Okay google as it should. How to enable “Ok Google on Android” - launch the voice assistant from the digital giant. Necessary Android device requirements

Developers software for Android, over time they increasingly surprise users, offering new features that make working with their devices easier.

Android users now have voice control

Okay, Google is one of the latest developments, designed for Android devices version 4.1. Unfortunately, outdated gadgets may not allow you to install such a function. For this reason, if you want to upgrade something on your Android, you should first study it technical capabilities, and then get information on how to enable OK, Google on Android.

Okay, Google is a wonderful voice search service that recently became available to Russian-speaking users. It is gaining widespread popularity at an extremely fast pace because all actions can be performed only through voice commands. There is no need to turn on or use anything extra on-screen keyboard. Even the launch of the function itself is carried out automatically - just say out loud “Okay, Google”.

Such a wonderful service will be available to those who are not lazy and initially install Okay, Google on Android, and then try to enable it themselves, relying on the recommendations of those who have already managed to successfully go this route.

How to install

The installation process for the voice function is similar to that which is carried out when connecting the service to other devices, although there are still small distinctive features, which the user must pay attention to.

Initially on Android you need to run Play Market, V search bar you should enter the treasured phrase “Google search”. Once completed, you can easily find a prompt to install the desired application.

By clicking on this line, the user will be redirected to the download page. Now all that remains is to follow all the suggestions that are on this page, as a result of which you will be able to successfully install the desired service.

After successful installation, everyone wants to quickly figure out how to use Okay, Google. However, in most cases, inexperienced users are disappointed at this stage.

Setting up OK Google

Frustration does not arise out of nowhere, but due to the fact that the user cannot figure out how Okay, Google works. Unfortunately, those who do not have natural patience very often refuse such an idea, deciding that their device simply does not support such modern service. In fact, this is nothing more than an ordinary misconception. To take advantage of the capabilities of this wonderful service and get what delighted users talk about so much, you first need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to set up OK Google on Android.

How to configure

To activate a search based on commands voiced by the user, you need to go to the service menu, find “Settings”, click on it, go to Google, and then to Accounts, where it will already appear context menu with the line "Search".

Clicking on it opens new page, where the service settings of Okay, Google are listed, among them you should find the line “Voice search”, after clicking you need to go to the new line “Recognition Okay, Google”. Now a new page opens in front of the user, on which it is proposed to enable the “From Google application” item. By agreeing to this offer, the voice service function is activated and you can immediately start using it.

The capabilities of this voice service are increasingly impressive to those who are trying to deeply understand the essence of its operation. However, it is important to understand that voice search will be launched only when Google search is launched directly on Android.

In order to expand functionality, allowing the user to perform voice search directly from the home screen requires a few more steps. In particular, the developers suggest installing an additional launcher called “Google Start”.

Also, very often this feature can be activated in the settings by activating the “All included” or “From all applications” items.

Sometimes, after successfully installing the service, it still does not function, then you should explore all the options in the settings. Perhaps something was installed incorrectly, then you should either reinstall it again or make adjustments manually. In some cases, you can simply re-record the voice sample - and then the problem will immediately be eliminated.

Over the years, using the Internet has become easier and easier for new users - new commands are introduced, useful functions appear, applications are created that make world wide web simple and clear. One of these developments is new system voice search from Google, which has already acquired millions of users around the world. Hundreds of thousands of positive reviews, a simple interface and good functionality - all this perfectly characterizes voice search.

According to developers from Google, the user will be able to enter search queries much faster, configure device functions and control the operation of other applications using voice. Is it really so easy to use your device using voice commands, forgetting about the keyboard? This is what we will find out in this review- we’ll look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the program, its main functions, and also tell you how to download “Okay, Google!” on computer.

