Open your browsing history. Browsing history. How to look at it and clean it. View file attributes

You came home, rested and decided to check your email. But when we approached the computer, we noticed that the mouse was out of place, the keyboard was moved, and in general the case was warm. Considering that everyone at home has their own car, this fact seems strange. Why did you use your computer and for what purpose? This is still unknown. But in this article you will learn exactly how to view history on your computer.

View your browsing history in the browser

Let's face it: the first thing you want to check is your list of visited sites. To do this, open your browser (for example, I have Google Chrome) and in "Options" select "History".

Also, the list of visited sites is called up by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+H or by writing “chrome://history/” in the address bar.

Reference! To view history in other browsers, the same methods are used (except for entering the address “chrome://history/” in the line).

If anxiety and mistrust have settled in your soul, regularly clear the list of visited sites.

Viewing Log Files

All actions performed on the computer are recorded and documented. We only need to refer to this data to find out the information of interest.

Application log

This log stores information about all programs and games running on the computer. What is most important is that the exact time of launch and use is recorded. To open it, find the “Administration” item in the “Control Panel” and select “Computer Management”.

Recently modified files

Also in Windows you will find recently created, viewed and edited files. To do this, simultaneously press Win + R on your keyboard and enter “recent” in the text field.

In the window that opens, you can view your recent files.

How to restrict access to a computer and set a trap

If you are not interested in who used your computer, when and why, but it’s just unpleasant, set a password. Go to “Options” – “ Accounts» – “Login parameters”. Here click on the “Add” button and enter the desired combination.

Personal data is now harder to access.

User question


Please tell me, are the sites I visit saved somewhere on my computer? The fact is that I read an interesting article, but for the life of me I can’t remember on which site...

Good day!

The entire history of pages viewed (by date and time) is saved in the browser log. Such a log is available in any normal browser. In this article I will show you how to open this magazine and see when and what pages were viewed in it. I will also touch on several options for viewing your visit history if the log has already been cleared.

Option #1

Press a simple combination of buttons Ctrl+H - a window with history should automatically open (note: H - History).

Option No. 2

Just copy the address: chrome://history/ and paste it into the address bar of your browser. Simple and easy!

Option #3

In the upper right corner of the browser window, you need to click the “three dots” icon - select the tab in the list that opens "Story"(see screenshot below).

Advice! By the way, to open the last tab (which was closed) press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+T.

Next, it will open before you full list all visits: by date, time (see example below). You can also search for the page you need by its name (top menu). In general, you can find the sites you visited quite quickly.


Option #1

Press and hold the buttons simultaneously Ctrl+H(same as in Chrome).

Option No. 2

Click "Menu" in the upper left corner and select the "History" tab. Next you will have the opportunity to:

  1. open the log (browsing history);
  2. clear your browsing history (by the way, you can also hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Del buttons to do this);
  3. or view the last few pages viewed (example below).

By the way, the magazine itself, in my opinion, is even more convenient than in Chrome. Here you can also search the history by a specific page name; on the side there is a convenient category by date: today/yesterday/old.

Option #1

To open the visit log window, you must press a combination of buttons Ctrl+Shift+H .

Option No. 2

You can also call the journal by accessing the menu: in the upper right corner you need to click on the icon with “three lines” - in the sub-window that opens, select "Magazine"(see screenshot below).

By the way, in Firefox, the visit log (see screenshot below), in my opinion, is almost perfect: you can look at today’s history, yesterday’s, for the last 7 days, for this month, etc. You can do backup copy, or export/import entries. In general, everything you need is at hand!


Option #1

Press a combination of buttons on the keyboard Ctrl+H- a small side menu with a magazine will open in the upper right window of the program (example in the screenshot below).

Option No. 2

Click on menu "Center"(located in the upper right corner of the program), then switch the tab from favorites to magazine (see number 2 on the screen below). Actually, here you can find out all the necessary information (by the way, here you can clear your browsing history).

If the history is deleted, is it possible to find it out?

