What does text information consist of? Text information. The computer is the main tool for preparing texts

>> Text information

§ 1.9. Text information

Presented in the form of written text is called textual information.

Every written text is a certain sequence of symbols. Omitting, replacing or rearranging at least one character in the text changes its meaning. Consider two phrases that differ from each other by a single, last character:

Who came to us!
Who came to us?

The meaning of the first sequence of symbols is that the person who entered was seen and recognized. The second sequence of characters is a question emphasizing the unknown and uncertainty of the situation.

For thousands of years, people have been recording information. During this time, both what was used (stone, clay, wood, papyrus, parchment, paper) and what they were used to do it (sharp stone, bone stick, bird feather, fountain pens, fountain pens, from the end of the 19th century) changed. centuries to perform written works the typewriter began to be used). But the main thing did not change: in order to make changes to the text, it had to be rewritten. And this is a very long and labor-intensive process.

Appearance computer ov radically changed the technology of writing. With the help of special computer programs you can type any text, make changes to it if necessary, write the text into the computer memory for long-term storage, print any number of copies of the text on a printer without re-entering it, or send the text using Email to other computers.

The most important

Text is any verbal statement, printed, written, or spoken.

Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information.

Questions and tasks

1. Tell us about the text form of presenting information.
2. What other forms of presenting information do you know? Explain the advantages or disadvantages of presenting the information as text compared to what you described.
3. For what purpose do you create texts? Give two or three examples.
4. Give examples of texts that differ in size, design, and purpose.
5. What fundamental changes has the computer made to the process of creating text?
6. How do you understand the meaning of the statement: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe”? Do you agree with this?

Bosova L.L., Computer Science and ICT: textbook for grade 5 by L.L. Bosova. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. 192 p. : ill.

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

There are different types of text files (flat, tokenized, ASCII, etc.). To enter, process, and present information in such files, various software capabilities are required. To work with texts on a computer, software tools called text editors or word processors.

There are a large number of different text editors on the market, varying in their capabilities - from very simple educational ones to powerful multifunctional ones. software, called publishing systems, which are used to prepare books, magazines and newspapers for printing. These programs allow you to work with various types and text file formats, converting them into each other if necessary. For example, in text format (flat file – . TXT) working editor Notepad, built-in shell editors Norton Commander And Far Manager . MS Word(and Word Pad) allow you to work with marked up text files in a communicative (file type. RTFrich text format, or "rich text format"), internal (. DOC), and text (. TXT) formats. A document editor is also common Adobe Acrobat , using a communicative format. PDF (portable document format).

The most advanced editors allow you to process not only texts, A documentation(texts containing built-in or embedded objects or other types of files - tabular, graphic, multimedia, etc.).

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Lecture notes for the course Information technologies in the subject area. Basic concepts and definitions of IT

Lecture notes for the course Information technologies in the subject area for.. Compiled by senior teacher of the department of MEMMBI V V Oshkalo..

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Today it is impossible to imagine the process of typing, editing, proofreading and layout of text without the use of computer equipment and technologies. Therefore, to denote typing processes, the term “text information processing” is most often used, indicating that the preparation of the text part of documents belongs to the field information technologies.

The basics of text graphics, the patterns of its composition on the page of a document, in particular a printed publication, are the result of five hundred years of history and practice of printing. The traditional, now customary design was developed and improved at the stage of manual, then automated metal typesetting and phototypesetting.

The subject and final product of text information processing is a text document, which can be viewed from two points of view. On the one hand, a text document is a source of information, on the other hand, it is a symbol-graphic composition placed on paper (or other) media.

The concept of information is reflected most clearly in the definition of information data. Information data- this is all kinds of information, messages, knowledge that can be stored, processed, transmitted, but acquire the nature of information only when they receive content and a form suitable for management and are used in management.

Information has a structured property, which is clearly manifested in text written in natural language. The text is a chain of characters arranged in a certain order, and the element of the chain - the sign - takes on one of the possible meanings of a certain known set - the alphabet. The sign form, which is any natural language, constitutes the formal structure of information that conveys its content. Since information is semantic (notional) in nature, its content consists of concepts expressed in symbolic (linguistic) form. This leads to another important property of information: most of its types are linguistic in nature.

Text information is one type of information. Any text spoken, written, or printed in any natural language constitutes a message. A message is a specific form containing information, in other words, information is transmitted through a specific message.

The message is presented in some language. Language messages can be transmitted different ways: oral speech, writing, printed text, etc. Language messages are discrete (discontinuous) and are constructed by sequential recording of signs (and spaces between them), i.e. are sequences of characters.

Sign- is an element of some finite set of elements distinct from each other. Such a set of elements is called set of characters. A set of characters in which linear order is defined is called alphabet(for example, the alphabet of Latin letters, the alphabet of Greek letters, the alphabet of decimal digits).

