How to download maps for minecraft. Installing map packages. Installing unofficial maps

In this section you will find the best and most amazing maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Here you will find maps with mini-games for friends, parkour maps, logic maps or even PvP maps! Our website contains a huge archive of amazing maps.

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Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition represent any object depicting the structure of the game world. It could be a castle, a labyrinth, several interconnected buildings, etc. It is possible to study or update cards only if the character is in this moment holds her. Any map has three defining parameters: scale, determined by the number of reductions that were made on a particular map; the dimension in which the map was created (when viewing the map in another dimension, updates will not occur and the character will not be displayed); center - the place where the map was created.

Using the card, the player receives a quest that must be completed to achieve a particular goal. If desired, the resulting map can be used in single player mode or installed on a server in order to play with a team. Cards are often chosen to build an impressive structure or to add variety to the gameplay.

I would also like to note that all cards Minecraft PE are divided into certain categories: PvP maps, parkour maps, city maps, survival maps, and so on. But don’t worry, because on our website we always divide all the cards into categories and you can easily find the card you need!

You can download maps for the game Minecraft Pocket Edition quickly and easily on our portal, specially provided for the services of experienced and novice gamers. The weight of the cards is relatively light and the installation process is not complicated, so you can install them yourself without any problems.

Author's maps for Minecraft have once again proven that this is the most multifaceted game. After all, with their help you can fashion anything out of the bare world, be it a small parkour test or the entire S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe, everything fits well into this small sandbox. But, like any mods, loading them can raise some questions. Let's figure out how to download and install maps for Minecraft.

First of all, find a site where you can download the map, it makes no difference whether you have a licensed or pirated version of the game, further installation will proceed the same way. There are quite a lot of resources on the Internet that give out various modifications for free, including cards, so we have made a selection of the most successful sites:
  • The most popular resource about Minecraft, where you can find a lot for your favorite game. Searching for content will not cause any difficulties, and downloading is even easier. To download files, hover over the name of the map and left-click on it, then click on the hyperlink under the inscription “Download”.
  • The site is generally similar to the first one, the only difference is the inscription “Dig deeper”, not without irony, to download the map.
  • The same resource as the previous two, easy to use.
After downloading, we proceed to installation. First, you need to extract the card from the archive and place it in a folder along the path:
  • C:/Users/Your account name/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves for Windows Vista, 7 or 8 operating systems.
  • C:/Documents and Settings/Account name/Application Data/.minecraft/saves, if you have Windows XP.

The AppData folder is often hidden and is not visible unless special settings are enabled. If you can't find it, go to the Start menu, Run. A small window will open, in the line of which you need to enter “%appdata%\.minecraft\saves\”, then click “OK”. And you can copy any cards to the folder that opens.

Go to the game client and select “Single player” or “Singlplayer” if you have the English version. Next, a list of all worlds will appear where you need to select installed card and click "Play". By the way, many authors and modders add new texture packs to their projects to give buildings and the environment a special atmosphere, and if you don’t know how to install them, you can check them out on our website.

Finally, I would like to talk about possible malfunctions when launching a new card. If it does not work, then look at the contents of your assembly, it should include the data and region folders, as well as the level.dat, level.dat_old and session.lock files. If at least one element of them is missing, the game will not start. In addition, make sure that the name of the new map does not coincide with the name of the old one, already generated, otherwise one of the two worlds will simply disappear when entering the menu.

As a rule, most navigators come with pre-installed maps and a navigation program that plots a route using these maps. The navigation program works with certain maps created specifically for it. For example, there is a navigation program “Navitel-navigator”, which works with Navitel maps. It will not work with Garmin maps and vice versa.

The basic set of maps in the navigator does not always contain maps of all the necessary regions. Sometimes there is a need for additional cards. How to install a map in a navigator? There are two ways: purchase the necessary license cards, download free cards from the Internet.

Installing official maps on the navigator Installing official licensed maps is not a difficult process, just like updating the maps in the navigator, and each developer has on his website detailed instructions

about this theme:

Installing unofficial maps The difficulty in using unofficial maps is the lack of any technical support

and updates. Where do they come from? They are made by navigator users like you, based on existing geographic maps of various regions.

