Participation in electronic trading on the Sberbank platform. Participation in electronic trading and procurement on the Sberbank Ast. site. Trade security amount

Sberbank-AST is the largest federal platform in the Russian Federation for conducting electronic trading, including government tenders. It is also the leader in the number of implemented contracts; in 2017, it was where about 39% of all public procurement contracts were concluded. What is the Sberbank AST auction, how are such auctions organized and what is the procedure for conducting them?

How are auctions conducted?

The Sberbank AST trading platform conducts auctions in compliance with Federal Laws 44 and 223, which regulate the organization and implementation of the bidding procedure.

The general procedure for the auction is as follows:

  • Customers register (are verified) on the portal and submit their tenders with detailed description all conditions;
  • suppliers apply to participate in selected auctions;
  • The auction itself is held in two stages, under the terms of which one or more suppliers are selected and the contract will be sent to them.

For each auction, conditions may vary dramatically. And, naturally, there are a lot of nuances that every new participant in electronic trading on federal platforms will have to face. As practice shows, for many the most difficult stage was preparing all the necessary documents and accreditation as a participant. But without all this, you can’t count on participating in the Sberbank AST auction.

Registration as a supplier

Before participating in the auction for Sberbank AST, you must go through the registration and verification process in compliance with the established standards under Federal Laws 44 and 223. All this is done in the following sequence:

  • Select “Registration” on the website;
  • select the profile type for registration (in the role in which the applicant plans to participate in the auction);
  • send the requested documents for consideration of the application for registration (either paper copies or electronic copies, but with a digital signature).

Review of an application for registration with Sberbank-AST takes 5 working days. After that, you will be able to take part in auctions. If you receive a refusal, you must correct all errors made when filling out your profile and attach the missing certificates. It is also important to consider the validity period of the submitted documents - in some of them it is limited. For example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is valid only for 30 days from the date of issue, from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - 90 days.

By the way, you can go through an accelerated registration procedure, where review of the application takes only 1 business day. But the service is paid and for some users it is not available (for example, if he does not have an electronic signature).

Validity electronic signature- 1 year. Upon receipt of a new accreditation, it is repeated. Directly from the Sberbank AST operator, the user will regularly receive notifications about the need to update his profile. The first time such a mention will be sent 6 months before the expiration of the digital signature. 3 months before the deadline, the user will not be able to submit applications for participation in auctions.

Registration as a customer

To register as a customer for the subsequent creation of electronic auctions in Sberbank AST, you only need to undergo accreditation as a participant through the Unified information system(EIS), which is located on the website All information provided by the participant with of this portal will be automatically transferred to his personal Sberbank AST profile.

The accreditation procedure itself takes literally a few hours.. Only in order to be able to subsequently submit your applications, you must also have an electronic signature. Without it, it will be impossible to sign a contract with the auction winner. Where can I get it? At any certification center, you can contact Sberbank AST directly for this.

Technical requirements

Before playing at the Sberbank AST auction, you must make sure that the user is using compatible software. The current requirements are:

In addition, the CryptoPro Browser plug-in must be integrated into the browser, and when using Internet Explorer, the site must be added to the “Trusted Sites” list. And lastly, you need to install in the system in advance the certificate of the certification center, which issued the electronic digital signature.

Submitting an application to create an auction

How to apply for the Sberbank AST auction? This is done in the “Purchases” submenu, then you need to select a suitable site from those offered (real estate, Federal Law 44, Federal Law 223, and so on). Afterwards, an application form is filled out and sent for consideration. As a rule, the terms are agreed upon within a few hours. Naturally, this functionality becomes available only after the user has passed accreditation.

There are also a lot of educational materials on how to conduct an auction on Sberbank AST, created by the owners of the electronic trading platform themselves. And on their official information portal you can even watch a video about participation in the Sberbank AST electronic auction. All materials are provided free of charge.

Response to the request of the performer

Expert opinion

Vladimir Anatolyevich Sorokin

Accredited site specialist

The search for Sberbank AST auctions becomes available after receiving accreditation and checking all submitted documents. To submit an application, you must first select a suitable auction. You can find them in the “Purchases” section or using the “Find procedure” function on home page site.