Thus, any text is a discrete message in the form of a sequence of characters from one or more alphabets, separated from each other by spaces and additional auxiliary characters, and containing certain information.

Text (except oral) is recorded in one way or another in a symbolic form on some material medium and is in this form a source of information.

Documentary source(document) - a means of fixing on a material medium information about facts, events, phenomena of the real world and human mental activity.

Documents whose characters are alphabets of natural languages ​​are called text documents. These are works of writing, printing, books, magazines, etc.

Among the technologies for reproducing text documents, the most common today are:

Publishing and printing (the final product is the result of printing in general and printing in particular);

Multimedia (combined use of video, audio information, text, graphics and animation within computer technology);

Web publication.

From a technical point of view, in the process of reproducing a text document, information is reproduced in the form of optical signals recorded (including encoded) and stored on a physical medium, perceived by the organs of vision. Considering this process as part of the information process, i.e. As a process of transmitting information from a source to a consumer through signs and sign systems, reproduction of a text document as a whole can be considered a channel for processing information (information channel), and equipment and processes can be considered an information service operating in accordance with algorithms and methods of information processing.

The initial object for reproducing a text document is information in the form of manuscripts and pictorial originals (text documents in a significant number of cases contain images that clarify, complement, and illustrate the content of the transmitted information).

The final product of reproduction is information in the form of printed products (media - books, brochures, newspapers, magazines, booklets, etc., organizational tools - calendars, diaries, directories, etc., packaging products), multimedia products, etc. including electronic publications, Web publications. In this case, material objects at different stages of information processing in reproduction technology play the role of only material carriers of information.

Text information has a sign (symbolic) form, and its content, i.e. semantic (semantic), part does not depend on the specific graphic form (pattern, style, size) of the font.

When producing a text (text part) document, the input signal is the author's original text for typing.
It contains only the semantic content of information. External
the same form (i.e. the actual design of the font and the text as a whole, its com
positional arrangement on the page) has yet to be created, but, as already noted, it will not affect the semantic content of the information.

Thus, under processing text information in the process of reproducing a text document, they imply the semantic compositional and graphic organization of the text in the document as a whole, in its separate part (section), on a separate page and within its structural and compositional elements.

The semantic organization of a text document is achieved through the content-appropriate arrangement of subsections of the main text, additional and auxiliary texts of the document (editorial and publishing, including design, preparation of publication). Compositional organization is realized through the proper relative arrangement of text and non-text elements on individual pages and in the document as a whole (layout), graphic organization - through the use of appropriate fonts and graphic design elements (typesetting and layout).

Under set understand the process of obtaining (forming) lines of a text document. This term is also used to refer to text typed in one way or another (i.e., the result of the typing process).

Layout is the process of obtaining (forming) a strip (page) of a text document.

A document page, which is one of its structural and compositional units, can be represented as some kind of graphic composition. This graphic composition contains, in accordance with established rules signs and images arranged in a certain way. At the same time, a page is some part of the content of a document (publication). In other words, the graphic composition of signs and images is a carrier of information transmitted to the consumer (reader) through concepts (linguistic means - text and symbols - ideograms) and visual images that arise during perception.

The process of processing text and illustration information, despite the wide variety of reproduction methods, comes down to three main technological operations:

1) to typing and layout of text,

2) reproduction (reproduction) of illustrations,

3) layout of strips (pages).

All of the above operations represent the preparation of a text document for publication - PreMedia. In the case of preparing a printed publication, the manufacturing option is added to the listed operations printed form(if provided by the printing technology). Prepress is also called PrePress.

Subsequently, the text document file is placed on a Web publication server), recorded on a CD or DVD (electronic publication, multimedia product), and replicated (printed publication).

Pressing any alphanumeric key on the keyboard causes a signal to be sent to the computer in the form of a binary number, which is one of the values ​​in the code table.

Code table is the internal representation of symbols in a computer.

The \(ASCII \)(\(A\)merican \(S\)tandard \(C\)ode for \(I\)nformational \(I\)nterchange table was used as a standard for a long time - American Standard Information Interchange Code).

To store the binary code of one character, \(1\) byte \(=\) \(8 \)bits are allocated. Given that each bit takes the value \(1\) or \(0\), the number of possible combinations of ones and zeros is 2 8 = 256.

This means that with the help of \(1\) bytes you can get \(256\) different binary code combinations and display \(256\) different characters using them.

These codes make up the \(ASCII\) table.

To reduce the notation and ease of use of these character codes, the table uses a hexadecimal number system consisting of \(16\) characters - \(10\) numbers and \(6\) Latin letters: \(A\), \(B\ ), \(C\), \(D\), \(E\), \(F\). When encoding characters, the column digit is first written down, and then the lines at the intersection of which the given character is located.