To add such a map to your navigator, you also need the map format to be suitable for your navigation program, and also that the navigation program supports adding its own maps. Where can I get cards? Maps created using the OpenStreetMap|41 resource are very popular.

Important Note When installing unofficial maps on your navigator, you do so at your own peril and risk. Before installation, it is recommended to do backup copy

How to install or update maps in the Navitel navigator

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a Navitel GPS map on your navigator. To get started, download Navitel maps based on OpenStreetMap:

    Connect your navigator to your computer. If the Navitel program is located on a separate flash card, then remove it from the navigator and open it on the computer. In the future, we will assume that we are working with a flash card.

    In the root of the flash card, create a separate folder for third-party maps, for example, UserMaps. Do not touch other folders or save anything in them to avoid possible conflicts between official and third-party maps.

    In the UserMaps folder, create a folder for the region map that you want to add to the atlas, for example Region1.

    Copy the new map files to the Region1 folder

    Insert the flash card into the navigator

    In the Navitel Navigator program, select the “Open Atlas” menu item and click on the folder icon at the bottom of the window to create a new atlas.

    In the window that appears, find the Region1 folder where new maps are stored, click on it and select the “Create atlas” command

    We are waiting for indexing to finish and the atlas to be created. Click the button with a check mark.

    Now you can use new card by selecting the corresponding atlas in the list of atlases.

How to download maps to your Garmin navigator

Free Garmin maps based on OpenStreetMap can be installed using MapSource. The following describes how to load maps into the navigator using it:

    Download the MapSource program to your computer from the official website from the Support->Software section and then Mapping Programs.

    Unpack the archive into a separate folder and run the MSMAIN.msi file from it and only then Setup.exe. Wait for the program installation to complete. Since you don't have any Garmin maps on your computer yet, there's no point in launching MapSource yet.

    Download the necessary Garmin maps

    Unpack archives with maps into separate folders

    Run the INSTALL file for each card so that the necessary information about the cards is entered into the computer registry.

    Launch MapSource. Now in the program you can detect maps installed on your computer through the menu Tools->Manage cartographic products.

    A list of available cards (1) should appear in the upper left corner of the program. Using it or through the menu View->Switch to product, select one of the cards, it will appear in the field (3).

    Using the button (4), click on the map (3) and it will appear in the window (2). Do this with all the necessary cards.

    Press button (5) to send cards to the device. The specified cards will be compiled into a file with IMG extension and transferred to the Garmin device, which must be previously connected.

Since when loading maps it will be generated new file gmapsupp.img, then the original file will be overwritten, so if your device had pre-installed maps in the gmapsupp.img file, then before uploading the maps to the navigator, you should rename it to one of the allowed names, for example, gmapprom.img.

Installing Autosputnik maps

You can add amateur maps for Avtosputnik based on OpenStreetMap to the program, just like official ones, skipping only the registration step. Just copy them to the Maps folder after unpacking them.

How to upload other maps to the navigator

It happens that after a purchase the client decides that the navigation program or maps do not meet his requirements and decides to change them. We have already said that each navigation program works only with maps designed specifically for it. Is it possible to completely replace the navigation software in car navigator? The obvious answer is “yes,” but there are exceptions.

Garmin position

In particular, Garmin navigators that come pre-installed with Garmin software do not support the installation of any third-party software. Also, the Garmin navigation program is not distributed separately from the device itself for installation on navigators of other companies. The exception is the navigation software package for PC. Transferring software and maps from one device to another is excluded, since license key firmly attached to serial number devices.

Position Navitel

A similar policy is used by CST CJSC, the developer of Navitel software. The car version of the program is only available as part of the navigator upon purchase and cannot be purchased separately. Therefore, if you have a navigator with Autosputnik or any other product, then if you want to switch to Navitel you will have to buy another navigator with Navitel included. A strict license also prevents the transfer of software and maps from one device to another when the device is replaced. To use Navitel, but not to buy new navigator, you can purchase a version for PDAs and mobile phones with a less strict license.