After selecting the required auction, you must select “Submit an application”, the proposal creation window will open. That same application consists of 2 parts:

  1. The first is the text of consent; it is published automatically by the system, but you can manually make changes. In the same field indicate specifications the proposed service, product and other data relating to the subject of the auction.
  2. The second is information about the artist. This includes information about the company that offers cooperation within the framework of the tender.

You should fill out the application for participation in the Sberbank AST auction extremely carefully, since even minimal errors can lead to refusal by the electronic trading operator. You can check that the application has been submitted in the “Procedures” section, then “My applications for participation” (the number assigned to the request will also be indicated there). There they can, if necessary, be changed or recalled.

How much does it cost to participate in the auction?

Sberbank AST has such a concept as the “Collateral Amount”, which is retained by the system directly when submitting an application for participation. The cost of participation in the auction at Sberbank AST can be different and is about 2 - 5% of the initial declared amount (depending on the final planned amount of the contract, as well as the category to which the auction belongs). At the end of the auction, the money is returned (unblocked), then you can withdraw it in the usual way.

The Sberbank AST commission for a won auction is equal to the same “collateral amount”. Accordingly, the money at the end of the auction is not returned only to the winner, that is, with whom the contract will be concluded based on the results of the auction. And the money is debited even if the winner was the only participant in the chosen procedure.

Working with the auction room

How does the electronic auction work at Sberbank AST? After the start of bidding, you can get directly to the auction hall through the “My applications for participation” menu - there, next to the necessary procedure, the corresponding tab will appear.

In the auction hall itself, it will be possible to submit an offer indicating the amount(manually or using a special slider). An offer to send will only work within the framework set step from the initial cost. The interface indicating requests is updated automatically after 60 seconds; in the settings, you can set the auto-update period from 10 seconds or even so that this can only be done manually.

Each auction consists of two stages:

  1. During the first stage, proposals are submitted only with the step specified by the customer.
  2. At the second stage, all participants have the opportunity to offer any other value of the contract, but not higher than the one initially indicated. At this stage, only those who previously won the first stage will not be able to publish proposals.

The final winner is determined automatically based on the results of the second stage of the auction. In the end, a contract will be signed with him.

What's next

  1. The customer who created the procedure will send him a contract for approval. It must be answered within 20 days. That is, the winner needs to read the terms and conditions and, if there are no comments, sign the document using an electronic digital signature.
  2. The next stage is the signing of the contract by the customer himself. Only after this procedure does the document acquire its legal force, each party undertakes to fulfill its requirements. If the customer’s application was canceled for some reason and the contractor believes that this happened without reason, then he has the right to file a complaint with the antimonopoly committee.
  3. The cooperating parties agree on the execution of the contract independently; the Sberbank AST platform no longer has anything to do with this. And for a solution to all controversial nuances, you should contact the FAS directly or go to court if there are signs of material damage due to failure to fulfill the terms of the contract.

In total, anyone can take part in auctions on the Sberbank AST site. You only need to register and accredit the participant. The fastest and easiest way to do this is with an electronic signature - in this case you will need to provide a minimum package of documents. Detailed instructions You can also find out how to participate in Sberbank AST auctions on the information portal of the electronic platform. There is also a 24-hour support service that you can contact with any questions related to the operation of the service.

The Sberbank AST system is considered a popular platform for holding auctions and tenders, allowing individuals and legal entities to participate in government procurement. If the user knows how the auction at Sberbank AST is going, he will be able to take part in it and, if he wins, fulfill the government order.

Features of the event

This platform was launched by the leading financial institution of the Russian Federation - Sberbank in 2009. It performs an intermediary function between customers, which are, as a rule, various government agencies and performers. The latter can be either individual entrepreneurs or individuals/legal entities.

When figuring out how to participate in the auction at Sberbank AST, it is necessary to consider a number of features of such an event. As a rule, it follows an established algorithm and has several stages:

  1. The customer places an order on the official portal public procurement.
  2. The event will be held provided that the proposed products fall under the established list.
  3. Contractors submit orders using the Sberbank AST electronic platform.
  4. Electronic trading is conducted confidentially.
  5. The winner of the competition is the contractor who offered the lowest price for the order placed.
  6. The person who placed the order is obliged to enter into an agreement on the same terms and conditions as those presented in the order and cannot change them.

Participation is offered on an anonymous basis, and the timing may vary and depend on the amount of the proposed contract. If the agreement amount exceeds 3 million rubles, applications are submitted within 7 days, and if not - 15 days.

