Specification online filling compass. Development of specifications for 3D gearbox assembly. Designation of positions on the drawing of threaded connections

Developing a specification for a three-dimensional assembly of the KOMPAS system is slightly different from developing a specification for an assembly drawing. In general terms, the procedure is as follows.

1. For each part from which an assembly is supposed to be made, it is necessary to create a specification object. This means that each KOMPAS-Part document must have its own subordinate specification object containing a single line describing this part.

2. Create a document -> assembly and place all the details of the modeled object in it. If, when inserting a unique part, the Create BOM objects checkbox was selected on the Properties tab of the property panel, then all BOM objects for each component will be automatically loaded into the assembly.

3. When using elements from the library, do not forget to select the Create BOM object check box. For parts or subassemblies created in the context of an assembly, directly in the editing mode, create specification objects corresponding to them: for a part - normal, for a subassembly - external.

4. The assembly document specification is generated automatically based on the component specification objects included in it. To verify this, call the specification viewing window in subordinate mode (Edit specification objects command).

Now let's move on to practical application acquired knowledge.


The specification being designed here is in no way related to the previously developed specification for the drawing, since the drawing itself is not related to the three-dimensional model (despite the fact that they depict the same object). In this regard, the numbering of positions, and therefore the designations of parts, will differ. In addition, in the three-dimensional model of the gearbox all the keys are present (there is only one in the drawing), but there is no oil drain plug. For this reason, the example described in this section should be considered as a standalone example.

Based on the first point of the instructions for creating a specification for an assembly, you first need to create specification objects separately for each part. This can be done in one of the following ways:

Manually fill in the designation and name of the specification object for each part;

First, fill in the designation and name in the properties of each part (that is, for each KOMPAS-Part document), after which, when creating a specification object, the corresponding fields will be filled in automatically.

We will use the second method, as it is more general and correct. This is explained by the fact that the name from the part properties is automatically transferred to the corresponding assembly tree node when inserting a part from a file. In addition, the name along with the designation can be transferred to the specification of the drawing associated with the assembly.

Let's consider an example of creating a specification object for the driven shaft of a gearbox.

1. Open the Driven Shaft.m3d file from the Examples\Chapter 3\Spur Gearbox folder. Anywhere in the model view window, call the context menu and select the Properties command.

2. On the Properties tab of the property panel, in the appropriate text fields, enter the designation and name of this part: РЦО. and Driven shaft. Click the Create object button on the special control panel to save the entered attributes.

3. Now select the root element in the construction tree (this is a prerequisite for automatically filling in the columns of the specification line), switch to the Specification toolbar and click the Add specification object button

In the window that appears, select the Details section and click the Create button.

4. If everything was done correctly, then the designation and name of the specification object should be filled in automatically, and on the Documents tab of the property panel, the part document itself should be connected to the specification object (Fig. 4.10). If necessary, you can edit the entry in the BOM object manually.

Rice. 4.10. Creating a BOM object for a part document

5. Click the Create object button to complete the creation of the specification object. Save and close the document.

Repeat the above steps for all gearbox parts. The increasing order of numbering in the designation can be arbitrary. In the example on the CD, the numbering corresponds to the alphabetical order of the part file names. However, I repeat, this does not matter much, since the example is educational: what is more important to us now is the principle of creating specification objects, and not their specific content.

An alternative option for filling out specification objects is to enter the name and designation manually. In this case, the linking of the detail document to this object must also be performed by the user himself.

Having created specification objects for all parts in this way, you can open the gearbox assembly (after all, we already have it, otherwise we need to assemble the assembly again). The system will issue a request to rebuild the assembly due to the fact that many parts (or more precisely, all) have changed since the last rebuild. On this question should answer in the affirmative. You can then bring up the BOM window in subordinate mode and ensure that all individual part BOM objects are collected and sorted in the assembly document.

Next, you need to create specification objects for standard (library) parts. The method for creating such objects is no different from developing a specification for an assembly drawing. You just need to call the corresponding command of the library with which such and such an element was created, and in the window that appears, check the Create specification object checkbox (Fig. 4.11).

Rice. 4.11. Dialog for setting bolt parameters with the specified creation of a specification object

To run the appropriate library command, you can double-click on the element itself in the assembly window or run the command context menu Edit for the element icon in the construction tree. When creating library element specification objects in an assembly, there is one feature: in the Quantity column of the specification line, the system independently indicates the number of copies of this object in the assembly (meaning the number of copies in the arrays). For this reason, it is preferable to use the second option for creating specification objects for standard elements in a ready-made assembly, namely: necessary for each library element in the assembly tree, call the Edit command and create a specification object for it. In this case, the number of copies of this element will be calculated automatically. If you're creating an assembly from scratch, just remember to check the Create BOM object checkbox for each library item you add to the assembly, and the total will automatically increase.