About the application

Using the program, you will be able to enter search queries using voice recognition. However, this is not the only possibility: Ok Google! Let's look at the full functionality of this application:

  • Working with the browser. The developers did a very good job of making the section as convenient and simple as possible. You just need to press the button with the microphone icon and start talking. Working with the browser, you can enable or disable any plugin, open a widget or history, launch a list of downloaded files, view open tabs, launch the built-in player. This could go on for a very long time - about a hundred functions of the application are associated only with browser settings.
  • Search by request. The most important thing for the user is to find the information he needs in a few seconds. With Okay Google, the impossible is possible, because the search engine will instantly find the nearest museum, show the route to it, find all the actors of your favorite movie, display store opening hours, tell you about the price of shares and exchange rates. And the list is not limited to this - the user will even be able to find out the height of the tallest building in the city or hear a story about a person or company.
  • Computer management. One of the most useful sections. Here you can, by saying a couple of phrases, change the time, turn the device on or off, open a file or program or, conversely, disable it, create a text document, delete files from the trash, and so on.
  • Audio response. With a recent update to the search system, another innovation has appeared - Google can answer your questions itself (there is even a voice selection feature!). By asking “Who is...?”, you will hear a brief biography of the person, the years of his life, Interesting Facts from life, without even reading the text. Now you can do several things at the same time! For example, listening to a biography, playing your favorite game - everything is simple and convenient.
  • Several languages. You can speak different languages ​​and Google will understand you instantly!
  • Censorship. Another function of the application is protection from obscene links and information, adult videos, and so on.
  • Safety guarantee. Google guarantees the anonymity of your requests and the confidentiality of your data. The absence of viruses and threats to your computer is another advantage that makes using the program truly reliable.

Video review

Application features on PC

Firstly, it greatly simplifies the use of functions, speeds up work on the device, and allows you to find information faster and more conveniently.

Secondly, you can listen to the necessary information without diverting your attention to reading long texts and typing a search query.

Thirdly, the application is free and does not “clog” RAM computer and hard drive.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program


  • Simple and convenient interface.
  • Hundreds of different functions - from a simple search query using a voice command to complex algorithms and control of device settings.
  • No advertising.
  • The application is free.
  • Incredible optimization. The most accurate query responses and fastest speech recognition in the app industry.
  • Audio responses. Now you can listen to interesting facts from a person’s biography or a summary of a movie you would like to watch without being distracted from your work.
  • Excellent technical support. Fast and polite response, instant correction of errors.
  • The application allows you to surf the Internet even if you are blind.


  • Google shows that an era may soon come in which people will forget about the keyboard and manual input of information.

How to install Okay Google voice search on your computer

1 way. Installation using the Play Store emulator

  1. To install any Android app to your computer in a few clicks, you will definitely find it useful BlueStacks emulator. You can download its installer from our website at .
  2. We launch the emulator installer and install the program, following all the instructions. During installation, you will be able to select the location on your hard drive where you want to install BlueStacks files using the Browse button.
  3. Open the emulator and log in using your Google + profile. To register, you just need to fill out a few fields - login in the form [email protected], password, additional mailing address, telephone number.
  4. After authorization, go to the search engine and enter the name of the application. Click on the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete. After downloading, it is recommended to reboot your device.

Method 2. Installation using archive

  1. Install the archive from our website.
  2. Unzip the files contained in it.
  3. Based on the instructions in text document, install the application and the included emulator.


It’s really worth downloading Okay Google on your computer, as this program will make using the Internet easier and simpler. Hundreds of different functions, thousands of positive reviews on different platforms, incredible potential, no advertising - for this reason it is worth trying this application.

Voice assistants for smartphones and computers from different companies are now gaining popularity. Google is one of the leading corporations and is developing its own Assistant, which recognizes spoken commands. In this article we will talk about how to enable the feature "Okay Google" on an Android device, and we will also look at the main causes of problems with this tool.

Google introduces its own application for searching the Internet. It is distributed free of charge and makes working with the device more comfortable thanks to built-in functions. Add and enable "Okay Google" you can by following these steps:

  1. Open Play Market and search in Google search. You can also go to his page using the link above.
  2. Click on the button "Install" and wait for the installation process to complete.
  3. Launch the program through the Play Market or the icon on your desktop.
  4. Immediately check the functionality of "Okay Google". If it is functioning normally, there is no need to turn it on. Otherwise click on the button "Menu", which is implemented as three horizontal lines.
  5. In the menu that appears, go to the section "Settings".
  6. Scroll down to category "Search" where to go to "Voice Search".
  7. Select "Voice Match".
  8. Activate the feature by moving the slider.

If activation does not occur, try these steps:

This completes the activation and configuration of the function "Okay Google" completed. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about them; everything is done in just a few steps. You only need to download the application and set the configuration.

Solving problems with turning on “Ok Google”

Sometimes there are situations when the tool in question is not in the program or it simply does not turn on. Then you should use methods to solve the problem that has arisen. There are two of them, and they are suitable in different cases.