ASCII codes

For example, latin letter\(S\) in the \(ASCII\) table is represented by hexadecimal code - \(53\). When you press the key with the letter \(S\), the code \(01010011\), which is the binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number \(53\), is written into the computer's memory. This code can be obtained by replacing each hexadecimal digit with its binary representation. In this case, the number \(5\) is replaced by the code \(0101\), and the number 3 is replaced by the code \(0011\). When the letter \(S\) is displayed on the screen, the computer performs decoding: based on this binary code, an image of the character is constructed.

Pay attention!

Any character in the \(ASCII\) table is encoded using \(8\) binary digits or \(2\) hexadecimal digits.

The \(ASCII\) standard encodes the first \(128\)characters from \(0\) to \(127\): numbers, letters of the Latin alphabet, control characters. The table above displays the character encoding in hexadecimal notation.

The first \(32\) characters are control characters and are intended primarily for transmitting control commands. Their purpose may vary depending on software and hardware. The second half of the code table (from \(128\) to \(255\)) is not defined by the American standard and is intended for symbols of national alphabets, pseudographic and some mathematical symbols. IN different countries Various options for the second half of the code table can be used.

For comparison, consider the number \(45\) for two encoding options.

When used in text, this number will require \(2\) bytes for its representation, since each digit will be represented by its own code in accordance with the \(ASCII\) table. In hexadecimal the code will look like \(3435\), in binary it will look like \(00110100 00110101\).

When used in calculations, the code for this number will be obtained according to special translation rules and presented as an \(8\)-bit binary number \(00101101\), which will require \(1\) bytes.

Currently, the code \(Unicode\) is widely used. This encoding is supported in most operating systems, in all modern browsers and many programs.

The \(Unicode\) standard was the result of collaboration International Organization for Standardization(\(ISO\)) with leading computer manufacturers and software. There are \(6700\) living languages ​​in the world, but only \(50\) of them are the official languages ​​of states. There are about \(25\) scripts in use, making it possible to create a universal standard.

To encode these scripts, a \(16\)-bit range (\(2\) bytes per character) is sufficient, that is, the range from \(0000\) to \(FFFF\). The \(ASCII\) standard takes pride of place in the code space in the range from \(0000\) to \(00FF\).

Each script has its own block of codes. To date, the coding of all living official scripts is considered complete: about \(29000\) positions out of \(65535\) possible have been distributed.

Unicode code table

Recently, the \(Unicode\) consortium has begun encoding the remaining scripts of our planet that are of any interest: scripts of dead languages ​​that have fallen out of modern use, Chinese characters, artificially created alphabets, etc.

To represent such a variety of languages, \(16\)-bit encoding is no longer enough, and today \(Unicode\) has already begun to master the \(21\)-bit code space (\(000000\)-\(10FFFF\)), which is divided into \(16\) zones called planes.

Text information Text as a form of information presentation Text documents The computer is the main tool for preparing texts Entering text Editing text Formatting text

Keywords Text document Text editor Text entry rules Editing Formatting

Text as a form of presenting information! Text is any verbal statement printed, written or spoken. Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information.

Amazing fact Omitting, replacing or rearranging at least one character in the text sometimes changes its meaning:

Text documents A document is any text created using a text editor, along with non-text materials included in it. Text document Article Invitation Announcement Report Story Poem

Objects of a text document The main objects of a text document are: q symbol q word q line q paragraph qpage q fragment

Stages of document preparation Preparing a document on a computer consists of several stages: entering (typing) text, editing, formatting and printing.

Entering text When entering text, adhere to the following rules: 1. Where necessary, use capital letters. 2. Place all punctuation marks, except dashes, immediately after the last letter of the word; After any punctuation mark, press Spacebar. Emphasize dashes with spaces on both sides. 3. Avoid entering two or more spaces in a row; Don't use white space to line paragraph boundaries. 4. Don't watch the end of the line: once it is reached, the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of the next line. 5. To proceed to entering a new paragraph, press the Enter key.

Text editing Editing is the next stage of document preparation, which begins after entering information, as a result of which the document is checked for its correctness and detected errors are corrected, as well as necessary changes are made. Basic Editing Operations

Text formatting Formatting is one of the stages of document preparation, during which various operations are performed to design the document. Formatting Operations

Printing a document Printer Matrix Inkjet Laser To output a document onto paper, a printing device – a printer – is connected to the computer.

Most importantly Text is any verbal statement, printed, written or existing in oral form. Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information. Designed for processing text information special programs- text editors. Any text created using a word processor, along with the non-text materials included in it, is called a document. Preparing a document on a computer consists of steps such as input (typing), editing and formatting.

Questions and assignments? 2. Specify algorithms for eliminating the following errors. Extra symbol 1. Place the cursor at the place where the symbol was inserted. 2. Press the key with the desired symbol. Missing character 1. Place the cursor behind the erroneous character. 2. Press the Back key. Space. 3. Press the key with the correct symbol. Invalid character 1. Place the cursor in front of the extra character. 2. Press the Delete key.