Save the assembly and click the Edit BOM objects button on the BOM panel to view the contents of the BOM in the subordinate mode window (Fig. 4.12).

Rice. 4.12. Gearbox assembly specification (view window in slave mode)

All that remains is to create a full-fledged specification document.

1. Execute the command File -> New. In the New Document window that appears, select Specification and click OK.

2. An empty KOMPAS-Specification document will open. On the compact toolbar, activate the Bill of Materials panel and click the Manage Assembly button. A dialog box of the same name will appear, allowing you to connect to the current assembly document specification. Click the Connect document button in the upper left corner of this window, then select the gearbox assembly file in the file open dialog (Fig. 4.13).

Rice. 4.13. Connecting an assembly document to a specification

3. Close the Build Management window. As a result, all specification objects from the connected assembly will be transferred to the specification document.

4. Use the Arrange positions button

Specification panel for automatic placement of items in the specification document.

5. Save the specification. The specification for the 3D gear assembly has been completed.

Since each specification object was initially associated with some geometry (for all unique parts, this is the part itself, its file), it is also possible to use the viewing mode for the composition of objects for the resulting specification. Let me remind you that in this mode, when you select a specification object in the specification window in an associated document, the geometry corresponding to the selected specification object is highlighted.

Place the assembly view window and the specification window next to each other (menu command Window -> Mosaic vertically), make the specification window active. On the Specification panel, click the Show object composition button to enter the mode for viewing the geometry of specification objects. Now, by highlighting any line in the specification, in the assembly window you can immediately see the gearbox part that meets this entry in the specification (Fig. 4.14).

Module purpose: Mastering the work with specifications in KOMPAS 3D.

Specification- a document containing text information about the composition of the assembly, presented in the form tables. The specification is decorated with a frame and a main inscription. The specification file has the extension spw.

There is a mode manual and semi-automatic filling specifications.

IN manual mode All specification columns are filled in from the keyboard.

IN semi-automatic mode a number of columns are filled in by specifying the data source - a drawing or model.

The specification can be drawn up on the basis of a ready-made assembly drawing. When inserting standard products (bolts, washers, nuts, etc.) from design library, their designation is formed and entered into the specification automatically.

Implemented bidirectional association between the specification and its corresponding documents. Thanks to this connection, changes in the assembly drawing are automatically reflected in the specification. Changes to the specification can be automatically transferred to the assembly drawing.

Specification object - a line or several consecutive lines of specification related to one material object.

Specification objects are basic and auxiliary.

For basic objects possibility is provided automatic filling columns, sorting within a section, connecting graphic objects from an assembly drawing.

Creating a specification manually

If you need to create a specification that is not associated with an assembly drawing, call from the menu File team Create . In the dialog that appears, select the document type Specification and click OK.

A table of the new specification will appear on the screen.

The specification is filled in by creating in it new facilities.

The technology for filling out the specification is as follows:

Rice. 1. Selecting a specification section

    Select the desired section from the list and click the button Create .

The system creates a new specification object and goes into the mode of editing its text part. The user can independently enter the text part of the specification object - manual data entry.

In text input mode, font and paragraph formatting commands are available, as well as commands inserting a fraction, index, super- and substring, special character, symbol.

After the text part of the specification object has been entered, it is required confirm object creation.

To add a section to the specification on the compact panel, click the button Add a section.

To insert text template into the cell of the specification object, you need to edit the text part double click on this cell or, placing the cursor in it, call the command Insert - Text Template .

A window will appear on the screen Text templates .

Rice. 2. Selecting a text template

Select the desired template from it. To insert a template into text twice click on it with your mouse.

Creating a specification in semi-automatic mode

If you connect the COMPASS drawing to the specification object, then the current data is in the columns of the object " Format", "Designation" And " Name" will be automatically transferred from the corresponding columns of the title block of the connected drawing – semi-automatic data entry.

Integration with design library

Design library The KOMPAS system is fully integrated with the specification design system.

If when inserting into a graphic document standard product from the Design Library, the option is enabled in the product parameters selection dialog Create a specification object, then in the document automatically a specification object will be created that is included in the corresponding section and has a text part formed according to a filling template taking into account the parameters of the selected product.

Rice. 3. Formation of a specification object when inserting a bolt from the Design Library

When inserting, you can create a new one or specify an existing positional leader line for the image of the inserted product (material).

Rice. 4. Indication of placing a new or existing leader line

This leader line, like an image inserted from the library, will automatically fall into the geometry of the corresponding specification object (with all the ensuing consequences - the ability to calculate zones, transfer the position number from the specification to the leader line, etc.).

Rice. 5. Inserting a bolted connection and automatically creating BOM objects

If you insert several identical products with the same parameters from the Design Library into a graphic document, duplicate specification objects will appear.

BOM objects created in a drawing not visible in this document.

