The execution of the command is to display the contents of the file on the screen;
  • copy - allows you to copy and also merge files.

Commands for diagnosing the hard drive of the computer and system

In addition to all the above advantages, CMD commands allow you to check for errors in operation hard drives or change volume labels, as well as defragmentation.

  • Compact - the command allows you to display and configure compression in the file NTFS system. Using this command you can significantly save disk space.
  • Format - formats a disk or floppy disk. Please note that formatting will result in complete removal all data on the media.
  • Chkdisk - checks and displays information about the media. The team will help you find out about the occupied space, the amount of space on bad sectors, and so on.
  • Fsutil - provides information about the file system and allows you to make changes to it.
  • Chkntfs - allows you to show and configure during Windows startup.
  • Convert - allows you to convert a volume from one file system to another. It is not possible to change the type of the active volume or disk.
  • Recover - a command for recovering data from damaged media. Happening this process by reading one sector after another. Reading occurs only from those sectors from which it is possible to read. Data located in physically damaged sectors will not be recovered. Most often it is restored in this way text documents from damaged floppy disks.
  • Diskpart - allows you to open disk data and make the required settings.
  • Vol - provides information about the serial number of the hard drive.
  • Label - used to view and edit volume labels. Please note that the volume name can contain no more than 11 characters, and NTFS 32 characters.

Information commands

This type of command will help you obtain information about versions, configurations, as well as installed drivers:

  • ver - provides information about the system version using the CMD command, Windows 7 also supports this request;
  • driverquery - allows you to view information about installed drivers; The display can be in the form of a list, table or CSV;
  • systeminfo - Provides information about system configurations. Configurations can be viewed both locally and in addition, the command provides properties about service packs.

processes and applications

Commands for managing and changing operating system settings:

  • shutdown - the command is used to shut down, restart or put the computer into sleep mode. If the user has the necessary rights, it is possible to carry out settings remotely;
  • time - used to display and change the current time;
  • date - used to display and change the current date;
  • tasklist - provides the user with a list of processes currently running on a local or remote personal computer;
  • schtasks - allows you to create, configure or delete scheduled tasks in operating system. In the graphical interface, the command is represented by the Task Scheduler program;
  • taskkill - used to terminate processes using identifiers or names executable files. The tool began to be used with Windows XP.

Commands to customize the command line

This group of commands relates directly to setting up the CMD. Commands will help you clear the screen and change it appearance and so on:

  • Exit - allows you to close batch data or close the command line altogether.
  • Color - provides the ability to change the background or font color in the command line window. The color is specified as a hexadecimal digit. The most significant bit indicates brightness, and the subsequent bits indicate color. The default is white letters on a black background.
  • Title - allows you to change the name of the CMD.exe window.
  • CMD - allows you to launch a new command interpreter window Windows strings. Usually the need for this command occurs when you want to predefine the actual CMD settings.
  • Prompt - allows you to change the command line greeting. If you use the command without parameters, the prompt text will look like: current drive, directory and the greater-than symbol.

Network CMD commands

Most users rarely need these queries, but professionals believe that these codes are very helpful when working with a computer:

  • getmac - the command provides information about the hardware addresses of network adapters. In this case, you can find out both local and remote addresses;
  • netsh.exe - the command opens another line. Using it, you can configure the network if necessary. Many experienced users find this program indispensable. To get help about commands, you must write it with a question mark;
  • ipconfig - allows you to obtain information about protocol settings. Sometimes the command allows you to update data in automatic mode. Older operating systems may not support this CMD command;
  • nbtstat - the main purpose of the command is to display NetBt information. in addition, names and contents are displayed;
  • netstat.exe - This command displays information about connections. The output data allows you to see all the information related to

It is worth remembering that, in addition to these network commands, there are some more that will help simplify the work of users. It should be remembered that these commands should only be used when you are confident in the action being performed. Improper use of CMD commands can lead to serious problems in the operation of your personal computer.