Not always and not completely... How this history was cleared and when is also of great importance. If, for example, special utilities for completely destroying history - there is practically no chance. And if you simply clean it using a regular function of the browser itself (and even recently), then the chances are much greater. Below are a few working methods...

Using DNS cache

If, after clearing the history in the browser, you did not restart your computer/laptop, then you can find the domains to which the transitions were made in the DNS cache. These, of course, are not specific page addresses, but you can still find out something...

Another disadvantage of this method: that, in addition to user connections, it will display service addresses used by your system, anti-virus applications, etc.

And so, how to view history using DNS.

Several ways to open command line V different Windows -

Using data recovery programs

Browser browsing history is stored in regular files on your hard drive (like any other files). And if they are deleted, you can also try to restore them using data recovery programs (of which there are now hundreds).

The topic of recovery is quite extensive, so I recommend that you read the article linked below. In it I showed how to find and restore Word/Excel documents (the principle of operation will be similar).

How to restore unsaved Word document(or Excel)- (see subheading "Searching for a deleted document on your hard drive")

Where to look for files that need to be recovered:

Google Chrome:
C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\local storage

Mozilla Firefox:

Microsoft Edge:

Install a program to monitor user actions

If you want to find out what addresses and sites the user will visit in the future, then in this case you can set a special one. a program for monitoring actions and work on a PC. It will show not only addresses, but everything running programs, operating time, time to turn on/off the PC (can also take screenshots of the desktop), etc. In general, you can find out everything that is done at the computer!

I talked about how to set it all up and what to choose in one of my articles, link below.

How to keep track of employees' working hours: find out what they do on their PC -

Control programs: Office metric, JETLOGGER, Kickidler, Time Doctor, CleverControl, Stakhanovets, CrocoTime.

Note: I would like to remind everyone that using something like this software to monitor employees on computers or other devices for which you do not have sufficient access rights (and authority) is considered a violation of Russian federal and state laws!

Restore the system using a checkpoint

If you have a system restore checkpoint, then it can also help restore history (they are created automatically by default in Windows XP, 7, 8 - in Windows 10 their automatic creation is disabled).

I have a separate article on this topic on my blog. From it you will learn how to see which restore points are in the system, and how to roll back to the one you need (link below).

How to restore Windows 10: step-by-step instructions -

Cons: there are not always checkpoints with the required date. Not all history is being restored (there are chances Internet Explorer ☺).

That's all I have.

Hello everyone, Digital is in touch! I will not open America for anyone if I say that your browser stores the history of all sites and Internet pages you have visited in chronological order. Did you know about this? If not, then congratulations - now you know. And it's good if you are the only user of your computer. Otherwise, your co-user (brother, sister, parents, friends) will be able to find out what sites you visit. And this is not always pleasant, you must admit, a person should have personal space. Today's article will give you answers to the following questions:

  • How to view browser history? If you forgot the address of a site that you really liked.
  • How to clear browser history? Possibly partial and complete removal browser history.
  • And this is also sometimes necessary.
  • Read also,. Very useful to know about this. You can spy on other people’s passwords and become more careful with your own.
  • Useful information for everyone -.

It's about about the most popular modern browsers, such as: GoogleChrome, MozillaFireFox, Opera, YandexBrowser.

If you don’t find your browser in the instructions, you can proceed by analogy. Most often, you can intuitively guess where you need to poke, where to squeeze and who to kick in order for everything to work.

How and where can I view my browser history?

So, let's deal with browser history in order - from simple to complex. Any browser stores a log of visited pages grouped by date. This log is called browser history, although in fact it is the history of your web surfing. But that's not the point. The important thing is that this story can be used for harm and for good.

You can look at your history if you forgot something. You can also look at the history of someone else's browser (although this is oh how ugly and bad). And just like that, anyone who has access to your computer can view your browser history if you haven't cleared it. So, how can you view your browser history? And this depends on what web browser you are using.

How to view the history of Yandex browser?