To see and edit BOM objects, you need to use commands or the corresponding toolbar buttons Specification :

    Specification, Specification on Sheet, Show – the case of placing a specification on a drawing sheet. After this the commands become available Accommodation And Name in this menu.

    Specification, Edit objects – placement of the specification in a separate window in subordinate mode . This window, together with the drawing window, can be positioned vertically on the screen.

Comment . Teams Arrange positions And Settings specifications not active. To make them active, the command Edit objects should be called up by double-clicking on the specification on the sheet.

After editing specification objects, they are transferred to the drawing and vice versa, edited objects in the drawing are transferred to the specification.

Rice. 6. Drawing and automatically generated specification


1 Ministry of Education Russian Federation State educational institution of higher professional education Samara State Technical University Department of “Tool systems for automated production” Creation of specifications in KOMPAS-GRAFIC Textbook for the discipline “Computer modeling” Samara, 2004

2 Compiled by: Andryukhina T.N. Creating specifications in KOMPAS-GRAPHIC: Textbook/Governor. Educational institution of higher professional education Samara State. tech. University; Comp. Andryukhina T.N. Samara, 2004, p. The textbook is intended for students of specialty 2301. In this textbook on specific examples the basic techniques for creating specifications in KOMPAS-GRAPHIC are presented. 2

3 Laboratory work: Creating specifications Purpose of the work: To teach how to develop specifications for assembly drawings in manual and semi-automatic modes, to become familiar with the main sections of the specification and how to work with them. The specification represents the composition of the assembly unit necessary for its manufacture. Every Assembly drawing must contain a specification. According to GOST, the specification is the main design document for assembly units. Based on the specification, all other assembly documents are formed. The specification design system involves creating specifications manually and automatic mode. Creating specifications manually is the easiest way to obtain specifications in KOMPAS-GRAPHIC. Using this method is advisable when you need to quickly prepare a specification, or when this moment its development does not contain either an assembly drawing or drawings of the parts included in the assembly. The main way to obtain specifications in KOMPAS-GRAFIC is to create specifications in a semi-automatic mode. In this case, the design module establishes connections between the specification, sheet or sheets of the assembly drawing and working drawings of the parts. The data necessary to create a specification is accumulated in a sheet or sheets of drawings for an assembly unit directly while working on these documents. The order of data entry can be completely arbitrary. I. Creating a specification for a PC assembly unit (Roller. Assembly drawing) in manual mode. 1. Launch COMPASS-CHART using any method. If any document windows are open in the working window of the program, close them. 2. To create a new specification, execute the command File New - Specification or click the New specification button specification form (Fig. 1). on the Control Panel. Fig. 1 will appear on the screen. Immediately after creation, the specification goes into normal mode, which is intended for filling out the form and the elements for filling out the main inscription in it are automatically blanked out. 3. The control panel switched to operating mode with the specification: 3

4 4. By default, the system creates a simple specification according to GOST. Make sure of this using the Settings command Current specification parameters. In the dialog box Setting the parameters of the current specification, the corresponding style should be set as the document style (Fig. 2). Fig.2 5. Execute the Settings Specification Settings command. The Specification Settings dialog box appears on the screen. Since the specification will be created manually, disable the Link assembly drawing to specification option (Fig. 3). Fig.3 6. Execute the File Save As command. In the Specify file name for recording dialog box, open the Blok folder, and in the File name field, enter the name of the document PC spw (SPW specification extension in the KOMPAS-GRAFIK system). Burn the document to disk by clicking the Save button (Fig. 4). 4

5 Fig.4 I.1 Creating a section Details 1. Execute the Editor Add section command. In the Select Section and Object Type dialog box, make the Details section the current one and click the Create button (Fig. 5). Fig.5 2. The title of the section appeared in the specification form, and its first line became available for editing. In the Position cell, the system automatically entered the number of the first position (Fig. 6). Fig.6 3. Fill in the first line as shown in Fig.7. After filling each cell in a row, do not press the key; this will result in the formation of a new empty row in that cell. To move to the desired cell, use the mouse or keyboard commands to move from left to right and + from right to left (Fig. 7). 5

6 Fig.7 4. After filling in all the cells of the row, confirm the creation of the object by clicking on any free space drawing. 5. To create a second object, run the Editor Add Base Object command. The system will create a new line, which you fill in in accordance with Fig. 8. Confirm the creation of the object by clicking the object in an empty space in the specification. Fig.8 The buttons in the Parameters Bar are responsible for setting the current section. For example, the right Sort button turns on or off the automatic sorting mode in a section. By default, in the Details section the modes Insert positions, Connect geometry and Automatic sorting are active. I.2 Creating a Documentation section 1. To create a new section, use the Create Section button on the Control Panel. In the Select Section and Object Type dialog box, make the Documentation section the current one and click the Create button (Fig. 9). Fig.9 2. Fill in the new line as shown in Fig.10. Confirm the creation of the object using the + keyboard command. 6