Position Autosputnik

Autosputnik turned out to be the most democratic in the matter of replacing and transferring cards. Having purchased a license for the Autosputnik 5 program once, you can use it even if you change your device to another. You only need to go through the re-registration procedure on the manufacturer’s website. Moreover, the Autosputnik program always comes as a bonus to all purchased cards. The only limitation may be the navigator model; devices supported by Autosputnik are listed on the website. The price of the product is also attractive, around 1000 rubles, which is two or even three times less than Navitel. With this approach, it’s not a pity to buy Autosputnik and, if something happens, it’s painless to abandon it.

Multiple programs on one device

Some navigator manufacturers have met their customers halfway and given them the opportunity to use several navigation systems on the navigator instead of one using the so-called alternative shell.

The alternative shell is copied to internal memory or a flash card inserted into the navigator and, as it were, “pretending” preinstalled program navigation, launching instead. In a separate settings file for the alternative shell, the paths to the files of the existing ones are specified. navigation programs, which can be called through the shell menu itself.

The X-device company offers one of these shells for its navigators; you can learn about setting up and installing this component on their forum. Lexand has also provided the ability to use several navigation programs; the shell can be found here.


Formulation of the problem:
- Realize the map of which particular place you need, and decide what quality it should be. For example, we need a map of the city of Ekibastuz in the Republic of Kazakhstan, of such quality that street names and house numbers can be read on the map.

- Download the SASPlanet program from here (select current version programs).
- Unpack the archive (no program installation required) to any directory.

- Run the program (SASPlanet.exe file).
- Select “Internet and cache” as the map source.

Working with the program
- Enter the name of the place whose map you are looking for. In our case, this is the city of Ekibastuz.

Select a graphic or satellite map of the location you are looking for.

We connect the layers that we will need to see on the map.

Using the tools provided by the program, we select the area that we want to see as a result. In our case, a rectangular area is selected (here you can “play around” and draw almost any shape, or select an area based on the size of the screen).

Downloading the map. Once you have selected an area, a dialog box appears. Choose a scale. The larger the scale you choose, the better the final image will be.

After clicking the "Start" button, the process of downloading map pieces will begin (the time depends on the selected scale). After the map is downloaded (there will be 100% completion), click "Exit".

Select the second tab (glue) in the dialog box that appears and configure:
1. Resulting format (jpg, bmp, png, etc.).
2. Where to save (path where the gluing result will be saved).
3. Map type (yandex, google, kosmosnimki, etc.).
4. Scale (remember which one you chose in step 9, but you can choose another one).
5. What layers to apply.

Click "Start".

Take the finished card!

Mobile Yandex.Maps is an application for mobile phone, which displays a map, traffic jams and your location on the screen. The last option only works if your mobile has built-in GPS.

You will need

  • - configured Internet access on your mobile phone


Enter the link into the address bar of your phone browser for Beeline subscribers, for Megafon subscribers, for MTS subscribers. In any case, you can dial Then your phone model will be automatically detected, and after your confirmation the file will begin downloading and installing. You can usually launch the Yandex.Maps application from the "Games and Java Applications" menu folder.

Instead of typing the link to the download page manually, you can receive it via SMS message. To receive SMS you need to log in to your computer home page Yandex, go to the "Traffic" service, then click "Mobile maps". Or you can directly go to the following link: phone number. An SMS will be sent to your phone with a link to the Yandex.Maps download page. Follow the link and then proceed as in the previous option.

Video on the topic


  • Mobile Yandex.maps: questions and answers in 2019

If you need to travel to an unfamiliar location, it is best to prepare in advance and print out a short guide in the form of a map. You can find the desired address on the Internet and print it using a printer.


If you decide to use the service from search engine Yandex, go to size and type, click on the “Print” button in the upper right corner. A preview window will open, where you will see how the page will be printed. Here you can add your entries in the form of a phone number, contact person, etc. Having adjusted the map for printing, you can click on the print button and the page with the map will be sent for printing.