There is nothing difficult about viewing the history of visited pages in the Yandex browser. To do this, you need to click on the menu button (three horizontal bars in the upper right corner), then hover your mouse over the “ tab Story", then click on the next tab that opens " Story" Or simply press the key combination " Ctrl+H" And that’s it, you can search for whatever you want.

By the way, for ease of searching, the Yandex browser provides a special “Search in history” field.

Where is the Google Chrome browser history?

Google Chrome provides 3 ways to view your browser history, choose according to your taste.

Firstly, you can get to your destination through the menu (three dots lined up vertically) by clicking the mouse a couple of times, as shown in the screenshot:

If you want to selectively delete entries about visited sites, then while in the history, pay attention to the mini menu to the right of each entry. Click on this menu and then on " Remove from history"and hallelujah - no one will know that you were on the very site that you would not want anyone to know that you were on.!)))

How to clear history in the Mozilla Firefox browser (FireFox - fox)

We continue to act according to the same familiar pattern, friends, which we described above. But what can you do if all browsers are like 5 drops of water?

In order to clear history in FireFox, you must be directly in it. Click on any period indicated on the left. By the way, it’s convenient that you can clean out any day completely, for example the Sunday before last. To do this, select a period (today, yesterday, last week, August...) and at the top of the panel click on the button “ Control" A list of actions will open in front of you. Select " Delete" Or simply after you have selected a period (or one day) press the " Del" That's it, my friends!

How to delete browser history in Opera?

By the way, have you noticed that the Opera browser has become quite fast? Try it if you haven't used it for a long time.

But that's not the point. The main thing for us now is cleaning up traces. So, if you left a legacy and want to cover your tracks in the Opera browser, then you need (don’t be surprised!) to go down in history, as we described just above. Next, if you want to delete a selective entry, then hover your mouse cursor over it and look for the cross to the right of the entry. He will solve your problem.

If you want to erase your entire history completely and irrevocably (returnably, of course), then look for the button on the right " Clear browsing history» Opera browser. Did you cope with the task? Take the gingerbread from the shelf. Just kidding, of course. If I were given a carrot for every such action, then I would already get fat!)))

How to recover browser history (Yandex, Opera, Chrome and FireFox) if you accidentally deleted it?

Sometimes it happens that you have already cleared your browser history, and then it turns out that you were in a hurry and you need to look at something important there. In such cases, the history of any browser can be restored! I decided to combine all the browsers here into one pile, because I was tired of describing the same thing for each browser.

1st way to recover browser history – browser cache

This is the simplest and most harmless method, however, it is not a fact that you will be able to restore the entire history, but rather only for the last session (after restarting the computer, this trick will no longer work). And this method will only work if you did not clear the browser cache when you deleted the history.

To do this, paste the following into the address bar of your browser:

  • If you have a Yandex browser - " browser://cache».
  • For chrome, write - " chrome://cache».
  • In the opera - " opera:cache».
  • In Mozilla Firefox - " about:cache?device=disk».

Recovering FireFox browser history

After that, click on Enter and you will see a list of links that you followed during the last session of using your computer.

2nd method - Windows system recovery

This method will only work if it works for you Windows function « System Restore" Find "System Restore" in the control panel and roll back to the last checkpoint. Please note that this method may change some computer settings, or rather return them to their previous state if you changed them. be careful and be careful, the doors are closing!

The 3rd way to recover browser history is to use third-party programs to recover files.

Browsing history is essentially files that are stored on your computer and if we clear the history, then we delete the files. And, accordingly, they can be restored. We have already written about that. Now let's focus on our problem.

You don't need to scan your entire computer because it will take a lot of time. It is enough to know where the history files were located on your computer. And their location is as follows:

  • YandexBrowser
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default
  • GoogleChromium
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\local storage
  • MozilaFireFox
  • Opera
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable

Where " " is the name of your computer. Let's scan this folder. Then from the found files you will need to restore the entire folder “ History" along the above path. If there is no “History” folder, then I advise you to restore everything that you find in these directories. That's all I have.