7 Fig.10 After creating the object, the Documentation section will remain current. In the Options Bar, by default, only the automatic sorting mode is active. The mode for setting positions and connecting geometry is disabled. To access the stamp, you need to go to page layout mode. To change the mode, click the Page Layout button on the Control Panel. In this mode, the system automatically divides the completed table into the required number of pages, adds design elements to each of them and displays them on the screen. To see the entire page, click the Scale to sheet height button in the Current Status Bar. Filling out the title block of the specification is similar to filling out the title block of any other KOMPAS-GRAPHIC document. Double-click in the stamp area and the system will enter its editing mode. Fill out the title block as shown in Fig. 11. To exit the stamp mode, click anywhere in the drawing. Fig.11 I.3 Creating the Standard Products section 1. Execute the Editor Add section command. In the Select section and object type dialog box, make the Standard products section the current one (Fig. 12). By clicking on the Select template button in the Templates for filling out the text part menu that opens, select the Fasteners section, Bolt folder and click on the Select button (Fig. 13). In the Select Section and Object Type dialog box, click the New button. 7

8 Fig.12 Fig Select the next line of the specification of the Standard products section. Consistently follow the steps in the previous section and fill out two more lines, as shown in Fig. 14. Fig The parameters of the bolt, nut and washer can be changed. To do this, enter the editing mode by double-clicking on any of the filled lines (Fig. 15) Fig. 15 I.4 Creating the Materials section 8

9 II. Creating a specification in semi-automatic mode In semi-automatic mode, the specification design module establishes connections between the specification, sheet or sheets of the assembly drawing and working drawings of parts. When creating the specification, we will use some documents from the folder C:/Program Files/Kompas 5.11/Trener/Block. Full list documents are shown in Table 1. File name PC CDW. PC CDW. PC CDW. PC SPW. Table1 Document name Guide block. Assembly drawing. Fork Bracket Roller (BOM) II.1 Creating BOM objects in assembly mode 1. In the folder C:/Program Files/Kompas 5.11/Trener/Block, open the PC CDW drawing. Execute the command Service Specification Objects Manage Descriptions. In the Manage Descriptions dialog box, click the Add Description button (Fig. 12). Fig.12 In the Description of the current specification dialog box, make sure that the current style is set to the Simple specification style. GOST (Fig. 13). Fig. 13 Return to the Manage Descriptions window, in which the style you selected was added (Fig. 14). Click the Exit button. 9

10 Fig.14 Execute the command Service Specification Objects Add Object. In the Select Section and Object Type dialog box, click the Parts section and click New. Fill in the Designation or Name cells (Fig. 15). Fig. 15 After this, a specification object appeared on the drawing. In normal mode, this information is not visible and does not interfere with work on the document. Information about specification objects can be viewed or edited using the Service Specification Objects Edit Objects command. Such a window is called the slave specification mode (Fig. 16). Fig.16 You can simultaneously view both the slave mode window and the window with the assembly drawing. To do this, run the Window Mosaic All windows command. Make the slave mode window current and click the Scale to Sheet Width button in the Options Bar. Then switch to the Build window and click on the Show All button in the Control Panel. Change the scale of the assembly so that the main view of the Guide Block is clearly visible (Fig. 17). 10

11 Fig.17 II.2 Linking a specification object in the subordinate mode window with any drawing objects 1. Select the Bracket image in the main view of the block. In the selection group, include the designation of the position of bracket 3; to do this, click on the position while holding down the key. 2. Go to the subordinate mode window and make the Bracket object the current one - click on the object line with the mouse. 3. Run the Tools Edit object composition command or click the Edit object composition button on the Control Panel. 4. In the message window about editing the composition of an object, click the Add button (Fig. 18). Fig. 18 The number of the bracket in the drawing has changed and coincides with the number in the slave mode window (Fig. 19). Fig.19 11

12 Close the slave mode window. Let's enter information about the Axis part (position 5 in the drawing). 4. In the top view, select the Axis part along with the designation of position 5 (Fig. 20). Fig Execute the command Service Specification Objects Add Object. In the Select Section and Object Type dialog box, click the Parts section and click New. 6. In the Specification Object window, fill in the line as shown in Fig. 21. Fig. Enter information about the remaining two parts into the drawing yourself: Fork and Plank (Fig. 22-a, 22-b, 22-d). Because The plank detail is too small; when highlighting its geometry, increase the image scale (Fig. 22-c). Fig.22-a 12

13 Fig.22-b Fig.22-c Fig.22-d 8. Enter information about the Roller assembly unit into the drawing (Fig. 23-a, 23-b, 23-c). The procedure is similar, only in the Select section and object type dialog box, select the Assembly units section (Fig. 23-b). Fig.23-a 13