Method 1: Google Update

First, let's look at a simple method that requires the user to perform a minimum number of manipulations. The fact is that mobile app Google is updated regularly, but older versions do not work correctly with voice search. Therefore, first of all, we recommend updating the program. You can do it like this:

The voice search service recently became available to Russian-speaking users. Its popularization was accompanied by a fairly active advertising campaign. If you are also wondering about installing Okay Google on your smartphone or Tablet PC, it means that you have come across similar advertising. However, before installing the service, you need to understand how and on what devices it works.

What is "Ok Google"?

"Ok Google" is a new step in controlling your devices using voice commands. Now there is no need to touch or press them softkeys- only with the help of your own voice can you find out weather reports, the outcome of yesterday's match or the location of an object of interest on the map. If the device is equipped with this function, then the search is activated by saying the command “OK Google” - there is no need to make any extra touches. The service is ready to work, ask your question. Moreover, some search queries are accompanied not only by the display of on-screen information, but also by voice information messages, which is also very convenient.

If the device does not respond to the “OK Google” command while in standby mode, then to activate the service you should click on the microphone image and then say the command.

Let's figure out how to enable “Ok Google”?

How to install Okay Google on your computer?

OK, the easiest way to try Google is on your computer. If you already have it installed on your device Chrome browser from Google, then no additional downloads will be required to use the service. If not, then you can always download this fast and modern browser by clicking on the link www.google.ru/chrome. Thus, you will download “Okay Google” to your computer or laptop.

After installation, to enable “Ok Google”, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Launch the program and go to www.google.ru. This home page search engine Google.
  2. The next step is authorization in your Google account. If you do not have an account, you will have to register one. Without it, voice search will not be available.
  3. Once you log into your account, you will see a search bar. On the right side there will be a microphone icon. Click on it and say voice command, and then your request.

Before you start entering a command, the service will ask for permission to use the microphone. The request must be approved.

How to install Okay Google on iPhone or iPad?

To use the OK Google service on Apple devices, you need to download the appropriate application from the AppStore. This is easy to do:

  1. First of all, go to the AppStore from your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Go to the application search and enter search query"Google search".
  3. Install the program and log into it.
  4. The application will request access to information about your location, as well as access to the microphone - approve the request.
  5. Log in to your Google account.
  6. Click on the microphone icon, and the service is at your service.

How to install Okay Google on Android?

Installing the service on Android is not much different from a similar procedure on i-devices. However, some nuances are still present. So, the installation process is as follows:

  1. Launch the service on your Android.
  2. Enter “Google search” in the search bar and find the application you are interested in among the results. This is what will happen "Ok Google" application for Android.
  3. Install the application and log into it.
  4. Click on the application settings icon, select “Settings” - “Voice search”.
  5. Next, you should activate the “Ok Google recognition” function. Select the “From Google application” and “Always on” items.
  6. Now follow the program's instructions and teach the device your voice.

The service is supported on devices with installed operating system Android versions 4.1 and higher. In more earlier versions Voice search is accessed by clicking on the microphone image.

Hey Google isn't just about voice search!

From television advertising, one might assume that the famous "OK Google" is the ability to specify a search query by voice. On computers, if you install a browser Google Chrome, there will also be such an opportunity - voice search.

But for owners of smartphones and tablets running Android OS, “OK Google” provides much more options. "Okay Google" on Android allows you to control your smartphone using voice commands. You can call, send SMS and email without touching the touchscreen - completely or almost completely hands-free!

  • Call a person from the phone book.
  • Send SMS to a subscriber from the phone book.
  • Send Whatsapp message.
  • Send a short e-mail to a subscriber from the phone book.
  • Check the weather.
  • Launch the application.
  • Open the site.
  • Find out the result of calculations (for example, 2 multiplied by 189).
  • Find out the translation of a foreign word. Or translation from native to foreign.

This is not a complete list. And besides this, “Ok Google” allows you to use voice input of text, instead of typing this text on the keyboard. That is, for example, you can dictate a full e-mail letter.

Terms hint

  • Tap, tap- short finger touch on the touch screen. Similar to left clicking on a computer.
  • Long tap- touch with finger holding. Similar to right-clicking on a computer.
  • Swipe- movement of a finger (or several) on the touch screen. By swiping, for example, you scroll the contents of the screen by mobile devices. Or display additional control panels (swipe from the top or side edge of the screen).