I don’t even know if it’s worth writing something in the output, it seems like everything is already chewed in detail. In general, guys, follow your story. Remember real ninjas leave no traces .

Now you know that in any browser you can see the history of the pages you visited, and you can delete it so that you can sleep more peacefully. But you can restore it if you wish, so that you can look at it again and delete it again. Good luck!

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When you access pages on the Internet, your computer saves everything: where, when, what you looked at. For what? - you ask. It happens that a page was accidentally closed, not saved in favorites, but the information from it was suddenly needed, and there is no time or desire to search through hundreds of pages again. It’s much easier to find it through the list of viewed pages, which is in every browser. This function also helps to track and find out where other users of your computer have visited, thereby quickly finding the necessary information, and monitoring visits to sites by children and subordinate employees. Let's look at where information is stored and how to view the history of website visits.

The most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers, to open a list of sites visited, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H. The list is also opened using the built-in function.

Let's look at how to check the history of visiting sites in individual browsers, the most common.

Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome. Near the address bar there is a settings button. By clicking on it, you will open a menu where you should select “History”. Now you can see a list of website addresses arranged by the date they were viewed. Knowing, for example, that you visited the desired page yesterday, you can easily find it without revising the links visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


The popular browser contains information about views in the “Log”, in which, to check, click on “Show entire log”. It is located in the top menu or can be called up by pressing left Alt. In Firefox, links are divided by date, and on the left there is a menu list, in which you can choose for what period to view the history: today's visits, yesterday's, for a week, a month.

Journal in Firefox


In Opera, click on the button at the top left to bring up the browser menu. There, go to the “History” item.


In Yandex, the functions are similar to Chrome, and you will also find the history under the settings icon located at the top right. When you want to view and check addresses, in the list, click on “History” - “History Manager”.


In Internet Explorer, to open information about visits, click on the star in the toolbar. In the menu that appears after this, select “Journal”. Now you can see a list of sites structured by date.

Deleting the list of visited sites

If you do not want anyone to know about your “walks” on the Internet, you can delete the list of links to sites you visit. If you don’t know how to delete your browsing history from your computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear your browsing history. Of course, an inconvenient option that requires time is to remove each link individually from the Journal. However, browsers provide a simpler way to clean up.

Google Chrome

Go to “Tools” - “Deleting data about viewed documents.” Specify the deletion depth in the drop-down list. Next to “Clear history”, check the box and click delete.

You can use the combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.


In this browser, find the “Tools” section, on the “Settings” line. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab - “Clear immediately”. A new “Delete unnecessary data” window will appear. Make sure that there is a checkmark on the item indicating the visit log. Place marks on what you want to clear, then click “Delete.”


In IE, browsing history is called "Browser History". The path to it is through the menu, the “Service” section, there is a line “Delete history”, then click on “Delete history”.


In the browser menu, go to “Settings”, find the “Delete personal data” option. The default settings are hidden in the settings, expand them by clicking “Detailed settings”. Go to the item “Clearing the history of visited pages”, look through everything carefully so as not to destroy what you need.


Safari has a separate section in the browser's History menu. Go to it, there you will see a link to delete information.


In your browser, click on the icon next to the address bar that resembles a wrench. Next, go to “History”. You will see a list of visited sites, check the boxes next to those you want to delete, and click the corresponding button.

Using Utilities

You can clear your browser history using special utilities that quickly clear and delete everything you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, beware of unverified pages, because you can end up with scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves, named below, are an excellent tool for removing unnecessary information and garbage, and allow you to efficiently solve the problem.

  1. The most popular is CCleaner. It can remove programs that cannot be gotten rid of using normal methods, and clean the registry by removing erroneous entries. After launching the utility, start the analysis, then check the boxes indicating what is to be deleted, and click the clean button.
  2. An alternative to the above program is WiseDiskCleaner. It also perfectly cleans everything, removes garbage, and performs defragmentation. There is Russian-language support. Click the analyze button, agree with the items suggested by WiseDiskCleaner for cleaning, click the appropriate button.