14 Fig.23-b Fig.23-c 9. Execute the Specification objects Edit objects command. The slave mode window should look like in Fig. 24. Fig Execute the Window Mosaic All windows command. Make the slave mode window current and click the Scale to Sheet Width button in the Options Bar. Then switch to the Build window and click on the Show All button in the Control Panel. Change the scale of the assembly so that the main view and the top view of the Guide Block are clearly visible (Fig. 25) 14

15 Fig Switch to the slave mode window. Select the row of the Movie object and click the Show object composition button on the Control Panel. In this case, in the Block drawing, the system should highlight the corresponding geometric objects and position designation 5. Consistently click on the objects in the Parts section and observe the selection of objects in the drawing. 12. Enlarge part of the Guide Block as shown in Fig. 26. An image of a bolt, nut and washer is inserted into a drawing from the mechanical engineering library. To transfer their attributes to the drawing, enter editing mode by double-clicking on any of these elements. Fig. In the Bolt Washer Nut window, check the Create specification object box (Fig. 27) and click the Ok button. From the attributes of a standard product stored in the library along with its image, the text part of the specification object will be formed. Fig.27 15

16 14. Using the Nearest point snap, align the base point of the phantom created by the system with the base point of the original, and click to fix it (Fig. 28). Fig After creating a macroelement, a window for creating a new specification object will appear on the screen. The Name column for the bolt will already be filled in. Enter quantity 4 and click Ok (Fig. 29). Fig. In the Positional leader line request window that appears, click the specify existing button (Fig. 30). In response to the system request, specify a positional leader line, click the mouse at any point indicating the position of the Bolt-Nut-Washer element in the drawing. Fig.30 After this, the system will automatically reset the positions set by the designer and begin to create them anew in accordance with the current numbering of specification objects in the drawing. 14. In the windows that appear on the screen for creating new objects for the nut and washer. Fill in the Quantity column (Fig. 31). In the Positional leader line query windows, click the Specify existing button each time. Fig.31 16

17 15. Switch to the subordinate mode window for editing specification objects. A Standard Products section with three objects appeared in it (Fig. 32). The object numbers of these positions correspond to the numbers on the leader line in the drawing. Fig.32 II.3 Placing position designations and specification objects when loading a standard product from the library into a drawing 1. Delete the part of the view on the left of the Guide Block, as shown in Fig. 33, select and delete the leader line. Fig. Enlarge the image even more and add an auxiliary point (Fig. 34). Remove the bolt and washer. Fig.34 17

18 3. Connect the design library Constr/rtw using the command Tools - Library Manager (Fig. 35). Open the Washers section, select the Flat washers element and click the Ok button. Fig. Select the washer diameter of 6 mm, turn on the Create specification object checkbox and click on the Ok button (Fig. 36-a). After this, a phantom of the selected standard element. Because the nut was unloaded from the library in the orientation we needed, by double clicking on the Disable Angle command, you will no longer need to set the angle of rotation of the washer (Fig. 36-b). Fig.36-a Fig.36-b 5. Using the Nearest point snap, indicate the position of the base point of the washer in the drawing (Fig.37). Fig. In the window for creating a new specification object with the Name column filled in, enter quantity 2 and click Ok. In the request field Positional leader line 18

19 click the Add new button. Specify the position of the leader line in the drawing (Fig. 38). Fig. Download the bolt image from the design library (Fig. 39). Fig. In the bolt parameters settings window, set its diameter to 6mm, length to 14mm, enable the Create specification object checkbox and disable the Draw axis checkbox (Fig. 40). Fig In the Specification object window, which appeared as a result of enabling the Create specification object checkbox in the previous dialog box, set the number of bolts to 2 and press the Ok button. In the Position Leader Line message box, click the Specify Existing button. 19

20 10. Rotate the bolt phantom 180 degrees by entering the rotation angle value in the Angle field in the Parameters Bar and specify the base point of the phantom (Fig. 41). Fig Remove unnecessary bolt elements using the Trim Curve operation on the Editing panel. Zoom out as shown in Figure 42 and you will see a position leader line formed for the bolt and nut. Fig Using the Service Specification Objects Edit Objects command, display the subordinate mode window. Execute the Window Mosaic All windows command. Make the slave mode window current and click the Scale to Sheet Width button in the Options Bar. Then switch to the Build window and click on the Show All button in the Control Panel. 13. Switch to the slave mode window. Turn on the Show object composition button on the Control Panel and sequentially make each specification object current (Fig. 43). 20

21 Fig.43 III. Creating a specification and connecting an assembly drawing to it 1. Run the File Create Specification command or click the New Specification button on the Control Panel. Save the new specification form under the PC name in the folder C:/Program Files/Kompas 5.11/Trener/Block. 2. Run the Settings Specification Settings command. The Specification Settings dialog box appears on the screen. Check whether the Link assembly drawing to specification check box and the Link to position calculation button are enabled. Enable the Calculate positions and Calculate zones checkboxes (Fig. 44). Fig.44 21