List of useful commands

In addition to the above commands, there are a huge number of others:

  • break - the command allows you to enable processing of the CTRL+C keys;
  • debug - launches a tool for debugging and other changes to software products;
  • devcon - the command launches a tool alternative to the task manager;
  • exe2bin - the command converts exe format applications to binary format;
  • hostname - provides the ability to obtain the computer name;
  • logoff - the command shuts down the Windows system.

All the given CMD commands will simplify the work with some software. The main thing is not to try to use requests for purposes other than their intended purpose, in order to avoid losses important information and other undesirable consequences.

So what is it command line? This is a component of Windows with which you can enter various computer commands. As a rule, only experienced users use the command line, but this is not a reason to remain silent about it, so I decided to devote this post to the capabilities and properties of the command line.

Why do you need the command line?

You may ask, why know about command line capabilities if there are GUI Windows? But now I will list the reasons why you should use the command line:

Memory consumption is less than when using a menu system;

Typing a command in any application is faster than using a graphical command interface;

The command line can execute a text file with all the commands sequentially, which is much faster than executing them sequentially.

Where is the command line used?

You can use the command line in operating systems, computer games and other programs. As a matter of fact, the command line was originally used in games if debugging was needed. But even now, even with a graphical interface, using the command line you can change the game settings faster.

What are the advantages of the command line?

Almost instantaneous access to commands for various files used;

To call any command, a small number of clicks is enough;

You can control programs that do not have a graphical interface;

You can remotely connect to a computer using minimal traffic;

There is more text on the page than in the graphical interface.

Are there any disadvantages to the command line?

Difficult to understand by users who are used to working with a graphical interface;

If there is no automatic addition, it will be difficult to enter long commands;

It has no analogues.

How to open the command line?

1. To open the command line in Windows7/XP, do the following:
Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt .

or press the keyboard shortcut "Win + R".

in field "Open" enter this command:

A black command prompt window will open with the following message:

C:\Users\Administrator>, where Administrator is the name of the current user.

To see a list of command line commands, type help

and press ENTER.

To see more information about each of these commands, enter the following command at the command prompt
help command_name and press ENTER.

For example:

List of command line commands:

ASSOC→ Display or change associations based on file name extensions.

ATTRIB→ Display and change file attributes.

BREAK→ Turn on and off the processing mode of the key combination CTRL+C.

BCDEDIT→ Sets properties in the boot database to control the initial boot.

CACLS→ Display and edit access control lists (ACLs) for files.

CALL→ Call one batch file from another.


CHCP→ Display or set the active code page.

CHDIR→ Display the name or change the current folder.

CHKDSK→ Checking the disk and displaying statistics.

CHKNTFS→ Show or change whether disk check is performed during boot.

CLS→ Cleaning the screen.

CMD→ Launch another Windows command line interpreter.

COLOR→ Set the default foreground and background colors.

COMP→ Compare the contents of two files or two sets of files.

COMPACT→ Display and change file compression on NTFS partitions.

CONVERT→ Convert FAT disk volumes to NTFS. The currently active drive cannot be converted.

COPY→ Copy one or more files to another location.

DATE→ Display or set the current date.


DIR→ List files and subfolders from a specified folder.

DISKCOMP→ Compare the contents of two floppy disks.

DISKCOPY→ Copying the contents of one floppy disk to another.

DISKPART→ Display and configure disk partition properties.

DOSKEY→ Editing and re-calling command lines; creating macros.

DRIVERQUERY→ Displays the current status and properties of the device driver.

ECHO→ Display messages and switch the mode of displaying commands on the screen.

ENDLOCAL→ End of local environment changes for batch file.

ERASE→ Delete one or more files.

EXIT→ Exit the CMD.EXE program (command line interpreter).

F.C.→ Compare two files or two sets of files and display the differences between them.

FIND→ Search for a text string in one or more files.

FINDSTR→ Search for strings in files.

FOR→ Run the specified command for each of the files in the set.

FORMAT→ Formatting the disk to work with Windows.

FSUTIL→ Display and configure file system properties.

FTYPE→ Display or change the file types used when matching by file name extensions.

GOTO→ Transfer control to the marked line of the batch file.

GPRESULT→ Display Group Policy information for a computer or user.