Finding the list of viewed pages in your browser and clearing it is not difficult; you can easily cope with the task by reading the recommendations above and applying them. The problem is solved without much time and does not require calling specialists. Each user will be able to do everything they need.

Modern gadgets are capable of recording user activity for some time. To view the history on your computer, you need to check the various folders for downloading and deleting files. You can also study the laptop log. Users are provided special programs, which allow you to capture actions performed on files.

Browser history

Various browsers have special places where you can view your browsing history. The user can use the key combination Ctrl + H. He can also delete information about which pages were visited.

To view the history of visiting sites on your computer, you need to go to the browser and go to the general menu, which is presented different icons:

  1. Google and Yandex - horizontal stripes in top panel on right.
  2. Internet Explorer - star in the right corner. A window will open where you need to find the “Journal” tab.
  3. Opera - click on the “Tools” button.
  4. Mozilla Firefox - click on the horizontal sticks icon and open the entire magazine.

Each option allows you to view the history recent actions. You can find out where the user visited at a certain hour, day, week. You can delete history completely or for a specified period. It is also possible to restore closed tabs.

If available Google account, then the user’s activity can be checked through this service. You can view your browsing history in two ways:

  1. Through the settings, if you go to the “My Actions” tab.
  2. Use the address bar and type history. A page will open where you need to select the “Show actions” option.

PC activity tracking

There are three ways to see how the computer was used. The first is possible through “Recent Documents”. You can display files using the following scheme:

  1. Right-click on “Start”.
  2. Select the “Properties” line.
  3. By default, the Start menu item should open. If this does not happen, then you need to switch to it yourself.
  4. Check the box "Confidentiality".

After this, the user will be able to observe programs and files that were used recently. They will be displayed in the main menu.

The second way to view activity on your computer is to go to the Trash. Some files may be deleted during operation, but not all users delete them from their computer.

The third way is to look at your Downloads folder. It is possible that another person downloaded programs or files. This folder automatically saves similar actions. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J.

You can view your browsing history through a new file attribute that shows the last date of modification. You need to right-click on the desired document. Select “Properties” in the drop-down window. The user must remember the date and perform the following actions:

  1. Use the search by pressing Win + F.
  2. In the last line where the magnifying glass is drawn, click the mouse.
  3. A window with past requests will appear. At the bottom there are search attributes, you must select “Date modified”.
  4. Indicate the date.

The folders that were opened during this time will be presented.

Journal on computer

operating system Windows has a log where work data is collected. Through it, the user can find the history on the computer and track the gadget’s turning on and off.

Open magazine:

  1. Press the key combination Win + R.
  2. Enter the name Eventvwr.
  3. A window called “Event Viewer” will open.
  4. Go to the Start menu and type Event Viewer. There is a program with a similar name, you need to open it.
  5. Select the Event Viewer window.
  6. Select "Windows History". This will allow you to view the operating time of your computer.

In the Log, you can view the application launch history. To do this, you need to go to a folder with the same name. The presented version will contain the programs to be launched, as well as the time of their use and last update. To view data about turning on and off the PC, you need to find EventLog.

Using programs

The user can install the Executed programs list program on the computer. It starts when the computer is running and monitors actions. If you open it, it will show a list of your visit history, as well as the time of the actions performed.

If you need to track which folders were opened on your laptop, you can download the LastActivityView application. The program is easy to use, but collects more information.

You can also use the NeoSpY program. It tracks:

  • keys that were used;
  • monitor screenshots taken;
  • copied files;
  • actions on the Internet and instant messengers;
  • files that were copied to a flash drive were printed;
  • changes in system files, installed programs.

There is a History Viewer program that is used to track the actions of employees at their work computer. It shows the complete history in graphs.

If a child uses a computer, you can purchase the program " Parental control" It is installed on home computer and coordinates the child’s actions at the laptop. It is possible to set a timer for working with the gadget, block sites that children should not visit.