Website ETP Sberbank AST

Registration of digital signature, passing accreditation

When figuring out how to participate in bidding for Sberbank AST, it is advisable to note that for this, the candidate needs to issue an electronic digital signature, as well as successfully complete verification on the selected site. This will allow you to fully participate, win the auction and receive the desired order.

To pass accreditation, the candidate must obtain a special digital signature of a certain type. Other types of signatures will not work with such a platform. To obtain a signature, the user must provide the following documents:

  • copies of the registration certificate, as well as documentation confirming the fact of tax registration of the legal entity;
  • copies of documentation confirming the appointment of a manager or power of attorney of an authorized employee in whose name the signature is made;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - the future owner of the digital signature;
  • confirmation of agreement with the rules for processing user data.

This package of documents seems to be the most extensive and relevant for legal entities. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs will need a smaller set of papers to obtain an electronic signature. After the digital signature has been received, the entrepreneur should register, which will make the electronic auction available for his participation.


Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 44 clearly regulates the procedure for obtaining accreditation, each electronic platform uses its own algorithm. According to the current rules, no more than 5 days are allocated for consideration of the application, which allows you to quickly participate. The procedure for obtaining accreditation is as follows:

  1. Insert the token with digital signature into the USB connector and open the “Participants” category, located on the official website of the site.
  2. Select the “Registration” section and decide on the type of user - individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  3. Click “Submit Application” and upload the required electronic documents.
  4. Specify a login and a strong password that will be used for authorization.

Once the documents have been reviewed and the application is approved, the user will be able to successfully register their account and start participating.

Preparation, provision and submission of application

To successfully participate in the auction, the candidate must submit an electronic application. It consists of 2 parts, each of which must comply with the current service rules. The first part consists of agreement with the rules for processing the information provided, as well as technical documentation.

The second part provides for the indication of basic information about the organization, individual entrepreneur or individual who plans to take part in the auction. These include TIN, licenses, personal data, declarations and SRO, as well as other papers. Both parts of the documents will need to be uploaded simultaneously, and each of the uploaded papers must contain an electronic signature.

Filing an application

After this, the candidate needs to secure the application properly. According to the rules of the service, the security is 0.5% -5% of the contract amount, which the contractor credits to his personal account, which is available after passing accreditation. If he refuses the order after winning the tender, the funds will go to the customer. However, if it is accepted for execution, the security will be returned to the contractor’s accounts within 5 days.

The final stage of preparation for the auction is submitting an application for the selected order. The following instructions will help you perform this action:

  1. Find the required trades in the system using their number in the register.
  2. Fill out the application form using the personal account interface.
  3. Upload documents.
  4. Sign all downloaded papers, as well as the submitted application.

After completing the application, the contractor will receive a special serial number assigned automatically.

Review and participation in the auction

Learning how to play and win competitions to perform government orders, it should be noted that consideration of submitted applications is carried out within 7 days. After this period, the commission makes a decision on the admission/non-admission of participants. At this stage, the names of the companies are completely classified, which ensures the impartiality of the consideration.

Then a protocol is published on the site containing the numbers of participants admitted to the auction. Considering how electronic auctions take place, it is necessary to mention that they are held, as a rule, on the third day after the publication of the list of participants.

Main stages:

  1. The auction session opens.
  2. Participants submit their proposals, the price increment ranges from 0.5% to 5%. Submission time is limited and is 10 minutes.
  3. Time limits are updated after each bet.
  4. The winner of the auction is selected, and other participants make out-of-competition bids in order to take 2nd place. This will allow them to qualify for the order in the event that the winner withdraws or their application is rejected.

All applications are considered within 3 days, after which the competition protocol is published. Once the winner is selected, he can proceed to enter into an agreement with the customer.


Security, contract signing

If a company, individual entrepreneur or individual managed to participate in the tender and win the right to fulfill the order, he will need to provide financial security for the future contract or a bank guarantee. This allows customers to be confident that the contractor will fulfill its obligations responsibly.

As a rule, the size of the bank guarantee is about 30% of the total contract price. If its value during the auction has decreased by more than a quarter, special measures will be taken and the amount of required collateral will be increased by one and a half times.

Sberbank-AST is a system that provides services for public procurement. Participants can be commercial enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. The essence of the work comes down to the fact that in the form of auctions or tenders, sellers put up their goods or services for sale, and buyers purchase them online.