How to enable voice control on Android

For voice control to work, you need a constant Internet connection! Although to a limited extent this may work without the Internet, in this case the quality of your voice recognition will be so poor that it is impossible to use voice control in fact it will be impossible.

"Google app"Most often already installed in those versions of Android that are used by smartphone manufacturers. Google Speech Synthesizer is installed less frequently by smartphone manufacturers.

It is not difficult to check their presence on your device. Open "" and scroll through the list of applications:

If " Google app"is not in this list, then you need to install it from the Play Store.

Check whether it is installed or not speech synthesizer You can also do it through the settings (" Settings - Personal - Data - Language and input") there should be two options " Voice input" And " Speech synthesis":

If both the "Google App" and "Speech Synthesizer" are installed, then you can enable voice control in the settings.

First in the section " Settings - Device - Applications“You need to make sure that the “Google Application” is not disabled. And if it is disabled, then enable it.

After that, in the section " Settings - Personal Data -Google"open settings screen" Search andGoogle Now":

This is what the screen looks like:

Then open the "Okay Google Recognition" screen. Here you need to specify the settings for "OK ​​Google recognition":

  • From the active "Google application". First, you will need to manually launch this application, for example with a shortcut from the Desktop, and then you can perform a voice command.
  • If you enable the option " On any screen", then you can perform a voice command at any time, when the screen is on. Even on the lock screen. You will only need to say the phrase “OK Google” to activate the Google voice assistant.

Voice typing (voice text)

If you tap on this icon, it will open the voice recognition screen:

However, the program adds spaces before these characters! Voice dialing The text is absolutely real, but you will have to correct the dictated text manually. Unfortunately, the program cannot yet separate paragraphs; this will also need to be done manually.

How to download voice control for Android

If your device does not have the required two applications, then you will need to install them through the Google Play Store. This is not difficult at all, just like turning on the “Ok Google” service. However, there is one non-obvious aspect to this issue. This is the integration of the "OK Google" service into the graphical shell of the device (launcher), so that voice Google search it was convenient to use.

There are launchers in which the “Okay Google” service is already integrated, for example the Chinese “Launcher 3”, which is particularly used in custom Android called Freeme OS. However, not all launchers integrate the “OK Google” voice assistant service.

And if your device has just such a launcher (Launcher), then it makes sense for you to try the launcher from Google, which is called “Google Start”. This launcher integrates not only the voice control “Ok Google”, but also another technology of the company - “Google Now”. At the same time, the launcher itself is very simple and compact - nothing superfluous.

The "OK Google" voice assistant, by default, in this launcher, is available on the start screen and on the "Google Now" screen. However, you can configure settings to make voice control available on any screen, including app screens and the lock screen.

Start screen of the Google Start launcher:

Google Now screen in Google Start launcher:

Application screen in the Google Start launcher:

She tells jokes, you can play cities with her. Uses the entire Google voice framework (synthesizer and speech recognition).

Alice Yandex uses its own speech synthesizer (not Google's, unlike Dusi and Sobesednitsa). There are no settings in the program. Speech recognition is good. Be that as it may, we must make allowances for the fact that this is the “youngest” program of this type. As far as I know, it was released only in 2017. Considering the seriousness of the developer, it can be assumed that it may have a good future.

Microsoft Cortana. Yes, Cortana is also available for Android. However, she only understands English and speaks only English herself. At the same time, its set of commands is smaller than in “Okay Google”. Cortana has the functionality of an interlocutor, but its interlocutor is useless. She does not shine with intelligence and a sense of humor. For example, to the request “OK Google”, Cortana responds trivially - “Google is ok, but this is Cortana”. But the main problem is of course English language. You need to have pretty good American pronunciation for her to understand you. It’s easier with short phrases, but long phrases (for notes, SMS, etc.) are difficult for her to dictate.

Cortana cannot be installed directly. First you need to install "Microsoft Apps" and from this application you can install Cortana. You will need a Microsoft account!

High-speed Internet

In order to use voice control normally, your smartphone must have a stable and high-speed Internet connection. If the connection is slow or unstable, then it will not be controllable, but a hassle.

Ivan Sukhov, 2016, 2017 .

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