22 3. Open the PC assembly drawing Execute the Window Mosaic All windows command. Make the specification window current and click the Scale to sheet width button in the Parameters Bar. Then switch to the Build window and click on the Show All button in the Control Panel. Set the three Block positions to the maximum possible scale. 5. Switch to the specification window. Right-click anywhere on the form. From the context menu that appears, select the Manage assembly sheets command (Fig. 45). You can also use the Tools Manage Assembly Sheets command or the Manage Assembly Sheets button on the Control Panel. Fig In the Manage Assembly Sheets dialog box, click the Attach Document button. In the Select files to open dialog box, open the Blok folder, make the name of the PC assembly drawing current in the list of files and click the Open button. You will be returned to the Manage Assembly Sheets dialog box. The list of connected files will contain the name of the drawing you selected (Fig. 46). Fig.46 All objects that were created in the drawing appeared in the specification. In the Zone column, designations of drawing zones in which object leader lines begin appear. The system also added new object item numbers in accordance with GOST requirements. As a result, they began to differ from the position numbers in the drawing, which remained the same. To resolve this issue, run the Sync Data command or click the Sync Data button in the Control Panel. 22

23 Test questions: 1. What is a specification? 2. Name the main sections of the specification. 3. Where is it stored? text information, necessary to describe some element of the specification in accordance with the requirements of GOST? 4. Which system command automatically divides the specification into the required number of pages and adds design elements to each of them? 5. How to exclude reserve lines from the specification? 23

Laboratory work 8 Manual and semi-automatic mode of filling out specifications 1. Specification object is a line or several consecutive lines of the KOMITAC-3D specification. related to one

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Hello, dear readers! Today we are creating an assembly drawing of threaded connections– bolt, screw and stud; let's learn how to create specification in Compass 3d to the resulting drawing.

Threaded connections are detachable - they can be disassembled without damaging the parts.

So, today our task is to create an assembly drawing of the connection of three parts with a bolt, screw and pin, as well as drawing up a specification for it in Compass.

The task in a somewhat simplified form is taken from the collection of Bogolyubov S.K.

Fastener parameters:

bolt M10*75 GOST 7798-70,

washers S10.37 and S16.37 GOST 11371-78,

nuts M10 and M16 GOST 5915-70

screw A M8*35 GOST 1491-80

stud M16*40 GOST 22036-76

It is required to depict the connections in a simplified manner.

The initial task is this.

Creating a drawing of threaded connections

Bolted connection

We will create a bolted connection using the library of Standard products included in the basic (free) configuration of Compass 3d.

1 In the main menu, click on the tab Libraries →Standard Products→Insert Element.

2 In the window that appears, in the file tree, sequentially select Fasteners - Bolts - Hex Head Bolts– find a bolt with the required GOST standard and double-click on it with the left mouse button or on the icon with the image of a bolt.

3 Double-click on the line Thread diameter and select the parameters we need: diameter 10 mm, thread pitch: 1.5, bolt length 75 mm.

Click Apply.

4 Place the bolt phantom as shown in the figure. On the properties panel, disable the Create specification object button. Click Create object. Then, again, click Stop 2 times.

A specification in Compass 3d can be created in manual and automatic mode. Today, in order to take a closer look at the process of creating a specification, we will do it manually after inserting all the elements into the drawing.

5 We find ourselves back in the library. We select a washer of class C GOST 11371-78 (version 1).

We indicate a diameter of 10 mm, front view, simplified.

We place the washer on the bolt, fix it, and do not create a specification object.

6 We return to the library and select the M10 nut GOST 5915-70 (version 1). Choose a thread pitch of 1.5, the same as for the bolt!

The bolted connection is ready.

Screw connection

7 In the library, select a screw M8*35 GOST 1491-80 (normal screws tab), front view, standard detail (you will have to edit to simplified), thread pitch 1.25.

Hairpin connection

8 In the library we select screw-in stud M16*40 GOST 22036-76 (version 1), thread pitch at both ends – 2.

Insert the pin with the screwed end l 1 down.

The arrow shows the starting point for placing the pin.

9 Similar to a bolted connection, insert the washer and nut into the drawing of the threaded connections. Don't forget that the nut has a thread pitch of 2.

We manually create images of a bolt and a stud. We insert the screw from the library.

Note! We insert into the drawing a view from the left of the screw, and not from the top, since the screw in the library is located horizontally.

Now let's adjust the drawing of threaded connections in accordance with the task - simplified.

In simplified images, the thread is shown along the entire length of the threaded part; roundings, chamfers and gaps between the rod and the hole in the part are not shown. In the top view, the arc showing the internal diameter of the thread is not depicted; The washers are also not drawn in this view.

On the stud, the parting line of the parts is preserved.

We apply shading.

Want to know how to make carvings on a model in relief? about it.

Specification in Compass 3d

We will create the specification manually. To do this, we create a new document - Specification.