How to become a bidder

To be able to take part in trading, you need to be accredited and register on the trading platform. The registration procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Receive an electronic signature certificate from any of the Authorized Certification Centers (considered within 1 week)
  2. Submit an application for accreditation and wait for its consideration (completed within 5 days).
  3. Register on the trading platform.

The services provided by the Sberbank-AST trading platform are paid.

How to get EPC

To receive an electronic signature, go to the “Home” tab and select “Receive an electronic signature”. On the page that opens, a list of authorized CAs will appear where you can order an EPC.
Need to:

  • select a certification center;
  • apply;
  • receive an invoice and pay it;
  • come to the center with documents for verification and receive an electronic signature.

By calling +7 800 333-60-03 or 8 800 2000-100, you will receive help if you have any difficulties choosing a CA.

Getting ready to work with Sberbank AST on your computer

After receiving the digital signature, you need to configure the workplace:

  1. Electronic device requirements:
    • Computer (recommended configuration - IBM-compatible Personal Computer with characteristics not lower than Pentium 2, RAM 32 Mb, HDD 2 Gb; monitor with a resolution of 1280x800).
    • Operating system MS Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
    • Internet Explorer 8.0.
    • Tools for creating documents (MS Office, WordPad).
    • File compression (packaging) tools (RAR, ZIP, WINZIP).
    • CIPF KripoPro CSP version 3.6.
  2. Install a cryptographic protection tool on your computer information (CIPF) and use it to install the certificate.
  3. Configure the Internet Explorer browser and install the Capicom library.
  4. Log in to the website of the electronic platform, go to the section “Home - Digital signature verification” and check your browser settings for working with electronic signatures. If the “Browser is configured correctly to work with electronic signature” window opens, you can continue filling out the accreditation application.

Recommended requirements for the workplace, setup Internet browser Explorer, installation of the Capicom library and electronic signature key certificate are located in the “Questions and Answers” ​​section, “Workstation Settings” item.

What types of trading are carried out on the Sberbank AST platform

There are different kinds sections for trade:

  • Electronic auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises, privatization, lease of municipal and state property.
  • Procurement of PJSC Rostelecom, PJSC Sberbank.
  • Special projects: fish market, direct supply showcases.

All trading is conducted openly and transparently.

Relatively recently, Russian businessmen were presented with a unique opportunity to conduct auctions through electronic platforms. Entrepreneurs at any level can take part in such transactions without leaving the threshold of their office.

What is electronic trading

Using this type of auction, you can sell your service or product to budgetary or government organizations that have resorted to purchasing goods through this type of auction.

Customers such as Gazprom OJSC, Rusnano, MTS OJSC, Rosatom State Corporation, etc. have long switched to this form of purchasing goods.

Electronic trading involves choosing a supplier. The process of buying and selling takes place through special websites on the Internet.

The law also provides for the sale of the fortunes of bankrupt companies. If you are interested in purchasing property on favorable terms, an electronic auction will come to the rescue.

Electronic auctions, the main goal of which is to receive an order at the state level, are held on federal platforms. Customers who comply with the format of 223-FZ can resort to the form of procurement based on electronic trading.

Advantages of participating in electronic trading

  1. For entrepreneurs, such a project is convenient because it allows them to maintain anonymity and participate remotely. Each bidder has his own number, which does not allow him to influence the course of the auction. In addition, electronic trading does not involve any paperwork.
  2. With this form of auction there is no pre-qualification. This means that suppliers do not need to justify the availability of sufficient resources to fulfill the contract. Mandatory provision of participation in the auction is required (5% of the initial bid). If the contract is not fulfilled, the money is lost.
  3. For customers we also have our own positive points. They have the right to announce one tender and conclude a number of contracts. The site will only charge the winner the fee.


  1. Open auction. Participants submit price proposals. The one who can set the optimal price will win.
  2. Down auction. The customer announces the size of the required services and the highest starting price. Participants offer to fulfill the order at the most reasonable price.
  3. Upgrade auction. In this case, the winner is the one who puts the highest price. This form of auction is applicable when renting premises or selling property.

It should be noted that a variety of procurements are carried out through electronic auctions.

In addition to the auction, there are such electronic forms as:

  • contest;
  • request for proposals;
  • request for quotations.