If you chose a service from Google, go to The steps to find the desired address and prepare the map for printing will not differ from the steps on the Yandex website.

Helpful advice

For many streets in big cities, there are virtual walks, photos of places, videos and real-time webcams. In order not to make a mistake when you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, you can first “get comfortable” using virtual tools that are activated by the corresponding buttons on the map.


  • how to print a map from google

Geographic maps are becoming an increasingly popular element of interior styling, both in office space, the manager's office, and in living spaces, bedrooms and offices. In addition, maps are extremely popular among tourists. In an unfamiliar country, in an unfamiliar city, a well-printed map will help you avoid many troubles, save time, nerves and money.


If you want to have a world map for your study or a large office map, you will have to contact a good printing house. Choose a printing house, place an order and clearly explain to the manufacturers exactly what kind of card you need. For your office card, choose high-strength banner fabric that is resistant to corrosion and UV rays.

If you want to order a geographical map for a children's room, choose high-quality large-format printing on photo paper. Children's cards should be colorful and rich.

In addition, some printing houses offer printing of wall images satellite maps from Google servers. These cards are different high quality and detail. You choose the scale and size of the map yourself. Find out what equipment your chosen printing house is equipped with, look at the catalog of completed orders. Discuss all the terms of payment and delivery of the card in advance. A high-quality printed card will be useful and will give you aesthetic pleasure.

Video on the topic


Children's maps and atlases help our children explore the world, teach them communication, and teach them geography.

There are also star maps, maps of famous battles, fantasy maps of imaginary worlds, world maps, countries, cities, military and topographic maps.

Today, a telephone is not only a means of communication, but also a multifunctional gadget. Many people use their phone as a navigator for quick search required address. Often a mobile phone is an alternative to a GPS navigator for a car.


Set up a GPRS Internet connection on your phone. Go to the Yandex.Maps mobile website and download the application in accordance with the operating system installed on your cell phone.

Download the map of the desired city and save it. Check the cost of services for downloading maps to your phone, since for some operators this service may be paid. Some subscribers will need to activate free access to cards. Consultation on this issue can be provided by a mobile operator.

Use mobile cards from Mail. They are not downloaded from the Internet and do not consume traffic. It is worth noting that correct operation of all regional maps is possible only when installed on the phone operating system Windows Mobile or Symbain. The exception is the maps of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Eurasia.

Go to the site Google Maps, where you can send cards directly to your phone. Or type in your browser cell phone the corresponding address and download the maps. Remember that Google provides this service for free, however, mobile operators may charge a fee for their use.

Maps for Minecraft (or Mine Maps) allows you to download and upload over 150 different maps to Minecraft PE. The program weighs only a few megabytes, has a nice and well-designed interface, and a minimal number of bugs.

Application Features

In order to download the selected file, simply click on the “Download” button, after which the download will be performed. You can directly launch Minecraft PE from the application, so as not to waste time shutting down unnecessary programs, and immediately start gameplay. Among the advantages are:

  1. Division into categories, which allows you to quickly find the card you are interested in or mark the display of those that are suitable by genre. Possible to add to favorites list.
  2. All maps come with screenshots and short descriptions that give the user an initial idea of ​​what they are downloading. In some cases, there is even a short video with an overview, and you can watch it without leaving the application.
  3. The “Author” button redirects the user to the creator’s personal page, which makes it possible to study his portfolio, see more detailed descriptions creations he's made, and download even more maps he likes.

Catalogs are constantly updated, and descriptions are improved. The developers try to cover as many of the authors' creations as possible for their application. If the program does not see the installed card, you can always reinstall it, this usually helps.


Thanks to the creation of Mine Maps on Android, downloading Maps for Minecraft becomes much easier, since all interaction takes place in one click, after which you can safely start exploring the new world. In addition, there is no need to visit third-party sites through which mobile device different ones can easily get into malware. Considering that this catalog is characterized by excellent compatibility with the main game and the almost complete absence of crashes, this makes it ideal option to install on your phone.