GRAFTABL→ Allows Windows to display extended characters in graphics mode.

HELP→ Displays help information about Windows commands.

ICACLS→ Display, modify, archive, or restore ACLs for files and directories.

IF→ Operator conditional execution commands in a batch file.

LABEL→ Create, change and delete volume labels for disks.

M.D.→ Create a folder.

MKDIR→ Create a folder.

MKLINK→ Creating symbolic and hard links

MODE→ Configuring system devices.

MORE→ Sequential output of data in parts the size of one screen.

MOVE→ Move one or more files from one folder to another.

OPENFILES→ Display files opened on a shared folder by a remote user.

PATH→ Displays or sets the search path for executable files.

PAUSE→ Pauses the execution of the batch file and displays a message.

POPD→ Restores the previous active folder value saved using the PUSHD command.

PRINT→ Prints the contents text file.

PROMPT→ Changes the Windows command prompt.

PUSHD→ Saves the active folder value and moves to another folder.

R.D.→ Deletes a folder.

RECOVER→ Recovers readable data from a bad or damaged drive.

R.E.M.→ Places comments in batch files and the CONFIG.SYS file.


RENAME→ Renames files or folders.

REPLACE→ Replaces files.

RMDIR→ Delete a folder.

ROBOCOPY→ Improved tool for copying files and directory trees

SET→ Shows, installs and removes Environment Variables Windows.

SETLOCAL→ Starts localizing environment changes into a batch file.

S.C.→ Displays and configures services (background processes).

SCHTASKS→ Executes commands and runs programs according to a schedule.

SHIFT→ Changing the position (shift) of substituted parameters for a batch file.

SHUTDOWN→ Local or remote shutdown of the computer.

SORT→ Sorting input.

START→ Execute a program or command in a separate window.

SUBST→ Assigns a drive name to the specified path.

SYSTEMINFO→ Display information about the system and computer configuration.

TASKLIST→ Displays all running tasks, including services.

TASKKILL→ Termination or stop of a process or application.

TIME → Displaying and setting the system time.

TITLE→ Assign a window title for the current session of the CMD.EXE command line interpreter.

TREEGraphic display disk or folder directory structures.

TYPE→ Displays the contents of text files.

VER→ Displays information about the Windows version.

VERIFY→ Setting the mode for checking whether files are written correctly to the disk.

VOL→ Output label and serial number disk volumes.

XCOPY→ Copying files and directory trees.

WMIC→ Display WMI information in an interactive environment.

Hello! Let's talk about basic things. I recommend that advanced users not even read it. Although no... Still, they consider themselves advanced and no one will read. I recommend everyone read it! Suddenly someone will find something new for themselves.

I remember there was a time when computers were just starting to be studied. I’m reading the article, and it says “go to the command line and type this and that.” Next came a clean listing of some scribbles in Latin. I started to figure it out, then there was no Internet at home, so I had to “figure it out.” I think it's all much easier now. Another thing is that less and less often there is a need to use a black screen at all. And yet, you need to know the basics. Moreover, in some places there is still software that works in old systems of the “pre-expansion period”. For example, MS DOS. Surely doctors, military, savings banks, etc. They also use specific software. And as a rule, such programs are closely related to the command line. At the end of the article I will show a technique that is still relevant. And many will agree that it is too early to write off the command line. So, let's begin.

What is “Run Command Prompt”?

A couple of moments! Windows key + R – or equivalent Start-Run. It's possible anyway. I prefer using the keyboard, especially since in Windows 7 everything looks a little different.

We write three funny letters CMD in the field and press the Enter key. A black window opens. This is the command line.

What commands can I use?

Everything is simple here too. Write the command and press Enter. There are a lot of teams, for different tastes. Using them, you can write as a sequence of actions (script) how to easily manage many system parameters. Let me consider some from the point of view of network administration.

IPCONFIG(ipconfig, it doesn’t matter what letters you write. I write in big ones for clarity). Displays your address, mask, etc.

Now when they ask what your IP address is, you don’t have to be afraid and feel free to say it.

PING YANDEX.RU– checking connection with some node. It is clear that instead of Yandex there may be something else.