The rules for such forms are regulated. The participant is given the opportunity to choose the type of bidding that is suitable for him.

Electronic digital signature

Electronic trading is supported by an appropriate set of documentation. An electronic signature (ESP) guarantees that you are not participating in a scam. The CEP has a legal basis.

The signature key corresponds to the trading platforms:

  • federal level;
  • commercial category, which are components of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

How to participate

  1. Registration is required initially. At the time of bidding, you must log into the trading platform using an electronic signature.
  2. At the beginning of the auction, participants have the opportunity to offer their price by filling out a special form on the website.
  3. Typically the auction lasts 15 minutes. Participants must make their offer within 10 minutes. The end of the auction is marked by the offer with the maximum benefit. It is victorious.
  4. The customer sets a maximum price and cannot offer anything higher. It is not possible to offer a price higher than that of other participants. The winner is the one who offers the lowest price.
  5. If the auction winner does not have SRO clearance and documentation permitting participation, the winner will be the participant who turns out to be second.

What do you need to participate in electronic trading?

To participate, enterprises require:

  • Presentation of an electronic digital signature certificate.
  • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, legally certified.
  • A document confirming the rights of the certificate owner.
  • Installing the required software.
  • The company has passed accreditation on trading platforms in in electronic format. If you have a signature, this service is offered free of charge. Go to the electronic trading website and fill out the required form and application to open an account. In this case, you must attach all the necessary documentation.
  • Not all certified participants are aware of the rules for conducting electronic trading. All the nuances require clarification, so lectures are held every week to give you the opportunity to practice. At the end of the training, the participant receives a certificate.
  • Participation in electronic trading must be supported by the presence of a certain amount Money on the organization's account. Otherwise, the application is automatically rejected.
  • To participate in the competition, you must adhere to the existing regulations when filling out an application. The application is made up of two parts. The first part is subject to review within 5 days. Only after this will a decision be made on the organization’s participation in the competition.
  • The second part of the application is subject to consideration by the results committee. It takes approximately 6 days to process them.

Which electronic platform to choose

Electronic platforms come at the commercial and federal levels. The first type is represented by a wider range.

  • In order to be a supplier to commercial customers of Rusnano, Rosatom State Corporation, Gazprom OJSC, you need to use the platform that deals with this type of trading, Fabrikant, B2B-Center, TZS Electra, etc.
  • To purchase the property of bankrupt companies, they resort to using Sberbank-AST, Russian Auction House, uTender, SELT, etc.
  • State-level sites have gained a high level of popularity among businessmen. Purchases of this nature are ranked among the most profitable by businessmen.

Commercial sites are divided into:

  • Specialized, serving the needs of a number of companies. For example, Gazprom’s electronic platform sells petroleum products.
  • Multidisciplinary, offering a wide range of products and services. These platforms allow you to be both a customer and a supplier. No restrictions are imposed.
  • Large corporations that are interested in selling their products use Supplier-driven.
  • There are also sites of an intermediary nature. Their main goal is to bring together those who buy and those who sell. They belong to the Third-party-driven category.

Commercial sites do not require accreditation and sometimes do not even require an electronic signature.

How to participate in electronic auctions "Sberbank AST"

The function of Sberbank - Automated Trading System CJSC includes the sale of property of companies that have fallen into the category of bankrupt. These include companies whose total debt is more than 100,000 rubles if they fail to pay within 3 months after the arbitration ruling. The amount of debt of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 50,000 rubles.

After a company or entrepreneur is granted bankrupt status, his property is seized.

After a court verdict is issued, the property is subject to valuation. Then select the start date for the sale.

The following are sold on the Sberbank-AST site:

  • residential or commercial real estate;
  • production equipment;
  • Cars;
  • special purpose equipment;
  • land plots;
  • antiques;
  • precious items.

To participate on the Sberbank - AST platform, please get accredited, and also become the owner of an electronic signature.

The application is reviewed within five days.

The deposit for participation in trading on the platform should not exceed 20% of the price of the lot. It is due before the results of the auction. Individuals use a card account. Deposits are not applicable.

When paying the amount to the bank, receive a confirmation receipt, scan it and send it to the competition manager. This fee is refundable 5 days after the winner is announced. It is not subject to return if the application for withdrawal was submitted after the start of the auction or a deviation from the regulations was noticed after winning the auction.

A package of documents is also provided.