Now it is displayed in normal mode (editing and filling is available).

Attention! Please add the Documentation section to the specification and make the following entry in it: in the Designation column - your accepted designation for drawings, at the end of SB; in the column Name - Assembly drawing.

Click the Add section button. In the window, select Details.

Fill in the first line.

To add a second line, click the Add auxiliary object button.

Fill out the Details section.

Then we create a new section Standard Products.

Fill it out in the same way as in the Details section.

The Designation column for standard products is not filled in.

Fasteners are entered in alphabetical order, parts of the same type are recorded in ascending order of size.

To fill out the title block in the specification, go to page layout mode (circled)

This completes the creation of the specification in Compass 3d, let’s save it.

Designation of positions on the drawing of threaded connections

Let's return to the drawing. Click the Designation button, select the Position Designation button

We apply positions first for parts, then for standard products.

To enter several positions from one line at once, you need to go to the Text menu in the Properties panel and press the Enter key to enter the position values.

We take item numbers strictly from the specification!

According to GOST, positions must be aligned vertically or horizontally. To align, use the buttons to align positions vertically or horizontally, having previously selected the position lines.

Finally, we mark the thread dimensions on the bolt, screw and stud.

The final drawing of the threaded connections looks like this.

If after reading the article something remains unclear, watch the video tutorial. It's not small, but quite detailed!

Now, I am sure, you will quickly make a drawing of threaded connections and a specification for it in Compass 3d.

9.1 Purpose

  • study and gain skills in applying the rules for depicting and designating threads in accordance with GOST 2.311–68;
  • study the features of calculating standard threaded fastening connections;
  • study the features of creating an assembly drawing and specification;
  • gain skills in constructing images of threaded fasteners.
  • further design the assembly taking into account the calculations of the parameters of standard fasteners;
  • the holes in the body part for the screw and pin must be blind;
  • make an assembly drawing of the specified connections;
  • fulfill specification;
  • make a drawing of the part specified in the task;
  • apply the required dimensions in accordance with GOST 2.307-68.

9.3 Procedure

  • Based on the initial data of the stud, select the material of the part into which it is screwed;
  • depending on the screw-in depth of the pin and screw, determine the parameters of the holes for them, provided that the holes in the body part for the screw and pin must be blind;
  • further construct the assembly by choosing the thickness of the parts to be connected, taking into account the calculations and conditions of the problem, maintaining the proportional ratios of the parts (see Figure of the task);
  • based on the given thread diameters, calculate the lengths of fasteners;
  • insert into the drawing from the library images of smooth and blind threaded holes and standard fasteners;
  • edit images;
  • apply positions;
  • create specification objects;
  • apply dimensions on the assembly drawing, according to the rules for applying dimensions (GOST 2.307-68);
  • create a specification;
  • create a drawing of the part specified in the task;
  • fill out the title block.

9.4 Example of laboratory work

Let's construct constructive images of connections.

A variant of the task is shown in Figure 9.1. The initial data is as follows:

Figure 9.1 – Example of a task on the topic “Threaded connections”

9.4.1 Construction of a hairpin connection

1. The GOST 22034-76 stud has a screw-in depth ( l cc ) 1,25d , Where d – thread diameter. This means that the base material is, for example, cast iron.

By long stud we mean the part of the stud protruding above the surface of the body part (in the example under consideration - the base), see section and section.

Calculate the parameters of the threaded hole according to the notation shown in Figure 9.2 and the formulas below.

Figure 9.2 – Design parameters of a stud connection

Screw-in depth l bb =1.25d=1.25*12=15 mm
Hole depth = l cc +d=15+12=27 mm
Thread depth = l bb +0.5d=15+0.5*12=21 mm

2. Insert hole from library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element. In the dialog box, select the second tab Structural elements, folder Holes⇒Cylindrical holes⇒Smooth holes⇒Smooth cylindrical hole, simple through, double click on the selected hole.

Double-click any hole numeric parameter and set the following parameters:

click the button Apply and set the position of the hole in the plate pos.4.

3. Insert the threaded hole into the base in the same way. Select Holes⇒Cylindrical holes⇒Threaded holes⇒Threaded cylindrical hole with blind chamfer.

Set hole parameters: M12 with a large step 1.75 mm and previously calculated depths:

In the dialog box in the folder Display, specify: with axis rendering, Front view, Detailing - Standard. Click the button Apply.

Set the position of the hole in the base.

4. If the hole extends beyond the height of the base, the height of the base must be increased (so that, approximately, the distance from the border of the hole to the bottom border of the base is at least1d ), using the edit commandShear deformation.

5. Insert a stud from the library

Remember that standard products on assembly drawings are not cut, so choose the detail of the image that gives the appearance of the product!

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Studs⇒Studs with screwed end⇒Stud GOST 22034-76 (version 1) and double click on it.