Now, when you have doubts about the operation of the Internet or network, you can “ping” some address and you will understand everything. If the packets went through, then everything is fine. If “the request interval has been exceeded” or “the specified node is unavailable” - there are some problems. And it’s not a fact that it’s on your computer.

HOSTNAME– displays the network name of the computer. In a room with many computers, you often have to tell someone your computer name so that that person can use the resources of your computer. Typically this is a network folder that is shared by other users on the network.

Now when an administrator or other person asks you to name your computer, you know what to do

Why do you need a command line at all?

Yes, you just have to! Many commands, of course, have an alternative from within the system’s graphical shell. But for speed, reliability and clarity it’s easier. Let me remind you again - there are things that can only be done from the command line. Read our sections about scripts and the command line and you will see everything.

In Windows 7, there are operations that are impossible or difficult to perform through a regular graphical interface, but they can actually be carried out through the Command Line interface using the CMD.EXE interpreter. Let's look at the basic commands that users can use when using this tool.

Using commands in the Command Prompt, you launch various utilities and perform certain operations. Often the main command expression is used together with a number of attributes, which are written separated by a slash ( / ). It is these attributes that initiate the execution of specific operations.

We do not set ourselves the goal of describing absolutely all the commands used when using the CMD.EXE tool. To do this, I would have to write more than one article. We will try to fit information about the most useful and popular command expressions on one page, dividing them into groups.

Launching system utilities

First of all, let's look at the expressions that are responsible for launching important system utilities.

CHKDSK– launches the Check Disk utility, which performs . This command expression can be entered with additional attributes, which, in turn, trigger the execution of certain operations:

  • /f– disk recovery in case of detection of logical errors;
  • /r– restoration of drive sectors in case of detection of physical damage;
  • /x– disconnecting the specified hard drive;
  • /scan– proactive scanning;
  • C:, D:, E: …— specifying logical drives for scanning;
  • /? – call up help about the operation of the Check Disk utility.

SFC– launch the utility. This command expression is most often used with the attribute /scannow. It runs a tool that checks OS files for compliance with standards. In case of damage, if available installation disk It is possible to restore the integrity of system objects.

Working with files and folders

The next group of expressions is designed to work with files and folders.

APPEND– opening files in a user-specified folder as if they were in the required directory. A prerequisite is to indicate the path to the folder to which the action will be applied. The recording is made according to the following template:

append [;] [[computer drive:]path[;...]]

When using this command, you can apply the following attributes:

  • /e– recording a complete list of files;
  • /? – launch help.

ATTRIB– the command is intended to change the attributes of files or folders. Just as in the previous case, a prerequisite is to enter, along with a command expression, the full path to the object being processed. The following keys are used to set attributes:

  • h– hidden;
  • s– systemic;
  • r- only for reading;
  • a– archival.

In order to apply or disable an attribute, the sign is placed in front of the key accordingly «+» or «-» .

COPY– used to copy files and directories from one directory to another. When using the command, be sure to indicate the full path of the copy object and the folder into which it will be performed. The following attributes can be used with this command expression:

  • /v– checking the correctness of copying;
  • /z– copying objects from the network;
  • /y– rewriting the final object if the names match without confirmation;
  • /? – activation of help.

DEL– deleting files from the specified directory. The command expression allows for the use of a number of attributes:

  • /p– enabling a request to confirm deletion before manipulating each object;
  • /q– disable the request when deleting;
  • /s– deleting objects in directories and subdirectories;
  • /a:— deleting objects with the specified attributes, which are assigned using the same keys as when using the command ATTRIB.

R.D.– is analogous to the previous command expression, but deletes not files, but folders in the specified directory. When used, the same attributes can be applied.

DIR– displays a list of all subdirectories and files that are located in the specified directory. The following attributes are used along with the main expression:

  • /q– obtaining information about the owner of the file;
  • /s– displaying a list of files from the specified directory;
  • /w– displaying a list in several columns;
  • /o– sorting the list of displayed objects ( e- by extension; n- by name; d- by date; s- to size);
  • /d– display a list in several columns with sorting by these columns;
  • /b– display only file names;
  • /a– displays objects with certain attributes, which are specified using the same keys as when using the ATTRIB command.