Legal entities are required to provide:

  • Scans of notarized copies of the Charter documents and certificates of registration and tax registration.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A protocol drawn up by the general director giving the green light to the transaction.

Individuals are required to provide:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • Tax registration certificate.
  • Statement of the consent of one of the spouses to enter into a transaction.
  • if an individual does not have a family, a supporting certificate is also required.

After providing the proper documentation, we proceed to filling out the application.

Individuals must submit:

  • passport details;
  • registration information.

Legal entities provide:

  • company name and type of organization;
  • the company's postal address and telephone numbers are also required;
  • providing information about interests in the property of the debtor/creditor and their participation in the capital;
  • proposal regarding the value of the enterprise (if the bidding takes a closed form).

The entrepreneur monitors the bidding process and offers his bids. The auction website page is subject to self-updating. Or you can use the automatic update form.

The system sets a price indicator equal to 5% of the indicated cost. The step with the minimum value is 0.5%.

You can use the services of an auction robot that automatically submits bids for each new proposal from participants. All offers during the auction are subject to assignment of a serial number in accordance with the sequence of their receipt.

An offer sent from a PC is marked with a star. It is recommended to record the progress of trading from the screen in order to prove to the FAS that the computer is malfunctioning in the event of an Internet failure. Record the exact time of the failure.

Recording time is extremely important. If the exact time is provided, trading is stopped until Sberbank-AST electronic transactions are resumed.

After the end of the auction, you can submit an additional bid on the website. There is a struggle between the auction participants for possession of the second place, which makes it possible to buy out the property of a bankrupt company in the event of the refusal of the deal by the owner of the first place.

When taking part in state-level tenders haste is not the best adviser. Every day a lot of interesting offers are launched in Russia. It is wiser to skip an offer that does not inspire confidence and make better preparations for the next offer.

There are situations of a different nature. Offers that are interesting for your company arise in parallel. Apply for everything at once.

The results of trading on electronic platforms are recorded. After its publication, each bidder has the right to enter a written explanation of the result. If you are dissatisfied with the explanations, you have the right to appeal the results of the auction by filing an official statement of complaint with the FAS.

If you are the winning bidder, you will receive a draft contract drawn up electronically and certified with an electronic signature.

Sberbank AST is an electronic platform designed for placing orders for state and municipal needs. It accounts for more than 50.56% of the lots. More than 32% of the volume of contracts from all electronic platforms was concluded on the Sberbank platform. For the first half of the year 2018 AST of Sberbank is also a leader in both the number of lots and the volume of contracts.

The sole founder of the electronic platform is Sberbank PJSC. The head office is located in Moscow. The company is headed by Advisor to the President of Sberbank N. Andreev. AST-Sberbank CJSC has been repeatedly recognized as the company of the year in the field of information technology.

AST Sberbank electronic platform - areas of activity

The Sberbank-AST electronic platform carries out 5 main areas of activity:

  1. Organization of electronic procurement under 44-FZ.
  2. Sberbank AST commercial purchases under 223-FZ. Conducting auctions for the purchase of goods, selection of work performers and service providers for PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Rostelecom, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post, etc.
  3. Sale of property. On electronic platform pass Sberbank AST bankruptcy auction(you can purchase the property of bankrupt enterprises), and the sale of state and municipal assets is also carried out in accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2488 of December 4, 2015.
  4. Organization of tenders for procurement of domestic holdings. This area involves providing services to major market players to optimize procurement activities.
  5. Identification of contractors. Through an automated bidding system, contractors are selected to carry out major repairs (in accordance with Government Decree No. 615).

AST is regulated by Federal Law No. 223 “On Procurement”. It defines the fundamentals, provisions and principles of procurement activities.

Accreditation for Sberbank AST carried out in accordance with Art. 61 Federal Law No. 44 of 04/05/2013. Potential participants must complete a virtual application and attach relevant documents.

Here you can register and become a full-fledged bidder, receive comprehensive information on the main areas of activity, ask questions to specialists and undergo training (you can leave a request in the “Seminar Schedule” subsection).

Features of registration on the site

For full-fledged work in the automated bidding system, the applicant needs to obtain accreditation. The application is reviewed within 5 days. Accreditation allows you to conduct transactions for 3 years, then the user must go through the registration procedure again.