In the dialog box, double-click on any numeric parameter and set the desired dimensions

6. Click the button Apply. Insert the pin into the drawing. The cursor will be associated with the screw-in end boundary point, which must be positioned at the intersection of the hole axis and the top edge of the base (see figure below). Set the vertical position. Please note that the option must be enabled on the properties panel, and select from the list.

7. Place a new positional leader line.

8. After which the specification line appears, click OK.

Exit the pin insert command.

9. Insert the washer from the library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Washers⇒Lock washers⇒Light spring washer GOST 6402-70 (version 1) and double click on it. In the dialog box, set the parameters shown in the figure below. Select Detail - Simplified!

10. The option must be enabled on the property panel Create BOM object, and select from the list. Indicate the previously placed positional leader line on the stud.

After inserting the Washer, the specification line window will appear, click OK.

Exit the insert washer command.

11. Insert the nut from the library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Nuts⇒Hex nuts⇒Nut GOST 5915-70 (version 1). Double click on it.

In the dialog box, set the parameters shown in the figure below. Detail - Standard.

12. The option must be enabled on the property panel Create BOM object, and select from the list Specify existing item designation. Indicate the previously placed positional leader line on the stud and washer.

After inserting the Nut, the specification line window will appear, click OK.

Exit the insert nut command.

9.4.2 Construction of a bolted connection

Let's consider inserting a Bolted connection using another library. Insert the bolted connection assembly along with the holes.

1. Call the library window Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.
On the tab Fastening connections select folder Bolted connection with hole⇒Bolted connection with hole. Double click on it.

2. In the middle area of ​​the dialog box that appears, configure the composition of the connection.

For example, to change the bolt standard, find and select the desired GOST in the list on the left and double-click on it, the bolt in the middle area of ​​the window will change to the selected one.

Remove both washers under the bolt head (in the folder) by highlighting each one in the list and pressing the button Delete.

To replace the washer under the nut, similarly remove all washers (in the folder Products under fastened parts), find and select the one you need (GOST 11371-78) and double-click on it. The washer will be inserted into the folder Products above fastened parts, to move it under the nut, select it and press the button Move Down .

3. After you have completely configured the composition of standard products in the middle part of the dialog box, configure the geometric parameters in the right part.

For us, the thickness of the parts to be connected is 36 mm, be sure to press the key after entering the value Enter, thread diameter M12 with a large step.

4. Press the button Apply. Insert the connection images into the drawing, placing the bolt head on the bottom and the nut on top. Make sure the option is selected Add a new position designation. Specify the position of the leader line. Items for all three standard products will be created automatically.

9.4.3. Construction of a screw connection

Similar to the bolted connection discussed earlier, insert a screwed connection with holes from the library.

The only difference from a bolted connection is that it is necessary to adjust the length of the screw and the depth of the holes according to calculations. Detailing at the holes - Standard!(so that there are no images of the local section).

Construct the shading of all the details.

To insert images of standard products in a top view, you can use the same library, only when inserting, turn off option Create a specification object!

Fill in the drawing title block by double-clicking on it.

Paste the code using the context menu command Insert code and name.

9.4.4. Final preparation of assembly drawings and creation of specifications

1. After inserting all standard fasteners and making the necessary changes to the parts being connected, proceed to drawing up the assembly drawing and creating a specification.
All standard fasteners already have positions. Place positions on the remaining components of the assembly unit, if they do not exist, using the list of sets command DrawingDesignation of positions.

Select in any convenient way the image of one component part, for example, Planks, in all images and add the position number to the selection.

2. Control Add objectspecificationsDetails, press Create.

In the specification line window that appears, fill in the properties of the object -Format, Designation, Name.

3. If for some reason, when inserting a standard fastener from the library, you did not check the option Create BOM Object, then also highlight in all images the image of a standard product, for example, a Screw, and the item number.

Select set list command ControlAdd objectspecifications . In the dialog box that appears, select the specification section –Standard products, press the button Select a template.

In the dialog box that appears, select the sectionFasteners⇒Screw.

In the specification line window that appears, check and, if necessary, change the properties of the object -Name.

4. Create a file Specification.
Select a team from the area ControlAssembly management. On the panel Options select team Add a document and select the build file.

5. The BOM will automatically display all the assembly components created in the previous steps. Add a section Documentation using the buttonAdd section. On the panel Options Choose a sectionDocumentation, press the button Add a documentand specify the assembly file, answer the question that appears Yes. As a result, all assembly drawing title block data will be copied to the BOM line.

6. All components are automatically sorted, select the command Arrange positions. All components will be numbered in ascending order of position.

Examples of work performed are shown in the figures below.

Figure 9.3 – Execution example laboratory work on the topic "Threaded connections". Assembly drawing

Figure 9.4 – Example of laboratory work on the topic “Threaded connections”. Specification

Figure 9.5 – Example of laboratory work on the topic “Threaded connections”. Part drawing

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