REN– used to rename directories and files. The path to the object and its new name are specified as arguments to this command. For example, to rename the file file.txt, which is located in the folder "Folder" located in the root directory of the disk D, in the file file2.txt, you need to enter the following expression:

REN D:\folder\file.txt file2.txt

M.D.– is intended for creating a new folder. In the command syntax, you must specify the drive on which the new directory will be located, and the directory where it will be located if it is nested. For example, to create a directory folderN, which is located in the directory folder on disk E, you should enter the following expression:

md E:\folder\folderN

Working with text files

The next block of commands is designed to work with text.

TYPE– displays the contents of text files on the screen. The required arguments of this command are full path to the object whose text should be viewed. For example, to view the contents of file.txt located in the folder "Folder" on disk D, you need to enter the following command expression:

TYPE D:\folder\file.txt

PRINT– prints the contents of a text file. The syntax of this command is similar to the previous one, but instead of displaying text on the screen, it is printed.

FIND– searches for a text string in files. Along with this command, the path to the object in which the search is performed must be indicated, as well as the name of the searched string, enclosed in quotation marks. In addition, the following attributes apply with this expression:

  • /c– displays the total number of lines containing the searched expression;
  • /v– output lines that do not contain the search expression;
  • /I– case insensitive search.

Working with accounts

Using the command line, you can view and manage information about system users.

FINGER– displaying information about users registered in the operating system. The required argument of this command is the name of the user about whom you want to obtain data. Alternatively, you can use the attribute /i. In this case, the information will be displayed in a list format.

TSCON– attaches a user session to a terminal session. When using this command, you must specify the session ID or its name, as well as the password of the user to whom it belongs. The password should be specified after the attribute /PASSWORD.

Working with Processes

The next block of commands is designed to control processes on the computer.

QPROCESS– providing data about running processes on a PC. The information displayed will include the name of the process, the name of the user who launched it, the name of the session, ID and PID.

TASKKILL– used to terminate processes. The required argument is the name of the element that needs to be stopped. It is indicated after the attribute /IM. You can also terminate not by name, but by process ID. In this case the attribute is used /PID.


Using the command line, it is possible to manage various network activities.

GETMAC– starts displaying the MAC address connected to the computer network card. If there are several adapters, all their addresses are displayed.

NETSH– initiates the launch of the utility of the same name, which is used to display information about network parameters and change them. This command, due to its very broad functionality, has a huge number of attributes, each of which is responsible for performing a specific task. For getting detailed information You can get help about them by using the following command expression:

NETSTAT– displaying statistical information about network connections.

Other commands

There are also a number of other command expressions used when using CMD.EXE that cannot be separated into separate groups.

TIME– viewing and setting the PC system time. When you enter this command expression, the current time is displayed on the screen, which can be changed to any other time in the very bottom line.

DATE– the syntax command is completely similar to the previous one, but is used not to display and change the time, but to launch these procedures in relation to the date.

SHUTDOWN– turns off the computer. This expression can be used both locally and remotely.

BREAK– disable or start the button combination processing mode Ctrl+C.

ECHO– displays text messages and is used to switch their display modes.

This is far from full list all commands that are used when using the CMD.EXE interface. Nevertheless, we tried to reveal the names, as well as briefly describe the syntax and main functions of the most popular ones, for convenience, dividing them into groups by purpose.

02/12/15 21.3K

Why is there such chaos in the world? Yes, because the administrator of our system forgot to fulfill his duties. Or I just lost the list of cmd commands from our world. Although this is a somewhat original look at the existing order of things, it nevertheless reflects part of the truth we need: using the command line, you can easily bring order to your computer:

What is the command line

The command line is the simplest tool for managing your computer's operating system. Control occurs using a number of reserved commands and a set of text keyboard characters without the use of a mouse ( in the Windows operating system).

On UNIX-based systems, you can use the mouse when working with the command line.