User registration on the Sberbank-AST trading platform includes the following steps:

  1. Obtaining an electronic signature. The provision of electronic signatures is carried out by accredited certification centers (there are only 8 of them). By virtue of technical features platform work without digital signature is impossible. An electronic signature can be issued to any employee.
  2. Filling out a virtual application form on the official website. Potential participants who have an electronic digital signature can immediately fill out an application to open an account on the universal platform.

The questionnaire includes the following sections:

  • information about the business entity (individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity);
  • registration data, classification as a small business, legal and postal address, contact information;
  • current account details (name of the servicing bank, correspondent account, BIC, current account of a business entity);
  • information about the signatory (full name, position, telephone, address Email);
  • identification information (login and password, security word or phrase).

The user must attach the following package of documents to the application:

  1. For individual entrepreneurs: USRIP extract and passport;
  2. For a private person: TIN and passport;
  3. For an LLC: registration documents, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, an order/decision on the creation of a company, a document confirming the authority of the signatory.
  4. Signing the electronic signature form, entering the captcha and sending the application for processing.
  5. Follow the link sent to your email address along with the activation code. In the window that opens, you must enter the login and password from the application, the activation code and click “Sign and send.” From this moment on, the application is sent to the operator for consideration.

If the decision is positive, an email is sent containing the account number for participation in Sberbank AST tenders. Similar information is available in personal account Sberbank AST.

Good to know!

To participate in procurement, you must provide application security to Sberbank AST. In other words, you need to top up your account in the system in the amount of up to 5% of the contract volume. Details for transferring money can be downloaded in your personal account.

Change of digital signature

When replacing an electronic signature, the user must:

  • install a new root certificate on the PC;
  • go to the website utp sberbank ast;
  • select the “Participants” section;
  • go to the subsection “Application for user registration”;
  • select a new signature from the list;
  • fill out the form (part of the information is downloaded automatically from the certificate);
  • sign the document with a PIN code;
  • attach a document – ​​the basis of the authority of the certificate owner;
  • send the document for processing.

When changing a certificate to Sberbank AST, the client can leave the same login and password, as well as code information.

If the digital signature does not work correctly, the following errors may occur:

  1. "The plugin is not available." The plugin for Sberbank AST must be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Its correct operation is possible only if the root certificate of the certification authority is installed.
  2. "Errors when opening the storage." They occur when the browser settings are incorrect.
  3. “Authorization error in personal account using digital signature.” You must fill out the certificate registration application again.

Training programs for customers and performers

Procurement training under 44-FZ allows you to obtain detailed information about the procedure for placing an order and participating in tenders. It is carried out both in person and remotely. The following formats for acquiring knowledge are practiced:

  • seminars (held in 60 cities of the Russian Federation; you can sign up on the website);
  • distance courses;
  • face-to-face trainings;
  • remote business games;
  • individual sessions;
  • testing.

As part of the training, you can get advice from procurement experts, MFEI teachers, representatives of ministries and departments.


Training in the field of procurement under 44 Federal Laws for customers in full-time and part-time form with the issuance of a certificate can be completed in Moscow. Distance learning 44 Federal Laws, courses on 44 Federal Laws for procurement specialists of 40, 72, 120, 144 hours with the issuance of a certificate. Courses 44 Federal Law 256 hours with the issuance of a diploma. Conditions on the Open Bidding website:

Technical support

Users can receive technical and consulting assistance from the support service.

According to customer reviews, the waiting time does not exceed 1 minute. You can also send a written request to: or [email protected].

The electronic trading platform is in particular demand among customers and performers. It is endowed with wide functionality and additional opportunities for users (training, familiarization with current analytics for 2018, expert assistance). The client can receive advice on accreditation, working with digital signatures and the procurement process from the moment of creating a notice to concluding a contract via unified AST telephones.

Innovations for working with special accounts

From October 1, 2018, the rules for securing applications and maintaining special accounts have changed. According to the new rules, the bank opens an account when it is convinced that the supplier is accredited at any of the sites approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Also, now you need to carefully monitor the presence of a sufficient amount of security in the special account, since upon completion of accepting applications, the ETP sends a notification to the bank about blocking money to secure the application, and the bank blocks this amount in the participant’s account, if it exists there. If a participant leads active search contracts and places bets on several procedures at once, then the ETP may not notify the participant about the lack of funds, and there will no longer be an opportunity to replenish the account.