Some commands came to us from MS-DOS. The command line is also called the console. It is used not only to administer the operating system, but also to manage common programs. Most often, the most rarely used commands are included in this set of commands.

The advantage of using cmd basic commands is that it consumes a minimal amount of system resources. And this is important in emergency situations when all the computer’s powers are, one way or another, involved.

cmd implements the ability to execute and create entire batch files, which represent a specific order of execution of a number of commands (scripts). Thanks to this, they can be used to automate certain tasks ( account management, data archiving and more).

The Windows command shell for manipulating and redirecting commands to certain operating system utilities and tools is the Cmd.exe interpreter. It loads the console and redirects commands in a format that the system understands.

Working with the command line in the Windows operating system

You can call the console in Windows in several ways:

Both methods involve running the console as the current user. That is, with all the rights and restrictions that are imposed on its role in the operating system. For launch cmd with administrator rights, you need to select the program icon in the Start menu and in context menu select the appropriate item:

After launching the utility, you can get help information about commands and the format for writing them in the console. To do this, enter the help statement and press “Enter”:

Basic commands for working with files and directories

The most frequently used commands are:

  • RENAME – renaming directories and files. Command syntax:

RENAME | REN [drive/path] original file/directory name | final filename
Example: RENAME C:UsershomeDesktoptost.txt test.txt

  • DEL (ERASE) – used to delete files only, not directories. Its syntax is:

DEL | ERASE [processing method] [filename]
Example: Del C:UsershomeDesktoptest.txt/P

By processing method we mean a special flag that allows you to implement a certain condition when deleting a file. In our example, the “P” flag enables the display of a permission dialog for deleting each file:

More information about the possible values ​​of the “processing method” parameter can be found in the technical documentation for the Windows operating system.

  • MD – allows you to create a folder at the specified path. Syntax:

MD [drive:] [path]
MD C:UsershomeDesktoptest1test2

The example will create a subfolder test2 within the test1 folder. If one of the path's root folders does not exist, it will be created too:

  • RD ( RMDIR) – deleting a specific folder or all directories at a specified path. Syntax:

RD | RMDIR [process_key] [drive/path]
rmdir /s C:UsershomeDesktoptest1test2

The example uses the s flag, which will cause the entire branch of directories specified in the path to be deleted. Therefore, you should not use the rmdir command unnecessarily with this processing key.

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at network cmd commands.

Commands for working with the network

The command line allows you to control not only file system PC, but also its network capabilities. The console's network commands include a large number of operators to monitor and test the network. The most relevant of them are:

  • ping – the command is used to monitor capabilities network connection PC. A set number of packets are sent to the remote computer and then sent back to them. The transmission time of packets and the percentage of losses are taken into account. Syntax:

ping [-t] [-a] [-n counter] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v type] [-r counter] [-s counter] [(-j host_list | - k node_list)] [-w interval] [target_PC_name]

Example command implementation:
ping example.microsoft.com
ping –w 10000

In the last example of the cmd ping command, the request is sent to the recipient with the specified IP address. The waiting interval between packets is 10,000 (10 seconds). By default this parameter is set to 4000:

  • tracert – used to determine the network path to a specified resource by sending a special echo message through the protocol
  • ICMP (Control Message Protocol). After running the command with parameters, a list of all routers through which the message passes is displayed. The first element in the list is the first router on the side of the requested resource.

Syntax of tracer cmd command:
tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hop_number] [-j node_list] [-w interval] [target_resource_name]
Example implementation:
tracert -d -h 10 microsoft.com

The example traces the route to a specified resource. This increases the speed of the operation due to the use of the d parameter, which prevents the command from attempting to obtain permission to read IP addresses. The number of transitions (jumps) is limited to 10 using the set value of the h parameter. By default, the number of jumps is 30:

shutdown [(-l|-s|-r|-a)] [-f] [-m [\PC_name]] [-t xx] [-c “messages”] [-d[u][p]: xx:yy]
shutdown /s /t 60 /f /l /m \

The remote PC (m) with the specified IP address ( will shut down (s) after 60 seconds (t). This will force you to log out of all applications (f) and the current user's session (l).
